GetDependencyObjects() public method

public GetDependencyObjects ( ) : List
return List
Beispiel #1
	static void GenerateTypeStaticCpp (GlobalInfo all)
		string header;
		List<string> headers = new List<string> ();

		StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();

		Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text);

		text.AppendLine ("#include <config.h>");
		text.AppendLine ();
		text.AppendLine ("#include <stdlib.h>");

		headers.Add ("factory.h");
		headers.Add ("cbinding.h");
		foreach (TypeInfo t in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) {
			if (t.C_Constructor == string.Empty || t.C_Constructor == null || !t.GenerateCBindingCtor) {
				//Console.WriteLine ("{0} does not have a C ctor", t.FullName);
				if (t.GetTotalEventCount () == 0)

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (t.Header)) {
			//	Console.WriteLine ("{0} does not have a header", t.FullName);

			//Console.WriteLine ("{0}'s header is {1}", t.FullName, t.Header);

			header = Path.GetFileName (t.Header);
			if (!headers.Contains (header))
				headers.Add (header);

		// Loop through all the classes and check which headers
		// are needed for the c constructors
		text.AppendLine ("");
		headers.Sort ();
		foreach (string h in headers) {
			text.Append ("#include \"");
			text.Append (h);
			text.AppendLine ("\"");
		text.AppendLine ();
		text.AppendLine ("namespace Moonlight {");
		text.AppendLine ();

		foreach (TypeInfo t in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) {
			if (t.GetEventCount () == 0)

			foreach (FieldInfo field in t.Events) {
				text.Append ("const int ");
				text.Append (t.Name);
				text.Append ("::");
				text.Append (field.EventName);
				text.Append ("Event = ");
				text.Append (t.GetEventId (field));
				text.AppendLine (";");

		// Create the arrays of event names for the classes which have events
		text.AppendLine ("");
		foreach (TypeInfo t in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) {

			if (t.Events.Count > 0) {
				text.Append ("const char *");
				text.Append (t.KindName);
				text.Append ("_Events [] = { ");

				foreach (FieldInfo field in t.Events) {
					text.Append ("\"");
					text.Append (field.EventName);
					text.Append ("\", ");

				text.AppendLine ("NULL };");

			if (t.Interfaces.Count > 0) {
				text.Append ("const Type::Kind ");
				text.Append (t.KindName);
				text.Append ("_Interfaces[] = { ");

				for (int i = 0; i < t.Interfaces.Count; i ++) {
					text.Append ("Type::");
					text.Append (t.Interfaces[i].KindName);
					if (i < t.Interfaces.Count - 1)
						text.Append (", ");

				text.AppendLine (" };");

		// Create the array of type data
		text.AppendLine ("");
		text.AppendLine ("void");
		text.AppendLine ("Types::RegisterNativeTypes ()");
		text.AppendLine ("{");
		text.AppendLine ("\tDeployment *deployment = Deployment::GetCurrent ();");
		text.AppendLine ("\ttypes [(int) Type::INVALID] = new Type (deployment, Type::INVALID, Type::INVALID, false, false, false, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, false, NULL, NULL );");
		text.AppendLine ("\ttypes [(int) Type::ENUM] = new Type (deployment, Type::ENUM, Type::OBJECT, false, false, false, \"Enum\", 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, false, NULL, NULL );");

		foreach (TypeInfo type in all.Children.SortedTypesByKind) {
			MemberInfo member;
			TypeInfo parent = null;
			string events = "NULL";
			string interfaces = "NULL";

			if (!type.Annotations.ContainsKey ("IncludeInKinds"))

			if (type.Base != null && type.Base.Value != null && all.Children.TryGetValue (type.Base.Value, out member))
				parent = (TypeInfo) member;

			if (type.Events != null && type.Events.Count != 0)
				events = type.KindName + "_Events";

			if (type.Interfaces.Count != 0)
				interfaces = type.KindName + "_Interfaces";

			string parentKind;
			if (type.KindName == "OBJECT") {
				parentKind = "INVALID";
			} else {
				if (parent != null)
					parentKind = parent.KindName;
				else if (type.IsEnum)
					parentKind = "ENUM";
					parentKind = "OBJECT";

			text.AppendLine (string.Format (@"	types [(int) {0}] = new Type (deployment, {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11}, {12}, {13});",
							"Type::" + type.KindName,
							"Type::" + parentKind,
							type.IsEnum ? "true" : "false",
							type.IsValueType || type.IsEnum ? "true" : "false",
							type.IsInterface ? "true" : "false",
							"\"" + type.Name + "\"",
							type.GetEventCount (),
							type.GetTotalEventCount (),
							type.DefaultCtorVisible || type.IsValueType || type.IsEnum ? "true" : "false",
							((type.C_Constructor != null && type.GenerateCBindingCtor && (all.GetDependencyObjects ().Contains (type) || type.Name == "DependencyObject"))
							 ? (type.ConstructorSkipsFactories
							    ? string.Concat ("(create_inst_func *) ", type.C_Constructor)
							    : string.Concat ("(create_inst_func *) MoonUnmanagedFactory::Create", type.Name))
							 : "NULL"),
							type.ContentProperty != null ? string.Concat ("\"", type.ContentProperty, "\"") : "NULL"

		text.AppendLine ("\ttypes [(int) Type::LASTTYPE] = new Type (deployment, Type::LASTTYPE, Type::INVALID, false, false, false, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, false, NULL, NULL);");

		text.AppendLine ("}");

		text.AppendLine ();

		text.AppendLine ("};");
		text.AppendLine ();

		Helper.WriteAllText ("src/type-generated.cpp", text.ToString ());
Beispiel #2
	static void GenerateManagedDOs (GlobalInfo all)
		string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
		string class_dir = Path.Combine (base_dir, "class");
		string sys_win_dir = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (class_dir, "System.Windows"), "System.Windows");
		string filename = Path.Combine (sys_win_dir, "DependencyObject.g.cs");
		string previous_namespace = "";
		StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
		List<TypeInfo> types = all.GetDependencyObjects ();

		Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text);
		text.AppendLine ("using Mono;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Collections.Generic;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Controls;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Documents;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Ink;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Input;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Markup;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Media.Animation;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Windows.Shapes;");
		text.AppendLine ();

		for (int i = 0; i < types.Count; i++) {
			TypeInfo type = types [i];
			bool call_initialize = type.Annotations.ContainsKey ("CallInitialize");
			string ns;

			ns = type.Namespace;

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (ns)) {
				Console.WriteLine ("The type '{0}' in {1} does not have a namespace annotation.", type.FullName, Path.GetFileName (type.Header));

			if (ns == "None") {
				//Console.WriteLine ("The type '{0}''s Namespace annotation is 'None'.", type.FullName);

			string check_ns = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (Path.Combine (class_dir, "System.Windows"), ns), type.ManagedName.Replace ("`1", "") + ".cs");
			if (!File.Exists (check_ns))
				throw new Exception (string.Format ("The file {0} does not exist, did you annotate the class with the wrong namespace?", check_ns));

			if (previous_namespace != ns) {
				if (previous_namespace != string.Empty) {
					text.AppendLine ("}");
					text.AppendLine ();
				text.Append ("namespace ");
				text.Append (ns);
				text.AppendLine (" {");
				previous_namespace = ns;
			} else {
				text.AppendLine ();

			if (type.ContentProperty != null)
				text.AppendFormat ("\t[ContentProperty (\"{0}\")]\n", type.ContentProperty);
			text.Append ("\tpartial class ");
			text.Append (type.ManagedName.Replace ("`1", "<T>"));
			text.AppendLine (" {");

			// Public ctor
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (type.C_Constructor)) {
				string access = "Public";
				foreach (MemberInfo member in type.Children.Values) {
					MethodInfo method = member as MethodInfo;

					if (method == null || !method.IsConstructor || method.IsStatic)

					if (method.Parameters.Count != 0)

					if (method.Annotations.ContainsKey ("ManagedAccess"))
						access = method.Annotations.GetValue ("ManagedAccess");

				text.Append ("\t\t");
				Helper.WriteAccess (text, access);
				text.Append (" ");
				text.Append (type.ManagedName.Replace ("`1", ""));
				text.Append (" () : base (SafeNativeMethods.");
				text.Append (type.C_Constructor);
				text.Append (" (), true)");
				if (call_initialize) {
					text.AppendLine ();
					text.AppendLine ("\t\t{");
					text.AppendLine ("\t\t\tInitialize ();");
					text.AppendLine ("\t\t}");
				} else {
					text.AppendLine (" {}");

			// Internal ctor
			text.Append ("\t\tinternal ");
			text.Append (type.ManagedName.Replace ("`1", ""));
			text.Append (" (IntPtr raw, bool dropref) : base (raw, dropref)");
			if (call_initialize) {
				text.AppendLine ();
				text.AppendLine ("\t\t{");
				text.AppendLine ("\t\t\tInitialize ();");
				text.AppendLine ("\t\t}");
			} else {
				text.AppendLine (" {}");

			text.AppendLine ("\t}");
		text.AppendLine ("}");

		Helper.WriteAllText (filename, text.ToString ());
Beispiel #3
	public void GenerateTypes_G (GlobalInfo all)
		string base_dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
		string class_dir = Path.Combine (base_dir, "class");
		string moon_moonlight_dir = Path.Combine (class_dir, "System.Windows");
		List<TypeInfo> types = new List<TypeInfo> (all.GetDependencyObjects ());

		StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();

		Helper.WriteWarningGenerated (text);

		text.AppendLine ("using Mono;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Reflection;");
		text.AppendLine ("using System.Collections.Generic;");
		text.AppendLine ("");
		text.AppendLine ("namespace Mono {");
		text.AppendLine ("\tpartial class Types {");
		text.AppendLine ("\t\tprivate void CreateNativeTypes ()");
		text.AppendLine ("\t\t{");
		text.AppendLine ("\t\t\tType t;");
		text.AppendLine ("\t\t\ttry {");

		foreach (MemberInfo m in all.Children.Values) {
			TypeInfo t = m as TypeInfo;
			if (t == null)
			if (types.Contains (t))
			types.Add (t);

		types.Sort (new Members.MembersSortedByManagedFullName <TypeInfo> ());

		for (int i = 0; i < types.Count; i++) {
			TypeInfo t = types [i];
			string type = t.ManagedName;

			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (t.Namespace) || t.Namespace == "None" || t.Name.StartsWith ("MoonWindow"))

			type = type.Replace ("`1", "<>");

			//Log.WriteLine ("Found Kind.{0} in {1} which result in type: {2}.{3}", kind, file, ns, type);

			text.Append ("\t\t\t\tt = typeof (");
			text.Append (t.Namespace);
			text.Append (".");
			text.Append (type);
			text.AppendLine ("); ");

			text.Append ("\t\t\t\tAddBuiltinType (t, new ManagedType (t, Kind.");
			text.Append (t.KindName);
			text.AppendLine ("));");

		// now handle the primitive types
		output_native_type_delegate f = delegate (string t, string k) {
			text.Append ("\t\t\t\tt = typeof (");
			text.Append (t);
			text.AppendLine (");");

			text.Append ("\t\t\t\tAddBuiltinType (t, new ManagedType (t, Kind.");
			text.Append (k);
			text.AppendLine ("));");

		f ("char", "CHAR");
		f ("object", "OBJECT");
		f ("bool", "BOOL");
		f ("double", "DOUBLE");
		f ("float", "FLOAT");
		f ("ulong", "UINT64");
		f ("long", "INT64");
		f ("uint", "UINT32");
		f ("int", "INT32");
		f ("string", "STRING");
		f ("TimeSpan", "TIMESPAN");
		f ("Enum", "ENUM");

		f ("System.Windows.Application", "APPLICATION");
		f ("System.Windows.Thickness", "THICKNESS");
		f ("System.Windows.CornerRadius", "CORNERRADIUS");
		f ("System.Windows.PropertyPath", "PROPERTYPATH");
		f ("System.Windows.Point", "POINT");
		f ("System.Windows.Rect", "RECT");
		f ("System.Windows.Size", "SIZE");
		f ("System.Windows.FontStretch", "FONTSTRETCH");
		f ("System.Windows.FontWeight", "FONTWEIGHT");
		f ("System.Windows.FontStyle", "FONTSTYLE");
		f ("System.Windows.Documents.TextSelection", "TEXTSELECTION");
		f ("System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer", "TEXTPOINTER");
		f ("System.Windows.Media.FontFamily", "FONTFAMILY");
		f ("System.Windows.Markup.XmlLanguage", "XMLLANGUAGE");
		f ("System.Windows.Input.Cursor", "CURSORTYPE");
		f ("System.Windows.Messaging.LocalMessageReceiver", "LOCALMESSAGERECEIVER");
		f ("System.Windows.Messaging.LocalMessageSender", "LOCALMESSAGESENDER");

		text.AppendLine ("\t\t\t} catch (Exception ex) {");
		text.AppendLine ("\t\t\t\tConsole.WriteLine (\"There was an error while loading native types: \" + ex.ToString ());");
		text.AppendLine ("\t\t\t}");
		text.AppendLine ("\t\t}");
		text.AppendLine ("\t}");
		text.AppendLine ("}");

		Log.WriteLine ("typeandkidngen done");

		Helper.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (Path.Combine (moon_moonlight_dir, "Mono"), "Types.g.cs"), text.ToString ());