Beispiel #1
        private static void Analyze(FileInfo sFileName)
                Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(sFileName.FullName);

                if (asm != null)
                    List <Type> lTypes = GetTypeList <ILineProvider>(asm);

                    m_logger.InfoFormat("Analyzing assembly {0} ({1})", asm.FullName, sFileName);

                    foreach (Type t in lTypes)
                            ILineProvider provider = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as ILineProvider;
                            ExcpHelper.ThrowIf(string.IsNullOrEmpty(provider.UniqueName), "Cannot create provider instance of type {0} from dll '{1}'. Unique Name is empty", t, sFileName);
                            m_diProviders.Add(provider.UniqueName, provider);
                        catch (Exception excp)
                            m_logger.Excp(excp, "Cannot create provider instance of type {0} from dll '{1}'", t, sFileName);
            catch (Exception excp)
                m_logger.Excp(excp, "Cannot get provider(s) from dll '{0}'", sFileName);
Beispiel #2
        public void WillCheckPreviousPage()
            var scheduler = new TestScheduler();

            using (var file = new TestFile())
                file.Append(Enumerable.Range(1, 20).Select(i => i.ToString()).ToArray());

                ILineProvider lineProvider = null;

                using (file.Info.Index(scheduler).Exclude(str => str.Contains("9")).Subscribe(x => lineProvider = x))

                    var lines = lineProvider.ReadLines(new ScrollRequest(10)).AsArray();

                    var expected = Enumerable.Range(1, 20)
                                   .Select(i => i.ToString())
                                   .Where(str => !str.Contains("9"))

                    //slines.Select(line => line.Text).Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected);
Beispiel #3
        public static ParseResult <Image> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            var image = new Image();

            image.ID = ParserHelper.ParseID(first.GetFirstItem()).ToString();

            var initialLevel = first.Level;

            GedcomLine          line = default;
            ReadOnlySpan <char> currentRawLine;

            while ((currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);

                if (line.Level == first.Level)

                var splitLine = line.GetFirstItem();
                if (ParserHelper.Equals(splitLine, "TITL"))
                    var title = line.GetLineContent(4);
                    image.Title = title.ToString();
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(splitLine, "FILE"))
                    var filePath = line.GetLineContent(4);
                    image.FilePath = filePath.ToString();

            return(ParseResult.Create(image, line));
        public ExludedLinesProvider([NotNull] ILineProvider lines, Func<string, bool> itemsToExclude)
            if (lines == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lines));
            _lines = lines;
            _itemsToExclude = itemsToExclude;

            Count = lines.Count;
 public ReportEngineProvider()
     _clientTypeManager = GetContainer().Resolve <ICustomerTypeProvider>();
     _smsProvider       = GetContainer().Resolve <ISmsProvider>();
     _callProvider      = GetContainer().Resolve <ICallProvider>();
     _customerProvider  = GetContainer().Resolve <ICustomerProvider>();
     _packageProvider   = GetContainer().Resolve <IPackageProvider>();
     _lineProvider      = GetContainer().Resolve <ILineProvider>();
        public ExludedLinesProvider([NotNull] ILineProvider lines, Func <string, bool> itemsToExclude)
            if (lines == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lines));
            _lines          = lines;
            _itemsToExclude = itemsToExclude;

            Count = lines.Count;
Beispiel #7
 public CRMProvider()
     _obj = new Object();
     _customerProvider       = ModulesRegistrations.RegisterCRMModule().Resolve <ICustomerProvider>();
     _packageProvider        = ModulesRegistrations.RegisterCRMModule().Resolve <IPackageProvider>();
     _customerTypeProvider   = ModulesRegistrations.RegisterCRMModule().Resolve <ICustomerTypeProvider>();
     _lineProvider           = ModulesRegistrations.RegisterCRMModule().Resolve <ILineProvider>();
     _packageIncludeProvider = ModulesRegistrations.RegisterCRMModule().Resolve <IPackageIncludeProvider>();
     _selectedNumberProvider = ModulesRegistrations.RegisterCRMModule().Resolve <ISelectedNumberProvider>();
     _smsProvider            = ModulesRegistrations.RegisterCRMModule().Resolve <ISmsProvider>();
     _callProvider           = ModulesRegistrations.RegisterCRMModule().Resolve <ICallProvider>();
        public ChooseLineViewModel(IExpandedNavigation navigationService,
            ILineProvider lineProvider)
            _navigationService = navigationService;
            _lineProvider = lineProvider;

            Lines = new ObservableCollection<Line>();

                = new RelayCommand(ExecuteNavigateToLineDetails);

Beispiel #9
        public static ParseResult <GedcomEvent> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            GedcomEvent gedcomEvent = new GedcomEvent();

            var initialLevel = first.Level;

            GedcomLine          line = default;
            ReadOnlySpan <char> currentRawLine;

            while ((currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine()).Length > 0)
                line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);

                if (line.Level <= first.Level)

                ReadOnlySpan <char> tag = line.GetFirstItem();
                if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "DATE"))
                    // If checks we're parsing actual date and not
                    // CREA or CHAN tags
                    // TODO: should actually put CREA and CHAN into different parser
                    if (line.Level == initialLevel + 1)
                        var dateContent = line.GetLineContent(4);
                        gedcomEvent.Date = dateContent.Length == 0 ? null : dateContent.ToString();
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "PLAC"))
                    // If checks we're parsing actual date and not
                    // CREA or CHAN tags
                    // TODO: should actually put CREA and CHAN into different parser
                    if (line.Level == initialLevel + 1)
                        var placContent = line.GetLineContent(4);
                        gedcomEvent.Location = placContent.Length == 0 ? null : placContent.ToString();

            return(ParseResult.Create(gedcomEvent, line));
Beispiel #10
        public static ParseResult <GedcomEvent> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            GedcomEvent gedcomEvent = new GedcomEvent();

            var initialLevel = first.Level;

            GedcomLine line = default;
            string     currentRawLine;

            while ((currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);

                if (line.Level <= first.Level)

                switch (line.GetTagOrRef())
                case "DATE":
                    // If checks we're parsing actual date and not
                    // CREA or CHAN tags
                    // TODO: should actually put CREA and CHAN into different parser
                    if (line.Level == initialLevel + 1)
                        gedcomEvent.Date = line.GetLineContent();

                case "PLAC":
                    // If checks we're parsing actual date and not
                    // CREA or CHAN tags
                    // TODO: should actually put CREA and CHAN into different parser
                    if (line.Level == initialLevel + 1)
                        gedcomEvent.Location = line.GetLineContent();

            return(ParseResult.Create(gedcomEvent, line));
Beispiel #11
        public GedcomInfo Import(ILineProvider lineProvider)
            var          individuals  = new List <Individual>();
            var          families     = new List <Family>();
            var          images       = new List <Image>();
            var          notes        = new List <Note>();
            GedcomHeader gedcomHeader = null;

            GedcomStreamingParser gedcomStreamingParser = new GedcomStreamingParser(
                header => gedcomHeader = header,
                individual => individuals.Add(individual),
                family => families.Add(family),
                image => images.Add(image),
                note => notes.Add(note));


            var gedcomInfo = new GedcomInfo(individuals, families, images, notes, gedcomHeader, new List <string>());

Beispiel #12
        public static ParseResult <Note> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            string id   = ParserHelper.ParseID(first.GetTagOrRef());
            string text = null;

            var initialLevel = first.Level;

            GedcomLine line = default;
            string     currentRawLine;

            while ((currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);

                if (line.Level == first.Level)

                switch (line.GetTagOrRef())
                case "CONT":
                    string contText = line.GetLineContent();
                    text += Environment.NewLine + contText;

                case "CONC":
                    // TODO: is GenesReunited maintaining the trailing space?
                    // If so, is this correct?
                    string concText = line.GetLineContent();
                    text += concText;

            return(ParseResult.Create(new Note(id, text), line));
Beispiel #13
        public static ParseResult <Note> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            string id   = ParserHelper.ParseID(first.GetFirstItem()).ToString();
            string text = null;

            var initialLevel = first.Level;

            GedcomLine          line = default;
            ReadOnlySpan <char> currentRawLine;

            while ((currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine()).Length > 0)
                line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);

                if (line.Level == first.Level)

                ReadOnlySpan <char> tag = line.GetFirstItem();

                if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "CONT"))
                    string contText = line.GetLineContent(4).ToString();
                    text += Environment.NewLine + contText;
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "CONC"))
                    // TODO: is GenesReunited maintaining the trailing space?
                    // If so, is this correct?
                    string concText = line.GetLineContent(4).ToString();
                    text += concText;

            return(ParseResult.Create(new Note(id, text), line));
Beispiel #14
        public static ParseResult <Image> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            var image = new Image();

            image.ID = ParserHelper.ParseID(first.GetTagOrRef());

            var initialLevel = first.Level;

            GedcomLine line = default;
            string     currentRawLine;

            while ((currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);

                if (line.Level == first.Level)

                switch (line.GetTagOrRef())
                case "TITL":
                    var title = line.GetLineContent();
                    image.Title = title;

                case "FILE":
                    var filePath = line.GetLineContent();
                    image.FilePath = filePath;

            return(ParseResult.Create(image, line));
Beispiel #15
        public static ParseResult <Family> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            var family = new Family();

            family.ID = ParserHelper.ParseID(first.GetFirstItem()).ToString();

            bool inMarriage = false;

            var initialLevel = first.Level;

            GedcomLine          line = default;
            ReadOnlySpan <char> currentRawLine;

            while ((currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine()).Length > 0)
                line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);

                if (line.Level == first.Level)

                var tag = line.GetFirstItem();

                if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "MARR"))
                    inMarriage = true;
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "DATE"))
                    if (inMarriage) // TODO: should have MARR parser
                        var date = line.GetLineContent(4);
                        if (family.Marriage == null)
                            family.Marriage = new GedcomEvent();
                        family.Marriage.Date = date.ToString();
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "PLAC"))
                    if (inMarriage) // Assume level + 1 is MARR
                        var place = line.GetLineContent(4);
                        if (family.Marriage == null)
                            family.Marriage = new GedcomEvent();
                        family.Marriage.Location = place.ToString();
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "HUSB"))
                    // Ignore any husband and wife information in the middle of a marriage tag.
                    // Present for torture test files - and info redundant?
                    // can have e.g. "2 HUSB", with no additional info
                    var husbContent = line.GetLineContent(4);
                    if (husbContent.Length > 0)
                        family.HusbandID = ParserHelper.ParseID(husbContent).ToString();
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "WIFE"))
                    var wifeContent = line.GetLineContent(4);
                    // Ignore any husband and wife information in the middle of a marriage tag.
                    // Present for torture test files - and info redundant?
                    // can have e.g. "2 HUSB", with no additional info
                    if (wifeContent.Length > 0)
                        family.WifeID = ParserHelper.ParseID(wifeContent).ToString();
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "CHIL"))
                    var childContent = line.GetLineContent(4);
                    inMarriage = false;

            return(ParseResult.Create(family, line));
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        ///   finds the optimal breakpoints in the item sequence
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tolerance"> indicates the tolerance for suboptimal lines </param>
        /// <param name="lineProvider"> the line provider </param>
        /// <param name="isOverfullAllowed"> indicates whether overfull lines are permitted </param>
        /// <returns> <c>true</c> if the sequence of items was successfully broken into lines; otherwise, <c>false</c> </returns>
        private bool FindBreakpointsInternal(
			double tolerance, ILineProvider lineProvider, bool isOverfullAllowed)
            Contract.Requires(tolerance >= 1.0);
            Contract.Requires(lineProvider != null);


            _RunningWidthSum = 0.0;
            _RunningStretchSum = 0.0;
            _RunningShrinkSum = 0.0;

            for(int i = 0; i < _Items.Count; ++i)
                LineItem item = _Items[i];

                if(ExaminingItem != null)
                    ExaminingItem(ref item);

                // analyze each possible breaking point
                    AnalyzeBreakpoint(i, tolerance, lineProvider);

                if(ItemExamined != null)
                    ItemExamined(ref item);

                _RunningWidthSum += !item.IsPenalty ? item.Width : 0.0;
                _RunningStretchSum += item.IsGlue ? item.Stretch : 0.0;
                _RunningShrinkSum += item.IsGlue ? item.Shrink : 0.0;

            Breakpoint breakpoint;

            if(_Active.Count == 0)
                    // panic by using the last known breaking point
                    breakpoint = _LastDeactivated;
                    // no possible breaking points with the given tolerance

                    return false;
                LinkedListNode<Breakpoint> activeNode = _Active.First;

                for(var node = _Active.First; node != null; node = node.Next)
                    // select the tree-line having the least demerits
                    if(node.Value.Demerits < activeNode.Value.Demerits)
                        activeNode = node;

                breakpoint = activeNode.Value;


            while(breakpoint != null)
                // add each breaking point in the chain
                _Indices.Add(new BreakIndex(breakpoint.Position, breakpoint.Ratio));

                breakpoint = breakpoint.Previous;


            _LastDeactivated = null;

            return true;
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        ///   computes the ratio for the given line and node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indexItem"> indicates the index of the line item </param>
        /// <param name="activeNode"> the active breakpoint node </param>
        /// <param name="lineNumber"> indicates the active line number </param>
        /// <param name="lineProvider"> the line provider </param>
        /// <returns> the ratio of the line. </returns>
        private double ComputeRatio(
			ref LineItem indexItem,
			LinkedListNode<Breakpoint> activeNode,
			int lineNumber,
			ILineProvider lineProvider)
            Contract.Requires(lineNumber >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(activeNode != null);
            Contract.Requires(lineProvider != null);

            double length = _RunningWidthSum - activeNode.Value.TotalWidth;

                length = length + indexItem.Width;

            double availableLength = lineProvider.ProduceLine(lineNumber);

            if(length < availableLength)
                double y = _RunningStretchSum - activeNode.Value.TotalStretch;

                return y > 0.0 ? (availableLength - length) / y : LineItem.Infinity;

            if(length > availableLength)
                double z = _RunningShrinkSum - activeNode.Value.TotalShrink;

                return z > 0.0 ? (availableLength - length) / z : LineItem.Infinity;

            return 0.0;
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        ///   analyzes a node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activeNode"> the active node </param>
        /// <param name="index"> indicates the index of the item </param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"> indicates the tolerance for badness </param>
        /// <param name="lineProvider"> the line provider </param>
        /// <returns> the next node </returns>
        private LinkedListNode<Breakpoint> AnalyzeNode(
			LinkedListNode<Breakpoint> activeNode,
			int index,
			double tolerance,
			ILineProvider lineProvider)
            Contract.Requires(activeNode != null);
            Contract.Requires(index >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(tolerance >= 1.0);
            Contract.Requires(lineProvider != null);

            LinkedListNode<Breakpoint> nextNode = activeNode.Next;

            int currentLine = activeNode.Value.Line;

            LineItem indexItem = _Items[index];

            double ratio = ComputeRatio(
                ref indexItem, activeNode, currentLine, lineProvider);

            if(ratio < -1.0 || indexItem.IsForcedBreak)

                _LastDeactivated = activeNode.Value;

            if(ratio >= -1.0 && ratio <= tolerance)
                Demerits demerits = indexItem.ComputeDemerits(ratio / tolerance);

                demerits =
                        _Items[activeNode.Value.Position], demerits);

                LineFitness fitness = LineFitness.FromLineRatio(ratio / tolerance);

                if(fitness.MeasureFitnessGap(activeNode.Value.Fitness) > 1)
                    demerits += Demerits.FitnessPenalty;

                demerits += activeNode.Value.Demerits;

                if(demerits < _Candidates[fitness].Demerits)
                    double totalWidth;
                    double totalShrink;
                    double totalStretch;

                    ComputeSum(index, out totalWidth, out totalShrink, out totalStretch);

                    _Candidates[fitness] = new Breakpoint(
                        currentLine + 1,

                    _MinimumCandidate = Math.Min(_MinimumCandidate.Value, demerits.Value);

            return nextNode;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        ///   analyzes a breaking point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"> indicates the index of the breaking point </param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"> indicates the tolerance for badness </param>
        /// <param name="lineProvider"> the line provider </param>
        private void AnalyzeBreakpoint(
			int index, double tolerance, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            Contract.Requires(index >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(tolerance >= 1.0);
            Contract.Requires(lineProvider != null);

            LinkedListNode<Breakpoint> activeNode = _Active.First;

            while(activeNode != null)
                _MinimumCandidate = Demerits.Infinity;

                _Candidates[0] = Breakpoint.MaxDemerits;
                _Candidates[1] = Breakpoint.MaxDemerits;
                _Candidates[2] = Breakpoint.MaxDemerits;
                _Candidates[3] = Breakpoint.MaxDemerits;

                while(activeNode != null)
                    activeNode = AnalyzeNode(activeNode, index, tolerance, lineProvider);

                if(_MinimumCandidate < Demerits.Infinity)
                    Demerits limit = _MinimumCandidate + Demerits.FitnessPenalty;

                    foreach(Breakpoint candidate in _Candidates)
                        if(candidate.Demerits <= limit)
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        ///   finds the optimal breakpoints in the item sequence
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tolerance"> indicates the tolerance for suboptimal lines </param>
        /// <param name="lineProvider"> the line provider </param>
        /// <param name="isOverfullAllowed"> indicates whether overfull lines are permitted </param>
        /// <returns> <c>true</c> if the sequence of items was successfully broken into lines; otherwise, <c>false</c> </returns>
        public bool FindBreakpoints(
			double tolerance, ILineProvider lineProvider, bool isOverfullAllowed)
            Contract.Requires(tolerance >= 1.0);
            Contract.Requires(lineProvider != null);


            if(_Items.Count > 0)
                return FindBreakpointsInternal(tolerance, lineProvider, isOverfullAllowed);

            return false;
Beispiel #21
        //TODO: tolerance should probably be a property
        //TODO: emergency stretch should probably be a property
        /// <summary>
        ///   finds the optimal breakpoints in the item sequence
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tolerance"> indicates the tolerance for suboptimal lines </param>
        /// <param name="lineProvider"> the line provider </param>
        /// <returns> <c>true</c> if the sequence of items was successfully broken into lines; otherwise, <c>false</c> </returns>
        public bool FindBreakpoints(double tolerance, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            Contract.Requires(tolerance >= 1.0);
            Contract.Requires(lineProvider != null);


            return FindBreakpoints(tolerance, lineProvider, false);
Beispiel #22
 internal StationInfosProvider(IStationsProvider stationsProvider, ILineProvider lineProvider)
     _stationsProvider = stationsProvider;
     _lineProvider     = lineProvider;
Beispiel #23
        public static ParseResult <GedcomHeader> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            CurrentLevel currentLevel = CurrentLevel.None;

            var header = new GedcomHeader();

            GedcomLine line = default;
            string     currentRawLine;

            while ((currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);

                if (line.Level == 0)

                if (line.Level == 1)
                    switch (line.GetTagOrRef())
                    case "SOUR":
                        currentLevel = CurrentLevel.Sour;

                    case "GEDC":
                        currentLevel = CurrentLevel.Gedc;

                    case "CHAR":
                        header.GedcomCharacterSet = line.GetLineContent();
                else if (line.Level == 2)
                    if (currentLevel == CurrentLevel.Sour)
                        switch (line.GetTagOrRef())
                        case "NAME":
                            header.SourceName = line.GetLineContent();

                        case "VERS":
                            header.SourceVers = line.GetLineContent();

                        case "CORP":
                            header.SourceCorp = line.GetLineContent();
                    else if (currentLevel == CurrentLevel.Gedc)
                        if (line.GetTagOrRef() == "VERS")
                            header.GedcomVers = line.GetLineContent();

            return(ParseResult.Create(header, line));
Beispiel #24
        public static ParseResult <GedcomHeader> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            CurrentLevel currentLevel = CurrentLevel.None;

            var header = new GedcomHeader();

            GedcomLine          line = default;
            ReadOnlySpan <char> currentRawLine;

            while ((currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine()).Length > 0)
                line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);

                if (line.Level == 0)

                if (line.Level == 1)
                    var tag = line.GetFirstItem();
                    if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "SOUR"))
                        currentLevel = CurrentLevel.Sour;
                    else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "GEDC"))
                        currentLevel = CurrentLevel.Gedc;
                    else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "CHAR"))
                        header.GedcomCharacterSet = line.GetLineContent(4).ToString();
                else if (line.Level == 2)
                    if (currentLevel == CurrentLevel.Sour)
                        var tag = line.GetFirstItem();
                        if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "NAME"))
                            header.SourceName = line.GetLineContent(4).ToString();
                        else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "VERS"))
                            header.SourceVers = line.GetLineContent(4).ToString();
                        else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "CORP"))
                            header.SourceCorp = line.GetLineContent(4).ToString();
                    else if (currentLevel == CurrentLevel.Gedc)
                        if (ParserHelper.Equals(line.GetFirstItem(), "VERS"))
                            header.GedcomVers = line.GetLineContent(4).ToString();

            return(ParseResult.Create(header, line));
        public void Parse(ILineProvider lineProvider)
            GedcomLine lastLine = default;

            var firstRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine();

            if (firstRawLine == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("File empty");

            var firstLine = ParserHelper.ParseLine(firstRawLine);

            if (firstLine.Level != 0 && !ParserHelper.Equals(firstLine.GetFirstItem(), "HEAD"))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("GEDCOM Header Not Found");

            var gedcomHeaderParse = HeaderParser.Parse(firstLine, lineProvider);


            var newLine = gedcomHeaderParse.Line;

            lastLine = newLine;

            while (newLine.LineContent.Length > 0)
                var content = newLine.GetLineContent();
                if (content.Length == 0)
                    var unrecognisedRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine();
                    if (unrecognisedRawLine != null)
                        newLine  = ParserHelper.ParseLine(unrecognisedRawLine);
                        lastLine = newLine;
                        newLine = default;

                var unknown = false;

                if (ParserHelper.Equals(content, "INDI"))
                    var individualParseResult = IndividualParser.Parse(newLine, lineProvider);
                    newLine  = individualParseResult.Line;
                    lastLine = newLine;
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(content, "FAM"))
                    var familyParseResult = FamilyParser.Parse(newLine, lineProvider);
                    newLine  = familyParseResult.Line;
                    lastLine = newLine;
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(content, "NOTE"))
                    var noteParseResult = NoteParser.Parse(newLine, lineProvider);
                    newLine  = noteParseResult.Line;
                    lastLine = newLine;
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(content, "OBJE"))
                    var objParserResult = ObjectParser.Parse(newLine, lineProvider);
                    newLine  = objParserResult.Line;
                    lastLine = newLine;
                    var unrecognisedRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine();
                    if (unrecognisedRawLine != null)
                        newLine  = ParserHelper.ParseLine(unrecognisedRawLine);
                        lastLine = newLine;
                        newLine = default;
                    unknown = true;

                if (unknown)

            if (lastLine.LineContent.Length == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("file contains no content");

            if (lastLine.Level != 0 || !ParserHelper.Equals(lastLine.GetFirstItem(), "TRLR"))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("GEDCOM TRLR not found");
        public static ParseResult <Individual> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            var individual = new Individual();

            individual.ID = ParserHelper.ParseID(first.GetTagOrRef());

            GedcomLine line = default;
            string     currentRawLine;
            var        newLine = false;

            while (true)
                // TODO: this loop is really messy, as some of the parsing
                //  works on lines as retrieved from the parser, where some
                //  other iterations call onto a sub-parser which return a final
                //  line. Should split this logic
                if (!newLine)
                    currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine();
                    if (currentRawLine == null)
                    line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);
                newLine = false;

                if (line.Level == 0)

                switch (line.GetTagOrRef())
                case "NAME":
                    if (individual.LastName != null || individual.FirstNames != null)

                    ParseNames(line, individual);

                case "SEX":
                    individual.Gender = (line.GetLineContent() == "M") ? Gender.Male : Gender.Female;

                case "FAMS":
                    individual.FamilyIDSpouse = ParserHelper.ParseID(line.GetLineContent());

                case "FAMC":
                    individual.FamilyIDChild = ParserHelper.ParseID(line.GetLineContent());

                case "OBJE":
                    var objeContent = line.GetLineContent();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objeContent))     // TODO: test for this - currently don't support Images directly in Individual
                    // should fix this
                        individual.ImageID = ParserHelper.ParseID(objeContent);

                case "NOTE":
                    string noteText = line.GetLineContent() ?? string.Empty;
                    // My be an empty NOTE tag, but will be concatenated onto

                    if (noteText.StartsWith("@"))
                        string noteId = ParserHelper.ParseID(noteText);
                        individual.NoteID = noteId;
                        individual.Note = noteText;

                case "CONT":
                    string contText = line.GetLineContent() ?? string.Empty;
                    individual.Note += Environment.NewLine + contText;

                case "CONC":
                    // TODO: is GenesReunited maintaining the trailing space?
                    // If so, is this correct?
                    var concText = line.GetLineContent();
                    individual.Note += concText;

                case "BIRT":
                    var birthParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    if (individual.Birth == null)
                        individual.Birth = birthParseResult.Result;
                    line    = birthParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;

                case "DEAT":
                    var deathParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    if (individual.Death == null)
                        individual.Death = deathParseResult.Result;
                    line    = deathParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;

                case "BAPM":
                    var baptismParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    if (individual.Baptism == null)
                        individual.Baptism = baptismParseResult.Result;
                    line    = baptismParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;

                case "RESI":
                    var residenceParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    line    = residenceParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;

                case "CENS":
                    var censusParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    line    = censusParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;

                case "MARR":
                    var marriageParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    if (marriageParseResult.Result != null)
                    line    = marriageParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;
                    // TODO: cope with multiple marriage records
                    // It seems that ancestry only outputs multiple marriage records in an individual
                    //  if there's conflicting information, not for multiple marriages
                    // Multiple marriages for an individual are put into the FAMs tag
                    //case "ENGA":
                    //    // TODO:
                    //    // individual.Engagement = EventParser.Parse(parserLinesEnga);
                    //    break;

                if (line.Level == 0)

            if (individual.LastName == null)
                individual.LastName = string.Empty;

            if (individual.FirstName == null)
                individual.FirstName = string.Empty;

            if (individual.FirstNames == null)
                individual.FirstNames = string.Empty;

            return(ParseResult.Create(individual, line));
Beispiel #27
        public static ParseResult <Family> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            var family = new Family();

            family.ID = ParserHelper.ParseID(first.GetTagOrRef());

            bool inMarriage = false;

            var initialLevel = first.Level;

            GedcomLine line = default;
            string     currentRawLine;

            while ((currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);

                if (line.Level == first.Level)

                switch (line.GetTagOrRef())
                case "MARR":
                    inMarriage = true;

                case "DATE":
                    if (inMarriage)     // TODO: should have MARR parser
                        var date = line.GetLineContent();
                        if (family.Marriage == null)
                            family.Marriage = new GedcomEvent();
                        family.Marriage.Date = date;

                case "PLAC":
                    if (inMarriage)     // Assume level + 1 is MARR
                        var place = line.GetLineContent();
                        if (family.Marriage == null)
                            family.Marriage = new GedcomEvent();
                        family.Marriage.Location = place;

                case "HUSB":
                    // Ignore any husband and wife information in the middle of a marriage tag.
                    // Present for torture test files - and info redundant?
                    // can have e.g. "2 HUSB", with no additional info
                    var contentHusb = line.GetLineContent();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentHusb))
                        family.HusbandID = ParserHelper.ParseID(contentHusb);

                case "WIFE":
                    // Ignore any husband and wife information in the middle of a marriage tag.
                    // Present for torture test files - and info redundant?
                    // can have e.g. "2 HUSB", with no additional info
                    var contentWife = line.GetLineContent();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentWife))
                        family.WifeID = ParserHelper.ParseID(contentWife);

                case "CHIL":

                    inMarriage = false;

            return(ParseResult.Create(family, line));
Beispiel #28
 // IoC - Inversion of Control
 public ShareProvider(ILineProvider provider,
                      ICsvLineParser lineParser)
     this.lineParser = lineParser;
     lineProvider    = provider;
        public static ParseResult <Individual> Parse(GedcomLine first, ILineProvider lineProvider)
            var individual = new Individual();

            individual.ID = ParserHelper.ParseID(first.GetFirstItem()).ToString();

            GedcomLine          line = default;
            ReadOnlySpan <char> currentRawLine;
            var newLine = false;

            while (true)
                // TODO: this loop is really messy, as some of the parsing
                //  works on lines as retrieved from the parser, where some
                //  other iterations call onto a sub-parser which return a final
                //  line. Should split this logic
                if (!newLine)
                    currentRawLine = lineProvider.ReadLine();
                    if (currentRawLine == null)
                    line = ParserHelper.ParseLine(currentRawLine);
                newLine = false;

                if (line.Level == 0)

                var tag = line.GetFirstItem();
                if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "NAME") &&
                    individual.LastName == null && individual.FirstNames == null)
                    ParseNames(line, individual);
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "SEX"))
                    individual.Gender = ParserHelper.Equals(line.GetLineContent(3), "M") ? Gender.Male : Gender.Female;
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "FAMS"))
                    individual.FamilyIDSpouse = ParserHelper.ParseID(line.GetLineContent(4)).ToString();
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "FAMC"))
                    individual.FamilyIDChild = ParserHelper.ParseID(line.GetLineContent(4)).ToString();

                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "OBJE"))
                    var content = line.GetLineContent(4);
                    if (content.Length > 0)
                        individual.ImageID = ParserHelper.ParseID(content).ToString();
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "NOTE"))
                    var noteContent = line.GetLineContent(4);
                    if (noteContent.Length > 0)
                        if (noteContent[0] == '@')
                            individual.NoteID = ParserHelper.ParseID(noteContent).ToString();
                            individual.Note = noteContent.ToString();
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "CONT"))
                    var contContent = line.GetLineContent(4);
                    individual.Note += Environment.NewLine + contContent.ToString();
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "CONC"))
                    // TODO: is GenesReunited maintaining the trailing space?
                    // If so, is this correct?
                    var concContent = line.GetLineContent(4);
                    if (concContent.Length > 0)
                        individual.Note += concContent.ToString();
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "BIRT"))
                    var birthParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    if (individual.Birth == null)
                        individual.Birth = birthParseResult.Result;
                    line    = birthParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "DEAT"))
                    var deathParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    if (individual.Death == null)
                        individual.Death = deathParseResult.Result;
                    line    = deathParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "BAPM"))
                    var baptismParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    if (individual.Baptism == null)
                        individual.Baptism = baptismParseResult.Result;
                    line    = baptismParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "RESI"))
                    var residenceParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    line    = residenceParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "CENS"))
                    var censusParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    line    = censusParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;
                else if (ParserHelper.Equals(tag, "MARR"))
                    var marriageParseResult = EventParser.Parse(line, lineProvider);
                    if (marriageParseResult.Result != null)
                    line    = marriageParseResult.Line;
                    newLine = true;
                    // TODO: cope with multiple marriage records
                    // It seems that ancestry only outputs multiple marriage records in an individual
                    //  if there's conflicting information, not for multiple marriages
                    // Multiple marriages for an individual are put into the FAMs tag
                //case "ENGA":
                //    // TODO:
                //    // individual.Engagement = EventParser.Parse(parserLinesEnga);
                //    break;

                if (line.Level == 0)

            if (individual.LastName == null)
                individual.LastName = string.Empty;

            if (individual.FirstName == null)
                individual.FirstName = string.Empty;

            if (individual.FirstNames == null)
                individual.FirstNames = string.Empty;

            return(ParseResult.Create(individual, line));