Beispiel #1
 public MoveEvaluator(IBoardAnalyzer boardAnalyzer, IRandomProvider randomProvider, ProtoBoard protoBoard)
     this._boardAnalyzer = boardAnalyzer;
     _randomProvider     = randomProvider;
     this._protoBoard    = protoBoard;
     this._setEvaluators = new List <CoordinateEvaluator>();
Beispiel #2
 public Variant960Controller(IUserRepository _userRepository, IPersistentLoginHandler _loginHandler, IRandomProvider _randomProvider, IGameRepository _gameRepository, IMoveCollectionTransformer _moveCollectionTransformer, IGameConstructor _gameConstructor) : base(_userRepository, _loginHandler)
     randomProvider            = _randomProvider;
     gameRepository            = _gameRepository;
     moveCollectionTransformer = _moveCollectionTransformer;
     gameConstructor           = _gameConstructor;
Beispiel #3
        private void RandomIntConsistencyTest(IRandomProvider r)
            int  mintries = 1000;
            int  maxtries = 10000;
            int  min      = 1;
            int  max      = 6;
            bool foundmin = false;
            bool foundmax = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxtries; i++)
                int next = r.RandomInt(min, max);
                Assert.IsTrue(next >= min && next <= max);
                if (next == max)
                    foundmax = true;
                if (next == min)
                    foundmin = true;
                if (foundmax && foundmin && i > mintries)
Beispiel #4
        public JobLogic(IRandomProvider randomProvider, IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
            RP = randomProvider;
            EA = eventAggregator;

Beispiel #5
 public GeneticAlgorithm(
     double mutationProbability,
     double crossoverPropability,
     int minPopulationSize,
     int maxPopulationSize,
     IMutation mutationOperator,
     ICrossover crossoverOperator,
     IFitnessEvaluator <TWorkload> fitnessEvaluator,
     IInitialPopulationCreator initialPopulationCreator,
     ITerminationCondition <TState> terminationCondition,
     ISelectionStrategy selectionStrategy,
     IReinsertionStrategy reinsertionStrategy,
     IDeploymentChromosomeFactory chromosomeFactory,
     TState currentState,
     TWorkload workload,
     IRandomProvider randomProvider)
     MutationProbability       = mutationProbability;
     CrossoverProbability      = crossoverPropability;
     MinPopulationSize         = minPopulationSize;
     MaxPopulationSize         = maxPopulationSize;
     MutationOperator          = mutationOperator;
     CrossoverOperator         = crossoverOperator;
     FitnessEvaluator          = fitnessEvaluator;
     InitialPopulationCreator  = initialPopulationCreator;
     TerminationCondition      = terminationCondition;
     SelectionStrategyStrategy = selectionStrategy;
     ReinsertionStrategy       = reinsertionStrategy;
     ChromosomeFactory         = chromosomeFactory;
     CurrentState   = currentState;
     Workload       = workload;
     RandomProvider = randomProvider;
 public static Vector3 Inside(this IRandomProvider random, AABox box)
 => new Vector3
     x: box.Min.x + box.Size.x * random.GetNext(),
     y: box.Min.y + box.Size.y * random.GetNext(),
     z: box.Min.z + box.Size.z * random.GetNext()
        public void Cross_WithNoMutation_Returns_CorrectOffspring()
            _mutationOperator = A.Fake <IMutation>();
            _randomProvider   = A.Fake <IRandomProvider>();
            A.CallTo(() => _randomProvider.GetRandom()).WithAnyArguments().Returns(1);
            _mutationProbability = 0;

            var deploymentModel = CreateDeploymentModel();

            var genes = new[]
                new DeploymentGene(new FeatureIdentifier("a"), new MicroserviceIdentifier("a"))

            var chromosomes = new[]
                new DeploymentChromosome(deploymentModel.FeatureModel, genes),
                new DeploymentChromosome(deploymentModel.FeatureModel, genes),

            var result = _testGeneticAlgorithm.Mutation(chromosomes);

            A.CallTo(() => _mutationOperator.Mutate(null)).WithAnyArguments().MustNotHaveHappened();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(chromosomes, result);
 public GamesController(IAppData data, INumberValidator validator, IBullsAndCowsCounter bullsAndCowsCounter, IRandomProvider randomProvider)
     : base(data)
     this.numberValidator     = validator;
     this.bullsAndCowsCounter = bullsAndCowsCounter;
     this.randomProvider      = randomProvider;
        public DelayedCache(IMetrics metrics, IStoreEvents store, IVersionRegistrar registrar, IRandomProvider random, ITimeProvider time)
            _metrics   = metrics;
            _store     = store;
            _registrar = registrar;
            _random    = random;
            _time      = time;

            _flushInterval = Configuration.Settings.FlushInterval;
            _endpoint      = Configuration.Settings.Endpoint;
            _maxSize       = Configuration.Settings.MaxDelayed;
            _flushSize     = Configuration.Settings.FlushSize;
            _expiration    = Configuration.Settings.DelayedExpiration;
            _streamGen     = Configuration.Settings.Generator;
            _cts           = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _cacheLock = new object();
            _memCache  = new Dictionary <CacheKey, CachedList>(new CacheKey.EqualityComparer());

            _thread = new Thread(Threaded)
                IsBackground = true, Name = $"Delayed Cache Thread"

            // Add a process exit event handler to flush cached delayed events before exiting the app
            // Not perfect in the case of a fatal app error - but something
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (sender, e) => Threaded(this);
 public TestGeneticAlgorithm(
     double mutationProbability,
     double crossoverPropability,
     int minPopulationSize,
     int maxPopulationSize,
     IMutation mutationOperator,
     ICrossover crossoverOperator,
     IFitnessEvaluator <TestWorkload> fitnessEvaluator,
     IInitialPopulationCreator initialPopulationCreator,
     ITerminationCondition <TestState> terminationCondition,
     ISelectionStrategy selectionStrategy,
     IReinsertionStrategy reinsertionStrategy,
     IDeploymentChromosomeFactory chromosomeFactory,
     TestState currentState,
     TestWorkload workload,
     IRandomProvider randomProvider)
     : base(
Beispiel #11
        public static T PickSingleItem(List <WeightedChoice <T> > weights, IRandomProvider randomProvider)
            var totalWeight = WeightsAddUpToOne(weights);

            if (Math.Abs(1d - totalWeight) > Sensitivity)
                throw new ArgumentException($"The weights for the items to choose do not add up to one. Total weight = {totalWeight}");

            var randomValue = randomProvider.NextDouble();

            for (var i = 0; i < weights.Count; i++)
                var currentWeight = weights[i];

                if (i == weights.Count - 1)
                    return(currentWeight.Choice);                        // last item on the list so it must be chosen
                randomValue -= currentWeight.Weight;
                if (randomValue < 0)

            throw new Exception("Failed to make a random choice");
Beispiel #12
 public GamesServices(IRepository <Game> games, IRepository <User> users, IRandomProvider randomProvider, IHighScoreService highScore)
     this.highScore      = highScore;          = games;
     this.users          = users;
     this.randomProvider = randomProvider;
 public PhotonMappingContextSampler()
     rnd =
         new FastRandom();
     //new HaltonSequence();
     TotalSamples = 0L;
Beispiel #14
 public IdCard(IRandomProvider randomProvider)
     foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, 8))
         Number += randomProvider.GetNumber(0, 9) * (int)System.Math.Pow(10, i);
Beispiel #15
    public bool ImproveMap(IMap map, IRandomProvider random)
        // Let's reuse directions, but let them represent quadrants
        // So north-> north-west
        var quadrant = ChooseQuadrant(random);
        var goaltile = new GoalTile();

        (var success, var location, var openDir) = PlaceTileInQuadrant(quadrant, map, goaltile);
        if (!success)
        goaltile.Direction = openDir;
        map.Goal           = location;
        var startTile = new StartTile();

        (success, location, openDir) = PlaceTileInQuadrant(Directions.GetOpposite(quadrant), map, startTile);
        if (success)
            startTile.Direction = openDir;
            map.Start           = location;

Beispiel #16
            private PasswordGeneratorInteral(RuleSet ruleSet, int length, IRandomProvider randomProvider)
                if (ruleSet == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ruleSet));

                if (!ruleSet.IsValid)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Rule Set", nameof(ruleSet));

                if (randomProvider == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(randomProvider));

                if (length < ruleSet.MinLength)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length), length, $"{nameof(length)} is shorter than what is needed to meet the requirements ({ruleSet.MinLength}).");

                Length            = length;
                SetResults        = ruleSet.Requirements.Select(r => new CharacterSetResult(r)).ToList();
                RandomProvider    = randomProvider;
                GeneratedPassword = new SecureString();
 public static FluentBuilder <TContext> RandomSelector <TContext>(
     this FluentBuilder <TContext> builder,
     string name,
     IRandomProvider randomProvider = null)
     return(builder.PushComposite(children => new RandomSelector <TContext>(name, children, randomProvider)));
Beispiel #18
 public RandomSampler()
     rnd = 
        //new HaltonSequence();
      new FastRandom();
      //new BaseQMCSequence();
Beispiel #19
 public UniformSampler()
     rnd =
         new FastRandom();
     //new HaltonSequence();
     TotalSamples = 0L;
Beispiel #20
        private void PersonMovedToIcu(Human agent, IRandomProvider random)
            agent.DiesInIcu = random.Chance(Parameters.PropDieInIcu);
            var meanTimeInIcu = agent.DiesInIcu ? Parameters.TimeCtoD : Parameters.TimeCtoR;
            var rateOfExit    = 1d / meanTimeInIcu;

            agent.DaysInIntensiveCare = random.SampleDaysInState(rateOfExit);
Beispiel #21
        public PasswordGeneratorService(IRandomProvider randomProvider)
            Guard.WhenArgument(randomProvider, "randomProvider").IsNull().Throw();

            this.randomProvider = randomProvider;

            this.Characters = Enumerable.Range(StartSymbolCode, NumberOfLastValidSymbol - StartSymbolCode).Select(c => (char)c).ToList();
 public static FluentBuilder <TContext> Random <TContext>(
     this FluentBuilder <TContext> builder,
     string name,
     double threshold,
     IRandomProvider randomProvider = null)
     return(builder.PushComposite(children => new Random <TContext>(name, children[0], threshold, randomProvider)));
Beispiel #23
 public PSSMLTSampler()
     rnd =
         new FastRandom();
     //new HaltonSequence();
     TotalSamples = 0L;
     state = MCMCSamplerState.Initialized;
Beispiel #24
        private void IncubationEndsSevere(Human agent, IRandomProvider random)
            agent.SevereToHospital = random.Chance(Parameters.PropStoH);
            var meanTimeToAdmission = agent.SevereToHospital ? Parameters.TimeStoH : Parameters.TimeStoC;
            var progressionRate     = 1d / meanTimeToAdmission;

            agent.DaysIsolated = random.SampleDaysInState(progressionRate);
Beispiel #25
        public GameProcessor(IRandomProvider random, ICardsRepository cardsRepository)
            Validated.NotNull(random, nameof(random));
            Validated.NotNull(cardsRepository, nameof(cardsRepository));

            this.random          = random;
            this.cardsRepository = cardsRepository;
 public CertificatesService(IRepository <Certificate> certificates, IRandomProvider random, IUserService users, ICoursesService courses, ICertificateGenerationInfoProvider generationInfoProvider)
     _certificates           = certificates;
     _random                 = random;
     _users                  = users;
     _courses                = courses;
     _generationInfoProvider = generationInfoProvider;
 public SpawnTurretSystem(AABox spawnArea, int count, IRandomProvider random, EntityContext context)
     : base(batchSize: 100)
     this.spawnArea = spawnArea;
     this.count     = count;
     this.random    = random;
     this.context   = context;
 public CaptchaService(ICaptchaStore captchaStore,
                       IGraphicsProvider graphicsStrategy,
                       IRandomProvider randomProvider)
     _captchaStore     = captchaStore;
     _graphicsStrategy = graphicsStrategy;
     _randomProvider   = randomProvider;
Beispiel #29
 public MembershipService(IRepository <User> users, IRandomProvider randomProvider, IMessageService messageService, IRouteProvider routeProvider, IUserService userService)
     _users          = users;
     _randomProvider = randomProvider;
     _messageService = messageService;
     _routeProvider  = routeProvider;
     _userService    = userService;
 public SpawnSpaceshipSystem(AABox spawnArea, int targetCount, IRandomProvider random, EntityContext context)
     : base(batchSize: 100)
     this.spawnArea   = spawnArea;
     this.targetCount = targetCount;
     this.random      = random;
     this.context     = context;
Beispiel #31
 public InputContext(InputContext parent, int scopeid)
     ParentScope      = parent;
     Random           = parent.Random;
     LibraryProviders = parent.LibraryProviders;
     ScopeId          = scopeid;
     PrintChannel     = parent.PrintChannel;
 public static Vector2 Inside(this IRandomProvider random, Rect rect)
     return(rect.position + new Vector2
                x: random.Between(0f, rect.width),
                y: random.Between(0f, rect.height)
Beispiel #33
        public Market(ITradingHistory tradingHistory, IRandomProvider randomProvider)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(tradingHistory != null);
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(randomProvider != null);

            History = tradingHistory;
            _randomProvider = randomProvider;
        protected void Start()
            if (mesh == null)
                Debug.LogError("[SampleController] No 'mesh' provided"); return;
            if (material == null)
                Debug.LogError("[SampleController] No 'material' provided"); return;

            //Allocate arrays
            cubeData      = new CubeData[cubeCount];
            bucketedCubes = new BucketSet <CubeData>(bucketCount: avoidanceBucketCount, maxBucketSize: avoidanceMaxBucketSize);
            renderSet     = new RenderSet(mesh, material, maxBatches: Mathf.CeilToInt(cubeCount / 1023f));

            //Create misc stuff
            int numExecutors = useMultiThreading ? (System.Environment.ProcessorCount - 1) : 0;

            Debug.Log(string.Format("[SampleController] Staring 'TaskManager' with '{0}' executors", numExecutors));
            taskManager     = new TaskManager(numExecutors);
            avoidanceHasher = new PositionHasher();
            random          = new ShiftRandomProvider();

            //Create tasks
            startTask          = new StartFrameTask();
            bucketCubeTask     = new BucketCubeTask(bucketedCubes, avoidanceHasher);
            moveCubeTask       = new MoveCubeTask(avoidanceHasher, bucketedCubes);
            respawnCubeTask    = new RespawnCubeTask(random);
            addToRenderSetTask = new AddToRenderSetTask(renderSet);

            //Setup profiler timeline
            if (profiler != null)
                completeProfilerTrack       = profiler.CreateTrack <TimelineTrack>("Blocking main-thread to complete tasks");
                renderProfilerTrack         = profiler.CreateTrack <TimelineTrack>("Render instanced");
                bucketCubesProfilerTrack    = profiler.CreateTrack <TaskTimelineTrack>("Bucket cubes");
                moveCubesProfilerTrack      = profiler.CreateTrack <TaskTimelineTrack>("Move cubes");
                respawnCubesProfilerTrack   = profiler.CreateTrack <TaskTimelineTrack>("Respawn cubes");
                addToRenderSetProfilerTrack = profiler.CreateTrack <TaskTimelineTrack>("Creating render batches");

            //Setup initial data
            Rect spawnArea = MathUtils.FromCenterAndSize(, spawnAreaSize);

            for (int i = 0; i < cubeCount; i++)
                cubeData[i] = new CubeData
                    ID                = i,
                    Position          = random.Inside(spawnArea),
                    TimeNotHitTarget1 = 999f,
                    TimeNotHitTarget2 = 999f
 public CatService(
     IDbContext database,
     IRandomProvider randomProvider,
     ICurrentTimeProvider currentTimeProvider)
     this.database            = database;
     this.randomProvider      = randomProvider;
     this.currentTimeProvider = currentTimeProvider;
 public AdaptiveBlockSampler()
     rnd =
         new FastRandom();
     //new HaltonSequence();
     TotalSamples = 0L;
     blocks = new List<SampleBlock>(65535);
     subBlocks = new List<SampleBlock>(65535);
        public VideoDirectory(VideoDirectoryConfiguration videoDirectoryConfiguration, IVideoScanner videoScanner, IRandomProvider randomProvider)
            Videos = new List<Video>();

            _videoDirectoryConfiguration = videoDirectoryConfiguration;
            _videoScanner = videoScanner;
            _randomProvider = randomProvider;

Beispiel #38
        public LDSampler()
            rnd = new HaltonSequence();
            ldSequence =

                //new HaltonSequence();
            new HaltonSequence();
            //  new FastRandom();
            //new BaseQMCSequence();
        public virtual void Setup()
            _blacklistStore = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IBlacklistStore>();
            _videoScannerProvider = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IVideoScannerProvider>();
            _videoScanner = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IVideoScanner>();

            _randomProvider = new RandomProvider(RandomSeed);

            _videoScannerProvider.Stub(x => x.GetVideoScanner(Arg<VideoScannerOptions>.Is.Anything)).Return(_videoScanner);

            GivenPlaylistConfiguration = new PlaylistConfigurationBuilder();
Beispiel #40
        public Pool(PoolConfiguration poolConfiguration, IVideoScanner videoScanner, IRandomProvider randomProvider)
            VideoDirectories = new List<VideoDirectory>();
            Videos = new List<Video>();

            _randomProvider = randomProvider;

            CurrentVideoDirectoryIndex = 0;
            _videoScanner = videoScanner;
            PoolConfiguration = poolConfiguration;
Beispiel #41
 public void SplatProvider(IRandomProvider rnd)
     //using (var gs = Graphics.FromImage(this.canvas.Image))
     for (int i = 0; i < this.canvas.Image.Width*this.canvas.Image.Height;i++)
         int x = Math.Min((int) (this.canvas.Image.Width*rnd.NextFloat()), canvas.Image.Width - 1);
         int y = Math.Min((int) (this.canvas.Image.Height*rnd.NextFloat()), canvas.Image.Height - 1);
         (this.canvas.Image as Bitmap).SetPixel(x, y, 
             //Color.FromArgb((int)(255 * rnd.NextFloat()), (int)(255 * rnd.NextFloat()), (int)(255 * rnd.NextFloat()))
        public int Pick(IRandomProvider randomProvider, EnvelopePair envelopePair)
            int amount = 0;
            int randomValue = randomProvider.Next(1, max);

             * То есть чем меньше сумма в конверте А, тем с большей вероятностью следует сменить конверт и наоборот,
             * несколько большая сумма в А говорит о том, что скорее следует оставить первый конверт себе.

            if (envelopePair.FirstEnvelope.Amount <= randomValue)
                amount = envelopePair.SecondEnvelope.Amount;
                amount = envelopePair.FirstEnvelope.Amount;

            if (amount > max)
                max = amount;

            return amount;
 public GamesService(IHighScoreService highScore, IRepository<Game> games, IRandomProvider random)
     this.highScore = highScore; = games;
     this.random = random;
 public Sampler(IRandomProvider randomProvider)
     this.randomProvider = randomProvider;
 public void Setup()
     mDice = new CryptoRandomProvider();
 public PlaylistCreator(IBlacklistStore blacklistStore = null, IVideoScannerProvider videoScannerProvider = null, IRandomProvider randomProvider = null)
     _blacklistStore = blacklistStore ?? new BlacklistStore();
     _videoScannerProvider = videoScannerProvider ?? new VideoScannerProvider();
     _randomProvider = randomProvider ?? new RandomProvider();
Beispiel #47
 public SamplerBase()
     rnd = new HaltonSequence();
         //new FastRandom();
Beispiel #48
 protected ImagePlaneSampler(IRandomProvider p)
     randomProvider = p;
 public SimpleSelectionDialog(List<Comment> data, IRandomProvider provider)
     _data = data;
     randomProvider = provider;
 public int Pick(IRandomProvider randomProvider, EnvelopePair envelopePair)
     return envelopePair.SecondEnvelope.Amount;
Beispiel #51
 public CameraSample GetCameraSample(float x, float y, IRandomProvider sampler)
     var res = new CameraSample()
             imageX = x,
             imageY = y,
     if (sampler != null)
         res.lensU = sampler.NextFloat();
         res.lensV = sampler.NextFloat();
         res.time = sampler.NextFloat();
     IRay ray;
     this.Camera.GetRay(x, y, out ray);
     res.EyeRay = (RayData)ray;
     return res;
Beispiel #52
 public MainWindow()
     randomProvider = new SystemRandomProvider();
Beispiel #53
 public PsMltSampler()
     this.rnd = new FastRandom();
Beispiel #54
 protected BasePrimarySampler(IRandomProvider r)
     rnd = r;
 public Sensor(IRandomProvider random)
     this.random = random;