public void ExecuteSplit(string command = null, FrameworkElement fe = null)
            CommandRequest cr = new CommandRequest();

            cr.CommandSyntax = command;
            string stmt = command;                       //cmd.CommandSyntax;

            if (stmt.Contains("BSkySetDataFrameSplit(")) ///executes when SPLIT is fired from menu
                bool setsplit = false;
                int  startind = 0; int endind = 0;
                if (stmt.Contains("col.names"))
                    startind = stmt.IndexOf("c(", stmt.IndexOf("col.names"));// index of c(
                    startind = stmt.IndexOf("c(");// index of c(
                if (startind > 0)
                    endind = stmt.IndexOf(")", startind);
                if (startind > 0 && endind > startind)
                    int    len = endind - startind + 1;         // finding the length of  c(......)
                    string str = stmt.Substring(startind, len); // this will contain c('tg0','tg1') or just c()
                    string ch  = null;
                    if (str.Contains("'"))
                        ch = "'";
                    if (str.Contains('"'))
                        ch = "\"";
                    if (ch != null && ch.Length > 0)
                        int i = str.IndexOf(ch);
                        int j = -1;
                        if (i >= 0)
                            j = str.IndexOf(ch, i + 1);
                        if (j < 0)
                            j = i + 1;
                        string sub = str.Substring(i + 1, (j - i - 1)).Trim();
                        if (i < 0)
                            i = str.IndexOf("'");
                        if (i >= 0)
                            if (sub.Length > 0)
                                setsplit = true;
                //Executing the command in R///
                analytics.ExecuteR(cr, false, false);

                ////Creating a command output////11Jul2014

                CommandOutput splitCo = new CommandOutput();
                splitCo.NameOfAnalysis     = "Split:#" + setsplit;
                splitCo.IsFromSyntaxEditor = false;

                AUParagraph aup = new AUParagraph();
                aup.FontSize    = BSkyStyler.BSkyConstants.TEXT_FONTSIZE; //App.HEADER_FONTSIZE;
                aup.Text        = stmt;
                aup.ControlType = "Header";                               // treenodename.Length < treenodecharlen ? treenodename : treenodename.Substring(0, treenodecharlen);

                //////////  Setting/Unsetting Macro  for SPLIT //////////
                if (setsplit)
                    OutputHelper.AddGlobalObject(string.Format("GLOBAL.{0}.SPLIT", UIController.GetActiveDocument().Name), fe);
                    //window.Template = null; //11Mar2013 release the XAML object. ie obj is no more child of window.
                    AddToSyntaxSession(splitCo); //11Jul2014 SendToOutputWindow(dialogTitle, stmt);
                    Refresh_Statusbar();         // RefreshGrids();
                    return;                      // no need to do any thing further
                else // unset split
                    OutputHelper.DeleteGlobalObject(string.Format("GLOBAL.{0}.SPLIT", UIController.GetActiveDocument().Name));
                    //if (window != null && window.Template != null)
                    //    window.Template = null; //11Mar2013 release the XAML object. ie obj is no more child of window.
                    AddToSyntaxSession(splitCo); //11Jul2014 SendToOutputWindow(dialogTitle, stmt);
                    Refresh_Statusbar();         // RefreshGrids();
                    return;                      // no need to do any thing further
        ////// For Analysis Command Execution from Syntax Editor /////
        public void ExecuteSyntaxEditor3(object param, bool selectedForDump)
            parameter = param;
            if (!canExecute)
            object obj = null;
            string dialogcommandstr = null;

                //here TemplateFileName xaml will have same name as the analysis command function name
                // say- function called frm SynEdtr was '' then in bin\Config\ 
                // dialog xaml, '' and
                // output template file '' must exist
                // ie.. func name = xaml name = xml name
                XmlReader xmlr = XmlReader.Create(TemplateFileName);
                dialogcommandstr = xmlr.Value.Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace('\"', '\'');
                obj = System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.Load(XmlReader.Create(TemplateFileName));
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Could not create template from " + TemplateFileName);
                logService.WriteToLogLevel("SynEdtr:Could not create template from " + TemplateFileName, LogLevelEnum.Error, ex);
            element             = obj as FrameworkElement;
            window              = new BaseOptionWindow();
            window.Template     = element;
            element.DataContext = this; // loading vars in left listbox(source)
            commandwindow = element;
            //// take two strings and then try to make merged dictionary. remove extra spaces. replace " with '
            //string bksytemplate="bsky.CrossTable(x=c({Rows}),y=c({columns}),layers=c({layers}),datasetname='{%DATASET%}',chisq={chisq})";
            //string bskycommand="bsky.CrossTable(x=c('store','contact'),y='regular',layers=c('gender'),datasetname='Dataset1',chisq=FALSE)";
            //string dialogcommandstr = "{SelectedVars}),mu={testValue},conf.level=0.89,datasetname='{%DATASET%}',missing=0)";
            string bskycommand = ((UAMenuCommand)parameter).bskycommand.Replace(" ", string.Empty); //"'tg0','tg2','tg3'),mu=30,conf.level=0.89,datasetname='Dataset1',missing=0)";

            Dictionary <string, string> dialogkeyvalpair      = new Dictionary <string, string>();  //like: key=mu, val= {testValue}
            Dictionary <string, string> bskycommandkeyvalpair = new Dictionary <string, string>();  //like: key=mu, val= 30
            Dictionary <string, string> merged = new Dictionary <string, string>();                 //like: key=testValue, val = 30

            OutputHelper.getArgumentSetDictionary(dialogcommandstr, dialogkeyvalpair);
            OutputHelper.getArgumentSetDictionary(bskycommand, bskycommandkeyvalpair);
            OutputHelper.MergeTemplateCommandDictionary(dialogkeyvalpair, bskycommandkeyvalpair, merged);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in merged)
                if (!pair.Key.Contains("%"))
                    OutputHelper.SetValueFromSynEdt(element, pair.Key, pair.Value);
            //foreach (Match m in mc)
            //    //Console.WriteLine(s.Index + " : " + s.ToString());// {SelectedVars} {testValue} {%DATASET%}
            //    if (!m.ToString().Contains("%"))
            //    {
            //        args = OutputHelper.getArgument(bskycommand, m.Index);
            //        uiElementName = m.ToString().Replace('{', ' ').Replace('}', ' ').Trim();
            //        OutputHelper.SetValueFromSynEdt(element, uiElementName, args);
            //    }
            //OutputHelper.SetValueFromSynEdt(element, "SelectedVars");
            //OutputHelper.SetValueFromSynEdt(element, "testValue");

            //For Chisq check box only
            //FrameworkElement chkElement = element.FindName("chisq") as FrameworkElement;
            if (true)//window.DialogResult.HasValue && window.DialogResult.Value)
                //analytics can be sent from parent function(in SyntaxEditorWindow)
                //IAnalyticsService analytics = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IAnalyticsService>();
                //IConfigService confService = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IConfigService>();//23nov2012
                cmd = new CommandRequest();

                OutputHelper.UpdateMacro("%DATASET%", UIController.GetActiveDocument().Name);

                ///////////for chisq //// 29Mar2012 ///
                //if ((chkElement != null) && (bool)((chkElement as CheckBox).IsChecked))
                //    OutputHelper.UpdateMacro("%CHISQ%", "chisq");
                /////////////for chisq //// 29Mar2012 ///

                BSkyCanvas canvas = element as BSkyCanvas;
                if (canvas != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(canvas.CommandString))
                    UAMenuCommand command = (UAMenuCommand)parameter;
                    cmd.CommandSyntax = command.commandformat; //OutputHelper.GetCommand(canvas.CommandString, element);// can be used for "Paste" for syntax editor
                    UAReturn retval = null;                    //retval = new UAReturn(); retval.Data = LoadAnalysisBinary();
                    #region Execute BSky command
                        retval            = analytics.Execute(cmd); // RService called and DOM returned for Analysis commands
                        cmd.CommandSyntax = command.commandtype;    ////for header area ie NOTES
                        ///Added by Anil///07Mar2012
                        bool myrun = false;
                        if (cmd.CommandSyntax.Contains("BSkySetDataFrameSplit("))///executes when SPLIT is fired from menu
                            bool setsplit = false;
                            int  startind = 0;
                            if (cmd.CommandSyntax.Contains("col.names"))
                                startind = cmd.CommandSyntax.IndexOf("c(", cmd.CommandSyntax.IndexOf("col.names"));// index of c(
                                startind = cmd.CommandSyntax.IndexOf("c(");// index of c(

                            int    endind = cmd.CommandSyntax.IndexOf(")", startind);
                            int    len    = endind - startind + 1;                      // finding the length of  c(......)
                            string str    = cmd.CommandSyntax.Substring(startind, len); // this will contain c('tg0','tg1') or just c()
                            string ch     = null;
                            if (str.Contains("'"))
                                ch = "'";
                            if (str.Contains('"'))
                                ch = "\"";
                            if (ch != null && ch.Length > 0)
                                int i = str.IndexOf(ch);
                                int j = -1;
                                if (i >= 0)
                                    j = str.IndexOf(ch, i + 1);
                                if (j < 0)
                                    j = i + 1;
                                string sub = str.Substring(i + 1, (j - i - 1)).Trim();
                                if (i < 0)
                                    i = str.IndexOf("'");
                                if (i >= 0)
                                    if (sub.Length > 0)
                                        setsplit = true;

                            //////////  Setting/Unsetting Macro  for SPLIT //////////
                            if (setsplit)
                                OutputHelper.AddGlobalObject(string.Format("GLOBAL.{0}.SPLIT", UIController.GetActiveDocument().Name), element);
                                return;// no need to do any thing further
                            else // unset split
                                OutputHelper.DeleteGlobalObject(string.Format("GLOBAL.{0}.SPLIT", UIController.GetActiveDocument().Name));
                                return;// no need to do any thing further
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Couldn't Execute the command");
                        logService.WriteToLogLevel("Couldn't Execute the command", LogLevelEnum.Error, ex);
                    //UAReturn retval = new UAReturn();
                    retval.Success = true;
                    AnalyticsData data = new AnalyticsData();
                    data.SelectedForDump = selectedForDump;   //10Jan2013
                    data.PreparedCommand = cmd.CommandSyntax; //storing command
                    data.Result          = retval;
                    data.AnalysisType    = cmd.CommandSyntax; //"T-Test"; For Parent Node name 02Aug2012
                    data.InputElement    = element;
                    data.DataSource      = ds;
                    data.OutputTemplate  = ((UAMenuCommand)parameter).commandoutputformat;
