Beispiel #1
        private static MRect GrowBox(MRect box, double resolution)
            const int symbolSize = 32; // todo: determine margin by symbol size
            const int boxMargin  = symbolSize / 2;

            return(box.Grow(boxMargin * resolution));
Beispiel #2
        public override IEnumerable <IFeature> GetFeatures(MRect box, double resolution)
            if (box == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <IFeature>());

            var biggerBox = box.Grow(
                SymbolStyle.DefaultWidth * 2 * resolution,
                SymbolStyle.DefaultHeight * 2 * resolution);
            var fetchInfo = new FetchInfo(biggerBox, resolution, CRS);

            if (DataSource is null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <IFeature>());

#pragma warning disable VSTHRD002 // Allow use of .Result for test purposes

#pragma warning restore VSTHRD002 //
Beispiel #3
        public void Draw(SKCanvas canvas, IReadOnlyViewport viewport, IWidget widget,
                         float layerOpacity)
            var scaleBar = (ScaleBarWidget)widget;

            if (!scaleBar.CanProject())

            // If this is the first time, we call this renderer, ...
            if (_paintScaleBar == null)
                // ... than create the paints
                _paintScaleBar        = CreateScaleBarPaint(SKPaintStyle.Fill);
                _paintScaleBarStroke  = CreateScaleBarPaint(SKPaintStyle.Stroke);
                _paintScaleText       = CreateTextPaint(SKPaintStyle.Fill);
                _paintScaleTextStroke = CreateTextPaint(SKPaintStyle.Stroke);

            // Update paints with new values
            _paintScaleBar.Color             = scaleBar.TextColor.ToSkia(layerOpacity);
            _paintScaleBar.StrokeWidth       = scaleBar.StrokeWidth * scaleBar.Scale;
            _paintScaleBarStroke !.Color     = scaleBar.Halo.ToSkia(layerOpacity);
            _paintScaleBarStroke.StrokeWidth = scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo * scaleBar.Scale;
            _paintScaleText !.Color          = scaleBar.TextColor.ToSkia(layerOpacity);
            _paintScaleText.StrokeWidth      = scaleBar.StrokeWidth * scaleBar.Scale;
            _paintScaleText.Typeface         = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(scaleBar.Font?.FontFamily,
                                                                         SKFontStyleWeight.Bold, SKFontStyleWidth.Normal, SKFontStyleSlant.Upright);
            _paintScaleText.TextSize          = (float)(scaleBar.Font?.Size ?? 10) * scaleBar.Scale;
            _paintScaleTextStroke !.Color     = scaleBar.Halo.ToSkia(layerOpacity);
            _paintScaleTextStroke.StrokeWidth = scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo / 2 * scaleBar.Scale;
            _paintScaleTextStroke.Typeface    = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(scaleBar.Font?.FontFamily,
                                                                          SKFontStyleWeight.Bold, SKFontStyleWidth.Normal, SKFontStyleSlant.Upright);
            _paintScaleTextStroke.TextSize = (float)(scaleBar.Font?.Size ?? 10) * scaleBar.Scale;

            float  scaleBarLength1;
            float  scaleBarLength2;

            (scaleBarLength1, scaleBarText1, scaleBarLength2, scaleBarText2) = scaleBar.GetScaleBarLengthAndText(viewport);

            // Calc height of scale bar
            var textSize = SKRect.Empty;

            // Do this, because height of text changes sometimes (e.g. from 2 m to 1 m)
            _paintScaleTextStroke.MeasureText("9999 m", ref textSize);

            var scaleBarHeight = textSize.Height + (scaleBar.TickLength + scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo * 0.5f + scaleBar.TextMargin) * scaleBar.Scale;

            if (scaleBar.ScaleBarMode == ScaleBarMode.Both && scaleBar.SecondaryUnitConverter != null)
                scaleBarHeight *= 2;
                scaleBarHeight += scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo * 0.5f * scaleBar.Scale;

            scaleBar.Height = scaleBarHeight;

            // Draw lines

            // Get lines for scale bar
            var points = scaleBar.GetScaleBarLinePositions(viewport, scaleBarLength1, scaleBarLength2, scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo);

            // Draw outline of scale bar
            for (var i = 0; i < points.Count; i += 2)
                canvas.DrawLine((float)points[i].X, (float)points[i].Y, (float)points[i + 1].X, (float)points[i + 1].Y, _paintScaleBarStroke);

            // Draw scale bar
            for (var i = 0; i < points.Count; i += 2)
                canvas.DrawLine((float)points[i].X, (float)points[i].Y, (float)points[i + 1].X, (float)points[i + 1].Y, _paintScaleBar);

            if (!points.Any())
                throw new NotImplementedException($"A {nameof(ScaleBarWidget)} can not be drawn without line positions");

            var envelop = new MRect(points.Select(p => p.MRect));

            envelop = envelop.Grow(scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo * 0.5f * scaleBar.Scale);

            // Draw text

            // Calc text height
            var textSize1 = SKRect.Empty;
            var textSize2 = SKRect.Empty;

            scaleBarText1 ??= string.Empty;
            _paintScaleTextStroke.MeasureText(scaleBarText1, ref textSize1);

            if (scaleBar.ScaleBarMode == ScaleBarMode.Both && scaleBar.SecondaryUnitConverter != null)
                // If there is SecondaryUnitConverter we need to calculate the size before passing it into GetScaleBarTextPositions
                scaleBarText2 ??= string.Empty;
                _paintScaleTextStroke.MeasureText(scaleBarText2, ref textSize2);

            var(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2) = scaleBar.GetScaleBarTextPositions(viewport, textSize.ToMRect(), textSize1.ToMRect(), textSize2.ToMRect(), scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo);

            // Now draw text
            canvas.DrawText(scaleBarText1, posX1, posY1 - textSize1.Top, _paintScaleTextStroke);
            canvas.DrawText(scaleBarText1, posX1, posY1 - textSize1.Top, _paintScaleText);

            envelop = envelop?.Join(new MRect(posX1, posY1, posX1 + textSize1.Width, posY1 + textSize1.Height));

            if (scaleBar.ScaleBarMode == ScaleBarMode.Both && scaleBar.SecondaryUnitConverter != null)
                // Now draw second text
                canvas.DrawText(scaleBarText2, posX2, posY2 - textSize2.Top, _paintScaleTextStroke);
                canvas.DrawText(scaleBarText2, posX2, posY2 - textSize2.Top, _paintScaleText);

                envelop = envelop?.Join(new MRect(posX2, posY2, posX2 + textSize2.Width, posY2 + textSize2.Height));

            scaleBar.Envelope = envelop;

            if (scaleBar.ShowEnvelop && envelop != null)
                // Draw a rect around the scale bar for testing
                var tempPaint = _paintScaleTextStroke;
                canvas.DrawRect(new SKRect((float)envelop.MinX, (float)envelop.MinY, (float)envelop.MaxX, (float)envelop.MaxY), tempPaint);