Beispiel #1
        public void AddFiles(DroneConfig config, IList<string> sourceFiles, IList<string> referenceFiles)
            if(config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");

            if(sourceFiles == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceFiles");

            if(referenceFiles == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("referenceFiles");

            var sourcesToAdd = sourceFiles.Except(config.SourceFiles).ToList();

            var referencesToAdd = referenceFiles.Except(config.ReferenceFiles).ToList();

            if (sourcesToAdd.Count == 0 && referencesToAdd.Count == 0)
                this.log.Warn("no files added. files already exists in config");

            var fileNotFound = this.EnsureFilesExists(config.DirPath, sourcesToAdd.Concat(referencesToAdd));

            if (fileNotFound)


            foreach (var file in sourcesToAdd.Concat(referencesToAdd))
                this.log.Info("added '{0}'", file);
Beispiel #2
        /// Assuming that excludeGroup is small
        public void Send(Packet packet, IList<NetNode> sendToList, IList<NetNode> excludeGroup, int channel = 0)
            var msg = packet.SendMessage(this);

            var group = sendToList.Except(excludeGroup).Cast<NetConnection>().ToList();

            if (group.Count == 0) return;
            Peer.SendMessage(msg, group, (Lidgren.Network.NetDeliveryMethod)packet.Method, channel);
        public UserHistoryEntry Analyze(DateTime date, IList<long> before, IList<long> after)
            var gainedIds = after.Except(before);
            var lostIds = before.Except(after);

            var allProfiles = parser.WhoAre(gainedIds.Concat(lostIds)).ToLookup(x => x.Id);

            var gained = Separate(gainedIds, allProfiles);
            var lost = Separate(lostIds, allProfiles);

            return new UserHistoryEntry(date, gained, lost, after.Count);
 public void UpdateProjects(IList<string> newProjects)
     var oldProjects = Projects.Select(x => x.ProjectFilePath).ToList();
     foreach (var i in newProjects.Except(oldProjects))
         Projects.Add(new UploadProjectInfo(i));
     foreach (var i in oldProjects.Except(newProjects))
         Projects.RemoveAll(x => x.ProjectFilePath == i);
Beispiel #5
        public static List<int[]> ChooseSets(IList<int[]> sets, IList<int> universe)
            var selectedSets = new List<int[]>();

            while (universe.Count > 0)
                var currentSet = sets.OrderByDescending(s => s.Count(universe.Contains)).First();

                universe = universe.Except(currentSet).ToList();

            return selectedSets;
Beispiel #6
        public async Task SaveManga(IList<JsonManga> mangas)
            if (mangas == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mangas");

            _logger.Trace("Saving " + mangas.Count() + " mangas to database...");

            using (MangaEdenContext context = new MangaEdenContext())
                List<JsonManga> existing = await context.Mangas.ToListAsync();
                context.Mangas.AddRange(mangas.Except(existing, new JsonMangaComparer()));
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

        public static IList<string> ProcessWatchers(this IBot bot, string repositoryName, IList<string> existingWatchers, IEnumerable<dynamic> watchers)
            var currentWatchers = watchers.Select(c => c.login.ToString()).Cast<string>().ToList();
            var newWatchers = currentWatchers.Except(existingWatchers).ToList();
            foreach (var w in newWatchers)
                bot.SayToAllRooms(string.Format("{0} is now watching {1}", w, repositoryName));

            var noLongerWatching = existingWatchers.Except(currentWatchers).ToList();
            foreach (var w in noLongerWatching)
                bot.SayToAllRooms(string.Format("{0} is no longer watching {1}", w, repositoryName));

            return existingWatchers.Concat(newWatchers).Except(noLongerWatching).ToList();
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the project file with the given references. Only change the file if 
        /// there would be an actual change tot he file required
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="references"></param>
        /// <returns>true if the project file was updated</returns>
        internal bool UpdateReferences(IList<Reference> references)
            var xmlDoc = ReadXML();
            var existing = ReadReferences(xmlDoc).Where((r)=>r.HintPath != null).ToList();

            var update = existing.Count != references.Count;
            if (!update) {
                update = existing.Except(references).ToList().Count > 0;
            if (!update) {
                update = references.Except(existing).ToList().Count > 0;
            if (update) {
                return true;
            return false;
Beispiel #9
        public SourceCreatorTreeNode(ISourceFactory factory, Type baseType, IList<Type> creatorTypes)
            m_type = baseType;

            if (!m_type.IsAbstract)
                m_instance = Activator.CreateInstance(m_type, factory) as ISourceCreator;

            var childCreatorTypes = creatorTypes.Where(t => t.BaseType == m_type).ToList();

            if (childCreatorTypes.Count > 0)
                // remove children from search
                creatorTypes = creatorTypes.Except(childCreatorTypes).ToList();

                m_childCreatorNodes = childCreatorTypes.Select(t => new SourceCreatorTreeNode(factory, t, creatorTypes)).ToList();
Beispiel #10
        private void LoadSelectionZones()
            var results = new List <TimeZoneSelectionData>();

            var precedence = File.ReadAllLines(@"data\zone-precedence.txt");

            var            splitPoints = GetAllZoneSplitPoints();
            IList <string> last        = null;
            var            useConsole  = TryHideConsoleCursor();

            for (int i = splitPoints.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (useConsole)
                    var pct = 100 * (1.0 * (splitPoints.Count - i)) / splitPoints.Count;
                    Console.Write("{0:F1}%", pct);
                    Console.CursorLeft = 0;

                var point = splitPoints[i];
                var zones = GetSelectionZones(point, precedence);

                if (last == null)
                    last = zones;

                var items = zones.Except(last)
                            .Select(x => new TimeZoneSelectionData {
                    Id = x, ThresholdUtc = point.ToDateTimeUtc()

                last = zones;

            var remaining = last?.Except(results.Select(x => x.Id));

            if (remaining != null)
                var items = remaining
                            .Select(x => new TimeZoneSelectionData {
                    Id = x, ThresholdUtc = DateTime.MaxValue

                                          .OrderBy(x => GetStandardOffset(x.Id))
                                          .ThenBy(x => GetDaylightOffset(x.Id))
                                          .ThenByDescending(x => x.ThresholdUtc)
                                          .ThenBy(x => x.Id));

            if (useConsole)
                Console.CursorVisible = true;
// ReSharper disable UnusedParameter.Local
        private void AssertParameterRule(
            Func<string, Type, string, IArgumentNullExceptionFixture> addMethod,
            ParameterInfo parameter,
            Type type,
            MethodBase method,
            IList<RegexRule> existingRules,
            IList<RegexRule> regexRules,
            bool expectedInclude)
            IArgumentNullExceptionFixture actual = addMethod(parameter.Name, type, method == null ? null : method.Name);

            int expectedRules = existingRules.Count + 1;
            if (expectedInclude && method != null) expectedRules++;
            if (expectedInclude && type != null) expectedRules++;

            Assert.Same(addMethod.Target, actual);
            Assert.Equal(expectedRules, regexRules.Count);
            RegexRule addedRule = regexRules.Except(existingRules).Single(r => r.Parameter != null);
            Assert.Equal(expectedInclude, addedRule.Include);
            Assert.True(addedRule.MatchParameter(type ?? GetType(), method ?? new Mock<MethodBase>().Object, parameter));

            if (type == null)

            if (method == null)
                Assert.True(addedRule.MatchMethod(type ?? GetType(), method));
Beispiel #12
 public bool IsDuplicate(IList <TriageItem> openedIssueItems, IList <TriageItem> existingIssueItems)
     return(existingIssueItems.Count == openedIssueItems.Count && !existingIssueItems.Except(openedIssueItems).Any());
 private static bool ContainSameFeatures(IList <IFeature> list1, IList <IFeature> list2)
     return(!list1.Except(list2).Any() && !list2.Except(list1).Any());
Beispiel #14
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                WarehouseIn objW = new WarehouseIn();
                objW.Id         = WarehouseInId;
                objW.Vender     = txtVendor.Text.Trim();
                objW.ReceivedBy = txtReceivedBy.Text.Trim();
                objW.AuditBy    = txtAuditBy.Text.Trim();
                objW.BillDate   = dtBillDate.Value.ClearTime();
                objW.ReviewedBy = txtReviewedBy.Text.Trim();
                if (objW.ReceivedBy == objW.ReviewedBy)
                    MessageBox.Show("收货人与复核人不能是同一个人!", "提示");
                IList <WarehouseInItem> lst = (gridIn.DataSource as BindingSource).DataSource as IList <WarehouseInItem>;
                //foreach (DataGridViewRow row in gridIn.Rows)
                //    WarehouseInItem item = new WarehouseInItem();
                //    item.Id = Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["Id"].Value);
                //    item.Product_Id = Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["ProductName"].Value);
                //    item.ProductName = Convert.ToString(row.Cells["ProductName"].FormattedValue);
                //    item.Brand = Convert.ToString(row.Cells["Brand"].Value);
                //    item.Specification = Convert.ToString(row.Cells["Specification"].Value);
                //    item.Unit = Convert.ToString(row.Cells["Unit"].Value);
                //    item.Memo = Convert.ToString(row.Cells["Memo"].Value);
                //    item.Quantity = Convert.ToDouble(row.Cells["Quantity"].Value);
                //    item.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDouble(row.Cells["UnitPrice"].Value);
                //    if (item.Quantity > 0)
                //        lst.Add(item);
                IList <int> needDelItem = new List <int>();
                var         oldItem     = (new Entities()).WarehouseInItem.Where(item => item.WarehouseIn_Id == WarehouseInId).ToList();
                if (WarehouseInId > 0)
                    IList <int> lstId = oldItem.Where(item => item.WarehouseIn_Id == WarehouseInId).Select(d => d.Id).ToList();
                    needDelItem = lstId.Except(lst.Where(item => item.Id > 0 && item.Quantity > 0 && item.Product_Id > 0).Select(item => item.Id).ToList()).ToList();
                using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
                    entities.Save <WarehouseIn>(objW);
                    foreach (WarehouseInItem item in lst)
                        if (item.Quantity <= 0 || item.Product_Id <= 0)
                        double changedQty = item.Quantity;
                        item.WarehouseIn_Id = objW.Id;
                        if (item.Id > 0)
                            var temp = oldItem.First(tmp => tmp.Id == item.Id);
                            changedQty = item.Quantity - temp.Quantity;
                        entities.Save <WarehouseInItem>(item);
                        var product = entities.Product.Find(item.Product_Id);
                        product.StockQuantity = product.StockQuantity + changedQty;
                        entities.Save <Product>(product);
                    if (needDelItem.Count > 0)
                        var delItems = oldItem.Where(tmp => needDelItem.Contains(tmp.Id));
                        var temp     = from t in delItems
                                       group t by t.Product_Id into tt
                                       select new
                            ProductId = tt.Key,
                            Quantity  = tt.Sum(x => x.Quantity)
                        foreach (var t1 in temp)
                            var product = entities.Product.Find(t1.ProductId);

                            product.StockQuantity = product.StockQuantity - t1.Quantity;
                            entities.Save <Product>(product);
                        entities.Delete <WarehouseInItem>(needDelItem);
                MessageBox.Show("数据保存成功!", "提示");
            catch (Exception exp)
                MessageBox.Show("数据保存失败!", "提示");
                LogHelper.WriteLog(LogType.Error, exp, this.GetType());
 protected override void FillHollow(IList <Vector2Int32> area, IList <Vector2Int32> interrior)
     IEnumerable <Vector2Int32> border = area.Except(interrior);
 public void AddPhotos(IList<string> paths)
     if (paths.Count + this.Photos.Count > MaxPhotoUploadLimit)
         this.WarningMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Resources.MaxUploadWarning, MaxPhotoUploadLimit);
             this.IsProcessingPhotos = true;
                 () => paths.Except(this.photoPaths).Select(path => Photo.BuildPhotoFromPath(path)).ToArray(),
                     photoTask =>
                         this.IsProcessingPhotos = false;
                         foreach (var photo in photoTask.Result)
             this.IsProcessingPhotos = false;
Beispiel #17
        private bool ValidateGrammar(IList<string> terminals, IList<Production> productions)
            var declaredNonTerminals = productions.Select(x => x.ProductionHead).Distinct().ToList();
            var grammarSymbolsInTails = productions.SelectMany(x => x.ProductionTail).Distinct().ToList();

            //check if there are any declared terminals that are used
            //as the head of a production.
            var v = terminals.Intersect(declaredNonTerminals).ToList();
            if(v.Count > 0)
                return false;

            //check if there are any symbols used in a production that are not a terminal
            //and are not the head of some production.
            v = grammarSymbolsInTails.Except(terminals).Except(declaredNonTerminals).ToList();
            if(v.Count > 0)
                return false;

            //check if there are any declared terminals that are not used in any production.
            v = terminals.Except(grammarSymbolsInTails).ToList();
            if(v.Count > 0)
                return false;

            //check that there is only one nonterminal that does not appear in a production
            //this nonterminal is the root of the grammar.
            v = declaredNonTerminals.Except(grammarSymbolsInTails).ToList();
            if(v.Count != 1)
                return false;

            return false;
 public static bool IsSubset <T>(IList <T> subset, IList <T> superset)
Beispiel #19
 public static bool SequenceEqualAnyOrder <TSource>(this IList <TSource> first, IList <TSource> second)
     return(first.Count == second.Count && !first.Except(second).Any());
Beispiel #20
        private static void RunTiaPortal()
            #region tia and project
            Progress("Check running TIA Portal");
            bool tiaStartedWithoutInterface = false;

            Service.OpenProject(Parameters.ProjectPath, ref tiaPortal, ref project);

            if ((tiaPortal == null) || (project == null))
                CancelGeneration("Could not open project.");

            Progress(String.Format("Project {0} is open", project.Path.FullName));

            #region test models

             * Console.WriteLine("!!! TESTING !!!");
             * DeviceUserGroup testGroup = project.DeviceGroups.Find(Parameters.TemplateGroupName);
             * ManagePlc testPlcs = new ManagePlc(testGroup);
             * NetworkPort testPlcPort = testPlcs.AllDevices[0].DeviceItems[1].DeviceItems[6].DeviceItems[0].GetService<NetworkPort>();
             * NetworkPort patnerPort =  testPlcPort.ConnectedPorts[0];
             * AttributeValue thisname = Service.GetAttribute(patnerPort, "Name");
             * testPlcPort.DisconnectFromPort(patnerPort);
             * testPlcPort.ConnectToPort(patnerPort);


            #region master copy
            Progress("Creating master copy.");

            DeviceUserGroup templateGroup = project.DeviceGroups.Find(Parameters.TemplateGroupName);
            if (templateGroup == null)
                CancelGeneration("Group not found.");

            //=======copy to master copy========
            //MasterCopyComposition masterCopies = project.ProjectLibrary.MasterCopyFolder.MasterCopies;
            MasterCopy templateCopy = null;
                templateCopy = project.ProjectLibrary.MasterCopyFolder.MasterCopies.Create(templateGroup);
            catch (Exception ex)
                CancelGeneration("Could not create master copy.", ex);

            if (templateCopy == null)
                CancelGeneration("Could not create master copy.");

            MasterCopy deleteMasterCopy = project.ProjectLibrary.MasterCopyFolder.MasterCopies.Find(templateCopy.Name);

            #region get basic info from template group
            IList <Device> templatePlcDevices = Service.GetPlcDevicesInGroup(templateGroup);
            ManagePlc      templatePlcs       = new ManagePlc(templatePlcDevices);


            if (templatePlcs.AllDevices.Count != 1)
                CancelGeneration("No PLC or more than 1 PLC in group.");


            #region change name and IP of first group (template Group)
            string indexformat  = "D2";
            uint   groupCounter = 1;

            Progress("Adjusting template group.");
            string currentPrefix = Parameters.Prefix + groupCounter.ToString(indexformat);
            //templateGroup.Name = templateGroup.Name + groupCounter.ToString(indexformat);
            templateGroup.Name = Parameters.NewGroupNamePrefix + groupCounter.ToString(indexformat);
            //templateNetworkInterface.IoControllers[0].IoSystem.Name = currentPrefix + temlateIoSystemName;

            Service.ChangeDeviceNames(templateGroup, currentPrefix);


            #region copy group loop
            DeviceUserGroupComposition userGroups = project.DeviceGroups;

            while (++groupCounter <= Parameters.NumOfGroups)
                #region copy group
                Progress("Creating Group " + groupCounter);
                currentPrefix = Parameters.Prefix + groupCounter.ToString(indexformat);

                DeviceUserGroup newGroup;
                    newGroup = userGroups.CreateFrom(templateCopy);
                catch (Exception e)
                    CancelGeneration("Could not create new Group", e);


                #region read in devices
                //newGroup.Name = newGroup.Name + groupCounter.ToString(indexformat); ;
                newGroup.Name = Parameters.NewGroupNamePrefix + groupCounter.ToString(indexformat);;
                Service.ChangeDeviceNames(newGroup, currentPrefix);

                IList <Device> plcDevices = Service.GetPlcDevicesInGroup(newGroup);
                ManagePlc      plcs       = new ManagePlc(plcDevices);

                IList <Device> hmiDevices = Service.GetHmiDevicesInGroup(newGroup);
                ManageHmi      hmis       = new ManageHmi(hmiDevices);

                IList <Device> driveDevices = Service.GetG120DevicesInGroup(newGroup);
                ManageDrive    drives       = new ManageDrive(driveDevices);

                IList <Device> allDevices    = Service.GetAllDevicesInGroup(newGroup);
                IList <Device> tempIoDevices = allDevices.Except(hmis.AllDevices).Except(drives.AllDevices).ToList();
                ManageIo ioDevices = new ManageIo(tempIoDevices);


                #region change settigns
                plcs.ChangeIpAddresses(groupCounter - 1);
                plcs.CreateNewIoSystem(templatePlcs.originalSubnet, currentPrefix);
                plcs.AdjustFSettings(Parameters.FBaseAddrOffset * (groupCounter - 1), Parameters.FDestAddrOffset * (groupCounter - 1));
                plcs.AdjustPnDeviceNumberWithOffset((groupCounter - 1));
                plcs.AdjustPartnerIoAddresses(Parameters.IDeviceIoAddressOffset * (groupCounter - 1));

                ioDevices.ChangeIpAddresses(groupCounter - 1);
                ioDevices.SwitchIoSystem(templatePlcs.originalSubnet, plcs.newIoSystem);
                if (templatePlcs.LowerBoundForFDestinationAddresses_attribues?.Value != null)
                    ioDevices.AdjustFDestinationAddress(Parameters.FDestAddrOffset * (groupCounter - 1), (ulong)templatePlcs.LowerBoundForFDestinationAddresses_attribues.Value, (ulong)templatePlcs.UpperBoundForFDestinationAddresses_attribues.Value);

                hmis.ChangeIpAddresses(groupCounter - 1);

                drives.ChangeIpAddresses(groupCounter - 1);
                drives.SwitchIoSystem(templatePlcs.originalSubnet, plcs.newIoSystem);
                if (templatePlcs.LowerBoundForFDestinationAddresses_attribues?.Value != null)
                    drives.AdjustFDestinationAddress(Parameters.FDestAddrOffset * (groupCounter - 1), (ulong)templatePlcs.LowerBoundForFDestinationAddresses_attribues.Value, (ulong)templatePlcs.UpperBoundForFDestinationAddresses_attribues.Value);






            catch (Exception ex)
                Program.FaultMessage("Could not delete Mastercopy.", ex);


            Console.WriteLine("Copy complete.");
            if (tiaStartedWithoutInterface == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Saving project.");
                Console.WriteLine("Please save project within TIAP.");

        private async void UpdateGithubReposAsync(object state)
            string json = await _client.GetRepositoriesAsync();

            if (json == null)

            using (var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <GithubRepositoryContext>();

                IList <GithubRepository> repos = new List <GithubRepository>();
                JArray obj = JArray.Parse(json);
                foreach (JToken repo in obj)
                    RepositoryData data = repo.ToObject <RepositoryData>();
                    if (!data.Fork)
                        string readme_html = await _client.GetReadmeAsync("/repos/Sarius587/" + data.Name + "/readme");

                        AdditionalRepositoryData additionalData = await context.AdditionalData.SingleOrDefaultAsync(a => a.RepositoryId == data.Id);

                        int id = -1;
                        if (additionalData == null)
                            AdditionalRepositoryData newAdditionalData = new AdditionalRepositoryData {
                                RepositoryId = data.Id, CustomExperience = null, LastEdit = DateTime.UtcNow
                            await context.AdditionalData.AddAsync(newAdditionalData);

                            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                            id = newAdditionalData.Id;
                            id = additionalData.Id;

                        repos.Add(new GithubRepository
                            RepositoryId = data.Id,
                            Name         = data.Name,
                            Description  = data.Description,
                            Url          = data.Html_url,
                            Readme       = readme_html,
                            AdditionalRepositoryDataId = id

                IList <GithubRepository> db_repos = await context.Repositories.ToListAsync();

                var add_list    = repos.Except(db_repos);
                var remove_list = db_repos.Except(repos);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the due dates.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="releaseCalendar">The release calendar.</param>
 /// <param name="artifacts">The artifacts.</param>
 /// <param name="developerId">The developer identifier.</param>
 private void UpdateDueDates(ReleaseCalendar releaseCalendar, IList<ArtifactFillListItem> artifacts, int developerId)
     var modifiedIds = artifacts.Except(artifacts.RetrieveAddedOrDeleted()).Where(a => a.IsSelected.Value).Select(a => a.ProjectArtifactID.Value).ToList();
     this.projectArtifactService.UpdateDueDate(modifiedIds, releaseCalendar.StartDate.Date, developerId);
        // **************************************
        // UpdateTags
        // **************************************
        private static Content UpdateTags(this SongSearchContext ctx, Content content, IList<int> tagsModel)
            if (tagsModel == null) { return content; }

            var contentTags = content.Tags.ToList();

            var contentTagsToRemove = contentTags.Where(t => !tagsModel.Contains(t.TagId));
            contentTagsToRemove.ForEach(x => content.Tags.Remove(x));

            var contentTagsToAdd = tagsModel.Except(contentTags.Select(t => t.TagId).Intersect(tagsModel));

            foreach (var contentTag in contentTagsToAdd) {
                var tag = ctx.Tags.SingleOrDefault(t => t.TagId == contentTag);
                if (tag != null) {

            return content;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to retrieve span releases.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">The list of release.</param>
        /// <param name="onlyForDate">The date parameter.</param>
        /// <returns>List of release list item.</returns>
        public static IList<ReleaseListItem> RetrieveSpanReleaseList(IList<ReleaseListItem> result, DateTime? onlyForDate)
            var multispanCandidates = result.Where(item => item.EndDate.Value.AddMinutes(-1).Date > item.StartDate.Value.Date).ToList();
            if (multispanCandidates.Count > 0)
                if (onlyForDate.HasValue)
                    foreach (var multiSpan in multispanCandidates)
                        multiSpan.ActualStartDate = multiSpan.StartDate;
                        multiSpan.ActualEndDate = multiSpan.EndDate;

                        if (multiSpan.StartDate.Value.Date < onlyForDate.Value.Date)
                            multiSpan.StartDate = onlyForDate.Value.Date;

                        if (multiSpan.EndDate.Value.AddMinutes(-1).Date > onlyForDate.Value.Date)
                            multiSpan.EndDate = onlyForDate.Value.AddDays(1).Date;
                    var multispanList = new List<ReleaseListItem>();
                    foreach (var multiSpan in multispanCandidates)
                        multiSpan.ActualStartDate = multiSpan.StartDate;
                        multiSpan.ActualEndDate = multiSpan.EndDate;
                        var days = (multiSpan.EndDate.Value.Date - multiSpan.StartDate.Value.Date).TotalDays + 1;
                        for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
                            var multispanItem = multiSpan.CopyObject<ReleaseListItem>();
                            multispanItem.StartDate = (i == 0) ? multiSpan.StartDate : multiSpan.StartDate.Value.AddDays(i).Date;
                            multispanItem.EndDate = (i == days - 1) ? multispanItem.EndDate : multispanItem.StartDate.Value.AddDays(1).Date;

                    return result.Except(multispanCandidates).Concat(multispanList).ToList();

            return result;
        private static void UniquifyParameterNames(IList<FunctionParameter> parameters)

            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                parameter.Name = parameters.Except(new[] { parameter }).UniquifyName(parameter.Name);
 private IList<ReportRipartizioneBilancioDTO> elaboraRigheContiVuoti(IList<ReportRipartizioneBilancioDTO> listaRiparto)
     var listaRipartoByConti = listaRiparto.Where(item => item.IdConto > 0).GroupBy(item => item.IdConto);
     var contiToDelete = (from listaRipartoConto in listaRipartoByConti where listaRipartoConto.All(item => item.Importo.GetValueOrDefault() == 0) select listaRipartoConto.Key).ToList();
     return listaRiparto.Except(listaRiparto.Where(item => contiToDelete.Contains(item.IdConto))).ToList();
 private IList<MessageDTO> applyPayload(IList<MessageDTO> messages)
     int payload = tc.getTargetLoad();
     if(messages.Count > payload )
         IList<MessageDTO> partialMessages = messages.Take(payload).ToList();
         IList<MessageDTO> remainingMessages = messages.Except(partialMessages, mc).ToList();
         return partialMessages;
         return messages;
 /// <summary>
 /// allows only what is found in the return value of WhiteList
 /// </summary>
 public IEnumerable<ITransition> AllowTransitions(IList<ITransition> transitions)
     return transitions.Except(base.TransitionsInCommonWithList(transitions))
         .Where(x => object.Equals(x.WorkflowId, _workflowId));
        private static IList<EdmSchemaError> HandleValidationErrors(IList<EdmSchemaError> schemaErrors)
            IEnumerable<EdmSchemaError> warningsToRemove = 
                schemaErrors.Where(s => 
                    s.ErrorCode == ERRORCODE_MAPPINGALLQUERYVIEWATCOMPILETIME); // When EntityContainerMapping only has QueryView, the mapping is valid

            return schemaErrors.Except(warningsToRemove).ToList();
Beispiel #30
        public async Task <IActionResult> EditRoles(string userName, EditRoleViewModel rolesViewModel)
            User user = await this.userManager.FindByNameAsync(userName);

            if (user == null)
                return(NotFound("User can not be found"));

            IList <string> userRoles = await this.userManager.GetRolesAsync(user);

            string[] selectedRoles = rolesViewModel.RoleNames;

            selectedRoles = selectedRoles ?? new string[] { };

            IdentityResult addedRolesResult = await this.userManager.AddToRolesAsync(user, selectedRoles.Except(userRoles));

            if (!addedRolesResult.Succeeded)
                return(BadRequest($"Failed to add to roles user {userName}"));

            IdentityResult removedRolesResult = await this.userManager.RemoveFromRolesAsync(user, userRoles.Except(selectedRoles));

            if (!removedRolesResult.Succeeded)
                return(BadRequest($"Failed to remove the roles for {userName}"));

            return(Ok(await this.userManager.GetRolesAsync(user)));
        private static IEnumerable <string> PerformScan <T>(IList <Assembly> loaded, out string[] errorReport)
            var dllsWithReference    = new List <string>();
            var errors               = new List <string>();
            var assembliesWithErrors = new List <Assembly>();

            //load each of the LoadFrom assemblies into the Load context too
            foreach (var a in loaded)
                var name = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ApplyPolicy(a.FullName);

            //get the list of assembly names to compare below
            var loadedNames = loaded.Select(x => x.GetName().Name).ToArray();

            //Then load each referenced assembly into the context
            foreach (var a in loaded)
                //don't load any referenced assemblies that are already found in the loaded array - this is based on name
                // regardless of version. We'll assume that if the assembly found in the folder matches the assembly name
                // being looked for, that is the version the user has shipped their package with and therefore it 'must' be correct
                foreach (var assemblyName in a.GetReferencedAssemblies().Where(ass => loadedNames.Contains(ass.Name) == false))
                        var name = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ApplyPolicy(assemblyName.FullName);
                    catch (FileNotFoundException)
                        //if an exception occurs it means that a referenced assembly could not be found
                            string.Concat("This package references the assembly '",
                                          "' which was not found"));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //if an exception occurs it means that a referenced assembly could not be found
                            string.Concat("This package could not be verified for compatibility. An error occurred while loading a referenced assembly '",
                                          "' see error log for full details."));
                        LogHelper.Error <PackageBinaryInspector>("An error occurred scanning package assemblies", ex);

            var contractType = GetLoadFromContractType <T>();

            //now that we have all referenced types into the context we can look up stuff
            foreach (var a in loaded.Except(assembliesWithErrors))
                //now we need to see if they contain any type 'T'
                var reflectedAssembly = a;

                    var found = reflectedAssembly.GetExportedTypes()

                    if (found.Any())
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //This is a hack that nobody can seem to get around, I've read everything and it seems that
                    // this is quite a common thing when loading types into reflection only load context, so
                    // we're just going to ignore this specific one for now
                    var typeLoadEx = ex as TypeLoadException;
                    if (typeLoadEx != null)
                        if (typeLoadEx.Message.InvariantContains("does not have an implementation"))
                            string.Concat("This package could not be verified for compatibility. An error occurred while scanning a packaged assembly '",
                                          "' see error log for full details."));
                        LogHelper.Error <PackageBinaryInspector>("An error occurred scanning package assemblies", ex);

            errorReport = errors.ToArray();
Beispiel #32
        private static Mitarbeiter NextMitarbeiter(IList <Mitarbeiter> alleDieDaSind, IList <Mitarbeiter> schonEingeteilt, Arbeitstag arbeitstag, Arbeitswoche woche = null, DienstTyp ma4Diensttyp = DienstTyp.None, GruppenTyp etage = GruppenTyp.Gelb | GruppenTyp.Gruen | GruppenTyp.Nest | GruppenTyp.Rot)
            var arbeitstagPlanzeiten = arbeitstag.Planzeiten.ToList();

            var topf = alleDieDaSind.Except(schonEingeteilt).Where(x => x.DefaultGruppe.IstFarbGruppe()).ToList();

            if (topf.Count == 0)

            //alle die nicht allein sind in der gruppe
            var sonderTopf  = topf.ToList();
            var mitarbeiter = new List <Mitarbeiter>();

            //Wenn RandDienst dann gilt erstmal die Wunschdienst REgel zwingend
            if (ma4Diensttyp.IstRandDienst())
                mitarbeiter = sonderTopf = topf.Where(x => (x.Wunschdienste & ma4Diensttyp) == ma4Diensttyp).ToList();

            //erstma gucken für die ganz RandRand Dienste
            //alle verfügbaren wo mehr als einer noch in der Gruppe ist
            //und in der Gruppe darf noch keiner einen RandRandDienst haben
            if (sonderTopf.Count == 0 && ma4Diensttyp.IstRandRandDienst())
                sonderTopf = topf.GroupBy(x => x.DefaultGruppe).Where(x => x.Count() > 1)
                             .SelectMany(x => x.Where(ma => !arbeitstagPlanzeiten.Any(y => y.Gruppe == ma.DefaultGruppe && y.Dienst.IstRandRandDienst()))).ToList();

            //dann gucken für die ganz Rand Dienste
            if (sonderTopf.Count == 0 && ma4Diensttyp.IstRandDienst())
                sonderTopf = topf.GroupBy(x => x.DefaultGruppe).Where(x => x.Count() > 1)
                             .SelectMany(x => x.Where(ma => !arbeitstagPlanzeiten.Any(y => y.Gruppe == ma.DefaultGruppe && y.Dienst.IstRandDienst()))).ToList();

            //Probieren einen zu Finden aus einer Gruppen die noch keinen Randdienst hat
            if (sonderTopf.Count == 0 && ma4Diensttyp.IstRandDienst())
                sonderTopf = topf.GroupBy(x => x.DefaultGruppe)
                             .SelectMany(x => x.Where(ma => !arbeitstagPlanzeiten.Any(y => y.Gruppe == ma.DefaultGruppe && y.Dienst.IstRandDienst()))).ToList();

            //die mit Wunschdienst aus Etage
            if (mitarbeiter.Count == 0)
                mitarbeiter = sonderTopf.Where(x => (x.Wunschdienste & ma4Diensttyp) == ma4Diensttyp && (etage & x.DefaultGruppe) == x.DefaultGruppe).ToList();

            //die von Etage
            if (mitarbeiter.Count == 0)
                mitarbeiter = sonderTopf.Where(x => (etage & x.DefaultGruppe) == x.DefaultGruppe).ToList();

            if (mitarbeiter.Count == 0)
                mitarbeiter = sonderTopf.Where(x => (x.Wunschdienste & ma4Diensttyp) == ma4Diensttyp).ToList();

            //Wenn mit der RandDienstlogik niemand gefunden wurde, dann vllt vorher nochmal schauen ob ein Wunschdienstler Lust hat
            if (mitarbeiter.Count == 0 && ma4Diensttyp.IstRandDienst())
                sonderTopf = topf.Where(x => (x.Wunschdienste & ma4Diensttyp) == ma4Diensttyp).ToList();

            if (mitarbeiter.Count == 0)
                mitarbeiter = sonderTopf;

            if (mitarbeiter.Count == 0)//bei allen gucken wenn keiner will
                mitarbeiter = topf;

            //RandDienste Gleichverteilen über die Woche
            if (woche != null && ma4Diensttyp.IstRandDienst())
                var geplanteRanddienste        = woche.Arbeitstage.SelectMany(x => x.Planzeiten.Where(p => p.Dienst == ma4Diensttyp)).ToList();
                var mitarbeiterMitRanddiensten = geplanteRanddienste.Select(x => x.ErledigtDurch).Distinct().ToList();

                //irgendein Mitarbeiter da, der noch gar nix hat
                if (mitarbeiter.Except(mitarbeiterMitRanddiensten).Any())
                    mitarbeiter = mitarbeiter.Except(mitarbeiterMitRanddiensten).ToList();
                    var mitarbeiterMitAnzahlRanddienstInderWoche = geplanteRanddienste.GroupBy(g => g.ErledigtDurch).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, c => c.Count());
                    var minCount = mitarbeiterMitAnzahlRanddienstInderWoche.Min(x => x.Value);
                    var mitarbeiterMitWenigstenCounts = mitarbeiterMitAnzahlRanddienstInderWoche.Where(x => x.Value == minCount).Select(x => x.Key).ToList();
                    var mitarbeiterMitMehrcounts      = mitarbeiterMitAnzahlRanddienstInderWoche.Where(x => x.Value != minCount).Select(x => x.Key).ToList();

                    if (mitarbeiter.Intersect(mitarbeiterMitWenigstenCounts).Any())
                        mitarbeiter = mitarbeiter.Intersect(mitarbeiterMitWenigstenCounts).ToList();
                    else if (mitarbeiter.Except(mitarbeiterMitRanddiensten.Except(mitarbeiterMitMehrcounts)).Any())
                        mitarbeiter = mitarbeiter.Except(mitarbeiterMitRanddiensten.Except(mitarbeiterMitMehrcounts)).ToList();

                    //sofern noch einer übrig bleibt soll derjenige der am Vortag das gemacht, nicht nochmal dran sein
                    var vortag = woche.Arbeitstage.Single(x => x.Datum == arbeitstag.Datum.AddDays(-1));
                    var letzte = vortag?.Planzeiten?.Where(x => x.Dienst == ma4Diensttyp).Select(x => x.ErledigtDurch).ToList() ?? new List <Mitarbeiter>();

                    if (mitarbeiter.Except(letzte).Any())
                        mitarbeiter = mitarbeiter.Except(letzte).ToList();

                //am gleichen Tag vllt nicht unbedingt auch noch aus der gleichen gruppe
                var ma4Gruppencheck  = arbeitstag.Planzeiten.Where(x => x.Dienst == ma4Diensttyp).Select(x => x.ErledigtDurch).ToList();
                var maGleicherGruppe = mitarbeiter.Where(x => ma4Gruppencheck.Any(m => m.DefaultGruppe == x.DefaultGruppe)).ToList();
                if (mitarbeiter.Except(maGleicherGruppe).Any())
                    mitarbeiter = mitarbeiter.Except(maGleicherGruppe).ToList();

            int ichBinDran = Zufall.Next(0, mitarbeiter.Count);

            Console.WriteLine($"{ma4Diensttyp}: {ichBinDran} von {mitarbeiter.Count}");
        protected virtual void FillHollow(IList <Vector2Int32> area, IList <Vector2Int32> interrior)
            IEnumerable <Vector2Int32> border = area.Except(interrior).ToList();

            // Draw the border
            if (_wvm.TilePicker.TileStyleActive)
                foreach (Vector2Int32 pixel in border)
                    if (!_wvm.CurrentWorld.ValidTileLocation(pixel))

                    int index = pixel.X + pixel.Y * _wvm.CurrentWorld.TilesWide;

                    if (!_wvm.CheckTiles[index])
                        _wvm.CheckTiles[index] = true;
                        if (_wvm.Selection.IsValid(pixel))
                            if (_wvm.TilePicker.WallStyleActive)
                                _wvm.TilePicker.WallStyleActive = false;
                                _wvm.SetPixel(pixel.X, pixel.Y, mode: PaintMode.TileAndWall);
                                _wvm.TilePicker.WallStyleActive = true;
                                _wvm.SetPixel(pixel.X, pixel.Y, mode: PaintMode.TileAndWall);

                            /* Heathtech */
                            BlendRules.ResetUVCache(_wvm, pixel.X, pixel.Y, 1, 1);

            // Draw the wall in the interrior, exclude the border so no overlaps
            foreach (Vector2Int32 pixel in interrior)
                if (!_wvm.CurrentWorld.ValidTileLocation(pixel))

                if (_wvm.Selection.IsValid(pixel))
                    _wvm.SetPixel(pixel.X, pixel.Y, mode: PaintMode.TileAndWall, erase: true);

                    if (_wvm.TilePicker.WallStyleActive)
                        if (_wvm.TilePicker.TileStyleActive)
                            _wvm.TilePicker.TileStyleActive = false;
                            _wvm.SetPixel(pixel.X, pixel.Y, mode: PaintMode.TileAndWall);
                            _wvm.TilePicker.TileStyleActive = true;
                            _wvm.SetPixel(pixel.X, pixel.Y, mode: PaintMode.TileAndWall);

                    /* Heathtech */
                    BlendRules.ResetUVCache(_wvm, pixel.X, pixel.Y, 1, 1);
        protected IList <TileGrouping> GetAllGroupsWithoutBonusTiles(IList <TileGrouping> tileGroups)
            var bonusTiles = GetAllGroupsOfSpecificType <BonusTile>(tileGroups);

        private IEnumerable<FieldAssociation> DuplicateCheck(IList<FieldAssociation> addRange)
            if (!addRange.Any() || !this.associations.Any())
                return addRange;

            IEnumerable<FieldAssociation> d = addRange.Except(this.associations.Intersect(addRange));
            return d;
 /// <summary>
 /// allows only what is found in the return value of WhiteList
 /// </summary>
 public IEnumerable <ITransition> AllowTransitions(IList <ITransition> transitions)
            .Where(x => object.Equals(x.WorkflowId, _workflowId)));
Beispiel #37
 public static IEnumerable <T> ExceptObjects <T>
     (this IList <T> first, IList <T> second) where T : IMovieIntro
     return(first.Except(second, new ObjectsComparer <T>()));
        private static void CompareListsNew(IList<Article> list1, List<Article> list2, ListBox lb1, ListBox lb2, ListBox lb3)


        private void GetWorksWithCustomers()
            IEnumerable <WorkDto> forPurchase = Works.Except(FreeForSale);

            FreeForPurchase = forPurchase.ToList();
// ReSharper disable UnusedParameter.Local
        private void AssertTypeRule(
            Func<Type, IArgumentNullExceptionFixture> addMethod,
            IList<RegexRule> existingRules,
            IList<RegexRule> regexRules,
            bool expectedInclude)
            IArgumentNullExceptionFixture actual = addMethod(GetType());

            Assert.Same(addMethod.Target, actual);
            Assert.Equal(existingRules.Count + 1, regexRules.Count);
            RegexRule addedRule = regexRules.Except(existingRules).Single();
            Assert.Equal(expectedInclude, addedRule.Include);
Beispiel #41
        public void TestCreateTelemetry()
            string deviceCode = RndString(max: 20);

            string propName1  = RndString(max: 20);
            string timeMark1  = RndTime.TimeFormater();
            string propValue1 = RndString();

            string propName2  = RndString(max: 20);
            string timeMark2  = RndTime.TimeFormater();
            string propValue2 = RndString();

            string propName3  = RndString(max: 20);
            string timeMark3  = RndTime.TimeFormater();
            string propValue3 = RndString();

            var data = new List <(string propName, string timeMarker, string propValue)>
                (propName1, timeMark1, propValue1),
                (propName2, timeMark2, propValue2),
                (propName3, timeMark3, propValue3)

            var pv1 = new PropertiesValues(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { propName1, propValue1 }
            Telemetry telemetry1 = new Telemetry(MyCode, pv1, timeMark1.TimeFormater(), deviceCode);

            var pv2 = new PropertiesValues(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { propName2, propValue2 }
            Telemetry telemetry2 = new Telemetry(MyCode, pv2, timeMark2.TimeFormater(), deviceCode);

            var pv3 = new PropertiesValues(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { propName3, propValue3 }
            Telemetry telemetry3 = new Telemetry(MyCode, pv3, timeMark3.TimeFormater(), deviceCode);

            IList <Telemetry> telemetriesExpected = new List <Telemetry> {
                telemetry1, telemetry2, telemetry3

            var kvp = new KeyValuePair <string, IList <(string propName, string timeMarker, string propValue)> >(deviceCode, data);
            IList <Telemetry> telemetries = CreateTelemetry(kvp);

            bool Compare(Telemetry a, Telemetry b)
                return(a.DeviceCode == b.DeviceCode &&
                       a.MessageType == b.MessageType &&
                       a.TargetDeviceCode == b.TargetDeviceCode &&
                       a.TimeMarker == b.TimeMarker &&

            var comparer = new EquaComparer <Telemetry>(Compare, obg => obg.DeviceCode.GetHashCode());

            Assert.IsEmpty(telemetries.Except(telemetriesExpected, comparer));
Beispiel #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds, updates or removes entries from the Target collection based on values in the New collection using the specified primary keys
        /// </summary>
        public List <TEntry> MergeCollections <TEntry>(IList <TEntry> targetCollection, IList <TEntry> newCollection,
                                                       IList <EntityKeyPropertyInfo> keyProperties,
                                                       Func <TEntry, TEntry, TEntry> getUpdateEntry, Func <TEntry, TEntry> addEntry,
                                                       Action <IList <TEntry> > removeEntriesFromCollection)
            where TEntry : class
            if (targetCollection == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetCollection));
            if (newCollection == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newCollection));
            if (getUpdateEntry == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(getUpdateEntry));
            if (addEntry == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(addEntry));

            var resultingCollection = new List <TEntry>(newCollection.Count);

            // Get all New collection entries that are not present in the Target collection (to add them to the Target collection)
            var newEntries = newCollection.Where(entry => targetCollection
                                                 .SingleOrDefault(source => EntityComparer.CompareEntities <TEntry>(source, entry, keyProperties)) == null)

            // Get all Target collection entries that are not present in the New collection (to remove them from the Target collection)
            var entriesToRemove = targetCollection.Where(entry => newCollection
                                                         .SingleOrDefault(newItem => EntityComparer.CompareEntities <TEntry>(newItem, entry, keyProperties)) == null)

            /* Get a copy of Target collection for safe iterations (in case entries get removed
             * from the collection in getUpdatedEntry */
            var target = targetCollection.Except(entriesToRemove).ToArray();

            if (entriesToRemove.Length > 0)

            // Update pre-existing entries in Target collection
            for (int i = 0; i < target.Length; i++)
                TEntry newState = newCollection.Single(newItem => EntityComparer.CompareEntities(newItem, target[i], keyProperties));
                resultingCollection.Add(getUpdateEntry.Invoke(target[i], newState));

            // Add entries that don't exist in the Target collection
            if (newEntries.Length > 0)
                foreach (var entry in newEntries)

Beispiel #43
        public async Task Submit(HashMode hashMode, string name, string description, string descriptionUrl, IList <string> files, string filter)
            // See if any of them are archives
            var archives = (from file in files
                            let ext = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLowerInvariant()
                                      where ext == ".zip" || ext == ".nupkg" || ext == ".snupkg" || ext == ".vsix" || ext == ".appxupload" || ext == ".msixupload"
                                      select file).ToList();

            // expand the archives and sign recursively first
            var tempZips = new List <TemporaryZipFile>();

                foreach (var archive in archives)
                    tempZips.Add(new TemporaryZipFile(archive, filter, logger));

                // See if there's any files in the expanded zip that we need to sign
                var allFiles = tempZips.SelectMany(tz => tz.FilteredFilesInDirectory).ToList();
                if (allFiles.Count > 0)
                    // Send the files from the archives through the aggregator to sign
                    await Submit(hashMode, name, description, descriptionUrl, allFiles, filter);

                    // After signing the contents, save the zip
                    // For NuPkg, this step removes the signature too, but that's ok as it'll get signed below
                    tempZips.ForEach(tz => tz.Save());
                tempZips.ForEach(tz => tz.Dispose());

            // See if there's any appx's in here, process them recursively first to sign the inner files
            var appxs = (from file in files
                         let ext = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLowerInvariant()
                                   where ext == ".appx" || ext == ".eappx" || ext == ".msix" || ext == ".emsix"
                                   select file).ToList();

            // See if there's any appxbundles here, process them recursively first
            // expand the archives and sign recursively first
            // This will also update the publisher information to get it ready for signing
            var tempAppxs = new List <AppxFile>();

                foreach (var appx in appxs)
                    tempAppxs.Add(await appxFileFactory.Create(appx, filter));

                // See if there's any files in the expanded zip that we need to sign
                var allFiles = tempAppxs.SelectMany(tz => tz.FilteredFilesInDirectory).ToList();
                if (allFiles.Count > 0)
                    // Send the files from the archives through the aggregator to sign
                    await Submit(hashMode, name, description, descriptionUrl, allFiles, filter);

                // Save the appx with the updated publisher info
                tempAppxs.ForEach(tz => tz.Save());
                tempAppxs.ForEach(tz => tz.Dispose());

            var bundles = (from file in files
                           let ext = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLowerInvariant()
                                     where ext == ".appxbundle" || ext == ".eappxbundle" || ext == ".msixbundle" || ext == ".emsixbundle"
                                     select file).ToList();

            var tempBundles = new List <AppxBundleFile>();

                foreach (var bundle in bundles)
                    tempBundles.Add(new AppxBundleFile(bundle, logger, makeappxPath));

                // See if there's any files in the expanded zip that we need to sign
                var allFiles = tempBundles.SelectMany(tz => tz.FilteredFilesInDirectory).ToList();
                if (allFiles.Count > 0)
                    // Send the files from the archives through the aggregator to sign
                    await Submit(hashMode, name, description, descriptionUrl, allFiles, filter);

                    // After signing the contents, save the zip
                    tempBundles.ForEach(tz => tz.Save());
                tempBundles.ForEach(tz => tz.Dispose());

            // split by code sign service and fallback to default

            var grouped = (from kvp in codeSignServices
                           join file in files on kvp.Key equals Path.GetExtension(file).ToLowerInvariant()
                           group file by kvp.Value into g
                           select g).ToList();

            // get all files and exclude existing;

            // This is to catch PE files that don't have the correct extension set
            var defaultFiles = files.Except(grouped.SelectMany(g => g))
                               .Select(f => new { defaultCodeSignService, f })
                               .GroupBy(a => a.defaultCodeSignService, k => k.f)
                               .SingleOrDefault();      // one group here

            if (defaultFiles != null)

            await Task.WhenAll(grouped.Select(g => g.Key.Submit(hashMode, name, description, descriptionUrl, g.ToList(), filter)));
Beispiel #44
        public virtual IEnumerable <string> GetCandidateItems(Split split, User u)
            var userItems = u.Feedbacks.Select(f => f.Item.Id);

 private static IList<string> GetDifference(IList<string> existingHandles, IList<string> currentHandles)
     // We are using LINQ to get the difference between the two lists.
     // The non-LINQ version looks like the following:
     // IList<string> differentHandles = new List<string>();
     // foreach (string handle in currentHandles)
     // {
     //    if (!existingHandles.Contains(handle))
     //    {
     //        currentHandles.Add(handle);
     //    }
     // }
     // return differentHandles;
     return currentHandles.Except(existingHandles).ToList();
Beispiel #46
        public void ComUserStartUpdate(int CommunityId, IList <int> UsersId, bool Start)
            if (!Manager.IsInTransaction())

            IList <Domain.SubscriptionExpiration> expirations = new List <Domain.SubscriptionExpiration>();

            UsersId = UsersId.Distinct().ToList();

            int counter = UsersId.Count;

            if (counter > 500)
                int block = (counter / 500) + 1;

                for (int curblock = 0; curblock < block; curblock++)
                    IList <int> currentId = UsersId.Skip(500 * curblock).Take(500).ToList();
                    IList <Domain.SubscriptionExpiration> curExps = Manager.GetAll <Domain.SubscriptionExpiration>(se => currentId.Contains(se.PersonId));
                    expirations = expirations.Union(curExps).ToList();

                expirations = expirations.Distinct().ToList();
                expirations = Manager.GetAll <Domain.SubscriptionExpiration>(exp =>
                                                                             exp.Deleted == BaseStatusDeleted.None &&
                                                                             exp.CommunityId == CommunityId &&

            IList <int> settedUsersId   = expirations.Select(exp => exp.PersonId).Distinct().ToList();
            IList <int> unSettedUsersId = UsersId.Except(settedUsersId).ToList();

            if (unSettedUsersId != null && unSettedUsersId.Any())
                foreach (int UserIdNotSet in unSettedUsersId)
                    Domain.SubscriptionExpiration expiration = new Domain.SubscriptionExpiration();
                    expiration.CreateMetaInfo(Manager.GetLitePerson(UC.CurrentUserID), UC.IpAddress, UC.ProxyIpAddress);
                    expiration.CommunityId = CommunityId;
                    expiration.PersonId    = UserIdNotSet;

                    Domain.dtoUserExpiration exp = ComUserDurationGet(CommunityId, UserIdNotSet);
                    expiration.Duration = exp.Duration;


            DateTime StartDt = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (Domain.SubscriptionExpiration exp in expirations)
                if (Start && exp.Duration >= 0)
                    exp.StartDate = StartDt;
                    //exp.EndDate = StartDt.AddDays(exp.Duration);
                    exp.StartDate = null;
                    //exp.EndDate = null;

            bool saved = false;

                Manager.SaveOrUpdateList <Domain.SubscriptionExpiration>(expirations);
                saved = true;

            if (saved)
        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit2(EditUserFormViewModel2 viewModel)
            // selectedRole is the name of the checkbox list on the html form


            //var user = UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == viewModel.Id);

            // If SelectedRoles is null, then add Empty String
            //selectedRoles = selectedRoles ?? new string[] { };

            // not needed as by default initized in constructor
            //selectedClaims = selectedClaims ?? new string[] { };

            //IEnumerable<SelectListItem> SelectedRolesList = RoleManager.Roles.ToList().Select(x => new SelectListItem()
            //    Selected = userRoles.Contains(x.Name),
            //    Text = x.Name,
            //    Value = x.Name

            //IEnumerable<SelectListItem> SelectedClaimsList = ClaimsStore.AllClaims.Select(x => new SelectListItem()
            //    Selected = userClaims.Any(uc => uc.Value == x.Value),
            //    Text = x.Type,
            //    Value = x.Value

            IdentityResult result    = null;
            IList <string> userRoles = await UserManager.GetRolesAsync(viewModel.Id);

            IList <Claim> userClaims = await UserManager.GetClaimsAsync(viewModel.Id);

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                // Add Error
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Something failed.");
                return(View("EditUserForm2", viewModel));

            ApplicationUser user = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(viewModel.Id);

            if (user == null)
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = $"User with Id = {viewModel.Email} cannot be found";
                //return HttpNotFound();

            user.UserName       = viewModel.Email;
            user.Email          = viewModel.Email;
            user.DrivingLicense = viewModel.DrivingLicense;
            user.Phone          = viewModel.Phone;

            result = await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user);

            // Error Occurs While Updating User, no need to add Roles & Claims
            if (!result.Succeeded)
                ViewBag.Message = "Error occurred while updating Record(s)";
                foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", error);

                return(View("EditUserForm2", viewModel));

            // Only add newly added roles, do not add already added roles.
            result = await UserManager.AddToRolesAsync(user.Id, viewModel.GetSelectedRoles().Except(userRoles).ToArray <string>());

            // Error occurs while adding roles array, but user edited
            if (!result.Succeeded)
                // Add error
                ViewBag.Message = "Error occurred while adding Record(s)";
                foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", error);

                return(View("EditUserForm2", viewModel));

            // Remove all roles other than selected roles.
            result = await UserManager.RemoveFromRolesAsync(user.Id, userRoles.Except(viewModel.GetSelectedRoles()).ToArray <string>());

            // Error occurs while removing roles, but user edited, role added, not removed
            if (!result.Succeeded)
                ViewBag.Message = "Error occurred while updating Record(s)";
                foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", error);

                return(View("EditUserForm2", viewModel));

            // Removing Claim Array
            foreach (var claim in userClaims)
                result = await UserManager.RemoveClaimAsync(user.Id, claim);

            if (!result.Succeeded)
                ViewBag.Message = "Error occurred while updating Record(s)";
                foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", error);

                return(View("EditUserForm2", viewModel));

            //IList<Claim> selectedClaimsOnForm = new List<Claim>();

            List <Claim> selectedClaimsOnForm = CompareClaimValues(viewModel.AllClaimsList);

            // Adding Claim Array
            foreach (var claim in selectedClaimsOnForm)
                result = await UserManager.AddClaimAsync(user.Id, claim);

            if (!result.Succeeded)
                ViewBag.Message = "Error occurred while updating Record(s)";
                foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", error);

                return(View("EditUserForm2", viewModel));

            // User Added, Role Added, Role Removed Successfully. Show List Role
            ViewBag.Message = "Record(s) updated successfully.";
Beispiel #48
        public IList <Domain.dtoExpirationConfig> GetCommunityExpirationConfig(
            int CommunityId,
            int LangId,
            string LangCode)
            Language defLang = Manager.GetDefaultLanguage();

            if (defLang == null)
                defLang      = new Language();
                defLang.Code = "us-EN";
                defLang.Id   = 1;

            if (LangId <= 0)
                LangId = defLang.Id;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LangCode))
                LangCode = defLang.Code;

            List <Domain.ExpirationConfig> oldcfg = (from Domain.ExpirationConfig conf in Manager.GetIQ <Domain.ExpirationConfig>()
                                                     where conf.CommunityId == CommunityId
                                                     select conf

            List <Domain.dtoExpirationConfig> config = oldcfg.Select(c => new Domain.dtoExpirationConfig(c)).ToList();

            IList <int> idCommunityRoles = Manager.GetAvailableRoles(CommunityId);
            IList <int> oldRoles         = (from Domain.dtoExpirationConfig conf in config select conf.RoleId).ToList();
            IList <int> newRoles         = idCommunityRoles.Except(oldRoles).ToList();

            if (newRoles != null && newRoles.Any())
                int ComTypeId = Manager.GetIdCommunityType(CommunityId);

                List <Domain.ExpirationConfig> oldsysConf =
                    (from Domain.ExpirationConfig conf in Manager.GetIQ <Domain.ExpirationConfig>()
                     where conf.CommunityId == 0 && conf.CommunityTypeId == ComTypeId
                     select conf

                List <Domain.dtoExpirationConfig> SysConfig =
                    oldsysConf.Select(c => new Domain.dtoExpirationConfig(c))

                foreach (int newroleId in newRoles)
                    Domain.dtoExpirationConfig newcfg = new Domain.dtoExpirationConfig();
                    newcfg.RoleId = newroleId;

                    Domain.dtoExpirationConfig sysConf = SysConfig.FirstOrDefault(c => c.RoleId == newroleId);

                    if (sysConf != null && sysConf.RoleId > 0)
                        newcfg.Duration = sysConf.Duration;
                        newcfg.Duration = -1;


            if (config != null && config.Any())
                config.ForEach(c =>
                    c.RoleName     = Manager.GetTranslatedRole(c.RoleId, LangId);
                    c.DurationName = settings.GetValidityName(LangCode, c.Duration);

Beispiel #49
        private static IList <EntityRecommendation> PopulateCompositeEntity(CompositeEntity compositeEntity, IList <EntityRecommendation> entities, JObject entitiesAndMetadata, bool verbose)
            var childrenEntites          = new JObject();
            var childrenEntitiesMetadata = new JObject();

            if (verbose)
                childrenEntites[MetadataKey] = new JObject();

            // This is now implemented as O(n^2) search and can be reduced to O(2n) using a map as an optimization if n grows
            var compositeEntityMetadata = entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Type == compositeEntity.ParentType && e.Entity == compositeEntity.Value);

            // This is an error case and should not happen in theory
            if (compositeEntityMetadata == null)

            if (verbose)
                childrenEntitiesMetadata     = ExtractEntityMetadata(compositeEntityMetadata);
                childrenEntites[MetadataKey] = new JObject();

            var coveredSet = new HashSet <EntityRecommendation>();

            foreach (var child in compositeEntity.Children)
                foreach (var entity in entities)
                    // We already covered this entity
                    if (coveredSet.Contains(entity))

                    // This entity doesn't belong to this composite entity
                    if (child.Type != entity.Type || !CompositeContainsEntity(compositeEntityMetadata, entity))

                    // Add to the set to ensure that we don't consider the same child entity more than once per composite
                    AddProperty(childrenEntites, ExtractNormalizedEntityName(entity), ExtractEntityValue(entity));

                    if (verbose)
                        AddProperty((JObject)childrenEntites[MetadataKey], ExtractNormalizedEntityName(entity), ExtractEntityMetadata(entity));

            AddProperty(entitiesAndMetadata, compositeEntity.ParentType, childrenEntites);
            if (verbose)
                AddProperty((JObject)entitiesAndMetadata[MetadataKey], compositeEntity.ParentType, childrenEntitiesMetadata);

            // filter entities that were covered by this composite entity
Beispiel #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryId">Category identifier; 0 to load all recordss</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search in descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <returns>Product collection</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(int categoryId, int manufacturerId, bool? featuredProducts,
            decimal? priceMin, decimal? priceMax, int productTagId,
            string keywords, bool searchDescriptions, int languageId,
            IList<int> filteredSpecs, ProductSortingEnum orderBy,
            int pageIndex, int pageSize, bool showHidden = false)
            bool searchLocalizedValue = false;
            if (languageId > 0)
                if (showHidden)
                    searchLocalizedValue = true;
                    //ensure that we have at least two published languages
                    var totalPublishedLanguages = _languageService.GetAllLanguages(false).Count;
                    searchLocalizedValue = totalPublishedLanguages >= 2;

            if (_commonSettings.UseStoredProceduresIfSupported && _dataProvider.StoredProceduredSupported)
                //stored procedures are enabled and supported by the database.
                //It's much faster than the LINQ implementation below

                //TODO We should not reference SqlParameter here. DAL should do it.
                var pTotalRecords = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "TotalRecords", Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int };

                string commaSeparatedSpecIds = "";
                if (filteredSpecs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < filteredSpecs.Count; i++)
                        commaSeparatedSpecIds += filteredSpecs[i].ToString();
                        if (i != filteredSpecs.Count - 1)
                            commaSeparatedSpecIds += ",";

                //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
                if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                    pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

                var products = _dbContext.ExecuteStoredProcedureList<Product>(
                    //"EXEC [ProductLoadAllPaged] @CategoryId, @ManufacturerId, @ProductTagId, @FeaturedProducts, @PriceMin, @PriceMax, @Keywords, @SearchDescriptions, @FilteredSpecs, @LanguageId, @OrderBy, @PageIndex, @PageSize, @ShowHidden, @TotalRecords",
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "CategoryId", Value = categoryId, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "ManufacturerId", Value = manufacturerId, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "ProductTagId", Value = productTagId, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "FeaturedProducts", Value = featuredProducts.HasValue ? (object)featuredProducts.Value : DBNull.Value, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "PriceMin", Value = priceMin.HasValue ? (object)priceMin.Value : DBNull.Value, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Decimal },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "PriceMax", Value = priceMax.HasValue ? (object)priceMax.Value : DBNull.Value, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Decimal },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "Keywords", Value = keywords != null ? (object)keywords : DBNull.Value, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "SearchDescriptions", Value = searchDescriptions, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "FilteredSpecs", Value = commaSeparatedSpecIds != null ? (object)commaSeparatedSpecIds : DBNull.Value, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "LanguageId", Value = searchLocalizedValue ? languageId : 0, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "OrderBy", Value = (int)orderBy, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "PageIndex", Value = pageIndex, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "PageSize", Value = pageSize, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int },
                    new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "ShowHidden", Value = showHidden, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit },
                int totalRecords = (pTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToInt32(pTotalRecords.Value) : 0;
                return new PagedList<Product>(products, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords);
                //stored procedures aren't supported. Use LINQ

                #region Search products

                var query = _productRepository.Table;
                query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);
                if (!showHidden)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.Published);

                //searching by keyword
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))
                    query = from p in query
                            join lp in _localizedPropertyRepository.Table on p.Id equals lp.EntityId into p_lp
                            from lp in p_lp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from pv in p.ProductVariants.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where (p.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.ShortDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.FullDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (pv.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && pv.Description.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  //localized values
                                  (searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "Name" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "ShortDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "FullDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords))
                            select p;

                //product variants
                //The function 'CurrentUtcDateTime' is not supported by SQL Server Compact.
                //That's why we pass the date value
                var nowUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                query = from p in query
                        from pv in p.ProductVariants.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            (showHidden || !pv.Deleted) &&
                            (showHidden || pv.Published) &&
                            //price min
                                //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                ((pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue && ((!pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) && (!pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) && (pv.SpecialPrice >= priceMin.Value))
                                //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                ((!pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue || ((pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) || (pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) && (pv.Price >= priceMin.Value))
                            ) &&
                            //price max
                                //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                ((pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue && ((!pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) && (!pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) && (pv.SpecialPrice <= priceMax.Value))
                                //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                ((!pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue || ((pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) || (pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) && (pv.Price <= priceMax.Value))
                            ) &&
                            //available dates
                            (showHidden || (!pv.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc)) &&
                            (showHidden || (!pv.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))
                        select p;

                //search by specs
                if (filteredSpecs != null && filteredSpecs.Count > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            where !filteredSpecs
                                           p.ProductSpecificationAttributes.Where(psa => psa.AllowFiltering).Select(
                                               psa => psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId))
                            select p;

                //category filtering
                if (categoryId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pc in p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => pc.CategoryId == categoryId)
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pc.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //manufacturer filtering
                if (manufacturerId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pm in p.ProductManufacturers.Where(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId)
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pm.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //related products filtering
                //if (relatedToProductId > 0)
                //    query = from p in query
                //            join rp in _relatedProductRepository.Table on p.Id equals rp.ProductId2
                //            where (relatedToProductId == rp.ProductId1)
                //            select p;

                //tag filtering
                if (productTagId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pt in p.ProductTags.Where(pt => pt.Id == productTagId)
                            select p;

                //only distinct products (group by ID)
                //if we use standard Distinct() method, then all fields will be compared (low performance)
                //it'll not work in SQL Server Compact when searching products by a keyword)
                query = from p in query
                        group p by p.Id
                        into pGroup
                        orderby pGroup.Key
                        select pGroup.FirstOrDefault();

                //sort products
                if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && categoryId > 0)
                    //category position
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => pc.CategoryId == categoryId).FirstOrDefault().DisplayOrder);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && manufacturerId > 0)
                    //manufacturer position
                    query =
                        query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductManufacturers.Where(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).FirstOrDefault().DisplayOrder);
                //else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && relatedToProductId > 0)
                //    //sort by related product display order
                //    query = from p in query
                //            join rp in _relatedProductRepository.Table on p.Id equals rp.ProductId2
                //            where (relatedToProductId == rp.ProductId1)
                //            orderby rp.DisplayOrder
                //            select p;
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Name)
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Price)
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductVariants.FirstOrDefault().Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc);
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

                var products = new PagedList<Product>(query, pageIndex, pageSize);
                return products;

 /// <summary> The command characters are valid. </summary>
 /// <param name="candidate"> The List of characters to be checked against valid characters. </param>
 /// <returns> True if all characters are valid, else false.
 /// </returns>
 private bool CommandCharactersAreValid(IList <char> candidate)
Beispiel #52
        private IEnumerable <RatingPool> GetLegendMateria2RatingPools(IList <CharacterRatingContextInfo> characterRatingContextInfos)
            string lm2Tag = "LM2: ";

            IList <RatingPool> lm2RatingPools = characterRatingContextInfos.Where(c => c.LegendMateria2 != null).Select(c => c.LegendMateria2.Effect)
                                                .Distinct().Select(p => new RatingPool()
                RatingPoolName = p

            //who is in each mote combination based pool
            foreach (var pool in lm2RatingPools)
                pool.CharactersInRatingPool = characterRatingContextInfos
                                              .Where(c => c.LegendMateria2?.Effect == pool.RatingPoolName).Select(c => c).ToList();

            //touch up select pools to unify names

            RatingPool trancePool = new RatingPool()
                RatingPoolName = "Trance", CharactersInRatingPool = new List <CharacterRatingContextInfo>()
            IList <RatingPool> tranceRatingPoolsToRemove = new List <RatingPool>();

            foreach (var pool in lm2RatingPools)
                if (pool.RatingPoolName.Contains("Trance"))
                    foreach (var character in pool.CharactersInRatingPool)
            lm2RatingPools = lm2RatingPools.Except(tranceRatingPoolsToRemove).ToList();

            //RatingPool adedPool = lm2RatingPools.FirstOrDefault(p => p.RatingPoolName == "Trance");

            //QuickCast 3
            RatingPool quickCastPool = new RatingPool()
                RatingPoolName = "Quick Cast 3", CharactersInRatingPool = new List <CharacterRatingContextInfo>()
            IList <RatingPool> quickCastRatingPoolsToRemove = new List <RatingPool>();

            foreach (var pool in lm2RatingPools)
                if (pool.RatingPoolName.Contains("Quick Cast 3") && pool.CharactersInRatingPool.Count == 1)
                    foreach (var character in pool.CharactersInRatingPool)
            lm2RatingPools = lm2RatingPools.Except(quickCastRatingPoolsToRemove).ToList();

            //Attack Buildup
            RatingPool atkBuildupPool = new RatingPool()
                RatingPoolName = "Attack Buildup", CharactersInRatingPool = new List <CharacterRatingContextInfo>()
            IList <RatingPool> atkBuildupRatingPoolsToRemove = new List <RatingPool>();

            foreach (var pool in lm2RatingPools)
                if (pool.RatingPoolName.Contains("ATK +") && pool.RatingPoolName.Contains("each hit dealt") && pool.CharactersInRatingPool.Count == 1)
                    foreach (var character in pool.CharactersInRatingPool)
            lm2RatingPools = lm2RatingPools.Except(atkBuildupRatingPoolsToRemove).ToList();

            //Minor Imperil
            RatingPool imperilPool = new RatingPool()
                RatingPoolName = "Minor Imperil", CharactersInRatingPool = new List <CharacterRatingContextInfo>()
            IList <RatingPool> imperilRatingPoolsToRemove = new List <RatingPool>();

            foreach (var pool in lm2RatingPools)
                if (pool.RatingPoolName.Contains("chance to cause Minor Imperil") && pool.CharactersInRatingPool.Count == 1)
                    foreach (var character in pool.CharactersInRatingPool)
            lm2RatingPools = lm2RatingPools.Except(imperilRatingPoolsToRemove).ToList();

            //remove single member pools
            IList <RatingPool> singleMemberRatingPools = lm2RatingPools.Where(p => p.CharactersInRatingPool.Count == 1).ToList();

            lm2RatingPools = lm2RatingPools.Except(singleMemberRatingPools).ToList();

            //add in the lm 2 tag
            foreach (var pool in lm2RatingPools)
                pool.RatingPoolName = $"{lm2Tag}{pool.RatingPoolName}";

Beispiel #53
        private IInputElement SetPointerOver(IPointerDevice device, IInputRoot root, IList<IInputElement> elements)
            foreach (var control in _pointerOvers.Except(elements).ToList())
                PointerEventArgs e = new PointerEventArgs
                    RoutedEvent = InputElement.PointerLeaveEvent,
                    Device = device,
                    Source = control,


            foreach (var control in elements.Except(_pointerOvers))
                PointerEventArgs e = new PointerEventArgs
                    RoutedEvent = InputElement.PointerEnterEvent,
                    Device = device,
                    Source = control,


            root.PointerOverElement = elements.FirstOrDefault() ?? root;
            return root.PointerOverElement;
Beispiel #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the children of the given path changed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="Kafka.Client.ZooKeeperIntegration.Events.ZooKeeperChildChangedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data
        /// as parent path and children (null if parent was deleted).
        /// </param>
        public void HandleChildChange(ZooKeeperChildChangedEventArgs e)
            Guard.NotNull(e, "e");
            Guard.NotNullNorEmpty(e.Path, "e.Path");
            Guard.NotNull(e.Children, "e.Children");

            lock (this.syncLock)
                    string         path   = e.Path;
                    IList <string> childs = e.Children;
                    Logger.Debug("Watcher fired for path: " + path);
                    switch (path)
                    case ZooKeeperClient.DefaultBrokerTopicsPath:
                        List <string> oldTopics = this.oldBrokerTopicsPartitionsMap.Keys.ToList();
                        List <string> newTopics = childs.Except(oldTopics).ToList();
                        Logger.Debug("List of topics was changed at " + e.Path);
                        Logger.Debug("Current topics -> " + e.Children.ToMultiString(","));
                        Logger.Debug("Old list of topics -> " + oldTopics.ToMultiString(","));
                        Logger.Debug("List of newly registered topics -> " + newTopics.ToMultiString(","));
                        foreach (var newTopic in newTopics)
                            string         brokerTopicPath = ZooKeeperClient.DefaultBrokerTopicsPath + "/" + newTopic;
                            IList <string> brokerList      = this.zkclient.GetChildrenParentMayNotExist(brokerTopicPath);
                            this.ProcessNewBrokerInExistingTopic(newTopic, brokerList);
                            this.zkclient.Subscribe(ZooKeeperClient.DefaultBrokerTopicsPath + "/" + newTopic, this);


                    case ZooKeeperClient.DefaultBrokerIdsPath:
                        Logger.Debug("List of brokers changed in the Kafka cluster " + e.Path);
                        Logger.Debug("Currently registered list of brokers -> " + e.Children.ToMultiString(","));
                        this.ProcessBrokerChange(path, childs);

                        string[] parts = path.Split('/');
                        string   topic = parts.Last();
                        if (parts.Length == 4 && parts[2] == "topics" && childs != null)
                            Logger.Debug("List of brokers changed at " + path);
                                "Currently registered list of brokers for topic " + topic + " -> " +
                            this.ProcessNewBrokerInExistingTopic(topic, childs);


                    this.oldBrokerTopicsPartitionsMap = this.actualBrokerTopicsPartitionsMap;
                    this.oldBrokerIdMap = this.actualBrokerIdMap;
                catch (Exception exc)
                    Logger.Debug("Error while handling " + e, exc);
		public static CompilationUnitSyntax AddUsingDirectives(
			this CompilationUnitSyntax root,
			IList<UsingDirectiveSyntax> usingDirectives,
			bool placeSystemNamespaceFirst,
			params SyntaxAnnotation[] annotations)
			if (usingDirectives.Count == 0)
				return root;

			var comparer = placeSystemNamespaceFirst
				? UsingsAndExternAliasesDirectiveComparer.SystemFirstInstance
				: UsingsAndExternAliasesDirectiveComparer.NormalInstance;

			var usings = AddUsingDirectives(root, usingDirectives);

			// If the user likes to have their Usings statements unsorted, allow them to
			if (root.Usings.IsSorted(comparer))

			// If any using we added was moved to the first location, then take the trivia from
			// the start of the first token and add it to the using we added.  This way things
			// like #define's and #r's will stay above the using.
			var firstUsingChanged = root.Usings.Count == 0 || usings[0] != root.Usings[0];
			if (firstUsingChanged && root.Externs.Count == 0)
				var firstToken = root.GetFirstToken();

				// Move the leading directives from the first directive to the new using.
				var firstUsing = usings[0].WithLeadingTrivia(firstToken.LeadingTrivia.Where(t => !t.IsDocComment() && !t.IsElastic()));

				// Remove the leading directives from the first token.
				var newFirstToken = firstToken.WithLeadingTrivia(firstToken.LeadingTrivia.Where(t => t.IsDocComment() || t.IsElastic()));

				// Remove the leading trivia from the first token from the tree.
				root = root.ReplaceToken(firstToken, newFirstToken);

				// Create the new list of usings.  
				var finalUsings = new List<UsingDirectiveSyntax>();
				finalUsings.AddRange(usingDirectives.Except(new[] { usings[0] }));
				usings = finalUsings;

			usings = usings.Select(u => u.WithAdditionalAnnotations(annotations)).ToList();
			return root.WithUsings(usings.ToSyntaxList());
Beispiel #56
        private void SavePRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity()
                foreach (TreeNode catNode in treeItem.Nodes)

                foreach (TreeNode tn in treeItem.CheckedNodes)
                    PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity ent = new PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity();
                    ent.ItemID        = Int64.Parse(tn.Value.ToString());
                    ent.BOQTemplateID = BOQTemplateID;

                if (currentMappedItems.Count <= 0)
                    IList <PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity> unCheckedList    = currentlyPopulatedMappedItems.Except(newMappedItems, new CustomerComparer()).ToList();
                    IList <PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity> templateItemList = new List <PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity>();
                    foreach (var v in temporaryMappedItems)
                        PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity ent = new PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity();
                        ent.ItemID        = v.ItemID;
                        ent.BOQTemplateID = BOQTemplateID;
                    IList <PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity> addCheckedList = templateItemList.Except(unCheckedList, new CustomerComparerAnother()).ToList();
                    Int64 i = 0;

                    StringBuilder xmlStr = new StringBuilder();
                    String subXmlStr = null;

                    foreach (PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity ent in addCheckedList)
                        subXmlStr = subXmlStr + "<i><a>" + ent.BOQTemplateID + "</a><b>" + ent.ItemID + "</b><c>" + i + "</c></i>";
                    FCCBulkInsertXML.GetFacadeCreate().GetIL(xmlStr.ToString(), CommonConstants.BOQItemMapTableInfo);

                else if (currentMappedItems.Count > 0)
                    currentlyPopulatedMappedItems = currentlyPopulatedMappedItems.Intersect(currentMappedItems, new CustomerComparer()).ToList();

                    IList <PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity> deleteList = currentlyPopulatedMappedItems.Except(newMappedItems, new CustomerComparer()).ToList();
                    IList <PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity> addNewList = newMappedItems.Except(currentlyPopulatedMappedItems, new CustomerComparer()).ToList();

                    if (deleteList != null && deleteList.Count > 0)
                        foreach (PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity ent in deleteList)
                            String fe1 = SqlExpressionBuilder.PrepareFilterExpression(PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity.FLD_NAME_BOQTemplateID, ent.BOQTemplateID.ToString(), SQLMatchType.Equal);
                            String fe2 = SqlExpressionBuilder.PrepareFilterExpression(PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity.FLD_NAME_ItemID, ent.ItemID.ToString(), SQLMatchType.Equal);
                            String fe  = SqlExpressionBuilder.PrepareFilterExpression(fe1, SQLJoinType.AND, fe2);

                            FCCPRMBOQTemplateItemMap.GetFacadeCreate().Delete(ent, fe, DatabaseOperationType.Delete, TransactionRequired.No);

                    if (addNewList != null && addNewList.Count > 0)
                        foreach (PRMBOQTemplateItemMapEntity ent in addNewList)
                            FCCPRMBOQTemplateItemMap.GetFacadeCreate().Add(ent, DatabaseOperationType.Add, TransactionRequired.No);

                MiscUtil.ShowMessage(lblMessage, "Template Project Cost Item Map Updated Successfully.", false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MiscUtil.ShowMessage(lblMessage, "An Error Occoured.", true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">The specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">A value indicating whether we should load the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="warehouseId">Warehouse identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productType">Product type; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="visibleIndividuallyOnly">A values indicating whether to load only products marked as "visible individually"; "false" to load all records; "true" to load "visible individually" only</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="searchSku">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product SKU</param>
        /// <param name="searchProductTags">A value indicating whether to search by a specified "keyword" in product tags</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier (search for text searching)</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <param name="overridePublished">
        /// null - process "Published" property according to "showHidden" parameter
        /// true - load only "Published" products
        /// false - load only "Unpublished" products
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Products</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(
            out IList<int> filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
            bool loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = false,
            int pageIndex = 0,
            int pageSize = 2147483647,  //Int32.MaxValue
            IList<int> categoryIds = null,
            int manufacturerId = 0,
            int storeId = 0,
            int vendorId = 0,
            int warehouseId = 0,
            ProductType? productType = null,
            bool visibleIndividuallyOnly = false,
            bool? featuredProducts = null,
            decimal? priceMin = null,
            decimal? priceMax = null,
            int productTagId = 0,
            string keywords = null,
            bool searchDescriptions = false,
            bool searchSku = true,
            bool searchProductTags = false,
            int languageId = 0,
            IList<int> filteredSpecs = null,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
            bool showHidden = false,
            bool? overridePublished = null)
            filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = new List<int>();

            //search by keyword
            bool searchLocalizedValue = false;
            if (languageId > 0)
                if (showHidden)
                    searchLocalizedValue = true;
                    //ensure that we have at least two published languages
                    var totalPublishedLanguages = _languageService.GetAllLanguages().Count;
                    searchLocalizedValue = totalPublishedLanguages >= 2;

            //validate "categoryIds" parameter
            if (categoryIds !=null && categoryIds.Contains(0))

            //Access control list. Allowed customer roles
            var allowedCustomerRolesIds = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetCustomerRoleIds();

            if (_commonSettings.UseStoredProceduresIfSupported && _dataProvider.StoredProceduredSupported)
                //stored procedures are enabled and supported by the database.
                //It's much faster than the LINQ implementation below

                #region Use stored procedure

                //pass category identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedCategoryIds = categoryIds == null ? "" : string.Join(",", categoryIds);

                //pass customer role identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedAllowedCustomerRoleIds = string.Join(",", allowedCustomerRolesIds);

                //pass specification identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedSpecIds = "";
                if (filteredSpecs != null)
                    commaSeparatedSpecIds = string.Join(",", filteredSpecs);

                //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
                if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                    pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

                //prepare parameters
                var pCategoryIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pCategoryIds.ParameterName = "CategoryIds";
                pCategoryIds.Value = commaSeparatedCategoryIds != null ? (object)commaSeparatedCategoryIds : DBNull.Value;
                pCategoryIds.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pManufacturerId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pManufacturerId.ParameterName = "ManufacturerId";
                pManufacturerId.Value = manufacturerId;
                pManufacturerId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pStoreId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pStoreId.ParameterName = "StoreId";
                pStoreId.Value = !_catalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations ? storeId : 0;
                pStoreId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pVendorId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pVendorId.ParameterName = "VendorId";
                pVendorId.Value = vendorId;
                pVendorId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pWarehouseId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pWarehouseId.ParameterName = "WarehouseId";
                pWarehouseId.Value = warehouseId;
                pWarehouseId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pProductTypeId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pProductTypeId.ParameterName = "ProductTypeId";
                pProductTypeId.Value = productType.HasValue ? (object)productType.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pProductTypeId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pVisibleIndividuallyOnly = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pVisibleIndividuallyOnly.ParameterName = "VisibleIndividuallyOnly";
                pVisibleIndividuallyOnly.Value = visibleIndividuallyOnly;
                pVisibleIndividuallyOnly.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pProductTagId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pProductTagId.ParameterName = "ProductTagId";
                pProductTagId.Value = productTagId;
                pProductTagId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pFeaturedProducts = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFeaturedProducts.ParameterName = "FeaturedProducts";
                pFeaturedProducts.Value = featuredProducts.HasValue ? (object)featuredProducts.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pFeaturedProducts.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pPriceMin = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPriceMin.ParameterName = "PriceMin";
                pPriceMin.Value = priceMin.HasValue ? (object)priceMin.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pPriceMin.DbType = DbType.Decimal;

                var pPriceMax = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPriceMax.ParameterName = "PriceMax";
                pPriceMax.Value = priceMax.HasValue ? (object)priceMax.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pPriceMax.DbType = DbType.Decimal;

                var pKeywords = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pKeywords.ParameterName = "Keywords";
                pKeywords.Value = keywords != null ? (object)keywords : DBNull.Value;
                pKeywords.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pSearchDescriptions = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchDescriptions.ParameterName = "SearchDescriptions";
                pSearchDescriptions.Value = searchDescriptions;
                pSearchDescriptions.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pSearchSku = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchSku.ParameterName = "SearchSku";
                pSearchSku.Value = searchSku;
                pSearchSku.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pSearchProductTags = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchProductTags.ParameterName = "SearchProductTags";
                pSearchProductTags.Value = searchProductTags;
                pSearchProductTags.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pUseFullTextSearch = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pUseFullTextSearch.ParameterName = "UseFullTextSearch";
                pUseFullTextSearch.Value = _commonSettings.UseFullTextSearch;
                pUseFullTextSearch.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pFullTextMode = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFullTextMode.ParameterName = "FullTextMode";
                pFullTextMode.Value = (int)_commonSettings.FullTextMode;
                pFullTextMode.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pFilteredSpecs = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFilteredSpecs.ParameterName = "FilteredSpecs";
                pFilteredSpecs.Value = commaSeparatedSpecIds != null ? (object)commaSeparatedSpecIds : DBNull.Value;
                pFilteredSpecs.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pLanguageId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pLanguageId.ParameterName = "LanguageId";
                pLanguageId.Value = searchLocalizedValue ? languageId : 0;
                pLanguageId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pOrderBy = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pOrderBy.ParameterName = "OrderBy";
                pOrderBy.Value = (int)orderBy;
                pOrderBy.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pAllowedCustomerRoleIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pAllowedCustomerRoleIds.ParameterName = "AllowedCustomerRoleIds";
                pAllowedCustomerRoleIds.Value = commaSeparatedAllowedCustomerRoleIds;
                pAllowedCustomerRoleIds.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pPageIndex = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPageIndex.ParameterName = "PageIndex";
                pPageIndex.Value = pageIndex;
                pPageIndex.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pPageSize = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPageSize.ParameterName = "PageSize";
                pPageSize.Value = pageSize;
                pPageSize.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pShowHidden = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pShowHidden.ParameterName = "ShowHidden";
                pShowHidden.Value = showHidden;
                pShowHidden.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pOverridePublished = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pOverridePublished.ParameterName = "OverridePublished";
                pOverridePublished.Value = overridePublished != null ? (object)overridePublished.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pOverridePublished.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.ParameterName = "LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds";
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value = loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds;
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.ParameterName = "FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds";
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Size = int.MaxValue - 1;
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pTotalRecords = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pTotalRecords.ParameterName = "TotalRecords";
                pTotalRecords.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                pTotalRecords.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                //invoke stored procedure
                var products = _dbContext.ExecuteStoredProcedureList<Product>(
                //get filterable specification attribute option identifier
                string filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIdsStr = (pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value != DBNull.Value) ? (string)pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value : "";
                if (loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds &&
                     filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIdsStr
                        .Split(new[] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                        .Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Trim()))
                //return products
                int totalRecords = (pTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToInt32(pTotalRecords.Value) : 0;
                return new PagedList<Product>(products, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords);

                //stored procedures aren't supported. Use LINQ

                #region Search products

                var query = _productRepository.Table;
                query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);
                if (!overridePublished.HasValue)
                    //process according to "showHidden"
                    if (!showHidden)
                        query = query.Where(p => p.Published);
                else if (overridePublished.Value)
                    //published only
                    query = query.Where(p => p.Published);
                else if (!overridePublished.Value)
                    //unpublished only
                    query = query.Where(p => !p.Published);
                if (visibleIndividuallyOnly)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.VisibleIndividually);
                if (productType.HasValue)
                    var productTypeId = (int) productType.Value;
                    query = query.Where(p => p.ProductTypeId == productTypeId);

                //The function 'CurrentUtcDateTime' is not supported by SQL Server Compact.
                //That's why we pass the date value
                var nowUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (priceMin.HasValue)
                    //min price
                    query = query.Where(p =>
                                        //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                        ((p.SpecialPrice.HasValue &&
                                          ((!p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue ||
                                            p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) &&
                                           (!p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue ||
                                            p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) &&
                                         (p.SpecialPrice >= priceMin.Value))
                                        //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                        ((!p.SpecialPrice.HasValue ||
                                          ((p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue &&
                                            p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) ||
                                           (p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue &&
                                            p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) &&
                                         (p.Price >= priceMin.Value)));
                if (priceMax.HasValue)
                    //max price
                    query = query.Where(p =>
                                        //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                        ((p.SpecialPrice.HasValue &&
                                          ((!p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue ||
                                            p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) &&
                                           (!p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue ||
                                            p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) &&
                                         (p.SpecialPrice <= priceMax.Value))
                                        //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                        ((!p.SpecialPrice.HasValue ||
                                          ((p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue &&
                                            p.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) ||
                                           (p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue &&
                                            p.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) &&
                                         (p.Price <= priceMax.Value)));
                if (!showHidden)
                    //available dates
                    query = query.Where(p =>
                        (!p.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || p.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) &&
                        (!p.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || p.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc));

                //searching by keyword
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))
                    query = from p in query
                            join lp in _localizedPropertyRepository.Table on p.Id equals lp.EntityId into p_lp
                            from lp in p_lp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from pt in p.ProductTags.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where (p.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.ShortDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.FullDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchProductTags && pt.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  //localized values
                                  (searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "Name" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "ShortDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "FullDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords))
                            select p;

                if (!showHidden && !_catalogSettings.IgnoreAcl)
                    //ACL (access control list)
                    query = from p in query
                            join acl in _aclRepository.Table
                            on new { c1 = p.Id, c2 = "Product" } equals new { c1 = acl.EntityId, c2 = acl.EntityName } into p_acl
                            from acl in p_acl.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where !p.SubjectToAcl || allowedCustomerRolesIds.Contains(acl.CustomerRoleId)
                            select p;

                if (storeId > 0 && !_catalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations)
                    //Store mapping
                    query = from p in query
                            join sm in _storeMappingRepository.Table
                            on new { c1 = p.Id, c2 = "Product" } equals new { c1 = sm.EntityId, c2 = sm.EntityName } into p_sm
                            from sm in p_sm.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where !p.LimitedToStores || storeId == sm.StoreId
                            select p;

                //search by specs
                if (filteredSpecs != null && filteredSpecs.Count > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            where !filteredSpecs
                                           p.ProductSpecificationAttributes.Where(psa => psa.AllowFiltering).Select(
                                               psa => psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId))
                            select p;

                //category filtering
                if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Count > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pc in p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => categoryIds.Contains(pc.CategoryId))
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pc.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //manufacturer filtering
                if (manufacturerId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pm in p.ProductManufacturers.Where(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId)
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pm.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //vendor filtering
                if (vendorId > 0)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.VendorId == vendorId);

                //warehouse filtering
                if (warehouseId > 0)
                    var manageStockInventoryMethodId = (int)ManageInventoryMethod.ManageStock;
                    query = query.Where(p =>
                        //"Use multiple warehouses" enabled
                        //we search in each warehouse
                        (p.ManageInventoryMethodId == manageStockInventoryMethodId &&
                         p.UseMultipleWarehouses &&
                         p.ProductWarehouseInventory.Any(pwi => pwi.WarehouseId == warehouseId))
                        //"Use multiple warehouses" disabled
                        //we use standard "warehouse" property
                        ((p.ManageInventoryMethodId != manageStockInventoryMethodId ||
                          !p.UseMultipleWarehouses) &&
                          p.WarehouseId == warehouseId));

                //related products filtering
                //if (relatedToProductId > 0)
                //    query = from p in query
                //            join rp in _relatedProductRepository.Table on p.Id equals rp.ProductId2
                //            where (relatedToProductId == rp.ProductId1)
                //            select p;

                //tag filtering
                if (productTagId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pt in p.ProductTags.Where(pt => pt.Id == productTagId)
                            select p;

                //only distinct products (group by ID)
                //if we use standard Distinct() method, then all fields will be compared (low performance)
                //it'll not work in SQL Server Compact when searching products by a keyword)
                query = from p in query
                        group p by p.Id
                        into pGroup
                        orderby pGroup.Key
                        select pGroup.FirstOrDefault();

                //sort products
                if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Count > 0)
                    //category position
                    var firstCategoryId = categoryIds[0];
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductCategories.FirstOrDefault(pc => pc.CategoryId == firstCategoryId).DisplayOrder);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && manufacturerId > 0)
                    //manufacturer position
                    query =
                        query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductManufacturers.FirstOrDefault(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).DisplayOrder);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                    //otherwise sort by name
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc)
                    //Name: A to Z
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)
                    //Name: Z to A
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc)
                    //Price: Low to High
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc)
                    //Price: High to Low
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                    //creation date
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc);
                    //actually this code is not reachable
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

                var products = new PagedList<Product>(query, pageIndex, pageSize);

                //get filterable specification attribute option identifier
                if (loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds)
                    var querySpecs = from p in query
                                     join psa in _productSpecificationAttributeRepository.Table on p.Id equals psa.ProductId
                                     where psa.AllowFiltering
                                     select psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId;
                    //only distinct attributes
                    filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = querySpecs

                //return products
                return products;

        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit([Bind(Include = "Email, Id")] EditUserViewModel editUser, params string[] selectedRole)
            ApplicationUser user      = null;
            IList <string>  userRoles = null;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Edit User Data is Valid

                user = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(editUser.Id);

                if (user == null)

                user.UserName = editUser.Email;
                user.Email    = editUser.Email;

                userRoles = await UserManager.GetRolesAsync(user.Id);

                // If SelectedRoles is null, then add Empty String
                selectedRole = selectedRole ?? new string[] { };

                // Only add newly added roles, do not add already added roles.
                var result = await UserManager.AddToRolesAsync(user.Id, selectedRole.Except(userRoles).ToArray <string>());

                if (!result.Succeeded)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", result.Errors.First());

                    user = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(editUser.Id);

                    userRoles = await UserManager.GetRolesAsync(user.Id);

                    return(View(new EditUserViewModel()
                        Id = user.Id,
                        Email = user.Email,
                        RolesList = RoleManager.Roles.ToList().Select(x => new SelectListItem()
                            Selected = userRoles.Contains(x.Name),
                            Text = x.Name,
                            Value = x.Name

                // Remove all Roles other than selected roles.
                result = await UserManager.RemoveFromRolesAsync(user.Id, userRoles.Except(selectedRole).ToArray <string>());

                if (!result.Succeeded)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", result.Errors.First());

                    user = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(editUser.Id);

                    userRoles = await UserManager.GetRolesAsync(user.Id);

                    return(View(new EditUserViewModel()
                        Id = user.Id,
                        Email = user.Email,
                        RolesList = RoleManager.Roles.ToList().Select(x => new SelectListItem()
                            Selected = userRoles.Contains(x.Name),
                            Text = x.Name,
                            Value = x.Name


            ModelState.AddModelError("", "Something failed.");

            //return RedirectToAction("Edit", routeValues: new { id = editUser.Id } );

            user = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(editUser.Id);

            userRoles = await UserManager.GetRolesAsync(user.Id);

            return(View(new EditUserViewModel()
                Id = user.Id,
                Email = user.Email,
                RolesList = RoleManager.Roles.ToList().Select(x => new SelectListItem()
                    Selected = userRoles.Contains(x.Name),
                    Text = x.Name,
                    Value = x.Name

            //return View(ViewModel);
            //return View(GetUserFormViewModel(editUser.Id).Result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Search products
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryIds">Category identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="featuredProducts">A value indicating whether loaded products are marked as featured (relates only to categories and manufacturers). 0 to load featured products only, 1 to load not featured products only, null to load all products</param>
        /// <param name="priceMin">Minimum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="priceMax">Maximum price; null to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="productTagId">Product tag identifier; 0 to load all records</param>
        /// <param name="keywords">Keywords</param>
        /// <param name="searchDescriptions">A value indicating whether to search in descriptions</param>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier</param>
        /// <param name="filteredSpecs">Filtered product specification identifiers</param>
        /// <param name="orderBy">Order by</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">A value indicating whether we should load the specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">The specification attribute option identifiers applied to loaded products (all pages)</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <returns>Product collection</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(IList<int> categoryIds, 
            int manufacturerId, bool? featuredProducts,
            decimal? priceMin, decimal? priceMax, int productTagId,
            string keywords, bool searchDescriptions, int languageId,
            IList<int> filteredSpecs, ProductSortingEnum orderBy,
            int pageIndex, int pageSize,
            bool loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds, out IList<int> filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
            bool showHidden = false)
            filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = new List<int>();
            bool searchLocalizedValue = false;
            if (languageId > 0)
                if (showHidden)
                    searchLocalizedValue = true;
                    //ensure that we have at least two published languages
                    var totalPublishedLanguages = _languageService.GetAllLanguages(false).Count;
                    searchLocalizedValue = totalPublishedLanguages >= 2;

            if (_commonSettings.UseStoredProceduresIfSupported && _dataProvider.StoredProceduredSupported)
                //stored procedures are enabled and supported by the database.
                //It's much faster than the LINQ implementation below

                #region Use stored procedure

                //pass categry identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedCategoryIds = "";
                if (categoryIds != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < categoryIds.Count; i++)
                        commaSeparatedCategoryIds += categoryIds[i].ToString();
                        if (i != categoryIds.Count - 1)
                            commaSeparatedCategoryIds += ",";

                //pass specification identifiers as comma-delimited string
                string commaSeparatedSpecIds = "";
                if (filteredSpecs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < filteredSpecs.Count; i++)
                        commaSeparatedSpecIds += filteredSpecs[i].ToString();
                        if (i != filteredSpecs.Count - 1)
                            commaSeparatedSpecIds += ",";

                //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
                if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                    pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

                //prepare parameters
                var pCategoryIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pCategoryIds.ParameterName = "CategoryIds";
                pCategoryIds.Value = commaSeparatedCategoryIds != null ? (object)commaSeparatedCategoryIds : DBNull.Value;
                pCategoryIds.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pManufacturerId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pManufacturerId.ParameterName = "ManufacturerId";
                pManufacturerId.Value = manufacturerId;
                pManufacturerId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pProductTagId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pProductTagId.ParameterName = "ProductTagId";
                pProductTagId.Value = productTagId;
                pProductTagId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pFeaturedProducts = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFeaturedProducts.ParameterName = "FeaturedProducts";
                pFeaturedProducts.Value = featuredProducts.HasValue ? (object)featuredProducts.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pFeaturedProducts.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pPriceMin = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPriceMin.ParameterName = "PriceMin";
                pPriceMin.Value = priceMin.HasValue ? (object)priceMin.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pPriceMin.DbType = DbType.Decimal;

                var pPriceMax = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPriceMax.ParameterName = "PriceMax";
                pPriceMax.Value = priceMax.HasValue ? (object)priceMax.Value : DBNull.Value;
                pPriceMax.DbType = DbType.Decimal;

                var pKeywords = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pKeywords.ParameterName = "Keywords";
                pKeywords.Value = keywords != null ? (object)keywords : DBNull.Value;
                pKeywords.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pSearchDescriptions = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pSearchDescriptions.ParameterName = "SearchDescriptions";
                pSearchDescriptions.Value = searchDescriptions;
                pSearchDescriptions.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pFilteredSpecs = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFilteredSpecs.ParameterName = "FilteredSpecs";
                pFilteredSpecs.Value = commaSeparatedSpecIds != null ? (object)commaSeparatedSpecIds : DBNull.Value;
                pFilteredSpecs.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pLanguageId = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pLanguageId.ParameterName = "LanguageId";
                pLanguageId.Value = searchLocalizedValue ? languageId : 0;
                pLanguageId.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pOrderBy = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pOrderBy.ParameterName = "OrderBy";
                pOrderBy.Value = (int)orderBy;
                pOrderBy.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pPageIndex = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPageIndex.ParameterName = "PageIndex";
                pPageIndex.Value = pageIndex;
                pPageIndex.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pPageSize = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pPageSize.ParameterName = "PageSize";
                pPageSize.Value = pageSize;
                pPageSize.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                var pShowHidden = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pShowHidden.ParameterName = "ShowHidden";
                pShowHidden.Value = showHidden;
                pShowHidden.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.ParameterName = "LoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds";
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value = loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds;
                pLoadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.DbType = DbType.Boolean;

                var pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.ParameterName = "FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds";
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Size = 100;
                pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.DbType = DbType.String;

                var pTotalRecords = _dataProvider.GetParameter();
                pTotalRecords.ParameterName = "TotalRecords";
                pTotalRecords.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                pTotalRecords.DbType = DbType.Int32;

                //invoke stored procedure
                var products = _dbContext.ExecuteStoredProcedureList<Product>(
                    //"EXEC [ProductLoadAllPaged] @CategoryId, @ManufacturerId, @ProductTagId, @FeaturedProducts, @PriceMin, @PriceMax, @Keywords, @SearchDescriptions, @FilteredSpecs, @LanguageId, @OrderBy, @PageIndex, @PageSize, @ShowHidden, @TotalRecords",
                //get filterable specification attribute option identifier
                string filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIdsStr = (pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value != DBNull.Value) ? (string)pFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds.Value : "";
                if (loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds &&
                     filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIdsStr
                        .Split(new[] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                        .Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Trim()))
                //return products
                int totalRecords = (pTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToInt32(pTotalRecords.Value) : 0;
                return new PagedList<Product>(products, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords);

                //stored procedures aren't supported. Use LINQ

                #region Search products

                var query = _productRepository.Table;
                query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);
                if (!showHidden)
                    query = query.Where(p => p.Published);

                //searching by keyword
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywords))
                    query = from p in query
                            join lp in _localizedPropertyRepository.Table on p.Id equals lp.EntityId into p_lp
                            from lp in p_lp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from pv in p.ProductVariants.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where (p.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.ShortDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && p.FullDescription.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (pv.Name.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && pv.Description.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  //localized values
                                  (searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "Name" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "ShortDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords)) ||
                                  (searchDescriptions && searchLocalizedValue && lp.LanguageId == languageId && lp.LocaleKeyGroup == "Product" && lp.LocaleKey == "FullDescription" && lp.LocaleValue.Contains(keywords))
                            select p;

                //product variants
                //The function 'CurrentUtcDateTime' is not supported by SQL Server Compact.
                //That's why we pass the date value
                var nowUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                query = from p in query
                        from pv in p.ProductVariants.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            (showHidden || !pv.Deleted) &&
                            (showHidden || pv.Published) &&
                            //price min
                                //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                ((pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue && ((!pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) && (!pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) && (pv.SpecialPrice >= priceMin.Value))
                                //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                ((!pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue || ((pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) || (pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) && (pv.Price >= priceMin.Value))
                            ) &&
                            //price max
                                //special price (specified price and valid date range)
                                ((pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue && ((!pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc) && (!pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))) && (pv.SpecialPrice <= priceMax.Value))
                                //regular price (price isn't specified or date range isn't valid)
                                ((!pv.SpecialPrice.HasValue || ((pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc) || (pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue && pv.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc))) && (pv.Price <= priceMax.Value))
                            ) &&
                            //available dates
                            (showHidden || (!pv.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc.Value < nowUtc)) &&
                            (showHidden || (!pv.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.HasValue || pv.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc.Value > nowUtc))
                        select p;

                //search by specs
                if (filteredSpecs != null && filteredSpecs.Count > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            where !filteredSpecs
                                           p.ProductSpecificationAttributes.Where(psa => psa.AllowFiltering).Select(
                                               psa => psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId))
                            select p;

                //category filtering
                if (categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Count > 0)
                    //search in subcategories
                    query = from p in query
                            from pc in p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => categoryIds.Contains(pc.CategoryId))
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pc.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //manufacturer filtering
                if (manufacturerId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pm in p.ProductManufacturers.Where(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId)
                            where (!featuredProducts.HasValue || featuredProducts.Value == pm.IsFeaturedProduct)
                            select p;

                //related products filtering
                //if (relatedToProductId > 0)
                //    query = from p in query
                //            join rp in _relatedProductRepository.Table on p.Id equals rp.ProductId2
                //            where (relatedToProductId == rp.ProductId1)
                //            select p;

                //tag filtering
                if (productTagId > 0)
                    query = from p in query
                            from pt in p.ProductTags.Where(pt => pt.Id == productTagId)
                            select p;

                //only distinct products (group by ID)
                //if we use standard Distinct() method, then all fields will be compared (low performance)
                //it'll not work in SQL Server Compact when searching products by a keyword)
                query = from p in query
                        group p by p.Id
                        into pGroup
                        orderby pGroup.Key
                        select pGroup.FirstOrDefault();

                //sort products
                if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && categoryIds != null && categoryIds.Count > 0)
                    //category position
                    var firstCategoryId = categoryIds[0];
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductCategories.Where(pc => pc.CategoryId == firstCategoryId).FirstOrDefault().DisplayOrder);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && manufacturerId > 0)
                    //manufacturer position
                    query =
                        query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductManufacturers.Where(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).FirstOrDefault().DisplayOrder);
                //else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position && relatedToProductId > 0)
                //    //sort by related product display order
                //    query = from p in query
                //            join rp in _relatedProductRepository.Table on p.Id equals rp.ProductId2
                //            where (relatedToProductId == rp.ProductId1)
                //            orderby rp.DisplayOrder
                //            select p;
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.Position)
                    //sort by name (there's no any position if category or manufactur is not specified)
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameAsc)
                    //Name: A to Z
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.NameDesc)
                    //Name: Z to A
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceAsc)
                    //Price: Low to High
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.ProductVariants.FirstOrDefault().Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.PriceDesc)
                    //Price: High to Low
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.ProductVariants.FirstOrDefault().Price);
                else if (orderBy == ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn)
                    //creation date
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedOnUtc);
                    //actually this code is not reachable
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);

                var products = new PagedList<Product>(query, pageIndex, pageSize);

                //get filterable specification attribute option identifier
                if (loadFilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds)
                    var querySpecs = from p in query
                                     join psa in _productSpecificationAttributeRepository.Table on p.Id equals psa.ProductId
                                     where psa.AllowFiltering
                                     select psa.SpecificationAttributeOptionId;
                    //only distinct attributes
                    filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds = querySpecs

                //return products
                return products;

Beispiel #60
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges a list of entities. These entities must be static and contain a visual component only.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entitiesToMerge">Entites to merge.</param>
        /// <returns>Merged list of entities.</returns>
        public List<Entity> MergeStaticVisualEntities(IList<Entity> entitiesToMerge)
            var entitiesToMergeList = entitiesToMerge.Where(IsVisualEntityToMerge).ToArray();
            var entitiesNotToMerge = entitiesToMerge.Except(entitiesToMergeList).ToArray();
            var entitiesByCategory = entitiesToMergeList.GroupBy(e => e.GetComponent<ModelEntityComponent>().Material.CompareId);

            var mergedEntities = new List<Entity>();

            foreach (var entityListToMerge in entitiesByCategory)
                if (entityListToMerge.Count() == 1) continue;

                var entity = CreateEntity(true);

                var mergeData = entityListToMerge.Select(ConvertEntityToGeometryMerge);

                var mergedGeometry = GeometryData.Merge(mergeData);
                Mesh mergedMesh = null;

                GameInstance.EnsureExecutedInMainThread(() => mergedMesh = new Mesh(GameController.Instance.GraphicsDevice, mergedGeometry));
                var material = entityListToMerge.First().GetComponent<ModelEntityComponent>().Material;
                material.TexcoordOffset = Vector2.Zero;
                material.TexcoordScale = Vector2.One;

                entity.AddComponent(new ModelEntityComponent(entity, mergedMesh, material, false));

                foreach (var entityToRemove in entityListToMerge)


            return mergedEntities.Concat(entitiesNotToMerge).ToList();