Beispiel #1
        public static string Description(this GenericSection section)
            if (section == null)
                return("null section");

            return("Generic " + section.SectionProfile.IDescription() + " - " + CheckGetMaterialName(section.Material));
        public static GenericSection GenericSectionFromProfile(IProfile profile, IMaterialFragment material = null, string name = "")
            //Run pre-process for section create. Calculates all section constants and checks name of profile
            var preProcessValues = PreProcessSectionCreate(name, profile);

            name    = preProcessValues.Item1;
            profile = preProcessValues.Item2;
            Dictionary <string, double> constants = preProcessValues.Item3;

            GenericSection section = new GenericSection(profile,
                                                        constants["Area"], constants["Rgy"], constants["Rgz"], constants["J"], constants["Iy"], constants["Iz"], constants["Iw"], constants["Wely"],
                                                        constants["Welz"], constants["Wply"], constants["Wplz"], constants["CentreZ"], constants["CentreY"], constants["Vz"],
                                                        constants["Vpz"], constants["Vy"], constants["Vpy"], constants["Asy"], constants["Asz"]);

            return(PostProcessSectionCreate(section, name, material, MaterialType.Undefined));
Beispiel #3

        private IFAttribute CreateSection(GenericSection sectionProperty)
            IFGeometricLine lusasGeometricLine = null;

            if (sectionProperty.SectionProfile != null)
                lusasGeometricLine = d_LusasData.createGeometricLine(sectionProperty.DescriptionOrName());
                lusasGeometricLine.setValue("elementType", "3D Thick Beam");
                if (CreateProfile(sectionProperty.DescriptionOrName(), sectionProperty.SectionProfile as dynamic))
                    if (!(sectionProperty.SectionProfile is TaperedProfile))
                        lusasGeometricLine.setFromLibrary("User Sections", "Local", sectionProperty.DescriptionOrName(), 0, 0);
Beispiel #4
        /**** Public Methods                            ****/

        public static ISectionProperty ToSection(this IFAttribute lusasAttribute)
            string attributeName = GetName(lusasAttribute);
            string attributeType = lusasAttribute.getAttributeType();

            int rows = lusasAttribute.countRows("A");

            IProfile        profile;
            GenericSection  section             = null;
            List <int>      interpolationOrders = new List <int>();
            List <double>   positions           = new List <double>();
            List <IProfile> profiles            = new List <IProfile>();

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                profile = ToProfile(lusasAttribute, i);
                double area    = lusasAttribute.getValue("A", i);
                double rgy     = lusasAttribute.getValue("ky", i);
                double rgz     = lusasAttribute.getValue("kz", i);
                double j       = lusasAttribute.getValue("J", i);
                double iy      = lusasAttribute.getValue("Iyy", i);
                double iz      = lusasAttribute.getValue("Izz", i);
                double iw      = lusasAttribute.getValue("Cw", i);
                double wely    = Math.Min(Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("Syt", i)), Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("Syb", i)));
                double welz    = Math.Min(Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("Szt", i)), Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("Szb", i)));
                double wply    = lusasAttribute.getValue("Zpy", i);
                double wplz    = lusasAttribute.getValue("Zpz", i);
                double centreZ = 0; //Eccentricity is handeled in the Bar not at the section
                double centreY = 0; //Eccentricity is handeled in the Bar not at the section
                double zt      = lusasAttribute.getValue("zt", i);
                double zb      = Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("zb", i));
                double yt      = Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("yb", i)); //Lusas Y-Axis is opposite to the BHoM Y-axis
                double yb      = lusasAttribute.getValue("yt", i);
                double asy     = lusasAttribute.getValue("Asy", i);
                double asz     = lusasAttribute.getValue("Asz", i);

                if (profile == null)

                profile = Engine.Structure.Compute.Integrate(profile, oM.Geometry.Tolerance.MicroDistance).Item1;

                if (attributeType == "Multiple Varying Geometric")
                    double position = lusasAttribute.getValue("distanceAlongBeam", i);
                    section = new GenericSection(profile, area, rgy, rgz, j, iy, iz, iw, wely, welz, wply, wplz, centreZ, centreY, zt, zb, yt, yb, asy, asz);

            if (lusasAttribute.getAttributeType() == "Multiple Varying Geometric")
                for (int i = 0; i < profiles.Count - 1; i++)
                TaperedProfile taperedProfile = Engine.Spatial.Create.TaperedProfile(positions, profiles, interpolationOrders);
                if (taperedProfile == null)
                section = Engine.Structure.Create.GenericSectionFromProfile(taperedProfile);

            section.Name = attributeName;

            int adapterNameId = lusasAttribute.getID();

            section.SetAdapterId(typeof(LusasId), adapterNameId);

Beispiel #5
    // Constructor.
    public civ3Game(MyBinaryReader saveStream)
        // Initialize my list of sections I don't know what to do with yet.
        this.pileOfSectionsToSortLater = new List <SectionWithLength>();

        // Initialize empty byte[] pad list.
        this.bytePads = new List <byte[]>();

        // Initialize empty tile list.
        this.tileSection = new List <SectionWithLength>();

        // Read save file stream assuming fixed order and general structure.
        // Trying to use class constructors but reading some padding in manually.
        // FIX: hard-coding CIV3 length of 0x1a
        this.civ3Section = new GenericSection(saveStream, 0x1a);
        this.bicSection  = new SectionWithLength(saveStream);
        this.bicqSection = new BicqSection(saveStream);
        this.gameSection = new GenericSection(saveStream, 0x0ecf);

        // reading in five sections (DATE, PLGI, PLGI, DATE and DATE)
        this.pileOfSectionsToSortLater.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));
        this.pileOfSectionsToSortLater.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));
        this.pileOfSectionsToSortLater.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));
        this.pileOfSectionsToSortLater.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));
        this.pileOfSectionsToSortLater.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));

        // FIX: hard-coded byte padding here. Is it algined? Other way to realign?

        // reading CNSL section
        this.pileOfSectionsToSortLater.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));

        // reading three WRLD sections
        this.pileOfSectionsToSortLater.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));
        this.pileOfSectionsToSortLater.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));

        // FIX: Ugly hack to grab presumed map width and height.
        int mapWidth  = BitConverter.ToInt32(pileOfSectionsToSortLater[pileOfSectionsToSortLater.Count - 1].buffer, 0x04);
        int mapHeight = BitConverter.ToInt32(pileOfSectionsToSortLater[pileOfSectionsToSortLater.Count - 1].buffer, 0x18);


        this.pileOfSectionsToSortLater.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));

        // FIX: hard-seeking to first TILE section of my test file.
        // saveStream.BaseStream.Seek(0x34a4, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        // Read all TILE sections. There are mapWidth/2 * mapHeight * 4 of them
        // FIX: I really want one entity per game tile, but there are four TILE sections per game tile
        for (int i = 0; i < (mapWidth / 2) * mapHeight * 4; i++)
            this.tileSection.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));

 *              // FIX: Need to load all tiles. Load a single tile into the list.
 *              this.tileSection.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));
 *              this.tileSection.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));
 *              this.tileSection.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));
 *              this.tileSection.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));
 *              this.tileSection.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));
 *              this.tileSection.Add(new SectionWithLength(saveStream));
        // Iterating and printing out section names of my junk pile.
        foreach (SectionWithLength mySection in this.pileOfSectionsToSortLater)
Beispiel #6

        private bool SetProfile(GenericSection bhomProfile, string sectionName, string matName)
            Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError("GenericSection is not yet implemented in SAP2000 adapter");