public MyFourierBinder(MyWorkingNode owner, int inputSize, MyMemoryBlock<float> tempBlock)
            : base(owner, inputSize, tempBlock)
            m_stream = new CudaStream();

            m_fft = new CudaFFTPlan1D(inputSize, cufftType.R2C, 1);
            m_ifft = new CudaFFTPlan1D(inputSize, cufftType.C2R, 1);

            m_mulkernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(owner.GPU, @"Common\CombineVectorsKernel", "MulComplexElementWise");
            m_mulkernel.SetupExecution(inputSize + 1);

            m_involutionKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(owner.GPU, @"Common\CombineVectorsKernel", "InvolveVector");
            m_involutionKernel.SetupExecution(inputSize - 1);

            m_inversionKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(owner.GPU, @"Transforms\InvertValuesKernel", "InvertLengthComplexKernel");

            m_dotKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.KernelProduct<float>(owner, owner.GPU, ProductMode.f_DotProduct_f);

            m_normalKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(owner.GPU, @"Transforms\TransformKernels", "PolynomialFunctionKernel");

            m_firstFFTOffset = 0;
            m_secondFFTOffset = (inputSize + 1) * 2;
            m_tempOffset = (inputSize + 1) * 4;

            Denominator = inputSize;
Beispiel #2
        public VectorOps(MyWorkingNode caller, VectorOperation operations, MyMemoryBlock<float> tempBlock)
            m_caller = caller;
            m_operations = operations;
            m_temp = tempBlock;

            MatOperation mat_ops = MatOperation.None;

            if (m_operations.HasFlag(VectorOperation.Rotate))
                Debug.Assert(tempBlock.Count >= 4, "Temporary memory block has to be large at least 4 items when using Rotate operation");
                mat_ops |= MatOperation.Multiplication;

            if (m_operations.HasFlag(VectorOperation.Angle))
                mat_ops |= MatOperation.DotProd;

            if (m_operations.HasFlag(VectorOperation.DirectedAngle))
                mat_ops |= MatOperation.Multiplication | MatOperation.DotProd;
                m_operations |= VectorOperation.Angle | VectorOperation.Rotate;

            m_matOperation = new MyMatrixAutoOps(caller, mat_ops);
 public override void Run(MatOperation operation, MyMemoryBlock<float> A, MyMemoryBlock<float> B, MyMemoryBlock<float> Result)
     switch (operation)
         case MatOperation.EuclidDist:
             if (B.Count == A.ColumnHint)
                 for (int row = 0; row < A.Count / A.ColumnHint; row++)
                     Result.Host[row] = 0;
                     for (int Bindex = 0; Bindex < B.Count; Bindex++)
                         Result.Host[row] += (B.Host[Bindex] - A.Host[A.ColumnHint * row + Bindex]) * (B.Host[Bindex] - A.Host[A.ColumnHint * row + Bindex]);
                     Result.Host[row] = (float)Math.Sqrt( (double) Result.Host[row] );
                     //System.Console.Write(" " + Result.Host[row]);
             MyLog.Writer.WriteLine(MyLogLevel.ERROR, "Trying to run cpu mat ops. for undefined MatOperation");
 public MyGradientBackPropAgent(MyAbstractFeedForwardNode network, int nGPU, MyMemoryBlock<float> labelInput)
     : base(network)
     m_updateWeightKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(nGPU, @"XmlFeedForwardNet\UpdateWeightKernel");
     DeltaProvider = new MyLabelDeltaProvider(m_network, nGPU);
     DeltaProvider.LabelInput = labelInput;
 public MyPermutationBinder(MyWorkingNode owner, int inputSize, MyMemoryBlock<float> tempBlock)
     : base(owner, inputSize, tempBlock)
     m_PermKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(owner.GPU, @"Common\CombineVectorsKernel", "CombineVectorsKernel");
     m_binaryPermKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(owner.GPU, @"Common\CombineVectorsKernel", "CombineTwoVectorsKernel");
Beispiel #6
 public void SetInputMemoryBlock(MyMemoryBlock<float> input, uint inputOffset = 0, uint sampleOffset = 0)
     m_inputBlock = input;
     m_inputOffset = inputOffset;
     m_outputBlock = m_inputBlock;
     m_outputOffset = m_inputOffset;
Beispiel #7
        public static MyMemoryBlock<float> SetupResultSize(MatOperation operation, MyMemoryBlock<float> A, MyMemoryBlock<float> B, MyMemoryBlock<float> Result)
            Result.Count = A != null ? A.Count : 1;
            Result.ColumnHint = A != null ? A.ColumnHint : 1;

            if (A != null)
                if (operation == MatOperation.DotProd)
                    Result.Count = Result.ColumnHint = 1;
                else if (operation == MatOperation.AbsMinIndex || operation == MatOperation.AbsMaxIndex)
                    Result.ColumnHint = 1;
                    Result.Count = 1;
                else if (operation == MatOperation.Multiplication)
                    if (A != null && B != null && A.ColumnHint != 0 && B.Count > 1)
                        Result.ColumnHint = B.ColumnHint;
                        Result.Count = B.ColumnHint * A.Count / A.ColumnHint;
                else if (operation == MatOperation.GetCol)
                    Result.Count = A.Count / A.ColumnHint;
                    Result.ColumnHint = Result.Count;
                else if (operation == MatOperation.GetRow)
                    Result.Count = A.ColumnHint;
                    Result.ColumnHint = Result.Count;
                else if (B != null && (operation == MatOperation.MultiplElemntWise || operation == MatOperation.Addition))
                    Result.ColumnHint = Math.Max(A.ColumnHint, B.ColumnHint);
                    Result.Count = Math.Max(A.Count, B.Count);
                else if (operation == MatOperation.Transpose)
                    if ((A.ColumnHint != 0) && (A.Count > 0))  // prevent dimension of size 0
                        Result.Dims.Set(new[] { -1, A.Count / A.ColumnHint });
                else if (operation == MatOperation.EuclidDist)
                    if (B != null)
                        Result.Count = A.Count / A.ColumnHint;
                        Result.ColumnHint = 1;

            return Result;
        public MyMatrixKernelOps(MyWorkingNode callee, MatOperation operations, MyMemoryBlock<float> A, MyMemoryBlock<float> B = null)
            OpersKerlsDictionary = new Dictionary<MatOperation, MyCudaKernel>();
            this.callee = callee;

            if ((operations & MatOperation.Log) > 0)
                OpersKerlsDictionary.Add(MatOperation.Log, MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(callee.GPU, @"Vision\Matrix", "LogKernel_naive"));
            if ((operations & MatOperation.Exp) > 0)
                OpersKerlsDictionary.Add(MatOperation.Exp, MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(callee.GPU, @"Vision\Matrix", "ExpKernel_naive"));
            if ((operations & MatOperation.Round) > 0)
                OpersKerlsDictionary.Add(MatOperation.Round, MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(callee.GPU, @"Vision\Matrix", "RoundKernel_naive"));
            if ((operations & MatOperation.Floor) > 0)
                OpersKerlsDictionary.Add(MatOperation.Floor, MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(callee.GPU, @"Vision\Matrix", "FloorKernel_naive"));
            if ((operations & MatOperation.Ceil) > 0)
                OpersKerlsDictionary.Add(MatOperation.Ceil, MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(callee.GPU, @"Vision\Matrix", "CeilKernel_naive"));
            if ((operations & MatOperation.Abs) > 0)
                OpersKerlsDictionary.Add(MatOperation.Abs, MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(callee.GPU, @"Vision\Matrix", "AbsKernel_naive"));
            if ((operations & MatOperation.GetCol) > 0)
                OpersKerlsDictionary.Add(MatOperation.GetCol, MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(callee.GPU, @"Vision\Matrix", "Matrix_getCol_FloatId_naive"));
            if ((operations & MatOperation.GetRow) > 0)
                OpersKerlsDictionary.Add(MatOperation.GetRow, MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(callee.GPU, @"Vision\Matrix", "Matrix_getRow_FloatId_naive"));
            if ((operations & MatOperation.MultiplElemntWise) > 0)
                OpersKerlsDictionary.Add(MatOperation.MultiplElemntWise, MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(callee.GPU, @"Vision\Matrix", "Matrix_MultiplElementWise_naive"));
            if ((operations & MatOperation.Addition) > 0)
                OpersKerlsDictionary.Add(MatOperation.Addition, MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(callee.GPU, @"Vision\Matrix", "Matrix_Addition_naive"));
            if ((operations & MatOperation.Substraction) > 0)
                OpersKerlsDictionary.Add(MatOperation.Substraction, MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(callee.GPU, @"Vision\Matrix", "Matrix_Substraction_naive"));
            if (operations > 0 && OpersKerlsDictionary.Count == 0)
                MyLog.Writer.WriteLine(MyLogLevel.ERROR, "Trying to init kernel MatrixOps for undefined MatOperation");
        public virtual void Unbind(MyMemoryBlock<float> firstInput, MyMemoryBlock<float> secondInput, MyMemoryBlock<float> output)
            int nrInputs = secondInput.Count / m_inputSize;

            var vecs = nrInputs > 1
                // Concatenate pointers to the individual vectors
                ? Enumerable.Range(0, nrInputs).Select(i => secondInput.GetDevicePtr(m_owner) + i * m_inputSize * sizeof(float))
                // Use only a singe pointer
                : Enumerable.Repeat(secondInput.GetDevicePtr(m_owner), 1);

            Unbind(firstInput.GetDevicePtr(m_owner), vecs, output.GetDevicePtr(m_owner));
Beispiel #10
        public MyInputLayer(MyAbstractFeedForwardNode network, MyMemoryBlock<float> input, SizeT offset, SizeT nb, SizeT width, SizeT height, SizeT nbSamplesPerStep)
            : base(network)
            m_inputBlock = input;
            m_inputOffset = offset;

            m_output.Nb = nb;
            m_output.Width = width;
            m_output.Height = height;

            m_nbSamplesPerStep = nbSamplesPerStep;
        public static bool Validate(MyStackingOperation operation, IEnumerable<MyMemoryBlock<float>> inputs, MyMemoryBlock<float> output, out string errorOutput)
            errorOutput = null;

            inputs = inputs.Where(a => a != null);

            switch (operation)
                case MyStackingOperation.None:
                    return true;

                case MyStackingOperation.Concatenate:
                case MyStackingOperation.Interweave:

                    errorOutput = "Invalid operation. Only a single value within the enum range should be passed.";
                    return false;

            if (!inputs.Any())
                errorOutput = "No inputs for stacking operation to run on.";
                return false;

            if (operation == MyStackingOperation.Interweave)
                if (inputs.Any(a => a.ColumnHint == 0))
                    errorOutput = "Invalid column hints. They must be positive.";
                    return false;

                MyMemoryBlock<float> first = inputs.First();
                int rows = first.Count / first.ColumnHint;

                if (inputs.Any(a => a.Count / a.ColumnHint != rows))
                    errorOutput = "Invalid input row counts. Inputs must have the same number of rows.";
                    return false;

            if (inputs.Sum(a => a.Count) > output.Count)
                errorOutput = "Invalid output size: " + output.Count + ". Must be large enough to contain all the inputs.";
                return false;

            return true;
        public override void AllocateMemory()

            m_delta = m_output;

            m_deltaBlock = m_network.DeltasMemoryBlock;
            m_deltaOffset = m_network.DeltasMemoryBlock.Count;
            m_deltaDimGPUPtrOffset = m_network.DataDimsMemoryBlock.Count;

            m_network.DeltasMemoryBlock.Count += m_delta.Count;
        public virtual void Bind(MyMemoryBlock<float> inputs, MyMemoryBlock<float> output)
            int nrInputs = inputs.Count / m_inputSize;
            CUdeviceptr start = inputs.GetDevicePtr(m_owner);
            CUdeviceptr[] arr = GetTempArray(nrInputs); //-1 to skip the first +1 to include output
            for (int i = 0; i < nrInputs - 1; ++i)
                arr[i] = start + (i + 1) * m_inputSize * sizeof(float);

            arr[nrInputs - 1] = output.GetDevicePtr(m_owner);

            Bind(start, arr);
 public MyMatrixAutoOps(MyWorkingNode callee, MatOperation operations, MyMemoryBlock<float> A = null)
     if ((MyMatrixKernelOps.AvailableOperations() & operations) > 0)
         MatKerlOps = new MyMatrixKernelOps(callee, operations);
     if ((MyMatrixCublasOps.AvailableOperations() & operations) > 0)
         MatCublOps = new MyMatrixCublasOps(callee);
     if ((MyMatrixCPUOps.AvailableOperations() & operations) > 0)
         MatCPUOps = new MyMatrixCPUOps(callee);
 public override void Run(MatOperation operation, MyMemoryBlock<float> A, float value, MyMemoryBlock<float> Result)
     if ((MyMatrixCublasOps.AvailableOperations() & operation) > 0)
         MatCublOps.Run(operation, A, value, Result);
     else if ((MyMatrixKernelOps.AvailableOperations() & operation) > 0)
         MatKerlOps.Run(operation, A, value, Result);
         MyLog.Writer.WriteLine(MyLogLevel.ERROR, "Trying to run undefined MatOps");
        public virtual void UnbindMultiple(MyMemoryBlock<float> firstInput, MyMemoryBlock<float> otherInputs, MyMemoryBlock<float> output)
            int nrInputs = otherInputs.Count / m_inputSize;
            CUdeviceptr firstPtr = firstInput.GetDevicePtr(m_owner);
            CUdeviceptr start = otherInputs.GetDevicePtr(m_owner);
            CUdeviceptr[] arr = GetTempArray(nrInputs + 1);//+1 for output

            for (int i = 0; i <= nrInputs; ++i)
                arr[i] = start + i * m_inputSize * sizeof(float);

            arr[nrInputs] = output.GetDevicePtr(m_owner);

            Unbind(firstPtr, arr);
Beispiel #17
        public static MyMemoryBlock<float> SetupResultSize(MatOperation operation, MyMemoryBlock<float> A, MyMemoryBlock<float> B, MyMemoryBlock<float> Result)
            Result.Count = A != null ? A.Count : 1;
            Result.ColumnHint = A != null ? A.ColumnHint : 1;

            if (A != null)
                if (operation == MatOperation.DotProd)
                    Result.Count = Result.ColumnHint = 1;
                else if (operation == MatOperation.Multiplication)
                    if (A != null && B != null && A.ColumnHint != 0 && B.Count > 1)
                        Result.ColumnHint = B.ColumnHint;
                        Result.Count = B.ColumnHint * A.Count / A.ColumnHint;
                else if (operation == MatOperation.GetCol)
                    Result.Count = A.Count / A.ColumnHint;
                    Result.ColumnHint = Result.Count;
                else if (operation == MatOperation.GetRow)
                    Result.Count = A.ColumnHint;
                    Result.ColumnHint = Result.Count;
                else if (B != null && (operation == MatOperation.MultiplElemntWise || operation == MatOperation.Addition))
                    Result.ColumnHint = Math.Max(A.ColumnHint, B.ColumnHint);
                    Result.Count = Math.Max(A.Count, B.Count);
                else if (operation == MatOperation.Transpose)
                    if (A.ColumnHint != 0)
                        Result.ColumnHint = A.Count / A.ColumnHint;
            return Result;
        public MyDistanceOps(MyWorkingNode caller, DistanceOperation operations, MyMemoryBlock<float> tempBlock = null)
            m_caller = caller;
            m_operations = operations;
            m_temp = tempBlock;

            if (operations.HasFlag(DistanceOperation.DotProd))
                m_dotKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.KernelProduct<float>(caller, caller.GPU, ProductMode.f_DotProduct_f);

            if (operations.HasFlag(DistanceOperation.CosDist))
                m_cosKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.KernelProduct<float>(caller, caller.GPU, ProductMode.f_Cosine_f);

            if (operations.HasFlag(DistanceOperation.EuclidDist) || operations.HasFlag(DistanceOperation.EuclidDistSquared))
                // EuclidDist computes EuclidDistSquared first, so keep them together:
                m_operations |= DistanceOperation.EuclidDist | DistanceOperation.EuclidDistSquared;
                m_dotKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.KernelProduct<float>(caller, caller.GPU, ProductMode.f_DotProduct_f);

            if (operations.HasFlag(DistanceOperation.HammingDist))
                m_reduceSumKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.KernelReduction<float>(caller, caller.GPU, ReductionMode.f_Sum_f);
            if (operations.HasFlag(DistanceOperation.HammingSim))
                m_reduceSumKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.KernelReduction<float>(caller, caller.GPU, ReductionMode.f_Sum_f);

            if (operations.HasFlag(DistanceOperation.EuclidDist) || operations.HasFlag(DistanceOperation.EuclidDistSquared) ||
                operations.HasFlag(DistanceOperation.HammingDist) || operations.HasFlag(DistanceOperation.HammingSim))
                m_combineVecsKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(m_caller.GPU, @"Common\CombineVectorsKernel", "CombineTwoVectorsKernel");
Beispiel #19
 protected override void updateInput()
     FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(BuildFile);
     if (DataInput != lastDataInput)
         lastDataInput = DataInput;
         ParamsChanged = true;
     if (m_buildLastFile == null || m_buildLastFile.LastWriteTime != fi.LastWriteTime || !fi.FullName.Equals(m_buildLastFile.FullName))
         m_buildLastFile = fi;
         ParamsChanged = true;
 //private CudaBlas cublas = null;
 public MyMatrixCublasOps(MyWorkingNode callee, MatOperation operation = 0, MyMemoryBlock<float> A = null, MyMemoryBlock<float> tmp = null)
     //  cublas = new CudaBlas();
     this.callee = callee;
 public override void Run(MatOperation operation, MyMemoryBlock<float> A, float value, MyMemoryBlock<float> Result)
     switch (operation)
         case MatOperation.Multiplication:
             MyCublasFactory.Instance.Axpy(value, A.GetDevice(callee), 1, Result.GetDevice(callee), 1);
             MyLog.Writer.WriteLine(MyLogLevel.ERROR, "Trying to run cublas for undefined MatOperation");
 public override void Run(MatOperation operation, MyMemoryBlock<float> A)
     switch (operation)
         case MatOperation.Minus:
             MyCublasFactory.Instance.Scale(-1.0f, A.GetDevice(callee), 1);
         case MatOperation.Normalize:
             float nrm = MyCublasFactory.Instance.Norm2(A.GetDevice(callee), 1);
             MyCublasFactory.Instance.Scale(1 / nrm, A.GetDevice(callee), 1);
             MyLog.Writer.WriteLine(MyLogLevel.ERROR, "Trying to run cublas for undefined MatOperation");
 public override void Run(MatOperation operation, MyMemoryBlock<float> A, MyMemoryBlock<float> Result)
     int itmp;
     switch (operation)
         case MatOperation.MinIndex:
             itmp = MyCublasFactory.Instance.Min(A.GetDevice(callee), 1);
             Result.Fill((float)(itmp - 1));
         case MatOperation.MaxIndex:
             itmp = MyCublasFactory.Instance.Max(A.GetDevice(callee), 1);
             Result.Fill((float)(itmp - 1));
         case MatOperation.Norm2:
             MyCublasFactory.Instance.Norm2(A.GetDevice(callee), 1, Result.GetDevice(callee));
         case MatOperation.Normalize:
             float nrm = MyCublasFactory.Instance.Norm2(A.GetDevice(callee), 1);
             MyCublasFactory.Instance.Axpy(1 / nrm, A.GetDevice(callee), 1, Result.GetDevice(callee), 1);
         case MatOperation.Minus:
             MyCublasFactory.Instance.Axpy(-1.0f, A.GetDevice(callee), 1, Result.GetDevice(callee), 1);
         case MatOperation.Copy:
             MyCublasFactory.Instance.Copy(A.GetDevice(callee), 1, Result.GetDevice(callee), 1);
             MyLog.Writer.WriteLine(MyLogLevel.ERROR, "Trying to run cublas for undefined MatOperation");
 public override void Run(MatOperation operation, MyMemoryBlock<float> A, MyMemoryBlock<float> B, MyMemoryBlock<float> Result)
     switch (operation)
         case MatOperation.Multiplication:  // vectors/matrices have to be always in the correct dimesions!
             if (A.Count == 1) // valueA * B
                 MyCublasFactory.Instance.Axpy(A.Host[0], B.GetDevice(callee), 1, Result.GetDevice(callee), 1);
             else if (B.Count == 1) // A * valueB
                 MyCublasFactory.Instance.Axpy(B.Host[0], A.GetDevice(callee), 1, Result.GetDevice(callee), 1);
             else // another executions...
                 Run(operation, A.GetDevice(callee), A.Count, A.ColumnHint, B.GetDevice(callee), B.Count, B.ColumnHint, Result.GetDevice(callee), Result.Count, Result.ColumnHint, 0);
         case MatOperation.DotProd:
             Run(operation, A.GetDevice(callee), A.Count, A.ColumnHint, B.GetDevice(callee), B.Count, B.ColumnHint, Result.GetDevice(callee), Result.Count, Result.ColumnHint, 0);
             MyLog.Writer.WriteLine(MyLogLevel.ERROR, "Trying to run cublas for undefined MatOperation");
            // Sets up the genetic task
            public override void Init(int nGPU)
                currentGen = 0;
                m_weights = 0;

                // Load the relevant kernels
                m_coeffGenKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(nGPU, @"Genetic\CosyneGenetics", "generateCoefficients");
                m_geneticKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(nGPU, @"Genetic\CosyneGenetics", "grow");
                m_extractKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(nGPU, @"Genetic\CosyneGenetics", "extractCoeffs");
                m_cosineGenKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(nGPU, @"Genetic\CosyneGenetics", "createCosineMatrix");
                m_implantKernel = MyKernelFactory.Instance.Kernel(nGPU, @"Genetic\CosyneGenetics", "implantCoeffs");

                // Init the random generator
                m_rand = new Random();

                // Set up coefficient Generation
                // Set up genetic recombination

                // This finds the first nn group in the network. Possibility of getting a list of networks and evolving them all seperately?
                List<MyNode> ch = Owner.Owner.Network.Children;
                foreach (MyNode n in ch)
                    if (n is MyNeuralNetworkGroup)
                        nn = n as MyNeuralNetworkGroup;
                        MyLog.INFO.WriteLine("Evolving the layers of node: " + nn.Name);
                if (nn == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("There is no top level NeuralNetworkGroup.");

                // Construct the layerlist which is to be read from and written to

                // This is how big the weight matrix will be
                arr_size = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(m_weights));

                // Get the relevant execution plan
                m_executionPlan = Owner.Owner.SimulationHandler.Simulation.ExecutionPlan[0];

                #region MemoryBlocks
                // Initialise the population
                population = new List<MyMemoryBlock<float>>();
                outputPop = new List<MyMemoryBlock<float>>();
                for (int i = 0; i < Owner.PopulationSize; i++)
                    population.Add(new MyMemoryBlock<float>());
                    population[i].Owner = Owner;
                    population[i].Count = arr_size * arr_size;

                    outputPop.Add(new MyMemoryBlock<float>());
                    outputPop[i].Owner = Owner;
                    outputPop[i].Count = arr_size * arr_size;

                // Allocate space to manipulate weight matrices on the device
                cudaMatrices = new MyMemoryBlock<float>();
                cudaMatrices.Owner = Owner;
                cudaMatrices.Count = arr_size * arr_size * Owner.PopulationSize;

                // Allocate a memory block for the Cosine matrix
                multiplier = new MyMemoryBlock<float>();
                multiplier.Owner = Owner;
                multiplier.Count = arr_size * arr_size;

                // Fill the cosine Matrices
                m_cosineGenKernel.Run(multiplier, arr_size);

                // Allocate space needed for chromosomes
                chromosomePop = new MyMemoryBlock<float>();
                chromosomePop.Owner = Owner;
                if (DirectEvolution)
                    chromosomePop.Count = m_weights * Owner.PopulationSize;
                    chromosomePop.Count = CoefficientsSaved * Owner.PopulationSize;

                // Allocate some space for noise to seed the cuda_rand generator
                noise = new MyMemoryBlock<float>();
                noise.Owner = Owner;
                noise.Count = Owner.PopulationSize;

                // Write some noise to the initial array
                for (int i = 0; i < Owner.PopulationSize; i++)
                    noise.Host[i] = (float)m_rand.NextDouble() * 100000 + (float)m_rand.NextDouble() * 40;

                // Allocate space for the fitnesses
                fitnesses = new MyMemoryBlock<float>();
                fitnesses.Owner = Owner;
                fitnesses.Count = Owner.PopulationSize;

                // Allocate some temporary storage
                tempMB = new MyMemoryBlock<float>();
                tempPop = new MyMemoryBlock<float>();
                tempMB.Owner = Owner;
                tempMB.Count = CoefficientsSaved;

                tempPop.Owner = Owner;
                tempPop.Count = arr_size * arr_size;

                marking = new MyMemoryBlock<int>();
                marking.Owner = Owner;
                marking.Count = CoefficientsSaved * Owner.PopulationSize;

                // Check saved Coeffs size
                if (CoefficientsSaved > m_weights)
                    MyLog.WARNING.Write("Saving more Coefficients than exist in the weight matrix. Setting to max permissable value\n");
                    CoefficientsSaved = m_weights;

                if (CoefficientsSaved == m_weights)
                    MyLog.INFO.Write("Saving a coefficient for every weight. Evolving weights directly\n");
                    DirectEvolution = true;

                if (DirectEvolution)
                    CoefficientsSaved = m_weights;

                // Generate the rest of the population
                if (DirectEvolution)
                    m_coeffGenKernel.Run(chromosomePop, CoefficientsSaved, noise, Owner.PopulationSize, WeightMagnitude);
                    m_coeffGenKernel.Run(chromosomePop, CoefficientsSaved, noise, Owner.PopulationSize, Alpha);

                //Disable Backprop tasks in Network
                if (nn.GetActiveBackpropTask() != null)
                    if (!nn.GetActiveBackpropTask().DisableLearning)
                        MyLog.WARNING.WriteLine("Disabling backprop learning for Neural Network");
                        nn.GetActiveBackpropTask().DisableLearning = true;
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms all the vectors stored in <paramref name="vectors"/> to be pair-wise orthonormal using a modified version of the Gram-Schmidt algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vectors">The vectors to orthonormalize.</param>
        /// <param name="temp">A vector of temporal space.</param>
        /// <param name="xDim">The length of each vector.</param>
        /// <param name="yDim">The number of vectors.</param>
        /// <param name="dotKernel">The kernel to compute a dot product.</param>
        /// <param name="multKernel">The kernel to compute vector combinations.</param>
        public static void OrthonormalizeVectors(MyMemoryBlock<float> vectors, MyMemoryBlock<float> temp, int xDim, int yDim, MyProductKernel<float> dotKernel, MyCudaKernel multKernel, int GPU)
            int count = xDim * yDim;

            Debug.Assert(vectors != null && temp != null, "Missing data!");
            Debug.Assert(dotKernel != null && multKernel != null, "Missing a kernel!");
            Debug.Assert(xDim > 0 && yDim > 0, "Negative matrix dimensions!");
            Debug.Assert(vectors.Count >= count, "Too little vectors to orthonormalize!");
            Debug.Assert(temp.Count >= xDim, "Too little temp space!");


            for (int i = 0; i < count; i += xDim)
                var curr = vectors.GetDevicePtr(GPU, i);

                // Normalize the current vector
                    //ZXC dotKernel.Run(temp, 0, curr, curr, xDim, /* distributed: */ 0);
                    dotKernel.Run(temp, curr, curr, xDim);
                    temp.SafeCopyToDevice(0, 1);

                    if (temp.Host[0] < 0.0000001f)

                    temp.Host[0] = (float)(1 / Math.Sqrt(temp.Host[0]));
                    temp.SafeCopyToDevice(0, 1);

                    multKernel.Run(curr, temp, curr, (int)MyJoin.MyJoinOperation.Multiplication, xDim, 1);

                // Make all the remaining vectors orthogonal to the current one
                for (int j = i + xDim; j < count; j += xDim)
                    var next = vectors.GetDevicePtr(GPU, j);

                    // Compute and subtract the projection onto the current vector
                    //ZXC dotKernel.Run(temp, xDim, curr, next, xDim, /* distributed: */ 0);
                    dotKernel.outOffset = xDim;
                    dotKernel.Run(temp, curr, next, xDim);

                    multKernel.Run(curr, temp, temp, (int)MyJoin.MyJoinOperation.Multiplication, xDim, 1);
                    multKernel.Run(next, temp, next, (int)MyJoin.MyJoinOperation.Subtraction, xDim, xDim);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Normalizes vectors along the leading dimension.
        /// </summary>
        public static void NormalizeLeadingDim(
            MyMemoryBlock<float> vectors, MyMemoryBlock<float> temp,
            int leadingDim, int otherDim,
            MyProductKernel<float> dotKernel, MyCudaKernel multKernel, int GPU)
            var count = leadingDim * otherDim;

            Debug.Assert(vectors != null && temp != null, "Missing data!");
            Debug.Assert(dotKernel != null && multKernel != null, "Missing kernels.");
            Debug.Assert(leadingDim > 0 && otherDim > 0, "Negative matrix dimensions!");
            Debug.Assert(vectors.Count >= count, "Too little vectors to orthonormalize!");
            Debug.Assert(temp.Count >= Math.Max(leadingDim, otherDim), "Too little temp space!");


            for (int i = 0; i < otherDim; i++)
                var seg = vectors.GetDevicePtr(GPU, i * leadingDim);
                //dotKernel.Run(temp, i, seg, seg, leadingDim, /* distributed: */ 0);
                dotKernel.outOffset = i;
                dotKernel.Run(temp, seg, seg, leadingDim);

            temp.SafeCopyToHost(0, otherDim);

            for (int i = 0; i < otherDim; i++)
                if (temp.Host[i] < 0.0000001f)
                    temp.Host[i] = 0;
                    temp.Host[i] = (float)(1 / Math.Sqrt(temp.Host[i]));

            temp.SafeCopyToDevice(0, otherDim);

            for (int i = 0; i < otherDim; i++)
                var seg = vectors.GetDevicePtr(GPU, i * leadingDim);
                var len = temp.GetDevicePtr(GPU, i);
                multKernel.Run(seg, len, seg, (int)MyJoin.MyJoinOperation.Multiplication, leadingDim, 1);
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a matrix with <paramref name="xDim"/> being the leading dimension in column-major storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unmanagedVectors">A memory block to store the generated matrix.
        /// Must be as large as <paramref name="xDim"/> x <paramref name="yDim"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="unmanagedBaseVectors">A temporary block to store all the base vectors.
        /// Must be as large as Max(<paramref name="xDim"/>, <paramref name="yDim"/>)^2.
        /// Only neccessary when <paramref name="mode"/> is set to <see cref="VectorGenerationMode.AverageBaseVectors"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="temp">The temporary storage. It should be as long as the longer of the dimensions.</param>
        /// <param name="random">The random object for number generation.</param>
        /// <param name="xDim">The size of the other dimension.</param>
        /// <param name="yDim">The size of the leading dimension.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">If true, the vectors along the longer dimension will be orthonormalized.</param>
        /// <param name="axisToNormalize">The axis along which to normalize vectors after orthonormalization.</param>
        public static void GenerateTransformMatrix(
            MyMemoryBlock<float> unmanagedVectors, MyMemoryBlock<float> unmanagedBaseVectors, MyMemoryBlock<float> temp,
            Random random, int xDim, int yDim,
            MyProductKernel<float> dotKernel, MyCudaKernel multKernel, MyCudaKernel transposeKernel, int GPU,
            VectorGenerationMode mode = VectorGenerationMode.Normal, AxisToNormalizeEnum axisToNormalize = AxisToNormalizeEnum.yDim)
            Debug.Assert(random != null, "Missing random object");
            Debug.Assert(unmanagedVectors != null && (mode != VectorGenerationMode.AverageBaseVectors || unmanagedBaseVectors != null) && temp != null, "Missing data!");
            Debug.Assert(dotKernel != null && multKernel != null && transposeKernel != null, "Missing a kernel!");

            // Mapping to rows --- Column-major storage --- rows will the leading dimension
            // The larger dimension vectors will be orthogonal; the cols dimension vectors will be normalized

            switch (mode)
                case VectorGenerationMode.Normal:
                    if (axisToNormalize == AxisToNormalizeEnum.xDim)
                        // Generate normalized vectors with xDim as the leading dim
                        GenerateRandomNormalVectors(unmanagedVectors.Host, random, xDim, yDim);

                        // Transpose to the correct position
                        transposeKernel.Run(unmanagedVectors, unmanagedVectors, xDim, yDim);
                        GenerateRandomNormalVectors(unmanagedVectors.Host, random, yDim, xDim);

                case VectorGenerationMode.Orthonormalize:
                    int largerDim = Math.Max(xDim, yDim);
                    int smallerDim = Math.Min(xDim, yDim);

                    // Generate vectors with larger leading dimension
                    GenerateRandomNormalVectors(unmanagedVectors.Host, random, largerDim, smallerDim, normalize: false);

                    // Orthonormalize along the larger dimension
                    OrthonormalizeVectors(unmanagedVectors, temp, largerDim, smallerDim, dotKernel, multKernel, GPU);

                    if (xDim > yDim)
                        // xDim is leading and is normalized
                        // We need to transpose to get the correct dims
                        transposeKernel.Run(unmanagedVectors, unmanagedVectors, xDim, yDim);

                        if (axisToNormalize == AxisToNormalizeEnum.yDim)
                            NormalizeLeadingDim(unmanagedVectors, temp, yDim, xDim, dotKernel, multKernel, GPU);
                        // yDim is leading and is normalized
                        // The matrix is in correct position

                        if (axisToNormalize == AxisToNormalizeEnum.xDim)
                            // TODO: generate the matrix with transposed dims?
                            // TODO: SMELLY VERSION:
                            transposeKernel.Run(unmanagedVectors, unmanagedVectors, yDim, xDim);
                            NormalizeLeadingDim(unmanagedVectors, temp, xDim, yDim, dotKernel, multKernel, GPU);
                            transposeKernel.Run(unmanagedVectors, unmanagedVectors, xDim, yDim);

                case VectorGenerationMode.AverageBaseVectors:
                    int longerDim = Math.Max(xDim, yDim);
                    int shorterDim = Math.Min(xDim, yDim);

                        unmanagedBaseVectors, null, temp,
                        random, longerDim, longerDim,
                        dotKernel, multKernel, transposeKernel, GPU,

                    if (shorterDim == longerDim)

                    float it = 0f;
                    float step = longerDim / (float)shorterDim;
                    int beg, end = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < shorterDim; i++)
                        beg = end;
                        it += step;
                        end = (int)it;

                        var vect = unmanagedVectors.GetDevicePtr(GPU, i * longerDim);

                        for (int j = beg; j < end; j++)
                            var baseVect = unmanagedBaseVectors.GetDevicePtr(GPU, j * longerDim);
                            multKernel.Run(baseVect, vect, vect, (int)MyJoin.MyJoinOperation.Addition, longerDim,

                    if (xDim > yDim)
                        // xDim is leading and is not normalized
                        // We need to transpose to get the correct dims

                        if (axisToNormalize == AxisToNormalizeEnum.xDim)
                            NormalizeLeadingDim(unmanagedVectors, temp, xDim, yDim, dotKernel, multKernel, GPU);

                            transposeKernel.Run(unmanagedVectors, unmanagedVectors, xDim, yDim);
                            transposeKernel.Run(unmanagedVectors, unmanagedVectors, xDim, yDim);

                            NormalizeLeadingDim(unmanagedVectors, temp, yDim, xDim, dotKernel, multKernel, GPU);
                        // yDim is leading and is not normalized
                        // The matrix is in correct position

                        if (axisToNormalize == AxisToNormalizeEnum.yDim)
                            NormalizeLeadingDim(unmanagedVectors, temp, yDim, xDim, dotKernel, multKernel, GPU);
                            // TODO: SMELLY VERSION:
                            transposeKernel.Run(unmanagedVectors, unmanagedVectors, yDim, xDim);
                            NormalizeLeadingDim(unmanagedVectors, temp, xDim, yDim, dotKernel, multKernel, GPU);
                            transposeKernel.Run(unmanagedVectors, unmanagedVectors, xDim, yDim);
        public override void AllocateMemory()

            m_weightChange = m_weight;
            m_biasChange = m_bias;

            m_weightBlock = m_network.WeightsMemoryBlock;
            m_weightOffset = m_network.WeightsMemoryBlock.Count;
            m_network.WeightsMemoryBlock.Count += m_weight.Count;
            m_weightDimGPUPtrOffset = m_network.DataDimsMemoryBlock.Count;

            m_weightChangeBlock = m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock;
            m_weightChangeOffset = m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock.Count;
            m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock.Count += m_weightChange.Count;
            m_weightChangeDimGPUPtrOffset = m_network.DataDimsMemoryBlock.Count;

            m_biasBlock = m_network.WeightsMemoryBlock;
            m_biasOffset = m_network.WeightsMemoryBlock.Count;
            m_network.WeightsMemoryBlock.Count += m_bias.Count;
            m_biasDimGPUPtrOffset = m_network.DataDimsMemoryBlock.Count;

            m_biasChangeBlock = m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock;
            m_biasChangeOffset = m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock.Count;
            m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock.Count += m_biasChange.Count;
            m_biasChangeDimGPUPtrOffset = m_network.DataDimsMemoryBlock.Count;

            m_lastWeightDeltaBlock = m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock;
            m_lastWeightDeltaOffset = m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock.Count;
            m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock.Count += m_lastWeightDelta.Count;
            m_lastWeightDeltaDimGPUPtrOffset = m_network.DataDimsMemoryBlock.Count;

            m_storedOutputBlock = m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock;
            m_storedOutputOffset = m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock.Count;
            m_network.WeightChangesMemoryBlock.Count += m_storedOutput.Count;
            m_storedOutputDimGPUPtrOffset = m_network.DataDimsMemoryBlock.Count;
Beispiel #30
        internal void RBMBackward(MyMemoryBlock<float> PreviousLayerBias, float SigmoidSteepness)
            MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("RBM backward from " + Name);
