public void Should_SerializeInt4() { Int4 value = Int4.MaxValue; // range -7 to 7 Assert.AreEqual(false, value._sign); Assert.AreEqual(1, value.GetBit(0)); Assert.AreEqual(1, value.GetBit(1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, value.GetBit(2)); Assert.AreEqual(new Bit[] { 1, 1, 1, 0 }, value.GetBits()); value = Int4.MinValue; Assert.AreEqual(true, value._sign); Assert.AreEqual(1, value.GetBit(0)); Assert.AreEqual(1, value.GetBit(1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, value.GetBit(2)); Assert.AreEqual(new Bit[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, value.GetBits()); // test overflow value = (Int4)10; Assert.AreEqual(2, value); Assert.AreEqual(false, value._sign); Assert.AreEqual(0, value.GetBit(0)); Assert.AreEqual(1, value.GetBit(1)); Assert.AreEqual(0, value.GetBit(2)); Assert.AreEqual(new Bit[] { 0, 1, 0, 0 }, value.GetBits()); }
/// <summary> /// Get an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data. /// </summary> /// <param name="count">The number of array elements to set. </param> /// <returns>Returns an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data. </returns> /// <unmanaged>HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVectorArray([Out, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count)</unmanaged> public SharpDX.Int4[] GetIntVectorArray(int count) { var temp = new Int4[count]; GetIntVectorArray(temp, 0, count); return(temp); }
public void Indexers_WithInvalidOffsets_ShouldThrow() { var int4 = new Int4(1, 2, 3, 4); Should.Throw <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => int4[-1]); Should.Throw <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => int4[4] = 5); }
public static void Scale(ref Int4 m, int s, out Int4 result) { result.A = m.A * s; result.B = m.B * s; result.C = m.C * s; result.D = m.D * s; }
public bool Equals(Int4 p) { if ((object)p == null) return false; return (x == p.x) && (y == p.y) && (z == p.z) && (w == p.w); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a Int4 instance to a serialization info object /// </summary> /// <param name="info">Serialization info</param> /// <param name="name">Name</param> /// <param name="value">Value</param> public static void AddInt4(this SerializationInfo info, string name, Int4 value) { info.AddValue(string.Format("{0}.X", name), value.X); info.AddValue(string.Format("{0}.Y", name), value.Y); info.AddValue(string.Format("{0}.Z", name), value.Z); info.AddValue(string.Format("{0}.W", name), value.W); }
private void UpdateWindowPosition() { if (updateRequested || !attached) { return; } updateRequested = true; Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => { updateRequested = false; Visual root = null; var shouldShow = true; var parent = (Visual)VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this); while (parent != null) { root = parent; var parentElement = parent as FrameworkElement; if (parentElement != null) { if (!parentElement.IsLoaded || !parentElement.IsVisible) { shouldShow = false; } } parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(root) as Visual; } if (root == null) { return; } // Find proper position for the game var positionTransform = TransformToAncestor(root); var areaPosition = positionTransform.Transform(new Point(0, 0)); var boundingBox = new Int4((int)(areaPosition.X * dpiScale.DpiScaleX), (int)(areaPosition.Y * dpiScale.DpiScaleY), (int)(ActualWidth * dpiScale.DpiScaleX), (int)(ActualHeight * dpiScale.DpiScaleY)); if (boundingBox != lastBoundingBox) { lastBoundingBox = boundingBox; // Move the window asynchronously, without activating it, without touching the Z order // TODO: do we want SWP_NOCOPYBITS? const int flags = NativeHelper.SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | NativeHelper.SWP_NOACTIVATE | NativeHelper.SWP_NOZORDER; NativeHelper.SetWindowPos(Handle, NativeHelper.HWND_TOP, boundingBox.X, boundingBox.Y, boundingBox.Z, boundingBox.W, flags); var style = NativeHelper.GetWindowLong(Handle, NativeHelper.GWL_STYLE); // Workaround for missing keyboard input see issue #94 NativeHelper.SetWindowLong(Handle, NativeHelper.GWL_STYLE, style & ~NativeHelper.WS_CHILD); } if (attached) { NativeHelper.ShowWindow(Handle, shouldShow ? NativeHelper.SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE : NativeHelper.SW_HIDE); } }, DispatcherPriority.Input); // This code must be dispatched after the DispatcherPriority.Loaded to properly work since it's checking the IsLoaded flag! }
public void Reset() { RegistersCollection.Reset(); registerAddress = 0; Int3.Unset(); Int4.Unset(); this.Log(LogLevel.Noisy, "Reset registers"); }
private void UpdateWindowPosition() { if (updateRequested) { return; } updateRequested = true; Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => { updateRequested = false; Visual root = null; bool shouldShow = true; var parent = (Visual)VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this); while (parent != null) { root = parent; parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(root) as Visual; var parentElement = parent as FrameworkElement; if (parentElement != null && !parentElement.IsLoaded) { shouldShow = false; } if (parent == null) { break; } } if (root == null) { return; } // Find proper position for the game var positionTransform = TransformToAncestor(root); var areaPosition = positionTransform.Transform(new Point(0, 0)); var boundingBox = new Int4((int)areaPosition.X, (int)areaPosition.Y, (int)ActualWidth, (int)ActualHeight); if (boundingBox == lastBoundingBox) { return; } lastBoundingBox = boundingBox; // Move the window asynchronously, without activating it, without touching the Z order // TODO: do we want SWP_NOCOPYBITS? const int flags = NativeHelper.SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | NativeHelper.SWP_NOACTIVATE | NativeHelper.SWP_NOZORDER; NativeHelper.SetWindowPos(Handle, NativeHelper.HWND_TOP, boundingBox.X, boundingBox.Y, boundingBox.Z, boundingBox.W, flags); if (shouldShow) { NativeHelper.ShowWindow(Handle, NativeHelper.SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); } }, DispatcherPriority.Input); // This code must be dispatched after the DispatcherPriority.Loaded to properly work since it's checking the IsLoaded flag! }
private unsafe static void ModifyInt4ByAddressOfRef(ref Int4 value) { void *pVoid = UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref value); UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement(destination: pVoid, index: 0, value: 4); UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement(destination: pVoid, index: 1, value: 3); UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement(destination: pVoid, index: 2, value: 2); UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement(destination: pVoid, index: 3, value: 1); }
public static void Test() { { //Nested versus flattened tests var s8 = new OuterStruct8(); var s16 = new OuterStruct16(); var s = 0f; OuterStruct8.Test(ref s8, s, out var result8); OuterStruct16.Test(ref s16, s, out var result16); var d = new DummyOuterStruct(); DummyOuterStruct.Test(ref d, 0f, out var dResult); var f = new ScalarFlattenedStruct(); ScalarFlattenedStruct.Test(ref f, s, out var flattenedResult); } { //Field count tests var i4 = new Int4(); var i5 = new Int5(); var l4 = new Long4(); var l5 = new Long5(); var vf4 = new VectorFloat4(); var vf5 = new VectorFloat5(); var s = new Vector <float>(); Int4.Test(ref i4, 0, out var i4result); Int5.Test(ref i5, 0, out var i5result); Long4.Test(ref l4, 0, out var l4result); Long5.Test(ref l5, 0, out var l5result); VectorFloat4.Test(ref vf4, ref s, out var vf4Result); VectorFloat5.Test(ref vf5, ref s, out var vf5Result); } { //Assignment-only tests var s16 = new DummyStruct16(); var s32 = new DummyStruct32(); var s48 = new DummyStruct48(); var s64 = new DummyStruct64(); var s80 = new DummyStruct80(); DoDummies(ref s16, out var result16); DoDummies(ref s32, out var result32); DoDummies(ref s48, out var result48); DoDummies(ref s64, out var result64); DoDummies(ref s80, out var result80); } { TestScalarStruct(); TestStruct(); TestStructManuallyInlined(); TestStructless(); } }
/// <summary> /// Patch header pointers /// </summary> /// <param name="header">Header</param> public void Patch(MeshHeader header) { Verts = new Vector3[header.VertCount]; Polys = new Poly[header.PolyCount]; Links = new Link[header.MaxLinkCount]; DetailMeshes = new PolyDetail[header.DetailMeshCount]; DetailVerts = new Vector3[header.DetailVertCount]; DetailTris = new Int4[header.DetailTriCount]; BvTree = new BVNode[header.BvNodeCount]; OffMeshCons = new OffMeshConnection[header.OffMeshConCount]; }
public Piece(int grid_x, int grid_y, float x, float y, float r, float rv, Quad quad, Int4 color_prev, Int4 color_next) { this.grid_x = grid_x; this.grid_y = grid_y; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.r = r; this.rv = rv; this.quad = quad; this.color_prev = color_prev; this.color_next = color_next; }
protected Int4 readInt4() { Int4 result = new Int4 { x = readInt(), y = readInt(), z = readInt(), w = readInt() }; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Clears a read-write Texture. This texture must have been created with read-write/unordered access. /// </summary> /// <param name="texture">The texture.</param> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">texture</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Expecting buffer supporting UAV;texture</exception> public unsafe void ClearReadWrite(Texture texture, Int4 value) { if (texture == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("texture"); } if (texture.NativeUnorderedAccessView == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Expecting buffer supporting UAV", "texture"); } NativeDeviceContext.ClearUnorderedAccessView(texture.NativeUnorderedAccessView, *(RawInt4 *)&value); }
private void OnValueChanged() { if (IsSetBlocked) { return; } var isSliding = XElement.IsSliding || YElement.IsSliding || ZElement.IsSliding || WElement.IsSliding; var token = isSliding ? this : null; var value = new Int4(XElement.IntValue.Value, YElement.IntValue.Value, ZElement.IntValue.Value, WElement.IntValue.Value); SetValue(value, token); }
/// <summary> /// Clears a read-write Buffer. This buffer must have been created with read-write/unordered access. /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer">The buffer.</param> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">buffer</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Expecting buffer supporting UAV;buffer</exception> public unsafe void ClearReadWrite(Buffer buffer, Int4 value) { if (buffer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(buffer)); } if (buffer.NativeUnorderedAccessView == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Expecting buffer supporting UAV", nameof(buffer)); } NativeDeviceContext.ClearUnorderedAccessView(buffer.NativeUnorderedAccessView, *(RawInt4 *)&value); }
/// <summary> /// Clears a read-write Texture. This texture must have been created with read-write/unordered access. /// </summary> /// <param name="texture">The texture.</param> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">texture</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Expecting texture supporting UAV;texture</exception> public unsafe void ClearReadWrite(Texture texture, Int4 value) { if (texture is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(texture)); } if (texture.NativeUnorderedAccessView is null) { throw new ArgumentException("Expecting texture supporting UAV.", nameof(texture)); } NativeDeviceContext.ClearUnorderedAccessView(texture.NativeUnorderedAccessView, *(RawInt4 *)&value); }
public static Mesh NewMesh(Vertex[] vertices, Mesh.Usage drawMode, Mesh.Usage usage) { var posArray = new Float2[vertices.Length]; var uvArray = new Float2[vertices.Length]; var colorArray = new Int4[vertices.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { posArray[i] = vertices[i].pos; uvArray[i] = vertices[i].uv; colorArray[i] = vertices[i].color; } return(NewMesh(posArray, uvArray, colorArray, drawMode, usage)); }
public unsafe void ClearUnorderedAccessView( GpuDescriptorHandle viewGpuHandleInCurrentHeap, CpuDescriptorHandle viewCpuHandle, ID3D12Resource resource, Int4 clearValue, params InteropRect[] rectangles) { if (rectangles.Length == 0) { ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(viewGpuHandleInCurrentHeap, viewCpuHandle, resource, clearValue, 0, null); } else { ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(viewGpuHandleInCurrentHeap, viewCpuHandle, resource, clearValue, rectangles.Length, rectangles); } }
private SkinnedModel CreateVirtualModel(SkinnedModel skinnedModel) { if (!skinnedModel || skinnedModel.Skeleton == null) { return(null); } SkinnedModel virtualModel = Content.CreateVirtualAsset <SkinnedModel>(); virtualModel.Skeleton = skinnedModel.Skeleton; virtualModel.SetupMaterialSlots(skinnedModel.MaterialSlotsCount); for (int i = 0; i < virtualModel.MaterialSlotsCount; i++) { virtualModel.MaterialSlots[i].Material = skinnedModel.MaterialSlots[i].Material; virtualModel.MaterialSlots[i].Name = skinnedModel.MaterialSlots[i].Name; virtualModel.MaterialSlots[i].ShadowsMode = skinnedModel.MaterialSlots[i].ShadowsMode; } virtualModel.SetupMeshes(skinnedModel.MeshesCount); for (int i = 0; i < virtualModel.MeshesCount; i++) { virtualModel.Meshes[i].MaterialSlotIndex = skinnedModel.Meshes[i].MaterialSlotIndex; int[] indices = skinnedModel.Meshes[i].DownloadIndexBuffer(); var vertices = skinnedModel.Meshes[i].DownloadVertexBuffer(); Vector3[] positions = new Vector3[vertices.Length]; Int4[] blendIndices = new Int4[vertices.Length]; Vector4[] blendWeights = new Vector4[vertices.Length]; Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[vertices.Length]; Vector3[] tangents = new Vector3[vertices.Length]; Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[vertices.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Length; j++) { positions[j] = vertices[j].Position; blendIndices[j] = vertices[j].BlendIndices; blendWeights[j] = vertices[j].BlendWeights; normals[j] = vertices[j].Normal; tangents[j] = vertices[j].Tangent; uv[j] = vertices[j].TexCoord; } virtualModel.Meshes[i].UpdateMesh(positions, indices, blendIndices, blendWeights, normals, tangents, uv); } return(virtualModel); }
private void Detach() { if (attached) { // Hide window, clear parent NativeHelper.ShowWindow(Handle, NativeHelper.SW_HIDE); NativeHelper.SetParent(Handle, IntPtr.Zero); // Unregister keyboard sink var site = ((IKeyboardInputSink)this).KeyboardInputSite; ((IKeyboardInputSink)this).KeyboardInputSite = null; site?.Unregister(); // Make sure we will actually attach next time Attach() is called lastBoundingBox = Int4.Zero; attached = false; } }
public void Serialize(ref Int4 value) { // Write optimized version without using Serialize methods if (Mode == SerializerMode.Write) { Writer.Write(value.X); Writer.Write(value.Y); Writer.Write(value.Z); Writer.Write(value.W); } else { value.X = Reader.ReadInt32(); value.Y = Reader.ReadInt32(); value.Z = Reader.ReadInt32(); value.W = Reader.ReadInt32(); } }
public override void OnUpdate(float deltaTime, Particle *arrayPtr, int length) { if (ParticleEngine.NativeEnabled) { nativeModule_TextureAnimationModule_SetTextureSize(SubmodulePtr, new NativeVector2(Emitter.TextureSize)); return; } Particle *tail = arrayPtr + length; int totalFrames = SheetRows * SheetColumns; int frameSize = (int)Emitter.TextureSize.X / SheetRows; switch (loopMode) { case LoopMode.Life: { for (Particle *particle = arrayPtr; particle < tail; particle++) { int frame = (int)Between(0.0f, totalFrames, particle->TimeAlive / particle->InitialLife); #if NETSTANDARD2_1 int frameX = (int)MathF.Floor(frame % SheetRows); int frameY = (int)MathF.Floor(frame / SheetRows); #else int frameX = (int)Math.Floor((double)frame % SheetRows); int frameY = (int)Math.Floor((double)frame / SheetRows); #endif particle->SourceRectangle = new Int4( frameX * frameSize, frameY * frameSize, frameSize, frameSize); } } break; case LoopMode.Loop: { for (Particle *particle = arrayPtr; particle < tail; particle++) { // TODO: } } break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public void Indexers_WithValidOffsets_ShouldSetGetIndividualComponents() { var int4 = new Int4(1, 2, 3, 4); int4.X.ShouldBe(1); int4.Y.ShouldBe(2); int4.Z.ShouldBe(3); int4.W.ShouldBe(4); int4[0] = -10; int4[1] = -20; int4[2] = -30; int4[3] = -40; int4.X.ShouldBe(-10); int4.Y.ShouldBe(-20); int4.Z.ShouldBe(-30); int4.W.ShouldBe(-40); }
private unsafe static void TestUnsafeUtility() { // Allocate void *a = UnsafeUtility.Malloc( size: ARRAY_SIZE * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <int>(), alignment: UnsafeUtility.AlignOf <byte>(), allocator: Allocator.Temp); void *b = UnsafeUtility.Malloc( size: ARRAY_SIZE * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <int>(), alignment: UnsafeUtility.AlignOf <byte>(), allocator: Allocator.Temp); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { ((int *)a)[i] = i; } Print5IntArray((int *)b); UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(destination: b, source: a, size: ARRAY_SIZE * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <int>()); Print5IntArray((int *)b); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement( destination: b, index: i, value: -i); } Print5IntFromVoidArray(b); // Free UnsafeUtility.Free(memory: a, allocator: Allocator.Temp); UnsafeUtility.Free(memory: b, allocator: Allocator.Temp); Debug.Log($"Vowel.I : {UnsafeUtility.EnumToInt(Vowel.I)}"); Int4 int4 = new Int4(); Debug.Log(int4); ModifyInt4ByAddressOfRef(ref int4); Debug.Log(int4); }
private void UpdateWindowPosition() { if (updateRequested) { return; } updateRequested = true; Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => { updateRequested = false; // We do not use Window.GetParent because this method can return a window that is not yet the actual ancestor of this element. var parentWindow = this.FindVisualParentOfType <Window>(); if (parentWindow == null) { return; } // Find proper position for the game var positionTransform = TransformToAncestor(parentWindow); var areaPosition = positionTransform.Transform(new Point(0, 0)); var boundingBox = new Int4((int)areaPosition.X, (int)areaPosition.Y, (int)ActualWidth, (int)ActualHeight); if (boundingBox == lastBoundingBox) { return; } lastBoundingBox = boundingBox; // Move the window asynchronously, without activating it, without touching the Z order // TODO: do we want SWP_NOCOPYBITS? const int flags = NativeHelper.SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | NativeHelper.SWP_NOACTIVATE | NativeHelper.SWP_NOZORDER; NativeHelper.SetWindowPos(Handle, NativeHelper.HWND_TOP, boundingBox.X, boundingBox.Y, boundingBox.Z, boundingBox.W, flags); NativeHelper.ShowWindow(Handle, NativeHelper.SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); }); }
/// <summary> /// Fills structured buffer with given values /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer"></param> /// <param name="values"></param> public void Clear(StructuredBuffer buffer, Int4 values) { lock (deviceContext) { deviceContext.ClearUnorderedAccessView(buffer.UAV, SharpDXHelper.Convert(values)); } }
public unsafe void ClearReadWrite(Texture texture, Int4 value) { #if DEBUG GraphicsDevice.EnsureContextActive(); #endif #if SILICONSTUDIO_XENKO_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGLES Internal.Refactor.ThrowNotImplementedException(); #else if (activeTexture != 0) { activeTexture = 0; GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0); } GL.BindTexture(texture.TextureTarget, texture.TextureId); GL.ClearTexImage(texture.TextureId, 0, texture.TextureFormat, texture.TextureType, ref value); GL.BindTexture(texture.TextureTarget, 0); boundShaderResourceViews[0] = null; #endif }
public unsafe void ClearReadWrite(Buffer buffer, Int4 value) { #if DEBUG GraphicsDevice.EnsureContextActive(); #endif #if SILICONSTUDIO_XENKO_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGLES Internal.Refactor.ThrowNotImplementedException(); #else if ((buffer.ViewFlags & BufferFlags.UnorderedAccess) != BufferFlags.UnorderedAccess) throw new ArgumentException("Buffer does not support unordered access"); GL.BindBuffer(buffer.BufferTarget, buffer.BufferId); GL.ClearBufferData(buffer.BufferTarget, buffer.TextureInternalFormat, buffer.TextureFormat, All.UnsignedInt8888, ref value); GL.BindBuffer(buffer.BufferTarget, 0); #endif }
private void UpdateWindowPosition() { if (updateRequested) return; updateRequested = true; Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => { updateRequested = false; Visual root = null; var shouldShow = true; var parent = (Visual)VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this); while (parent != null) { root = parent; parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(root) as Visual; var parentElement = parent as FrameworkElement; if (parentElement != null && !parentElement.IsLoaded) shouldShow = false; if (parent == null) break; } if (root == null) return; // Find proper position for the game var positionTransform = TransformToAncestor(root); var areaPosition = positionTransform.Transform(new Point(0, 0)); var boundingBox = new Int4((int)(areaPosition.X*dpiScale.DpiScaleX), (int)(areaPosition.Y*dpiScale.DpiScaleY), (int)(ActualWidth*dpiScale.DpiScaleX), (int)(ActualHeight*dpiScale.DpiScaleY)); if (boundingBox == lastBoundingBox) return; lastBoundingBox = boundingBox; // Move the window asynchronously, without activating it, without touching the Z order // TODO: do we want SWP_NOCOPYBITS? const int flags = NativeHelper.SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | NativeHelper.SWP_NOACTIVATE | NativeHelper.SWP_NOZORDER; NativeHelper.SetWindowPos(Handle, NativeHelper.HWND_TOP, boundingBox.X, boundingBox.Y, boundingBox.Z, boundingBox.W, flags); if (shouldShow) { NativeHelper.ShowWindow(Handle, NativeHelper.SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); } }, DispatcherPriority.Input); // This code must be dispatched after the DispatcherPriority.Loaded to properly work since it's checking the IsLoaded flag! }
private void Detach() { if (!attached) return; // Hide window, clear parent NativeHelper.ShowWindow(Handle, NativeHelper.SW_HIDE); NativeHelper.SetParent(Handle, IntPtr.Zero); // Unregister keyboard sink var site = ((IKeyboardInputSink)this).KeyboardInputSite; ((IKeyboardInputSink)this).KeyboardInputSite = null; site?.Unregister(); // Make sure we will actually attach next time Attach() is called lastBoundingBox = Int4.Zero; attached = false; }
public static RawInt4 Convert( Int4 v ) { return new RawInt4{ X = v.X, Y = v.Y, Z = v.Z, W = v.W }; }
private void Update(EvaluationContext context) { if (_parameterConstBuffer == null) { Init(); } var uav1 = BufferUav.GetValue(context); var uav2 = BufferUav2.GetValue(context); var srv1 = BufferSrv.GetValue(context); var srv2 = BufferSrv2.GetValue(context); bool spreadOverFrames = SpreadOverFrames.GetValue(context); if (uav1 == null || uav2 == null) { return; } var resourceManager = ResourceManager.Instance(); var device = resourceManager.Device; var deviceContext = device.ImmediateContext; var csStage = deviceContext.ComputeShader; var prevShader = csStage.Get(); var prevConstBuffer = csStage.GetConstantBuffers(0, 1)[0]; ComputeShader sortShader = resourceManager.GetComputeShader(_sortShaderId); ComputeShader transposeShader = resourceManager.GetComputeShader(_transposeShaderId); csStage.Set(sortShader); csStage.SetConstantBuffer(0, _parameterConstBuffer); csStage.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, uav1); int numBufferElements = uav1.Description.Buffer.ElementCount; //;32*1024; //512 * 512 * 2; int bitonicBlockSize = 1024; if (spreadOverFrames) { if (_level <= bitonicBlockSize) // for (int level = 2; level <= bitonicBlockSize; level <<= 1) { Int4 sortParams = new Int4(_level, _level, bitonicBlockSize, numBufferElements / bitonicBlockSize); resourceManager.SetupConstBuffer(sortParams, ref _parameterConstBuffer); deviceContext.Dispatch(numBufferElements / bitonicBlockSize, 1, 1); } else { int matWidth = bitonicBlockSize; int matHeight = numBufferElements / bitonicBlockSize; // Then sort the rows and columns for the levels > than the block size // Transpose. Sort the Columns. Transpose. Sort the Rows. // for (int level = (bitonicBlockSize * 2); level <= numBufferElements; level <<= 1) // { csStage.Set(transposeShader); csStage.SetShaderResource(0, null); csStage.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, null); csStage.SetShaderResource(0, srv1); csStage.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, uav2); Int4 param = new Int4(_level / bitonicBlockSize, (_level & ~numBufferElements) / bitonicBlockSize, matWidth, matHeight); resourceManager.SetupConstBuffer(param, ref _parameterConstBuffer); deviceContext.Dispatch(matWidth / 32, matHeight / 32, 1); csStage.Set(sortShader); deviceContext.Dispatch(numBufferElements / bitonicBlockSize, 1, 1); csStage.Set(transposeShader); csStage.SetShaderResource(0, null); csStage.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, null); csStage.SetShaderResource(0, srv2); csStage.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, uav1); param = new Int4(bitonicBlockSize, _level, matHeight, matWidth); resourceManager.SetupConstBuffer(param, ref _parameterConstBuffer); deviceContext.Dispatch(matHeight / 32, matWidth / 32, 1); csStage.Set(sortShader); deviceContext.Dispatch(numBufferElements / bitonicBlockSize, 1, 1); } _level <<= 1; if (_level > numBufferElements) { _level = 2; } } else { // single frame sort for (int level = 2; level <= bitonicBlockSize; level <<= 1) { Int4 sortParams = new Int4(level, level, bitonicBlockSize, numBufferElements / bitonicBlockSize); resourceManager.SetupConstBuffer(sortParams, ref _parameterConstBuffer); deviceContext.Dispatch(numBufferElements / bitonicBlockSize, 1, 1); } int matWidth = bitonicBlockSize; int matHeight = numBufferElements / bitonicBlockSize; // Then sort the rows and columns for the levels > than the block size // Transpose. Sort the Columns. Transpose. Sort the Rows. for (int level = (bitonicBlockSize * 2); level <= numBufferElements; level <<= 1) { csStage.Set(transposeShader); csStage.SetShaderResource(0, null); csStage.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, null); csStage.SetShaderResource(0, srv1); csStage.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, uav2); Int4 param = new Int4(level / bitonicBlockSize, (level & ~numBufferElements) / bitonicBlockSize, matWidth, matHeight); resourceManager.SetupConstBuffer(param, ref _parameterConstBuffer); deviceContext.Dispatch(matWidth / 32, matHeight / 32, 1); csStage.Set(sortShader); deviceContext.Dispatch(numBufferElements / bitonicBlockSize, 1, 1); csStage.Set(transposeShader); csStage.SetShaderResource(0, null); csStage.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, null); csStage.SetShaderResource(0, srv2); csStage.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, uav1); param = new Int4(bitonicBlockSize, level, matHeight, matWidth); resourceManager.SetupConstBuffer(param, ref _parameterConstBuffer); deviceContext.Dispatch(matHeight / 32, matWidth / 32, 1); csStage.Set(sortShader); deviceContext.Dispatch(numBufferElements / bitonicBlockSize, 1, 1); } } csStage.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, null); csStage.SetUnorderedAccessView(1, null); csStage.SetShaderResource(0, null); csStage.SetShaderResource(1, null); csStage.SetConstantBuffer(0, prevConstBuffer); csStage.Set(prevShader); }
/// <summary> /// Clears a read-write Texture. This texture must have been created with read-write/unordered access. /// </summary> /// <param name="texture">The texture.</param> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">texture</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Expecting buffer supporting UAV;texture</exception> public unsafe void ClearReadWrite(Texture texture, Int4 value) { if (texture == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("texture"); if (texture.NativeUnorderedAccessView == null) throw new ArgumentException("Expecting buffer supporting UAV", "texture"); NativeDeviceContext.ClearUnorderedAccessView(texture.NativeUnorderedAccessView, *(RawInt4*)&value); }
/// <summary> /// Fills structured buffer with given values /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer"></param> /// <param name="values"></param> public void Clear ( StructuredBuffer buffer, Int4 values ) { lock (deviceContext) { deviceContext.ClearUnorderedAccessView( buffer.UAV, SharpDXHelper.Convert( values ) ); } }
public static unsafe LightProbeRuntimeData GenerateRuntimeData(FastList <LightProbeComponent> lightProbes) { // TODO: Better check: coplanar, etc... (maybe the check inside BowyerWatsonTetrahedralization might be enough -- tetrahedron won't be in positive order) if (lightProbes.Count < 4) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't generate lightprobes if less than 4 of them exists."); } var lightProbePositions = new FastList <Vector3>(); var lightProbeCoefficients = new Color3[lightProbes.Count * LambertHamonicOrder * LambertHamonicOrder]; fixed(Color3 *destColors = lightProbeCoefficients) { for (var lightProbeIndex = 0; lightProbeIndex < lightProbes.Count; lightProbeIndex++) { var lightProbe = lightProbes[lightProbeIndex]; // Copy light position lightProbePositions.Add(lightProbe.Entity.Transform.WorldMatrix.TranslationVector); // Copy coefficients if (lightProbe.Coefficients != null) { var lightProbeCoefStart = lightProbeIndex * LambertHamonicOrder * LambertHamonicOrder; for (var index = 0; index < LambertHamonicOrder * LambertHamonicOrder; index++) { destColors[lightProbeCoefStart + index] = index < lightProbe.Coefficients.Count ? lightProbe.Coefficients[index] : new Color3(); } } } } // Generate light probe structure var tetra = new BowyerWatsonTetrahedralization(); var tetraResult = tetra.Compute(lightProbePositions); var matrices = new Vector4[tetraResult.Tetrahedra.Count * 3]; var probeIndices = new Int4[tetraResult.Tetrahedra.Count]; // Prepare data for GPU: matrices and indices for (int i = 0; i < tetraResult.Tetrahedra.Count; ++i) { var tetrahedron = tetraResult.Tetrahedra[i]; var tetrahedronMatrix = Matrix.Identity; // Compute the tetrahedron matrix // var vertex3 = tetraResult.Vertices[tetrahedron.Vertices[3]]; *((Vector3 *)&tetrahedronMatrix.M11) = tetraResult.Vertices[tetrahedron.Vertices[0]] - vertex3; *((Vector3 *)&tetrahedronMatrix.M12) = tetraResult.Vertices[tetrahedron.Vertices[1]] - vertex3; *((Vector3 *)&tetrahedronMatrix.M13) = tetraResult.Vertices[tetrahedron.Vertices[2]] - vertex3; tetrahedronMatrix.Invert(); // TODO: Optimize 3x3 invert tetrahedronMatrix.Transpose(); // Store position of last vertex in last row tetrahedronMatrix.M41 = vertex3.X; tetrahedronMatrix.M42 = vertex3.Y; tetrahedronMatrix.M43 = vertex3.Z; matrices[i * 3 + 0] = tetrahedronMatrix.Column1; matrices[i * 3 + 1] = tetrahedronMatrix.Column2; matrices[i * 3 + 2] = tetrahedronMatrix.Column3; probeIndices[i] = *(Int4 *)tetrahedron.Vertices; } var lightProbesCopy = new object[lightProbes.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < lightProbes.Count; ++i) { lightProbesCopy[i] = lightProbes[i]; } var result = new LightProbeRuntimeData { LightProbes = lightProbesCopy, Vertices = tetraResult.Vertices, UserVertexCount = tetraResult.UserVertexCount, Tetrahedra = tetraResult.Tetrahedra, Faces = tetraResult.Faces, Coefficients = lightProbeCoefficients, Matrices = matrices, LightProbeIndices = probeIndices, }; return(result); }
private ModelData.MeshPart Process(ModelData.Mesh mesh, Assimp.Mesh assimpMesh) { var meshPart = new ModelData.MeshPart() { MaterialIndex = assimpMesh.MaterialIndex, VertexBufferRange = new ModelData.BufferRange() { Slot = mesh.VertexBuffers.Count }, IndexBufferRange = new ModelData.BufferRange() { Slot = mesh.IndexBuffers.Count } }; var vertexBuffer = new ModelData.VertexBuffer() { Layout = new List<VertexElement>() }; mesh.VertexBuffers.Add(vertexBuffer); var indexBuffer = new ModelData.IndexBuffer(); mesh.IndexBuffers.Add(indexBuffer); var layout = vertexBuffer.Layout; int vertexBufferElementSize = 0; // Add position layout.Add(VertexElement.PositionTransformed(Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0)); vertexBufferElementSize += Utilities.SizeOf<SharpDX.Vector3>(); // Add normals if (assimpMesh.HasNormals) { layout.Add(VertexElement.Normal(0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, vertexBufferElementSize)); vertexBufferElementSize += Utilities.SizeOf<SharpDX.Vector3>(); } // Add colors if (assimpMesh.VertexColorChannelCount > 0) { for (int localIndex = 0, i = 0; i < assimpMesh.VertexColorChannelCount; i++) { if (assimpMesh.HasVertexColors(i)) { layout.Add(VertexElement.Color(localIndex, Format.R32G32B32A32_Float, vertexBufferElementSize)); vertexBufferElementSize += Utilities.SizeOf<SharpDX.Color4>(); localIndex++; } } } // Add textures if (assimpMesh.TextureCoordsChannelCount > 0) { for (int localIndex = 0, i = 0; i < assimpMesh.TextureCoordsChannelCount; i++) { if (assimpMesh.HasTextureCoords(i)) { var uvCount = assimpMesh.GetUVComponentCount(i); if (uvCount == 2) { layout.Add(VertexElement.TextureCoordinate(localIndex, Format.R32G32_Float, vertexBufferElementSize)); vertexBufferElementSize += Utilities.SizeOf<SharpDX.Vector2>(); } else if (uvCount == 3) { layout.Add(VertexElement.TextureCoordinate(localIndex, Format.R32G32B32_Float, vertexBufferElementSize)); vertexBufferElementSize += Utilities.SizeOf<SharpDX.Vector3>(); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected uv count"); } localIndex++; } } } // Add tangent / bitangent if (assimpMesh.HasTangentBasis) { layout.Add(VertexElement.Tangent(Format.R32G32B32_Float, vertexBufferElementSize)); vertexBufferElementSize += Utilities.SizeOf<SharpDX.Vector3>(); layout.Add(VertexElement.BiTangent(Format.R32G32B32_Float, vertexBufferElementSize)); vertexBufferElementSize += Utilities.SizeOf<SharpDX.Vector3>(); } // Extract Skinning Indices / Weights bool hasWeights = false; var skinningCount = new int[assimpMesh.VertexCount]; var skinningIndices = new Int4[assimpMesh.VertexCount]; var skinningWeights = new Vector4[assimpMesh.VertexCount]; if (assimpMesh.HasBones) { meshPart.BoneOffsetMatrices = new Matrix[assimpMesh.BoneCount]; for (int i = 0; i < assimpMesh.Bones.Length; i++) { var bone = assimpMesh.Bones[i]; meshPart.BoneOffsetMatrices[i] = ConvertMatrix(bone.OffsetMatrix); if (bone.HasVertexWeights) { var boneNode = scene.RootNode.FindNode(bone.Name); var boneIndex = skinnedBones[boneNode]; for (int j = 0; j < bone.VertexWeightCount; j++) { var weights = bone.VertexWeights[j]; var vertexSkinningCount = skinningCount[weights.VertexID]; skinningIndices[weights.VertexID][vertexSkinningCount] = boneIndex; skinningWeights[weights.VertexID][vertexSkinningCount] = weights.Weight; skinningCount[weights.VertexID] = ++vertexSkinningCount; } hasWeights = true; } } if (hasWeights) { layout.Add(VertexElement.BlendIndices(Format.R16G16B16A16_SInt, vertexBufferElementSize)); vertexBufferElementSize += Utilities.SizeOf<SharpDX.Int4>(); layout.Add(VertexElement.BlendWeights(Format.R32G32B32A32_Float, vertexBufferElementSize)); vertexBufferElementSize += Utilities.SizeOf<SharpDX.Vector4>(); } } // Write all vertices meshPart.VertexBufferRange.Count = assimpMesh.VertexCount; vertexBuffer.Count = assimpMesh.VertexCount; vertexBuffer.Buffer = new byte[vertexBufferElementSize * assimpMesh.VertexCount]; // Update the MaximumBufferSizeInBytes needed to load this model if (vertexBuffer.Buffer.Length > model.MaximumBufferSizeInBytes) { model.MaximumBufferSizeInBytes = vertexBuffer.Buffer.Length; } var vertexStream = DataStream.Create(vertexBuffer.Buffer, true, true); for (int i = 0; i < assimpMesh.VertexCount; i++) { var position = assimpMesh.Vertices[i]; vertexStream.Write(position); // Store bounding points for BoundingSphere pre-calculation boundingPoints[currentBoundingPointIndex++] = new Vector3(position.X, position.Y, position.Z); // Add normals if (assimpMesh.HasNormals) { vertexStream.Write(assimpMesh.Normals[i]); } // Add colors if (assimpMesh.VertexColorChannelCount > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < assimpMesh.VertexColorChannelCount; j++) { if (assimpMesh.HasVertexColors(j)) { vertexStream.Write(assimpMesh.GetVertexColors(j)[i]); } } } // Add textures if (assimpMesh.TextureCoordsChannelCount > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < assimpMesh.TextureCoordsChannelCount; j++) { if (assimpMesh.HasTextureCoords(j)) { var uvCount = assimpMesh.GetUVComponentCount(j); var uv = assimpMesh.GetTextureCoords(j)[i]; if (uvCount == 2) { vertexStream.Write(new Vector2(uv.X, uv.Y)); } else { vertexStream.Write(uv); } } } } // Add tangent / bitangent if (assimpMesh.HasTangentBasis) { vertexStream.Write(assimpMesh.Tangents[i]); vertexStream.Write(assimpMesh.BiTangents[i]); } // Add Skinning Indices/Weights if (assimpMesh.HasBones && hasWeights) { vertexStream.Write(skinningIndices[i]); vertexStream.Write(skinningWeights[i]); } } vertexStream.Dispose(); // Write all indices var indices = assimpMesh.GetIntIndices(); indexBuffer.Count = indices.Length; meshPart.IndexBufferRange.Count = indices.Length; if (meshPart.VertexBufferRange.Count < 65536) { // Write only short indices if count is less than the size of a short indexBuffer.Buffer = new byte[indices.Length * 2]; using (var indexStream = DataStream.Create(indexBuffer.Buffer, true, true)) foreach (int index in indices) indexStream.Write((ushort)index); } else { // Otherwise, use full 32-bit precision to store indices indexBuffer.Buffer = new byte[indices.Length * 4]; using (var indexStream = DataStream.Create(indexBuffer.Buffer, true, true)) indexStream.WriteRange(indices); } // Update the MaximumBufferSizeInBytes needed to load this model if (indexBuffer.Buffer.Length > model.MaximumBufferSizeInBytes) { model.MaximumBufferSizeInBytes = indexBuffer.Buffer.Length; } return meshPart; }
public static void Test(ref Int4 m, int s, out Int4 result) { //no locals initialized Scale(ref m, s, out var temp); Scale(ref temp, s, out result); }
/// <summary> /// Clears a read-write Buffer. This buffer must have been created with read-write/unordered access. /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer">The buffer.</param> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">buffer</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Expecting buffer supporting UAV;buffer</exception> public void ClearReadWrite(Buffer buffer, Int4 value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Clears a read-write Texture. This texture must have been created with read-write/unordered access. /// </summary> /// <param name="texture">The texture.</param> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">texture</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Expecting buffer supporting UAV;texture</exception> public void ClearReadWrite(Texture texture, Int4 value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static Int4 Clamp(Int4 v, int min, int max) { return new Int4(Clamp(v.x, min, max), Clamp(v.y, min, max), Clamp(v.z, min, max), Clamp(v.w, min, max)); }