void OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs mouseButtonEventArgs)
            var position = mouseButtonEventArgs.GetPosition(ImageCanvas);

            if (CurrentClickPositionOnImageType == ClickPositionOnImageTypes.None)

            if (!AllowedRangeHelper.IsInAllowedRange(position, ImageCanvas.Width, ImageCanvas.Height, CurrentClickPositionOnImageType, ClickSequences))

            var matchingInList = ClickSequences.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PositionType == CurrentClickPositionOnImageType);

            if (matchingInList == null)
                throw new Exception("Click type could not be recognized.");

            if (CurrentClickPositionOnImageType == ClickPositionOnImageTypes.RightEndOfRotatingDisc)
                //get the left edge position
                var leftEdge = ClickSequences.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PositionType == ClickPositionOnImageTypes.LeftEndOfRotatingDisc);
                if (leftEdge == null)
                    throw new Exception("Left edge not found in the list.");

                //get rotation angle to realign the left and right edges
                var rotationAngleToRealign = MainProcessor.GetRotationAngleToRealign(leftEdge,
                                                                                     new ClickPositionOnImage
                    ClickXPos     = position.X, ClickYPos = position.Y,
                    PositionType  = ClickPositionOnImageTypes.RightEndOfRotatingDisc,
                    AllowedHeight = ImageCanvas.Height, AllowedWidth = ImageCanvas.Width

                //realign the x and y positions of the ends of the disc in line with the rotated image
                var newRightEdgePosition = RotationHelper.GetRotatedPosition(rotationAngleToRealign, position);

                if (newRightEdgePosition == null || !(0 <= newRightEdgePosition.Value.X && newRightEdgePosition.Value.X < ImageCanvas.Width) ||
                    !(0 <= newRightEdgePosition.Value.Y && newRightEdgePosition.Value.Y < ImageCanvas.Height))
                    MessageBox.Show("Either the selection of the top left and right corners of the disc is wrong or the disc in the photo is in too much slanting.");

                var leftEdgePositionBeforeRotation = new Point(leftEdge.ClickXPos, leftEdge.ClickYPos);
                var newLeftEdgePosition            = RotationHelper.GetRotatedPosition(rotationAngleToRealign, leftEdgePositionBeforeRotation);
                if (newLeftEdgePosition == null || !(0 <= newLeftEdgePosition.Value.X && newLeftEdgePosition.Value.X < ImageCanvas.Width) ||
                    !(0 <= newLeftEdgePosition.Value.Y && newLeftEdgePosition.Value.Y < ImageCanvas.Height))
                    MessageBox.Show("Either the selection of the top left and right corners of the disc is wrong or the disc in the photo is in too much slanting.");

                _rotationAngleToRealign         = rotationAngleToRealign;
                _leftEdgePositionBeforeRotation = leftEdgePositionBeforeRotation;

                //the dimensions of the _currentImage and the image canvas are the same so rotation will work right
                var rotatedImg = MainProcessor.RotateImg(_currentImage, (float)_rotationAngleToRealign, _bkColor);


                //set the realigned click positions for top left edge and top right edge
                SetClickPositions(newRightEdgePosition.Value, matchingInList);
                SetClickPositions(newLeftEdgePosition.Value, leftEdge);

                //update left edge display
                MarkPositionOnCanvas(newLeftEdgePosition.Value, ClickPositionOnImageTypes.LeftEndOfRotatingDisc);

                //update right edge display
                MarkPositionOnCanvas(newRightEdgePosition.Value, CurrentClickPositionOnImageType);
                SetClickPositions(position, matchingInList);
                MarkPositionOnCanvas(position, CurrentClickPositionOnImageType);
