Beispiel #1
        protected virtual object CompileUnary()
            if (MatchToken(Token.Type.Not, Token.Type.Subtraction))
                Token  op        = previous;
                object right     = CompileUnary();
                Type   rightType = CompilerUtility.GetReturnType(right);

                Operation.UnaryOperationDelegate del = _assembly.GetUnaryOperation(op.type, rightType);
                if (del == null)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot perform the operation " + op.text + " on " + rightType.Name);

                return(del.Invoke(right, _cdata));
Beispiel #2
        protected virtual object CompilePostUnary()
            object left   = CompileFunctionCall();
            object output = null;

            if (MatchToken(Token.Type.Increment, Token.Type.Decrement))
                Token op       = previous;
                Type  leftType = CompilerUtility.GetReturnType(left);

                Operation.UnaryOperationDelegate del = _assembly.GetUnaryOperation(op.type, leftType);
                if (del == null)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot perform the operation " + op.text + " on " + leftType.Name);

                return(del.Invoke(left, _cdata));

            return((output != null) ? (object)output : left);