Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to start the specific motion. If the motion
        /// were something like 'jump', this would start the jumping process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rPrevMotion">Motion that this motion is taking over from</param>
        public override bool Activate(MotionControllerMotion rPrevMotion)
            // Ensure we're not holding onto an old spell
            mSpellInstance       = null;
            mStoredAnimatorSpeed = 0f;

            // Default the spell
            int lSpellIndex = mSpellIndex;

            // If a spell was specified (through the parameter), use it
            if (mParameter > 0)
                lSpellIndex = mParameter;

            // Allow the spell to be modified before the attack occurs
            MagicMessage lMessage = MagicMessage.Allocate();

            lMessage.ID            = MagicMessage.MSG_MAGIC_PRE_CAST;
            lMessage.Caster        = mMotionController.gameObject;
            lMessage.SpellIndex    = lSpellIndex;
            lMessage.CastingMotion = this;
            lMessage.Data          = this;

            IActorCore lActorCore = mMotionController.gameObject.GetComponent <ActorCore>();

            if (lActorCore != null)
                lSpellIndex = lMessage.SpellIndex;

            lSpellIndex = lMessage.SpellIndex;


            // Ensure we know what spell to cast
            if (mSpellInventory != null)
                mSpellInstance = mSpellInventory.InstantiateSpell(lSpellIndex);

            if (mSpellInstance == null)

            // Allow the casting
            mIKWeight              = 0f;
            mHasCast               = false;
            mIsInterrupted         = false;
            mIsInterruptedReported = false;
            mHasReachedForward     = false;
            mWasTraversal          = (mActorController.State.Stance == EnumControllerStance.TRAVERSAL);

            // Rotate towards this target. If there's no camera, we'll
            // assume we're dealing with an NPC
            if (mMotionController._CameraTransform != null)
                mTargetForward = mMotionController._CameraTransform.forward;

            //// Ensure our combatant is setup
            //if (mCombatant != null)
            //    if (!mCombatant.OnAttackActivated(this))
            //    {
            //        return false;
            //    }

            // Run the approapriate cast
            int lMotionPhase = (mWasTraversal ? PHASE_STANDING_START : PHASE_START);
            mMotionController.SetAnimatorMotionPhase(mMotionLayer.AnimatorLayerIndex, lMotionPhase, mSpellInstance.CastingStyle, 0, true);

            // Now, activate the motion
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates the action on a single target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rTarget">Target to activate on</param>
        protected void ActivateInstance(GameObject rTarget)
            Vector3 lPoint   = rTarget.transform.position;
            Vector3 lForward = rTarget.transform.forward;

            // Combatant that is attacking
            ICombatant lAttacker = (_Spell.Owner != null ? _Spell.Owner.GetComponent <ICombatant>() : null);

            // Determine who we're colliding with
            IActorCore  lDefenderCore = rTarget.GetComponent <IActorCore>();
            IDamageable lDamageable   = rTarget.GetComponent <IDamageable>();

            if (lDefenderCore == null)
                IWeaponCore lWeaponCore = rTarget.GetComponent <IWeaponCore>();
                if (lWeaponCore != null)
                    lDefenderCore = lWeaponCore.Owner.GetComponent <IActorCore>();
                    if (lDamageable == null)
                        lDamageable = lWeaponCore.Owner.GetComponent <IDamageable>();

            // Save the hit information
            Transform lHitTransform = GetClosestTransform(lPoint, rTarget.transform);
            Vector3   lCombatCenter = lHitTransform.position;
            Vector3   lHitDirection =;

            if (lDefenderCore != null)
                ICombatant lDefenderCombatant = lDefenderCore.gameObject.GetComponent <ICombatant>();
                if (lDefenderCombatant != null)
                    lHitDirection = Quaternion.Inverse(lDefenderCore.Transform.rotation) * (lPoint - lDefenderCombatant.CombatOrigin).normalized;
                lHitDirection = Quaternion.Inverse(lHitTransform.rotation) * (lPoint - lCombatCenter).normalized;

            // Determine the damage
            float lDamage = UnityEngine.Random.Range(_MinDamage, _MaxDamage);

            if (_DamageFloatValueIndex >= 0 && _Spell.Data.FloatValues != null)
                lDamage = _Spell.Data.FloatValues[_DamageFloatValueIndex];

            // Put together the combat round info
            CombatMessage lCombatMessage = CombatMessage.Allocate();

            lCombatMessage.ID               = CombatMessage.MSG_DEFENDER_ATTACKED;
            lCombatMessage.Attacker         = (lAttacker != null ? lAttacker.Transform.gameObject : _Spell.Owner);
            lCombatMessage.Defender         = (lDefenderCore != null ? lDefenderCore.Transform.gameObject : rTarget);
            lCombatMessage.Weapon           = null;
            lCombatMessage.DamageType       = _DamageType;
            lCombatMessage.ImpactType       = _ImpactType;
            lCombatMessage.Damage           = lDamage;
            lCombatMessage.AnimationEnabled = _PlayAnimation;
            lCombatMessage.HitPoint         = lPoint;
            lCombatMessage.HitDirection     = lHitDirection;
            lCombatMessage.HitVector        = lForward;
            lCombatMessage.HitTransform     = lHitTransform;

            // Let the defender react to the damage
            if (lDefenderCore != null)
            // If needed, send the damage directly to the actor core
            else if (lDamageable != null)
            // Without an actor core, check if we can set attributes
                IAttributeSource lAttributeSource = rTarget.GetComponent <IAttributeSource>();
                if (lAttributeSource != null)
                    float lHealth = lAttributeSource.GetAttributeValue <float>(EnumAttributeIDs.HEALTH);
                    lAttributeSource.SetAttributeValue(EnumAttributeIDs.HEALTH, Mathf.Max(lHealth - lCombatMessage.Damage, 0f));

            // Release the message