Beispiel #1
        private static TraceLevel GetTraceLevel(IDictionary<string, string> attributes)
            string type;
            attributes.TryGetValue("type", out type);

            if (type == "error")
                return TraceLevel.Error;

            string value;
            if (attributes.TryGetValue("traceLevel", out value))
                var traceLevel = Int32.Parse(value);
                if (traceLevel <= (int)TraceLevel.Error)
                    return TraceLevel.Error;
                else if (traceLevel <= (int)TraceLevel.Info)
                    return TraceLevel.Info;

            return TraceLevel.Verbose;
        public static IGraph ReplaceResourceUris(IGraph original, IDictionary<string, Uri> replacements)
            IGraph modified = new Graph();
            foreach (Triple triple in original.Triples)
                Uri subjectUri;
                if (!replacements.TryGetValue(triple.Subject.ToString(), out subjectUri))
                    subjectUri = ((IUriNode)triple.Subject).Uri;

                INode subjectNode = modified.CreateUriNode(subjectUri);
                INode predicateNode = triple.Predicate.CopyNode(modified);

                INode objectNode;
                if (triple.Object is IUriNode)
                    Uri objectUri;
                    if (!replacements.TryGetValue(triple.Object.ToString(), out objectUri))
                        objectUri = ((IUriNode)triple.Object).Uri;
                    objectNode = modified.CreateUriNode(objectUri);
                    objectNode = triple.Object.CopyNode(modified);

                modified.Assert(subjectNode, predicateNode, objectNode);

            return modified;
		private void RegisterKeyboards(IDictionary<string, uint> keyboards)
			if (keyboards.Count <= 0)

			var configRegistry = XklConfigRegistry.Create(XklEngine);
			var layouts = configRegistry.Layouts;
			Dictionary<string, XkbKeyboardDescription> curKeyboards = KeyboardController.Instance.Keyboards.OfType<XkbKeyboardDescription>().ToDictionary(kd => kd.Id);
			foreach (var kvp in layouts)
				foreach (var layout in kvp.Value)
					uint index;
					// Custom keyboards may omit defining a country code.  Try to survive such cases.
					string codeToMatch;
					if (layout.CountryCode == null)
						codeToMatch = layout.LanguageCode.ToLowerInvariant();
						codeToMatch = layout.CountryCode.ToLowerInvariant();
					if ((keyboards.TryGetValue(layout.LayoutId, out index) && (layout.LayoutId == codeToMatch)) ||
						keyboards.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}+{1}", codeToMatch, layout.LayoutId), out index))
						AddKeyboardForLayout(curKeyboards, layout, index, SwitchingAdaptor);

			foreach (XkbKeyboardDescription existingKeyboard in curKeyboards.Values)
		private void AddFeatures(Node parent, IEnumerable<IFsFeatDefn> features, IDictionary<IFsFeatDefn, object> values)
			foreach (IFsFeatDefn feature in features)
				var complexFeat = feature as IFsComplexFeature;
				if (complexFeat != null)
					var node = new ComplexFeatureNode(complexFeat) {Image = m_complexImage};
					object value;
					if (values == null || !values.TryGetValue(complexFeat, out value))
						value = null;
					AddFeatures(node, complexFeat.TypeRA.FeaturesRS, (IDictionary<IFsFeatDefn, object>) value);
					var closedFeat = feature as IFsClosedFeature;
					if (closedFeat != null)
						var node = new ClosedFeatureNode(closedFeat) {Image = m_closedImage};
						object value;
						if (values != null && values.TryGetValue(closedFeat, out value))
							var closedVal = (ClosedFeatureValue) value;
							node.IsChecked = closedVal.Negate;
							node.Value = new SymbolicValue(closedVal.Symbol);
    /// <inheritdoc/>
    public IConnectionProvider CreateProvider(
      IDictionary<string, string> options) {
      string connection_string;
      if (options.TryGetValue(kConnectionStringOption, out connection_string)) {
        return new SqlConnectionProvider(connection_string);

      SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
      builder.DataSource = GetOption(kServerOption, options);

      // We try to get the user name information using the "login" key for
      // backward compatibility.
      string user_id;
      if (!options.TryGetValue(kLoginOption, out user_id)) {
        user_id = GetOption(kUserNameOption, options);

      builder.UserID = user_id;
      builder.Password = GetOption(kPasswordOption, options);

      string catalog;
      if (options.TryGetValue(kInitialCatalogOption, out catalog)) {
        builder.InitialCatalog = catalog;
      return new SqlConnectionProvider(builder.ConnectionString);
		private void RegisterKeyboards(IDictionary<string, uint> keyboards)
			if (keyboards.Count <= 0)

			var configRegistry = XklConfigRegistry.Create(_engine);
			var layouts = configRegistry.Layouts;
			foreach (var kvp in layouts)
				foreach (var layout in kvp.Value)
					uint index;
					// Custom keyboards may omit defining a country code.  Try to survive such cases.
					string codeToMatch;
					if (layout.CountryCode == null)
						codeToMatch = layout.LanguageCode.ToLowerInvariant();
						codeToMatch = layout.CountryCode.ToLowerInvariant();
					if ((keyboards.TryGetValue(layout.LayoutId, out index) && (layout.LayoutId == codeToMatch)) ||
						keyboards.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}+{1}", codeToMatch, layout.LayoutId), out index))
						AddKeyboardForLayout(layout, index, _adaptor);
            void ITableEntity.ReadEntity(IDictionary<string, EntityProperty> properties, Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.OperationContext operationContext)
                // This can occasionally fail because someone didn't finish creating the entity yet.

                EntityProperty value;
                if (properties.TryGetValue("SerializedError", out value))
                    Error = ErrorXml.DecodeString(value.StringValue);
                    Error = new Error
                        ApplicationName = "TableErrorLog",
                        StatusCode = 999,
                        HostName = Environment.MachineName,
                        Time = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Type = typeof(Exception).FullName,
                        Detail = "Error Log Entry is Corrupted/Missing in Table Store"


                if (properties.TryGetValue("Detail", out value))
                    Error.Detail = value.StringValue;

                if (properties.TryGetValue("WebHostHtmlMessage", out value))
                    Error.WebHostHtmlMessage = value.StringValue;
Beispiel #8
		private void Load(IDictionary<string, int> parameters)
			var subjectId = 0;
			var definitionId = 0;

			parameters.TryGetValue ("SubjectId", out subjectId);
			parameters.TryGetValue ("DefinitionId", out definitionId);
			parameters.TryGetValue ("Mode", out _currentMode);

			MeasurementSubjectId = subjectId;

			if (definitionId == 0) {
				var measurement = _instanceRepository.GetAll (predicate: null, orderBy: (o) => o.DateRecorded, descending: true, skip: 0, count: 1).FirstOrDefault ();

				if (measurement != null) {
					LoadFromDefinition (measurement.MeasurementDefinitionId, measurement.MeasurementSubjectId);
			} else {
				LoadFromDefinition (definitionId, subjectId);

			UnregisterMessages ();

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RuntimeModelElementConstructorMetadata"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="metadata">The metadata.</param>
 public RuntimeModelElementConstructorMetadata(IDictionary<string, object> metadata) 
     : base(metadata)
     this.ModelType = (Type)metadata.TryGetValue(nameof(this.ModelType));
     this.ModelContractType = (Type)metadata.TryGetValue(nameof(this.ModelContractType));
     this.RuntimeType = (Type)metadata.TryGetValue(nameof(this.RuntimeType));
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a ScriptRuntimeSetup object which includes the Python script engine with the specified options.
        /// The ScriptRuntimeSetup object can then be additional configured and used to create a ScriptRuntime.
        /// </summary>
        public static ScriptRuntimeSetup CreateRuntimeSetup(IDictionary<string, object> options)
            ScriptRuntimeSetup setup = new ScriptRuntimeSetup();

            if (options != null)
                object value;
                if (options.TryGetValue("Debug", out value) &&
                    value is bool &&
                    setup.DebugMode = true;

                if (options.TryGetValue("PrivateBinding", out value) &&
                    value is bool &&
                    setup.PrivateBinding = true;

            return setup;
Beispiel #11
        private IObjectMap FindMap(IDictionary<Object, IObjectMap> dic, Object id, Boolean extend = false)
            if (dic == null || dic.Count <= 0) return null;

            IObjectMap map = null;
            // 名称不能是null,否则字典里面会报错
            if (id == null) id = String.Empty;
            // 如果找到,直接返回
            if (dic.TryGetValue(id, out map) || dic.TryGetValue(id + "", out map)) return map;

            if (id == null || "" + id == String.Empty)
                // 如果名称不为空,则试一试找空的
                if (dic.TryGetValue(String.Empty, out map)) return map;
            else if (extend)
                // 如果名称为空,找第一个
                foreach (var item in dic.Values)
                    return item;
            return null;
Beispiel #12
 public ChannelMetadata(IDictionary<string, object> metadata)
     object raw;
     if (metadata.TryGetValue("Channel", out raw))
         Channel = (int)raw;
     if (metadata.TryGetValue("Map", out raw))
         Map = (string)raw;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the webserver and starts it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">A set of options</param>
        public Server(IDictionary<string, string> options)
            int port;
            string portstring;
            IEnumerable<int> ports = null;
            options.TryGetValue(OPTION_PORT, out portstring);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(portstring))
                ports = 
                    from n in portstring.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                where int.TryParse(n, out port)
                                select int.Parse(n);

            if (ports == null || !ports.Any())
                ports = new int[] { DEFAULT_OPTION_PORT };

            string interfacestring;
            System.Net.IPAddress listenInterface;
            options.TryGetValue(OPTION_INTERFACE, out interfacestring);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(interfacestring))
                interfacestring = Program.DataConnection.ApplicationSettings.ServerListenInterface;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(interfacestring))
                interfacestring = DEFAULT_OPTION_INTERFACE;

            if (interfacestring.Trim() == "*" || interfacestring.Trim().Equals("any", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                listenInterface = System.Net.IPAddress.Any;
            else if (interfacestring.Trim() == "loopback")
                listenInterface = System.Net.IPAddress.Loopback;
                listenInterface = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(interfacestring);

            // If we are in hosted mode with no specified port, 
            // then try different ports
            foreach(var p in ports)
                    // Due to the way the server is initialized, 
                    // we cannot try to start it again on another port, 
                    // so we create a new server for each attempt
                    var server = CreateServer(options);
                    server.Start(listenInterface, p);
                    m_server = server;
                    m_server.ServerName = "Duplicati v" + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
                    this.Port = p;

                    if (interfacestring !=  Program.DataConnection.ApplicationSettings.ServerListenInterface)
                        Program.DataConnection.ApplicationSettings.ServerListenInterface = interfacestring;
                catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException)
            throw new Exception("Unable to open a socket for listening, tried ports: " + string.Join(",", from n in ports select n.ToString()));
        public override void Initialize(RazorHost razorHost, IDictionary<string, string> directives)
            if (ReadSwitchValue(directives, GeneratePrettyNamesTransformer.DirectiveName) == true)
                var trimLeadingUnderscores = ReadSwitchValue(directives, TrimLeadingUnderscoresKey) ?? false;
                _transformers.Add(new GeneratePrettyNamesTransformer(trimLeadingUnderscores));

            string typeVisibility;
            if (directives.TryGetValue(TypeVisibilityKey, out typeVisibility))
                _transformers.Add(new SetTypeVisibility(typeVisibility));

            string typeNamespace;
            if (directives.TryGetValue(NamespaceKey, out typeNamespace))
                _transformers.Add(new SetTypeNamespace(typeNamespace));

            if (ReadSwitchValue(directives, DisableLinePragmasKey) == true)
                razorHost.EnableLinePragmas = false;
            else if (ReadSwitchValue(directives, GenerateAbsolutePathLinePragmas) != true)
                // Rewrite line pragamas to generate bin relative paths instead of absolute paths.
                _transformers.Add(new RewriteLinePragmas());

            if (ReadSwitchValue(directives, ExcludeFromCodeCoverage) == true)
                _transformers.Add(new ExcludeFromCodeCoverageTransformer());

            string suffix;
            if (directives.TryGetValue(SuffixFileName, out suffix))
                _transformers.Add(new SuffixFileNameTransformer(suffix));

            string genericParameters;
            if (directives.TryGetValue(GenericParametersKey, out genericParameters))
                var parameters = from p in genericParameters.Split(',') select p.Trim();
                _transformers.Add(new GenericParametersTransformer(parameters));

            string imports;
            if (directives.TryGetValue(ImportsKey, out imports))
                var values = from p in imports.Split(',') select p.Trim();
                _transformers.Add(new SetImports(values, false));

            base.Initialize(razorHost, directives);
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes an incoming request message payload to discover what kind of
        /// message is embedded in it and returns the type, or null if no match is found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="recipient">The intended or actual recipient of the request message.</param>
        /// <param name="fields">The name/value pairs that make up the message payload.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A newly instantiated <see cref="IProtocolMessage"/>-derived object that this message can
        /// deserialize to.  Null if the request isn't recognized as a valid protocol message.
        /// </returns>
        public IDirectedProtocolMessage GetNewRequestMessage(MessageReceivingEndpoint recipient, IDictionary<string, string> fields)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyArgumentNotNull(recipient, "recipient");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyArgumentNotNull(fields, "fields");

            RequestBase message = null;

            // Discern the OpenID version of the message.
            Protocol protocol = Protocol.V11;
            string ns;
            if (fields.TryGetValue(Protocol.V20.openid.ns, out ns)) {
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyProtocol(string.Equals(ns, Protocol.OpenId2Namespace, StringComparison.Ordinal), MessagingStrings.UnexpectedMessagePartValue, Protocol.V20.openid.ns, ns);
                protocol = Protocol.V20;

            string mode;
            if (fields.TryGetValue(protocol.openid.mode, out mode)) {
                if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.associate)) {
                    if (fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.dh_consumer_public)) {
                        message = new AssociateDiffieHellmanRequest(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                    } else {
                        message = new AssociateUnencryptedRequest(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                } else if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.checkid_setup) ||
                    string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.checkid_immediate)) {
                    AuthenticationRequestMode authMode = string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.checkid_immediate) ? AuthenticationRequestMode.Immediate : AuthenticationRequestMode.Setup;
                    if (fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.identity)) {
                        message = new CheckIdRequest(protocol.Version, recipient.Location, authMode);
                    } else {
                        ErrorUtilities.VerifyProtocol(!fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.claimed_id), OpenIdStrings.IdentityAndClaimedIdentifierMustBeBothPresentOrAbsent);
                        message = new SignedResponseRequest(protocol.Version, recipient.Location, authMode);
                } else if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.cancel) ||
                    (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.setup_needed) && (protocol.Version.Major >= 2 || fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.user_setup_url)))) {
                    message = new NegativeAssertionResponse(protocol.Version, recipient.Location, mode);
                } else if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.id_res)) {
                    if (fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.identity)) {
                        message = new PositiveAssertionResponse(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                    } else {
                        ErrorUtilities.VerifyProtocol(!fields.ContainsKey(protocol.openid.claimed_id), OpenIdStrings.IdentityAndClaimedIdentifierMustBeBothPresentOrAbsent);
                        message = new IndirectSignedResponse(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                } else if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.check_authentication)) {
                    message = new CheckAuthenticationRequest(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                } else if (string.Equals(mode, protocol.Args.Mode.error)) {
                    message = new IndirectErrorResponse(protocol.Version, recipient.Location);
                } else {
                    ErrorUtilities.ThrowProtocol(MessagingStrings.UnexpectedMessagePartValue, protocol.openid.mode, mode);

            if (message != null) {

            return message;
        internal LeaderboardAndRank(IDictionary<string, object> dict)
            object value;

              dict.TryGetValue ("rank", out value);
              Rank = new Rank ((IDictionary<string,object>)value);

              dict.TryGetValue ("leaderboard", out value);
              Leaderboard = new Leaderboard ((IDictionary<string,object>)value);
Beispiel #17
 public override bool IsApplicable(string name, IDictionary<string, object> properties)
     object flat;
     object glyph;
     return (base.IsApplicable(name, properties) &&
             properties.TryGetValue("Flat", out flat) &&
             Equals(flat, true) &&
             (!properties.TryGetValue("Glyph.Data", out glyph) ||
              Equals(glyph, null)));
        public static string GetCompilerPath(IDictionary<string, string> provOptions, string compilerExecutable) {

            // Get the location of the runtime, the usual answer
            string compPath = Executor.GetRuntimeInstallDirectory();

            // if provOptions is provided check to see if it alters what version we should bind to.
            // provOptions can be null if someone does new VB/CSCodeProvider(), in which case
            // they get the default behavior.
            if (provOptions != null) {

                string directoryPath;
                bool directoryPathPresent = provOptions.TryGetValue(DirectoryPath, out directoryPath);
                string versionVal;
                bool versionValPresent = provOptions.TryGetValue(NameTag, out versionVal);
                if(directoryPathPresent && versionValPresent)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_Specify_Both_Compiler_Path_And_Version, DirectoryPath, NameTag));
                // If they have an explicit path, use it.  Otherwise, look it up from the registry.
                if (directoryPathPresent) {
                    return directoryPath;
                // If they have specified a version number in providerOptions, use it.
                if (versionValPresent) {
                    switch (versionVal) {

                        case RedistVersionInfo.InPlaceVersion:
                            // Use the RuntimeInstallDirectory, already obtained

                        case RedistVersionInfo.RedistVersion:
                            // lock to the Orcas version, if it's not available throw (we'll throw at compile time)
                            compPath = GetCompilerPathFromRegistry(versionVal);

                        case RedistVersionInfo.RedistVersion20:
                            //look up 2.0 compiler path from registry
                            compPath = GetCompilerPathFromRegistry(versionVal);

                            compPath = null;

            if (compPath == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.CompilerNotFound, compilerExecutable));

            return compPath;
 protected void RequestSimpleAttribute(QueryAttribute queryAttribute,
     IDictionary<object, TableQueryData> tableQueries, IList<TableJoin> tableJoins, string miaJoinType,
     IDictionary<QueryAttribute, RequestedAttribute> requestedAttributes,
     IDictionary<MediaItemAspectMetadata, TableQueryData> miaTypeTableQueries,
     RequestedAttribute miaIdAttribute, out RequestedAttribute requestedAttribute)
   if (requestedAttributes.TryGetValue(queryAttribute, out requestedAttribute))
     // Already requested
   MediaItemAspectMetadata.AttributeSpecification spec = queryAttribute.Attr;
   MediaItemAspectMetadata miaType = spec.ParentMIAM;
   TableQueryData tqd;
   switch (spec.Cardinality)
     case Cardinality.Inline:
       // For Inline queries, we request the Inline attribute's column name at the MIA main table, which gets joined
       // with the MIA ID
       if (!tableQueries.TryGetValue(miaType, out tqd))
         tqd = tableQueries[miaType] = TableQueryData.CreateTableQueryOfMIATable(_miaManagement, miaType);
         if (miaTypeTableQueries != null)
           miaTypeTableQueries.Add(miaType, tqd);
         tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin(miaJoinType, tqd, miaIdAttribute,
             new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME)));
       requestedAttribute = new RequestedAttribute(tqd, _miaManagement.GetMIAAttributeColumnName(queryAttribute.Attr));
     case Cardinality.ManyToOne:
       // For MTO queries, we request both the MIA main table and the MTO table
       TableQueryData miaTqd;
       if (!tableQueries.TryGetValue(miaType, out miaTqd))
         miaTqd = tableQueries[miaType] = TableQueryData.CreateTableQueryOfMIATable(_miaManagement, miaType);
         if (miaTypeTableQueries != null)
           miaTypeTableQueries.Add(miaType, miaTqd);
         // Add MIA main table to list of table joins
         tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin(miaJoinType, miaTqd, miaIdAttribute,
             new RequestedAttribute(miaTqd, MIA_Management.MIA_MEDIA_ITEM_ID_COL_NAME)));
       if (!tableQueries.TryGetValue(spec, out tqd))
         tqd = tableQueries[spec] = TableQueryData.CreateTableQueryOfMTOTable(_miaManagement, spec);
         // We must use left outer joins for MTO value tables, because if the value is null, the association FK is null
         tableJoins.Add(new TableJoin("LEFT OUTER JOIN", tqd,
             new RequestedAttribute(miaTqd, _miaManagement.GetMIAAttributeColumnName(queryAttribute.Attr)),
             new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.FOREIGN_COLL_ATTR_ID_COL_NAME)));
       requestedAttribute = new RequestedAttribute(tqd, MIA_Management.COLL_ATTR_VALUE_COL_NAME);
       throw new IllegalCallException("Attributes of cardinality '{0}' cannot be queried via the {1}", spec.Cardinality, GetType().Name);
   requestedAttributes.Add(queryAttribute, requestedAttribute);
        public static EndpointDetails ReceivingEndpoint(IDictionary<string, string> headers)
            var endpoint = new EndpointDetails();
            string hostIdHeader;

            if (headers.TryGetValue(Headers.HostId, out hostIdHeader))
                endpoint.HostId = Guid.Parse(hostIdHeader);

            string hostDisplayNameHeader;

            if (headers.TryGetValue(Headers.HostDisplayName, out hostDisplayNameHeader))
                endpoint.Host = hostDisplayNameHeader;
                DictionaryExtensions.CheckIfKeyExists("NServiceBus.ProcessingMachine", headers, s => endpoint.Host = s);

            DictionaryExtensions.CheckIfKeyExists(Headers.ProcessingEndpoint, headers, s => endpoint.Name = s);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint.Name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint.Host))
                return endpoint;

            var address = Address.Undefined;
            //use the failed q to determine the receiving endpoint
            DictionaryExtensions.CheckIfKeyExists("NServiceBus.FailedQ", headers, s => address = Address.Parse(s));

            // If we have a failed queue, then construct an endpoint from the failed queue information
            if (address != Address.Undefined)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint.Name))
                    endpoint.Name = address.Queue;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint.Host))
                    endpoint.Host = address.Machine;

                // If we've been now able to get the endpoint details, return the new info.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint.Name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint.Host))
                    return endpoint;

            return null;
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DataConverterMetadata"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadata">The metadata.</param>
        public DataConverterMetadata(IDictionary<string, object> metadata)
            : base(metadata)
            if (metadata == null)

            this.SourceType = (Type)metadata.TryGetValue(nameof(this.SourceType));
            this.TargetType = (Type)metadata.TryGetValue(nameof(this.TargetType));
Beispiel #22
        public void Configure(IDictionary<string, string> commandlineOptions)
            commandlineOptions.TryGetValue(STARTUP_OPTION, out m_startScript);
            commandlineOptions.TryGetValue(REQUIRED_OPTION, out m_requiredScript);
            commandlineOptions.TryGetValue(FINISH_OPTION, out m_finishScript);

            string t;
            if (!commandlineOptions.TryGetValue(TIMEOUT_OPTION, out t))
                t = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;

            m_timeout = (int)Utility.Timeparser.ParseTimeSpan(t).TotalMilliseconds;
            m_options = commandlineOptions;
        public ICache BuildCache(string regionName, IDictionary<string, string> properties) {
            if (_dataCache == null) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't call this method when provider is in stopped state.");
            TimeSpan? expiration = null;
            string expirationString;
            if (properties.TryGetValue(NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.CacheDefaultExpiration, out expirationString) || properties.TryGetValue("cache.default_expiration", out expirationString)) {
                expiration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Int32.Parse(expirationString));

            return new AzureCacheClient(_dataCache, regionName, expiration);
        public static void ThrowIfError(IDictionary<string, string> responseValues)
            if (responseValues != null)
                string error = null;
                string errorDescription = null;

                if (responseValues.TryGetValue(Constants.Authentication.ErrorDescriptionKeyName, out errorDescription) ||
                    responseValues.TryGetValue(Constants.Authentication.ErrorKeyName, out error))
                    OAuthErrorHandler.ParseAuthenticationError(error, errorDescription);
        private static MessageRegistration ExtractFrom(IDictionary<string, string> properties)
            string type;
            string versionString;
            int version = 0;

            properties.TryGetValue(EventDataPropertyKeys.MessageType, out type);
            if (properties.TryGetValue(EventDataPropertyKeys.MessageTypeVersion, out versionString))
                version = int.Parse(versionString);

            return new MessageRegistration { Type = type, Version = version };
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RuntimeElementInfoFactoryMetadata"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadata">The metadata.</param>
        public RuntimeElementInfoFactoryMetadata(IDictionary<string, object> metadata) 
            : base(metadata)
            object value;
            if (metadata.TryGetValue(ElementInfoTypeKey, out value))
                this.ElementInfoType = (Type)value;

            if (metadata.TryGetValue(RuntimeInfoTypeKey, out value))
                this.RuntimeInfoType = (Type)value;
        public void Initialize(IDirectoryProvider directoryProvider, IDictionary<string, string> indexProperties,
            ISearchFactoryImplementor searchFactoryImplementor)
            this.directoryProvider = directoryProvider;
            string maxString;
            indexProperties.TryGetValue("optimizer.operation_limit.max", out maxString);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(maxString))
                int.TryParse(maxString, out operationMax);

            indexProperties.TryGetValue("optimizer.transaction_limit.max", out maxString);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(maxString))
                int.TryParse(maxString, out transactionMax);
 public static string GetCompilerPath(IDictionary<string, string> provOptions, string compilerExecutable)
     string runtimeInstallDirectory = Executor.GetRuntimeInstallDirectory();
     if (provOptions != null)
         string str2;
         string str3;
         bool flag = provOptions.TryGetValue("CompilerDirectoryPath", out str2);
         bool flag2 = provOptions.TryGetValue("CompilerVersion", out str3);
         if (flag && flag2)
             throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString("Cannot_Specify_Both_Compiler_Path_And_Version", new object[] { "CompilerDirectoryPath", "CompilerVersion" }));
         if (flag)
             return str2;
         if (flag2)
             string str4 = str3;
             if (str4 == null)
                 goto Label_00A9;
             if (str4 != "v4.0")
                 if (!(str4 == "v3.5"))
                     if (str4 == "v2.0")
                         runtimeInstallDirectory = GetCompilerPathFromRegistry(str3);
                         goto Label_00AB;
                     goto Label_00A9;
                 runtimeInstallDirectory = GetCompilerPathFromRegistry(str3);
     goto Label_00AB;
     runtimeInstallDirectory = null;
     if (runtimeInstallDirectory == null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString("CompilerNotFound", new object[] { compilerExecutable }));
     return runtimeInstallDirectory;
		internal static ServerError Create(IDictionary<string, object> dict, IJsonSerializerStrategy strategy)
			object status, error;
			int statusCode = -1;
			if (dict.TryGetValue("status", out status))
				statusCode = Convert.ToInt32(status);

			if (!dict.TryGetValue("error", out error)) return null;

			return new ServerError
				Status = statusCode,
				Error = (Error)strategy.DeserializeObject(error, typeof(Error))
 void IExternalBlobConnectionProvider.Configure(IDictionary<string, string> settings)
     string connStr;
     if (settings.TryGetValue(Environment.ConnectionStringNameProperty, out connStr))
         ConnectionStringSettings connectionStringSettings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[connStr];
         if (connectionStringSettings == null)
             throw new HibernateException(string.Format("Could not find named connection string {0}", connStr));
         ConnectionString = connectionStringSettings.ConnectionString;
     else if (settings.TryGetValue(Environment.ConnectionStringProperty, out connStr))
         ConnectionString = connStr;
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a value from the single-instance share.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the desired data.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="key">The string key to retrieve. <i>Suggested key format: YourMod.
        /// Category.KeyName</i></param>
        /// <returns>The data associated with that key.</returns>
        public static T GetData <T>(string key)
            T      value = default;
            object sval  = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
            registry?.TryGetValue(key, out sval);
            if (sval is T)
                value = (T)sval;
        public IDbConnection Create(string name)
            DbConnectionConfig dbConnectionConfig = null;

            if (configurationList?.TryGetValue(name, out dbConnectionConfig) ?? false)
                switch ((dbConnectionConfig.Provider?.ToLower() ?? ""))
                case var prv when prv == DbProviders.Oracle:

                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Тип провайдера данных {dbConnectionConfig.Provider} не поддерживается");
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Конфигурация для соединения {name} не найдена");
Beispiel #33
        protected virtual IMessage DoConvert(object payload, IDictionary <string, object> headers, IMessagePostProcessor postProcessor)
            IMessageHeaders messageHeaders = null;
            object          conversionHint = null;

            headers?.TryGetValue(CONVERSION_HINT_HEADER, out conversionHint);

            var headersToUse = ProcessHeadersToSend(headers);

            if (headersToUse != null)
                if (headersToUse is MessageHeaders)
                    messageHeaders = (MessageHeaders)headersToUse;
                    messageHeaders = new MessageHeaders(headersToUse, null, null);

            var converter = MessageConverter;
            var message   = converter is ISmartMessageConverter ?
                            ((ISmartMessageConverter)converter).ToMessage(payload, messageHeaders, conversionHint) :
                            converter.ToMessage(payload, messageHeaders);

            if (message == null)
                var payloadType = payload.GetType().Name;

                object contentType = null;
                messageHeaders?.TryGetValue(MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, out contentType);
                contentType = contentType ?? "unknown";

                throw new MessageConversionException("Unable to convert payload with type='" + payloadType +
                                                     "', contentType='" + contentType + "', converter=[" + MessageConverter + "]");

            if (postProcessor != null)
                message = postProcessor.PostProcessMessage(message);

Beispiel #34
        private static string MapInterpreterId(string idStr, string versionStr, IDictionary <Guid, string> msBuildInterpreters)
            int splitter = idStr.IndexOfAny(new[] { '/', '\\' });

            if (splitter > 0)
                versionStr = idStr.Substring(splitter + 1);
                idStr      = idStr.Remove(splitter);

            Guid    id;
            Version version;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idStr) || !Guid.TryParse(idStr, out id))

            string fmt;

            if (InterpreterIdMap.TryGetValue(id, out fmt))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionStr) || !Version.TryParse(versionStr, out version))

                // CPython 3.5 32-bit needs a special fix to the version string
                if (id == new Guid("{2AF0F10D-7135-4994-9156-5D01C9C11B7E}") && version == new Version(3, 5))


            string msbuildId = null;

            if ((msBuildInterpreters?.TryGetValue(id, out msbuildId) ?? false) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(msbuildId))

        public static async Task ApplyRegistration(Registration registration, IDictionary <string, string> classMap = null)
            var stylesheet = await Stylesheet.GetInstance();

            if (registration.RulesToInsert?.Any() == true)
                // rulesToInsert is an ordered array of selector/rule pairs.
                for (var i = 0; i < registration.RulesToInsert.Count; i += 2)
                    var rules = registration.RulesToInsert[i + 1];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rules))
                        var selector = registration.RulesToInsert[i];

                        selector = Regex.Replace(selector, @"(&)|\$([\w-]+)\b", (match) =>
                            var amp = match.Groups[1];
                            var cn  = match.Groups[2];

                            if (amp.Success)
                                return("." + registration.ClassName);
                            else if (cn.Success)
                                string value = null;
                                var success  = classMap?.TryGetValue(cn.Value, out value);
                                return("." + (success == true ? value : cn.Value));
                        }, RegexOptions.Compiled);
                        // Fix selector using map.

                        // Insert. Note if a media query, we must close the query with a final bracket.
                        var processedRule = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", selector, "{" + rules + "}", selector.IndexOf("@media") == 0 ? "}" : "");

                stylesheet.CacheClassName(registration.ClassName, registration.Key, registration.Args, registration.RulesToInsert.ToArray());
Beispiel #36
        public DriveInfoContract GetDrive(RootName root, string apiKey, IDictionary <string, string> parameters)
            if (root == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(root));
            if (parameters?.TryGetValue(PARAMETER_ROOT, out rootPath) != true)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Required {PARAMETER_ROOT} missing in {nameof(parameters)}".ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootPath))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{PARAMETER_ROOT} cannot be empty".ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

            var drive = new DriveInfo(Path.GetFullPath(rootPath));

            return(new DriveInfoContract(root.Value, drive.AvailableFreeSpace, drive.TotalSize - drive.AvailableFreeSpace));
Beispiel #37
        public async Task Run(
            [BlobTrigger("%BlobPath%/{name}", Connection = "BlobConnection")] Stream myBlob,
            string name,
            IDictionary <string, string> metadata,
            [ServiceBus("%ContactsTopicName%", Connection = "ContactsTopicSendConnection")] MessageSender messagesQueue)
            logger.LogInformation($"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{name} \n Size: {myBlob.Length} Bytes");

                // extract userToken
                var userToken = string.Empty;
                metadata?.TryGetValue(UserToken, out userToken);

                // extract meetings
                var reader      = new StreamReader(myBlob);
                var jsonContent = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

                JObject jsonObject = JObject.Parse(jsonContent);

                IList <Meeting> meetings = null;
                JToken          trgArray = jsonObject.Descendants().First(d => d is JArray);
                if (trgArray != null && trgArray.Type == JTokenType.Array)
                    meetings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Meeting> >(trgArray.ToString());

                if (meetings == null)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid meeting list format");

                logger.LogInformation("UserToken: {userToken}. Received {meetingsCount} meetings", userToken, meetings.Count);

                contactTracingService.MessageSender = messagesQueue;
                await contactTracingService.ProcessContactList(userToken, meetings);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.LogError(ex, $"Unhandled exception: {ex.Message}");
        protected void AddPropertyValue(IProperty property, string?culture, string?segment, IDictionary <string, IEnumerable <object?> >?values)
            var editor = _propertyEditors[property.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias];

            if (editor == null)

            var indexVals = editor.PropertyIndexValueFactory.GetIndexValues(property, culture, segment, PublishedValuesOnly);

            foreach (var keyVal in indexVals)
                if (keyVal.Key.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())

                var cultureSuffix = culture == null ? string.Empty : "_" + culture;

                foreach (var val in keyVal.Value)
                    switch (val)
                    //only add the value if its not null or empty (we'll check for string explicitly here too)
                    case null:

                    case string strVal:
                        if (strVal.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                        var key = $"{keyVal.Key}{cultureSuffix}";
                        if (values?.TryGetValue(key, out var v) ?? false)
                            values[key] = new List <object?>(v)
Beispiel #39
        public async Task <RootDirectoryInfoContract> GetRootAsync(RootName root, string apiKey, IDictionary <string, string> parameters)
            var baseAddress = default(string);

            if (parameters?.TryGetValue(PARAMETER_BASEADDRESS, out baseAddress) != true)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Required {PARAMETER_BASEADDRESS} missing in {nameof(parameters)}".ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

            var context = await RequireContextAsync(root, apiKey, new Uri(baseAddress));

            var propfindResponse = await context.Client.Propfind(context.AppendPrefix("/"));

            CheckSuccess(propfindResponse, nameof(WebDavClient.Propfind), "/");

            var item = propfindResponse.Resources.Single(r => context.RemovePrefix(r.Uri) == "/");

            return(new RootDirectoryInfoContract(item.Uri, item.CreationDate ?? DateTimeOffset.FromFileTime(0), item.LastModifiedDate ?? DateTimeOffset.FromFileTime(0)));
Beispiel #40
        public static IDbManager CreateDbManager(string providerName, string connectionString = null)
            IDbManager dbManager;

            Type t = null;

            Managers?.TryGetValue(providerName, out t);

            if (t != null)
                dbManager = (IDbManager)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
                dbManager.ConnectionString = connectionString;
                throw new TypeLoadException($"Provider {providerName} not found.");

Beispiel #41
        private string GetConfigValue(string key) // TODO: not thread safe
            string value;

            if (_config.TryGetValue(key, out value))

            string    configFileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConfigFile"];
            XDocument document       = XDocument.Load(configFileName);

            _config = document.Root?.Elements("add").ToDictionary(e => e.Attribute("key")?.Value, e => e.Attribute("value")?.Value);

            if (_config?.TryGetValue(key, out value) == true)
        private static void ConfigureArchiveDataLayer(IServiceCollection services,
                                                      IDictionary <string, DbConnectionConfig> dbConnectionList)
            DbConnectionConfig dbConnectionConfig = null;

            if (dbConnectionList?.TryGetValue(QueriesConstants.ArchiveDbName, out dbConnectionConfig) ?? false)
                switch ((dbConnectionConfig.Provider?.ToLower() ?? ""))
                case var prv when prv == DbProviders.Oracle:
                    ConfigureOraArchiveDataLayer(services, dbConnectionConfig);

                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Тип провайдера данных {dbConnectionConfig.Provider} не поддерживается");
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Конфигурация для соединения {QueriesConstants.ArchiveDbName} не найдена");
Beispiel #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile the specified expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="me"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldOrExpression"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Lambda CompileExpression(this IRenderContext me, String fieldOrExpression)
            IDictionary <String, Lambda> exprs = me.Parent?.Tags["expressions"] as IDictionary <String, Lambda>;

            Lambda evaluator = null;

            if (exprs?.TryGetValue(fieldOrExpression, out evaluator) != true)
                var interpretor = new Interpreter(InterpreterOptions.Default)
                                  .SetVariable("BiUtil", m_helpers)
                                  .SetFunction("now", (Func <DateTime>)(() => DateTime.Now));

                evaluator = interpretor.Parse(fieldOrExpression,
                                              (me.ScopedObject as IDictionary <String, Object>).Select(o => new Parameter(o.Key, o.Value?.GetType() ?? typeof(Object))).ToArray());

Beispiel #44
        public static string GetParameters(IDictionary <string, JToken> actionArguments)
            JToken vsoBuildParametersToken = null;

            actionArguments?.TryGetValue("vsoBuildParameters", out vsoBuildParametersToken);

            if (vsoBuildParametersToken == null)

            JObject parameterObject = (JObject)vsoBuildParametersToken;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> parameter in parameterObject)
                string value = GetValueString(parameter.Value);

                parameterObject[parameter.Key] = value;

Beispiel #45
        private static string MapInterpreterId(string idStr, string versionStr, IDictionary <Guid, string> msBuildInterpreters)
            int splitter = idStr.IndexOfAny(new[] { '/', '\\' });

            if (splitter > 0)
                versionStr = idStr.Substring(splitter + 1);
                idStr      = idStr.Remove(splitter);

            Guid    id;
            Version version;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idStr) || !Guid.TryParse(idStr, out id))

            string fmt;

            if (InterpreterIdMap.TryGetValue(id, out fmt))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionStr) || !Version.TryParse(versionStr, out version))


            string msbuildId = null;

            if ((msBuildInterpreters?.TryGetValue(id, out msbuildId) ?? false) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(msbuildId))

Beispiel #46
        public async Task <DriveInfoContract> GetDriveAsync(RootName root, string apiKey, IDictionary <string, string> parameters)
            var baseAddress = default(string);

            if (parameters?.TryGetValue(PARAMETER_BASEADDRESS, out baseAddress) != true)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Required {PARAMETER_BASEADDRESS} missing in {nameof(parameters)}".ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

            var context = await RequireContextAsync(root, apiKey, new Uri(baseAddress));

            var propfindResponse = await context.Client.Propfind(context.AppendPrefix("/"));

            CheckSuccess(propfindResponse, nameof(WebDavClient.Propfind), "/");

            var item = propfindResponse.Resources.Single(r => context.RemovePrefix(r.Uri) == "/");

            var availableSpaceValue = item.Properties.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == availableSpaceProperty)?.Value;
            var usedSpaceValue      = item.Properties.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == usedSpaceProperty)?.Value;

            return(new DriveInfoContract(root.Value, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(availableSpaceValue) ? long.Parse(availableSpaceValue) : 1 << 30, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(usedSpaceValue) ? long.Parse(usedSpaceValue) : 0));
Beispiel #47
        private static HttpResponseMessage CreateResponse(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpStatusCode statusCode, object content, IDictionary <string, object> headers, bool isRawResponse)
            if (isRawResponse)
                // We only write the response through one of the formatters if
                // the function hasn't indicated that it wants to write the raw response
                return(new HttpResponseMessage(statusCode)
                    Content = CreateResultContent(content)

            string contentType             = null;
            MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType = null;

            if (content != null &&
                (headers?.TryGetValue <string>("content-type", out contentType, ignoreCase: true) ?? false) &&
                MediaTypeHeaderValue.TryParse((string)contentType, out mediaType))
                var writer = request.GetConfiguration().Formatters.FindWriter(content.GetType(), mediaType);
                if (writer != null)
                    return(new HttpResponseMessage(statusCode)
                        Content = new ObjectContent(content.GetType(), content, writer, mediaType)

                // create a non-negotiated result content
                HttpContent resultContent = CreateResultContent(content, mediaType.MediaType);
                return(new HttpResponseMessage(statusCode)
                    Content = resultContent

            return(CreateNegotiatedResponse(request, statusCode, content));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the <see cref="_graph"/> field which stores the graph that we operate on.
        /// </summary>
        private void CopyToWorkingGraph()
            // Make a copy of the original graph
            _graph = new BidirectionalGraph <SugiVertex, SugiEdge>();

            // Copy the vertices
            foreach (TVertex vertex in VisitedGraph.Vertices)
                var size = default(Size);
                _verticesSizes?.TryGetValue(vertex, out size);

                var vertexWrapper = new SugiVertex(vertex, size);
                _verticesMap[vertex] = vertexWrapper;

            // Copy the edges
            foreach (TEdge edge in VisitedGraph.Edges)
                var edgeWrapper = new SugiEdge(edge, _verticesMap[edge.Source], _verticesMap[edge.Target]);
Beispiel #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a stream containing the image binary in the specified property (or the default Binary field).
        /// Image dimensions can be determined by providing the width and height values among the parameters.
        /// The image is also redacted if the user does not have enough permissions to see the full image
        /// in case of preview images, only restricted ones.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyName">Name of the binary property to serve, default is Binary.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Optional parameters that may include image width and height.</param>
        /// <param name="contentType">Out parameter, filled with the binary content type to be served to the client.</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">Out parameter, filled with the file name to serve to the client.</param>
        public Stream GetImageStream(string propertyName, IDictionary <string, object> parameters, out string contentType, out BinaryFileName fileName)
            Stream imageStream;

            object widthParam     = null;
            object heightParam    = null;
            object watermarkParam = null;

            parameters?.TryGetValue("width", out widthParam);
            parameters?.TryGetValue("height", out heightParam);
            parameters?.TryGetValue("watermark", out watermarkParam);

            var binaryData = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) ? GetBinary(propertyName) : Binary;

            contentType = binaryData?.ContentType ?? string.Empty;
            fileName    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) || string.CompareOrdinal(propertyName, "Binary") == 0
                ? new BinaryFileName(Name)
                : binaryData?.FileName ?? string.Empty;

            if (DocumentPreviewProvider.Current != null && DocumentPreviewProvider.Current.IsPreviewOrThumbnailImage(NodeHead.Get(Id)))
                var options = new PreviewImageOptions
                    BinaryFieldName = propertyName

                if (watermarkParam != null &&
                    ((int.TryParse((string)watermarkParam, out var wmValue) && wmValue == 1) ||
                     (bool.TryParse((string)watermarkParam, out var wmBool) && wmBool)))
                    options.RestrictionType = RestrictionType.Watermark;

                // get preview image with watermark or redaction if necessary
                imageStream = DocumentPreviewProvider.Current.GetRestrictedImage(this, options);
                imageStream = binaryData?.GetStream();

            if (imageStream == null)
                return(new MemoryStream());

            imageStream.Position = 0;

            int ConvertImageParameter(object param)
                if (param != null)
                    // we recognize int and string values as well
                    switch (param)
                    case int i:

                    case string s when int.TryParse(s, out var pint):


            // no resize parameters: return the original stream
            if (widthParam == null || heightParam == null)

            var width  = ConvertImageParameter(widthParam);
            var height = ConvertImageParameter(heightParam);

            // compute a new, resized stream on-the-fly
            var resizedStream = ImageResizer.CreateResizedImageFile(imageStream, width, height, 80, getImageFormat(contentType));

            // in case the method created a new stream, we have to close the original to prevent memory leak
            if (!ReferenceEquals(resizedStream, imageStream))

 bool Headers.TryGetHeader(string key, out object value)
     return(_headers.TryGetValue(key, out value));
Beispiel #51
        private static void TryMapType(Type type, IDictionary <Type, List <MemberInfo> > map, ISet <Type> visited)
            while (true)
                if (type == null)

                if (visited.Contains(type))


                if (type.IsArray || type.IsByRef)
                    type = type.GetElementType();

                if (Filtered(type))

                if (!map.TryGetValue(type, out var list))
                    map.Add(type, list = new List <MemberInfo>());

                foreach (var member in AccessorMembers.Create(type, scope: AccessorMemberScope.Public))
                    switch (member.MemberType)
                    case AccessorMemberType.Property:
                        if (!map.ContainsKey(member.Type))
                            TryMapType(member.Type, map, visited);

                    case AccessorMemberType.Field:
                        if (!map.ContainsKey(member.Type))
                            TryMapType(member.Type, map, visited);

                    case AccessorMemberType.Method:
                        if (member.MemberInfo is MethodInfo method)
                            foreach (var parameter in method.GetParameters())
                                if (!map.ContainsKey(parameter.ParameterType))
                                    TryMapType(parameter.ParameterType, map, visited);


                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

Beispiel #52
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a value from the dictionary with given key. Returns default value if can not find.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dictionary">Dictionary to check and get</param>
 /// <param name="key">Key to find the value</param>
 /// <typeparam name="TKey">Type of the key</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="TValue">Type of the value</typeparam>
 /// <returns>Value if found, default if can not found.</returns>
 public static TValue GetOrDefault <TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary <TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key)
     return(dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out TValue obj) ? obj : default(TValue));
Beispiel #53
 public static string GetReasonPhrase(int statusCode)
     return Phrases.TryGetValue(statusCode, out var phrase) ? phrase : string.Empty;
Beispiel #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the same resolution and validation as
        /// <see cref="ResolveParams"/> but also assigns the resolved
        /// parameter values to their corresponding same-named properties
        /// of the target object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strictTarget">
        /// If <c>true</c> and the target is missing one of the resolved
        /// parameters, an exception will be thrown.
        /// </param>
        public static T ResolveParams <T>(
            IEnumerable <ExtParamInfo> paramInfos,
            IDictionary <string, object> paramVals,
            T target = default(T), bool strictTarget = false)
            Type     targetType     = null;
            TypeInfo targetTypeInfo = null;

            if (target != null)
                targetType     = target.GetType();
                targetTypeInfo = targetType.GetTypeInfo();

            foreach (var pi in paramInfos)
                object val = null;
                if (!(paramVals?.TryGetValue(pi.Name, out val)).GetValueOrDefault())
                    if (pi.IsRequired)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(pi.Name,
                                                        AsmRes.EXCEPTIONS["missing required provider parameter"]);
                        switch (pi.Type)
                        case ExtParamType.STRING:
                        case ExtParamType.TEXT:
                            val = (string)val;

                        case ExtParamType.NUMBER:
                            val = (int)val;

                        case ExtParamType.BOOLEAN:
                            val = (bool)val;

                        case ExtParamType.SECRET:
                            val = (SecureString)val;

                        case ExtParamType.SEQ_STRING:
                            val = (IEnumerable <string>)val;

                        case ExtParamType.KVP_STRING:
                            val = (IDictionary <string, string>)val;

                            throw new NotImplementedException(AsmRes.EXCEPTIONS.With(
                                                                  "parameter type [{0}] is not supported", pi.Type));
                    catch (InvalidCastException)
                        throw new ArgumentException(
                                  AsmRes.EXCEPTIONS["incompatible type for provider parameter"],

                    if (targetTypeInfo != null)
                        var prop = targetTypeInfo.GetProperty(pi.Name,
                                                              BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                        if (prop == null)
                            if (strictTarget)
                                throw new MissingMemberException(AsmRes.EXCEPTIONS.With(
                                                                     "target object is missing expected property [{0}]", pi.Name));
                            prop.SetValue(target, val);

Beispiel #55
        static void AddPreflightOperationSelector(
            OperationDescription operation,
            string[] allowedOrigins = null,
            int maxAge = 600,
            IDictionary <string, PreflightOperationBehavior> uriTemplates = null)
            if (operation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(operation));

            if (operation.IsOneWay)
                // no support for 1-way messages

            string originalUriTemplate;
            string originalMethod;

            var webInvoke = operation.Behaviors.Find <WebInvokeAttribute>();

            if (webInvoke != null)
                if (webInvoke.Method == "OPTIONS")

                originalMethod      = webInvoke.Method ?? "POST";
                originalUriTemplate = webInvoke.UriTemplate;
                var webGet = operation.Behaviors.Find <WebGetAttribute>();

                if (webGet == null)

                originalMethod      = "GET";
                originalUriTemplate = webGet.UriTemplate;

            originalUriTemplate = originalUriTemplate != null?NormalizeTemplate(originalUriTemplate) : operation.Name;

            if (originalUriTemplate.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                originalUriTemplate = "/";

            PreflightOperationBehavior preflightOperationBehavior = null;

            if (uriTemplates?.TryGetValue(originalUriTemplate, out preflightOperationBehavior) == true)
                // there is already an OPTIONS operation for this URI, we can reuse it, just add the method

            var contract     = operation.DeclaringContract;
            var inputMessage = new MessageDescription(operation.Messages[0].Action + Constants.PreflightSuffix, MessageDirection.Input);

                new MessagePartDescription("input", contract.Namespace)
                Index = 0,
                Type  = typeof(Message),

            var outputMessage = new MessageDescription(operation.Messages[1].Action + Constants.PreflightSuffix, MessageDirection.Output);

            .ReturnValue = new MessagePartDescription(operation.Name + Constants.PreflightSuffix + "Return", contract.Namespace)
                Type = typeof(Message),

            preflightOperationBehavior = new PreflightOperationBehavior(allowedOrigins, maxAge);


            var preflightOperation = new OperationDescription(operation.Name + Constants.PreflightSuffix, contract);


            preflightOperation.Behaviors.Add(new WebInvokeAttribute
                Method      = "OPTIONS",
                UriTemplate = originalUriTemplate,
            preflightOperation.Behaviors.Add(new DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior(preflightOperation));


            uriTemplates?.Add(originalUriTemplate, preflightOperationBehavior);
Beispiel #56
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public bool TryGetRaw(string key, out object value)
     _     = key ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
     value = default;
     return((Dictionary?.TryGetValue(key, out value) ?? false) || (_previous?.TryGetRaw(key, out value) ?? false));
Beispiel #57
        private void EnhanceRun(
            IEnumerable <string> analysisTargets,
            OptionallyEmittedData dataToInsert,
            OptionallyEmittedData dataToRemove,
            IEnumerable <string> invocationTokensToRedact,
            IEnumerable <string> invocationPropertiesToLog,
            string defaultFileEncoding = null,
            IDictionary <string, HashData> filePathToHashDataMap = null)
            _run.Invocations ??= new List <Invocation>();
            if (defaultFileEncoding != null)
                _run.DefaultEncoding = defaultFileEncoding;

            Encoding encoding = SarifUtilities.GetEncodingFromName(_run.DefaultEncoding);

            if (analysisTargets != null)
                _run.Artifacts ??= new List <Artifact>();

                foreach (string target in analysisTargets)
                    Uri uri = new Uri(UriHelper.MakeValidUri(target), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                    HashData hashData = null;
                    if (dataToInsert.HasFlag(OptionallyEmittedData.Hashes))
                        filePathToHashDataMap?.TryGetValue(target, out hashData);

                    var artifact = Artifact.Create(
                        new Uri(target, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute),
                        hashData: hashData);

                    var fileLocation = new ArtifactLocation
                        Uri = uri

                    artifact.Location = fileLocation;

                    // This call will insert the file object into run.Files if not already present
                    artifact.Location.Index = _run.GetFileIndex(
                        addToFilesTableIfNotPresent: true,
                        dataToInsert: dataToInsert,
                        encoding: encoding,
                        hashData: hashData);

            var invocation = Invocation.Create(
                emitMachineEnvironment: dataToInsert.HasFlag(OptionallyEmittedData.EnvironmentVariables),
                emitTimestamps: !dataToRemove.HasFlag(OptionallyEmittedData.NondeterministicProperties),

            // TODO we should actually redact across the complete log file context
            // by a dedicated rewriting visitor or some other approach.

            if (invocationTokensToRedact != null)
                invocation.CommandLine = Redact(invocation.CommandLine, invocationTokensToRedact);
                invocation.Machine     = Redact(invocation.Machine, invocationTokensToRedact);
                invocation.Account     = Redact(invocation.Account, invocationTokensToRedact);

                if (invocation.WorkingDirectory != null)
                    invocation.WorkingDirectory.Uri = Redact(invocation.WorkingDirectory.Uri, invocationTokensToRedact);

                if (invocation.EnvironmentVariables != null)
                    string[] keys = invocation.EnvironmentVariables.Keys.ToArray();

                    foreach (string key in keys)
                        string value = invocation.EnvironmentVariables[key];
                        invocation.EnvironmentVariables[key] = Redact(value, invocationTokensToRedact);

Beispiel #58
        private bool TryGetActiveProcess(string fusionId, out IFusionProcess process)
            process = default(IFusionProcess);

            return(processes?.TryGetValue(fusionId, out process) == true);
Beispiel #59
        public static async Task <(Stack Stack, bool Success)> TrackStackUpdateAsync(
            this IAmazonCloudFormation cfClient,
            string stackName,
            string mostRecentStackEventId,
            IDictionary <string, string> resourceNameMappings = null,
            IDictionary <string, string> typeNameMappings     = null,
            Action <string, Exception> logError = null
            var seenEventIds = new HashSet <string>();
            var foundMostRecentStackEvent = (mostRecentStackEventId == null);
            var request = new DescribeStackEventsRequest {
                StackName = stackName
            var eventList        = new List <StackEvent>();
            var ansiLinesPrinted = 0;

            // iterate as long as the stack is being created/updated
            var active  = true;
            var success = false;

            while (active)
                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));

                // fetch as many events as possible for the current stack
                var events = new List <StackEvent>();
                try {
                    var response = await cfClient.DescribeStackEventsAsync(request);

                } catch (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException e) when((e.InnerException is System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) && (e.InnerException.Message == "No such host is known"))
                    // ignore network issues and just try again

                // skip any events that preceded the most recent event before the stack update operation
                while (!foundMostRecentStackEvent && events.Any())
                    var evt = events.First();
                    if (evt.EventId == mostRecentStackEventId)
                        foundMostRecentStackEvent = true;
                if (!foundMostRecentStackEvent)
                    throw new ApplicationException($"unable to find starting event for stack: {stackName}");

                // report only on new events
                foreach (var evt in events.Where(evt => !seenEventIds.Contains(evt.EventId)))
                    if (!seenEventIds.Add(evt.EventId))
                        // we found an event we already saw in the past, no point in looking at more events
                    if (IsFinalStackEvent(evt) && (evt.LogicalResourceId == stackName))
                        // event signals stack creation/update completion; time to stop
                        active  = false;
                        success = IsSuccessfulFinalStackEvent(evt);

            // describe stack and report any output values
            var description = await cfClient.DescribeStacksAsync(new DescribeStacksRequest {
                StackName = stackName

            return(Stack : description.Stacks.FirstOrDefault(), Success : success);

            // local function
            string TranslateLogicalIdToFullName(string logicalId)
                var fullName = logicalId;

                resourceNameMappings?.TryGetValue(logicalId, out fullName);
                return(fullName ?? logicalId);

            string TranslateResourceTypeToFullName(string awsType)
                var fullName = awsType;

                typeNameMappings?.TryGetValue(awsType, out fullName);
                return(fullName ?? awsType);

            void RenderEvents()
                if (Settings.UseAnsiConsole)
                    if (ansiLinesPrinted > 0)
                    var maxResourceStatusLength   = eventList.Any() ? eventList.Max(evt => evt.ResourceStatus.ToString().Length) : 0;
                    var maxResourceTypeNameLength = eventList.Any() ? eventList.Max(evt => TranslateResourceTypeToFullName(evt.ResourceType).Length) : 0;
                    foreach (var evt in eventList)
                        var resourceStatus = evt.ResourceStatus.ToString();
                        var resourceType   = TranslateResourceTypeToFullName(evt.ResourceType);
                        if (_ansiStatusColorCodes.TryGetValue(evt.ResourceStatus, out var ansiColor))
                            // print resource status
                            Console.Write("".PadRight(maxResourceStatusLength - resourceStatus.Length + 4));

                            // print resource type
                            Console.Write("".PadRight(maxResourceTypeNameLength - resourceType.Length + 4));

                            // print resource name

                            // print status reason
                            if ((logError == null) && (evt.ResourceStatusReason != null))
                                Console.Write($" ({evt.ResourceStatusReason})");
                            Console.Write($"{resourceStatus}    {resourceType}    {TranslateLogicalIdToFullName(evt.LogicalResourceId)}{(evt.ResourceStatusReason != null ? $" ({evt.ResourceStatusReason})" : "")}");
                    ansiLinesPrinted = eventList.Count;

            void UpdateEvent(StackEvent evt)
                if (Settings.UseAnsiConsole)
                    var index = eventList.FindIndex(e => e.LogicalResourceId == evt.LogicalResourceId);
                    if (index < 0)
                        eventList[index] = evt;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{evt.ResourceStatus,-35} {TranslateResourceTypeToFullName(evt.ResourceType),-55} {TranslateLogicalIdToFullName(evt.LogicalResourceId)}{(evt.ResourceStatusReason != null ? $" ({evt.ResourceStatusReason})" : "")}");

                // capture failed operation as an error
                switch (evt.ResourceStatus)
                case "CREATE_FAILED":
                case "ROLLBACK_FAILED":
                case "UPDATE_FAILED":
                case "DELETE_FAILED":
                case "UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED":
                    if (evt.ResourceStatusReason != "Resource creation cancelled")
                        logError?.Invoke($"{evt.ResourceStatus} {TranslateLogicalIdToFullName(evt.LogicalResourceId)} [{TranslateResourceTypeToFullName(evt.ResourceType)}]: {evt.ResourceStatusReason}", /*Exception*/ null);
Beispiel #60
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="BadRequestRestException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="InsufficientCreditsRestException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="HttpRequestException">The request failed due to an underlying issue such as network connectivity, DNS failure, server certificate validation or timeout.</exception>
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> EnsureSuccessAsync(this HttpResponseMessage message)
            if (!message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    IDictionary <string, object> additionalDetails = null;
                    string serviceMessage = null;
                    var    resultContent  = await message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        var errorDetail = resultContent != null
                                                        ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IDictionary <string, object> >(resultContent)
                                                        : null;

                        if (errorDetail?.ContainsKey("message") == true)
                            serviceMessage = errorDetail["message"].ToString();

                        if (errorDetail?.ContainsKey("additional_details") == true &&
                            errorDetail["additional_details"] != null)
                            additionalDetails =
                                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IDictionary <string, object> >(
                    catch (JsonException)
                        // response did not contain valid Json
                        serviceMessage = resultContent;

                    // assume bad request equates to invalid data provided by the end user
                    switch (message.StatusCode)
                    case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest:
                        throw new BadRequestRestException(serviceMessage, message, additionalDetails);

                    case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden:
                        object reason = null;
                        if (additionalDetails?.TryGetValue("reason", out reason) == true &&
                            (reason as string)?.Equals("Billing: credit balance",
                                                       StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)
                            throw new InsufficientCreditsRestException(serviceMessage, message, additionalDetails);


                    throw new RestException(
                              serviceMessage ??
                              $"Failed request with status code {message.StatusCode} reason {message.ReasonPhrase}", message,
