public async Task ArrayWritePyInteger()
            var array = new int[] { 1 };
            await SubscriptHelper.StoreSubscript(interpreter, context, array, PyInteger.Create(0), 2);

            Assert.That(array[0], Is.EqualTo(2));
 // This is the actual payload.
 public async Task <object> wrappedMethodBody(IInterpreter interpreter)
     // We're just having it wait off one tick as a pause since we don't actually have something on the
     // other end of this that will block.
     await new YieldTick(((Interpreter)interpreter).Scheduler, context);
     return(PyInteger.Create(1));                // TODO: Helpers to box/unbox between .NET and Python types.
Beispiel #3
 public void SimpleAssignment()
     runBasicTest("a = 10\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(10) }
     }), 1);
Beispiel #4
        public void WhileElse()
            string program =
                "while a < 3:\n" +
                "   a = a + 1\n" +
                "else:\n" +
                "   a = a + 100\n";

            // Runs while loop, then the else clause
                         new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "a", PyInteger.Create(0) }
            }, new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
                { "a", PyInteger.Create(103) }
            }), 1);

            // Skips the while loop, runs the else clause
                         new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "a", PyInteger.Create(10) }
            }, new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
                { "a", PyInteger.Create(110) }
            }), 1);
Beispiel #5
        public void AccessClassMethod()
            //>>> def make_foo():
            //...   class Foo:
            //...     def __init__(self):
            //...       self.a = 1
            //...     def change_a(self, new_a):
            //...       self.a = new_a
            //>>> dis(make_foo)
            //  2           0 LOAD_BUILD_CLASS
            //              2 LOAD_CONST               1 (<code object Foo at 0x0000021BD5908D20, file "<stdin>", line 2>)
            //              4 LOAD_CONST               2 ('Foo')
            //              6 MAKE_FUNCTION            0
            //              8 LOAD_CONST               2 ('Foo')
            //             10 CALL_FUNCTION            2
            //             12 STORE_FAST               0 (Foo)
            //             14 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
            //             16 RETURN_VALUE
            var interpreter = runProgram("class Foo:\n" +
                                         "   def __init__(self):\n" +
                                         "      self.a = 1\n" +
                                         "\n" +
                                         "   def change_a(self, new_a):\n" +
                                         "      self.a = new_a\n" +
                                         "\n" +
                                         "bar = Foo()\n" +
                                         "bar.change_a(2)\n", new Dictionary <string, object>(), 1);
            var variables = new VariableMultimap(interpreter);
            var bar       = (PyObject)variables.Get("bar");

            Assert.That(bar.__dict__["a"], Is.EqualTo(PyInteger.Create(2)));
Beispiel #6
        public async Task DefaultsVargsArgsKwargs()
            string program =
                "def mad1(initial, addon=0, *numbers, **kwargs):\n" +
                "   ret_sum = initial\n" +
                "   for number in numbers:\n" +
                "      ret_sum += kwargs['mult1'] * number + addon\n" +
                "   return ret_sum\n" +
                "\n" +
                "def mad2(initial, *numbers, addon=0, **kwargs):\n" +
                "   ret_sum = initial\n" +
                "   for number in numbers:\n" +
                "      ret_sum += kwargs['mult2'] * number + addon\n" +
                "   return ret_sum\n" +
                "\n" +
                "kwarg = { 'mult1': 10, 'mult2': 100 }\n" +
                "a = mad1(1, 7, 11, kwarg)\n" +
                "b = mad1(1, addon=6, 11, kwarg)\n" +
                "c = mad1(1, addon=1, 11, 12, kwarg)\n" +
                "d = mad2(1, 7, 11, kwarg)\n" +
                "e = mad2(1, 11, addon=6, kwarg)\n" +
                "f = mad2(1, 11, 12, addon=1, kwarg)\n";

            await runBasicTest(program,
                               new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
                // These values have not been properly established yet since we're not even sure what are legal calls and what they do yet.
                { "a", PyInteger.Create(19) },
                { "b", PyInteger.Create(19) },
                { "c", PyInteger.Create(19) },
                { "d", PyInteger.Create(19) },
                { "e", PyInteger.Create(19) },
                { "f", PyInteger.Create(19) }
            }), 1);
Beispiel #7
        public void IsNoneIsNotNone()
            runBasicTest("b = a is None\n" +
                         "c = a is not None\n",
                         new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "a", NoneType.Instance }
                         new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
                { "a", NoneType.Instance },
                { "b", PyBool.True },
                { "c", PyBool.False }
            }), 1);

            // Now let's flip A around and make sure we're still cool.
            runBasicTest("b = a is None\n" +
                         "c = a is not None\n",
                         new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "a", PyInteger.Create(10) }
                         new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
                { "a", PyInteger.Create(10) },
                { "b", PyBool.False },
                { "c", PyBool.True }
            }), 1);
        public void SchedulerParentContextPreserved()
            // This test was added due to a lot of paranoia around how the subcontext call stack is created.
            // It's taking the existing call stack and just shoving on change_a. The interpreter then runs
            // through everything as normal. What I expect to happen then is that after change_a finishes,
            // it attempts to run the parent context. This is a no-no! This test will show if this happens
            // based on the result of the variable 'b'. If it's greater than 1, then it got run more than
            // once.
            // We use an external entity to track this because its reference is independent of different
            // contexts.
            var intHaver = new GotAnInt();

                "import sys\n" +
                "\n" +
                "a = 0\n" +
                "def change_a():\n" +
                "   global a\n" +
                "   a = 1\n" +
                "\n" +
                "b.TheInt += 1\n" +
                new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "b", intHaver }
            }, new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
                { "a", PyInteger.Create(1) },
            }), 2);

            Assert.That(intHaver.TheInt, Is.EqualTo(1));
Beispiel #9
        public void DeclareBasicDictionary()
            // The peephole optimizer figures out basic, constant dictionaries and diverts them to
            // BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP, so I have to use a more obtuse example here to show BUILD_MAP.
            // return_foo() just returns "foo":
            // >>> def dict_name_maker():
            // ...   return {return_foo(): "bar", "number": 1}
            // ...
            // >>> dis.dis(dict_name_maker)
            //   2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (return_foo)
            //               2 CALL_FUNCTION            0
            //               4 LOAD_CONST               1 ('bar')
            //               6 LOAD_CONST               2 ('number')
            //               8 LOAD_CONST               3 (1)
            //              10 BUILD_MAP                2
            //              12 RETURN_VALUE
            var interpreter = runProgram("a = { \"foo\": \"bar\", \"number\": 1 }\n", new Dictionary <string, object>(), 1);
            var variables   = interpreter.DumpVariables();

            Assert.That(variables["a"], Is.EquivalentTo(new Dictionary <PyString, object> {
                { PyString.Create("foo"), PyString.Create("bar") },
                { PyString.Create("number"), PyInteger.Create(1) }
Beispiel #10
 public void ComprehensiveArithmeticOperators()
         "x = 10\n" +
         "a = x + 2\n" +
         "b = x - 2\n" +
         "c = x * 2\n" +
         "d = x / 2\n" +
         "e = x % 9\n" +
         "f = x // 3\n" +
         "g = x ** 2\n" +
         "h = x & 2\n" +
         "i = x | 14\n" +
         "j = x ^ 2\n" +
         "k = x >> 2\n" +
         "l = x << 2\n"
         , new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(12) },
         { "b", PyInteger.Create(8) },
         { "c", PyInteger.Create(20) },
         { "d", PyFloat.Create(5.0) },
         { "e", PyInteger.Create(1) },
         { "f", PyInteger.Create(3) },
         { "g", PyInteger.Create(100) },
         { "h", PyInteger.Create(2) },
         { "i", PyInteger.Create(14) },
         { "j", PyInteger.Create(8) },
         { "k", PyInteger.Create(2) },
         { "l", PyInteger.Create(40) }
     }), 1);
Beispiel #11
        public async Task DefaultCombinations()
            string program =
                "def defaults_math(a=1, b=3):\n" +
                "   return a + 10 * b\n" +
                "a = defaults_math()\n" +
                "b = defaults_math(2)\n" +
                "c = defaults_math(2, 4)\n" +
                "d = defaults_math(a=2, b=4)\n" +
                "e = defaults_math(a=4, b=2)\n" +
                "f = defaults_math(a=2)\n" +
                "g = defaults_math(b=4)\n";

            await runBasicTest(program,
                               new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
                { "a", PyInteger.Create(31) },
                { "b", PyInteger.Create(32) },
                { "c", PyInteger.Create(42) },
                { "d", PyInteger.Create(42) },
                { "e", PyInteger.Create(24) },
                { "f", PyInteger.Create(32) },
                { "g", PyInteger.Create(41) },
            }), 3);                     // a=1 and b=3 are all their own iterations

Beispiel #12
 public void RepeatedArithmeticOperators()
     // Making sure that we're properly parsing and generating all of these when there's multiples of the operator.
         "x = 100\n" +
         "a = x + 2 + 3\n" +
         "b = x - 2 - 3\n" +
         "c = x * 2 * 3\n" +
         "d = x / 4 / 2\n" +
         "e = x % 9 % 3\n" +
         "f = x // 2 // 3\n" +
         "g = x ** 2 ** 3\n" +
         "h = x & 3 & 2\n" +
         "i = x | 13 | 1 \n" +
         "j = x ^ 2 ^ 1\n" +
         "k = x >> 2 >> 3\n" +
         "l = x << 2 << 3\n"
         , new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(100 + 2 + 3) },
         { "b", PyInteger.Create(100 - 2 - 3) },
         { "c", PyInteger.Create(100 * 2 * 3) },
         { "d", PyFloat.Create(100.0 / 4.0 / 2.0) },
         { "e", PyInteger.Create(100 % 9 % 3) },
         { "f", PyInteger.Create(100 / 2 / 3) },
         { "g", PyInteger.Create((BigInteger)Math.Pow(100.0, 8.0)) },           // 2 ** 3 gets evaluated first and becomes 8. This is what CPython does too!
         { "h", PyInteger.Create(100 & 3 & 2) },
         { "i", PyInteger.Create(100 | 13 | 1) },
         { "j", PyInteger.Create(100 ^ 2 ^ 1) },
         { "k", PyInteger.Create(100 >> 2 >> 3) },
         { "l", PyInteger.Create(100 << 2 << 3) }
     }), 1);
Beispiel #13
 public async Task SimpleAssignmentAndLoad()
     await runBasicTest("a = 10\n" +
                        "a\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(10) }
     }), 1);
Beispiel #14
 public static PyString readline(PyIOBase self, PyInteger size = null)
     if (size == null)
         size = PyInteger.Create(-1);
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements the len() command to get the length of containers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">The object to inspect</param>
        /// <returns>A PyList of the names of the methods and properties of this PyObject.</returns>
        public static async Task <PyInteger> len(IInterpreter interpreter, FrameContext context, object o)
            var asPyObject = o as PyObject;

            if (asPyObject != null)
                if (!asPyObject.__dict__.ContainsKey("__len__"))
                    throw new Exception("TypeError: object of type " + asPyObject.__class__.Name + " has no len()");
                    var callable_len = asPyObject.__dict__["__len__"] as IPyCallable;
                    if (callable_len == null)
                        // Yeah, same error as if __len__ was not found in the first place...
                        throw new Exception("TypeError: object of type " + asPyObject.__class__.Name + " has no len()");
                        var retVal = await callable_len.Call(interpreter, context, new object[] { o });

                        var asPyInteger = retVal as PyInteger;
                        if (asPyInteger == null)
                            // Yeah, same error as if __len__ if it's a function but it returns moon crap.
                            throw new Exception("TypeError: object of type " + asPyObject.__class__.Name + " has no len()");

            var asArray = o as Array;

            if (asArray != null)

            // Still here? This might be, uh, an IEnumerable<T> with a Count property...
            var asCountProperty = o.GetType().GetProperty("Count");

            if (asCountProperty != null)

            // No? Look for a Length
            var asLengthProperty = o.GetType().GetProperty("Length");

            if (asLengthProperty != null)

            throw new Exception("TypeError: cannot calculate length for object of type " + o.GetType().Name);
Beispiel #16
 public async Task Multiassign()
     await runBasicTest(
         "a = b = 1\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(1) },
         { "b", PyInteger.Create(1) },
     }), 1);
Beispiel #17
 public async Task Unpack()
     await runBasicTest(
         "a, b = [1, 2]\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(1) },
         { "b", PyInteger.Create(2) },
     }), 1);
        public async Task IDictReadPyInteger()
            var dict = new Dictionary <PyInteger, int> {
                [PyInteger.Create(0)] = 1
            var read = await SubscriptHelper.LoadSubscript(interpreter, context, dict, PyInteger.Create(0));

            Assert.That(read, Is.EqualTo(1));
        public async Task IDictWritePyInteger()
            var dict = new Dictionary <PyInteger, int> {
                [PyInteger.Create(0)] = 1
            await SubscriptHelper.StoreSubscript(interpreter, context, dict, PyInteger.Create(0), 2);

            Assert.That(dict[PyInteger.Create(0)], Is.EqualTo(2));
        public async Task IListWritePyInteger()
            var list = new List <int> {
            await SubscriptHelper.StoreSubscript(interpreter, context, list, PyInteger.Create(0), 2);

            Assert.That(list[0], Is.EqualTo(2));
Beispiel #21
 public void AssignmentOperators()
     // +=	x += 3	x = x + 3
     // -=	x -= 3	x = x - 3
     // *=	x *= 3	x = x * 3
     // /=	x /= 3	x = x / 3
     // %=	x %= 3	x = x % 3
     // //=	x //= 3	x = x // 3
     // **=	x **= 3	x = x ** 3
     // &=	x &= 3	x = x & 3
     // |=	x |= 3	x = x | 3
     // ^=	x ^= 3	x = x ^ 3
     // >>=	x >>= 3	x = x >> 3
     // <<=	x <<= 3	x = x << 3
         "a = 10\n" +
         "b = 10\n" +
         "c = 10\n" +
         "d = 10\n" +
         "e = 10\n" +
         "f = 10\n" +
         "g = 10\n" +
         "h = 10\n" +
         "i = 10\n" +
         "j = 10\n" +
         "k = 10\n" +
         "l = 10\n" +
         "a += 2\n" +
         "b -= 2\n" +
         "c *= 2\n" +
         "d /= 2\n" +
         "e %= 9\n" +
         "f //= 3\n" +
         "g **= 2\n" +
         "h &= 2\n" +
         "i |= 14\n" +
         "j ^= 2\n" +
         "k >>= 2\n" +
         "l <<= 2\n"
         , new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(12) },
         { "b", PyInteger.Create(8) },
         { "c", PyInteger.Create(20) },
         { "d", PyFloat.Create(5.0) },
         { "e", PyInteger.Create(1) },
         { "f", PyInteger.Create(3) },
         { "g", PyInteger.Create(100) },
         { "h", PyInteger.Create(2) },
         { "i", PyInteger.Create(14) },
         { "j", PyInteger.Create(8) },
         { "k", PyInteger.Create(2) },
         { "l", PyInteger.Create(40) }
     }), 1);
        public static object CreateNumber(IParseTree context)
            string rawText = context.GetText();

            if (DecimalPointNumberRegex.Match(rawText).Success)
Beispiel #23
 public void ForLoopRange()
         "a = 0\n" +
         "for i in range(0, 10, 1):\n" +
         "   a += i\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9) }
     }), 1);
Beispiel #24
 public void WhileBasic()
         "a = 0\n" +
         "while a < 3:\n" +
         "   a = a + 1\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(3) }
     }), 1);
Beispiel #25
 public async Task NegativeNumber()
     await runBasicTest(
         "a = 10\n" +
         "b = -a\n",
         new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(10) },
         { "b", PyInteger.Create(-10) },
     }), 1);
        public async Task PyListReadInt32()
            var list   = PyList.Create();
            var stored = PyInteger.Create(1);

            PyListClass.append(list, stored);

            var read = await SubscriptHelper.LoadSubscript(interpreter, context, list, 0);

            Assert.That(read, Is.EqualTo(stored));
Beispiel #27
 public async Task BasicConditionalTrue()
     await runBasicTest(
         "a = 10\n" +
         "if a == 10:\n" +
         "   a = 1\n" +
         "a = a + 1\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(2) }
     }), 1);
Beispiel #28
 public void BasicConditionalFalse()
         "a = 10\n" +
         "if a != 10:\n" +
         "   a = 1\n" +
         "a = a + 1\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(11) }
     }), 1);
Beispiel #29
 public void BasicConditionalOffTheEnd()
     // Conditional is last opcode. We want to fall-through without going out of bounds
         "a = 9\n" +
         "if a == 10:\n" +
         "   a = a + 1\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(9) }
     }), 1);
Beispiel #30
 public void BasicConditionalExplicitTrue()
         "a = 10\n" +
         "if True:\n" +
         "   a = 1\n" +
         "a = a + 1\n", new VariableMultimap(new TupleList <string, object>
         { "a", PyInteger.Create(2) }
     }), 1);