Beispiel #1
    public void LateUpdate()
        cellTransform.anchoredPosition = DesiredAnchorPosition();

        float   bottomOfCell = (cellTransform.anchoredPosition.y) + tableContentTransform.anchoredPosition.y - (tableContentTransform.rect.height - tableTransform.rect.height);
        Vector2 otherPos     = cellTransform.anchoredPosition;
        float   distance     = 99999.0f;

        // Get my sibling's top of cell, allow it to push me out of the way
        if (nextHeaderTransform != null)
            PUTableHeaderScript otherScript = nextHeaderTransform.GetComponent <PUTableHeaderScript> ();
            otherPos = otherScript.DesiredAnchorPosition();
            distance = cellTransform.anchoredPosition.y - otherPos.y;

        if (distance < cellTransform.rect.height)
            cellTransform.anchoredPosition           = new Vector2(otherPos.x, otherPos.y + cellTransform.rect.height);
            tableCell.puGameObject.canvasGroup.alpha = LeanTween.easeInCubic(0, 1, distance / cellTransform.rect.height);
        else if (bottomOfCell < 0)
            tableCell.puGameObject.canvasGroup.alpha = LeanTween.easeInCubic(0, 1, (bottomOfCell + cellTransform.rect.height) / cellTransform.rect.height);
            if (tableCell.puGameObject.canvasGroup.alpha.Equals(1.0f) == false)
                tableCell.puGameObject.canvasGroup.alpha = 1.0f;
Beispiel #2
    public void ReloadTable(bool reuseCells = true)
        RectTransform contentRectTransform = contentObject.transform as RectTransform;

        if (gameObject.GetComponent <PUTableUpdateScript>() == null)
            PUTableUpdateScript script = (PUTableUpdateScript)gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(PUTableUpdateScript));
            script.table = this;

        // This one will set the content size of the scrolling axis

        // -2) Calculate the old height, so we can subtract it from the new height and adjust the scrolling appropriately
        float oldHeight = contentRectTransform.rect.height;

        // -1) Save previous cells for reuse if we can...
        List <PUTableCell> savedCells = new List <PUTableCell>(allCells);


        if (allObjects == null || allObjects.Count == 0)

        // 0) Remove all of the cells from the list transform temporarily
        foreach (PUTableCell cell in savedCells)
            cell.puGameObject.rectTransform.SetParent(null, false);

        // 1) Run through allObjects; instantiate a cell object based on said object class
        float currentContentHeight = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < allObjects.Count; i++)
            object myCellData = allObjects [i];

            // Can we reuse an existing cell?
            PUTableCell savedCell = null;
            if (reuseCells)
                foreach (PUTableCell otherCell in savedCells)
                    if (otherCell.IsHeader() == false && otherCell.cellData.Equals(myCellData))
                        savedCell = otherCell;

            PUTableCell newCell = LoadCellForData(myCellData, savedCell, currentContentHeight);

            currentContentHeight += newCell.puGameObject.rectTransform.rect.height;

        for (int i = 0; i < allObjects.Count; i++)
            PUTableCell cell = allCells [i];
            if (cell.IsHeader())
                // TODO: Move me to the end of the stuff
                cell.puGameObject.parent = this;
                cell.puGameObject.gameObject.transform.SetParent(cell.puGameObject.gameObject.transform.parent, false);

                PUTableHeaderScript headerScript = cell.puGameObject.rectTransform.GetComponent <PUTableHeaderScript> ();

        // This one will set the content size of the scrolling axis

        // This will layout our cells

        // This will get the actual content size after the cells are successfully laid out

        // 3) offset the scroll based upon the change in table height
        float newHeight = contentRectTransform.rect.height;

        if (oldHeight > 1)
            Vector2 scroll = contentRectTransform.anchoredPosition;
            scroll.y += newHeight - oldHeight;
            contentRectTransform.anchoredPosition = scroll;

        // 2) Remove all previous content which have not reused
        foreach (PUTableCell cell in savedCells)
Beispiel #3
    public virtual void LoadIntoPUGameObject(PUScrollRect parent, object data)
        scrollRect = parent;
        cellData   = data;

        string xmlPath = XmlPath();

        if (xmlPath != null)
            puGameObject = (PUGameObject)PlanetUnity2.loadXML(PlanetUnityOverride.xmlFromPath(xmlPath), parent.contentObject, null);

            // Attach all of the PlanetUnity objects
            try {
                FieldInfo field = this.GetType().GetField("scene");
                if (field != null)
                    field.SetValue(this, puGameObject);

                puGameObject.PerformOnChildren(val => {
                    PUGameObject oo = val as PUGameObject;
                    if (oo != null && oo.title != null)
                        field = this.GetType().GetField(oo.title);
                        if (field != null)
                            field.SetValue(this, oo);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("TableCell error: " + e);

            try {
                // Attach all of the named GameObjects
                FieldInfo[] fields = this.GetType().GetFields();
                foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
                    if (field.FieldType == typeof(GameObject))
                        GameObject[] pAllObjects = (GameObject[])Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GameObject));

                        foreach (GameObject pObject in pAllObjects)
                            if (
                                field.SetValue(this, pObject);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("TableCell error: " + e);
            puGameObject = new PUGameObject();
            puGameObject.SetFrame(0, 0, 0, 60, 0, 0, "bottom,stretch");
            puGameObject.gameObject.transform.SetParent(parent.contentObject.transform, false);

        if (IsHeader() && this is PUSimpleTableCell == false)
            PUTableHeaderScript script = (PUTableHeaderScript)puGameObject.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(PUTableHeaderScript));
            script.table     = table;
            script.tableCell = this;

        puGameObject.parent = table;

        // We want to bridge all notifications to my scope; this allows developers to handle notifications
        // at the table cell level, or at the scene controller level, with ease
        NotificationCenter.addObserver(this, "*", puGameObject, (args, name) => {
            NotificationCenter.postNotification(scrollRect.Scope(), name, args);

        cellGameObject        = puGameObject.gameObject;
        cellTransform         = cellGameObject.transform as RectTransform;
        tableTransform        = scrollRect.rectTransform;
        tableContentTransform = scrollRect.contentObject.transform as RectTransform;
