public int AddNetwork(IInput[] inputs, IOutput[] outputs, NodeData[] hiddenNodes1, NodeData[] hiddenNodes2)
            lock (_networkLock) {
                if (_activeNetworks >= _maxNetworks)
                    // NOTE: Perhaps the networks could be added to a queue? That way everything does get spawned and not just ignored
                    Debug.LogError("Number of networks is exceeding the maximum allowed active networks. \nMax (" + _maxNetworks + ")");


                var inputID     = _inputManager.AddNetwork(inputs);
                var hiddenLayer = _hiddenLayer.AddNetwork(hiddenNodes1);
                var outputLayer = _outputLayer.AddNetwork(hiddenNodes2);
                var outputID    = _outputManager.AddNetwork(outputs);

                if (inputID != hiddenLayer || hiddenLayer != outputID)
                    Debug.LogError("Network ID mismatches. This should not be happening for any reason so there is a problem with the logic.\n" +
                                   "InputID: " + inputID + ", HiddenID: " + hiddenLayer + ", OutputID: " + outputID);
