public void SetSpawner(Spawner2 spawner ) { current_node = spawner.startNode; agent.Warp (spawner.startNode.real_transform.position); agent.ResetPath (); agent.SetDestination (spawner.startNode.real_transform.position); }
public override void Activate() { base.Activate (); tracked_enemy = null; current_node = null; id = global_id_counter ++; parameters.hp_current = parameters.hp_max; }
public override void Activate() { base.Activate (); tracked_enemy = null; current_node = null; enemy_range_penalty_factor = 0; squad = null; id = global_id_counter ++; parameters.hp_current = parameters.hp_max; }
public void MoveToNextNode() { var available_nodes = current_node [side]; if (available_nodes.Length > 0) { current_node = available_nodes [game_controller.mutationTables [id % game_controller.mutationTables.Length] % available_nodes.Length]; agent.SetDestination(current_node.real_transform.position); } else { current_node = null; agent.Stop(); } }
public void TwoNodesOfDifferenceTypeWithTheSameIdShouldNotBeEqual() { // arrange var node1 = new Node1("node1"); var node2 = new Node2("node1"); // act var equal = EqualityComparer<Node>.Default.Equals(node1, node2); // Assert Assert.That(equal, Is.False, "Nodes are equal"); }
public TestTreeData() { Tree = new Tree <string>(); Node1 = Tree.AddChild("node1"); Node2 = Tree.AddChild("node2"); Node3 = Tree.AddChild("node3"); Node11 = Node1.AddChild("node11"); Node21 = Node2.AddChild("node21"); Node22 = Node2.AddChild("node22"); Node211 = Node21.AddChild("node211"); }
void CreateGrid() { grid = new Node2[gridSizeX, gridSizeY]; Vector3 worldBottomLeft = transform.position - Vector3.right * gridWorldSize.x / 2 - Vector3.up * gridWorldSize.y / 2; for (int x = 0; x < gridSizeX; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < gridSizeY; y++) { Vector3 worldPoint = worldBottomLeft + Vector3.right * (x * nodeDiameter + nodeRadius) + Vector3.up * (y * nodeDiameter + nodeRadius); bool walkable = !(Physics.CheckSphere(worldPoint, nodeRadius, unwalkableMask)); grid[x, y] = new Node2(walkable, worldPoint); } } }
public void AddBannerToXml(string tempPath, string ImageName2, string ImageCoupon, string PageName, string PageId, string UserId, string virtualpathmobile, string BannerId) { XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); string homepath = Session["HomePath"].ToString(); xmldoc.Load(Session["HomePath"].ToString() + BannerOrder.BannerXml); //Create a new node XmlNodeList Node; Node = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("bannerName"); XmlElement banners = xmldoc.CreateElement("banners"); XmlElement banner = xmldoc.CreateElement("banner"); XmlElement name = xmldoc.CreateElement("name"); XmlElement body = xmldoc.CreateElement("body"); XmlElement imagePath = xmldoc.CreateElement("imagePath"); XmlElement link = xmldoc.CreateElement("link"); XmlElement PageNames = xmldoc.CreateElement("PageNames"); XmlElement virtualmobilepath = xmldoc.CreateElement("virtualmobilepath1"); XmlElement BannerId1 = xmldoc.CreateElement("BannerId"); name.InnerText = "New"; body.InnerText = "Lorem Ipsum"; imagePath.InnerText = "../StoreData/BannerNew/" + ImageName2; link.InnerText = Session["HomePath"] + "PrintCoupon1.aspx?CouponID=" + ImageCoupon + "&PageName=" + PageName + "&PageId=" + PageId + "&UserId=" + UserId; PageNames.InnerText = PageName; virtualmobilepath.InnerText = "../StoreData/MobileBannerNew/" + ImageName2; BannerId1.InnerText = BannerId; banner.AppendChild(name); banner.AppendChild(body); banner.AppendChild(imagePath); banner.AppendChild(link); banner.AppendChild(PageNames); banner.AppendChild(virtualmobilepath); banner.AppendChild(BannerId1); int tempNodeId1 = 0; tempNodeId1 = GetPagesNode(Convert.ToInt32(PageId), Convert.ToInt32(UserId)); XmlNodeList Node1; Node1 = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("banners"); Node1.Item(tempNodeId1).AppendChild(banner); // Important Count XmlNodeList Node2; Node2 = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("bannerName"); Node2.Item(tempNodeId1).FirstChild.InnerText = Node1.Item(tempNodeId1).ChildNodes.Count.ToString(); xmldoc.Save(ContentManager.GetPhysicalPath(Session["HomePath"].ToString() + BannerOrder.BannerXml)); }
public int MaxDepth(Node2 root) { if (root == null) { return(0); } int nMax = 0; foreach (Node2 n in root.children) { nMax = Math.Max(nMax, MaxDepth(n)); } return(nMax + 1); }
//RemoveLast: Removes the Tail Node public void RemoveTail() { var size = SizeOf(); var current = _head; while (current != _tail && current != null) { if (current.Next == _tail) { _tail = current; _tail.Next = null; } current = current.Next; } }
private void ReadNode(Node2 node, List <int> myList) { var numChildNodes = Pop(myList); var numMetaDatas = Pop(myList); for (var nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < numChildNodes; nodeIndex++) { var childNode = new Node2(); ReadNode(childNode, myList); node.ChildNodes.Add(childNode); } for (var nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < numMetaDatas; nodeIndex++) { node.MetaData.Add(Pop(myList)); } }
public TriangleBVHItem RayIntersect(ref Ray ray, ref float hitdist) { if (ray.Intersects(Box) == false) { return(null); } TriangleBVHItem hit = null; if (Triangles != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Triangles.Length; i++) { var tri = Triangles[i]; var v1 = tri.Corner1; var v2 = tri.Corner2; var v3 = tri.Corner3; if (ray.Intersects(ref v1, ref v2, ref v3, out float d) && (d < hitdist) && (d > 0)) { hitdist = d; hit = tri; } } } if (Node1 != null) { var hd = hitdist; var h = Node1.RayIntersect(ref ray, ref hd); if ((h != null) && (hd < hitdist)) { hitdist = hd; hit = h; } } if (Node2 != null) { var hd = hitdist; var h = Node2.RayIntersect(ref ray, ref hd); if ((h != null) && (hd < hitdist)) { hitdist = hd; hit = h; } } return(hit); }
/// <summary> /// Sección del texto donde se resuelven operaciones matemáticas /// </summary> void GetBegin() { ///Pregunta si el token actual es igual a begin if (tokenList[index].tokenType.Equals(TokenType.BEGIN)) { Node2 Begin = new Node2(tokenList[index]); ///Crea un nodo begin = tokenList[index].lexeme; //El nodo begin tiene el valor al elemento actual first.AddNode(Begin); ///Añade el nodo al primer elemento del árbol Assign(); PrintVars(); Debug.Log("You've arrived to the operations zone"); } else { error += "Missing Begin Section!\n"; } }
private List <Node2> NearRecursive(Node2 node, Node2 x_new, List <Node2> near, float minDistance) { Vector3 pos = x_new.pos; float xDist = pos[0] - node.pos[0]; float zDist = pos[2] - node.pos[2]; float distance = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(xDist, 2) + Mathf.Pow(zDist, 2)); if ((distance < minDistance) && (x_new != node) && (x_new.parent != node)) { near.Add(node); } foreach (Node2 childNode in node.children) { near = NearRecursive(childNode, x_new, near, minDistance); } return(near); }
private bool Triangulate() { FaceExList dynamics = new FaceExList(this.m_nodes.Count); this.m_faces.Clear(); this.m_faces.Capacity = this.m_nodes.Count * 2; bool flag; if (this.m_nodes == null) { flag = false; } else if (this.m_nodes.Count < 3) { flag = false; } else { this.CreateSuperBox(dynamics); List <FaceEx> F = new List <FaceEx>(); int num1 = this.get_SuperBoxIndex(1) + 1; int num2 = this.get_SuperBoxIndex(2) - 1; for (int C = num1; C <= num2; ++C) { Node2 node = this.m_nodes[C]; dynamics.MigrateStaticFaces(this.m_faces, node.x); F.Clear(); if (dynamics.CullFaces(node.x, node.y, F) != 0) { EdgeList edgeList = new EdgeList(F); edgeList.TrimHighValenceEdges(); int num3 = edgeList.Count - 1; for (int index = 0; index <= num3; ++index) { dynamics.AddFace(edgeList[index].A, edgeList[index].B, C, this.m_nodes); } } } dynamics.MigrateRemainingFaces(this.m_faces); this.DestroySuperBox(); this.SolveStaticOrientation(); flag = true; } return(flag); }
public void Construction2() { // Arrange var graph = new Graph <Node2, Edge2>(); // Act Node2 node1, node2; graph.Add(node1 = new Node2()); graph.Add(node2 = new Node2()); Edge2 edge; graph.Add(edge = new Edge2(node1, node2, 1)); // Assert edge.MyEdgeProp.ShouldBe(1); edge.Reverse.MyEdgeProp.ShouldBe(-1); }
void OnDrawGizmos() { Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position, new Vector3(gridWorldSize.x, gridWorldSize.y)); if (grid != null) { Node2 playerNode = NodeFromWorldPoint(player.position); foreach (Node2 n in grid) { Gizmos.color = (n.walkable) ? Color.white :; if (playerNode == n) { Gizmos.color =; } Gizmos.DrawCube(n.worldPosition, * (nodeDiameter - .1f)); } } }
/// <summary> /// function to add the value to the D-LL at the end /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> public void Add(int value) { Node2 <int> node = new Node2 <int>(value); //case-1:list is empty, then initilize the head and tail if (head == null) { head = node; tail = node; } //case-2:list has atleast 1 ele, then append to the end else { node.Previous = tail; //init the back ref tail.Next = node; tail = node; } }
//add in the last public Node2 AddLast(int data) { Node2 newNode = new Node2(data); if (head == null) { return(head = newNode); } else { Node2 n = head; while ( != null) { n =; } return( = newNode); } }
/// <summary> /// function to search a value in the D-LL /// </summary> /// <param name="value">value to search</param> /// <returns>result</returns> public bool Search(int value) { Node2 <int> temp = head; ////traverse throught the list till the item is found or end is reached while (temp != null && temp.Value != value) { temp = temp.Next; } //check if the entire list is traversed if (temp == null) { return(false); } return(true); }
public IList <IList <int> > LevelOrder(Node2 root) { IList <IList <int> > result = new List <IList <int> >(); if (root == null) { return(result); } result.Add(new List <int>()); result[0].Add(root.val); foreach (Node2 n in root.children) { LevelOrderLevel(n, 1, result); } return(result); }
private void BuildResult(Node2 node, ref string result) { if (node.Master.Any()) { var nodes = node.Master.OrderByDescending(x => x.Letter); //result += string.Join("", nodes.Select(x => x.Letter)); foreach (var m in nodes) { if (result.IndexOf(m.Letter) == -1) { result += m.Letter; } } foreach (var m in nodes) { BuildResult(m, ref result); } } }
private void LevelOrderLevel(Node2 root, int level, IList <IList <int> > result) { if (root == null) { return; } if (level >= result.Count) { result.Add(new List <int>()); } result[level].Add(root.val); foreach (Node2 n in root.children) { LevelOrderLevel(n, level + 1, result); } }
public long SolveA(string input) { // 2 3 0 3 10 11 12 1 1 0 1 99 2 1 1 2 // A-----------------------------m-m-m // B----m--m--m C----------m // D----m // I don't know what part 2 is, but I can assume it's some tree-traversal thing. // So don't do the easy algorithm where we just walk through and add numbers. // Let's actually build the tree. var myList = Parser.Tokenize(input, ' ').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToList(); var parentNode = new Node2(); ReadNode(parentNode, myList); // Now, traverse, and get the total. return(parentNode.GetMetaDataSum()); }
public static void Part2() { //The bridge you've built isn't long enough; you can't jump the rest of the way. //In the example above, there are two longest bridges: // 0 / 2--2 / 2--2 / 3--3 / 4 // 0 / 2--2 / 2--2 / 3--3 / 5 //Of them, the one which uses the 3 / 5 component is stronger; its strength is 0 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 // + 3 + 5 = 19. //What is the strength of the longest bridge you can make? If you can make multiple bridges of the //longest length, pick the strongest one. IList <Node2> components = new List <Node2>(); int maxStrengthLongest = 0; int longestBridge = 0; string line; using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(Input)) { while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { var component = line.Split('/').Select(p => int.Parse(p)); components.Add(new Node2 { A = component.First(), B = component.Last() }); } } var roots = components.Where(c => c.A == 0 || c.B == 0); foreach (Node2 rootNode in roots) { Node2 root = new Node2 { A = rootNode.A == 0 ? rootNode.A : rootNode.B, B = rootNode.A == 0 ? rootNode.B : rootNode.A, }; root.AddChildren(ref components, ref maxStrengthLongest, ref longestBridge); } Debug.WriteLine("Max length: " + longestBridge); Debug.WriteLine("Max strength: " + maxStrengthLongest); }
/// <summary>Make sure all triangles are oriented counter-clockwise</summary> private void SolveStaticOrientation() { int num = this.m_faces.Count - 1; for (int index = 0; index <= num; ++index) { int a = this.m_faces[index].A; int b = this.m_faces[index].B; int c = this.m_faces[index].C; Node2 node1 = this.m_nodes[a]; Node2 node2 = this.m_nodes[b]; Node2 node3 = this.m_nodes[c]; if (Line2.Side(node1.x, node1.y, node2.x, node2.y, node3.x, node3.y) == Side2.Right) { this.m_faces[index].B = c; this.m_faces[index].C = b; } } }
public override void Delete(bool onlyEdgeDeleted) { _Draw(new Pen(Color.White, Thickness + 1)); base.Delete(onlyEdgeDeleted); // redraw the nodes Node1.Visualizer.Draw(Node1.GetState()); Node2.Visualizer.Draw(Node2.GetState()); Program.Presenter.EdgeHolder.RemoveEdge(this); Program.Presenter.EdgeHolder.RedrawAllEdges(); Program.Presenter.NodeHolder.RedrawAllNodes(); //if (Program.Presenter.cb_selfStab.Checked && onlyEdgeDeleted) //{ // Task.Run(() => Node1.UserDefined_SingleInitiatorProcedure(Node1)); // Task.Run(() => Node2.UserDefined_SingleInitiatorProcedure(Node2)); //} }
private Node2 NearestRecursive(Node2 node, Vector3 pos, Node2 x_nearest, float minDistance) { float xDist = pos[0] - node.pos[0]; float zDist = pos[2] - node.pos[2]; float distance = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(xDist, 2) + Mathf.Pow(zDist, 2)); if (distance < minDistance) { x_nearest = node; minDistance = distance; } foreach (Node2 childNode in node.children) { x_nearest = NearestRecursive(childNode, pos, x_nearest, minDistance); xDist = pos[0] - x_nearest.pos[0]; zDist = pos[2] - x_nearest.pos[2]; minDistance = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(xDist, 2) + Mathf.Pow(zDist, 2)); } return(x_nearest); }
/* As banner rotating through flash so that we need add this information to the .XML file */ public void AddBannerToXml(string tempPath, string ImageName2, string ImageCoupon, string PageName) { XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); xmldoc.Load(Session["HomePath"].ToString() + "banners_Cat.xml"); //Create a new node XmlNodeList Node; Node = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("bannerName"); XmlElement banners = xmldoc.CreateElement("banners"); XmlElement banner = xmldoc.CreateElement("banner"); XmlElement name = xmldoc.CreateElement("name"); XmlElement body = xmldoc.CreateElement("body"); XmlElement imagePath = xmldoc.CreateElement("imagePath"); XmlElement link = xmldoc.CreateElement("link"); XmlElement PageNames = xmldoc.CreateElement("PageNames"); name.InnerText = "New"; body.InnerText = "Lorem Ipsum"; imagePath.InnerText = "../StoreData/BannerNew/" + ImageName2; //link.InnerText = Session["HomePath"] + "PrintCoupon.aspx?CouponID=" + ImageCoupon + "&PageName=" + ddlPage.SelectedItem.Text; link.InnerText = Session["HomePath"] + "PrintCoupon1.aspx?CouponID=" + ImageCoupon + "&PageName=" + ddlPage.SelectedItem.Text + "&PageId=" + Convert.ToInt32(ddlPage.SelectedValue) + "&UserId=" + Convert.ToInt32(ddlUserType.SelectedValue); PageNames.InnerText = PageName; banner.AppendChild(name); banner.AppendChild(body); banner.AppendChild(imagePath); banner.AppendChild(link); banner.AppendChild(PageNames); int tempNodeId1 = 0; tempNodeId1 = GetPagesNode(); XmlNodeList Node1; Node1 = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("banners"); Node1.Item(tempNodeId1).AppendChild(banner); // Important Count XmlNodeList Node2; Node2 = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("bannerName"); Node2.Item(tempNodeId1).FirstChild.InnerText = Node1.Item(tempNodeId1).ChildNodes.Count.ToString(); xmldoc.Save(ContentManager.GetPhysicalPath(Session["HomePath"].ToString() + "banners_Cat.xml")); }
public override string ToString() { string toString = ""; if (Node1 != null) { toString += "Node1:" + Node1.ToString(); } if (Node2 != null) { toString += "Node2:" + Node2.ToString(); } if (Link != null) { toString += "Link:" + Link.ToString(); } return(toString); }
public void AddChildren(ref IList <Node2> components, ref int maxStrength, ref int maxLength) { foreach (Node2 component in components.Where(c => !InChain(c))) { if (component.A == B) { var node = new Node2 { A = component.A, B = component.B, Parent = this }; Children.Add(node); if (node.Length > maxLength) { maxLength = node.Length; maxStrength = node.Strength; } if (node.Length == maxStrength && node.Strength > maxStrength) { maxStrength = node.Length; } node.AddChildren(ref components, ref maxStrength, ref maxLength); } if (component.B == B) { var node = new Node2 { A = component.B, B = component.A, Parent = this }; Children.Add(node); if (node.Length > maxLength) { maxLength = node.Length; maxStrength = node.Strength; } if (node.Length == maxStrength && node.Strength > maxStrength) { maxStrength = node.Length; } node.AddChildren(ref components, ref maxStrength, ref maxLength); } } }
public override string ToString() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(Node1.GetValue()); if (Directed) { sb.Append(" --> "); } else { sb.Append(" <--> "); } sb.Append(Node2.GetValue()); if (Node1 is WeightedGraphNode <T> || Node2 is WeightedGraphNode <T> ) { sb.Append(" (").Append(Weight).Append(')'); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public Node2 ChooseNewNode() { Node2 node = null; bool found = false; int curPos = control.subnodes.IndexOf(control.currentNode); while (!found) { if (curPos == (control.subnodes.Count - 1)) { found = true; node = null; break; } curPos++; node = control.subnodes[curPos]; if (node.CheckConditions()) { found = true; } } return(node); }
protected void Awake() { //Finds these scripts to allow use of their properties engine = GetComponent <Engine> (); node = GetComponent <Node> (); node2 = GetComponent <Node2> (); // Sets up a new FSM carStateMachine = new FSM <CarStates>(); // This adds in all the new states into the state machine using variables declared carStateMachine.AddState(new Idle <CarStates>(CarStates.Idle, this, 3.0f)); carStateMachine.AddState(new Launch <CarStates>(CarStates.Launch, this, 0f)); carStateMachine.AddState(new Drive <CarStates>(CarStates.Drive, this, 0f)); carStateMachine.AddState(new Finish <CarStates>(CarStates.Finish, this, 0f)); // Sets Idle as first state to be in once plays been activated carStateMachine.SetInitialState(CarStates.Idle); // These are all the transitions of the states I will require within this program carStateMachine.AddTransition(CarStates.Idle, CarStates.Launch); carStateMachine.AddTransition(CarStates.Launch, CarStates.Drive); carStateMachine.AddTransition(CarStates.Drive, CarStates.Finish); carStateMachine.AddTransition(CarStates.Finish, CarStates.Idle); }
static Node2 insert2(Node2 head, int data) { Node2 p = new Node2(data); if (head == null) { head = p; } else if ( == null) { = p; } else { Node2 start = head; while ( != null) { start =; } = p; } return(head); }
public void SetSpawner(Spawner2 spawner, Vector3 offset ) { transform.position = spawner.transform.position + offset; current_node = spawner.startNode; SetDestination (spawner.startNode.real_transform.position); }