Beispiel #1

        public int OnError(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)

                DebugEngineEvent.Error errorEvent = pEvent as DebugEngineEvent.Error;

                enum_MESSAGETYPE [] messageType = new enum_MESSAGETYPE [1];

                string errorFormat, errorHelpFileName;

                int errorReason;

                uint errorType, errorHelpId;

                LoggingUtils.RequireOk(errorEvent.GetErrorMessage(messageType, out errorFormat, out errorReason, out errorType, out errorHelpFileName, out errorHelpId));

                LoggingUtils.RequireOk(m_debuggerConnectionService.LaunchDialogUpdate(errorFormat, true));

            catch (Exception e)

Beispiel #2



        #region IDebugEventCallback2 Members


        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
                DebuggerEventListenerDelegate callback;

                LoggingUtils.Print("[DebuggerEventListener] Event: " + riidEvent.ToString());

                int handle = VsDebugCommon.Constants.E_NOTIMPL;

                if (!m_eventCallbacks.TryGetValue(riidEvent, out callback))

                handle = callback(pEngine, pProcess, pProgram, pThread, pEvent, ref riidEvent, dwAttrib);

                if (handle != VsDebugCommon.Constants.E_NOTIMPL)

            catch (Exception e)

 public SynchronousJob(JoinableTaskContext taskContext,
                       IDebugEngine2 debugEngine, IDebugEvent2 evnt)
     this.taskContext = taskContext;
     this.debugEngine = debugEngine;
     this.evnt        = evnt;
Beispiel #4

        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
            // Custom event handler.

                LoggingUtils.Print("[CLangDebuggerCallback] Event: " + riidEvent.ToString());

                CLangDebuggerEventDelegate eventCallback;

                if (!m_debuggerCallback.TryGetValue(riidEvent, out eventCallback))

            catch (Exception e)

Beispiel #5
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 engine, IDebugProcess2 process, IDebugProgram2 program,
                         IDebugThread2 thread, IDebugEvent2 debugEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint attributes)
            if (!(debugEvent is IDebugProcessCreateEvent2) &&
                !(debugEvent is IDebugProcessDestroyEvent2))

            var target = GetTargetFromProcess(process);

            if (target == null)
                _package.Reporter.ReportWarning("Can't find target from process {0} ({1}). Event: {2}.",
                                                process.GetName(), process.GetProcessId(), TypeHelper.GetDebugEventTypeName(debugEvent));

            if (debugEvent is IDebugProcessCreateEvent2)
                target.IsAttached = true;
                target.IsAttached = false;


        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
            // Custom event handler.


                JavaLangDebuggerEventDelegate eventCallback;

                LoggingUtils.Print("[JavaLangDebuggerCallback] Event: " + riidEvent.ToString());

                if (!m_debuggerCallback.TryGetValue(riidEvent, out eventCallback))


            catch (Exception e)

Beispiel #7
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
                if (pProcess != null)
                    // Check for an enter or exit event
                    if (riidEvent == typeof(IDebugExceptionEvent2).GUID)
                // Unfortunately, these objects need to be released to avoid possible future dead locks if these are DCOM objects
                // and the process hosting the DCOM object goes away.
                var parametersForCleanup = new object[] { pEngine, pProcess, pProgram, pThread, pEvent };

                foreach (object parameter in parametersForCleanup)
                    if (parameter != null && Marshal.IsComObject(parameter))

        /// <summary>
        ///     Sends notification of debugging events to the SDM.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine">
        ///     An IDebugEngine2 object that represents the debug engine (DE) that is sending this event. A DE is
        ///     required to fill out this parameter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="process">
        ///     An IDebugProcess2 object that represents the process in which the event occurs. This parameter is
        ///     filled in by the session debug manager (SDM). A DE always passes a null value for this parameter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="program">
        ///     An IDebugProgram2 object that represents the program in which this event occurs. For most events,
        ///     this parameter is not a null value.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="thread">
        ///     An IDebugThread2 object that represents the thread in which this event occurs. For stopping
        ///     events, this parameter cannot be a null value as the stack frame is obtained from this parameter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="event">An IDebugEvent2 object that represents the debug event.</param>
        /// <param name="riidEvent">GUID that identifies which event interface to obtain from the pEvent parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="attribs">A combination of flags from the EVENTATTRIBUTES enumeration.</param>
        /// <returns>If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.</returns>
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 engine, IDebugProcess2 process, IDebugProgram2 program,
                         IDebugThread2 thread, IDebugEvent2 @event, ref Guid riidEvent, uint attribs)
            var ad7EventCallback = GetAd7EventCallback();

            return(ad7EventCallback.Event(engine, process, program, thread, @event, ref riidEvent, attribs));
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 engine, IDebugProcess2 process, IDebugProgram2 program, 
			IDebugThread2 thread, IDebugEvent2 debugEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint attributes)
            if (!(debugEvent is IDebugProcessCreateEvent2) &&
                !(debugEvent is IDebugProcessDestroyEvent2))
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            var target = GetTargetFromProcess(process);
            if (target == null)
                _package.Reporter.ReportWarning("Can't find target from process {0} ({1}). Event: {2}.",
                    process.GetName(), process.GetProcessId(), TypeHelper.GetDebugEventTypeName(debugEvent));
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            if (debugEvent is IDebugProcessCreateEvent2)
                target.IsAttached = true;
                target.IsAttached = false;

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #10
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
            if (riidEvent == typeof(IDebugProgramCreateEvent2).GUID)
                Guid processId;

                // A program was created and attached
                if (pProcess != null)
                    if (VSConstants.S_OK == pProcess.GetProcessId(out processId))
                        DkmProcess dkmProcess = DkmProcess.FindProcess(processId);

                        if (dkmProcess != null)
                            var debugTrigger  = DkmExceptionCodeTrigger.Create(DkmExceptionProcessingStage.Thrown, null, DkmExceptionCategory.Win32, RemoteDebugStartExceptionCode);
                            var attachTrigger = DkmExceptionCodeTrigger.Create(DkmExceptionProcessingStage.Thrown, null, DkmExceptionCategory.Win32, RemoteDebugAttachExceptionCode);

                            // Try to add exception trigger for when a remote debugger server is started for Python
                            dkmProcess.AddExceptionTrigger(RemoteDebugExceptionGuid, debugTrigger);
                            dkmProcess.AddExceptionTrigger(RemoteDebugExceptionGuid, attachTrigger);

Beispiel #11
        // TODO: Evaluate if this is still necessary
        //private void WarnAboutPGO(string moduleName) {
        //    const string content =
        //        "Python/native mixed-mode debugging does not support Python interpreters that are built with PGO (profile-guided optimization) enabled. " +
        //        "If you are using a stock Python interpreter, you should upgrade to a more recent version of it. If you're using a custom built " +
        //        "interpreter, please disable PGO.";
        //    MessageBox.Show(content, "PGO Is Not Supported", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

        private void SetDebugOptions(IDebugEngine2 engine)
            var pyService = _serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService();

            var options = new StringBuilder();

            if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit)
                options.Append(";" + AD7Engine.WaitOnAbnormalExitSetting + "=True");
            if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit)
                options.Append(";" + AD7Engine.WaitOnNormalExitSetting + "=True");
            if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.TeeStandardOutput)
                options.Append(";" + AD7Engine.RedirectOutputSetting + "=True");
            if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.BreakOnSystemExitZero)
                options.Append(";" + AD7Engine.BreakSystemExitZero + "=True");
            if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.DebugStdLib)
                options.Append(";" + AD7Engine.DebugStdLib + "=True");

            engine.SetMetric(AD7Engine.DebugOptionsMetric, options.ToString());
 public DebugEngineHandler(JoinableTaskContext taskContext, IDebugEngine2 debugEngine,
                           IDebugEventCallback2 eventCallback)
     _taskContext   = taskContext;
     _debugEngine   = debugEngine;
     _eventCallback = eventCallback;
Beispiel #13
        public int Event(
            IDebugEngine2 pEngine,
            IDebugProcess2 pProcess,
            IDebugProgram2 pProgram,
            IDebugThread2 pThread,
            IDebugEvent2 pEvent,
            ref Guid riidEvent,
            uint dwAttrib
            if (riidEvent == typeof(IDebugProgramCreateEvent2).GUID)
            else if (riidEvent == typeof(IDebugMessageEvent2).GUID)
                IDebugMessageEvent2 debugMessageEvent = pEvent as IDebugMessageEvent2;

                enum_MESSAGETYPE[] messageTypes = new enum_MESSAGETYPE[2];
                messageTypes[0] = enum_MESSAGETYPE.MT_OUTPUTSTRING;
                messageTypes[1] = enum_MESSAGETYPE.MT_REASON_TRACEPOINT;
                string message;
                uint   dwType;
                string helpFilename;
                uint   helpId;

                debugMessageEvent.GetMessage(messageTypes, out message, out dwType, out helpFilename, out helpId);

                // MessageEvents always have a \n on the end
                message = message.TrimEnd(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());


        public async Task <int> OnDebuggerLogcatEvent(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)

                DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerLogcatEvent debuggerLogcatEvent = pEvent as DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerLogcatEvent;

                using (SyncRedirectProcess command = AndroidAdb.AdbCommand(debuggerLogcatEvent.HostDevice, "logcat", "-c"))

                m_adbLogcatProcess = AndroidAdb.AdbCommandAsync(debuggerLogcatEvent.HostDevice, "logcat", "");

                m_adbLogcatListener = new DeviceLogcatListener();


            catch (Exception e)

Beispiel #15
        public static int Event(this IDebugEventCallback2 callback, IDebugEngine2 engine, IDebugProcess2 process, IDebugProgram2 program, IDebugThread2 thread, DebugEvent debugEvent)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(callback != null, "callback");
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(debugEvent != null, "debugEvent");
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(engine != null, "engine");

            return(callback.Event(engine, process, program, thread, debugEvent, debugEvent.EventGuid, (uint)debugEvent.Attributes));
Beispiel #16
 public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram,
                  IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
     Trace.WriteLine($"VSFake: Received IDebugEvent2 {{type:\"{pEvent.GetType()}\", " +
     return(jobOrchestrator.HandleCallbackEvent(pEngine, pProcess, pProgram, pThread,
 /// <summary>
 /// Start the debugger using the given debug engine. This sends events to the SDM which
 /// tells it that we are ready to debug.
 /// </summary>
 public void Start(IDebugEngine2 debugEngine)
     _listenerSubscriber.BreakpointChanged += OnBreakpointChanged;
     // The order of these two events is important!! Visual studio always needs to know that
     // the engine has been created before the program is created.
     _debugEngineHandler.SendEvent(new EngineCreateEvent(debugEngine), _debugProgram);
     _debugEngineHandler.SendEvent(new ProgramCreateEvent(), _debugProgram);
        public static int Event(this IDebugEventCallback2 callback, IDebugEngine2 engine, IDebugProcess2 process, IDebugProgram2 program, IDebugThread2 thread, DebugEvent debugEvent)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(callback != null, "callback");
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(debugEvent != null, "debugEvent");
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(engine != null, "engine");

            return callback.Event(engine, process, program, thread, debugEvent, debugEvent.EventGuid, (uint)debugEvent.Attributes);
 public ProgramStoppedJob(JoinableTaskContext taskContext, IDebugEngine2 debugEngine,
                          IDebugEvent2 evnt, IDebugSessionContext debugSessionContext, IDebugThread2 thread,
                          IFiredBreakpointSetter firedBreakpointSetter)
     : base(taskContext, debugEngine, evnt)
     _debugSessionContext = debugSessionContext;
     _thread = thread;
     _firedBreakpointSetter = firedBreakpointSetter;
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
            if (pEvent is IRunspaceRequest)
                var request = pEvent as IRunspaceRequest;
                request.SetRunspace(_runspace, _breakpoints);

        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
            if (pEvent is IRunspaceRequest)
                var request = pEvent as IRunspaceRequest;
                request.SetRunspace(_runspace, _breakpoints);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #22

        public int OnError(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
            // IDebugErrorEvent2 is used to report error messages to the user when something goes wrong in the debug engine.


 public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
     if (riidEvent == new Guid("ce6f92d3-4222-4b1e-830d-3ecff112bf22"))
         if (pThread != null)
             this.m_Loader.DebugThread = pThread;
        DebugPortNotify(IDebugEventCallback2 callback, IDebugEngine2 debugEngine,
                        DebugProgram.Factory debugProgramFactory, DefaultPort.Factory defaultPortFactory,
                        Process.Factory processFactory)
            programNodes = new List <IDebugProgramNode2>();

            this.callback            = callback;
            this.debugEngine         = debugEngine;
            this.debugProgramFactory = debugProgramFactory;
            this.defaultPortFactory  = defaultPortFactory;
            this.processFactory      = processFactory;
Beispiel #25
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine,
                         IDebugProcess2 pProcess,
                         IDebugProgram2 pProgram,
                         IDebugThread2 pThread,
                         IDebugEvent2 pEvent,
                         ref Guid riidEvent,
                         uint dwAttrib)

        public int Event( IDebugEngine2 pEngine,
            IDebugProcess2 pProcess,
            IDebugProgram2 pProgram,
            IDebugThread2 pThread,
            IDebugEvent2 pEvent,
            ref Guid riidEvent,
            uint dwAttrib)
            Logger.Debug( string.Empty );

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #27
        public IDebugPort2 InitializePort(IDebugEventCallback2 callback, IDebugEngine2 debugEngine)
            // When attaching to a core, the port and process come from our implementation of a
            // port supplier. if we are launching a new game, where does it come from?
            // I think this is a default port that handles all windows based processes.
            var portNotify = portNotifyFactory.Create(callback, debugEngine);
            var port       = defaultPortFactory.Create(portNotify);
            var process    = processFactory.Create("Default Process", port);

        public void SetUp()
            var taskContext = new JoinableTaskContext();

            logSpy = new LogSpy();

            program     = Substitute.For <IGgpDebugProgram>();
            debugEngine = Substitute.For <IDebugEngine2>();
            callback    = Substitute.For <IDebugEventCallback2>();

            handler = new DebugEngineHandler(taskContext, debugEngine, callback);

            var idArg = Arg.Any <Guid>();

            program.GetProgramId(out idArg)
            .Returns(x =>
                x[0] = programId;

            var nameArg = Arg.Any <string>();

            program.GetName(out nameArg)
            .Returns(x =>
                x[0] = programName;

            thread = Substitute.For <IDebugThread>();

            var threadNameArg = Arg.Any <string>();

            thread.GetName(out threadNameArg)
            .Returns(x =>
                x[0] = threadName;

            var threadIdArg = Arg.Any <uint>();

            thread.GetThreadId(out threadIdArg)
            .Returns(x =>
                x[0] = threadId;
Beispiel #29
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram,
                         IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)

            _logger.Trace($"Note right of VS: <IN> IDebugEventCallback2 {pEvent.GetType()}");

            var result = _callback.Event(pEngine, pProcess, pProgram, pThread, pEvent,
                                         ref riidEvent, dwAttrib);

            _logger.Trace($"Note right of VS: <OUT> IDebugEventCallback2 {pEvent.GetType()}");

        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
            var outputString = pEvent as IDebugOutputStringEvent2;

            if (outputString != null)
                string newDebugString;
                newDebugString = "";
                if (outputString.GetString(out newDebugString) == 0)
Beispiel #31
 int IDebugEventCallback2.Event(
     IDebugEngine2 pEngine,
     IDebugProcess2 pProcess,
     IDebugProgram2 pProgram,
     IDebugThread2 pThread,
     IDebugEvent2 pEvent,
     ref Guid riidEvent,
     uint dwAttrib)
     if (Callback == null)
     return(Callback.Event(pEngine, pProcess,
                           pProgram, pThread, pEvent, ref riidEvent, dwAttrib));
Beispiel #32
        int IDebugEventCallback2.Event(
            IDebugEngine2 pEngine,
            IDebugProcess2 pProcess,
            IDebugProgram2 pProgram,
            IDebugThread2 pThread,
            IDebugEvent2 pEvent,
            ref Guid riidEvent,
            uint dwAttrib)
            if (pEngine == Engine)

            if (pProcess == null && pProgram == null)

            if (pProcess == null)
                if (pProgram.GetProcess(out pProcess) != VSConstants.S_OK || pProcess == null)

            var pProcessId = new AD_PROCESS_ID[1];

            if (pProcess.GetPhysicalProcessId(pProcessId) != VSConstants.S_OK)

            if (pProcessId[0].dwProcessId != NativeProcId)

            if (riidEvent == typeof(IDebugProgramDestroyEvent2).GUID)

Beispiel #33
    public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
        if (pEvent is IDebugProgramDestroyEvent2)
            // The process has exited

            uint exitCode;
            if (((IDebugProgramDestroyEvent2)pEvent).GetExitCode(out exitCode) == VSConstants.S_OK)
                // We got the exit code!

            // Stop listening for future exit events
            _debugger = null;
Beispiel #34

        public int OnDebuggerConnectionEvent(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)

                DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent debuggerConnectionEvent = pEvent as DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent;

                switch (debuggerConnectionEvent.Type)
                case DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent.EventType.ShowDialog:


                case DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent.EventType.CloseDialog:


                case DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent.EventType.LogStatus:
                case DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent.EventType.LogError:
                    bool isError = (debuggerConnectionEvent.Type == DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent.EventType.LogError);

                    LoggingUtils.RequireOk(m_debuggerConnectionService.LaunchDialogUpdate(debuggerConnectionEvent.Message, isError));


            catch (Exception e)

        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 engine, IDebugProcess2 process, IDebugProgram2 program,
            IDebugThread2 thread, IDebugEvent2 debugEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint attributes)
            if (process == null)
                return VSConstants.S_OK;
            string processName;
            if (process.GetName((uint) enum_GETNAME_TYPE.GN_FILENAME, out processName) != VSConstants.S_OK)
                return VSConstants.S_OK;
            if (processName.EndsWith("vshost.exe"))
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            var shortName = Path.GetFileName(processName);

            if (debugEvent is IDebugProcessCreateEvent2)
                Log.Instance.SetStatus("[attaching...] {0}", shortName);
            if (debugEvent is IDebugProcessDestroyEvent2)
                Log.Instance.SetStatus("[detached] {0}", shortName);
                Log.Instance.AppendLine("[detached] {0}", shortName);
            if (debugEvent is  IDebugLoadCompleteEvent2)
                if (program != null)
                    string engineName;
                    Guid engineId;
                    if (program.GetEngineInfo(out engineName, out engineId) == VSConstants.S_OK)
                        var fields = new PROCESS_INFO[1];
                        if (process.GetInfo((uint)enum_PROCESS_INFO_FIELDS.PIF_PROCESS_ID, fields) != VSConstants.S_OK)
                            return VSConstants.S_OK;
                        Storage.Instance.SubscribeEngine(processName, engineId);

                        Log.Instance.SetStatus("[attached] {0}", shortName);
                        Log.Instance.AppendLine("[attached] {0} ({1}) / {2}", shortName, fields[0].ProcessId.dwProcessId, engineName);
            return VSConstants.S_OK;
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 engine, IDebugProcess2 process, IDebugProgram2 program,
            IDebugThread2 thread, IDebugEvent2 debugEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint attributes)
            // Ignore a few events right away.
            if (debugEvent is IDebugModuleLoadEvent2 ||
                debugEvent is IDebugThreadCreateEvent2 ||
                debugEvent is IDebugThreadDestroyEvent2)
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            if (process == null)
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            if (debugEvent is IDebugProcessCreateEvent2) {
                State.IsAttached = true;
            else if (debugEvent is IDebugProcessDestroyEvent2) {
                State.IsAttached = false;

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #37
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 engine, IDebugProcess2 process, IDebugProgram2 program, 
			IDebugThread2 thread, IDebugEvent2 debugEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint attributes)
            // Ignore a few events right away.
            if (debugEvent is IDebugModuleLoadEvent2 ||
                debugEvent is IDebugThreadCreateEvent2 ||
                debugEvent is IDebugThreadDestroyEvent2)
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            // Trace.WriteLine(TypeHelper.GetDebugEventTypeName(debugEvent)); // TODO: Remove me.

            if (process == null)
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            var target = GetTargetFromProcess(process);

            if (target == null)
                _package.Reporter.ReportWarning("Can't find target from process {0} ({1}). Event: {2}.",
                    process.GetName(), process.GetProcessId(), TypeHelper.GetDebugEventTypeName(debugEvent));
                return VSConstants.S_OK;
            if (debugEvent is IDebugProcessCreateEvent2)
                target.IsAttached = true;
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            if (debugEvent is IDebugProcessDestroyEvent2)
                target.IsAttached = false;
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
            if (riidEvent == typeof(IDebugOutputStringEvent2).GUID)
                IDebugOutputStringEvent2 ev = pEvent as IDebugOutputStringEvent2;
                if (ev != null)
                    string message;
                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(ev.GetString(out message)))
                        var lines = message.Split(sp, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                        foreach(var line in lines)

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 engine, IDebugProcess2 process, IDebugProgram2 program, 
			IDebugThread2 thread, IDebugEvent2 debugEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint attributes)
            // _package.Reporter.ReportTrace(TypeHelper.GetDebugEventTypeName(debugEvent));

            if (!(debugEvent is IDebugProcessCreateEvent2) &&
                !(debugEvent is IDebugProcessDestroyEvent2))
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            var target = GetTargetFromProcess(process);
            if (target == null)
                _package.Reporter.ReportWarning("Can't find target from process {0} ({1}). Event: {2}.",
                    process.GetName(), process.GetProcessId(), TypeHelper.GetDebugEventTypeName(debugEvent));
                return VSConstants.S_OK;

            if (debugEvent is IDebugProcessCreateEvent2)
                var engines = target.Engines.Where(e => _engines.ContainsKey(e)).Select(e => _engines[e]).ToArray();

                var mode = new DBGMODE[1];
                if (mode[0] == DBGMODE.DBGMODE_Design)
                    return VSConstants.S_OK;

                target.IsAttached = true;
                target.IsAttached = false;

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
        public int Event(IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib) {
            if (riidEvent == typeof(IDebugProgramCreateEvent2).GUID) {
                Guid processId;

                // A program was created and attached
                if (pProcess != null) {
                    if (VSConstants.S_OK == pProcess.GetProcessId(out processId)) {
                        DkmProcess dkmProcess = DkmProcess.FindProcess(processId);

                        if (dkmProcess != null) {
                            var debugTrigger = DkmExceptionCodeTrigger.Create(DkmExceptionProcessingStage.Thrown, null, DkmExceptionCategory.Win32, RemoteDebugStartExceptionCode);
                            var attachTrigger = DkmExceptionCodeTrigger.Create(DkmExceptionProcessingStage.Thrown, null, DkmExceptionCategory.Win32, RemoteDebugAttachExceptionCode);

                            // Try to add exception trigger for when a remote debugger server is started for Python
                            dkmProcess.AddExceptionTrigger(RemoteDebugExceptionGuid, debugTrigger);
                            dkmProcess.AddExceptionTrigger(RemoteDebugExceptionGuid, attachTrigger);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #41
        int IDebugEngineCreateEvent2.GetEngine(out IDebugEngine2 engine)
            engine = m_engine;

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #42
 AD7EngineCreateEvent(AD7Engine engine)
     m_engine = engine;
Beispiel #43
 //private AD7EngineCreateEvent(AD7Engine engine)
 public AD7EngineCreateEvent(AD7Engine engine)
     _engine = engine;

    public int OnError (IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

        DebugEngineEvent.Error errorEvent = pEvent as DebugEngineEvent.Error;

        enum_MESSAGETYPE [] messageType = new enum_MESSAGETYPE [1];

        string errorFormat, errorHelpFileName;

        int errorReason;

        uint errorType, errorHelpId;

        LoggingUtils.RequireOk (errorEvent.GetErrorMessage (messageType, out errorFormat, out errorReason, out errorType, out errorHelpFileName, out errorHelpId));

        LoggingUtils.RequireOk (m_debuggerConnectionService.LaunchDialogUpdate (errorFormat, true));

        return VSConstants.S_OK;
      catch (Exception e)
        LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

        return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

    #region DebugEngineCallbackInterface Members


    public int Event (IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
      LoggingUtils.Print ("[DebugEngineCallback] Event: " + riidEvent.ToString ());

      // Process any registered function handler before passing the event to AD7 callback.

      int handle = Constants.E_NOTIMPL;

        DebuggerEventDelegate eventCallback;

        if (m_debuggerCallback.TryGetValue (riidEvent, out eventCallback))
          handle = eventCallback (pEngine, pProcess, pProgram, pThread, pEvent, ref riidEvent, dwAttrib);

        if (handle != Constants.E_NOTIMPL)
          LoggingUtils.RequireOk (handle);
      catch (Exception e)
        LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

          handle = m_ad7EventCallback.Event (pEngine, pProcess, pProgram, pThread, pEvent, ref riidEvent, dwAttrib);

          if (handle != Constants.E_NOTIMPL)
            LoggingUtils.RequireOk (handle);
        catch (Exception e)
          LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);


      // (Managed Code) It is strongly advised that ReleaseComObject be invoked on the various interfaces that are passed to IDebugEventCallback2::Event.

#if false
      Marshal.ReleaseComObject (pEngine);

      Marshal.ReleaseComObject (pProcess);

      Marshal.ReleaseComObject (pProgram);

      Marshal.ReleaseComObject (pThread);

      Marshal.ReleaseComObject (pEvent);

      return handle;

    public int Event (IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
      // Custom event handler.

      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

        JavaLangDebuggerEventDelegate eventCallback;

        LoggingUtils.Print ("[JavaLangDebuggerCallback] Event: " + riidEvent.ToString ());

        if (!m_debuggerCallback.TryGetValue (riidEvent, out eventCallback))
          return Constants.E_NOTIMPL;

        LoggingUtils.RequireOk (eventCallback (m_debugEngine.JavaDebugger));

        return Constants.S_OK;

      catch (Exception e)
        LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

        return Constants.E_FAIL;
Beispiel #47
 private AD7EngineCreateEvent(AD7Engine engine)
     _engine = engine;

    public int OnError (IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
      // IDebugErrorEvent2 is used to report error messages to the user when something goes wrong in the debug engine.

      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

      return Constants.E_NOTIMPL;

    public int OnDebuggerConnectionEvent (IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

        DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent debuggerConnectionEvent = pEvent as DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent;

        switch (debuggerConnectionEvent.Type)
          case DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent.EventType.ShowDialog:
            LoggingUtils.RequireOk (m_debuggerConnectionService.LaunchDialogShow ());


          case DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent.EventType.CloseDialog:
            LoggingUtils.RequireOk (m_debuggerConnectionService.LaunchDialogClose ());


          case DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent.EventType.LogStatus:
          case DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent.EventType.LogError:
            bool isError = (debuggerConnectionEvent.Type == DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerConnectionEvent.EventType.LogError);

            LoggingUtils.RequireOk (m_debuggerConnectionService.LaunchDialogUpdate (debuggerConnectionEvent.Message, isError));


        return VSConstants.S_OK;
      catch (Exception e)
        LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

        return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
 int IDebugEventCallback2.Event(IDebugEngine2 engine, IDebugProcess2 process, IDebugProgram2 program, IDebugThread2 thread, IDebugEvent2 @event, ref Guid riidEvent, uint attribs)
     IDebugEventCallback2 ad7EventCallback = GetAD7EventCallback();
     return ad7EventCallback.Event(engine, process, program, thread, @event, ref riidEvent, attribs);
        // TODO: Evaluate if this is still necessary
        //private void WarnAboutPGO(string moduleName) {
        //    const string content =
        //        "Python/native mixed-mode debugging does not support Python interpreters that are built with PGO (profile-guided optimization) enabled. " +
        //        "If you are using a stock Python interpreter, you should upgrade to a more recent version of it. If you're using a custom built " +
        //        "interpreter, please disable PGO.";
        //    MessageBox.Show(content, "PGO Is Not Supported", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

        private void SetDebugOptions(IDebugEngine2 engine) {
            var pyService = _serviceProvider.GetPythonToolsService();

            var options = new StringBuilder();
            if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnAbnormalExit) {
                options.Append(";" + AD7Engine.WaitOnAbnormalExitSetting + "=True");
            if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.WaitOnNormalExit) {
                options.Append(";" + AD7Engine.WaitOnNormalExitSetting + "=True");
            if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.TeeStandardOutput) {
                options.Append(";" + AD7Engine.RedirectOutputSetting + "=True");
            if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.BreakOnSystemExitZero) {
                options.Append(";" + AD7Engine.BreakSystemExitZero + "=True");
            if (pyService.DebuggerOptions.DebugStdLib) {
                options.Append(";" + AD7Engine.DebugStdLib + "=True");

            engine.SetMetric(AD7Engine.DebugOptionsMetric, options.ToString());
Beispiel #52
 public AD7Events(IDebugEngine2 engine, IDebugEventCallback2 callback)
   _engine = engine;
   _callback = callback;
Beispiel #53
 public DebugEntryPointEvent(IDebugEngine2 mEngine)
   Engine = mEngine;

    public int OnProgramCreate (IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

        /*DebuggeeProgram p = pProgram as DebuggeeProgram;

        bool worked = false;

        if (pProgram is DebuggeeProgram)
          worked = true;

        Type t = pProgram.GetType ();

        IntPtr pUnk = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject (pProgram);

        Guid guidDebuggeeProgram = ComUtils.GuidOf (typeof (IDebugProgram2));

        IDebugProgram2 debuggeeProgramObj = (IDebugProgram2) Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown (pUnk, typeof (IDebugProgram2));

        DebuggeeProgram debuggeeProgram = debuggeeProgramObj as DebuggeeProgram;

        debuggeeProgram = (DebuggeeProgram) Marshal.CreateWrapperOfType (debuggeeProgramObj, typeof (IDebugProgram2));

        return VSConstants.S_OK;
      catch (Exception e)
        LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

        return VSConstants.E_FAIL;



    #region IDebugEventCallback2 Members


    public int Event (IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
        DebuggerEventListenerDelegate callback;

        LoggingUtils.Print ("[DebuggerEventListener] Event: " + riidEvent.ToString ());

        int handle = VsDebugCommon.Constants.E_NOTIMPL;

        if (!m_eventCallbacks.TryGetValue (riidEvent, out callback))
          return handle;

        handle = callback (pEngine, pProcess, pProgram, pThread, pEvent, ref riidEvent, dwAttrib);

        if (handle != VsDebugCommon.Constants.E_NOTIMPL)
          LoggingUtils.RequireOk (handle);

        return VSConstants.S_OK;
      catch (Exception e)
        LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

        return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
 public EngineCreate (IDebugEngine2 engine)
   m_engine = engine;

    public int Event (IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
      // Custom event handler.

        LoggingUtils.Print ("[CLangDebuggerCallback] Event: " + riidEvent.ToString ());

        CLangDebuggerEventDelegate eventCallback;

        if (!m_debuggerCallback.TryGetValue (riidEvent, out eventCallback))
          return Constants.E_NOTIMPL;

        return eventCallback (m_debugEngine.NativeDebugger);
      catch (Exception e)
        LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);


    public int OnDebuggerLogcatEvent (IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

        DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerLogcatEvent debuggerLogcatEvent = pEvent as DebugEngineEvent.DebuggerLogcatEvent;

        using (SyncRedirectProcess command = AndroidAdb.AdbCommand (debuggerLogcatEvent.HostDevice, "logcat", "-c"))
          command.StartAndWaitForExit ();

        m_adbLogcatProcess = AndroidAdb.AdbCommandAsync (debuggerLogcatEvent.HostDevice, "logcat", "");

        m_adbLogcatListener = new DeviceLogcatListener ();

        if (m_adbLogcatProcess == null)
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("Failed to launch logcat application.");

        if (m_adbLogcatListener == null)
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("Failed to launch logcat listener.");

        m_adbLogcatProcess.Start (m_adbLogcatListener);

        return VSConstants.S_OK;
      catch (Exception e)
        LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

        return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

    public int OnProgramDestroy (IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

        if (m_adbLogcatProcess != null)
          m_adbLogcatProcess.Kill ();

          m_adbLogcatProcess.Dispose ();

          m_adbLogcatProcess = null;

        return VSConstants.S_OK;
      catch (Exception e)
        LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

        return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

    public int OnThreadDestroy (IDebugEngine2 pEngine, IDebugProcess2 pProcess, IDebugProgram2 pProgram, IDebugThread2 pThread, IDebugEvent2 pEvent, ref Guid riidEvent, uint dwAttrib)
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

      return Constants.E_NOTIMPL;