Beispiel #1
        public bool RecordBatchedLine(LastMacro macroRecorded, string line, int maxLineLength)
            if (null == line)
                line = "";

            if (maxLineLength > 0 && line.Length >= maxLineLength)
                // Reset the state after recording the line, so it will not be appended to further
                // Notify the caller that the this line will not be appended to further

            if (IsLastRecordedMacro(macroRecorded))
                m_VsMacroRecorder.ReplaceLine(line, ref m_GuidEmitter);
                // m_LastMacroRecorded can stay the same
                m_VsMacroRecorder.RecordLine(line, ref m_GuidEmitter);
                m_LastMacroRecorded       = macroRecorded;
                m_TimesPreviouslyRecorded = 1;

Beispiel #2
        public bool RecordBatchedLine(LastMacro macroRecorded, string line)
            if (null == line)
                line = "";

            return(RecordBatchedLine(macroRecorded, line, 0));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The record batched line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="macroRecorded">
        /// The macro recorded.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="line">
        /// The line.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="bool"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public bool RecordBatchedLine(LastMacro macroRecorded, string line)
            if (null == line)
                line = string.Empty;

            return(this.RecordBatchedLine(macroRecorded, line, 0));
        public void RecordMove(LastMacro state, string direction, MoveScope scope, bool extend)
            string macroString = "";

            macroString += "ActiveDocument.Object.Move";
            macroString += direction;
            // Get the number of times this macro type has been recorded already
            // (if any) and then add one to get the current count
            macroString += "(" + (int)scope + ", " + (m_Recorder.GetTimesPreviouslyRecorded(state) + 1) + ", " + (int)(extend ? tom.tomConstants.tomExtend : tom.tomConstants.tomMove) + ")";

            m_Recorder.RecordBatchedLine(state, macroString);
        /// <summary>
        /// The record delete.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="backspace">
        /// The backspace.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="word">
        /// The word.
        /// </param>
        public void RecordDelete(bool backspace, bool word)
            // If not backspace then it's a delete
            // If not word then it's a single character
            LastMacro macroType = backspace ? (word ? LastMacro.BackspaceWord : LastMacro.BackspaceChar) : (word ? LastMacro.DeleteWord : LastMacro.DeleteChar);

            // Get the number of times the macro type calculated above has been recorded already
            // (if any) and then add one to get the current count
            uint count = this.m_Recorder.GetTimesPreviouslyRecorded(macroType) + 1;

            string macroString = string.Empty;

            // if this parameter is negative, it indicates a backspace, rather then a delete
            macroString += "ActiveDocument.Object.Delete(" + (int)(word ? tomConstants.tomWord : tomConstants.tomCharacter) + ", " + (backspace ? -1 * count : count) + ")";

            this.m_Recorder.RecordBatchedLine(macroType, macroString);
 public uint GetTimesPreviouslyRecorded(LastMacro macro)
     return IsLastRecordedMacro(macro) ? m_TimesPreviouslyRecorded : 0;
        public VSMacroRecorder(Guid emitter)
            this.m_LastMacroRecorded = LastMacro.None;

            this.m_GuidEmitter = emitter;
        public void RecordMove(LastMacro state, string direction, MoveScope scope, bool extend)
            var macroString = string.Empty;

            macroString += "ActiveDocument.Object.Move";
            macroString += direction;

            // Get the number of times this macro type has been recorded already
            // (if any) and then add one to get the current count
            macroString += "(" + (int) scope + ", " + (m_Recorder.GetTimesPreviouslyRecorded(state) + 1) + ", " +
                           (int) (extend ? tom.tomConstants.tomExtend : tom.tomConstants.tomMove) + ")";

            m_Recorder.RecordBatchedLine(state, macroString);
        public void RecordNonprintableChar(Keys currentKey)
            string macroString = "";

            // Obtain the CTRL and SHIFT as they modify a number of the virtual keys.
            bool shiftDown   = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Shift == (System.Windows.Forms.Control.ModifierKeys & System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Shift);     //Keyboard::IsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT);
            bool controlDown = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Control == (System.Windows.Forms.Control.ModifierKeys & System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Control); //Keyboard::IsKeyDown(VK_CONTROL);

            // msg.WParam indicates the virtual key.
            switch (currentKey)
            case Keys.Back:     // BackSpace key
                // Note that SHIFT does not affect this command
                RecordDelete(true, controlDown);

            case Keys.Delete:
                // Note that SHIFT completely disables this command
                if (!shiftDown)
                    RecordDelete(false, controlDown);

            case Keys.Left:     // Left Arrow
                // SHIFT indicates selection, CTRL indicates words instead of characters
                LastMacro macroType = controlDown ?
                                      (shiftDown ? LastMacro.LeftArrowWordSelection : LastMacro.LeftArrowWord) :
                                      (shiftDown ? LastMacro.LeftArrowCharSelection : LastMacro.LeftArrowChar);

                RecordMove(macroType, "Left", controlDown ? MoveScope.Word : MoveScope.Character, shiftDown);

            case Keys.Right:     // Right Arrow
                // SHIFT indicates selection, CTRL indicates words instead of characters
                LastMacro macroType = controlDown ?
                                      (shiftDown ? LastMacro.RightArrowWordSelection : LastMacro.RightArrowWord) :
                                      (shiftDown ? LastMacro.RightArrowCharSelection : LastMacro.RightArrowChar);

                RecordMove(macroType, "Right", controlDown ? MoveScope.Word : MoveScope.Character, shiftDown);

            case Keys.Up:     // Up Arrow
                // SHIFT indicates selection, CTRL indicates paragraphs instead of lines
                LastMacro macroType = controlDown ?
                                      (shiftDown ? LastMacro.UpArrowParaSelection : LastMacro.UpArrowPara) :
                                      (shiftDown ? LastMacro.UpArrowLineSelection : LastMacro.UpArrowLine);

                RecordMove(macroType, "Up", controlDown ? MoveScope.Paragraph : MoveScope.Line, shiftDown);

            case Keys.Down:     // Down Arrow
                // SHIFT indicates selection, CTRL indicates paragraphs instead of lines
                LastMacro macroType = controlDown ?
                                      (shiftDown ? LastMacro.DownArrowParaSelection : LastMacro.DownArrowPara) :
                                      (shiftDown ? LastMacro.DownArrowLineSelection : LastMacro.DownArrowLine);

                RecordMove(macroType, "Down", controlDown ? MoveScope.Paragraph : MoveScope.Line, shiftDown);

            case Keys.Prior:    // Page Up
            case Keys.Next:     // Page Down
                macroString += "ActiveDocument.Object.Move";

                if (System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Prior == currentKey)
                    macroString += "Up";
                    macroString += "Down";

                macroString += "(" + (int)(controlDown ? tom.tomConstants.tomWindow : tom.tomConstants.tomScreen) + ", 1, " + (int)(shiftDown ? tom.tomConstants.tomExtend : tom.tomConstants.tomMove) + ")";


            case Keys.End:
            case Keys.Home:
                macroString += "ActiveDocument.Object.";

                if (System.Windows.Forms.Keys.End == currentKey)
                    macroString += "EndKey";
                    macroString += "HomeKey";

                macroString += "(" + (int)(controlDown ? tom.tomConstants.tomStory : tom.tomConstants.tomLine) + ", " + (int)(shiftDown ? tom.tomConstants.tomExtend : tom.tomConstants.tomMove) + ")";


            case Keys.Insert:
                // Note that the CTRL completely disables this command.  Also the SHIFT+INSERT
                // actually generates a WM_PASTE message rather than a WM_KEYDOWN
                if (!controlDown)
                    macroString  = "ActiveDocument.Object.Flags = ActiveDocument.Object.Flags Xor ";
                    macroString += (int)tom.tomConstants.tomSelOvertype;
        public VsMacroRecorder(Guid guid)
            this.m_LastMacroRecorded = LastMacro.None;

            this.m_GuidEmitter = guid;
        public bool RecordBatchedLine(LastMacro macroRecorded, string line, int maxLineLength)
            if (null == line)
                line = "";

            if (maxLineLength > 0 && line.Length >= maxLineLength)
                // Reset the state after recording the line, so it will not be appended to further
                // Notify the caller that the this line will not be appended to further
                return true;

                m_VsMacroRecorder.ReplaceLine(line, ref m_GuidEmitter);
                // m_LastMacroRecorded can stay the same
                m_VsMacroRecorder.RecordLine(line, ref m_GuidEmitter);
                m_LastMacroRecorded = macroRecorded;
                m_TimesPreviouslyRecorded = 1;

            return false;
Beispiel #12
        public VSMacroRecorder(Guid emitter)
            this.m_LastMacroRecorded = LastMacro.None;

            this.m_GuidEmitter = emitter;
Beispiel #13
 public uint GetTimesPreviouslyRecorded(LastMacro macro)
     return(IsLastRecordedMacro(macro) ? m_TimesPreviouslyRecorded : 0);
        public VsMacroRecorder(Guid guid)
            this.m_LastMacroRecorded = LastMacro.None;

            this.m_GuidEmitter = guid;
 public bool IsLastRecordedMacro(LastMacro macro)
     return (macro == m_LastMacroRecorded && ObjectIsLastMacroEmitter()) ? true : false;
        public bool RecordBatchedLine(LastMacro macroRecorded, string line)
            if (null == line)
                line = "";

            return RecordBatchedLine(macroRecorded, line, 0);
Beispiel #17
        // Compiler generated destructor is fine

        public void Reset()
            m_LastMacroRecorded       = LastMacro.None;
            m_TimesPreviouslyRecorded = 0;
 // Compiler generated destructor is fine
 public void Reset()
     m_LastMacroRecorded = LastMacro.None;
     m_TimesPreviouslyRecorded = 0;
Beispiel #19
 public bool IsLastRecordedMacro(LastMacro macro)
     return((macro == m_LastMacroRecorded && ObjectIsLastMacroEmitter()) ? true : false);