Beispiel #1
        void writeEpcWithSrc()
                foreach (var currentEpc in epcList)
                    TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();
                    seq.TargetTag.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                    seq.TargetTag.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc;
                    seq.TargetTag.Data       = currentEpc;

                    string newEpc = getNewEpc(currentEpc);

                    TagWriteOp writeEpc = new TagWriteOp();
                    writeEpc.AccessPassword = TagData.FromHexString(textBox1_password.Text.Trim());
                    writeEpc.Id             = EPC_OP_ID;
                    // Write to EPC memory
                    writeEpc.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                    // Specify the new EPC data
                    writeEpc.Data = TagData.FromHexString(newEpc);
                    // Starting writing at word 2 (word 0 = CRC, word 1 = PC bits)
                    writeEpc.WordPointer = WordPointers.Epc;

                    // Add this tag write op to the tag operation sequence.
            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #2
        static void BulkRead(TagData accessPassword, MemoryBank bank, ushort wordPointer, ushort wordCount)
            TagOpSequence seq;
            TagReadOp     op;

            // Initialize variables
            tagData        = "";
            numOpsExecuted = 0;
            numOpsAdded    = 0;

            // Each TagReadOp can only access up to 32 words.
            // So, we need to break this read up into multiple operations.
            while (wordCount > 0)
                // Define a new tag operation sequence.
                seq = new TagOpSequence();

                // Define a tag read operation
                op = new TagReadOp();
                op.AccessPassword = accessPassword;
                op.MemoryBank     = bank;
                op.WordPointer    = wordPointer;
                op.WordCount      = (wordCount < 32) ? wordCount : (ushort)32;

                // Add the read op to the operation sequence

                // Adjust the word count and pointer for the next reader operation
                wordCount   -= op.WordCount;
                wordPointer += op.WordCount;

                // Add the operation sequence to the reader
Beispiel #3
        static void SetQtMode(QtDataProfile mode, QtAccessRange range)
            // Create a tag operation sequence.
            // You can add multiple read, write, lock, kill and QT
            // operations to this sequence.
            TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();

            // Specify a target tag based on the EPC.
            seq.TargetTag.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
            seq.TargetTag.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc;
            // Setting this to null will specify any tag.
            // Replace this line with the one below it to target a particular tag.
            seq.TargetTag.Data = null;
            //seq.TargetTag.Data = "11112222333344445555666677778888";

            // We will create two tag operations here.
            // One to set the QT properties (data profile, access range, persistence)
            // and another to read back the QT properties of the tag.

            // Create a new operation to set the QT properties
            TagQtSetOp qtSetOp = new TagQtSetOp();

            // Set the distance range that the tag will be accessible over.
            qtSetOp.AccessRange = range;
            // Put the tag into Public or Private mode.
            // Public mode limits data access to the tag.
            qtSetOp.DataProfile = mode;
            // The QT mode will persist, even after the tag is no longer powered.
            qtSetOp.Persistence = QtPersistence.Permanent;

            // Add the QT operation to the tag operation sequence.

            // Now, create a tag operation to read the current QT configuration.
            TagQtGetOp qtGetOp = new TagQtGetOp();

            // Add the operation to the sequence.

            // Add the tag operation sequence to the reader.
            // The reader supports multiple sequences.
Beispiel #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Connect to the reader.
                // Pass in a reader hostname or IP address as a
                // command line argument when running the example
                if (args.Length != 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: No hostname specified.  Pass in the reader hostname as a command line argument when running the Sdk Example.");
                string hostname = args[0];

                // Assign the TagOpComplete event handler.
                // This specifies which method to call
                // when tag operations are complete.
                reader.TagOpComplete += OnTagOpComplete;

                // Configure the reader with the default settings.

                // Create a tag operation sequence.
                // You can add multiple read, write, lock, kill and QT
                // operations to this sequence.
                TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();

                // Create a tag read operation.
                TagReadOp readOp = new TagReadOp();
                // Read from user memory
                readOp.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.User;
                // Read two (16-bit) words
                readOp.WordCount = 2;
                // Starting at word 0
                readOp.WordPointer = 0;

                // Add this tag read op to the tag operation sequence.

                // Specify a target tag based on the EPC.
                seq.TargetTag.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                seq.TargetTag.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc;
                // Setting this to null will specify any tag.
                // Replace this line with the one below it to target a particular tag.
                seq.TargetTag.Data = null;
                //seq.TargetTag.Data = TagData.FromHexString("11112222333344445555666677778888");

                // Add the tag operation sequence to the reader.
                // The reader supports multiple sequences.

                // Start the reader

                // Wait for the user to press enter.
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");

                // Stop reading.

                // Disconnect from the reader.
            catch (OctaneSdkException e)
                // Handle Octane SDK errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Octane SDK exception: {0}", e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Handle other .NET errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", e.Message);
Beispiel #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Connect to the reader.
                // Pass in a reader hostname or IP address as a
                // command line argument when running the example
                if (args.Length != 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: No hostname specified.  Pass in the reader hostname as a command line argument when running the Sdk Example.");
                string hostname = args[0];

                // Assign the TagOpComplete event handler.
                // This specifies which method to call
                // when tag operations are complete.
                reader.TagOpComplete += OnTagOpComplete;

                // Configure the reader with the default settings.

                // Create a tag operation sequence.
                // You can add multiple read, write, lock, kill and QT
                // operations to this sequence.
                TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();

                // Specify a target tag.
                // This is very important, since a block permalock
                // operation is irreversible.
                // The target tag is selected by EPC.
                seq.TargetTag.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                seq.TargetTag.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc;
                // The EPC of the target tag.
                seq.TargetTag.Data = TARGET_EPC;

                // Define a Block Permalock operation.
                TagBlockPermalockOp blockLockOp = new TagBlockPermalockOp();
                // Define which block(s) to lock.
                // A BlockPermalockMask can be created from a single
                // block number or an array of block numbers.
                // This mask permalocks block zero.
                blockLockOp.BlockMask = BlockPermalockMask.FromBlockNumber(0);
                // Add the block permalock operation to the tag operation sequence.

                // Add the tag operation sequence to the reader.
                // The reader supports multiple sequences.

                // Start the reader

                // Wait for the user to press enter.
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");

                // Stop reading.

                // Disconnect from the reader.
            catch (OctaneSdkException e)
                // Handle Octane SDK errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Octane SDK exception: {0}", e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Handle other .NET errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", e.Message);
Beispiel #6
        static void ProgramEpc(string currentEpc, ushort currentPcBits, string newEpc)
            // Check that the specified EPCs are a valid length
            if ((currentEpc.Length % 4 != 0) || (newEpc.Length % 4 != 0))
                throw new Exception("EPCs must be a multiple of 16 bits (4 hex chars)");

            Console.WriteLine("Adding a write operation to change the EPC from :");
            Console.WriteLine("{0} to {1}\n", currentEpc, newEpc);

            // Create a tag operation sequence.
            // You can add multiple read, write, lock, kill and QT
            // operations to this sequence.
            TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();

            // Specify a target tag based on the EPC.
            seq.TargetTag.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
            seq.TargetTag.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc;
            seq.TargetTag.Data       = currentEpc;

            // If you are using Monza 4, Monza 5 or Monza X tag chips,
            // uncomment these two lines. This enables 32-bit block writes
            // which significantly improves write performance.
            //seq.BlockWriteEnabled = true;
            //seq.BlockWriteWordCount = 2;

            // Create a tag write operation to change the EPC.
            TagWriteOp writeEpc = new TagWriteOp();

            // Set an ID so we can tell when this operation has executed.
            writeEpc.Id = EPC_OP_ID;
            // Write to EPC memory
            writeEpc.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
            // Specify the new EPC data
            writeEpc.Data = TagData.FromHexString(newEpc);
            //writeEpc.Data = TagData.FromHexString("415543313041303031313631");
            //            writeEpc.Data = TagData.FromHexString("525543313041303031313631");
            // Starting writing at word 2 (word 0 = CRC, word 1 = PC bits)
            writeEpc.WordPointer = WordPointers.Epc;
            //writeEpc.WordPointer = 0x23;

            // Add this tag write op to the tag operation sequence.

            // Is the new EPC a different length than the current EPC?
            if (currentEpc.Length != newEpc.Length)
                // We need adjust the PC bits and write them back to the
                // tag because the length of the EPC has changed.

                // Adjust the PC bits (4 hex characters per word).
                ushort newEpcLenWords = (ushort)(newEpc.Length / 4);
                ushort newPcBits      = PcBits.AdjustPcBits(currentPcBits, newEpcLenWords);

                Console.WriteLine("Adding a write operation to change the PC bits from :");
                Console.WriteLine("{0} to {1}\n", currentPcBits.ToString("X4"), newPcBits.ToString("X4"));

                TagWriteOp writePc = new TagWriteOp();
                writePc.Id = PC_BITS_OP_ID;
                // The PC bits are in the EPC memory bank.
                writePc.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                // Specify the data to write (the modified PC bits).
                writePc.Data = TagData.FromWord(newPcBits);
                // Start writing at the start of the PC bits.
//                writePc.WordPointer = WordPointers.PcBits;
                writePc.WordPointer = 0x23;

                // Add this tag write op to the tag operation sequence.

            // Add the tag operation sequence to the reader.
            // The reader supports multiple sequences.
Beispiel #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Connect to the reader.
                // Change the ReaderHostname constant in SolutionConstants.cs
                // to the IP address or hostname of your reader.

                // Assign the TagOpComplete event handler.
                // This specifies which method to call
                // when tag operations are complete.
                reader.TagOpComplete += OnTagOpComplete;

                // Configure the reader with the default settings.

                // Create a tag operation sequence.
                // You can add multiple read, write, lock, kill and QT
                // operations to this sequence.
                TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();

                // Specify a target tag based on the EPC.
                seq.TargetTag.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                seq.TargetTag.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc;
                // Setting this to null will specify any tag.
                // Replace this line with the one below it to target a particular tag.
                seq.TargetTag.Data = null;
                //seq.TargetTag.Data = "11112222333344445555666677778888";

                // If you are using Monza 4, Monza 5 or Monza X tag chips,
                // uncomment these two lines. This enables 32-bit block writes
                // which significantly improves write performance.
                //seq.BlockWriteEnabled = true;
                //seq.BlockWriteWordCount = 2;

                // Create a tag write operation.
                TagWriteOp writeOp = new TagWriteOp();
                // Write to user memory
                writeOp.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.User;
                // Write two (16-bit) words
                //writeOp.Data = TagData.FromHexString("ABBAD00D");
                writeOp.Data = TagData.FromHexString("415543313041303031313631");
                // Starting at word 0
                writeOp.WordPointer = 0x23;

                // Add this tag write op to the tag operation sequence.

                // Add the tag operation sequence to the reader.
                // The reader supports multiple sequences.

                // Start the reader

                // Wait for the user to press enter.
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");

                // Stop reading.

                // Disconnect from the reader.
            catch (OctaneSdkException e)
                // Handle Octane SDK errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Octane SDK exception: {0}", e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Handle other .NET errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", e.Message);
Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Connect to the reader.
                // Change the ReaderHostname constant in SolutionConstants.cs
                // to the IP address or hostname of your reader.

                // Assign the TagOpComplete event handler.
                // This specifies which method to call
                // when tag operations are complete.
                reader.TagOpComplete += OnTagOpComplete;

                // Configure the reader with the default settings.

                // Create a tag operation sequence.
                // You can add multiple read, write, lock, kill and QT
                // operations to this sequence.
                TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();

                // Define a tag write operation that sets the access password.
                TagWriteOp writeOp = new TagWriteOp();
                // Assumes that current access password is not set
                // (zero is the default)
                writeOp.AccessPassword = null;
                // The access password is in the Reserved memory bank.
                writeOp.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Reserved;
                // A pointer to the start of the access password.
                writeOp.WordPointer = WordPointers.AccessPassword;
                // The new access password to write.
                writeOp.Data = TagData.FromHexString("11112222");

                // Add this tag write op to the tag operation sequence.

                // Create a tag lock operation to lock the
                // access password and User memory.
                TagLockOp lockOp = new TagLockOp();
                lockOp.AccessPasswordLockType = TagLockState.Lock;
                lockOp.UserLockType           = TagLockState.Lock;

                // Add this tag lock op to the tag operation sequence.

                // Add the tag operation sequence to the reader.
                // The reader supports multiple sequences.

                // Start the reader
            catch (OctaneSdkException e)
                // Handle Octane SDK errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Octane SDK exception: {0}", e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Handle other .NET errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", e.Message);

            // Wait for the user to press enter.
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");

            // Stop reading.

            // Disconnect from the reader.
Beispiel #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Connect to the reader.
                // Pass in a reader hostname or IP address as a
                // command line argument when running the example
                if (args.Length != 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: No hostname specified.  Pass in the reader hostname as a command line argument when running the Sdk Example.");
                string hostname = args[0];

                // Assign the TagOpComplete event handler.
                // This specifies which method to call
                // when tag operations are complete.
                reader.TagOpComplete += OnTagOpComplete;

                // Configure the reader with the default settings.

                // Create a tag operation sequence.
                // You can add multiple read, write, lock, kill and QT
                // operations to this sequence.
                TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();

                // Specify a target tag.
                // This is very important, since a kill operation is irreversible.
                target = new TargetTag();
                // Select a target tag based on the EPC.
                target.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                target.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc;
                // The EPC of the target tag.
                target.Data = TARGET_EPC;

                // Apply the target tag to the tag operation sequence.
                seq.TargetTag = target;

                // Define a tag write operation that sets the kill password.
                // Tags cannot be killed with a zero password, so we must
                // set the password to a non-zero value first.
                TagWriteOp writeOp = new TagWriteOp();
                // Assumes that current access password is not set
                // (zero is the default)
                writeOp.AccessPassword = null;
                // The kill password is in the Reserved memory bank.
                writeOp.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Reserved;
                // A pointer to the start of the kill password.
                writeOp.WordPointer = WordPointers.KillPassword;
                // The new kill password to write.
                writeOp.Data = TagData.FromHexString(KILL_PW);

                // Add this tag write op to the tag operation sequence.

                // Add the tag operation sequence to the reader.
                // The reader supports multiple sequences.

                // Start the reader

                // Wait for the user to press enter.
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");

                // Stop reading.

                // Disconnect from the reader.
            catch (OctaneSdkException e)
                // Handle Octane SDK errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Octane SDK exception: {0}", e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Handle other .NET errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", e.Message);
Beispiel #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Connect to the reader.
                // Change the ReaderHostname constant in SolutionConstants.cs
                // to the IP address or hostname of your reader.
                Console.WriteLine("*** Connecting to a reader at: {0} ...", SolutionConstants.ReaderHostname);
                Console.WriteLine("*** Connected to the reader.");

                // Get the default settings
                // and then modify the settings
                Settings settings = reader.QueryDefaultSettings();
                settings.Report.IncludeAntennaPortNumber = true;
                settings.Report.IncludePcBits            = true;
                settings.Report.IncludePeakRssi          = true;

                // Set the reader mode, search mode and session
                settings.ReaderMode = ReaderMode.AutoSetDenseReader;
                settings.SearchMode = SearchMode.DualTarget;
                settings.Session    = 2;

                // Enable antenna #1. Disable all others.
                settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).IsEnabled = true;

                // Set the Transmit Power and
                // Receive Sensitivity to the maximum.
                settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).MaxTransmitPower = true;
                settings.Antennas.GetAntenna(1).MaxRxSensitivity = true;

                // Apply the newly modified settings.
                Console.Write("*** Settings applied to the reader.\n");

                // Create a tag operation sequence.
                // You can add multiple read, write, lock, kill and QT
                // operations to this sequence.
                TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();

                // Create a tag read operation.
                TagReadOp readOp = new TagReadOp();
                // Read from user memory
                readOp.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.User;
                // Read two (16-bit) words
                readOp.WordCount = 2;
                // Starting at word 0
                readOp.WordPointer = 0;

                // Add this tag read op to the tag operation sequence.

                // Specify a target tag based on the EPC.
                seq.TargetTag.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                seq.TargetTag.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc;

                // Setting this to null will specify any tag.
                seq.TargetTag.Data = null;

                // Add the tag operation sequence to the reader.
                // The reader supports multiple sequences.
                Console.Write("*** OpSequence added to the reader.\n");

                // Disconnect from the reader.
                Console.Write("*** Disconnected from the reader.\n");
            catch (OctaneSdkException e)
                // Handle Octane SDK errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Octane SDK exception: {0}", e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Handle other .NET errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", e.Message);
Beispiel #11
        static void ProgramEpc(string currentEpc, ushort currentPcBits, string newEpc)
                // Check that the specified EPCs are a valid length
                if (newEpc.Length % 4 != 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("El nuevo EPC debe ser multiplo de 4");

                // Create a tag operation sequence.
                // You can add multiple read, write, lock, kill and QT
                // operations to this sequence.
                TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();

                // Specify a target tag based on the EPC.
                seq.TargetTag.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                seq.TargetTag.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc;
                seq.TargetTag.Data       = currentEpc;

                // If you are using Monza 4, Monza 5 or Monza X tag chips,
                // uncomment these two lines. This enables 32-bit block writes
                // which significantly improves write performance.
                //seq.BlockWriteEnabled = true;
                //seq.BlockWriteWordCount = 2;

                // Create a tag write operation to change the EPC.
                TagWriteOp writeEpc = new TagWriteOp();
                // Set an ID so we can tell when this operation has executed.
                writeEpc.Id = EPC_OP_ID;
                // Write to EPC memory
                writeEpc.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                // Specify the new EPC data
                writeEpc.Data = TagData.FromHexString(newEpc);
                // Starting writing at word 2 (word 0 = CRC, word 1 = PC bits)
                writeEpc.WordPointer = WordPointers.Epc;

                // Add this tag write op to the tag operation sequence.

                // Is the new EPC a different length than the current EPC?
                if (currentEpc.Length != newEpc.Length)
                    // We need adjust the PC bits and write them back to the
                    // tag because the length of the EPC has changed.

                    // Adjust the PC bits (4 hex characters per word).
                    ushort newEpcLenWords = (ushort)(newEpc.Length / 4);
                    ushort newPcBits      = PcBits.AdjustPcBits(currentPcBits, newEpcLenWords);

                    TagWriteOp writePc = new TagWriteOp();
                    writePc.Id = PC_BITS_OP_ID;
                    // The PC bits are in the EPC memory bank.
                    writePc.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                    // Specify the data to write (the modified PC bits).
                    writePc.Data = TagData.FromWord(newPcBits);
                    // Start writing at the start of the PC bits.
                    writePc.WordPointer = WordPointers.PcBits;

                    // Add this tag write op to the tag operation sequence.

                // Add the tag operation sequence to the reader.
                // The reader supports multiple sequences.
                MessageBox.Show("EPC escrito");
                MessageBox.Show("Error al grabar");
Beispiel #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Connect to the reader.
                // Change the ReaderHostname constant in SolutionConstants.cs
                // to the IP address or hostname of your reader.

                // Assign the TagOpComplete event handler.
                // This specifies which method to call
                // when tag operations are complete.
                reader.TagOpComplete += OnTagOpComplete;

                // Configure the reader with the default settings.

                // Create a tag operation sequence.
                // You can add multiple read, write, lock, kill and QT
                // operations to this sequence.
                TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();

                // Specify a target tag.
                // The target tag is selected by EPC.
                seq.TargetTag.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                seq.TargetTag.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc;
                // The EPC of the target tag.
                seq.TargetTag.Data = TARGET_EPC;

                // Define a Margin Read operation.
                TagMarginReadOp marginReadOp = new TagMarginReadOp();

                // Define the mask to margin read.
                // A MarginReadMask can be created from a hexadecimal string or a bit string.
                // This mask is margin reading 1160.
                marginReadOp.MarginMask = new MarginReadMask();

                // Define the bit pointer (or "place to start looking") and the memory bank.
                // We're adding 16 to get to the second word of the EPC. Our TargetTag filter
                // already ensures the EPC starts with "E280"
                marginReadOp.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc + 16;
                marginReadOp.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;

                // Add the margin operation to the tag operation sequence.

                // Add the tag operation sequence to the reader.
                // The reader supports multiple sequences.

                // Start the reader

                // Wait for the user to press enter.
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");

                // Stop reading.

                // Disconnect from the reader.
            catch (OctaneSdkException e)
                // Handle Octane SDK errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Octane SDK exception: {0}", e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Handle other .NET errors.
                Console.WriteLine("Exception : {0}", e.Message);
        //bool tag_writeTag(ref ImpinjReader stReader, ref TagInfo stTagInfo,string newEpc, ushort usEpcOpId, ushort usPcBitOpId)
        bool tag_writeTag(ImpinjReader stReader, TagInfo stTagInfo, string newEpc, ushort usEpcOpId, ushort usPcBitOpId)
            Log.WriteLog(LogType.Trace, "come in tag_writeTag");

            string currentEpc;
            ushort currentPcBits;

            currentEpc    = stTagInfo.sEpcHx;
            currentPcBits = stTagInfo.usPcBits;

            // Check that the specified EPCs are a valid length
            if ((currentEpc.Length % 4 != 0) || (newEpc.Length % 4 != 0))
                //throw new Exception("EPCs must be a multiple of 16 bits (4 hex chars)");
                Log.WriteLog(LogType.Trace, "EPCs must be a multiple of 16 bits (4 hex chars)");

            Log.WriteLog(LogType.Trace, "Adding a write operation to change the EPC from :" + currentEpc + " to " + newEpc + "");

                // Create a tag operation sequence.
                // You can add multiple read, write, lock, kill and QT
                // operations to this sequence.
                TagOpSequence seq = new TagOpSequence();

                // Specify a target tag based on the EPC.
                seq.TargetTag.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                seq.TargetTag.BitPointer = BitPointers.Epc;
                seq.TargetTag.Data       = currentEpc;

                // If you are using Monza 4, Monza 5 or Monza X tag chips,
                // uncomment these two lines. This enables 32-bit block writes
                // which significantly improves write performance.
                //seq.BlockWriteEnabled = true;
                //seq.BlockWriteWordCount = 2;

                // Create a tag write operation to change the EPC.
                TagWriteOp writeEpc = new TagWriteOp();
                // Set an ID so we can tell when this operation has executed.
                writeEpc.Id = usEpcOpId;
                // Write to EPC memory
                writeEpc.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                // Specify the new EPC data
                writeEpc.Data = TagData.FromHexString(newEpc);
                // Starting writing at word 2 (word 0 = CRC, word 1 = PC bits)
                writeEpc.WordPointer = WordPointers.Epc;

                // Add this tag write op to the tag operation sequence.

                // Is the new EPC a different length than the current EPC?
                if (currentEpc.Length != newEpc.Length)
                    // We need adjust the PC bits and write them back to the
                    // tag because the length of the EPC has changed.

                    // Adjust the PC bits (4 hex characters per word).
                    ushort newEpcLenWords = (ushort)(newEpc.Length / 4);
                    ushort newPcBits      = PcBits.AdjustPcBits(currentPcBits, newEpcLenWords);

                                #if false
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding a write operation to change the PC bits from :");
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} to {1}\n", currentPcBits.ToString("X4"), newPcBits.ToString("X4"));
                    Log.WriteLog(LogType.Trace, "Adding a write operation to change the PC bits from :" + currentPcBits.ToString("X4") + " to " + newPcBits.ToString("X4") + ".");

                    TagWriteOp writePc = new TagWriteOp();
                    writePc.Id = usPcBitOpId;
                    // The PC bits are in the EPC memory bank.
                    writePc.MemoryBank = MemoryBank.Epc;
                    // Specify the data to write (the modified PC bits).
                    writePc.Data = TagData.FromWord(newPcBits);
                    // Start writing at the start of the PC bits.
                    writePc.WordPointer = WordPointers.PcBits;

                    // Add this tag write op to the tag operation sequence.

                    stTagInfo.iTagWState = Macro.TAG_WRITE_INIT;
                    stTagInfo.iTagWState = Macro.TAG_WRITE_MODIFY_LEN;

                //将最新的ecp值记录到tag info中,供后续使用
                stTagInfo.sEpc = newEpc;

                // Add the tag operation sequence to the reader.
                // The reader supports multiple sequences.

                Log.WriteLog(LogType.Trace, "success to add operation for tag[" + stTagInfo.sTid + "] with ecp op id[" + usEpcOpId + "] and pc bit op id[" + usPcBitOpId + "]");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.WriteLog(LogType.Error, "error at tag_writeTag, the message is " + ex.Message + "");