Beispiel #1
        void UpdatePerson(New.Person person, Formrecord record)
            switch (record.Formfield.Name)
            case "Middle Initial": person.MiddleInitial = record.Storedvalue; return;

            case "SSN Last Four": person.SocialSecurityLastFour = TakeLastFourDigits(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Date of Birth": person.DateOfBirth = TryParseDate(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Gender": person.Gender = MaleOrFemale(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Phone": person.PrimaryPhoneNumber = StripExtraPhoneCharacters(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Alt. Phone": person.AlternatePhoneNumber = StripExtraPhoneCharacters(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "E-mail Address": person.AlternateEmail = record.Storedvalue; return;

            case "Emergency Contact Name": person.EmergencyContactName = record.Storedvalue; return;

            case "Emergency Contact Phone": person.EmergencyContactPhoneNumber = StripExtraPhoneCharacters(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Position": person.Position = TryGetPosition(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Address": person.StreetAddress = record.Storedvalue; return;

            default: return;
Beispiel #2
        public EditableFile(Formfile formFile)
            : base(formFile)
            //pre-populate all the fields, along with any existing records
            FormfieldCollection allFields = new FormfieldCollection().Where(Formfield.Columns.Formid, this.SymanticForm.Form.Id).Load();

            this.relatedFields = new List <EditableField>();
            for (int i = 0; i < allFields.Count; i++)
                Formrecord    candidateRecord = this.FormFile.Formrecords().FirstOrDefault <Formrecord>(record => record.Fieldid == allFields[i].Id);
                EditableField field;
                if (candidateRecord != null)
                    field = new EditableField(candidateRecord);
                    field = new EditableField(allFields[i]);
                field.FieldStoringCallback += new EventHandler <EditableFieldStoringCallbackArgs>(HandleEditableFieldStoring);

            /// Sort the fields in field order
            this.relatedFields = this.relatedFields.OrderBy(field => field.Metadata.FieldOrder).ToList();
Beispiel #3
        void UpdateQual(Qualification qual, Formrecord record)
            switch (record.Formfield.Name)
            case "Date Last BFR or Qual Form 8": qual.LastBFR = TryParseDate(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Date Last Military Flight Physical": qual.LastMilitaryFlightPhysical = TryParseDate(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Date Last Altitude Chamber": qual.LastAltitudeChamber = TryParseDate(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Date Last Egrees Training LL-03": qual.LastEgreesTraining = TryParseDate(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Date Last Simulator Refresher": qual.LastSimulatorRefresher = TryParseDate(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Date Last CRM": qual.LastCRM = TryParseDate(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Date Last Life Support Training": qual.LastLifeSupportTraining = TryParseDate(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Date Last Flight": qual.LastFlight = TryParseDate(record.Storedvalue); return;

            case "Military FCF Qual": qual.MilitaryFCFQualification = PraseFCFQual(record.Storedvalue); return;

            default: return;
Beispiel #4
 public EditableField(Formfield formfield, Formrecord formrecord)
     : this(formrecord)
     if (formrecord.Formfield.Id != formfield.Id)
         throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot encapsulate a record with a different field (Field IDs do not match)");
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Encapsulates an existing record for this field
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="formrecord"></param>
 public EditableField(Formrecord formrecord)
     : this(formrecord.Formfield)
     this.FormRecord       = formrecord;
     this.Status           = FieldStatus.Unmodified;
     this.workingTextValue = this.FormRecord.Storedvalue;
     this.workingCodeValue = this.FormRecord.Codeid;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes the field (and all codes, and all records) from the form
 /// </summary>
 public void Delete()
     foreach (Formrecord record in this.FormField.Formrecords())
     foreach (Formcode code in this.FormField.Formcodes())
     if (this.FieldDeleted != null)
         this.FieldDeleted(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores the working values into the a record.
        /// </summary>
        public void Store()
            EditableFieldStoringCallbackArgs fieldStoringCallbackArgs = new EditableFieldStoringCallbackArgs();

            if (this.FieldStoringCallback != null)
                this.FieldStoringCallback(this, fieldStoringCallbackArgs);

            if (this.Status == FieldStatus.New)
                if (!fieldStoringCallbackArgs.FileId.HasValue)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot save a new field without a file id provided by the field storing callback method");
                int fileid = fieldStoringCallbackArgs.FileId.Value;

                this.FormRecord = Formrecord.CreateNew(fileid, this.FormField.Id);
                if (this.FormRecord == null)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot store a new field without first creating the associated record");
                this.Status = FieldStatus.Modified;

            if (this.Status == FieldStatus.Modified)
                this.FormRecord.Storedvalue = this.TextValue;
                this.FormRecord.Codeid      = null; //default
                if (this.Type == FieldType.SingleOption)
                    /// For single option we actually set the code value
                    this.FormRecord.Codeid = this.CodeValue;
                    if (this.CodeValue.HasValue &&
                        this.LookupCodes.Count(lookup => lookup.Id == this.CodeValue.Value) > 0)
                        this.FormRecord.Storedvalue = this.LookupCodes.Where(Formcode.Columns.Id, this.FormRecord.Codeid.Value)[0].Label;
                this.Status = FieldStatus.Unmodified;