Beispiel #1
        public static IEnumerable <Point3d> GetPointsFromPolyline([NotNull] this Database database, ObjectId id)
            using (OpenCloseTransaction transAction = database.TransactionManager.StartOpenCloseTransaction())
                object objectX = transAction.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead);
                switch (objectX.GetType().ToString())
                case "Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline3d":
                    //Get a list of 3D points in parameter order
                    using (Polyline3d pl1 = (Polyline3d)objectX)
                        // We get curve here, its faster to get the
                        // parameters and point on a non database object
                        var curve            = pl1.GetGeCurve(new Tolerance(1e-10, 1e-10));
                        var polylineEndParam = (int)pl1.EndParam;

                        // Initialize list with dimensions specified (speed)
                        Point3d[] arrRes = new Point3d[polylineEndParam + 1];

                        for (int i = 0; i <= polylineEndParam; i++)
                            var distOnPl = pl1.GetDistanceAtParameter(i);
                            arrRes[i] = curve.EvaluatePoint(curve.GetParameterAtLength(0, distOnPl, true, 1e-10));

                default: throw new Exception("\r\n\t=> Selected object is not supported for this function.");
        public static IEnumerable <DistanceBetween2PolylinesSectionResult> CalculateDistanceBetween3dPolylines(Database database, ObjectId pl1Id, ObjectId pl2Id)
            Curve3d curve1, curve2 = null;
            int     polyline1EndParam;

            Point3d[] parameterListPoints = null;
            double[]  parameterListLength = null;
            using (Transaction transAction = database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                object objectX1 = transAction.GetObject(pl1Id, OpenMode.ForRead);
                object objectX2 = transAction.GetObject(pl2Id, OpenMode.ForRead);

                //Get a list of 3D points in parameter order
                using (Polyline3d pl1 = (Polyline3d)objectX1)
                    using (Polyline3d pl2 = (Polyline3d)objectX2)
                        // We get curve here, its faster to get the parameters and
                        // point on a non database object
                        curve1              = pl1.GetGeCurve(new Tolerance(1e-10, 1e-10));
                        curve2              = pl2.GetGeCurve(new Tolerance(1e-10, 1e-10));
                        polyline1EndParam   = (int)pl1.EndParam;
                        parameterListPoints = new Point3d[polyline1EndParam + 1];
                        parameterListLength = new double[polyline1EndParam + 1];
                        for (int y = 0; y <= polyline1EndParam; y++)
                            parameterListPoints[y] = pl1.GetPointAtParameter(y);
                            parameterListLength[y] = pl1.GetDistanceAtParameter(y);

                // Initialize list with dimensions specified (speed)
                DistanceBetween2PolylinesSectionResult[] arrRes = new DistanceBetween2PolylinesSectionResult[polyline1EndParam + 1];

                //for (int i = 0; i <= polyline1EndParam; i++)
                Parallel.For(0, polyline1EndParam + 1, (i) =>
                    Point3d pointOnCurve1, pointOnCurve2;
                    lock (_curveLock)
                        pointOnCurve1 = parameterListPoints[i];
                        pointOnCurve2 = curve2.GetClosestPointTo(pointOnCurve1).Point;

                    // Add result to array
                    lock (_arrayLock)
                        arrRes[i] = new DistanceBetween2PolylinesSectionResult(
                            pointOnCurve1.Z - pointOnCurve2.Z,
                            pointOnCurve1, pointOnCurve2);
Beispiel #3
        public static Tuple <IEnumerable <Point3d>, IEnumerable <Point3d> > GetPointsFrom2PolylinesWithPointWeeding([NotNull] this Database database, ObjectId id1, ObjectId id2, [GreaterThan(.0)] double weeding)
            // Weeding, we only add the point when weeding factor has been satisfied.

            using (OpenCloseTransaction transAction = database.TransactionManager.StartOpenCloseTransaction())
                object object1 = transAction.GetObject(id1, OpenMode.ForRead);
                object object2 = transAction.GetObject(id2, OpenMode.ForRead);

                if (object1.GetType().ToString() != "Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline3d" ||
                    object2.GetType().ToString() != "Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline3d")
                    throw new Exception("\r\n\t=> Selected object is not supported for this function.");

                //Get a list of 3D points in parameter order
                using (Polyline3d pl1 = (Polyline3d)object1)
                    using (Polyline3d pl2 = (Polyline3d)object2)
                        // We get curve here, its faster to get the parameters and
                        // point on a non database object
                        var curve1 = pl1.GetGeCurve(new Tolerance(1e-10, 1e-10));
                        var curve2 = pl2.GetGeCurve(new Tolerance(1e-10, 1e-10));

                        // Initialize list with dimensions specified (speed)
                        var       bounds     = (int)Math.Ceiling(pl1.Length / weeding) + 1;
                        Point3d[] arrRes1    = new Point3d[bounds];
                        Point3d[] arrRes2    = new Point3d[bounds];
                        var       arrCounter = 0;

                        // For each point on PL1 we find the closest point on PL2
                        // and create a tuple of the result.
                        for (double i = 0.0; i < pl1.Length; i += weeding)
                            var p1 = curve1.EvaluatePoint(curve1.GetParameterAtLength(0, i, true, 1e-10));
                            var p2 = curve2.GetClosestPointTo(p1, new Tolerance(1e-10, 1e-10)).Point;
                            arrRes1[arrCounter]   = p1;
                            arrRes2[arrCounter++] = p2;
                        arrRes1[arrCounter] = pl1.EndPoint;
                        arrRes2[arrCounter] = curve2.GetClosestPointTo(pl1.EndPoint, new Tolerance(1e-10, 1e-10)).Point;
                        return(new Tuple <IEnumerable <Point3d>, IEnumerable <Point3d> >(arrRes1, arrRes2));
Beispiel #4
        public static IEnumerable <Point3d> GetPointsFromPolylineWithPointWeeding([NotNull] this Database database, ObjectId id, [GreaterThan(.0)] double weeding)
            // Weeding, we only add the point when weeding factor has been satisfied.

            using (OpenCloseTransaction transAction = database.TransactionManager.StartOpenCloseTransaction())
                object objectX = transAction.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead);
                switch (objectX.GetType().ToString())
                case "Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline3d":
                    //Get a list of 3D points in parameter order
                    using (Polyline3d pl1 = (Polyline3d)objectX)
                        // We get curve here, its faster to get the
                        // parameters and point on a non database object
                        var curve = pl1.GetGeCurve(new Tolerance(1e-10, 1e-10));

                        // Initialize list with dimensions specified (speed)
                        var       bounds     = (int)Math.Ceiling(pl1.Length / weeding) + 1;
                        Point3d[] arrRes     = new Point3d[bounds];
                        var       arrCounter = 0;

                        for (double i = 0.0; i < pl1.Length; i += weeding)
                            var x = curve.EvaluatePoint(curve.GetParameterAtLength(0, i, true, 1e-10));
                            arrRes[arrCounter++] = x;
                        arrRes[arrCounter] = pl1.EndPoint;

                default: throw new Exception("\r\n\t=> Selected object is not supported for this function.");