Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls <paramref name="plot"/> for points in the trapezoid spanned by two scanlines.
 /// The points with maximal X or Y coordinates are left out.
 /// </summary>
 public static void InterpolatePlot(PointPlotDelegate plot, Scanline scan1, Scanline scan2)
     int divisor = scan2._y - scan1._y;
     if (divisor == 0) divisor = 1;
     int x1Step = scan2._x1 - scan1._x1;
     int x2Step = scan2._x2 - scan1._x2;
     for (var scanline = new Scanline { _y = scan1._y, _x1 = scan1._x1 * divisor, _x2 = scan1._x2 * divisor };
         scanline._y < scan2._y;
         ++scanline._y, scanline._x1 += x1Step, scanline._x2 += x2Step)
         int x1 = scanline._x1.DivRound(divisor);
         int x2 = scanline._x2.DivRound(divisor);
         for (int x = x1; x < x2; ++x) plot(x, scanline._y);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls <paramref name="plot"/> once for each integer point in a filled triangle.
        /// The points of the triangle that are maximal in X or Y coordinate are
        /// not plotted to allow plotting two triangles that share a side without
        /// the points of the two triangles overlapping each other.
        /// </summary>
        public static void FillTriangle(Point point1, Point point2, Point point3, PointPlotDelegate plot)
            // Sort points by increasing Y
            if (point2.Y < point1.Y) Swap(ref point1, ref point2);
            if (point3.Y < point2.Y)
                Swap(ref point2, ref point3);
                if (point2.Y < point1.Y) Swap(ref point1, ref point2);

            // Find master scanlines
            var scan1 = new Scanline(point1.Y, point1.X);
            if (point2.Y == point1.Y) scan1.Include(point2.X);
            if (point3.Y == point1.Y) scan1.Include(point3.X);
            var scan2 = scan1;
            if (point2.Y > scan1.Y)
                scan2 = new Scanline(point2.Y, point2.X);
                if (point3.Y == point2.Y) scan2.Include(point3.X);
            else if (point3.Y > scan1.Y)
                scan2 = new Scanline(point3.Y, point3.X);
            var scan3 = scan2;
            if (point3.Y > scan2.Y)
                scan3 = new Scanline(point3.Y, point3.X);
                scan2.IncludeInterpolated(scan3, scan1);

            // Loop through Y, interpolating between master scanlines
            Scanline.InterpolatePlot(plot, scan1, scan2);
            Scanline.InterpolatePlot(plot, scan2, scan3);