Beispiel #1
    public override void _Ready()
        logo = GetNode <Control>(LogoPath);
        revolutionaryGames = GetNode <Control>(RevolutionaryGamesPath);
        supportedBy        = GetNode <Control>(SupportedByPath);
        developersHeading  = GetNode <Control>(DevelopersHeadingPath);

        if (TeamNameFont == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(TeamNameFont)} not set");

        if (SectionNameFont == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(SectionNameFont)} not set");

        credits = SimulationParameters.Instance.GetCredits();

        steamVersion = SteamHandler.IsTaggedSteamRelease();

        if (phase == CreditsPhase.NotRunning && AutoStart)
        // GET: DrawFive
        public ActionResult Index(string id)
            var db   = new DrawFiveEntities();
            var user = db.UserCredits.Find(id);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                return(View("../UserCredits/Index", db.UserCredits.ToList()));
                if (GameCredits.GetUserCredits(id) == 0)
                    //Redirect to Credits view to by more credits
                    return(View("../UserCredits/Index", db.UserCredits.ToList()));
                    var dfl = new DrawFiveList
                        DrawList = Helper.GetFiveNewCards().OrderBy(x => x.OverAllHierarchyCardValue).ToList(),
                        UserId   = id,
                        Credits  = user.Credits
                    ViewBag.Reset = false;
Beispiel #3
    /// <summary>
    ///   Loads the simulation configuration parameters from JSON files
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   This is now loaded in _Ready as otherwise the <see cref="ModLoader"/>'s _Ready would run after simulation
    ///   parameters are loaded causing some data that might want to be overridden by mods to be loaded too early.
    /// </remarks>
    public override void _Ready()

        // Compounds are referenced by the other json files so it is loaded first and instance is assigned here
        instance = this;

        // Loading the compounds needs a custom JSON deserializer that can load the Compound objects, but the loader
        // can't always be active because that breaks saving
            var compoundDeserializer = new JsonConverter[] { new CompoundLoader(null) };

            compounds = LoadRegistry <Compound>(
                "res://simulation_parameters/microbe_stage/compounds.json", compoundDeserializer);

        membranes = LoadRegistry <MembraneType>(
        backgrounds = LoadRegistry <Background>(
        biomes = LoadRegistry <Biome>(
        bioProcesses = LoadRegistry <BioProcess>(
        organelles = LoadRegistry <OrganelleDefinition>(

        NameGenerator = LoadDirectObject <NameGenerator>(

        musicCategories = LoadRegistry <MusicCategory>("res://simulation_parameters/common/music_tracks.json");

        helpTexts = LoadRegistry <HelpTexts>("res://simulation_parameters/common/help_texts.json");

        inputGroups = LoadListRegistry <NamedInputGroup>("res://simulation_parameters/common/input_options.json");

        autoEvoConfiguration =
            LoadDirectObject <AutoEvoConfiguration>("res://simulation_parameters/common/auto-evo_parameters.json");

        gallery = LoadRegistry <Gallery>("res://simulation_parameters/common/gallery.json");

        translationsInfo =
            LoadDirectObject <TranslationsInfo>("res://simulation_parameters/common/translations_info.json");

        gameCredits =
            LoadDirectObject <GameCredits>("res://simulation_parameters/common/credits.json");

        GD.Print("SimulationParameters loading ended");


        // Apply translations here to ensure that initial translations are correct when the game starts.
        // This is done this way to allow StartupActions to run before SimulationParameters are loaded

        GD.Print("SimulationParameters are good");
        public ActionResult Index(DrawFiveList draw)
            var curHand = draw.DrawList;

            draw.DiscardCount = curHand.Count(x => x.Discard);

            var returnList = new DrawFiveList();

            returnList.DrawList = new List <DrawFiveClass>();
            var dfl = Helper.ReplaceDisCards(curHand).ToList();

            foreach (var item in dfl)
            var sortedList = returnList.DrawList.OrderBy(x => x.OverAllHierarchyCardValue).ToList();

            returnList.DrawList = sortedList;
            returnList.UserId   = draw.UserId;
            returnList.Credits  = draw.Credits;
            ViewBag.Reset       = true;

            var didYouWin = Helper.DidYouWin(returnList.DrawList);

            ViewBag.DidYouWin   = didYouWin.DidYouWin;
            ViewBag.Message     = didYouWin.Message;
            ViewBag.WinningHand = didYouWin.WinningHand;
            ViewBag.CreditsWon  = didYouWin.CreditsWon;

            if (didYouWin.DidYouWin)
                GameCredits.UpdateUserCredits((int)ViewBag.CreditsWon, draw.UserId);
                GameCredits.UpdateUserCredits(-1, draw.UserId);

            if (db.UserCredits != null)
                var updatedCredits = db.UserCredits.Find(draw.UserId).Credits;
                ViewBag.RemainingCreditsMessage = $"{draw.UserId} you have {updatedCredits} credits left.";
                ViewBag.RemainingCreditsMessage = "Error";
