public static Side WhereIAm(this Point point, Rectangle rect)
            if (rect.Size.Width == 0 || rect.Size.Height == 0)
            var rect_centr            = rect.Location.Add(((Point)rect.Size).Multiply(0.5f));
            var to_leftUp             = rect.Location.Sub(rect_centr);
            var to_leftDown           = new Point(to_leftUp.X, to_leftUp.Y + rect.Size.Height);
            var normalize_to_leftUp   = to_leftUp.Normalize();
            var normalize_to_leftDown = to_leftDown.Normalize();
            var normalize_to_point    = point.Sub(rect_centr).Normalize();

            if (normalize_to_point.Y < normalize_to_leftUp.Y)
            else if (normalize_to_point.Y > normalize_to_leftDown.Y)
            else if (normalize_to_point.X > 0)
            else if (normalize_to_point.X < 0)
        public void TestNormalizeEmptyPoint()
            Point point = (Point)reader.Read("POINT EMPTY");

            Assert.AreEqual(null, point.Coordinate);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="first"></param>
        /// <param name="second"></param>
        /// <param name="third"></param>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <param name="padding"></param>
        /// <returns>number of new points</returns>
        static int GetPaddedCorner(PolylinePoint first, PolylinePoint second, PolylinePoint third, out Point a, out Point b,
                                   double padding)
            Point u = first.Point;
            Point v = second.Point;
            Point w = third.Point;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Point.GetTriangleOrientation(u, v, w) == TriangleOrientation.Clockwise);

            Point uvPerp = (v - u).Rotate(Math.PI / 2).Normalize();
            ////uvPerp has to look outside of the curve
            //if (uvPerp * (v - Origin) < 0)
            //    uvPerp *= -1;

            Point l = (v - u).Normalize() + (v - w).Normalize();

            if (l.Length < ApproximateComparer.IntersectionEpsilon)
                a = b = v + padding * uvPerp;
            Point d  = l.Normalize() * padding;
            Point dp = d.Rotate(Math.PI / 2);

            //look for a in the form d+x*dp
            //we have:  Padding=(d+x*dp)*uvPerp
            double xp = (padding - d * uvPerp) / (dp * uvPerp);

            a = d + xp * dp + v;
            b = d - xp * dp + v;
            return(2); //number of points to add
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// this code should never work!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="edge"></param>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        static void CreateEdgeCurveWithNoTrimming(Edge edge, Point a, Point b)
            Point ab = b - a;

            ab = ab.Normalize();

            Point lineStart = a;
            Point lineEnd   = b;

            Arrowhead targetArrow = edge.EdgeGeometry.TargetArrowhead;

            if (targetArrow != null)
                targetArrow.TipPosition = b;
                lineEnd = b - ab * targetArrow.Length;
            Arrowhead sourceArrow = edge.EdgeGeometry.SourceArrowhead;

            if (sourceArrow != null)
                sourceArrow.TipPosition = a;
                lineStart = a + ab * sourceArrow.Length;
            edge.Curve = new LineSegment(lineStart, lineEnd);
Beispiel #5
        public override void Update()

            if (!OnCamera)
                var offX = Left > FP.Width || Right < 0;
                var offY = Top > FP.Height || Bottom < 0;

                if (offX && offY)

            var l = new List <Entity>();

            CollideInto(Player.Collision, X, Y, l);

            foreach (var p in l)
                var player = p as Player;

                if (player != owner)
                    if (player.Rebounding)
                        World.BroadcastMessage(CameraManager.Message.Shake, 10.0f, 0.5f);

                        var angle = FP.Angle(player.X, player.Y, owner.X, owner.Y);
                        FP.AngleXY(ref direction.X, ref direction.Y, angle, 1);

                        owner = player;

                if (player != owner)
                    if (!player.Invincible)
                        World.BroadcastMessage(CameraManager.Message.Shake, 10.0f, 0.5f);

                        var force = ForceMultiplier * Fist.BASE_PUNCH_FORCE;
                        var dir   = direction.Normalized();
                        player.OnMessage(PhysicsBody.Message.Impulse, force * dir.X, force * dir.Y);

            image.Angle = FP.Angle(0, 0, direction.X, direction.Y);


            var rainbow = World.Add(new RainbowTrail(X, Y, direction, image.Scale, FistSpeed, Layer));

            X += direction.X;
            Y += direction.Y;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 求两个向量的夹角余弦值.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p1"></param>
        /// <param name="p2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double IncludedAngle(this Point p1, Point p2)
            p1.Normalize(); p2.Normalize();
            double dot = Dot(p1, p2);

            return(2 * dot / (p1.Magnitude() + p2.Magnitude()));
        public void TestNormalizePoint()
            Point point = (Point)reader.Read("POINT (30 30)");

            Assert.AreEqual(new Coordinate(30, 30), point.Coordinate);
Beispiel #8
 public GhostMoveAction(Player player, Point target)
     m_player     = player;
     m_target     = target;
     m_isFinished = false;
     m_v          = new Point(target.X - m_player.X, target.Y - m_player.Y);
Beispiel #9
 public GhostMoveAction(Player player, Point target)
     : base(0, 1000)
     m_player = player;
     m_target = target;
     m_v      = new Point(target.X - m_player.X, target.Y - m_player.Y);
Beispiel #10
        public void TestNormalize()
            Point p1 = new Point(3, 5);
            Point p2 = p1.Normalize(100, 100);

            Assert.AreEqual((double)p1.X / 100, p2.X);
            Assert.AreEqual((double)p1.Y / 100, p2.Y);
 public GhostMoveAction(Player player,Point target)
     m_player = player;
     m_target = target;
     m_isFinished = false;
     m_v = new Point(target.X - m_player.X, target.Y - m_player.Y);
        /// <summary>
        /// closest point on the segment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p1">first endpoint</param>
        /// <param name="p2">second endpoint</param>
        /// <param name="x">reference point</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Point ClosestPointOnSegment(Point p1, Point p2, Point x)
            Point  l   = (p2 - p1);
            Point  v   = l.Normalize();
            double dot = Point.Dot(v, x - p1) / l.Length;
            Point  p   = p1 + l * dot;

            return(dot <= 0 ? p1 : (dot >= 1 ? p2 : p1 + l * dot));
Beispiel #13
 public void DotProduct()
     var point1 = new Point(1, 1);
     var point2 = new Point(-1, 1);
     Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, point1.DotProduct(point2));
     Assert.AreEqual(0.7071f, point1.DotProduct(Point.UnitY), 0.0001f);
    private static Point Projection(Point vectorA, Point vectorB)
        Point vectorBUnit = new Point(vectorB.X, vectorB.Y);

        vectorBUnit = vectorBUnit.Normalize();
        decimal dotProduct = vectorA.X * vectorBUnit.X + vectorA.Y * vectorBUnit.Y;

Beispiel #15
        internal Parallelogram(Parallelogram box0, Parallelogram box1)
            Point  v = box0.Corner;
            double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;

            minX = maxX = v.X;
            minY = maxY = v.Y;

            PumpMinMax(ref minX, ref maxX, ref minY, ref maxY, ref box0.aPlusCorner);
            PumpMinMax(ref minX, ref maxX, ref minY, ref maxY, ref box0.otherCorner);
            PumpMinMax(ref minX, ref maxX, ref minY, ref maxY, ref box0.bPlusCorner);

            PumpMinMax(ref minX, ref maxX, ref minY, ref maxY, ref box1.corner);
            PumpMinMax(ref minX, ref maxX, ref minY, ref maxY, ref box1.aPlusCorner);
            PumpMinMax(ref minX, ref maxX, ref minY, ref maxY, ref box1.otherCorner);
            PumpMinMax(ref minX, ref maxX, ref minY, ref maxY, ref box1.bPlusCorner);

            this.corner = new Point(minX, minY);
            this.a      = new Point(0, maxY - minY);
            this.b      = new Point(maxX - minX, 0);

            aPlusCorner = a + corner;
            otherCorner = b + aPlusCorner;
            bPlusCorner = b + corner;

            this.aRot = new Point(-this.a.Y, this.a.X);
            if (aRot.Length > 0.5)
                aRot = aRot.Normalize();

            this.bRot = new Point(-this.b.Y, this.b.X);
            if (bRot.Length > 0.5)
                bRot = bRot.Normalize();

            abRot = this.a * bRot;
            baRot = this.b * aRot;

            if (abRot < 0)
                abRot = -abRot;
                bRot  = -bRot;

            if (baRot < 0)
                baRot = -baRot;
                aRot  = -aRot;

            isSeg = (this.a - this.b).Length < ApproximateComparer.DistanceEpsilon;
        public void NormalizeVector_vector_010_result_01()
            var vector = new Point(0, 10);
            var expect = new Point(0, 1);

            var temp_result = vector.Normalize();
            var result      = temp_result.ToPoint();

            Assert.AreEqual(expect, result);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public virtual double Project()
            Point  uv = v.Center - u.Center;
            double d  = separation - uv.Length,
                   wu = ((FiNode)u.AlgorithmData).stayWeight,
                   wv = ((FiNode)v.AlgorithmData).stayWeight;
            Point f   = d * uv.Normalize() / (wu + wv);

            u.Center -= wv * f;
            v.Center += wu * f;
Beispiel #18
        private bool VelocityChanged(Point PuckVold, Point PuckVnew)
            Point oldVelocity = PuckVold.Normalize();
            Point newVelocity = PuckVnew.Normalize();

            if ((PuckVnew.Norm() <= PuckVold.Norm()) && (PuckVnew.Norm() >= 0.95 * PuckVold.Norm()) && (Math.Abs(PuckVnew.Angle() - PuckVold.Angle()) < 0.06))
Beispiel #19
        private void Joystick_Move(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
            var joystickPosition = e.GetTouchPoint(_joystick) - JoystickCenter;
            joystickPosition /= JoystickRadius;
            if (Point.Length(joystickPosition) > 1f)
                joystickPosition = Point.Normalize(joystickPosition);
            e.Handled = true;
        double GetLeftTipParam(double portParam, Point portPoint, Curve paddingCurve, Node node, double length)
            bool  curveIsClockwise = InteractiveObstacleCalculator.CurveIsClockwise(node.BoundaryCurve, node.Center);
            Point tan = curveIsClockwise
                            ? node.BoundaryCurve.LeftDerivative(portParam)
                            : -node.BoundaryCurve.RightDerivative(portParam);

            tan = ((-tan.Normalize()) * length).Rotate(-EnteringAngle);
            IList <IntersectionInfo> xs = Curve.GetAllIntersections(paddingCurve,
                                                                    new LineSegment(portPoint, portPoint + tan), true);

            Debug.Assert(xs.Count == 1);
Beispiel #21
        public static void DrawArrowCap(this Graphics g, Pen pen, Point destination, Point guideVector, int length, int width, bool closedLine = false)
            var normal_guide_vector = guideVector.Normalize();
            var start_arrow_point   = destination.Sub(normal_guide_vector.Multiply(length).ToPoint());
            var first_arrow_point   = start_arrow_point.Add(normal_guide_vector.Perpendicular().Multiply(width / 2).ToPoint());
            var second_arrow_point  = start_arrow_point.Add(normal_guide_vector.Perpendicular().Multiply(-width / 2).ToPoint());

            g.DrawLine(pen, first_arrow_point, destination);
            g.DrawLine(pen, second_arrow_point, destination);
            if (closedLine)
                g.DrawLine(pen, first_arrow_point, second_arrow_point);
Beispiel #22
        public void StartGhostMoving()
            if (this.TargetPoint.IsEmpty)
            Point point = new Point(this.TargetPoint.X - this.X, this.TargetPoint.Y - this.Y);

            if (point.Length() > 160.0)
            this.m_game.AddAction(new GhostMoveAction(this, new Point(this.X + point.X, this.Y + point.Y)));
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="first"></param>
        /// <param name="second"></param>
        /// <param name="third"></param>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <param name="padding"></param>
        /// <returns>number of new points</returns>
        static int GetPaddedCorner(PolylinePoint first, PolylinePoint second, PolylinePoint third, out Point a,
                                   out Point b,
                                   double padding)
            Point u = first.Point;
            Point v = second.Point;
            Point w = third.Point;

            if (Point.GetTriangleOrientation(u, v, w) == TriangleOrientation.Counterclockwise)
                a = new Point();
                b = new Point();

            Point uvPerp = (v - u).Rotate(Math.PI / 2).Normalize();

            if (CornerIsNotTooSharp(u, v, w))
                //the angle is not too sharp: just continue the offset lines of the sides and return their intersection
                uvPerp *= padding;
                Point vwPerp = ((w - v).Normalize() * padding).Rotate(Math.PI / 2);

                bool result = Point.LineLineIntersection(u + uvPerp, v + uvPerp, v + vwPerp, w + vwPerp, out a);
                b = a;

            Point l = (v - u).Normalize() + (v - w).Normalize();

            if (l.Length < ApproximateComparer.IntersectionEpsilon)
                a = b = v + padding * uvPerp;
            Point d  = l.Normalize() * padding;
            Point dp = d.Rotate(Math.PI / 2);

            //look for a in the form d+x*dp
            //we have:  Padding=(d+x*dp)*uvPerp
            double xp = (padding - d * uvPerp) / (dp * uvPerp);

            a = d + xp * dp + v;
            b = d - xp * dp + v;
            return(2); //number of points to add
Beispiel #24
        public override EffectMessage MakeEffect()
            EffectMessage.Callback callback = delegate(Entity from, Entity to, float scalar)
                if (to == from)
                    return;                             // sender;
                var dir = new Point(to.X - from.X, to.Y - from.Y);

                to.OnMessage(PhysicsBody.Message.Impulse, -dir.X, -dir.Y);

            return(new EffectMessage(owner, callback));
Beispiel #25
 public void StartGhostMoving()
     if (!this.TargetPoint.IsEmpty)
         Point pv = new Point(this.TargetPoint.X - this.X, this.TargetPoint.Y - this.Y);
         if (pv.Length() != 0.0)
             Point target = this.TargetPoint;
             if (pv.Length() > (double)this.m_ghostEnergy)
                 pv = pv.Normalize(this.m_ghostEnergy);
             Point p = new Point(this.X + pv.X, this.Y + pv.Y);
             this.m_game.AddAction(new GhostMoveAction(this, p));
Beispiel #26
        public void StartGhostMoving()
            if (TargetPoint.IsEmpty)

            Point pv     = new Point(TargetPoint.X - X, TargetPoint.Y - Y);
            Point target = TargetPoint;

            if (pv.Length() > 160)

            m_game.AddAction(new GhostMoveAction(this, new Point(X + pv.X, Y + pv.Y)));
        Point GetBestRedlinePoint(IEnumerable <Point> redlinePoints, Point origin, Point direction)
            var potentialPoints = redlinePoints.Where(p => p.DistanceSq(origin) < 180 * 180).ToArray();

            if (potentialPoints.Length == 0)
                // no potential points??
                redlinePoints.OrderBy(p => p.DistanceSq(origin)).First();

            var refDir = direction.Normalize();

            return(potentialPoints.OrderByDescending(p =>
                var dir = p.Subtract(origin).Normalize();
                var scalar = refDir.Item1 * dir.Item1 + refDir.Item2 * dir.Item2;
                return scalar;
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the parallelogram by the corner and two sides.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="corner">the corner</param>
        /// <param name="sideA">a side</param>
        /// <param name="sideB">another side</param>
        public Parallelogram(Point corner, Point sideA, Point sideB)
            this.corner = corner;
            this.a      = sideA;
            this.b      = sideB;

            this.aRot = new Point(-sideA.Y, sideA.X);
            if (aRot.Length > 0.5)
                aRot = aRot.Normalize();

            this.bRot = new Point(-sideB.Y, sideB.X);
            if (bRot.Length > 0.5)
                bRot = bRot.Normalize();

            abRot = sideA * bRot;

            baRot = sideB * aRot;

            if (abRot < 0)
                abRot = -abRot;
                bRot  = -bRot;

            if (baRot < 0)
                baRot = -baRot;
                aRot  = -aRot;

            isSeg = (sideA - sideB).Length < ApproximateComparer.DistanceEpsilon;

            aPlusCorner = sideA + corner;
            otherCorner = sideB + aPlusCorner;
            bPlusCorner = sideB + corner;
Beispiel #29
    public void calculateNormalsAndDs()

        foreach (TriangleNet.Data.Triangle t in triangles)
            Point p0 = points[t.P0];
            Point p1 = points[t.P1];
            Point p2 = points[t.P2];

            Point v1 = p1 - p0;
            Point v2 = p2 - p0;

            Point normal = Point.CrossProduct(ref v1, ref v2);
            trianglePlaneEquationDs.Add(-normal.X * points[t.P0].X - normal.Y * points[t.P0].Y - normal.Z * points[t.P0].Z);

        private Point GetNaiveCollisionPoint(AHEntities.Action direction, Point puckPline, double puckRadius, int tableW, int tableH)
            Point  attackVector   = new Point();
            Point  collisionPoint = null;
            Point  wallCollision  = null;
            double ratio          = 0;

            switch (direction)
            case AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_RIGHT:
                ratio         = Math.Abs(puckPline.Y - (-tableH / 2)) / (tableH / 2);
                wallCollision = new Point(Math.Abs(tableW / 2 - puckPline.X) / (1 + ratio) + puckPline.X, -tableH / 2);
                attackVector  = (wallCollision - puckPline).Normalize();
                attackVector.Set(attackVector.X * puckRadius, attackVector.Y * puckRadius);
                collisionPoint = puckPline - attackVector;

            case AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_MIDDLE:
                attackVector.X = tableW / 2 - puckPline.X;
                attackVector.Y = -puckPline.Y;
                attackVector   = attackVector.Normalize();
                attackVector.Set(attackVector.X * puckRadius, attackVector.Y * puckRadius);
                collisionPoint = puckPline - attackVector;

            case AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_LEFT:
                ratio         = Math.Abs(puckPline.Y - tableH / 2) / (tableH / 2);
                wallCollision = new Point(Math.Abs(tableW / 2 - puckPline.X) / (1 + ratio) + puckPline.X, tableH / 2);
                attackVector  = (wallCollision - puckPline).Normalize();
                attackVector.Set(attackVector.X * puckRadius, attackVector.Y * puckRadius);
                collisionPoint = puckPline - attackVector;

                collisionPoint = null;

    public static Matrix <double> FindOrthoNormalMatrix(Point point1, Point point2, Point point3)
        Point v1 = Point.Normalize(point2 - point1);
        Point v2 = Point.Normalize(point2 - point3);

        Point normal   = Point.Normalize(Point.cross(v1, v2));
        Point v2_ortho = Point.Normalize(Point.cross(normal, v1));

        Matrix <double> T = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(3, 3);

        T[0, 0] = v1.x;
        T[1, 0] = v1.y;
        T[2, 0] = v1.z;
        T[0, 1] = v2_ortho.x;
        T[1, 1] = v2_ortho.y;
        T[2, 1] = v2_ortho.z;
        T[0, 2] = normal.x;
        T[1, 2] = normal.y;
        T[2, 2] = normal.z;

        internal static ICurve CreateBaseSegmentForDraggingEdgeWithSource(Point delta, GeomEdge edge,
                                                                          EdgeRestoreData edgeRestoreData,
                                                                          Dictionary <GeomEdge, double> offsets)
            double offset;
            ICurve seg;
            Point  a = edgeRestoreData.UnderlyingPolyline.HeadSite.Point + delta;
            Point  b = edgeRestoreData.UnderlyingPolyline.LastSite.Point;

            if (offsets.TryGetValue(edge, out offset) && offset != 0)
                Point ab      = b - a;
                Point abOrtog = ab.Normalize().Rotate(Math.PI / 2) * offset;
                seg = CreateBaseSegOnSourceTargetAndOrth(ref a, ref b, ref abOrtog);
                //        SugiyamaLayoutSettings.Show(seg, edge.Curve, edge.Source.BoundaryCurve);
                seg = new LineSegment(a, b);

        protected override void OnRefresh()
            RotarySwitch rotarySwitch = Visual as RotarySwitch;
            if (rotarySwitch != null)
                _imageRect.Width = rotarySwitch.Width;
                _imageRect.Height = rotarySwitch.Height;
                _image = ConfigManager.ImageManager.LoadImage(rotarySwitch.KnobImage);
                _imageBrush = new ImageBrush(_image);
                _center = new Point(rotarySwitch.Width / 2d, rotarySwitch.Height / 2d);

                _lines = new GeometryDrawing();
                _lines.Pen = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(rotarySwitch.LineColor), rotarySwitch.LineThickness);


                Vector v1 = new Point(_center.X, 0) - _center;
                double lineLength = v1.Length * rotarySwitch.LineLength;
                double labelDistance = v1.Length * rotarySwitch.LabelDistance;
                GeometryGroup lineGroup = new GeometryGroup();
                Brush labelBrush = new SolidColorBrush(rotarySwitch.LabelColor);
                foreach (RotarySwitchPosition position in rotarySwitch.Positions)
                    Matrix m1 = new Matrix();

                    if (rotarySwitch.DrawLines)
                        Vector v2 = v1 * m1;

                        Point startPoint = _center;
                        Point endPoint = startPoint + (v2 * lineLength);

                        lineGroup.Children.Add(new LineGeometry(startPoint, endPoint));

                    if (rotarySwitch.DrawLabels)
                        FormattedText labelText = rotarySwitch.LabelFormat.GetFormattedText(labelBrush, position.Name);
                        labelText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
                        labelText.MaxTextWidth = rotarySwitch.Width;
                        labelText.MaxTextHeight = rotarySwitch.Height;

                        if (rotarySwitch.MaxLabelHeight > 0d && rotarySwitch.MaxLabelHeight < rotarySwitch.Height)
                            labelText.MaxTextHeight = rotarySwitch.MaxLabelHeight;
                        if (rotarySwitch.MaxLabelWidth > 0d && rotarySwitch.MaxLabelWidth < rotarySwitch.Width)
                            labelText.MaxTextWidth = rotarySwitch.MaxLabelWidth;

                        Point location = _center + (v1 * m1 * labelDistance);
                        if (position.Rotation <= 10d || position.Rotation >= 350d)
                            location.X -= labelText.MaxTextWidth / 2d;
                            location.Y -= labelText.Height;
                        else if (position.Rotation < 170d)
                            location.X -= (labelText.MaxTextWidth - labelText.Width) / 2d;
                            location.Y -= labelText.Height / 2d;
                        else if (position.Rotation <= 190d)
                            location.X -= labelText.MaxTextWidth / 2d;
                            location.X -= (labelText.MaxTextWidth + labelText.Width) / 2d;
                            location.Y -= labelText.Height / 2d;

                        _labels.Add(new SwitchPositionLabel(labelText, location));
                _lines.Geometry = lineGroup;
                _image = null;
                _imageBrush = null;
                _lines = null;
Beispiel #34
        public void StartGhostMoving()
            if (TargetPoint.IsEmpty)

            Point pv = new Point(TargetPoint.X - X, TargetPoint.Y - Y);
            Point target = TargetPoint;
            if (pv.Length() > 160)

            m_game.AddAction(new GhostMoveAction(this, new Point(X + pv.X, Y + pv.Y)));
Beispiel #35
        public override void StartMoving()
            m_actions = new List<BombAction>();

            while (m_isLiving)
                m_lifeTime += 0.04F;
                Point pos = CompleteNextMovePoint(0.04F);

                if (m_isLiving)
                    if (Math.Round(m_lifeTime * 100) % 40 == 0 && pos.Y > 0)
                        m_game.AddTempPoint(pos.X, pos.Y);

                    if (m_controled && vY > 0)
                        Player player = m_map.FindNearestEnemy(m_x, m_y, 300, m_owner);

                        if (player != null)
                            Point v = new Point(player.X - m_x, player.Y - m_y);
                            setSpeedXY(v.X, v.Y);
                            m_actions.Add(new BombAction(m_lifeTime, ActionType.CHANGE_SPEED, v.X, v.Y, 0,0));
                            UpdateForceFactor(0, 0, 0);
                            m_controled = false;
Beispiel #36
 public void Normalize()
     var point = new Point(0.3f, -0.4f);
     Assert.AreEqual(new Point(0.6f, -0.8f), point);