Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Process OTAA join request
        /// </summary>
        async Task ProcessJoinRequestAsync(LoRaRequest request)
            LoRaDevice loRaDevice = null;
            string     devEUI     = null;
            var        loraRegion = request.Region;

                var timeWatcher = new LoRaOperationTimeWatcher(loraRegion, request.StartTime);

                var    joinReq = (LoRaPayloadJoinRequest)request.Payload;
                byte[] udpMsgForPktForwarder = new byte[0];

                devEUI = joinReq.GetDevEUIAsString();
                var appEUI = joinReq.GetAppEUIAsString();

                var devNonce = joinReq.GetDevNonceAsString();
                Logger.Log(devEUI, $"join request received", LogLevel.Information);

                loRaDevice = await this.deviceRegistry.GetDeviceForJoinRequestAsync(devEUI, appEUI, devNonce);

                if (loRaDevice == null)
                    request.NotifyFailed(devEUI, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.UnknownDevice);
                    // we do not log here as we assume that the deviceRegistry does a more informed logging if returning null

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loRaDevice.AppKey))
                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, "join refused: missing AppKey for OTAA device", LogLevel.Error);
                    request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.InvalidJoinRequest);

                if (loRaDevice.AppEUI != appEUI)
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, "join refused: AppEUI for OTAA does not match device", LogLevel.Error);
                    request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.InvalidJoinRequest);

                if (!joinReq.CheckMic(loRaDevice.AppKey))
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, "join refused: invalid MIC", LogLevel.Error);
                    request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.JoinMicCheckFailed);

                // Make sure that is a new request and not a replay
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loRaDevice.DevNonce) && loRaDevice.DevNonce == devNonce)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loRaDevice.GatewayID))
                        Logger.Log(devEUI, "join refused: join already processed by another gateway", LogLevel.Information);
                        Logger.Log(devEUI, "join refused: DevNonce already used by this device", LogLevel.Error);

                    loRaDevice.IsOurDevice = false;
                    request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.JoinDevNonceAlreadyUsed);

                // Check that the device is joining through the linked gateway and not another
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loRaDevice.GatewayID) && !string.Equals(loRaDevice.GatewayID, this.configuration.GatewayID, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"join refused: trying to join not through its linked gateway, ignoring join request", LogLevel.Information);
                    loRaDevice.IsOurDevice = false;
                    request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.HandledByAnotherGateway);

                var netIdBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(this.configuration.NetId);
                var netId      = new byte[3]

                var appNonce      = OTAAKeysGenerator.GetAppNonce();
                var appNonceBytes = LoRaTools.Utils.ConversionHelper.StringToByteArray(appNonce);
                var appKeyBytes   = LoRaTools.Utils.ConversionHelper.StringToByteArray(loRaDevice.AppKey);
                var appSKey       = OTAAKeysGenerator.CalculateKey(new byte[1] {
                }, appNonceBytes, netId, joinReq.DevNonce, appKeyBytes);
                var nwkSKey = OTAAKeysGenerator.CalculateKey(new byte[1] {
                }, appNonceBytes, netId, joinReq.DevNonce, appKeyBytes);
                var devAddr = OTAAKeysGenerator.GetNwkId(netId);

                var oldDevAddr = loRaDevice.DevAddr;

                if (!timeWatcher.InTimeForJoinAccept())
                    // in this case it's too late, we need to break and avoid saving twins
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"join refused: processing of the join request took too long, sending no message", LogLevel.Information);
                    request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.ReceiveWindowMissed);

                var updatedProperties = new LoRaDeviceJoinUpdateProperties
                    DevAddr            = devAddr,
                    NwkSKey            = nwkSKey,
                    AppSKey            = appSKey,
                    AppNonce           = appNonce,
                    DevNonce           = devNonce,
                    NetID              = ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToString(netId),
                    Region             = request.Region.LoRaRegion,
                    PreferredGatewayID = this.configuration.GatewayID,

                if (loRaDevice.ClassType == LoRaDeviceClassType.C)
                    updatedProperties.SavePreferredGateway = true;
                    updatedProperties.SaveRegion           = true;

                var deviceUpdateSucceeded = await loRaDevice.UpdateAfterJoinAsync(updatedProperties);

                if (!deviceUpdateSucceeded)
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"join refused: join request could not save twin", LogLevel.Error);
                    request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.ApplicationError);

                var windowToUse = timeWatcher.ResolveJoinAcceptWindowToUse(loRaDevice);
                if (windowToUse == Constants.INVALID_RECEIVE_WINDOW)
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"join refused: processing of the join request took too long, sending no message", LogLevel.Information);
                    request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.ReceiveWindowMissed);

                double freq = 0;
                string datr = null;
                uint   tmst = 0;
                if (windowToUse == Constants.RECEIVE_WINDOW_1)
                    datr = loraRegion.GetDownstreamDR(request.Rxpk);
                    if (!loraRegion.TryGetUpstreamChannelFrequency(request.Rxpk, out freq) || datr == null)
                        Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, "could not resolve DR and/or frequency for downstream", LogLevel.Error);
                        request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.InvalidRxpk);

                    // set tmst for the normal case
                    tmst = request.Rxpk.Tmst + loraRegion.Join_accept_delay1 * 1000000;
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"processing of the join request took too long, using second join accept receive window", LogLevel.Debug);
                    tmst = request.Rxpk.Tmst + loraRegion.Join_accept_delay2 * 1000000;

                    (freq, datr) = loraRegion.GetDownstreamRX2DRAndFreq(devEUI, this.configuration.Rx2DataRate, this.configuration.Rx2DataFrequency, null);

                loRaDevice.IsOurDevice = true;
                this.deviceRegistry.UpdateDeviceAfterJoin(loRaDevice, oldDevAddr);

                // Build join accept downlink message

                // Build the DlSettings fields that is a superposition of RX2DR and RX1DROffset field
                byte[] dlSettings = new byte[1];

                if (request.Region.DRtoConfiguration.ContainsKey(loRaDevice.DesiredRX2DataRate))
                    dlSettings[0] =
                        (byte)(loRaDevice.DesiredRX2DataRate & 0b00001111);
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"twin RX2 DR value is not within acceptable values", LogLevel.Error);

                if (request.Region.IsValidRX1DROffset(loRaDevice.DesiredRX1DROffset))
                    var rx1droffset = (byte)(loRaDevice.DesiredRX1DROffset << 4);
                    dlSettings[0] = (byte)(dlSettings[0] + rx1droffset);
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"twin RX1 offset DR value is not within acceptable values", LogLevel.Error);

                ushort rxDelay = 0;
                if (request.Region.IsValidRXDelay(loRaDevice.DesiredRXDelay))
                    rxDelay = loRaDevice.DesiredRXDelay;
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"twin RX delay value is not within acceptable values", LogLevel.Error);

                var loRaPayloadJoinAccept = new LoRaPayloadJoinAccept(
                    LoRaTools.Utils.ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToString(netId), // NETID 0 / 1 is default test
                    ConversionHelper.StringToByteArray(devAddr),               // todo add device address management

                var joinAccept = loRaPayloadJoinAccept.Serialize(loRaDevice.AppKey, datr, freq, tmst, devEUI);
                if (joinAccept != null)
                    _ = request.PacketForwarder.SendDownstreamAsync(joinAccept);
                    request.NotifySucceeded(loRaDevice, joinAccept);

                    if (Logger.LoggerLevel <= LogLevel.Debug)
                        var jsonMsg = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(joinAccept);
                        Logger.Log(devEUI, $"{LoRaMessageType.JoinAccept.ToString()} {jsonMsg}", LogLevel.Debug);
                    else if (Logger.LoggerLevel == LogLevel.Information)
                        Logger.Log(devEUI, "join accepted", LogLevel.Information);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var deviceId = devEUI ?? ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToString(request.Payload.DevAddr);
                Logger.Log(deviceId, $"failed to handle join request. {ex.Message}", LogLevel.Error);
                request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, ex);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates downlink message with ack for confirmation or cloud to device message.
        /// </summary>
        internal static DownlinkMessageBuilderResponse CreateDownlinkMessage(
            NetworkServerConfiguration configuration,
            LoRaDevice loRaDevice,
            LoRaRequest request,
            LoRaOperationTimeWatcher timeWatcher,
            IReceivedLoRaCloudToDeviceMessage cloudToDeviceMessage,
            bool fpending,
            uint fcntDown,
            LoRaADRResult loRaADRResult,
            ILogger logger)
            var fcntDownToSend = ValidateAndConvert16bitFCnt(fcntDown);

            var upstreamPayload  = (LoRaPayloadData)request.Payload;
            var radioMetadata    = request.RadioMetadata;
            var loRaRegion       = request.Region;
            var isMessageTooLong = false;

            // default fport
            var fctrl = FrameControlFlags.None;

            if (upstreamPayload.MessageType == MacMessageType.ConfirmedDataUp)
                // Confirm receiving message to device
                fctrl = FrameControlFlags.Ack;

            // Calculate receive window
            var receiveWindow = timeWatcher.ResolveReceiveWindowToUse(loRaDevice);

            if (receiveWindow is null)
                // No valid receive window. Abandon the message
                isMessageTooLong = true;
                return(new DownlinkMessageBuilderResponse(null, isMessageTooLong, receiveWindow));

            var rndToken = new byte[2];


            DataRateIndex datr;
            Hertz         freq;

            var deviceJoinInfo = request.Region.LoRaRegion == LoRaRegionType.CN470RP2
                ? new DeviceJoinInfo(loRaDevice.ReportedCN470JoinChannel, loRaDevice.DesiredCN470JoinChannel)
                : null;

            if (loRaRegion is DwellTimeLimitedRegion someRegion)

            if (receiveWindow is ReceiveWindow2)
                freq = loRaRegion.GetDownstreamRX2Freq(configuration.Rx2Frequency, deviceJoinInfo, logger);
                datr = loRaRegion.GetDownstreamRX2DataRate(configuration.Rx2DataRate, loRaDevice.ReportedRX2DataRate, deviceJoinInfo, logger);
                datr = loRaRegion.GetDownstreamDataRate(radioMetadata.DataRate, loRaDevice.ReportedRX1DROffset);

                // The logic for passing CN470 join channel will change as part of #561
                if (!loRaRegion.TryGetDownstreamChannelFrequency(radioMetadata.Frequency, upstreamDataRate: radioMetadata.DataRate, deviceJoinInfo: deviceJoinInfo, downstreamFrequency: out freq))
                    logger.LogError("there was a problem in setting the frequency in the downstream message settings");
                    return(new DownlinkMessageBuilderResponse(null, false, receiveWindow));

            var rx2 = new ReceiveWindow(loRaRegion.GetDownstreamRX2DataRate(configuration.Rx2DataRate, loRaDevice.ReportedRX2DataRate, deviceJoinInfo, logger),
                                        loRaRegion.GetDownstreamRX2Freq(configuration.Rx2Frequency, deviceJoinInfo, logger));

            // get max. payload size based on data rate from LoRaRegion
            var maxPayloadSize = loRaRegion.GetMaxPayloadSize(datr);

            // Deduct 8 bytes from max payload size.
            maxPayloadSize -= Constants.LoraProtocolOverheadSize;

            var availablePayloadSize = maxPayloadSize;

            var macCommands = new List <MacCommand>();

            FramePort?fport = null;
            var       requiresDeviceAcknowlegement = false;
            var       macCommandType = Cid.Zero;

            byte[] frmPayload = null;

            if (cloudToDeviceMessage != null)
                // Get C2D Mac coomands
                var macCommandsC2d = PrepareMacCommandAnswer(null, cloudToDeviceMessage.MacCommands, request, null, logger);

                // Calculate total C2D payload size
                var totalC2dSize = cloudToDeviceMessage.GetPayload()?.Length ?? 0;
                totalC2dSize += macCommandsC2d?.Sum(x => x.Length) ?? 0;

                // Total C2D payload will fit
                if (availablePayloadSize >= totalC2dSize)
                    // Add frmPayload
                    frmPayload = cloudToDeviceMessage.GetPayload();

                    // Add C2D Mac commands
                    if (macCommandsC2d?.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var macCommand in macCommandsC2d)

                    // Deduct frmPayload size from available payload size, continue processing and log
                    availablePayloadSize -= (uint)totalC2dSize;

                    if (cloudToDeviceMessage.Confirmed)
                        requiresDeviceAcknowlegement         = true;
                        loRaDevice.LastConfirmedC2DMessageID = cloudToDeviceMessage.MessageId ?? Constants.C2D_MSG_ID_PLACEHOLDER;

                    if (cloudToDeviceMessage.Fport.IsAppSpecific() || cloudToDeviceMessage.Fport.IsReserved())
                        fport = cloudToDeviceMessage.Fport;

                    logger.LogInformation($"cloud to device message: {((frmPayload?.Length ?? 0) == 0 ? "empty" : frmPayload.ToHex())}, id: {cloudToDeviceMessage.MessageId ?? "undefined"}, fport: {(byte)(fport ?? FramePort.MacCommand)}, confirmed: {requiresDeviceAcknowlegement}, cidType: {macCommandType}, macCommand: {macCommands.Count > 0}");
                    // Flag message to be abandoned and log`
                    logger.LogDebug($"cloud to device message: empty, id: {cloudToDeviceMessage.MessageId ?? "undefined"}, fport: 0, confirmed: {requiresDeviceAcknowlegement} too long for current receive window. Abandoning.");
                    isMessageTooLong = true;

            // Get request Mac commands
            var macCommandsRequest = PrepareMacCommandAnswer(upstreamPayload.MacCommands, null, request, loRaADRResult, logger);

            // Calculate request Mac commands size
            var macCommandsRequestSize = macCommandsRequest?.Sum(x => x.Length) ?? 0;

            // Try adding request Mac commands
            if (availablePayloadSize >= macCommandsRequestSize)
                if (macCommandsRequest?.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var macCommand in macCommandsRequest)

            if (fpending || isMessageTooLong)
                fctrl |= FrameControlFlags.DownlinkFramePending;

            if (upstreamPayload.IsDataRateNetworkControlled)
                fctrl |= FrameControlFlags.Adr;

            var msgType        = requiresDeviceAcknowlegement ? MacMessageType.ConfirmedDataDown : MacMessageType.UnconfirmedDataDown;
            var ackLoRaMessage = new LoRaPayloadData(
                loRaDevice.Supports32BitFCnt ? fcntDown : null);

            // following calculation is making sure that ReportedRXDelay is chosen if not default,
            // todo: check the device twin preference if using confirmed or unconfirmed down
            var downlinkMessage = BuildDownstreamMessage(loRaDevice,
                                                         receiveWindow is ReceiveWindow2 ? null : new ReceiveWindow(datr, freq),

            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                logger.LogDebug($"{ackLoRaMessage.MessageType} {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(downlinkMessage)}");

            return(new DownlinkMessageBuilderResponse(downlinkMessage, isMessageTooLong, receiveWindow));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates downlink message with ack for confirmation or cloud to device message
        /// </summary>
        internal static DownlinkMessageBuilderResponse CreateDownlinkMessage(
            NetworkServerConfiguration configuration,
            LoRaDevice loRaDevice,
            LoRaRequest request,
            LoRaOperationTimeWatcher timeWatcher,
            IReceivedLoRaCloudToDeviceMessage cloudToDeviceMessage,
            bool fpending,
            uint fcntDown,
            LoRaADRResult loRaADRResult)
            var fcntDownToSend = ValidateAndConvert16bitFCnt(fcntDown);

            var  upstreamPayload  = (LoRaPayloadData)request.Payload;
            var  rxpk             = request.Rxpk;
            var  loRaRegion       = request.Region;
            bool isMessageTooLong = false;

            // default fport
            byte fctrl = 0;

            if (upstreamPayload.LoRaMessageType == LoRaMessageType.ConfirmedDataUp)
                // Confirm receiving message to device
                fctrl = (byte)FctrlEnum.Ack;

            // Calculate receive window
            var receiveWindow = timeWatcher.ResolveReceiveWindowToUse(loRaDevice);

            if (receiveWindow == Constants.INVALID_RECEIVE_WINDOW)
                // No valid receive window. Abandon the message
                isMessageTooLong = true;
                return(new DownlinkMessageBuilderResponse(null, isMessageTooLong));

            byte[] rndToken = new byte[2];

            lock (RndLock)

            string datr;
            double freq;
            long   tmst;

            if (receiveWindow == Constants.RECEIVE_WINDOW_2)
                tmst         = rxpk.Tmst + CalculateTime(timeWatcher.GetReceiveWindow2Delay(loRaDevice), loRaDevice.ReportedRXDelay);
                (freq, datr) = loRaRegion.GetDownstreamRX2DRAndFreq(loRaDevice.DevEUI, configuration.Rx2DataRate, configuration.Rx2DataFrequency, loRaDevice.ReportedRX2DataRate);
                datr = loRaRegion.GetDownstreamDR(rxpk, (uint)loRaDevice.ReportedRX1DROffset);
                if (datr == null)
                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, "there was a problem in setting the data rate in the downstream message packet forwarder settings", LogLevel.Error);
                    return(new DownlinkMessageBuilderResponse(null, false));

                if (!loRaRegion.TryGetUpstreamChannelFrequency(rxpk, out freq))
                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, "there was a problem in setting the frequency in the downstream message packet forwarder settings", LogLevel.Error);
                    return(new DownlinkMessageBuilderResponse(null, false));

                tmst = rxpk.Tmst + CalculateTime(timeWatcher.GetReceiveWindow1Delay(loRaDevice), loRaDevice.ReportedRXDelay);

            // get max. payload size based on data rate from LoRaRegion
            var maxPayloadSize = loRaRegion.GetMaxPayloadSize(datr);

            // Deduct 8 bytes from max payload size.
            maxPayloadSize -= Constants.LORA_PROTOCOL_OVERHEAD_SIZE;

            var availablePayloadSize = maxPayloadSize;

            var macCommands = new List <MacCommand>();

            byte?fport = null;
            var  requiresDeviceAcknowlegement = false;
            var  macCommandType = CidEnum.Zero;

            byte[] frmPayload = null;

            if (cloudToDeviceMessage != null)
                // Get C2D Mac coomands
                var macCommandsC2d = PrepareMacCommandAnswer(loRaDevice.DevEUI, null, cloudToDeviceMessage?.MacCommands, rxpk, null);

                // Calculate total C2D payload size
                var totalC2dSize = cloudToDeviceMessage.GetPayload()?.Length ?? 0;
                totalC2dSize += macCommandsC2d?.Sum(x => x.Length) ?? 0;

                // Total C2D payload will fit
                if (availablePayloadSize >= totalC2dSize)
                    // Add frmPayload
                    frmPayload = cloudToDeviceMessage.GetPayload();

                    // Add C2D Mac commands
                    if (macCommandsC2d?.Count > 0)
                        foreach (MacCommand macCommand in macCommandsC2d)

                    // Deduct frmPayload size from available payload size, continue processing and log
                    availablePayloadSize -= (uint)totalC2dSize;

                    if (cloudToDeviceMessage.Confirmed)
                        requiresDeviceAcknowlegement         = true;
                        loRaDevice.LastConfirmedC2DMessageID = cloudToDeviceMessage.MessageId ?? Constants.C2D_MSG_ID_PLACEHOLDER;

                    if (cloudToDeviceMessage.Fport > 0)
                        fport = cloudToDeviceMessage.Fport;

                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"cloud to device message: {((frmPayload?.Length ?? 0) == 0 ? "empty" : ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToString(frmPayload))}, id: {cloudToDeviceMessage.MessageId ?? "undefined"}, fport: {fport ?? 0}, confirmed: {requiresDeviceAcknowlegement}, cidType: {macCommandType}, macCommand: {macCommands.Count > 0}", LogLevel.Information);
                    // Flag message to be abandoned and log
                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"cloud to device message: {((frmPayload?.Length ?? 0) == 0 ? "empty" : Encoding.UTF8.GetString(frmPayload))}, id: {cloudToDeviceMessage.MessageId ?? "undefined"}, fport: {fport ?? 0}, confirmed: {requiresDeviceAcknowlegement} too long for current receive window. Abandoning.", LogLevel.Debug);
                    isMessageTooLong = true;

            // Get request Mac commands
            var macCommandsRequest = PrepareMacCommandAnswer(loRaDevice.DevEUI, upstreamPayload.MacCommands, null, rxpk, loRaADRResult);

            // Calculate request Mac commands size
            var macCommandsRequestSize = macCommandsRequest?.Sum(x => x.Length) ?? 0;

            // Try adding request Mac commands
            if (availablePayloadSize >= macCommandsRequestSize)
                if (macCommandsRequest?.Count > 0)
                    foreach (MacCommand macCommand in macCommandsRequest)

            if (fpending || isMessageTooLong)
                fctrl |= (int)FctrlEnum.FpendingOrClassB;

            if (upstreamPayload.IsAdrEnabled)
                fctrl |= (byte)FctrlEnum.ADR;

            var srcDevAddr      = upstreamPayload.DevAddr.Span;
            var reversedDevAddr = new byte[srcDevAddr.Length];

            for (int i = reversedDevAddr.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                reversedDevAddr[i] = srcDevAddr[srcDevAddr.Length - (1 + i)];

            var msgType        = requiresDeviceAcknowlegement ? LoRaMessageType.ConfirmedDataDown : LoRaMessageType.UnconfirmedDataDown;
            var ackLoRaMessage = new LoRaPayloadData(
                new byte[] { fctrl },
                fport.HasValue ? new byte[] { fport.Value } : null,
                loRaDevice.Supports32BitFCnt ? fcntDown : (uint?)null);

            // todo: check the device twin preference if using confirmed or unconfirmed down
            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"sending a downstream message with ID {ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToString(rndToken)}", LogLevel.Information);
            return(new DownlinkMessageBuilderResponse(
                       ackLoRaMessage.Serialize(loRaDevice.AppSKey, loRaDevice.NwkSKey, datr, freq, tmst, loRaDevice.DevEUI),
 internal ProcessLogger(LoRaOperationTimeWatcher timeWatcher, ReadOnlyMemory <byte> devAddr)
     this.timeWatcher = timeWatcher;
     this.devAddr     = devAddr;
     this.LogLevel    = LogLevel.Information;
        private async Task <bool> SendDeviceEventAsync(LoRaRequest request, LoRaDevice loRaDevice, LoRaOperationTimeWatcher timeWatcher, object decodedValue, DeduplicationResult deduplicationResult, byte[] decryptedPayloadData)
            var loRaPayloadData = (LoRaPayloadData)request.Payload;
            var deviceTelemetry = new LoRaDeviceTelemetry(request.Rxpk, loRaPayloadData, decodedValue, decryptedPayloadData)
                DeviceEUI = loRaDevice.DevEUI,
                GatewayID = this.configuration.GatewayID,
                Edgets    = (long)(timeWatcher.Start - DateTime.UnixEpoch).TotalMilliseconds

            if (deduplicationResult != null && deduplicationResult.IsDuplicate)
                deviceTelemetry.DupMsg = true;

            Dictionary <string, string> eventProperties = null;

            if (loRaPayloadData.IsUpwardAck())
                eventProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"message ack received for cloud to device message id {loRaDevice.LastConfirmedC2DMessageID}", LogLevel.Information);
                eventProperties.Add(Constants.C2D_MSG_PROPERTY_VALUE_NAME, loRaDevice.LastConfirmedC2DMessageID ?? Constants.C2D_MSG_ID_PLACEHOLDER);
                loRaDevice.LastConfirmedC2DMessageID = null;

            this.ProcessAndSendMacCommands(loRaPayloadData, ref eventProperties);

            if (await loRaDevice.SendEventAsync(deviceTelemetry, eventProperties))
                string payloadAsRaw = null;
                if (deviceTelemetry.Data != null)
                    payloadAsRaw = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deviceTelemetry.Data, Formatting.None);

                Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"message '{payloadAsRaw}' sent to hub", LogLevel.Information);

 internal ProcessLogger(LoRaOperationTimeWatcher timeWatcher)
     this.timeWatcher = timeWatcher;
     this.LogLevel    = LogLevel.Information;
        /// <summary>
        /// Process OTAA join request
        /// </summary>
        async Task <DownlinkPktFwdMessage> ProcessJoinRequestAsync(Rxpk rxpk, LoRaPayloadJoinRequest joinReq, DateTime startTimeProcessing)
            var timeWatcher = new LoRaOperationTimeWatcher(this.loraRegion, startTimeProcessing);

            using (var processLogger = new ProcessLogger(timeWatcher))
                byte[] udpMsgForPktForwarder = new byte[0];

                var devEUI = joinReq.GetDevEUIAsString();
                var appEUI = joinReq.GetAppEUIAsString();

                // set context to logger

                var devNonce = joinReq.GetDevNonceAsString();
                Logger.Log(devEUI, $"join request received", LogLevel.Information);

                var loRaDevice = await this.deviceRegistry.GetDeviceForJoinRequestAsync(devEUI, appEUI, devNonce);

                if (loRaDevice == null)

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loRaDevice.AppKey))
                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, "join refused: missing AppKey for OTAA device", LogLevel.Error);

                if (loRaDevice.AppEUI != appEUI)
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, "join refused: AppEUI for OTAA does not match device", LogLevel.Error);

                if (!joinReq.CheckMic(loRaDevice.AppKey))
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, "join refused: invalid MIC", LogLevel.Error);

                // Make sure that is a new request and not a replay
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loRaDevice.DevNonce) && loRaDevice.DevNonce == devNonce)
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, "join refused: DevNonce already used by this device", LogLevel.Information);
                    loRaDevice.IsOurDevice = false;

                // Check that the device is joining through the linked gateway and not another
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loRaDevice.GatewayID) && !string.Equals(loRaDevice.GatewayID, this.configuration.GatewayID, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"join refused: trying to join not through its linked gateway, ignoring join request", LogLevel.Information);
                    loRaDevice.IsOurDevice = false;

                var netIdBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(this.configuration.NetId);
                var netId      = new byte[3]
                var appNonce      = OTAAKeysGenerator.GetAppNonce();
                var appNonceBytes = LoRaTools.Utils.ConversionHelper.StringToByteArray(appNonce);
                var appKeyBytes   = LoRaTools.Utils.ConversionHelper.StringToByteArray(loRaDevice.AppKey);
                var appSKey       = OTAAKeysGenerator.CalculateKey(new byte[1] {
                }, appNonceBytes, netId, joinReq.DevNonce, appKeyBytes);
                var nwkSKey = OTAAKeysGenerator.CalculateKey(new byte[1] {
                }, appNonceBytes, netId, joinReq.DevNonce, appKeyBytes);
                var devAddr = OTAAKeysGenerator.GetNwkId(netId);

                if (!timeWatcher.InTimeForJoinAccept())
                    // in this case it's too late, we need to break and avoid saving twins
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"join refused: processing of the join request took too long, sending no message", LogLevel.Information);

                Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"saving join properties twins", LogLevel.Debug);
                var deviceUpdateSucceeded = await loRaDevice.UpdateAfterJoinAsync(devAddr, nwkSKey, appSKey, appNonce, devNonce, LoRaTools.Utils.ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToString(netId));

                Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"done saving join properties twins", LogLevel.Debug);

                if (!deviceUpdateSucceeded)
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"join refused: join request could not save twins", LogLevel.Error);

                var windowToUse = timeWatcher.ResolveJoinAcceptWindowToUse(loRaDevice);
                if (windowToUse == 0)
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"join refused: processing of the join request took too long, sending no message", LogLevel.Information);

                double freq = 0;
                string datr = null;
                uint   tmst = 0;
                if (windowToUse == 1)
                        datr = this.loraRegion.GetDownstreamDR(rxpk);
                        freq = this.loraRegion.GetDownstreamChannelFrequency(rxpk);
                    catch (RegionLimitException ex)
                        Logger.Log(devEUI, ex.ToString(), LogLevel.Error);

                    // set tmst for the normal case
                    tmst = rxpk.Tmst + this.loraRegion.Join_accept_delay1 * 1000000;
                    Logger.Log(devEUI, $"processing of the join request took too long, using second join accept receive window", LogLevel.Information);
                    tmst = rxpk.Tmst + this.loraRegion.Join_accept_delay2 * 1000000;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.configuration.Rx2DataRate))
                        Logger.Log(devEUI, $"using standard second receive windows for join request", LogLevel.Information);
                        // using EU fix DR for RX2
                        freq = this.loraRegion.RX2DefaultReceiveWindows.frequency;
                        datr = this.loraRegion.DRtoConfiguration[RegionFactory.CurrentRegion.RX2DefaultReceiveWindows.dr].configuration;
                        Logger.Log(devEUI, $"using custom  second receive windows for join request", LogLevel.Information);
                        freq = this.configuration.Rx2DataFrequency;
                        datr = this.configuration.Rx2DataRate;

                loRaDevice.IsOurDevice = true;

                // Build join accept downlink message

        // Sends device telemetry data to IoT Hub
        private async Task <bool> SendDeviceEventAsync(LoRaDevice loRaDevice, Rxpk rxpk, object decodedValue, LoRaPayloadData loRaPayloadData, LoRaOperationTimeWatcher timeWatcher)
            var deviceTelemetry = new LoRaDeviceTelemetry(rxpk, loRaPayloadData, decodedValue)
                DeviceEUI = loRaDevice.DevEUI,
                GatewayID = this.configuration.GatewayID,
                Edgets    = (long)(timeWatcher.Start - DateTime.UnixEpoch).TotalMilliseconds

            Dictionary <string, string> eventProperties = null;

            if (loRaPayloadData.IsUpwardAck())
                eventProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"Message ack received for C2D message id {loRaDevice.LastConfirmedC2DMessageID}", LogLevel.Information);
                eventProperties.Add(C2D_MSG_PROPERTY_VALUE_NAME, loRaDevice.LastConfirmedC2DMessageID ?? C2D_MSG_ID_PLACEHOLDER);
                loRaDevice.LastConfirmedC2DMessageID = null;

            var macCommand = loRaPayloadData.GetMacCommands();

            if (macCommand.MacCommand.Count > 0)
                eventProperties = eventProperties ?? new Dictionary <string, string>();

                for (int i = 0; i < macCommand.MacCommand.Count; i++)
                    eventProperties[macCommand.MacCommand[i].Cid.ToString()] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(macCommand.MacCommand[i], Formatting.None);

                    // in case it is a link check mac, we need to send it downstream.
                    if (macCommand.MacCommand[i].Cid == CidEnum.LinkCheckCmd)
                        // linkCheckCmdResponse = new LinkCheckCmd(rxPk.GetModulationMargin(), 1).ToBytes();

            if (await loRaDevice.SendEventAsync(deviceTelemetry, eventProperties))
                var payloadAsRaw = deviceTelemetry.Data as string;
                if (payloadAsRaw == null && deviceTelemetry.Data != null)
                    payloadAsRaw = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deviceTelemetry.Data, Formatting.None);

                Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"message '{payloadAsRaw}' sent to hub", LogLevel.Information);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates downlink message with ack for confirmation or cloud to device message
        /// </summary>
        DownlinkPktFwdMessage CreateDownlinkMessage(
            Message cloudToDeviceMessage,
            LoRaDevice loRaDevice,
            Rxpk rxpk,
            LoRaPayloadData upstreamPayload,
            LoRaOperationTimeWatcher timeWatcher,
            ReadOnlyMemory <byte> payloadDevAddr,
            bool fpending,
            ushort fcntDown)
            // default fport
            byte fctrl = 0;

            if (upstreamPayload.LoRaMessageType == LoRaMessageType.ConfirmedDataUp)
                // Confirm receiving message to device
                fctrl = (byte)FctrlEnum.Ack;

            byte?fport = null;
            var  requiresDeviceAcknowlegement = false;

            byte[] macbytes = null;

            byte[] rndToken = new byte[2];
            Random rnd      = new Random();


            byte[] frmPayload = null;

            if (cloudToDeviceMessage != null)
                if (cloudToDeviceMessage.Properties.TryGetValueCaseInsensitive("cidtype", out var cidTypeValue))
                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, "Cloud to device MAC command received", LogLevel.Information);
                    MacCommandHolder macCommandHolder = new MacCommandHolder(Convert.ToByte(cidTypeValue));
                    macbytes = macCommandHolder.MacCommand[0].ToBytes();

                if (cloudToDeviceMessage.Properties.TryGetValueCaseInsensitive("confirmed", out var confirmedValue) && confirmedValue.Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    requiresDeviceAcknowlegement         = true;
                    loRaDevice.LastConfirmedC2DMessageID = cloudToDeviceMessage.MessageId ?? C2D_MSG_ID_PLACEHOLDER;

                if (cloudToDeviceMessage.Properties.TryGetValueCaseInsensitive("fport", out var fPortValue))
                    fport = byte.Parse(fPortValue);

                Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"Sending a downstream message with ID {ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToString(rndToken)}", LogLevel.Debug);

                frmPayload = cloudToDeviceMessage?.GetBytes();

                Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"C2D message: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(frmPayload)}, id: {cloudToDeviceMessage.MessageId ?? "undefined"}, fport: {fport}, confirmed: {requiresDeviceAcknowlegement}, cidType: {cidTypeValue}", LogLevel.Information);

                // cut to the max payload of lora for any EU datarate
                if (frmPayload.Length > 51)
                    Array.Resize(ref frmPayload, 51);


            if (fpending)
                fctrl |= (int)FctrlEnum.FpendingOrClassB;

            // if (macbytes != null && linkCheckCmdResponse != null)
            //     macbytes = macbytes.Concat(linkCheckCmdResponse).ToArray();
            var reversedDevAddr = new byte[payloadDevAddr.Length];
            var srcDevAddr      = payloadDevAddr.Span;

            for (int i = reversedDevAddr.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                reversedDevAddr[i] = srcDevAddr[srcDevAddr.Length - (1 + i)];

            var msgType        = requiresDeviceAcknowlegement ? LoRaMessageType.ConfirmedDataDown : LoRaMessageType.UnconfirmedDataDown;
            var ackLoRaMessage = new LoRaPayloadData(
                new byte[] { fctrl },
                fport.HasValue ? new byte[] { fport.Value } : null,

            // var firstWindowTime = timeWatcher.GetRemainingTimeToReceiveFirstWindow(loRaDevice);
            // if (firstWindowTime > TimeSpan.Zero)
            //     System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(firstWindowTime);
            var receiveWindow = timeWatcher.ResolveReceiveWindowToUse(loRaDevice);

            if (receiveWindow == 0)

            string datr = null;
            double freq = 0;
            long   tmst = 0;

            if (receiveWindow == 2)
                tmst = rxpk.Tmst + timeWatcher.GetReceiveWindow2Delay(loRaDevice) * 1000000;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.configuration.Rx2DataRate))
                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, "using standard second receive windows", LogLevel.Information);
                    freq = this.loraRegion.RX2DefaultReceiveWindows.frequency;
                    datr = this.loraRegion.DRtoConfiguration[this.loraRegion.RX2DefaultReceiveWindows.dr].configuration;

                // if specific twins are set, specify second channel to be as specified
                    freq = this.configuration.Rx2DataFrequency;
                    datr = this.configuration.Rx2DataRate;
                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"using custom DR second receive windows freq : {freq}, datr:{datr}", LogLevel.Information);
                    datr = this.loraRegion.GetDownstreamDR(rxpk);
                    freq = this.loraRegion.GetDownstreamChannelFrequency(rxpk);
                    tmst = rxpk.Tmst + this.loraRegion.Receive_delay1 * 1000000;
                catch (RegionLimitException ex)
                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, ex.Message, LogLevel.Error);

            // todo: check the device twin preference if using confirmed or unconfirmed down
            return(ackLoRaMessage.Serialize(loRaDevice.AppSKey, loRaDevice.NwkSKey, datr, freq, tmst, loRaDevice.DevEUI));
        /// <summary>
        /// Process LoRa message where the payload is of type LoRaPayloadData
        /// </summary>
        async Task <DownlinkPktFwdMessage> ProcessDataMessageAsync(LoRaTools.LoRaPhysical.Rxpk rxpk, LoRaPayloadData loraPayload, DateTime startTime)
            var devAddr = loraPayload.DevAddr;

            var timeWatcher = new LoRaOperationTimeWatcher(this.loraRegion, startTime);

            using (var processLogger = new ProcessLogger(timeWatcher, devAddr))
                if (!this.IsValidNetId(loraPayload.GetDevAddrNetID(), this.configuration.NetId))
                    Logger.Log(ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToString(devAddr), "device is using another network id, ignoring this message", LogLevel.Debug);
                    processLogger.LogLevel = LogLevel.Debug;

                // Find device that matches:
                // - devAddr
                // - mic check (requires: loraDeviceInfo.NwkSKey or loraDeviceInfo.AppKey, rxpk.LoraPayload.Mic)
                // - gateway id
                var loRaDevice = await this.deviceRegistry.GetDeviceForPayloadAsync(loraPayload);

                if (loRaDevice == null)
                    Logger.Log(ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToString(devAddr), $"device is not from our network, ignoring message", LogLevel.Information);

                // Add context to logger

                var isMultiGateway       = !string.Equals(loRaDevice.GatewayID, this.configuration.GatewayID, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                var frameCounterStrategy = isMultiGateway ? this.frameCounterUpdateStrategyFactory.GetMultiGatewayStrategy() : this.frameCounterUpdateStrategyFactory.GetSingleGatewayStrategy();

                var payloadFcnt          = loraPayload.GetFcnt();
                var requiresConfirmation = loraPayload.IsConfirmed();

                using (new LoRaDeviceFrameCounterSession(loRaDevice, frameCounterStrategy))
                    // Leaf devices that restart lose the counter. In relax mode we accept the incoming frame counter
                    // ABP device does not reset the Fcnt so in relax mode we should reset for 0 (LMIC based) or 1
                    var isFrameCounterFromNewlyStartedDevice = false;
                    if (payloadFcnt <= 1)
                        if (loRaDevice.IsABP)
                            if (loRaDevice.IsABPRelaxedFrameCounter && loRaDevice.FCntUp >= 0 && payloadFcnt <= 1)
                                // known problem when device restarts, starts fcnt from zero
                                _ = frameCounterStrategy.ResetAsync(loRaDevice);
                                isFrameCounterFromNewlyStartedDevice = true;
                        else if (loRaDevice.FCntUp == payloadFcnt && payloadFcnt == 0)
                            // Some devices start with frame count 0
                            isFrameCounterFromNewlyStartedDevice = true;

                    // Reply attack or confirmed reply
                    // Confirmed resubmit: A confirmed message that was received previously but we did not answer in time
                    // Device will send it again and we just need to return an ack (but also check for C2D to send it over)
                    var isConfirmedResubmit = false;
                    if (!isFrameCounterFromNewlyStartedDevice && payloadFcnt <= loRaDevice.FCntUp)
                        // if it is confirmed most probably we did not ack in time before or device lost the ack packet so we should continue but not send the msg to iothub
                        if (requiresConfirmation && payloadFcnt == loRaDevice.FCntUp)
                            if (!loRaDevice.ValidateConfirmResubmit(payloadFcnt))
                                Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"resubmit from confirmed message exceeds threshold of {LoRaDevice.MaxConfirmationResubmitCount}, message ignored, msg: {payloadFcnt} server: {loRaDevice.FCntUp}", LogLevel.Debug);
                                processLogger.LogLevel = LogLevel.Debug;

                            isConfirmedResubmit = true;
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"resubmit from confirmed message detected, msg: {payloadFcnt} server: {loRaDevice.FCntUp}", LogLevel.Information);
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"invalid frame counter, message ignored, msg: {payloadFcnt} server: {loRaDevice.FCntUp}", LogLevel.Information);

                    var fcntDown = 0;
                    // If it is confirmed it require us to update the frame counter down
                    // Multiple gateways: in redis, otherwise in device twin
                    if (requiresConfirmation)
                        fcntDown = await frameCounterStrategy.NextFcntDown(loRaDevice, payloadFcnt);

                        // Failed to update the fcnt down
                        // In multi gateway scenarios it means the another gateway was faster than using, can stop now
                        if (fcntDown <= 0)
                            // update our fcntup anyway?
                            // loRaDevice.SetFcntUp(payloadFcnt);
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, "another gateway has already sent ack or downlink msg", LogLevel.Information);


                        Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"down frame counter: {loRaDevice.FCntDown}", LogLevel.Information);

                    if (!isConfirmedResubmit)
                        var validFcntUp = isFrameCounterFromNewlyStartedDevice || (payloadFcnt > loRaDevice.FCntUp);
                        if (validFcntUp)
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"valid frame counter, msg: {payloadFcnt} server: {loRaDevice.FCntUp}", LogLevel.Information);

                            object payloadData = null;

                            // if it is an upward acknowledgement from the device it does not have a payload
                            // This is confirmation from leaf device that he received a C2D confirmed
                            // if a message payload is null we don't try to decrypt it.
                            if (loraPayload.Frmpayload.Length != 0)
                                byte[] decryptedPayloadData = null;
                                    decryptedPayloadData = loraPayload.GetDecryptedPayload(loRaDevice.AppSKey);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"failed to decrypt message: {ex.Message}", LogLevel.Error);

                                var fportUp = loraPayload.GetFPort();

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loRaDevice.SensorDecoder))
                                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"no decoder set in device twin. port: {fportUp}", LogLevel.Debug);
                                    payloadData = Convert.ToBase64String(decryptedPayloadData);
                                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"decoding with: {loRaDevice.SensorDecoder} port: {fportUp}", LogLevel.Debug);
                                    payloadData = await this.payloadDecoder.DecodeMessageAsync(decryptedPayloadData, fportUp, loRaDevice.SensorDecoder);

                            if (!await this.SendDeviceEventAsync(loRaDevice, rxpk, payloadData, loraPayload, timeWatcher))
                                // failed to send event to IoT Hub, stop now

                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"invalid frame counter, msg: {payloadFcnt} server: {loRaDevice.FCntUp}", LogLevel.Information);

                    // We check if we have time to futher progress or not
                    // C2D checks are quite expensive so if we are really late we just stop here
                    var timeToSecondWindow = timeWatcher.GetRemainingTimeToReceiveSecondWindow(loRaDevice);
                    if (timeToSecondWindow < LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.ExpectedTimeToPackageAndSendMessage)
                        if (requiresConfirmation)
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"too late for down message ({timeWatcher.GetElapsedTime()}), sending only ACK to gateway", LogLevel.Information);


                    // If it is confirmed and
                    // - Downlink is disabled for the device or
                    // - we don't have time to check c2d and send to device we return now
                    if (requiresConfirmation && (!loRaDevice.DownlinkEnabled || timeToSecondWindow.Subtract(LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.ExpectedTimeToPackageAndSendMessage) <= LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.MinimumAvailableTimeToCheckForCloudMessage))
                                   false, // fpending

                    // Flag indicating if there is another C2D message waiting
                    var fpending = false;

                    // Contains the Cloud to message we need to send
                    Message cloudToDeviceMessage = null;

                    if (loRaDevice.DownlinkEnabled)
                        // ReceiveAsync has a longer timeout
                        // But we wait less that the timeout (available time before 2nd window)
                        // if message is received after timeout, keep it in loraDeviceInfo and return the next call
                        var timeAvailableToCheckCloudToDeviceMessages = timeWatcher.GetAvailableTimeToCheckCloudToDeviceMessage(loRaDevice);
                        if (timeAvailableToCheckCloudToDeviceMessages >= LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.MinimumAvailableTimeToCheckForCloudMessage)
                            cloudToDeviceMessage = await loRaDevice.ReceiveCloudToDeviceAsync(timeAvailableToCheckCloudToDeviceMessages);

                            if (cloudToDeviceMessage != null && !this.ValidateCloudToDeviceMessage(loRaDevice, cloudToDeviceMessage))
                                _ = loRaDevice.CompleteCloudToDeviceMessageAsync(cloudToDeviceMessage);
                                cloudToDeviceMessage = null;

                            if (cloudToDeviceMessage != null)
                                if (!requiresConfirmation)
                                    // The message coming from the device was not confirmed, therefore we did not computed the frame count down
                                    // Now we need to increment because there is a C2D message to be sent
                                    fcntDown = await frameCounterStrategy.NextFcntDown(loRaDevice, payloadFcnt);

                                    if (fcntDown == 0)
                                        // We did not get a valid frame count down, therefore we should not process the message
                                        _ = loRaDevice.AbandonCloudToDeviceMessageAsync(cloudToDeviceMessage);

                                        cloudToDeviceMessage = null;
                                        requiresConfirmation = true;

                                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"down frame counter: {loRaDevice.FCntDown}", LogLevel.Information);

                                // Checking again if cloudToDeviceMessage is valid because the fcntDown resolution could have failed,
                                // causing us to drop the message
                                if (cloudToDeviceMessage != null)
                                    var remainingTimeForFPendingCheck = timeWatcher.GetRemainingTimeToReceiveSecondWindow(loRaDevice) - (LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.CheckForCloudMessageCallEstimatedOverhead + LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.MinimumAvailableTimeToCheckForCloudMessage);
                                    if (remainingTimeForFPendingCheck >= LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.MinimumAvailableTimeToCheckForCloudMessage)
                                        var additionalMsg = await loRaDevice.ReceiveCloudToDeviceAsync(LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.MinimumAvailableTimeToCheckForCloudMessage);

                                        if (additionalMsg != null)
                                            fpending = true;
                                            _        = loRaDevice.AbandonCloudToDeviceMessageAsync(additionalMsg);
                                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"found fpending c2d message id: {additionalMsg.MessageId ?? "undefined"}", LogLevel.Information);

                    // No C2D message and request was not confirmed, return nothing
                    if (!requiresConfirmation)

                    var confirmDownstream = this.CreateDownlinkMessage(

                    if (cloudToDeviceMessage != null)
                        if (confirmDownstream == null)
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"out of time for downstream message, will abandon c2d message id: {cloudToDeviceMessage.MessageId ?? "undefined"}", LogLevel.Information);
                            _ = loRaDevice.AbandonCloudToDeviceMessageAsync(cloudToDeviceMessage);
                            _ = loRaDevice.CompleteCloudToDeviceMessageAsync(cloudToDeviceMessage);
