public void Sign1(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain,
                          ICipherParameters pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter,
                          String reason, String location)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            // Create the signature appearance
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();


            // This name corresponds to the name of the field that already exists in the document.

            // Set the custom text and a custom font
            appearance.SetLayer2Text("This document was signed by Bruno Specimen");

            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
        public void Sign(String src, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain, ICipherParameters pk,
                         String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter, String reason, String location,
                         ICollection <ICrlClient> crlList, IOcspClient ocspClient, ITSAClient tsaClient, int estimatedSize)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            // Create the signature appearance
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(36, 648, 200, 100);
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();


            // Specify if the appearance before field is signed will be used
            // as a background for the signed field. The "false" value is the default value.

            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            // Pass the created TSAClient to the signing method.
            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, crlList, ocspClient, tsaClient, estimatedSize, subfilter);
Beispiel #3
        public void Sign(String src, String tmp, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain,
                         ICipherParameters pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter,
                         String reason, String location)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);

            // Pass the temporary file's path to the PdfSigner constructor
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), tmp,
                                             new StampingProperties());

            // Create the signature appearance
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(36, 648, 200, 100);
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();


            // Specify if the appearance before field is signed will be used
            // as a background for the signed field. The "false" value is the default value.

            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
        public void Sign2(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain,
                          ICipherParameters pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter,
                          String reason, String location)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();


            // Creating the appearance for layer 2
            PdfFormXObject n2 = appearance.GetLayer2();

            // Custom text, custom font, and right-to-left writing
            // Characters: لورانس العرب
            Text text = new Text("\u0644\u0648\u0631\u0627\u0646\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628");

                                                   PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H, true));
            new Canvas(n2, signer.GetDocument()).Add(new Paragraph(text).SetTextAlignment(TextAlignment.RIGHT));

            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
Beispiel #5
        /// <exception cref="Org.BouncyCastle.Security.GeneralSecurityException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        protected internal virtual void Sign(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain, ICipherParameters
                                             pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter, String reason, String location, Rectangle
                                             rectangleForNewField, bool setReuseAppearance, bool isAppendMode, int certificationLevel, float?fontSize
            PdfReader          reader     = new PdfReader(src);
            StampingProperties properties = new StampingProperties();

            if (isAppendMode)
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), properties);

            PdfFont font = PdfFontFactory.CreateFont(FONT, "WinAnsi", true);
            // Creating the appearance
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance().SetReason(reason).SetLocation(location

            if (rectangleForNewField != null)
            if (fontSize != null)
            // Creating the signature
            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
Beispiel #6
        public static void Sign(string fileName, string signedFileName, string reason, string location,
                                string privateKeyFileName, string certFileName, string password)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(fileName);
            PdfWriter write  = new PdfWriter(signedFileName);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, write, false);

            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();


            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(36, 648, 200, 100);



            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(ReadPrivateKey(privateKeyFileName, password), GetEncryptionAlgorithm());

            X509CertificateParser parser = new X509CertificateParser();
            X509Certificate       cert   = LoadCertificate(certFileName);

            X509Certificate[] chain = new X509Certificate[1];
            chain[0] = cert;
            PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter = GetSubFilter();

            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
Beispiel #7
        public void Sign(String src, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter,
                         String reason, String location)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            // Create the signature appearance
            //Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(36, 648, 200, 100);
            //iText.Signatures.PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();
            //    .SetReason(reason)
            //    .SetLocation(location)
            //    .SetPageRect(rect)
            //    .SetPageNumber(1);

            //IExternalDigest digest = new BouncyCastleDigest();
            IExternalSignature signature = new ServerSignature();

            //IExternalSignature sing = new

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            //signer.SignDetached(digest, signature, chain, null, null, null,
            //        0, subfilter);

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            signer.SignDetached(signature, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
Beispiel #8
 /// <exception cref="Org.BouncyCastle.Security.GeneralSecurityException"/>
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 protected internal virtual void Sign(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain, ICipherParameters
                                      pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter, String reason, String location, Rectangle
                                      rectangleForNewField, bool setReuseAppearance, bool isAppendMode)
     Sign(src, name, dest, chain, pk, digestAlgorithm, subfilter, reason, location, rectangleForNewField, setReuseAppearance
          , isAppendMode, PdfSigner.NOT_CERTIFIED, null);
Beispiel #9
        public void Sign(String src, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain, ICipherParameters pk,
                         String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter,
                         int certificationLevel, String reason, String location)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            // Create the signature appearance
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();


            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(36, 648, 200, 100);


            /* Set the document's certification level. This parameter defines if changes are allowed
             * after the applying of the signature.

            PrivateKeySignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
        public void Sign(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain,
                         ICipherParameters pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter,
                         String reason, String location, PdfSignatureAppearance.RenderingMode renderingMode, ImageData image)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            // Create the signature appearance
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();


            // This name corresponds to the name of the field that already exists in the document.

            appearance.SetLayer2Text("Signed on " + DateTime.Now);

            // Set the rendering mode for this signature.

            // Set the Image object to render when the rendering mode is set to RenderingMode.GRAPHIC
            // or RenderingMode.GRAPHIC_AND_DESCRIPTION.

            PrivateKeySignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
Beispiel #11
        protected internal virtual void Sign(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain, ICipherParameters
                                             pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter, int certificationLevel)
            PdfReader          reader     = new PdfReader(src);
            StampingProperties properties = new StampingProperties();

            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), properties);

            // Creating the signature
            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
        public void Sign(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain,
                         ICipherParameters pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter,
                         String reason, String location)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            // Create the signature appearance

            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
Beispiel #13
        public void SignAgain(String src, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain, ICipherParameters pk,
                              String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter, String reason, String location)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create),
                                             new StampingProperties().UseAppendMode());

            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(36, 700, 200, 100);


            PrivateKeySignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
Beispiel #14
        public void Sign(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain,
                         ICipherParameters pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter,
                         String reason, String location)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            // Create the signature appearance
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();


            // This name corresponds to the name of the field that already exists in the document.

            // Get the background layer and draw a gray rectangle as a background.
            PdfFormXObject n0     = appearance.GetLayer0();
            float          x      = n0.GetBBox().ToRectangle().GetLeft();
            float          y      = n0.GetBBox().ToRectangle().GetBottom();
            float          width  = n0.GetBBox().ToRectangle().GetWidth();
            float          height = n0.GetBBox().ToRectangle().GetHeight();
            PdfCanvas      canvas = new PdfCanvas(n0, signer.GetDocument());

            canvas.Rectangle(x, y, width, height);

            // Set the signature information on layer 2
            PdfFormXObject n2 = appearance.GetLayer2();
            Paragraph      p  = new Paragraph("This document was signed by Bruno Specimen.");

            new Canvas(n2, signer.GetDocument()).Add(p);

            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
        public void Sign3(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain,
                          ICipherParameters pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter,
                          String reason, String location)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();


            // Set a custom text and background image
            appearance.SetLayer2Text("This document was signed by Bruno Specimen");

            PrivateKeySignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
        public void Sign(String src, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter,
                         String reason, String location)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            // Create the signature appearance
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(36, 648, 200, 100);
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();


            IExternalSignature pks = new ServerSignature();

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
        public void Sign(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain, ICipherParameters pk,
                         String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter, String reason, String location,
                         String contact, String fullName)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            // Create the signature appearance
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();



            // Set the signature event to allow modification of the signature dictionary.
            signer.SetSignatureEvent(new CustomISignatureEvent(fullName));

            PrivateKeySignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
Beispiel #18
        public void Sign(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate[] chain,
                         ICipherParameters pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard subfilter,
                         String reason, String location)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties());

            // Create the signature appearance

            // Specify if the appearance before field is signed will be used
            // as a background for the signed field. The "false" value is the default value.

            // This name corresponds to the name of the field that already exists in the document.

            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            // Sign the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>Signs the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Signs the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
        /// <br /><br />
        /// NOTE: This method closes the underlying pdf document. This means, that current instance
        /// of PdfSigner cannot be used after this method call.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="externalSignature">the interface providing the actual signing</param>
        /// <param name="chain">the certificate chain</param>
        /// <param name="crlList">the CRL list</param>
        /// <param name="ocspClient">the OCSP client</param>
        /// <param name="tsaClient">the Timestamp client</param>
        /// <param name="externalDigest">an implementation that provides the digest</param>
        /// <param name="estimatedSize">the reserved size for the signature. It will be estimated if 0</param>
        /// <param name="sigtype">Either Signature.CMS or Signature.CADES</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Org.BouncyCastle.Security.GeneralSecurityException"/>
        public virtual void SignDetached(IExternalSignature externalSignature, X509Certificate[] chain, ICollection
                                         <ICrlClient> crlList, IOcspClient ocspClient, ITSAClient tsaClient, int estimatedSize, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard
            if (closed)
                throw new PdfException(PdfException.ThisInstanceOfPdfSignerAlreadyClosed);
            ICollection <byte[]> crlBytes = null;
            int i = 0;

            while (crlBytes == null && i < chain.Length)
                crlBytes = ProcessCrl(chain[i++], crlList);
            if (estimatedSize == 0)
                estimatedSize = 8192;
                if (crlBytes != null)
                    foreach (byte[] element in crlBytes)
                        estimatedSize += element.Length + 10;
                if (ocspClient != null)
                    estimatedSize += 4192;
                if (tsaClient != null)
                    estimatedSize += 4192;
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = GetSignatureAppearance();

            if (sigtype == PdfSigner.CryptoStandard.CADES)
            PdfSignature dic = new PdfSignature(PdfName.Adobe_PPKLite, sigtype == PdfSigner.CryptoStandard.CADES ? PdfName
                                                .ETSI_CAdES_DETACHED : PdfName.Adbe_pkcs7_detached);

            dic.SetDate(new PdfDate(GetSignDate()));
            // time-stamp will over-rule this
            cryptoDictionary = dic;
            IDictionary <PdfName, int?> exc = new Dictionary <PdfName, int?>();

            exc[PdfName.Contents] = estimatedSize * 2 + 2;
            String   hashAlgorithm = externalSignature.GetHashAlgorithm();
            PdfPKCS7 sgn           = new PdfPKCS7((ICipherParameters)null, chain, hashAlgorithm, false);
            Stream   data          = GetRangeStream();

            byte[] hash = DigestAlgorithms.Digest(data, SignUtils.GetMessageDigest(hashAlgorithm));
            byte[] ocsp = null;
            if (chain.Length >= 2 && ocspClient != null)
                ocsp = ocspClient.GetEncoded((X509Certificate)chain[0], (X509Certificate)chain[1], null);
            byte[] sh           = sgn.GetAuthenticatedAttributeBytes(hash, ocsp, crlBytes, sigtype);
            byte[] extSignature = externalSignature.Sign(sh);
            sgn.SetExternalDigest(extSignature, null, externalSignature.GetEncryptionAlgorithm());
            byte[] encodedSig = sgn.GetEncodedPKCS7(hash, tsaClient, ocsp, crlBytes, sigtype);
            if (estimatedSize < encodedSig.Length)
                throw new System.IO.IOException("Not enough space");
            byte[] paddedSig = new byte[estimatedSize];
            System.Array.Copy(encodedSig, 0, paddedSig, 0, encodedSig.Length);
            PdfDictionary dic2 = new PdfDictionary();

            dic2.Put(PdfName.Contents, new PdfString(paddedSig).SetHexWriting(true));
            closed = true;
Beispiel #20
        /// <exception cref="Org.BouncyCastle.Security.GeneralSecurityException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        protected internal virtual void Sign(String src, String name, String dest, X509Certificate
                                             [] chain, ICipherParameters pk, String digestAlgorithm, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard
                                             subfilter, String reason, String location, Rectangle rectangleForNewField, bool
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create), false
            // Creating the appearance
            PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance().SetReason(reason

            if (rectangleForNewField != null)
            // Creating the signature
            IExternalSignature pks = new PrivateKeySignature(pk, digestAlgorithm);

            signer.SignDetached(pks, chain, null, null, null, 0, subfilter);