void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other)
        // if this is homeplanet and it collided with a normal planet, game over
        if (this.tag == "HomePlanet" && other.gameObject.tag == "Planet")
            GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>().StopGameRunning();
        // if this is a planet-planet collision, the current planet is being moved by pushForce and the two planet havent just interacted with each other
        else if (this.tag == "Planet" && other.gameObject.tag == "Planet" && pushForce != Vector2.zero && other.gameObject != lastInteractedObj)
            PlanetScript otherPlanet = other.gameObject.GetComponent <PlanetScript>();

            Vector3 damageDirection = (other.transform.position - this.transform.position).normalized;
            this.TakeDamage(damageDirection, false);
            collidedAfterPush = true;
            otherPlanet.TakeDamage(-damageDirection, false);
Beispiel #2
    // sends player off a planet and blows it up
    public void LeavePlanet(float chargeTime)
        // make sure there is a currentplanet and the player can jump off it
        if (isLanded && currentPlanet != null && canJump)
            isLanded         = false;
            transform.parent = null;
            canJump          = false;
            StartCoroutine(EnableTail(true, 0f));

            float chargePercentage = Mathf.Clamp(chargeTime / maxChargeTime, 0f, 1f);
            leavingSpeed = maxChargeSpeed * (2f + chargePercentage) / 3f;
            Vector2 leavingDirection = (Vector2)(transform.position - currentPlanet.transform.position).normalized;

            //if (activatedPowerup == PowerupScript.PowerupType.lighting){
            //	leavingSpeed *= powerupSpeed;
            myRigidBody.velocity       = leavingDirection * leavingSpeed;
            myRigidBody.freezeRotation = false;

            lastPlanet = currentPlanet;

            // crack/destroy the planet if it's not the home planet
            if (currentPlanet.tag != "HomePlanet")
                // if the planet will not explode, push it
                if (!currentPlanet.WillExplodeNext())
                    float pushPower = planetPushPower * (1f + chargePercentage * 1f);
                    currentPlanet.PushPlanet(-leavingDirection, pushPower);
                currentPlanet.TakeDamage(leavingDirection, true);
            currentPlanet = null;