Beispiel #1
    public bool RayIntersect(Ray2DD l2, out Vector2D res)
        LineSegment2D l1 = this;
        bool          b  = RayIntersect(l1.first.x, l1.first.y, l1.second.x, l1.second.y,
                                        l2.origin.x, l2.origin.y, l2.origin.x + l2.direction.x * 1000000, l2.origin.y + l2.direction.y * 1000000, out res);

        if (b)
            return((first - res).magnitude + (second - res).magnitude <= (first - second).magnitude + 0.0001f);;
Beispiel #2
    // if the line segment is inside or is intersecting with the triangle then cut
    // otherwise return this as an array
    public Triangle2D[] Cut(LineSegment2D line, double minDist = 0.1f)
        if (IsPointInside(line.first) || IsPointInside(line.second) || IsIntersecting(line))
            Ray2DD          ray        = new Ray2DD(line.first, line.second - line.first);
            Vector2D[]      collisions = new Vector2D[3];
            LineSegment2D[] segments   = GetLineSegments();
            bool[]          inside     =

            bool onlyOnePointInside = inside [0] ^ inside [1];
            if (onlyOnePointInside)
                Vector2D newPoint = new Vector2D();
                for (int i = 0; i < segments.Length; i++)
                    if (segments[i].LineIntersect(line, out newPoint))
                        // if minimum distance is too small return this
                        if (Vector2D.Distance(newPoint, points [i]) < minDist ||
                            Vector2D.Distance(newPoint, points [(i + 1 + 3) % 3]) < minDist)
                            return(new Triangle2D[] { this });
                        return(new Triangle2D[] {
                            new Triangle2D(points[i], newPoint, points[(i - 1 + 3) % 3]),
                            new Triangle2D(newPoint, points[(i + 1 + 3) % 3], points[(i + 2 + 3) % 3])

            bool[]   intersection        = new bool[3];
            double[] minDistPerCollision = new double[3];
            int      minDisCount         = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                intersection [i] = segments [i].RayIntersect(ray, out collisions [i]);
                if (!intersection[i])
                    minDistPerCollision[i] = double.MaxValue;
                    minDistPerCollision [i] = System.Math.Min(Vector2D.Distance(segments [i].first, collisions [i]),
                                                              Vector2D.Distance(segments [i].second, collisions [i]));
                    if (minDistPerCollision [i] < minDist)

            int collisionCount = 0;
            foreach (var i in intersection)
                if (i)
            if (collisionCount != 2 || minDisCount >= 2)
                return(new Triangle2D[] { this });
            if (minDisCount == 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (intersection [i] && minDistPerCollision [i] >= minDist)
                        return(new Triangle2D[] {
                            new Triangle2D(points[i], collisions[i], points[(i - 1 + 3) % 3]),
                            new Triangle2D(points[(i + 1) % 3], points[(i + 2) % 3], collisions[i])

            int cutOffCorner = intersection[2] == false?1:(intersection[1] == false?0:2);

            return(new Triangle2D[] {
                new Triangle2D(points[cutOffCorner], collisions[cutOffCorner], collisions[(cutOffCorner - 1 + 3) % 3]),
                new Triangle2D(collisions[cutOffCorner], points[(cutOffCorner + 1) % 3], collisions[(cutOffCorner - 1 + 3) % 3]),
                new Triangle2D(points[(cutOffCorner + 1) % 3], points[(cutOffCorner + 2) % 3], collisions[(cutOffCorner - 1 + 3) % 3]),
            return(new Triangle2D[] { this });
 public bool RayIntersect(Ray2DD l2, out Vector2D res)
     LineSegment2D l1 = this;
     bool b = RayIntersect(l1.first.x, l1.first.y, l1.second.x, l1.second.y,
         l2.origin.x, l2.origin.y, l2.origin.x + l2.direction.x*1000000, l2.origin.y + l2.direction.y*1000000, out res);
     if (b){
         return (first - res).magnitude + (second - res).magnitude <= (first - second).magnitude + 0.0001f;;
     return false;
Beispiel #4
    // if the line segment is inside or is intersecting with the triangle then cut
    // otherwise return this as an array
    public Triangle2D[] Cut(LineSegment2D line, double minDist = 0.1f)
        if (IsPointInside (line.first) || IsPointInside (line.second) || IsIntersecting (line)) {
            Ray2DD ray = new Ray2DD (line.first, line.second - line.first);
            Vector2D[] collisions = new Vector2D[3];
            LineSegment2D[] segments = GetLineSegments ();
            bool[] inside = {

            bool onlyOnePointInside  = inside [0] ^ inside [1];
            if (onlyOnePointInside) {
                Vector2D newPoint = new Vector2D ();
                for (int i = 0; i < segments.Length; i++) {
                    if (segments[i].LineIntersect(line, out newPoint)) {
                        // if minimum distance is too small return this
                        if (Vector2D.Distance (newPoint, points [i]) < minDist ||
                            Vector2D.Distance (newPoint, points [(i + 1 + 3) % 3]) < minDist) {
                            return new Triangle2D[]{ this };
                        return new Triangle2D[]{
                         	new Triangle2D(points[i], newPoint,points[(i-1+3)%3]),
                            new Triangle2D(newPoint,points[(i+1+3)%3],points[(i+2+3)%3])


            bool[] intersection = new bool[3];
            double[] minDistPerCollision = new double[3];
            int minDisCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                intersection [i] = segments [i].RayIntersect (ray, out collisions [i]);
                if (!intersection[i]) {
                    minDistPerCollision[i] = double.MaxValue;
                } else {
                    minDistPerCollision [i] = System.Math.Min (Vector2D.Distance (segments [i].first, collisions [i]),
                        Vector2D.Distance (segments [i].second, collisions [i]));
                    if (minDistPerCollision [i] < minDist) {

            int collisionCount = 0;
            foreach (var i in intersection) {
                if (i) {
            if (collisionCount != 2 || minDisCount>=2) {
                return new Triangle2D[]{  this};
            if (minDisCount == 1) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    if (intersection [i] && minDistPerCollision [i] >= minDist) {
                        return new Triangle2D[]{
                            new Triangle2D(points[i], collisions[i],points[(i-1+3)%3]),
                            new Triangle2D(points[(i+1)%3],points[(i+2)%3],collisions[i])

            int cutOffCorner = intersection[2]==false?1:(intersection[1]==false?0:2);

            return new Triangle2D[]{
                new Triangle2D(points[cutOffCorner], collisions[cutOffCorner],collisions[(cutOffCorner-1+3)%3]),
                new Triangle2D(collisions[cutOffCorner],points[(cutOffCorner+1)%3],collisions[(cutOffCorner-1+3)%3]),
                new Triangle2D(points[(cutOffCorner+1)%3],points[(cutOffCorner+2)%3],collisions[(cutOffCorner-1+3)%3]),
        } else {
            return new Triangle2D[]{this};