unsafe MemBitmap GetTransformedBilinearInterpolation()
            //4 points sampling
            //weight between four point
            MemBitmap destCB = new MemBitmap(_destBounds.Width, _destBounds.Height);

            destCB._dbugNote = "GetTransformedBilinearInterpolation()";
            MyBitmapBlender destWriter = new MyBitmapBlender(destCB);
            PointF          ptInPlane = new PointF();
            int             x1, x2, y1, y2;
            double          dab, dbc, dcd, dda;
            float           dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2, dx1y1, dx1y2, dx2y1, dx2y2;
            int             rectWidth  = _destBounds.Width;
            int             rectHeight = _destBounds.Height;
            Vector          ab_vec     = _AB;
            Vector          bc_vec     = _BC;
            Vector          cd_vec     = _CD;
            Vector          da_vec     = _DA;
            int             rectLeft   = _destBounds.Left;
            int             rectTop    = _destBounds.Top;

            int srcW_lim = _srcW - 1;
            int srcH_lim = _srcH - 1;

            using (TempMemPtr.FromBmp(_srcBmp, out int *bufferPtr))
                BufferReader4 reader = new BufferReader4(bufferPtr, _srcBmp.Width, _srcBmp.Height);
                for (int y = 0; y < rectHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < rectWidth; ++x)
                        PointF srcPt = new PointF(x, y);
                        srcPt.Offset(rectLeft, rectTop);
                        if (!IsOnPlaneABCD(srcPt))
                        dab = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p0, srcPt).CrossProduct(ab_vec));
                        dbc = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p1, srcPt).CrossProduct(bc_vec));
                        dcd = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p2, srcPt).CrossProduct(cd_vec));
                        dda = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p3, srcPt).CrossProduct(da_vec));

                        ptInPlane.X = (float)(_srcW * (dda / (dda + dbc)));
                        ptInPlane.Y = (float)(_srcH * (dab / (dab + dcd)));
                        x1          = (int)ptInPlane.X;
                        y1          = (int)ptInPlane.Y;

                        if (x1 >= 0 && x1 < srcW_lim &&
                            y1 >= 0 && y1 < srcH_lim)
                            //x2 = (x1 == srcW - 1) ? x1 : x1 + 1;
                            //y2 = (y1 == srcH - 1) ? y1 : y1 + 1;

                            x2 = x1 + 1;
                            y2 = y1 + 1;

                            dx1 = ptInPlane.X - x1;
                            if (dx1 < 0)
                                dx1 = 0;
                            dx1 = 1f - dx1;
                            dx2 = 1f - dx1;
                            dy1 = ptInPlane.Y - y1;
                            if (dy1 < 0)
                                dy1 = 0;
                            dy1 = 1f - dy1;
                            dy2 = 1f - dy1;
                            dx1y1 = dx1 * dy1;
                            dx1y2 = dx1 * dy2;
                            dx2y1 = dx2 * dy1;
                            dx2y2 = dx2 * dy2;
                            //use 4 points

                            reader.SetStartPixel(x1, y1);

                            Drawing.Color x1y1Color;
                            Drawing.Color x2y1Color;
                            Drawing.Color x1y2Color;
                            Drawing.Color x2y2Color;

                            reader.Read4(out x1y1Color, out x2y1Color, out x1y2Color, out x2y2Color);

                            //Drawing.Color x1y1Color = srcCB.GetPixel(x1, y1);
                            //Drawing.Color x2y1Color = srcCB.GetPixel(x2, y1);
                            //Drawing.Color x1y2Color = srcCB.GetPixel(x1, y2);
                            //Drawing.Color x2y2Color = srcCB.GetPixel(x2, y2);
                            float a = (x1y1Color.A * dx1y1) + (x2y1Color.A * dx2y1) + (x1y2Color.A * dx1y2) + (x2y2Color.A * dx2y2);
                            float b = (x1y1Color.B * dx1y1) + (x2y1Color.B * dx2y1) + (x1y2Color.B * dx1y2) + (x2y2Color.B * dx2y2);
                            float g = (x1y1Color.G * dx1y1) + (x2y1Color.G * dx2y1) + (x1y2Color.G * dx1y2) + (x2y2Color.G * dx2y2);
                            float r = (x1y1Color.R * dx1y1) + (x2y1Color.R * dx2y1) + (x1y2Color.R * dx1y2) + (x2y2Color.R * dx2y2);
                            destWriter.SetPixel(x, y, new Drawing.Color((byte)a, (byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b));
Beispiel #2
 public static void Clear(this MemBitmap bmp, Color color)
     Clear(MemBitmap.GetBufferPtr(bmp), color);
Beispiel #3
        static void Init(GlFwForm form)
            //1. storage io
            PixelFarm.Platforms.StorageService.RegisterProvider(new YourImplementation.LocalFileStorageProvider(""));

            //2. img-io implementation
            PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemBitmapExt.DefaultMemBitmapIO = new YourImplementation.ImgCodecMemBitmapIO(); // new PixelFarm.Drawing.WinGdi.GdiBitmapIO();
            //PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemBitmapExtensions.DefaultMemBitmapIO = new PixelFarm.Drawing.WinGdi.GdiBitmapIO();

            //if we don't set this, it will error on read-write image
            //you can implement this with other lib that can read-write images

            var pars = new PixelFarm.Platforms.ImageIOSetupParameters();

            pars.SaveToPng = (IntPtr imgBuffer, int stride, int width, int height, string filename) =>
                MemBitmap memBmp = new MemBitmap(width, height, imgBuffer);
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create))
                    PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemBitmapExt.DefaultMemBitmapIO.SaveImage(memBmp, fs,

                //---save with GDI+---
                //using (System.Drawing.Bitmap newBmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(width, height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
                //    PixelFarm.CpuBlit.BitmapHelper.CopyToGdiPlusBitmapSameSize(imgBuffer, newBmp);
                //    //save
                //    newBmp.Save(filename);
            pars.ReadFromMemStream = (System.IO.MemoryStream ms, string kind) =>
                //read/guest img format

                //--- load img with GDI+---
                //using (System.Drawing.Bitmap gdiBmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(ms))
                //    PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemBitmap memBmp = new PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemBitmap(gdiBmp.Width, gdiBmp.Height);
                //    //#if DEBUG
                //    //                        memBmp._dbugNote = "img;
                //    //#endif

                //    PixelFarm.CpuBlit.BitmapHelper.CopyFromGdiPlusBitmapSameSizeTo32BitsBuffer(gdiBmp, memBmp);
                //    return memBmp;

            //3. setup text-breaker
            string icu_datadir = "brkitr"; //see brkitr folder, we link data from Typography project and copy to output if newer

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(icu_datadir))
                throw new System.NotSupportedException("dic");
            Typography.TextBreak.CustomBreakerBuilder.Setup(new Typography.TextBreak.IcuSimpleTextFileDictionaryProvider()
                DataDir = icu_datadir

            //4. Typography TextService
            Typography.Text.OpenFontTextService textService = new Typography.Text.OpenFontTextService();
            Typography.Text.TextServiceClient serviceClient = textService.CreateNewServiceClient();
            GlobalTextService.TextService = serviceClient;

            //PART2: root graphics
            Size primScreenSize = UIPlatform.CurrentPlatform.GetPrimaryMonitorSize();

            s_myRootGfx = new MyRootGraphic(primScreenSize.Width, primScreenSize.Height);
            s_viewroot  = new GraphicsViewRoot(primScreenSize.Width, primScreenSize.Height);
            MyGlfwTopWindowBridge bridge1 = new MyGlfwTopWindowBridge(s_myRootGfx, s_myRootGfx.TopWinEventPortal);


            var glfwWindowWrapper = new GlfwWindowWrapper(form);



            if (s_viewroot.GetGLPainter() is GLPainter glPainter)
                glPainter.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
Beispiel #4
 public static CpuBlit.Imaging.TempMemPtr GetBufferPtr(MemBitmap bmp)
     return(new CpuBlit.Imaging.TempMemPtr(bmp._pixelBuffer, bmp._pixelBufferInBytes));
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// swap from gles ARGB to ABGR (Gdi)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src"></param>
 public static void SwapArgbToAbgr(this MemBitmap src)
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// we STORE membitmap inside this rgn,
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bmp"></param>
 public BitmapBasedRegion(CpuBlit.MemBitmap bmp)
     _bmp    = bmp;
     _bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, _bmp.Width, _bmp.Height);
Beispiel #7
 public abstract void SaveImage(MemBitmap bitmap, System.IO.Stream output, OutputImageFormat outputFormat, object saveParameters);
Beispiel #8
        static void CreateSampleMsdfTextureFont(string fontfile, float sizeInPoint, ushort startGlyphIndex, ushort endGlyphIndex, string outputFile)

            var reader = new OpenFontReader();

            Typeface typeface = null;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(fontfile, FileMode.Open))
                //1. read typeface from font file
                typeface = reader.Read(fs);

            //sample: create sample msdf texture
            var builder = new GlyphOutlineBuilder(typeface);
            //builder.UseTrueTypeInterpreter = this.chkTrueTypeHint.Checked;
            //builder.UseVerticalHinting = this.chkVerticalHinting.Checked;

            var atlasBuilder = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder();

            atlasBuilder.SetAtlasFontInfo(typeface.Name, sizeInPoint);
            //create temp folder for each glyph

            string tempFolderName = "tmp_msdf";

            if (Directory.Exists(tempFolderName))
                Directory.Delete(tempFolderName, true);

            if (endGlyphIndex < 1)
                endGlyphIndex = (ushort)(typeface.GlyphCount - 1);

            for (ushort gindex = startGlyphIndex; gindex <= endGlyphIndex; ++gindex)
                //build glyph
                builder.BuildFromGlyphIndex(gindex, sizeInPoint);

                var glyphContourBuilder = new ContourBuilder();
                var genParams           = new MsdfGenParams();
                builder.ReadShapes(new GlyphContourBuilder2(glyphContourBuilder));
                //genParams.shapeScale = 1f / 64; //we scale later (as original C++ code use 1/64)
                BitmapAtlasItemSource glyphImg = MsdfImageGen.CreateMsdfImageV1(glyphContourBuilder, genParams);
                glyphImg.UniqueInt16Name = gindex;

                using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(glyphImg.Width, glyphImg.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
                    int[] buffer  = glyphImg.GetImageBuffer();
                    var   bmpdata = bmp.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, glyphImg.Width, glyphImg.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bmp.PixelFormat);
                    System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, bmpdata.Scan0, buffer.Length);
                    bmp.Save(tempFolderName + "//glyph_" + gindex + ".png");

            MemBitmap glyphImg2 = atlasBuilder.BuildSingleImage(true);


            string saveToFile = "a_info.bin";

            using (System.IO.FileStream saveFs = new FileStream(saveToFile, FileMode.Create))

            //test read texture info back
            var atlasBuilder2 = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder();

            using (System.IO.FileStream readFromFs = new FileStream(saveToFile, FileMode.Open))
                var readbackFontAtlas = atlasBuilder2.LoadAtlasInfo(readFromFs);
Beispiel #9
        GlyphBitmap GetGlyphBitmapFromColorOutlineGlyph(ushort glyphIndex, GlyphMeshStore glyphMeshStore, ushort colorLayerStart)
            //not found=> create a newone
            Typography.OpenFont.Tables.COLR _colrTable = _typeface.COLRTable;
            Typography.OpenFont.Tables.CPAL _cpalTable = _typeface.CPALTable;

            Q1RectD totalBounds = Q1RectD.ZeroIntersection();
                //calculate bounds of this glyph
                ushort colorLayerCount = _colrTable.LayerCounts[glyphIndex];
                for (int c = colorLayerStart; c < colorLayerStart + colorLayerCount; ++c)
                    BoundingRect.GetBoundingRect(glyphMeshStore.GetGlyphMesh(_colrTable.GlyphLayers[c]), ref totalBounds);
            var memBmp   = new MemBitmap((int)Math.Round(totalBounds.Width), (int)Math.Round(totalBounds.Height));//???
            int offset_x = 0;
            int offset_y = 0;

            using (Tools.BorrowAggPainter(memBmp, out AggPainter painter))
                painter.SetOrigin(0, 0);

                offset_x = -(int)(totalBounds.Left);
                offset_y = -(int)(totalBounds.Bottom);

                ushort colorLayerCount = _colrTable.LayerCounts[glyphIndex];
                int    palette         = 0; // FIXME: assume palette 0 for now
                for (int c = colorLayerStart; c < colorLayerStart + colorLayerCount; ++c)
                        _cpalTable.Palettes[palette] + _colrTable.GlyphPalettes[c], //index
                        out byte r, out byte g, out byte b, out byte a);

                    ushort      gIndex = _colrTable.GlyphLayers[c];
                    VertexStore vxs    = glyphMeshStore.GetGlyphMesh(gIndex);
                    using (Tools.BorrowVxs(out var v1))
                        vxs.TranslateToNewVxs(offset_x, offset_y, v1);
                        painter.FillColor = new Color(r, g, b);//? a component
                //find ex
                //memBmp.SaveImage("a0x" + (dbugExportCount) + ".png");

            return(new GlyphBitmap
                Bitmap = memBmp,
                Width = memBmp.Width,
                Height = memBmp.Height,
                ImageStartX = -offset_x, //offset back
                ImageStartY = -offset_y  //offset back
Beispiel #10
 protected virtual void OnAttachingDstBitmap(MemBitmap bmp)
Beispiel #11
        void UpdateRenderOutput()
            if (!_readyToRender)
            if (_g == null)
                _destImg = new MemBitmap(800, 600);
                _painter = AggPainter.Create(_destImg);
                _winBmp  = new Bitmap(_destImg.Width, _destImg.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                _g       = this.CreateGraphics();

                _painter.CurrentFont = new PixelFarm.Drawing.RequestFont("tahoma", 14);

                _textService = new PixelFarm.Drawing.OpenFontTextService();

                _devVxsTextPrinter = new PixelFarm.Drawing.VxsTextPrinter(_painter, _textService);

                _devVxsTextPrinter.ScriptLang        = _basicOptions.ScriptLang;
                _devVxsTextPrinter.PositionTechnique = Typography.TextLayout.PositionTechnique.OpenFont;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtInputChar.Text))

            //test option use be used with lcd subpixel rendering.
            //this demonstrate how we shift a pixel for subpixel rendering tech

            if (_contourAnalysisOpts.SetupPrinterLayoutForLcdSubPix)
                //TODO: set lcd or not here
                //TODO: set lcd or not here

            //1. read typeface from font file
            TypographyTest.RenderChoice renderChoice = _basicOptions.RenderChoice;
            switch (renderChoice)
            case TypographyTest.RenderChoice.RenderWithGdiPlusPath:
                //not render in this example
                //see more at ...

            case TypographyTest.RenderChoice.RenderWithTextPrinterAndMiniAgg:
                //clear previous draw
                _painter.UseLcdEffectSubPixelRendering = _contourAnalysisOpts.LcdTechnique;
                _painter.FillColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Black;

                _selectedTextPrinter                   = _devVxsTextPrinter;
                _selectedTextPrinter.Typeface          = _basicOptions.Typeface;
                _selectedTextPrinter.FontSizeInPoints  = _basicOptions.FontSizeInPoints;
                _selectedTextPrinter.ScriptLang        = _basicOptions.ScriptLang;
                _selectedTextPrinter.PositionTechnique = _basicOptions.PositionTech;

                _selectedTextPrinter.HintTechnique  = _glyphRenderOptions.HintTechnique;
                _selectedTextPrinter.EnableLigature = _glyphRenderOptions.EnableLigature;
                _selectedTextPrinter.SimulateSlant  = _contourAnalysisOpts.SimulateSlant;

                _selectedTextPrinter.TextBaseline = (PixelFarm.Drawing.TextBaseline)lstTextBaseline.SelectedItem;

                //test print 3 lines
                DynamicOutline.dbugTestNewGridFitting    = _contourAnalysisOpts.EnableGridFit;
                DynamicOutline.dbugActualPosToConsole    = _contourAnalysisOpts.WriteFitOutputToConsole;
                DynamicOutline.dbugUseHorizontalFitValue = _contourAnalysisOpts.UseHorizontalFitAlignment;

                char[] printTextBuffer = this.txtInputChar.Text.ToCharArray();
                float  x_pos = 0, y_pos = 0;
                float  lineSpacingPx = _selectedTextPrinter.FontLineSpacingPx;

                const int REF_LINE_LEN = 300;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    _selectedTextPrinter.DrawString(printTextBuffer, x_pos, y_pos);
                    //show debug info...
                    var prevColor      = _painter.FillColor;
                    var prevStrokColor = _painter.StrokeColor;
                    _painter.FillColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    _painter.FillRect(x_pos, y_pos, 5, 5);         // start point

                    //see   //https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/textBaseline
                    switch (_selectedTextPrinter.TextBaseline)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("UNIMPLEMENTED" + _selectedTextPrinter.TextBaseline.ToString());
                        goto case PixelFarm.Drawing.TextBaseline.Alphabetic;                //

                    case PixelFarm.Drawing.TextBaseline.Alphabetic:
                        //alphabetic baseline
                        _painter.StrokeColor = _grayColor;
                        _painter.DrawLine(x_pos, /**/ y_pos,
                                          x_pos + REF_LINE_LEN, y_pos);

                        _painter.StrokeColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Blue;
                        _painter.DrawLine(x_pos, /**/ y_pos - _selectedTextPrinter.FontDescedingPx,
                                          x_pos + REF_LINE_LEN, y_pos - _selectedTextPrinter.FontDescedingPx);                //bottom most

                    case PixelFarm.Drawing.TextBaseline.Top:
                        //alphabetic baseline
                        _painter.StrokeColor = _grayColor;
                        _painter.DrawLine(x_pos, /**/ y_pos + _selectedTextPrinter.FontAscendingPx,
                                          x_pos + REF_LINE_LEN, y_pos + _selectedTextPrinter.FontAscendingPx);
                        //em bottom
                        _painter.StrokeColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Blue;
                        _painter.DrawLine(x_pos, /**/ y_pos + (_selectedTextPrinter.FontAscendingPx - _selectedTextPrinter.FontDescedingPx),
                                          x_pos + REF_LINE_LEN, y_pos + (_selectedTextPrinter.FontAscendingPx - _selectedTextPrinter.FontDescedingPx));                //bottom most

                    case PixelFarm.Drawing.TextBaseline.Bottom:
                        //alphabetic baseline
                        _painter.StrokeColor = _grayColor;
                        _painter.DrawLine(x_pos, /**/ y_pos + _selectedTextPrinter.FontDescedingPx,
                                          x_pos + REF_LINE_LEN, y_pos + _selectedTextPrinter.FontDescedingPx);
                        //em bottom
                        _painter.StrokeColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Blue;
                        _painter.DrawLine(x_pos, /**/ y_pos,
                                          x_pos + REF_LINE_LEN, y_pos);                //bottom most

                    _painter.FillColor   = prevColor;
                    _painter.StrokeColor = prevColor;
                    y_pos += (_selectedTextPrinter.FontAscendingPx - _selectedTextPrinter.FontDescedingPx);

                //copy from Agg's memory buffer to gdi
                PixelFarm.CpuBlit.BitmapHelper.CopyToGdiPlusBitmapSameSizeNotFlip(_destImg, _winBmp);
                _g.DrawImage(_winBmp, new Point(0, 0));

            //render 1 glyph for debug and test
            case TypographyTest.RenderChoice.RenderWithMsdfGen:
            case TypographyTest.RenderChoice.RenderWithSdfGen:
                char     testChar = this.txtInputChar.Text[0];
                Typeface typeFace = _basicOptions.Typeface;
                RenderWithMsdfImg(typeFace, testChar, _basicOptions.FontSizeInPoints);

            case TypographyTest.RenderChoice.RenderWithMiniAgg_SingleGlyph:
                _selectedTextPrinter = _devVxsTextPrinter;
                //for test only 1 char

                throw new NotSupportedException();
Beispiel #12
 public CutCopyPasteDemo()
     _lionPng = MemBitmapExt.LoadBitmap("../Data/lion1.png");
Beispiel #13
 public override void Init()
     //actualImage2 = LoadImage(RootDemoPath.Path + "\\plain01.png");
     _memBmp = LoadImage(RootDemoPath.Path + "\\02.jpg");
     _mat    = AffineMat.GetTranslateMat(50, 50);
        //ActualBitmap GetTransformedBilinearInterpolation()
        //    //4 points sampling
        //    //weight between four point
        //    ActualBitmap destCB = new ActualBitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height);
        //    MyBitmapBlender destWriter = new MyBitmapBlender(destCB);
        //    PointF ptInPlane = new PointF();
        //    int x1, x2, y1, y2;
        //    double dab, dbc, dcd, dda;
        //    float dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2, dx1y1, dx1y2, dx2y1, dx2y2;
        //    int rectWidth = rect.Width;
        //    int rectHeight = rect.Height;
        //    Vector ab_vec = this.AB;
        //    Vector bc_vec = this.BC;
        //    Vector cd_vec = this.CD;
        //    Vector da_vec = this.DA;
        //    int rectLeft = this.rect.Left;
        //    int rectTop = this.rect.Top;

        //    for (int y = 0; y < rectHeight; ++y)
        //    {
        //        for (int x = 0; x < rectWidth; ++x)
        //        {
        //            PointF srcPt = new PointF(x, y);
        //            srcPt.Offset(rectLeft, rectTop);
        //            if (!IsOnPlaneABCD(srcPt))
        //            {
        //                continue;
        //            }
        //            //-------------------------------------
        //            dab = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p0, srcPt).CrossProduct(ab_vec));
        //            dbc = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p1, srcPt).CrossProduct(bc_vec));
        //            dcd = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p2, srcPt).CrossProduct(cd_vec));
        //            dda = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p3, srcPt).CrossProduct(da_vec));

        //            ptInPlane.X = (float)(srcW * (dda / (dda + dbc)));
        //            ptInPlane.Y = (float)(srcH * (dab / (dab + dcd)));
        //            x1 = (int)ptInPlane.X;
        //            y1 = (int)ptInPlane.Y;

        //            if (x1 >= 0 && x1 < srcW && y1 >= 0 && y1 < srcH)
        //            {
        //                //bilinear interpolation ***
        //                x2 = (x1 == srcW - 1) ? x1 : x1 + 1;
        //                y2 = (y1 == srcH - 1) ? y1 : y1 + 1;
        //                dx1 = ptInPlane.X - x1;
        //                if (dx1 < 0) dx1 = 0;
        //                dx1 = 1f - dx1;
        //                dx2 = 1f - dx1;
        //                dy1 = ptInPlane.Y - y1;
        //                if (dy1 < 0) dy1 = 0;
        //                dy1 = 1f - dy1;
        //                dy2 = 1f - dy1;
        //                dx1y1 = dx1 * dy1;
        //                dx1y2 = dx1 * dy2;
        //                dx2y1 = dx2 * dy1;
        //                dx2y2 = dx2 * dy2;
        //                //use 4 points

        //                Drawing.Color x1y1Color = srcCB.GetPixel(x1, y1);
        //                Drawing.Color x2y1Color = srcCB.GetPixel(x2, y1);
        //                Drawing.Color x1y2Color = srcCB.GetPixel(x1, y2);
        //                Drawing.Color x2y2Color = srcCB.GetPixel(x2, y2);
        //                float a = (x1y1Color.alpha * dx1y1) + (x2y1Color.alpha * dx2y1) + (x1y2Color.alpha * dx1y2) + (x2y2Color.alpha * dx2y2);
        //                float b = (x1y1Color.blue * dx1y1) + (x2y1Color.blue * dx2y1) + (x1y2Color.blue * dx1y2) + (x2y2Color.blue * dx2y2);
        //                float g = (x1y1Color.green * dx1y1) + (x2y1Color.green * dx2y1) + (x1y2Color.green * dx1y2) + (x2y2Color.green * dx2y2);
        //                float r = (x1y1Color.red * dx1y1) + (x2y1Color.red * dx2y1) + (x1y2Color.red * dx1y2) + (x2y2Color.red * dx2y2);
        //                destWriter.SetPixel(x, y, new Drawing.Color((byte)a, (byte)b, (byte)g, (byte)r));
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return destCB;
        unsafe MemBitmap GetTransformedBicubicInterpolation()
            //4 points sampling
            //weight between four point
            PointF ptInPlane = new PointF();
            int    x1, x2, y1, y2;
            double dab, dbc, dcd, dda;
            //float dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2, dx1y1, dx1y2, dx2y1, dx2y2;
            int    destRectWidth  = _destBounds.Width;
            int    dectRectHeight = _destBounds.Height;
            Vector ab_vec         = _AB;
            Vector bc_vec         = _BC;
            Vector cd_vec         = _CD;
            Vector da_vec         = _DA;

            using (TempMemPtr.FromBmp(_srcBmp, out int *bufferPtr))
                BufferReader4 reader = new BufferReader4(bufferPtr, _srcBmp.Width, _srcBmp.Height);

                MemBitmap destCB = new MemBitmap(_destBounds.Width, _destBounds.Height);
                destCB._dbugNote = "GetTransformedBicubicInterpolation()";
                MyBitmapBlender destWriter = new MyBitmapBlender(destCB);
                int             rectLeft   = _destBounds.Left;
                int             rectTop    = _destBounds.Top;

                PixelFarm.Drawing.Color[] colors = new PixelFarm.Drawing.Color[16];

                int srcW_lim = _srcW - 2;
                int srcH_lim = _srcH - 2;

                for (int y = 0; y < dectRectHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < destRectWidth; ++x)
                        PointF srcPt = new PointF(x, y);
                        srcPt.Offset(rectLeft, 0);
                        if (!IsOnPlaneABCD(srcPt))
                        dab         = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p0, srcPt).CrossProduct(ab_vec));
                        dbc         = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p1, srcPt).CrossProduct(bc_vec));
                        dcd         = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p2, srcPt).CrossProduct(cd_vec));
                        dda         = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(_p3, srcPt).CrossProduct(da_vec));
                        ptInPlane.X = (float)(_srcW * (dda / (dda + dbc)));
                        ptInPlane.Y = (float)(_srcH * (dab / (dab + dcd)));
                        x1          = (int)ptInPlane.X;
                        y1          = (int)ptInPlane.Y;
                        if (x1 >= 2 && x1 < srcW_lim &&
                            y1 >= 2 && y1 < srcH_lim)
                            reader.SetStartPixel(x1, y1);
                            //do interpolate
                            //find src pixel and approximate
                            destWriter.SetPixel(x, y,

                                                                            ptInPlane.Y)); //TODO:review here blue switch to red channel
                    // startLine += stride2;
                    //targetPixelIndex = startLine;

                //outputBuffer, 0,
                //bmpdata2.Scan0, outputBuffer.Length);
                //return outputbmp;
Beispiel #15
 protected override void OnAttachingDstBitmap(MemBitmap bmp)
     _bmp = bmp;
Beispiel #16
 public override MemBitmap ScaleImage(MemBitmap bmp, float x_scale, float y_scale)
     //TODO: implement this ...
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #17
 public override void WriteBuffer(int[] newbuffer)
     MemBitmap.ReplaceBuffer(_bmp, newbuffer);
        public static MemBitmap Read(Stream strm)
            Hjg.Pngcs.PngReader reader  = new Hjg.Pngcs.PngReader(strm);
            Hjg.Pngcs.ImageInfo imgInfo = reader.ImgInfo;
            Hjg.Pngcs.ImageLine iline2  = new Hjg.Pngcs.ImageLine(imgInfo, Hjg.Pngcs.ImageLine.ESampleType.BYTE);

            int imgH = imgInfo.Rows;
            int imgW = imgInfo.Cols;

            int widthPx = imgInfo.Cols;
            int stride  = widthPx * 4;

            //expand to 32 bits
            int[] buffer     = new int[(stride / 4) * imgH];
            bool  isInverted = false;

            if (isInverted)
                //read each row
                //and fill the glyph image
                int startWriteAt = (imgW * (imgH - 1));
                int destIndex    = startWriteAt;
                for (int row = 0; row < imgH; row++)
                    Hjg.Pngcs.ImageLine iline = reader.ReadRowByte(row);
                    byte[] scline             = iline.ScanlineB;
                    int    b_src = 0;
                    destIndex = startWriteAt;

                    if (imgInfo.BitspPixel == 32)
                        for (int mm = 0; mm < imgW; ++mm)
                            byte b = scline[b_src];
                            byte g = scline[b_src + 1];
                            byte r = scline[b_src + 2];
                            byte a = scline[b_src + 3];
                            b_src += 4;

                            buffer[destIndex] = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | (r) | (a << 24);
                    else if (imgInfo.BitspPixel == 24)
                        for (int mm = 0; mm < imgW; ++mm)
                            byte b = scline[b_src];
                            byte g = scline[b_src + 1];
                            byte r = scline[b_src + 2];
                            b_src            += 3;
                            buffer[destIndex] = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | (r) | (255 << 24);
                        throw new NotSupportedException();

                    startWriteAt -= imgW;
                return(MemBitmap.CreateFromCopy(imgW, imgH, buffer));
                //read each row
                //and fill the glyph image
                int startWriteAt = 0;
                int destIndex    = startWriteAt;
                for (int row = 0; row < imgH; row++)
                    Hjg.Pngcs.ImageLine iline = reader.ReadRowByte(row);
                    byte[] scline             = iline.ScanlineB;

                    int b_src = 0;
                    destIndex = startWriteAt;

                    if (imgInfo.BitspPixel == 32)
                        for (int mm = 0; mm < imgW; ++mm)
                            byte b = scline[b_src];
                            byte g = scline[b_src + 1];
                            byte r = scline[b_src + 2];
                            byte a = scline[b_src + 3];
                            b_src += 4;
                            if (a > 0)
                            //buffer[destIndex] = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | (r) | (a << 24);
                            buffer[destIndex] = -1;
                        startWriteAt += imgW;
                    else if (imgInfo.BitspPixel == 24)
                        for (int mm = 0; mm < imgW; ++mm)
                            byte b = scline[b_src];
                            byte g = scline[b_src + 1];
                            byte r = scline[b_src + 2];
                            if (g == 0)
                            b_src            += 3;
                            buffer[destIndex] = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | (r) | (255 << 24);
                        startWriteAt += imgW;
                        throw new NotSupportedException();
                return(MemBitmap.CreateFromCopy(imgW, imgH, buffer));
Beispiel #19
        BitmapBasedRegion CreateNewRegion(BitmapBasedRegion another, SetOperationName opName)
            MemBitmap myBmp      = this.GetRegionBitmap(); //or create new as need
            MemBitmap anotherBmp = another.GetRegionBitmap();
            //do bitmap union
            //2 rgn merge may
            Rectangle r1Rect = this.GetRectBounds();
            Rectangle r2Rect = another.GetRectBounds();
            Rectangle r3Rect = Rectangle.Union(r1Rect, r2Rect);

            MemBitmap r3Bmp = new MemBitmap(r3Rect.Width, r3Rect.Height);


            MaskBitmapReader r1 = new MaskBitmapReader();

            MaskBitmapReader r2 = new MaskBitmapReader();

            MaskBitmapWriter w3 = new MaskBitmapWriter();


            int height = r3Rect.Height;
            int width  = r3Rect.Width;

            switch (opName)
            case SetOperationName.Union:
                for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                    r1.MoveTo(0, y);
                    r2.MoveTo(0, y);
                    w3.MoveTo(0, y);
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                        w3.Union(r1.Read(), r2.Read());


            case SetOperationName.Intersect:
                for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                    r1.MoveTo(0, y);
                    r2.MoveTo(0, y);
                    w3.MoveTo(0, y);
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                        w3.Intersect(r1.Read(), r2.Read());


            case SetOperationName.Diff:
                for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                    r1.MoveTo(0, y);
                    r2.MoveTo(0, y);
                    w3.MoveTo(0, y);
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                        w3.Diff(r1.Read(), r2.Read());


            case SetOperationName.Xor:
                for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                    r1.MoveTo(0, y);
                    r2.MoveTo(0, y);
                    w3.MoveTo(0, y);
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                        w3.Xor(r1.Read(), r2.Read());

            return(new BitmapBasedRegion(r3Bmp));
        public static void Save(MemBitmap bmp, Stream strm)
                PixelFarm.CpuBlit.Imaging.TempMemPtr tmp = MemBitmap.GetBufferPtr(bmp);
                int *intBuffer = (int *)tmp.Ptr;

                int imgW = bmp.Width;
                int imgH = bmp.Height;

                Hjg.Pngcs.ImageInfo imgInfo = new Hjg.Pngcs.ImageInfo(imgW, imgH, 8, true); //8 bits per channel with alpha
                Hjg.Pngcs.PngWriter writer  = new Hjg.Pngcs.PngWriter(strm, imgInfo);
                Hjg.Pngcs.ImageLine iline   = new Hjg.Pngcs.ImageLine(imgInfo, Hjg.Pngcs.ImageLine.ESampleType.BYTE);

                bool flipYImg = true;

                int imgStride       = imgW * 4;
                int srcIndex        = 0;
                int srcIndexRowHead = (tmp.LengthInBytes / 4) - imgW;
                int startReadAt     = 0;
                if (flipYImg)
                    srcIndexRowHead = 0;
                    for (int row = 0; row < imgH; row++)
                        byte[] scanlineBuffer = iline.ScanlineB;
                        srcIndex = srcIndexRowHead;
                        for (int b = 0; b < imgStride;)
                            int srcInt = intBuffer[srcIndex];
                            scanlineBuffer[b]     = (byte)((srcInt >> 16) & 0xff);
                            scanlineBuffer[b + 1] = (byte)((srcInt >> 8) & 0xff);
                            scanlineBuffer[b + 2] = (byte)((srcInt) & 0xff);
                            scanlineBuffer[b + 3] = (byte)((srcInt >> 24) & 0xff);
                            b += 4;
                        srcIndexRowHead += imgW;
                        startReadAt     += imgStride;
                        writer.WriteRow(iline, row);
                    for (int row = 0; row < imgH; row++)
                        byte[] scanlineBuffer = iline.ScanlineB;
                        srcIndex = srcIndexRowHead;
                        for (int b = 0; b < imgStride;)
                            int srcInt = intBuffer[srcIndex];
                            scanlineBuffer[b]     = (byte)((srcInt >> 16) & 0xff);
                            scanlineBuffer[b + 1] = (byte)((srcInt >> 8) & 0xff);
                            scanlineBuffer[b + 2] = (byte)((srcInt) & 0xff);
                            scanlineBuffer[b + 3] = (byte)((srcInt >> 24) & 0xff);
                            b += 4;
                        srcIndexRowHead -= imgW;
                        startReadAt     += imgStride;
                        writer.WriteRow(iline, row);

Beispiel #21
 public abstract void SaveImage(MemBitmap bitmap, string filename, OutputImageFormat outputFormat, object saveParameters);
Beispiel #22
        public PixelFarm.CpuBlit.BitmapAtlas.BitmapAtlasItemSource GenerateMsdfTexture(VertexStore vxs)
            Shape shape = CreateShape(vxs, out EdgeBmpLut edgeBmpLut);

            if (MsdfGenParams == null)
                MsdfGenParams = new MsdfGenParams();//use default

            //---preview v1 bounds-----------
                out int imgW, out int imgH,
                out Vector2 translateVec);

            _dx = translateVec.x;
            _dy = translateVec.y;
            List <ContourCorner> corners = edgeBmpLut.Corners;

            TranslateCorners(corners, _dx, _dy);

            //[1] create lookup table (lut) bitmap that contains area/corner/shape information
            //each pixel inside it contains data that map to area/corner/shape

            using (MemBitmap bmpLut = new MemBitmap(imgW, imgH))
                using (Tools.BorrowAggPainter(bmpLut, out var painter))
                    using (Tools.BorrowShapeBuilder(out var sh))

                        //1. clear all bg to black

                        sh.InitVxs(vxs) //...
                        .TranslateToNewVxs(_dx, _dy)

                        //2. force fill the shape (this include hole(s) inside shape to)
                        //( we set threshold to 50 and do force fill)
                        _msdfEdgePxBlender.FillMode = MsdfEdgePixelBlender.BlenderFillMode.Force;
                        painter.Fill(sh.CurrentSharedVxs, EdgeBmpLut.EncodeToColor(0, AreaKind.AreaInsideCoverage50));

                        //debug for output
                        //painter.Fill(v7, Color.Red);
                        //int curr_step = 1;

                        int        cornerCount          = corners.Count;
                        List <int> cornerOfNextContours = edgeBmpLut.CornerOfNextContours;
                        int        startAt      = 0;
                        int        n            = 1;
                        int        corner_index = 1;

                        for (int cnt_index = 0; cnt_index < cornerOfNextContours.Count; ++cnt_index)
                            //contour scope
                            int next_corner_startAt = cornerOfNextContours[cnt_index];

                            //AA-borders of the contour
                            painter.RenderSurface.SetGamma(_prebuiltThresholdGamma_OverlappedBorder); //this creates overlapped area

                            for (; n < next_corner_startAt; ++n)
                                //0-> 1
                                //1->2 ... n
                                FillBorders(painter, corners[n - 1], corners[n]);

                                //bmpLut.SaveImage("dbug_step" + curr_step + ".png");
                                //the last one
                                //close contour, n-> 0
                                FillBorders(painter, corners[next_corner_startAt - 1], corners[startAt]);
                                //bmpLut.SaveImage("dbug_step" + curr_step + ".png");

                            startAt = next_corner_startAt;

                        //_msdfEdgePxBlender.FillMode = MsdfEdgePixelBlender.BlenderFillMode.InnerAreaX;
                        //painter.Fill(sh.CurrentSharedVxs, EdgeBmpLut.EncodeToColor(0, AreaKind.AreaInsideCoverage100));


                        List <CornerList> overlappedList = MakeUniqueList(_msdfEdgePxBlender._overlapList);

                        if (dbugWriteMsdfTexture)
                            //save for debug
                            //we save to msdf_shape_lut2.png
                            //and check it from external program
                            //but we generate msdf bitmap from msdf_shape_lut.png
                            var   bmp5       = MemBitmap.LoadBitmap(dbug_msdf_shape_lutName);
                            int[] lutBuffer5 = bmp5.CopyImgBuffer(bmpLut.Width, bmpLut.Height);
                            if (bmpLut.Width == 338 && bmpLut.Height == 477)
                                dbugBreak = true;
                            edgeBmpLut.SetBmpBuffer(bmpLut.Width, bmpLut.Height, lutBuffer5);
                            //generate actual sprite
                            PixelFarm.CpuBlit.BitmapAtlas.BitmapAtlasItemSource item = CreateMsdfImage(shape, MsdfGenParams, imgW, imgH, translateVec, edgeBmpLut);
                            //save msdf bitmap to file
                            using (MemBitmap memBmp = MemBitmap.CreateFromCopy(item.Width, item.Height, item.Source))


                        //[B] after we have a lookup table
                        int[] lutBuffer = bmpLut.CopyImgBuffer(bmpLut.Width, bmpLut.Height);
                        edgeBmpLut.SetBmpBuffer(bmpLut.Width, bmpLut.Height, lutBuffer);

                        return(CreateMsdfImage(shape, MsdfGenParams, imgW, imgH, translateVec, edgeBmpLut));
Beispiel #23
 public static void ReplaceBuffer(MemBitmap bmp, int[] pixelBuffer)
     System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(pixelBuffer, 0, bmp._pixelBuffer, pixelBuffer.Length);
 public override Image CopyToNewMemBitmap() => MemBitmap.CreateFromCopy(_memBitmap);
Beispiel #25
 public static TempMemPtr FromBmp(MemBitmap memBmp)
Beispiel #26
 public void Fill(MemBitmap memBmp, int x, int y)
     Fill((IBitmapSrc)memBmp, x, y);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// create thumbnail img with super-sampling technique,(Expensive, High quality thumb)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="dst"></param>
        public static MemBitmap CreateThumbnailWithSuperSamplingTechnique(this MemBitmap source, float scaleRatio)
            // Paint.NET (MIT,from version 3.36.7, see=> https://github.com/rivy/OpenPDN
            //in this version new image MUST smaller than the original one ***
            if (scaleRatio >= 1 || scaleRatio < 0)

            //create new bitmap
            int newBmpW = (int)Math.Round(source.Width * scaleRatio);
            int newBmpH = (int)Math.Round(source.Height * scaleRatio);

            MemBitmap  thumbBitmap = new MemBitmap(newBmpW, newBmpH); //***
            IBitmapSrc source_1    = (IBitmapSrc)source;

                Rectangle dstRoi2 = new Rectangle(0, 0, newBmpW, newBmpH);

                int dstWidth  = dstRoi2.Width;
                int dstHeight = dstRoi2.Height;

                int srcH = source.Height;
                int srcW = source.Width;

                Imaging.TempMemPtr dstMemPtr = MemBitmap.GetBufferPtr(thumbBitmap);
                int dstStrideInt32           = newBmpW;

                for (int dstY = dstRoi2.Top; dstY < dstRoi2.Bottom; ++dstY)
                    //from dst  => find proper source (y)

                    //double srcTop = (double)(dstY * srcH) / (double)dstHeight;
                    double srcTop       = (double)(dstY * srcH) / (double)dstHeight;
                    double srcTopFloor  = Math.Floor(srcTop);
                    double srcTopWeight = 1 - (srcTop - srcTopFloor);
                    int    srcTopInt    = (int)srcTopFloor;

                    //double srcBottom = (double)((dstY + 1) * srcH) / (double)dstHeight;
                    double srcBottom       = (double)((dstY + 1) * srcH) / (double)dstHeight;
                    double srcBottomFloor  = Math.Floor(srcBottom - 0.00001);
                    double srcBottomWeight = srcBottom - srcBottomFloor;
                    int    srcBottomInt    = (int)srcBottomFloor;

                    int *srcBuffer      = (int *)(MemBitmap.GetBufferPtr(source)).Ptr;
                    int  srcStrideInt32 = source.Width;                            //***

                    int *dstAddr = (int *)dstMemPtr.Ptr + (dstStrideInt32 * dstY); //begin at

                    for (int dstX = dstRoi2.Left; dstX < dstRoi2.Right; ++dstX)
                        //from dst=> find proper source (x)

                        double srcLeft       = (double)(dstX * srcW) / (double)dstWidth;
                        double srcLeftFloor  = Math.Floor(srcLeft);
                        double srcLeftWeight = 1 - (srcLeft - srcLeftFloor);
                        int    srcLeftInt    = (int)srcLeftFloor;

                        double srcRight       = (double)((dstX + 1) * srcW) / (double)dstWidth;
                        double srcRightFloor  = Math.Floor(srcRight - 0.00001);
                        double srcRightWeight = srcRight - srcRightFloor;
                        int    srcRightInt    = (int)srcRightFloor;

                        double blueSum  = 0;
                        double greenSum = 0;
                        double redSum   = 0;
                        double alphaSum = 0;

                        //now we know (left,top) of source that we want
                        //then ask the pixel value from source at that pos

                        //(1) left fractional edge
                            //PaintFx.ColorBgra* srcLeftPtr = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcLeftInt, srcTopInt + 1);
                            int *srcLeftColorAddr = srcBuffer + source_1.GetBufferOffsetXY32(srcLeftInt, srcTopInt + 1);

                            for (int srcY = srcTopInt + 1; srcY < srcBottomInt; ++srcY)
                                int    srcColor = *srcLeftColorAddr;
                                double a_w      = ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff) * srcLeftWeight;

                                blueSum  += ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                greenSum += ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                redSum   += ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                alphaSum += a_w;

                                //move to next row
                                srcLeftColorAddr += srcStrideInt32;
                                //srcLeftPtr = (ColorBgra*)((byte*)srcLeftPtr + source._stride);
                            //(2) right fractional edge
                            //ColorBgra* srcRightPtr = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcRightInt, srcTopInt + 1);
                            int *srcRightColorAddr = srcBuffer + source_1.GetBufferOffsetXY32(srcRightInt, srcTopInt + 1);

                            for (int srcY = srcTopInt + 1; srcY < srcBottomInt; ++srcY)
                                int    srcColor = *srcRightColorAddr;
                                double a_w      = ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff) * srcRightWeight;

                                blueSum  += ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                greenSum += ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                redSum   += ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                alphaSum += a_w;

                                //srcRightPtr = (ColorBgra*)((byte*)srcRightPtr + source._stride);
                                srcRightColorAddr += srcStrideInt32; //move to next row
                            //(3) top fractional edge
                            //ColorBgra* srcTopPtr = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcLeftInt + 1, srcTopInt);
                            int *srcTopColorAddr = srcBuffer + source_1.GetBufferOffsetXY32(srcLeftInt + 1, srcTopInt);

                            for (int srcX = srcLeftInt + 1; srcX < srcRightInt; ++srcX)
                                int    srcColor = *srcTopColorAddr;
                                double a_w      = ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff) * srcTopWeight;

                                blueSum  += ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                greenSum += ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                redSum   += ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                alphaSum += a_w;

                                //move to next column
                            //(4) bottom fractional edge
                            //ColorBgra* srcBottomPtr = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcLeftInt + 1, srcBottomInt);
                            int *srcBottomColorAddr = srcBuffer + source_1.GetBufferOffsetXY32(srcLeftInt + 1, srcBottomInt);

                            for (int srcX = srcLeftInt + 1; srcX < srcRightInt; ++srcX)
                                int    srcColor = *srcBottomColorAddr;
                                double a_w      = ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff) * srcBottomWeight;

                                blueSum  += ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                greenSum += ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                redSum   += ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                                alphaSum += a_w;

                                //move to next column
                            //(5) center area
                            for (int srcY = srcTopInt + 1; srcY < srcBottomInt; ++srcY)
                                //ColorBgra* srcPtr = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcLeftInt + 1, srcY);
                                int *srcColorAddr = srcBuffer + source_1.GetBufferOffsetXY32(srcLeftInt + 1, srcY);

                                for (int srcX = srcLeftInt + 1; srcX < srcRightInt; ++srcX)
                                    int srcColor = *srcColorAddr;

                                    int a = ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff);
                                    blueSum  += ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a;
                                    greenSum += ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a;
                                    redSum   += ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a;
                                    alphaSum += a;


                        //(6) four corner pixels
                            //ColorBgra srcTL = source.GetPoint(srcLeftInt, srcTopInt);
                            int srcColor = *(srcBuffer + source_1.GetBufferOffsetXY32(srcLeftInt, srcTopInt));

                            double a_w = ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff) * (srcTopWeight * srcLeftWeight);

                            blueSum  += ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            greenSum += ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            redSum   += ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            alphaSum += a_w;

                            //ColorBgra srcTR = source.GetPoint(srcRightInt, srcTopInt);
                            //double srcTRA = srcTR.A;
                            //blueSum += srcTR.B * (srcTopWeight * srcRightWeight) * srcTRA;
                            //greenSum += srcTR.G * (srcTopWeight * srcRightWeight) * srcTRA;
                            //redSum += srcTR.R * (srcTopWeight * srcRightWeight) * srcTRA;
                            //alphaSum += srcTR.A * (srcTopWeight * srcRightWeight);

                            int    srcColor = *(srcBuffer + source_1.GetBufferOffsetXY32(srcRightInt, srcTopInt));
                            double a_w      = ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff) * (srcTopWeight * srcRightWeight);

                            blueSum  += ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            greenSum += ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            redSum   += ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            alphaSum += a_w;

                            int    srcColor = *(srcBuffer + source_1.GetBufferOffsetXY32(srcLeftInt, srcBottomInt));
                            double a_w      = ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff) * (srcBottomWeight * srcLeftWeight);

                            blueSum  += ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            greenSum += ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            redSum   += ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            alphaSum += a_w; //without a

                            //ColorBgra srcBL = source.GetPoint(srcLeftInt, srcBottomInt);
                            //double srcBLA = srcBL.A;
                            //blueSum += srcBL.B * (srcBottomWeight * srcLeftWeight) * srcBLA;
                            //greenSum += srcBL.G * (srcBottomWeight * srcLeftWeight) * srcBLA;
                            //redSum += srcBL.R * (srcBottomWeight * srcLeftWeight) * srcBLA;
                            //alphaSum += srcBL.A * (srcBottomWeight * srcLeftWeight);


                            //ColorBgra srcBR = source.GetPoint(srcRightInt, srcBottomInt);
                            //double srcBRA = srcBR.A;
                            //blueSum += srcBR.B * (srcBottomWeight * srcRightWeight) * srcBRA;
                            //greenSum += srcBR.G * (srcBottomWeight * srcRightWeight) * srcBRA;
                            //redSum += srcBR.R * (srcBottomWeight * srcRightWeight) * srcBRA;
                            //alphaSum += srcBR.A * (srcBottomWeight * srcRightWeight);

                            int    srcColor = *(srcBuffer + source_1.GetBufferOffsetXY32(srcRightInt, srcBottomInt));
                            double a_w      = ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff) * (srcBottomWeight * srcRightWeight);

                            blueSum  += ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            greenSum += ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            redSum   += ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff) * a_w;
                            alphaSum += a_w;

                        double area = (srcRight - srcLeft) * (srcBottom - srcTop);

                        double alpha = alphaSum / area;
                        double blue;
                        double green;
                        double red;

                        if (alpha == 0)
                            blue  = 0;
                            green = 0;
                            red   = 0;
                            blue  = blueSum / alphaSum;
                            green = greenSum / alphaSum;
                            red   = redSum / alphaSum;

                        // add 0.5 so that rounding goes in the direction we want it to
                        blue  += 0.5;
                        green += 0.5;
                        red   += 0.5;
                        alpha += 0.5;

                        //dstPtr->Bgra = (uint)blue + ((uint)green << 8) + ((uint)red << 16) + ((uint)alpha << 24);
                        *dstAddr = ((byte)alpha) << CO.A_SHIFT |
                                   ((byte)blue) << CO.B_SHIFT |
                                   ((byte)green) << CO.G_SHIFT |
                                   ((byte)red) << CO.R_SHIFT;

                        //(uint)blue + ((uint)green << 8) + ((uint)red << 16) + ((uint)alpha << 24);
        public void BuildMultiFontSize(string multiFontSizeAtlasFilename, string imgOutputFilename)
            //merge to the new one
            //1. ensure same atlas width
            int atlasW      = 0;
            int j           = _atlasList.Count;
            int totalHeight = 0;

            const int interAtlasSpace = 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                TempMergingAtlasInfo atlasInfo = _atlasList[i];
                SimpleBitmapAtlas    fontAtlas = atlasInfo.fontAtlasFile.AtlasList[0];
                totalHeight += fontAtlas.Height + interAtlasSpace;
                if (i == 0)
                    atlasW = fontAtlas.Width;
                    if (atlasW != fontAtlas.Width)
                        throw new NotSupportedException();
            //in this version, the glyph offsetY is measure from bottom***
            int[] offsetFromBottoms = new int[j];
            int   offsetFromBottom  = interAtlasSpace;//start offset

            for (int i = j - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                TempMergingAtlasInfo atlasInfo = _atlasList[i];
                SimpleBitmapAtlas    fontAtlas = atlasInfo.fontAtlasFile.AtlasList[0];
                offsetFromBottoms[i] = offsetFromBottom;
                offsetFromBottom    += fontAtlas.Height + interAtlasSpace;
            //merge all img to one
            int top = 0;

            using (MemBitmap memBitmap = new MemBitmap(atlasW, totalHeight))
                AggPainter painter = AggPainter.Create(memBitmap);
                for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                    TempMergingAtlasInfo atlasInfo = _atlasList[i];
                    BitmapAtlasFile      atlasFile = atlasInfo.fontAtlasFile;
                    SimpleBitmapAtlas    fontAtlas = atlasInfo.fontAtlasFile.AtlasList[0];

                    atlasInfo.NewCloneLocations = SimpleBitmapAtlas.CloneLocationWithOffset(fontAtlas, 0, offsetFromBottoms[i]);
                    atlasInfo.ImgUrlDict        = fontAtlas.ImgUrlDict;

                    using (Stream fontImgStream = PixelFarm.Platforms.StorageService.Provider.ReadDataStream(atlasInfo.imgFile))
                        using (MemBitmap atlasBmp = MemBitmap.LoadBitmap(fontImgStream))
                            painter.DrawImage(atlasBmp, 0, top);
                            top += atlasBmp.Height + interAtlasSpace;
            //save merged font atlas
            //TODO: use 'File' provider to access system file
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(multiFontSizeAtlasFilename, FileMode.Create))
                using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(fs))
                    //total img info
                    BitmapAtlasFile fontAtlasFile = new BitmapAtlasFile();

                    //1. simple atlas count
                    for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                        TempMergingAtlasInfo atlasInfo = _atlasList[i];

                        RequestFont reqFont = atlasInfo.reqFont;
                        fontAtlasFile.WriteOverviewFontInfo(reqFont.Name, reqFont.FontKey, reqFont.SizeInPoints);//size in points



                        if (atlasInfo.ImgUrlDict != null)
Beispiel #29
 public MyBitmapBlender(MemBitmap bmp)
     _memBmp = bmp;
Beispiel #30

        public static void CopyToGdiPlusBitmapSameSize(
            MemBitmap memBmp,
            SkiaSharp.SKBitmap skBmp)
            //agg store image buffer head-down
            //when copy to window bmp we here to flip
            //style1: copy row by row *** (fastest)***
                //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sss = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                //for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
                int h = skBmp.Height;
                int w = skBmp.Width;

                //BitmapData bitmapData1 = bitmap.LockBits(
                //          new Rectangle(0, 0,
                //              w,
                //              h),
                //              System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,
                //              bitmap.PixelFormat);
                IntPtr scan0  = skBmp.GetPixels();
                int    stride = memBmp.Stride;
                //byte[] srcBuffer = ActualImage.GetBuffer(actualImage);
                    CpuBlit.Imaging.TempMemPtr srcBufferPtr = MemBitmap.GetBufferPtr(memBmp);
                    //fixed (byte* bufferH = &srcBuffer[0])
                    byte *bufferH = (byte *)srcBufferPtr.Ptr;
                        byte *target     = (byte *)scan0;
                        int   startRowAt = ((h - 1) * stride);
                        for (int y = h; y > 0; --y)
                            //byte* src = bufferH + ((y - 1) * stride);
                            //   srcBuffer,//src
                            //   startRowAt,
                            //   (IntPtr)target,
                            //   stride);
                            PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemMx.memcpy(target, bufferH + startRowAt, stride);
                            startRowAt -= stride;
                            target     += stride;
                //long ms = sss.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            //style2: copy all, then flip again
            //    System.GC.Collect();
            //    System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sss = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            //    sss.Start();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
            //    {
            //        byte[] rawBuffer = ActualImage.GetBuffer(actualImage);
            //        var bmpdata = bitmap.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height),
            //          System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly,
            //         bitmap.PixelFormat);

            //        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(rawBuffer, 0,
            //            bmpdata.Scan0, rawBuffer.Length);

            //        bitmap.UnlockBits(bmpdata);
            //        bitmap.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY);
            //    }

            //    sss.Stop();
            //    long ms = sss.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            //style3: copy row by row +
            //    System.GC.Collect();
            //    System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sss = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            //    sss.Start();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
            //    {
            //        int h = bitmap.Height;
            //        int w = bitmap.Width;
            //        BitmapData bitmapData1 = bitmap.LockBits(
            //                  new Rectangle(0, 0,
            //                      w,
            //                      h),
            //                      System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,
            //                      bitmap.PixelFormat);
            //        IntPtr scan0 = bitmapData1.Scan0;
            //        int stride = bitmapData1.Stride;
            //        byte[] buffer = ActualImage.GetBuffer(actualImage);
            //        unsafe
            //        {
            //            fixed (byte* bufferH = &buffer[0])
            //            {
            //                byte* target = (byte*)scan0;
            //                for (int y = h; y > 0; --y)
            //                {
            //                    byte* src = bufferH + ((y - 1) * stride);
            //                    for (int n = stride - 1; n >= 0; --n)
            //                    {
            //                        *target = *src;
            //                        target++;
            //                        src++;
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //        bitmap.UnlockBits(bitmapData1);
            //    }
            //    sss.Stop();
            //    long ms = sss.ElapsedMilliseconds;