Beispiel #1
        public void PopupShowAsync(Point aLocation, HeapCell aCell, RawItem aItem, HeapStatistics aStats, Size aOffset, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler aKeyHandler)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "PopupBase - Timer Started" );
            iKeyHandler = aKeyHandler;

            HeapCellArrayWithStatistics array = new HeapCellArrayWithStatistics();

            PrepareContent(array, aStats, aItem);
            iHoverPos = aLocation;
            iShowPos = aLocation;
            iShowPos.Offset(aOffset.Width, aOffset.Height);

            // If we are using an async timer delay then we must start the timer and
            // when it expires, the popup will become visible. Otherwise, we show
            // the popup immediately.
            if (VisibilityDelay > 0)
                iTimer.Enabled = true;
        private void HeapDataRenderer_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (Cells.Count > 0)
                Point    mousePos = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
                HeapCell cell     = CellByPosition(mousePos);
                if (cell != null)
                    // Also try to get the raw item associated with the hover position. This can
                    // also return null.
                    RawItem rawItem = RawItemByPixelPos(mousePos);

                    // Now process the mouse movement
                    if (iMouseSelectionCell != null)
                        int mouseBoundStart             = (int)iMouseSelectionCell.Tag;
                        int mouseBoundLower             = (int)iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryLower.Tag;
                        int mouseBoundUpper             = (int)iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryUpper.Tag;
                        int originalSelectionRangeCount = (mouseBoundUpper - mouseBoundLower);

                        int index = CellIndex(cell);
                        if (index < mouseBoundStart)
                            // Reset upper boundary
                            iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryUpper     = iMouseSelectionCell;
                            iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryLower     = cell;
                            iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryLower.Tag = index;
                        else if (index > mouseBoundStart)
                            // Reset lower boundary
                            iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryLower     = iMouseSelectionCell;
                            iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryUpper     = cell;
                            iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryUpper.Tag = index;
                        else if (index == mouseBoundStart)
                            iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryUpper = iMouseSelectionCell;
                            iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryLower = iMouseSelectionCell;

                        // Update boundary
                        mouseBoundLower = (int)iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryLower.Tag;
                        mouseBoundUpper = (int)iMouseSelectionCellBoundaryUpper.Tag;

                        // Work out if this is a multi-select scenario
                        int  selectionRangeCount = mouseBoundUpper - mouseBoundLower;
                        bool selectionHasChanged = (selectionRangeCount != originalSelectionRangeCount);
                        if (selectionHasChanged && Math.Abs(selectionRangeCount) + 1 > 1)
                            // Build array of selected cells
                            HeapCellArrayWithStatistics cells = new HeapCellArrayWithStatistics();
                            for (index = mouseBoundLower; index <= mouseBoundUpper; index++)
                                cell = Cells[index];

                            // Show popup
                            bool  popupVisible = iFactory.PopupManager.Visible;
                            Point pos          = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

                            if (!popupVisible || !(e.X == iMouseHoverPosition.X && e.Y == iMouseHoverPosition.Y))
                                if (!popupVisible)
                                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Mouse MOVE - MS [popup not vis], Differing Coords: [ " + e.X + ", " + e.Y + " ] -> Popup Show" );
                                    AsyncShowPopup(cells, pos, rawItem);
                                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Mouse MOVE - MS [popup visible], Differing Coords: [ " + e.X + ", " + e.Y + " ] -> Popup Already Shown" );
                                    iMouseHoverPosition = pos;
                                    iFactory.PopupManager.PopupRelocate(cells, Reconstructor.Statistics, pos, PointToScreen(pos), CellBoxSizeIncludingPadding);
                            else if (!popupVisible)
                                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Mouse MOVE - MS [popup not vis], Differing Coords: [ " + e.X + ", " + e.Y + " ] -> Popup Show" );
                                AsyncShowPopup(cells, pos, rawItem);
                        else if (selectionHasChanged)
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Mouse MOVE - Have Existing Selection: [ " + e.X + ", " + e.Y + " ] -> Single Item Hover" );
                        if (iFactory.PopupManager.Visible)
                            if (!(e.X == iMouseHoverPosition.X && e.Y == iMouseHoverPosition.Y))
                                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Mouse MOVE: [ " + e.X + ", " + e.Y + " ] -> Popup Hidden" );
                        else if (!(e.X == iMouseHoverPosition.X && e.Y == iMouseHoverPosition.Y))
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Mouse MOVE: [ " + e.X + ", " + e.Y + " ] -> Popup Show Async" );
                            Point pos = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
                            HeapCellArrayWithStatistics cells = new HeapCellArrayWithStatistics();
                            AsyncShowPopup(cells, pos, rawItem);
                iFocusedCellMouse = cell;