Rename() public method

public Rename ( string oldKeyname, string newKeyname ) : bool
oldKeyname string
newKeyname string
return bool
Beispiel #1
        public void RenameWorks()
            Redis redis  = new Redis();
            bool  rename = redis.Rename("foo", "faa");

Beispiel #2
        public void Can_RenameKey()
            Redis.SetEntry("oldkey", "val");
            Redis.Rename("oldkey", "newkey");

            Assert.That(Redis.ContainsKey("oldkey"), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Redis.ContainsKey("newkey"), Is.True);
        public void TestRename()
            Redis.Del("test", "test2");

            string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            Redis.Set("test", guid);
            var resp1 = Redis.Rename("test", "test2");

            Assert.AreEqual("OK", resp1);

            var resp2 = Redis.Exists("test");


            var resp3 = Redis.Get("test2");

            Assert.AreEqual(guid, resp3);

            Redis.Del("test", "test2");
Beispiel #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //create a default connection with localhost host and 6379 port
            Redis redis = new Redis();

            //set a foo key with bar value
            redis.Set("foo", "bar");

            bool expire = redis.Expire("foo", 300); // timeout expire after 300s

            Console.WriteLine(expire);              //true

            int ttl = redis.TimeToLive("foo");

            Console.WriteLine(ttl); // 300

            bool persist = redis.Persist("foo");

            Console.WriteLine(persist); // true

            bool rename = redis.Rename("foo", "faa");

            Console.WriteLine(rename); //true

            //get the value of foo key
            string foo = redis.GetString("faa");

            Console.WriteLine(foo); //bar

            //delete the foo key
            bool delete = redis.Delete("faa");

            Console.WriteLine(delete); // true

            //set a key increment with 2 as value
            redis.Set("increment", "2");

            //increment the key "increment"
            int increment = redis.Increment("increment");

            Console.WriteLine(increment); // 3

            //Delete increment;

            //push John Doe to list names and return the length of the list
            int length = redis.RPush("names", "John Doe");

            Console.WriteLine(length); // 1;

            //Push Mr X at the first position of names
            redis.LPush("names", "Mr X");

            //Get the length of a list
            int namesLength = redis.LLen("names");

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The length of names is : {0}", namesLength));

            //search for the position of a element in a key.
            int position = redis.LPos("names", "John Doe");


            //delete the list

            //new list examples with 3 John & 1 Foo
            redis.RPush("examples", "John");
            redis.RPush("examples", "John");
            redis.RPush("examples", "Foo");
            redis.RPush("examples", "John");

            //delete 2 John in examples
            int removedElements = redis.LRem("examples", 2, "John");

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("count of removed elements : {0}", removedElements));

            //and get the length of the list after.
            int examplesLength = redis.LLen("examples");

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The length of examples : {0}", examplesLength));


            //wait until the end