internal int ComputeCurrentParameter(ITextSnapshot snapshot, AstRoot ast, int position) {
            ParameterInfo parameterInfo = SignatureHelp.GetParametersInfoFromBuffer(ast, snapshot, position);
            int index = 0;

            if (parameterInfo != null) {
                index = parameterInfo.ParameterIndex;
                if (parameterInfo.NamedParameter) {
                    // A function f <- function(foo, bar) is said to have formal parameters "foo" and "bar", 
                    // and the call f(foo=3, ba=13) is said to have (actual) arguments "foo" and "ba".
                    // R first matches all arguments that have exactly the same name as a formal parameter. 
                    // Two identical argument names cause an error. Then, R matches any argument names that
                    // partially matches a(yet unmatched) formal parameter. But if two argument names partially 
                    // match the same formal parameter, that also causes an error. Also, it only matches 
                    // formal parameters before ... So formal parameters after ... must be specified using 
                    // their full names. Then the unnamed arguments are matched in positional order to 
                    // the remaining formal arguments.

                    int argumentIndexInSignature = _signatureInfo.GetArgumentIndex(parameterInfo.ParameterName, REditorSettings.PartialArgumentNameMatch);
                    if (argumentIndexInSignature >= 0) {
                        index = argumentIndexInSignature;
            return index;
Beispiel #2
 public static ITagSpan<IClassificationTag> ToTagSpan(this TextSpan span, ITextSnapshot snapshot, IClassificationType classificationType)
     return new TagSpan<IClassificationTag>(
       new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, span.Start, span.Length),
       new ClassificationTag(classificationType)
 private AlloyOutliningTaggerWalker(ITreeNodeStream input, ReadOnlyCollection<IToken> tokens, AlloyOutliningTaggerProvider provider, ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     : base(input, snapshot, provider.OutputWindowService)
     _tokens = tokens;
     _provider = provider;
     _snapshot = snapshot;
        internal static AntlrParseResultEventArgs ParseSnapshot(ITextSnapshot snapshot)
            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            ITokenSource tokenSource = new GrammarLexer(new AntlrInputStream(snapshot.GetText()));
            CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(tokenSource);
            GrammarParser.GrammarSpecContext parseResult;
            GrammarParser parser = new GrammarParser(tokenStream);
            List<ParseErrorEventArgs> errors = new List<ParseErrorEventArgs>();
                parser.Interpreter.PredictionMode = PredictionMode.Sll;
                parser.BuildParseTree = true;
                parser.ErrorHandler = new BailErrorStrategy();
                parseResult = parser.grammarSpec();
            catch (ParseCanceledException ex)
                if (!(ex.InnerException is RecognitionException))

                parser.Interpreter.PredictionMode = PredictionMode.Ll;
                parser.ErrorHandler = new DefaultErrorStrategy();
                parseResult = parser.grammarSpec();

            return new AntlrParseResultEventArgs(snapshot, errors, timer.Elapsed, tokenStream.GetTokens(), parseResult);
        private GherkinFileScopeChange FullParse(ITextSnapshot textSnapshot, GherkinDialect gherkinDialect)
            visualStudioTracer.Trace("Start full parsing", ParserTraceCategory);
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            partialParseCount = 0;

            var gherkinListener = new GherkinTextBufferParserListener(gherkinDialect, textSnapshot, projectScope.Classifications);

            var scanner = new GherkinScanner(gherkinDialect, textSnapshot.GetText(), 0);

            var gherkinFileScope = gherkinListener.GetResult();

            var result = new GherkinFileScopeChange(
                true, true,

            TraceFinishParse(stopwatch, "full", result);

            return result;
Beispiel #6
 public void ForceParse(ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     NotifyChanges(snapshot, events);
        private void InsertEmbedString(ITextSnapshot snapshot, string dataUri)
            using (EditorExtensionsPackage.UndoContext((DisplayText)))
                Declaration dec = _url.FindType<Declaration>();

                if (dec != null && dec.Parent != null && !(dec.Parent.Parent is FontFaceDirective)) // No declaration in LESS variable definitions
                    RuleBlock rule = _url.FindType<RuleBlock>();
                    string text = dec.Text;

                    if (dec != null && rule != null)
                        Declaration match = rule.Declarations.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PropertyName != null && d.PropertyName.Text == "*" + dec.PropertyName.Text);
                        if (!text.StartsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal) && match == null)
                            _span.TextBuffer.Insert(dec.AfterEnd, "*" + text + "/* For IE 6 and 7 */");

                _span.TextBuffer.Replace(_span.GetSpan(snapshot), dataUri);

        private static int CalculateDeletionEndFromRuleEndPosition(ITextSnapshot snapshot, int endPosition)
            var position = endPosition;
            var committedPosition = position;

            while (true)
                if (position < snapshot.Length)
                    var ss = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, position, 1);
                    var text = ss.GetText();

                    if (text != null)
                        if ("\r\n".Contains(text))
                            committedPosition = ++position;

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))

                return committedPosition;
        private bool PossibleTypeArgument(ITextSnapshot snapshot, SyntaxToken token, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var node = token.Parent as BinaryExpressionSyntax;

            // type argument can be easily ambiguous with normal < operations
            if (node == null || node.Kind() != SyntaxKind.LessThanExpression || node.OperatorToken != token)
                return false;

            // use binding to see whether it is actually generic type or method 
            var document = snapshot.GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContextWithChanges();
            if (document == null)
                return false;

            var model = document.GetSemanticModelAsync(cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);

            // Analyze node on the left of < operator to verify if it is a generic type or method.
            var leftNode = node.Left;
            if (leftNode is ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax)
                // If node on the left is a conditional access expression, get the member binding expression 
                // from the innermost conditional access expression, which is the left of < operator. 
                // e.g: Case a?.b?.c< : we need to get the conditional access expression .b?.c and analyze its
                // member binding expression (the .c) to see if it is a generic type/method.
                // Case a?.b?.c.d< : we need to analyze .c.d
                // Case a?.M(x => x?.P)?.M2< : We need to analyze .M2
                leftNode = leftNode.GetInnerMostConditionalAccessExpression().WhenNotNull;

            var info = model.GetSymbolInfo(leftNode, cancellationToken);
            return info.CandidateSymbols.Any(IsGenericTypeOrMethod);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously constructs a line map from a <paramref name="snapshot"/> and <paramref name="code"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapshot">The current text snapshot.</param>
        /// <param name="code">The code to derive a line map from.</param>
        /// <param name="cancelToken">Cancellation token.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="LineMap"/> if <paramref name="code"/> was parsed correctly,
        /// <c>null</c> if there was invalid code or it was canceled.
        /// </returns>
        internal static Task<LineMap> ConstructAsync(ITextSnapshot snapshot, string code, CancellationToken cancelToken)
            if (snapshot == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("snapshot");
            if (code == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("code");

            return Task<LineMap>.Factory.StartNew (() =>
                    var tree = SyntaxTree.Parse (code, cancellationToken: cancelToken);
                    if (tree.Errors.Any (p => p.ErrorType == ErrorType.Error))
                        return null;

                    var identifier = new IdentifyingVisitor();
                    tree.AcceptVisitor (identifier);

                    var spans = new Dictionary<int, ITrackingSpan> (identifier.LineMap.Count);
                    foreach (var kvp in identifier.LineMap)
                        ITextSnapshotLine line = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber (kvp.Value - 1);
                        ITrackingSpan span = snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan (line.Extent, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive);
                        spans.Add (kvp.Key, span);

                    return (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) ? null : new LineMap (spans);
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    return null;
            }, cancelToken);
        public List<MarkerLine> GetMarkerLinesForFile(ITextSnapshot textSnapshot)
            var lines = new List<MarkerLine>();

            if (_threadFixPlugin == null || _threadFixPlugin.MarkerLookUp == null)
                return lines;

            var filename = textSnapshot.TextBuffer.GetTextDocument().FilePath.ToLower();
            var markers = new List<VulnerabilityMarker>();

            if(_threadFixPlugin.MarkerLookUp.TryGetValue(filename, out markers) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                foreach (var marker in markers)
                    if (marker.LineNumber.HasValue && marker.LineNumber.Value > 0 && marker.LineNumber.Value < textSnapshot.LineCount)
                        lines.Add(new MarkerLine(textSnapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(marker.LineNumber.Value - 1), marker.GenericVulnName));

            return lines;
Beispiel #12
        public SnapshotPoint GetCaretPositionInSubjectBuffer(SnapshotPoint viewCaretPosition, ITextSnapshot bufferSnapshot)
            var currentModelSpanInView = GetCurrentSpanInView(viewCaretPosition.Snapshot);
            SnapshotSpan currentModelSpanInSubjectBuffer = GetCurrentSpanInSubjectBuffer(bufferSnapshot);

            return currentModelSpanInSubjectBuffer.Start + (viewCaretPosition - currentModelSpanInView.Start);
 private void InsertEmbedString(ITextSnapshot snapshot, string dataUri)
     using (WebEssentialsPackage.UndoContext((DisplayText)))
         _span.TextBuffer.Replace(_span.GetSpan(snapshot), dataUri);
            private static SnapshotSourceText CreateText(ITextSnapshot editorSnapshot)
                var strongBox = s_textBufferLatestSnapshotMap.GetOrCreateValue(editorSnapshot.TextBuffer);
                var text = strongBox.Value;
                if (text != null && text._reiteratedVersion == editorSnapshot.Version.ReiteratedVersionNumber)
                    if (text.Length == editorSnapshot.Length)
                        return text;
                        // In editors with non-compliant Undo/Redo implementations, you can end up
                        // with two Versions with the same ReiteratedVersionNumber but with very
                        // different text. We've never provably seen this problem occur in Visual 
                        // Studio, but we have seen crashes that look like they could have been
                        // caused by incorrect results being returned from this cache. 
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                $"The matching cached SnapshotSourceText with <Reiterated Version, Length> = <{text._reiteratedVersion}, {text.Length}> " +
                                $"does not match the given editorSnapshot with <{editorSnapshot.Version.ReiteratedVersionNumber}, {editorSnapshot.Length}>");
                        catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportWithoutCrash(e))

                text = new SnapshotSourceText(editorSnapshot, editorSnapshot.TextBuffer.GetEncodingOrUTF8());
                strongBox.Value = text;
                return text;
 public FakeTextSnapshotLine(ITextSnapshot snapshot, string text, int position, int lineNumber)
     Snapshot = snapshot;
     this._text = text;
     LineNumber = lineNumber;
     Start = new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, position);
Beispiel #16
 internal void Parse(ITextSnapshot snapshot, out LanguageService.SyntaxTree.ITokenStream TokenStream, string path)
     string source = snapshot.GetText();
     // Currently we "eat" all Exception that might be raised
     // by XSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText
     TokenStream = null;
         LanguageService.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxTree tree = XSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(source, null, path);
         var syntaxRoot = tree.GetRoot();
         // Get the antlr4 parse tree root
         var xtree = ((LanguageService.CodeAnalysis.XSharp.Syntax.CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxRoot).XSource;
         TokenStream = ((LanguageService.CodeAnalysis.XSharp.Syntax.CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxRoot).XTokenStream;
         var walker = new LanguageService.SyntaxTree.Tree.ParseTreeWalker();
         var discover = new XSharpTreeDiscover();
         discover.Snapshot = snapshot;
         discover.xsharpBraceCloseType = xsharpBraceCloseType;
         discover.xsharpBraceOpenType = xsharpBraceOpenType;
         discover.xsharpIdentifierType = xsharpIdentifierType;
         discover.xsharpRegionStartType = xsharpRegionStartType;
         discover.xsharpRegionStopType = xsharpRegionStopType;
         // Walk the tree. The TreeDiscover class will collect the tags.
         walker.Walk(discover, xtree);
         this.tags = discover.tags;
     catch (Exception e)
 public SemanticTaggerVisitor(HlslClassificationService classificationService, ITextSnapshot snapshot, List<ITagSpan<IClassificationTag>> results, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     _classificationService = classificationService;
     _snapshot = snapshot;
     _results = results;
     _cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
 public ClassificationParseResult(ITextSnapshot snapshot, Token tokens, Comment[] comments, Directive[] directives)
     Snapshot = snapshot;
       Tokens = tokens;
       Comments = comments;
       Directives = directives;
 protected override IEnumerable<DiagnosticBase> GetDiagnostics(ITextSnapshot snapshot, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     SemanticModel semanticModel;
     if (!snapshot.TryGetSemanticModel(cancellationToken, out semanticModel))
         return Enumerable.Empty<DiagnosticBase>();
     return semanticModel.GetDiagnostics();
 public SnapshotPoint? GetPoint(ITextSnapshot targetSnapshot, PositionAffinity affinity) {
     try {
         return _trackingPoint.GetPoint(targetSnapshot);
     } catch (ArgumentException) {
         return null;
		public TextChangeArgs(ITextSnapshot oldSnapshot, Span oldSpan, ITextSnapshot newSnapshot, Span newSpan)
			OldSnapshot = oldSnapshot;
			OldSpan = oldSpan;
			NewSnapshot = newSnapshot;
			NewSpan = newSpan;
        private ICompletionContext CreateCompletionContext(ISassStylesheet stylesheet, int position, ITextSnapshot snapshot)
            ParseItem current = stylesheet as Stylesheet;

            if (position >= 0)
                var previousCharacterIndex = FindPreceedingCharacter(position-1, snapshot);
                if (previousCharacterIndex != position)
                    current = stylesheet.Children.FindItemContainingPosition(previousCharacterIndex);

                current = current ?? stylesheet.Children.FindItemContainingPosition(position);
                if (current is TokenItem)
                    current = current.Parent;

                if (current != null && !IsUnclosed(current) && previousCharacterIndex != position)
                    current = stylesheet.Children.FindItemContainingPosition(position);
                    if (current is TokenItem)
                        current = current.Parent;

            current = current ?? stylesheet as Stylesheet;

            return new CompletionContext
                Document = Editor.Document,
                Current = current,
                //Predecessor = predecessor,
                Position = position,
                Cache = Cache,
                DocumentTextProvider = new SnapshotTextProvider(snapshot)
        public UDNParsingResults(string path, ITextSnapshot snapshot, MarkdownPackage package, Markdown markdown, FolderDetails folderDetails)
            var log = new OutputPaneLogger();
            ParsedSnapshot = snapshot;

            // Use the Publish Flag combo box to set the markdown details.

            // Always include public

            foreach (var flagName in package.PublishFlags)

            Errors = new List<ErrorDetail>();
            Images = new List<ImageConversion>();
            Attachments = new List<AttachmentConversionDetail>();

            Document = markdown.ParseDocument(ParsedSnapshot.GetText(), Errors, Images, Attachments, folderDetails);


                path, log, folderDetails.AbsoluteHTMLPath, folderDetails.Language,
                folderDetails.CurrentFolderFromMarkdownAsTopLeaf, Images, Attachments);

            // Create common directories like css includes top level images etc. 
            // Needs to be created everytime the document is generated to allow
            // changes to these files to show in the preview window without
            // restarting VS.
                folderDetails.AbsoluteHTMLPath, folderDetails.AbsoluteMarkdownPath, log);
 public GherkinTextBufferPartialParserListener(GherkinDialect gherkinDialect, ITextSnapshot textSnapshot, GherkinFileEditorClassifications classifications, IGherkinFileScope previousScope, int changeLastLine, int changeLineDelta)
     : base(gherkinDialect, textSnapshot, classifications)
     this.previousScope = previousScope;
     this.changeLastLine = changeLastLine;
     this.changeLineDelta = changeLineDelta;
        public IEnumerable<HunkRangeInfo> GetGitDiffFor(ITextDocument textDocument, ITextSnapshot snapshot)
            string fileName = textDocument.FilePath;
            GitFileStatusTracker tracker = new GitFileStatusTracker(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName));
            if (!tracker.IsGit)
                yield break;

            GitFileStatus status = tracker.GetFileStatus(fileName);
            if (status == GitFileStatus.New || status == GitFileStatus.Added)
                yield break;

            HistogramDiff diff = new HistogramDiff();
            string currentText = snapshot.GetText();

            byte[] preamble = textDocument.Encoding.GetPreamble();
            byte[] content = textDocument.Encoding.GetBytes(currentText);
            if (preamble.Length > 0)
                byte[] completeContent = new byte[preamble.Length + content.Length];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(preamble, 0, completeContent, 0, preamble.Length);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(content, 0, completeContent, preamble.Length, content.Length);
                content = completeContent;

            byte[] previousContent = null; //GetPreviousRevision(tracker, fileName);
            RawText b = new RawText(content);
            RawText a = new RawText(previousContent ?? new byte[0]);
            EditList edits = diff.Diff(RawTextComparator.DEFAULT, a, b);
            foreach (Edit edit in edits)
                yield return new HunkRangeInfo(snapshot, edit, a, b);
		private static SyntaxConcept[] Parse(ITextSnapshot snapshot, out bool success)
			var sb = new StringBuilder();
			sb.Append("format=json tokens=");
			var dsl = snapshot.GetText();
			var either = Compiler.CompileDsl(sb, null, dsl, cms => (ParseResult)Serializer.ReadObject(cms));
			if (!either.Success)
				success = false;
				Parsed(snapshot, new ParsedArgs(either.Error));
				return new SyntaxConcept[0];
			var result = either.Value;
			if (result.Error != null)
				var msg = (result.Error.Line >= 0 ? "Line: " + result.Error.Line + ". " : string.Empty) + result.Error.Error;
				Parsed(snapshot, new ParsedArgs(msg));
			else Parsed(snapshot, new ParsedArgs());
			success = result.Error == null;
			if (result.Tokens == null)
				return EmptyResult;
			return result.Tokens.ToArray();
Beispiel #27
 public ParsingResult(Settings settings,
     ITextSnapshot textSnapshot,
     IEnumerable<TextSpan> attributeSpans)
     TextSnapshot = textSnapshot;
     AttributeSpans = attributeSpans.ToImmutableArray();
Beispiel #28
 private void ProcessJsonObjectPropertyValues(JsonObjectNode rootNode, ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     foreach (var jsonPropertyValuePair in rootNode.PropertyValues)
         ProcessValue(snapshot, jsonPropertyValuePair.Value);
 public UpperCaseSuggestedAction(ITrackingSpan span)
     _span = span;
     _snapshot = span.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;
     _upper = span.GetText(_snapshot).ToUpper();
     _display = string.Format("Convert '{0}' to upper case", span.GetText(_snapshot));
        private static int CalculateDeletionStartFromStartPosition(ITextSnapshot snapshot, int startPosition)
            var position = startPosition - 1;

            if (position < 0)
                return 0;

            while (true)
                if (position > 0)
                    var ss = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, position, 1);
                    var text = ss.GetText();

                    if (text != null && !"\r\n".Contains(text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))


                return position;
Beispiel #31
        public string GetText(ITextSnapshot snapshot)
            var span = GetSpan(snapshot.Version);

Beispiel #32
 public static TextEdit CreateEmpty(ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     return(new TextEdit(snapshot, 0, 0, String.Empty));
Beispiel #33
 public TextEdit(ITextSnapshot snapshot, int position, int length, string text)
     this.Span = new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, position, length);
     this.Text = text;
Beispiel #34
        public override void Process(string fileName, int offset, string xamlElement, string linePadding, ITextSnapshot snapshot, TagList tags, List <TagSuppression> suppressions = null)
            this.ProcessCalled       = true;
            this.ProcessCalledCount += 1;

            this.Offset = offset;
            this.AllOffsets.Add(this.ProcessCalledCount, offset);

            this.XamlElement = xamlElement;
            this.AllXamlElements.Add(this.ProcessCalledCount, xamlElement);
Beispiel #35
        public static Result <SnapshotSpan> GetCurrentSpan(this IVsTextLineMarker marker, ITextSnapshot snapshot)
            var span = GetCurrentSpan(marker);

            return(span.IsError ? Result.CreateError(span.HResult) : span.Value.ToSnapshotSpan(snapshot));
        public override void Process(int offset, string xamlElement, string linePadding, ITextSnapshot snapshot, List <IRapidXamlAdornmentTag> tags)
            var(uidExists, uid) = this.GetOrGenerateUid(xamlElement, Attributes.Header);

        public void AugmentQuickInfoSession(IQuickInfoSession session, IList <object> quickInfoContent, out ITrackingSpan applicableToSpan)
            applicableToSpan = null;

            if (session.TextView.TextBuffer == this.TextBuffer)
                ITextSnapshot currentSnapshot = this.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;
                SnapshotPoint?triggerPoint    = session.GetTriggerPoint(currentSnapshot);
                if (!triggerPoint.HasValue)

                foreach (var span in this.Aggregator.GetTags(new SnapshotSpan(triggerPoint.Value, triggerPoint.Value)))
                    if (!span.Tag.ClassificationType.IsOfType(AntlrClassificationTypeNames.LexerRule) &&

                    NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans = span.Span.GetSpans(currentSnapshot);
                    if (spans.Count == 1)
                        SnapshotSpan span2 = spans[0];
                        SnapshotSpan span3 = span.Span.GetSpans(span.Span.AnchorBuffer)[0];
                        if (span2.Length == span3.Length)
                            SnapshotSpan span4 = spans[0];
                            if (span4.Contains(triggerPoint.Value))
                                StringBuilder builder  = new StringBuilder();
                                string        ruleName = span2.GetText();
                                var           rules    = BackgroundParser.RuleSpans;
                                KeyValuePair <ITrackingSpan, ITrackingPoint> value;
                                if (rules == null || !rules.TryGetValue(ruleName, out value))
                                    if (span.Tag.ClassificationType.IsOfType(AntlrClassificationTypeNames.LexerRule))
                                        builder.Append("Found an unknown lexer rule.");
                                        builder.Append("Found an unknown parser rule.");
                                    SnapshotPoint ruleSeek = value.Value.GetPoint(triggerPoint.Value.Snapshot);
                                    if (span2.Contains(ruleSeek))


                                applicableToSpan = currentSnapshot.CreateTrackingSpan((Span)spans[0], SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive);
Beispiel #38
 public SnapshotSpan GetSpan(ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     return(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, GetSpan(snapshot.Version)));
Beispiel #39
 private static ITrackingSpan CreateTrackingSpan(ITextSnapshot snapshot, Span span)
     return(snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(span, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive));
Beispiel #40
        public SnapshotPoint GetStartPoint(ITextSnapshot snapshot)
            var span = GetSpan(snapshot.Version);

            return(new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, span.Start));
Beispiel #41
 internal void Create(params string[] lines)
     _buffer   = CreateTextBuffer(lines);
     _snapshot = _buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
Beispiel #42
 public SnapshotPoint GetEndPoint(ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     return(new SnapshotPoint(_snapshot, _start + _length));
Beispiel #43
 public void SetSnapshot(ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     _visualSpan = _visualSpan.Value.TranslateTo(snapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive);
Beispiel #44
 public GherkinTextBufferParserListener(GherkinDialect gherkinDialect, ITextSnapshot textSnapshot, IProjectScope projectScope)
     : base(gherkinDialect, textSnapshot, projectScope)
            private void Start(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                // this is where the caret should go after the change
                SnapshotPoint  pos = TextView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition;
                ITrackingPoint beforeTrackingPoint = pos.Snapshot.CreateTrackingPoint(pos.Position, PointTrackingMode.Negative);

                ITextSnapshot snapshot             = SubjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;
                SnapshotPoint closingSnapshotPoint = ClosingPoint.GetPoint(snapshot);

                if (closingSnapshotPoint.Position < 1)
                    Debug.Fail("The closing point was not found at the expected position.");

                SnapshotPoint openingSnapshotPoint = closingSnapshotPoint.Subtract(1);

                if (openingSnapshotPoint.GetChar() != OpeningBrace)
                    // there is a bug in editor brace completion engine on projection buffer that already fixed in vs_pro. until that is FIed to use
                    // I will make this not to assert
                    // Debug.Fail("The opening brace was not found at the expected position.");

                OpeningPoint = snapshot.CreateTrackingPoint(openingSnapshotPoint, PointTrackingMode.Positive);
                var document = snapshot.GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContextWithChanges();

                if (!_session.CheckOpeningPoint(this, cancellationToken))

                using (ITextUndoTransaction undo = CreateUndoTransaction())
                    // insert the closing brace
                    using (ITextEdit edit = SubjectBuffer.CreateEdit())
                        edit.Insert(closingSnapshotPoint, ClosingBrace.ToString());

                        if (edit.HasFailedChanges)
                            Debug.Fail("Unable to insert closing brace");

                            // exit without setting the closing point which will take us off the stack
                            snapshot = edit.Apply();

                    SnapshotPoint beforePoint = beforeTrackingPoint.GetPoint(TextView.TextSnapshot);

                    // switch from positive to negative tracking so it stays against the closing brace
                    ClosingPoint = SubjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.CreateTrackingPoint(ClosingPoint.GetPoint(snapshot), PointTrackingMode.Negative);

                    Debug.Assert(ClosingPoint.GetPoint(snapshot).Position > 0 && (new SnapshotSpan(ClosingPoint.GetPoint(snapshot).Subtract(1), 1))
                                 .GetText().Equals(ClosingBrace.ToString()), "The closing point does not match the closing brace character");

                    // move the caret back between the braces

                    _session.AfterStart(this, cancellationToken);

 protected override IOutliningRegionTag CreateTag(
     IOutliningRegionTag parentTag, ITextSnapshot snapshot, BlockSpan region)
     return(new RegionTag(this, snapshot, region));
Beispiel #47
        internal static bool EndsWithLineBreak(this ITextSnapshot snapshot)
            int length = snapshot.Length;

            return(length > 0 && (snapshot[length - 1] == '\n' || snapshot[length - 1] == '\r'));
Beispiel #48
        internal void SetSnapshotAndUpdate(ITextSnapshot snapshot, double deltaX, double deltaY,
                                           IList <ITextViewLine> newOrReformattedLines, IList <ITextViewLine> translatedLines)
            //Go through all the added visuals and invalidate or transform as appropriate.
            List <AdornmentAndData> newVisuals = new List <AdornmentAndData>(_elements.Count);

            for (int i = 0; (i < _elements.Count); ++i)
                AdornmentAndData data = _elements[i];

                if (!data.VisualSpan.HasValue)
                    if (data.Behavior == AdornmentPositioningBehavior.ViewportRelative)
                        data.Translate(deltaX, deltaY);

                    SnapshotSpan span = data.VisualSpan.Value;

                    if ((!_view.TextViewLines.IntersectsBufferSpan(span)) ||
                        (GetCrossingLine(newOrReformattedLines, span) != null))
                        //Either visual is no longer visible or it crosses a line
                        //that was reformatted.

                        switch (data.Behavior)
                        case AdornmentPositioningBehavior.TextRelative:
                        case (AdornmentPositioningBehavior)(AdornmentPositioningBehavior2.TextRelativeVerticalOnly):
                            ITextViewLine line = GetCrossingLine(translatedLines, span);
                            if (line != null)
                                data.Translate((data.Behavior == AdornmentPositioningBehavior.TextRelative)
                                                   ? 0.0
                                                   : deltaX, line.DeltaY);
                            else if (data.Behavior == (AdornmentPositioningBehavior)(AdornmentPositioningBehavior2.TextRelativeVerticalOnly))
                                data.Translate(deltaX, 0.0);


                        case AdornmentPositioningBehavior.ViewportRelative:
                            data.Translate(deltaX, deltaY);

            _elements = newVisuals;
Beispiel #49
 internal static SnapshotSpan GetExtent(this ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     return(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, 0, snapshot.Length));
 public void Disable(ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     Enabled = false;
     TagsChanged?.Invoke(this, new SnapshotSpanEventArgs(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, new Span(0, snapshot.Length))));
Beispiel #51
        public static bool IsCaretInLibraryStatement(ITextView textView)
            try {
                SnapshotPoint?bufferPosition = REditorDocument.MapCaretPositionFromView(textView);
                if (bufferPosition.HasValue)
                    ITextSnapshot     snapshot      = bufferPosition.Value.Snapshot;
                    int               caretPosition = bufferPosition.Value.Position;
                    ITextSnapshotLine line          = snapshot.GetLineFromPosition(caretPosition);

                    if (line.Length < 8 || caretPosition < line.Start + 8 || snapshot[caretPosition - 1] != '(')

                    int start = -1;
                    int end   = -1;

                    for (int i = caretPosition - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(snapshot[i]))
                            end = i + 1;

                    if (end <= 0)

                    for (int i = end - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (char.IsWhiteSpace(snapshot[i]))
                            start = i + 1;
                        else if (i == 0)
                            start = 0;

                    if (start < 0 || end <= start)

                    start -= line.Start;
                    end   -= line.Start;

                    string s = line.GetText().Substring(start, end - start);
                    if (s == "library" || s == "require")
            } catch (ArgumentException) { }

Beispiel #52
        internal static bool EndsWith(this ITextSnapshot snapshot, char c)
            int length = snapshot.Length;

            return(length > 0 && snapshot[length - 1] == c);
 public static ITagSpan <TTag> GetTagSpan <TTag>(this ITextSnapshot snapshot, Span span, TTag tag)
     where TTag : ITag
     return(new TagSpan <TTag>(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, span), tag));
 private bool IsCodeBlock(ITextSnapshot surfaceSnapshot, int position, char ch)
     return(CheckCode(surfaceSnapshot, position, ch, CSharpRazorBlock) ||
            CheckCode(surfaceSnapshot, position, ch, FunctionsRazor, CSharpRazorBlock));
 public static SnapshotSpan GetSpanFromBounds(this ITextSnapshot snapshot, int start, int end)
     return(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, Span.FromBounds(start, end)));
 public static SnapshotSpan GetSpan(this ITextSnapshot snapshot, int startLine, int startIndex, int endLine, int endIndex)
     return(TryGetSpan(snapshot, startLine, startIndex, endLine, endIndex).Value);
 public static int GetPosition(this ITextSnapshot snapshot, int lineNumber, int columnIndex)
     return(TryGetPosition(snapshot, lineNumber, columnIndex).Value);
 public static SnapshotSpan GetSpan(this ITextSnapshot snapshot, Span span)
     return(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, span));
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert a <see cref="LinePositionSpan"/> to <see cref="TextSpan"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public static TextSpan GetTextSpan(this ITextSnapshot snapshot, LinePositionSpan span)
                GetPosition(snapshot, span.Start.Line, span.Start.Character),
                GetPosition(snapshot, span.End.Line, span.End.Character)));
 public static SnapshotSpan GetSpan(this ITextSnapshot snapshot, int start, int length)
     return(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, new Span(start, length)));