bool AddRecipient(string email, HowTo howTo)
        MapiRecipDesc recipient = new MapiRecipDesc();

        recipient.recipClass = (int)howTo;       = email;
Beispiel #2
        private void DoSimpleMAPI()
            IntPtr        session   = IntPtr.Zero;
            string        messageID = String.Empty;
            MapiMessage   message   = new MapiMessage();
            MapiRecipDesc recipient = new MapiRecipDesc();

            AddinExpress.Outlook.SecurityManager securityManager2 = new AddinExpress.Outlook.SecurityManager();
            if (MAPILogon(0, "", "", MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0, out session) == 0)
                if (rbOFF.Checked)
                    securityManager2.DisableSMAPIWarnings = true;
                    IntPtr mID = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(2048);
                    if (mID != IntPtr.Zero)
                            MAPIFindNext(session, 0, "", "", MAPI_LONG_MSGID, 0, mID);
                            IntPtr lpMessage = IntPtr.Zero;
                            MAPIReadMail(session, 0, mID, MAPI_ENVELOPE_ONLY | MAPI_PEEK | MAPI_SUPPRESS_ATTACH, 0, ref lpMessage);
                            if (lpMessage != IntPtr.Zero)
                                message   = (MapiMessage)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lpMessage, typeof(MapiMessage));
                                recipient = (MapiRecipDesc)Marshal.PtrToStructure(message.lpOriginator, typeof(MapiRecipDesc));
                                string[] lines = new string[4];
                                lines[0]     = ("*** First message in Microsoft Outlook inbox (Outlook Object Model) ***");
                                lines[1]     = "";
                                lines[2]     = "From: " + recipient.lpszName;
                                lines[3]     = "Subject: " + message.lpszSubject;
                                tbInfo.Lines = lines;
                        catch { }
                    if (rbOFF.Checked)
                        securityManager2.DisableSMAPIWarnings = false;
                    MAPILogoff(session, 0, 0, 0);
 public MapiRecipDesc GetMapiRecipDesc()
     var recipDesc = new MapiRecipDesc();
     if (this._displayName == null)
         recipDesc.Name = this._emailAddress;
         recipDesc.Name = this._displayName;
         recipDesc.Address = this._emailAddress;
     recipDesc.RecipientClass = (int)this._mailRecipientType;
     return recipDesc;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves a recipient name using the Simple MAPI address book.</summary>
        /// <param name="name">
        /// Recipient name to be resolved. This name may be incomplete, misspelled, or otherwise
        /// ambiguous.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="MapiAddress"/> holding the unambiguous address book name that is the
        /// closest match for the specified <paramref name="name"/>, and the corresponding default
        /// e-mail address.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullOrEmptyException">
        /// <paramref name="name"/> is a null reference or an empty string.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="MapiException">
        /// <see cref="Mapi.MAPIResolveName"/> indicated an error.</exception>
        /// <remarks><para>
        /// <b>ResolveName</b> determines the unambiguous address book entry of the specified
        /// recipient, using the Win32 API call <see cref="Mapi.MAPIResolveName"/> which is part of
        /// the Simple MAPI protocol.
        /// </para><para>
        /// If no match is found or the specified <paramref name="name"/> resolves to more than one
        /// address book entry, the user is presented with an address book dialog and asked to
        /// select an entry. User cancellation generates a <see cref="MapiException"/> whose <see
        /// cref="MapiException.Code"/> may be <see cref="MapiException.Abort"/> but also any other
        /// <see cref="MapiError"/> code, depending on the MAPI server.
        /// </para><note type="caution">
        /// Non-Microsoft e-mail clients rarely support <b>MAPIResolveName</b>. Some might report an
        /// error while others might return empty strings or invalid data. There is no workaround
        /// other than using a Microsoft program as the default e-mail client.</note></remarks>

        public static MapiAddress ResolveName(string name)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

            // remember current working directory
            string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            // prepare recipient structure
            SafeMapiHandle lpRecip = null;

            try {
                // invoke MAPIResolveName to resolve this name
                MapiFlags flags = MapiFlags.MAPI_DIALOG | MapiFlags.MAPI_LOGON_UI;
                MapiError code  = Mapi.MAPIResolveName(UIntPtr.Zero,
                                                       UIntPtr.Zero, name, flags, 0, out lpRecip);

                // check for null recipient (buggy MAPI server)
                if (code == MapiError.SUCCESS_SUCCESS && (lpRecip == null || lpRecip.IsInvalid))
                    code = MapiError.MAPI_E_FAILURE;

                // throw exception if MAPI reports failure
                if (code != MapiError.SUCCESS_SUCCESS)

                // retrieve unmanaged memory block on success
                MapiRecipDesc recip = (MapiRecipDesc)lpRecip.GetMemory(0, typeof(MapiRecipDesc));

                // return recipient name and address
                return(new MapiAddress(recip.lpszName, recip.lpszAddress));
            finally {
                // release unmanaged memory block
                if (lpRecip != null)

                // restore original working directory
Beispiel #5
        public void CreateEmail(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat,
                                EmailRecipient[] recipients, string[] attachments, bool addSignature)
            MapiMessage msg = new MapiMessage();

            msg.subject = subject;

            if (bodyFormat == EmailBodyFormat.Html)
                body = body.Replace("<p>", "\r\n\r\n");
                body = body.Replace("<P>", "\r\n\r\n");
                body = body.Replace("<br>", "\r\n");
                body = body.Replace("<BR>", "\r\n");
                body = HtmlTools.StripHTML(body);
                body = HtmlTools.SafeHtmlDecode(body);

            if (addSignature && Core.SettingStore.ReadBool("MailFormat", "UseSignature", false))
                body += "\r\n";
                body += Core.SettingStore.ReadString("MailFormat", "Signature");

            msg.noteText = body;

            if (recipients != null && recipients.Length > 0)
                ArrayList recipArray = new ArrayList();
                foreach (EmailRecipient recipient in recipients)
                    MapiRecipDesc recip = new MapiRecipDesc();
                    recip.recipClass = MapiTO;
                 = recipient.Name;
                    recip.address    = BuildAddressWithType(recipient.EmailAddress);

                msg.recips     = AllocRecips(recipArray);
                msg.recipCount = recipArray.Count;

            if (attachments != null && attachments.Length > 0)
                msg.files     = AllocAttachs(attachments);
                msg.fileCount = attachments.Length;

                int rc = MAPISendMail(IntPtr.Zero, Core.MainWindow.Handle, msg, MAPI_DIALOG, 0);
                if (rc != 0 && rc != MAPI_E_USER_ABORT)
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show(Core.MainWindow, "Failed to send e-mail (unknown error)", "Send E-mail", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            if (msg.recips != IntPtr.Zero)
                int runptr = (int)msg.recips;
                for (int i = 0; i < msg.recipCount; i++)
                    Marshal.DestroyStructure((IntPtr)runptr, typeof(MapiRecipDesc));
                    runptr += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MapiRecipDesc));

            if (msg.files != IntPtr.Zero)
                Type ftype = typeof(MapiFileDesc);
                int  fsize = Marshal.SizeOf(ftype);

                int runptr = (int)msg.files;
                for (int i = 0; i < msg.fileCount; i++)
                    Marshal.DestroyStructure((IntPtr)runptr, ftype);
                    runptr += fsize;
        bool AddRecipient(string email, HowTo howTo)
            MapiRecipDesc recipient = new MapiRecipDesc();

            recipient.recipClass = (int)howTo;
   = email;

            return true;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the user to select recipients from the Simple MAPI address book.</summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// An <see cref="Array"/> of <see cref="MapiAddress"/> instances holding the selected
        /// address book names and the corresponding e-mail addresses.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="MapiException">
        /// <see cref="Mapi.MAPIAddress"/> indicated an error.</exception>
        /// <remarks><para>
        /// <b>Address</b> shows a dialog allowing the user to select e-mail recipients from an
        /// address book, using the Win32 API call <see cref="Mapi.MAPIAddress"/> which is part of
        /// the Simple MAPI protocol. Only the "To" recipient type is available.
        /// </para><para>
        /// <b>Address</b> returns an empty array if the user cancelled the dialog or did not select
        /// any recipients. No <see cref="MapiException"/> is generated in this case.
        /// </para><note type="caution">
        /// <para>Non-Microsoft e-mail clients rarely support <b>MAPIAddress</b>. Some might report
        /// an error while others might show a nonfunctional dialog or return invalid data. There is
        /// no workaround other than using a Microsoft program as the default e-mail client.
        /// </para><para>
        /// Also note that Simple MAPI does not specify the order in which <b>MAPIAddress</b>
        /// returns the selected recipients. <b>Address</b> maintains the selection order for
        /// Outlook Express, but the order may be reversed or completely arbitrary for other e-mail
        /// clients.</para></note></remarks>

        public static MapiAddress[] Address()
            // remember current working directory
            string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            // prepare recipient list data
            uint           nNewRecips  = 0;
            SafeMapiHandle lpNewRecips = null;

            try {
                // invoke MAPIAddress to create a recipient list
                MapiFlags flags = MapiFlags.MAPI_LOGON_UI;
                MapiError code  = Mapi.MAPIAddress(UIntPtr.Zero, UIntPtr.Zero, null, 1,
                                                   null, 0, IntPtr.Zero, flags, 0, out nNewRecips, out lpNewRecips);

                // check for user cancellation
                if (code == MapiError.MAPI_E_USER_ABORT)
                    return(new MapiAddress[0]);

                // check for null recipient list (buggy MAPI server)
                if (code == MapiError.SUCCESS_SUCCESS && nNewRecips > 0 &&
                    (lpNewRecips == null || lpNewRecips.IsInvalid))
                    code = MapiError.MAPI_E_FAILURE;

                // throw exception if MAPI reports failure
                if (code != MapiError.SUCCESS_SUCCESS)

                // create (possibly empty) output recipient array
                MapiAddress[] entries = new MapiAddress[nNewRecips];
                if (nNewRecips == 0)

                // prepare managed recipient object
                int           size  = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MapiRecipDesc));
                MapiRecipDesc recip = new MapiRecipDesc();

                // retrieve unmanaged memory blocks
                for (int i = 0; i < nNewRecips; i++)
                    // copy current array element to managed memory
                    lpNewRecips.GetMemory(i * size, recip);

                    // HACK: Outlook Express inverts the order of selected entries.
                    // We re-invert the order since OE is the most likely client.
                    int index = (int)(nNewRecips - i - 1);

                    // store entry name and address
                    entries[index] = new MapiAddress(recip.lpszName, recip.lpszAddress);

            finally {
                // release unmanaged memory block
                if (lpNewRecips != null)

                // restore original working directory
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and sends an e-mail message using the Simple MAPI protocol.</summary>
        /// <param name="subject">
        /// The subject line of the e-mail message.</param>
        /// <param name="noteText">
        /// The text of the e-mail message.</param>
        /// <param name="recipients">
        /// An <see cref="Array"/> of <see cref="MapiAddress"/> instances holding the display names
        /// and SMTP addresses of all message recipients. The protocol identifier "smtp:" is
        /// automatically prepended to any non-empty addresses without this prefix.</param>
        /// <param name="attachments">
        /// An <see cref="Array"/> of <see cref="MapiAddress"/> instances holding the display names
        /// and fully qualified local file paths of any attachment files sent to the <paramref
        /// name="recipients"/>.</param>
        /// <exception cref="MapiException">
        /// <see cref="Mapi.MAPISendMail"/> indicated an error.</exception>
        /// <remarks><para>
        /// <b>SendMail</b> creates and sends an e-mail message with optional file attachments,
        /// using the Win32 API call <see cref="Mapi.MAPISendMail"/> which is part of the Simple
        /// MAPI protocol. The originator is left undefined which will cause Simple MAPI to assert
        /// the user’s default e-mail account as the originator.
        /// </para><para>
        /// The <paramref name="subject"/> and <paramref name="noteText"/> parameters may be a null
        /// reference or an empty string to leave the corresponding field blank. The <paramref
        /// name="recipients"/> and <paramref name="attachments"/> parameters may be null references
        /// or empty arrays to create a message without recipients or file attachments,
        /// respectively.
        /// </para><para>
        /// The e-mail message is presented to the user who can choose to edit (filling in any blank
        /// fields or adding text as desired), send, or cancel the message. User cancellation
        /// generates a <see cref="MapiException"/> whose <see cref="MapiException.Code"/> is <see
        /// cref="MapiException.Abort"/>.</para></remarks>

        public static void SendMail(string subject, string noteText,
                                    MapiAddress[] recipients, MapiAddress[] attachments)
            // remember current working directory
            string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            // construct MAPI message descriptor
            MapiMessage message = new MapiMessage();

            message.lpszSubject  = subject;
            message.lpszNoteText = noteText;

            try {
                // create any specified recipients
                if (recipients != null && recipients.Length > 0)
                    // store count of recipient descriptors
                    int count = recipients.Length;
                    message.nRecipCount = (uint)count;

                    // allocate memory for recipient descriptors
                    int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MapiRecipDesc));
                    message.lpRecips.AllocateHandle(count * size);

                    // construct recipient descriptors
                    MapiRecipDesc recip = new MapiRecipDesc();
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        // prepend "smtp:" to address if not present
                        string address = recipients[i].Address;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(address) &&
                            !address.StartsWith("smtp:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            address = "smtp:" + address;

                        // create MAPI recipient descriptor
                        recip.ulRecipClass = MapiRecipClass.MAPI_TO;
                        recip.lpszName     = recipients[i].Name;
                        recip.lpszAddress  = address;

                        // copy recipient descriptor to unmanaged memory
                        message.lpRecips.SetMemory(recip, i * size, false);

                // create any specified attachments
                if (attachments != null && attachments.Length > 0)
                    // store count of attachment descriptors
                    int count = attachments.Length;
                    message.nFileCount = (uint)count;

                    // allocate memory for attachment descriptors
                    int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MapiFileDesc));
                    message.lpFiles.AllocateHandle(count * size);

                    // construct attachment descriptors
                    MapiFileDesc fileDesc = new MapiFileDesc();
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        // create MAPI file attachment descriptor
                        fileDesc.lpszFileName = attachments[i].Name;
                        fileDesc.lpszPathName = attachments[i].Address;
                        fileDesc.nPosition    = 0xffffffff; // don’t embed files

                        // copy attachment descriptor to unmanaged memory
                        message.lpFiles.SetMemory(fileDesc, i * size, false);

                // invoke MAPISendMail to deliver this message
                MapiFlags flags = MapiFlags.MAPI_DIALOG | MapiFlags.MAPI_LOGON_UI;
                MapiError code  = Mapi.MAPISendMail(UIntPtr.Zero, UIntPtr.Zero, message, flags, 0);

                // throw exception if MAPI reports failure
                if (code != MapiError.SUCCESS_SUCCESS)
            finally {
                // release unmanaged memory blocks

                // restore original working directory