public void Given_spaces_end_tag_when_compile_result_should_not_contains_space()
     var compiler = new CollapseWhitespaceCompiler();
     var content = new FileContent { Content = "<p>Oi</p>       " };
 public void Given_spaces_tag_when_compile_result_should_contains_one_space()
     var compiler = new CollapseWhitespaceCompiler();
     var content = new FileContent { Content = "       <div class='wrap'>       <p>        <span>Oi</span>       </p>       </div>       " };
         .Content.Should().Be("<div class='wrap'> <p> <span>Oi</span> </p> </div>");
        public void Give_comments_in_end_word_when_compile_result_should_not_contains_comments()
            var compiler = new RemoveHtmlCommentsCompiler();
            var content = new FileContent { Content = "<p>Hi!<!-- comments --></p>" };
            var result = compiler.Compile(content);

        public void Given_html_template_when_compile_result_should_be_html_betwen_tag_script()
            var content = new FileContent { Name = "template.tpl.html", Content = "<div>Oi!</div>" };
            var compiler = new ScriptTagCompiler();
            var result = compiler.Compile(content);

            result.Content.Should().Be("<script type=\"text/ng-template\" id=\"template.tpl.html\"><div>Oi!</div></script>");
        public void Given_html_template_when_compile_result_should_not_be_null_or_empty()
            var content = new FileContent { Name = "template.tpl.html", Content = "<div>Oi!</div>" };
            var compiler = new ScriptTagCompiler();
            var result = compiler.Compile(content);

		public void EmptyFile()
			var data = new FileContentData(new byte[0]);
			var file = new FileContent("file", data);

			Assert.AreEqual("file", file.Name);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, file.Data.Length);
		public void Rewrite_BlankLine()
			var cvs = new FileContent(".cvsignore", MakeContents("file1", "", "file2"));
			var git = CvsIgnoreFile.Rewrite(cvs);

			var contents = GetContents(git);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents.Length, 2);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[0], "/file1");
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[1], "/file2");
        public IContent WritePage(ISource source, IPageData pageData, OutputData outputData)
            //DataSet ds = outputData.Data as DataSet;
            //TkDebug.AssertArgumentNull(ds, "ds", null);
            //DataTable table = ds.Tables[fMetaData.Table.TableName];

            byte[] midArray = NPOIWrite.ExportExcel(outputData, this);
            string fileName = fMetaData.Table.TableDesc + ".xls";
            FileContent file = new FileContent(NetUtil.GetContentType(fileName), fileName, midArray);
            return new WebFileContent(file);
		public void Rewrite_SimpleFileNames()
			var cvs = new FileContent(".cvsignore", MakeContents("file1", "file2"));
			var git = CvsIgnoreFile.Rewrite(cvs);

			Assert.AreEqual(git.Name, ".gitignore");
			var contents = GetContents(git);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents.Length, 2);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[0], "/file1");
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[1], "/file2");
		public void Rewrite_MultipleEntriesPerLine()
			var cvs = new FileContent(".cvsignore", MakeContents("file1 file2", "file3"));
			var git = CvsIgnoreFile.Rewrite(cvs);

			Assert.AreEqual(git.Name, ".gitignore");
			var contents = GetContents(git);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents.Length, 3);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[0], "/file1");
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[1], "/file2");
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[2], "/file3");
Beispiel #11
        public bool IsRoomFor(string name, FileContent fileContent)
            VolumeFile existingFile = Open(name);

            int usedByThisFile = 0;

            if (existingFile != null)
                usedByThisFile = existingFile.ReadAll().Size;

            return INFINITE_CAPACITY == FreeSpace || FreeSpace + usedByThisFile >= fileContent.Size;
Beispiel #12
        public override VolumeFile Create(string name)
            SafeHouse.Logger.Log("Creating file on harddisk " + name);

            if (files.ContainsKey(name))
                throw new KOSFileException("File already exists: " + name);

            files[name] = new FileContent();

            SafeHouse.Logger.Log("Created file on harddisk " + name);

            return new HarddiskFile(this, name);
        public void Give_comments_end_between_tags_multiline_when_compile_result_should_not_contains_comments()
            var compiler = new RemoveHtmlCommentsCompiler();
            var content = new FileContent
                Content = @"<p><span>Hi!</span><!--


            var result = compiler.Compile(content);

		public void IsIgnoreFile_FileInRoot()
			var f = new FileContent(".cvsignore", FileContentData.Empty);
		private string[] GetContents(FileContent file)
			var stringData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(file.Data.Data, 0, (int)file.Data.Length);
			Assert.IsTrue(stringData.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine), "Has trailing newline");

			// strip trailing newline so we don't return an extra line
			stringData = stringData.Remove(stringData.Length - 2);
			return stringData.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
		public void Rewrite_NegatedEntry()
			var cvs = new FileContent("dir1/dir2/.cvsignore", MakeContents("file1", "!file2"));
			var git = CvsIgnoreFile.Rewrite(cvs);

			var contents = GetContents(git);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents.Length, 2);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[0], "/file1");
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[1], "!/file2");
		public void Rewrite_MultipleSpacesBetween()
			var cvs = new FileContent(".cvsignore", MakeContents("file1.txt \t file2.txt"));
			var git = CvsIgnoreFile.Rewrite(cvs);

			Assert.AreEqual(git.Name, ".gitignore");
			var contents = GetContents(git);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents.Length, 2);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[0], "/file1.txt");
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[1], "/file2.txt");
Beispiel #18
 public async Task <bool> UpdateFileContent(FileContent entity)
     return(await _repo.UpdateFileContent(entity));
Beispiel #19
        public override void Execute(SharedObjects shared)
            // run() is strange.  It needs two levels of args - the args to itself, and the args it is meant to
            // pass on to the program it's invoking.  First, these are the args to run itself:
            object volumeId = PopValueAssert(shared, true);
            string fileName = PopValueAssert(shared, true).ToString();


            // Now the args it is going to be passing on to the program:
            var progArgs = new List <object>();
            int argc     = CountRemainingArgs(shared);

            for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
                progArgs.Add(PopValueAssert(shared, true));

            if (shared.VolumeMgr == null)
            if (shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume == null)
                throw new Exception("Volume not found");

            VolumeFile file = shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume.Open(fileName, true);

            if (file == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("File '{0}' not found", fileName));
            if (shared.ScriptHandler == null)

            if (volumeId != null)
                Volume targetVolume = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolume(volumeId);
                if (targetVolume != null)
                    if (shared.ProcessorMgr != null)
                        string filePath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeRawIdentifier(targetVolume), fileName);
                        var    options  = new CompilerOptions {
                            LoadProgramsInSameAddressSpace = true, FuncManager = shared.FunctionManager
                        List <CodePart> parts   = shared.ScriptHandler.Compile(filePath, 1, file.ReadAll().String, "program", options);
                        var             builder = new ProgramBuilder();
                        List <Opcode> program = builder.BuildProgram();
                        shared.ProcessorMgr.RunProgramOn(program, targetVolume);
                    throw new KOSFileException("Volume not found");
                // clear the "program" compilation context
                string filePath = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeRawIdentifier(shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume) + "/" + fileName;
                var    options  = new CompilerOptions {
                    LoadProgramsInSameAddressSpace = true, FuncManager = shared.FunctionManager
                var programContext = ((CPU)shared.Cpu).SwitchToProgramContext();

                List <CodePart> codeParts;
                FileContent     content = file.ReadAll();
                if (content.Category == FileCategory.KSM)
                    string prefix = programContext.Program.Count.ToString();
                    codeParts = content.AsParts(fileName, prefix);
                        codeParts = shared.ScriptHandler.Compile(filePath, 1, content.String, "program", options);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // If it died due to a compile error, then we won't really be able to switch to program context
                        // as was implied by calling Cpu.SwitchToProgramContext() up above.  The CPU needs to be
                        // told that it's still in interpreter context, or else it fails to advance the interpreter's
                        // instruction pointer and it will just try the "call run()" instruction again:

            // Because run() returns FIRST, and THEN the CPU jumps to the new program's first instruction that it set up,
            // it needs to put the return stack in a weird order.  Its return value needs to be buried UNDER the args to the
            // program it's calling:
            UsesAutoReturn = false;

            shared.Cpu.PushStack(0); // dummy return that all functions have.

            // Put the args for the program being called back on in the same order they were in before (so read the list backward):
            shared.Cpu.PushStack(new KOSArgMarkerType());
            for (int i = argc - 1; i >= 0; --i)
Beispiel #20
 public async Task <string> SetPersonDocument(string personId, FileContent entity, string activityId = null)
     return(await _repo.CreatePersonDocument(entity, personId, activityId));
Beispiel #21
        protected override void Seed(OnlineFileSystem.Models.ApplicationDbContext context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.

            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
            //  to avoid creating duplicate seed data. E.g.
            //    context.People.AddOrUpdate(
            //      p => p.FullName,
            //      new Person { FullName = "Andrew Peters" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Brice Lambson" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Rowan Miller" }
            //    );

            FileContent fileC1 = new FileContent();

            fileC1.Data = new byte[] { 8, 4, 5, 5 };
            FileContent fileC2 = new FileContent();

            fileC2.Data = new byte[] { 8, 4, 5, 5 };
            FileContent fileC3 = new FileContent();

            fileC3.Data = new byte[] { 3, 4, 9, 1 };
            FileContent fileC4 = new FileContent();

            fileC4.Data = new byte[] { 1, 1 };

            UserAccount user1 = new UserAccount();

            user1.Username         = "******";
            user1.PasswordSalt     = "nippon";
            user1.Password         = Utility.HashPassword("QWEqwe123", user1.PasswordSalt);
            user1.Email            = "*****@*****.**";
            user1.Role             = 0;
            user1.Confirmationlink = "fgwergreeervevrev";
            user1.DateCreated      = new DateTime(2014, 10, 20);
            user1.DateModified     = new DateTime(2014, 10, 20);
            user1.LastLogin        = new DateTime(2015, 11, 21);

            UserAccount user2 = new UserAccount();

            user2.Username         = "******";
            user2.PasswordSalt     = "nihon";
            user2.Password         = Utility.HashPassword("123qweQWE", user2.PasswordSalt);
            user2.Email            = "*****@*****.**";
            user2.Role             = 1;
            user2.Confirmationlink = "cerveipoviervr";
            user2.DateCreated      = new DateTime(2015, 10, 20);
            user2.DateModified     = new DateTime(2015, 10, 20);
            user2.LastLogin        = new DateTime(2015, 11, 21);

            Folder folder1 = new Folder();

            folder1.Name             = "folder1";
            folder1.DateCreated      = new DateTime(2015, 12, 20);
            folder1.DateModified     = new DateTime(2016, 12, 20);
            folder1.OwnerUserAccount = user1;

            Folder folder2 = new Folder();

            folder2.Name             = "folder2";
            folder2.DateCreated      = new DateTime(2015, 12, 21);
            folder2.DateModified     = new DateTime(2016, 12, 22);
            folder2.OwnerUserAccount = user2;

            Folder folder3 = new Folder();

            folder3.Name             = "folder3";
            folder3.DateCreated      = new DateTime(2015, 12, 23);
            folder3.DateModified     = new DateTime(2016, 12, 24);
            folder3.ParentFolder     = folder1;
            folder3.OwnerUserAccount = user1;

            File file1 = new File();

            file1.Name             = "test1.txt";
            file1.Sharing          = 1;
            file1.Link             = "123214234324";
            file1.FileType         = "txt";
            file1.Size             = 3000;
            file1.DateCreated      = new DateTime(2016, 12, 10);
            file1.DateModified     = new DateTime(2016, 12, 10);
            file1.Content          = fileC1;
            file1.ParentFolder     = folder1;
            file1.OwnerUserAccount = file1.ParentFolder.OwnerUserAccount;

            File file2 = new File();

            file2.Name             = "test2.jpg";
            file2.Sharing          = 0;
            file2.FileType         = "jpg";
            file2.Size             = 552384000;
            file2.DateCreated      = new DateTime(2016, 12, 10);
            file2.DateModified     = new DateTime(2016, 12, 11);
            file2.Content          = fileC2;
            file2.ParentFolder     = folder1;
            file2.OwnerUserAccount = file2.ParentFolder.OwnerUserAccount;

            File file3 = new File();

            file3.Name             = "test3";
            file3.Sharing          = 0;
            file3.FileType         = "/";
            file3.Link             = "23432234";
            file3.Size             = 552384000;
            file3.DateCreated      = new DateTime(2016, 12, 9);
            file3.DateModified     = new DateTime(2016, 12, 10);
            file3.Content          = fileC3;
            file3.ParentFolder     = folder2;
            file3.OwnerUserAccount = file3.ParentFolder.OwnerUserAccount;

            File file4 = new File();

            file4.Name             = "test4";
            file4.Sharing          = 0;
            file4.FileType         = "/";
            file4.Link             = "23432234";
            file4.Size             = 552384000;
            file4.DateCreated      = new DateTime(2016, 12, 9);
            file4.DateModified     = new DateTime(2016, 12, 10);
            file4.Content          = fileC4;
            file4.OwnerUserAccount = user1;

            context.UserAccounts.AddOrUpdate(user1, user2);
            context.Folders.AddOrUpdate(folder1, folder2, folder3);
            context.FileContents.AddOrUpdate(fileC1, fileC2, fileC3, fileC4);
            context.Files.AddOrUpdate(file1, file2, file3, file4);

             * // Init of user roles
             * context.UserRoles.AddOrUpdate(p => p.UserRoleId,
             * new UserRole
             * {
             * Role = "Admin"
             * },
             * new UserRole
             * {
             * Role = "User"
             * },
             * new UserRole
             * {
             * Role = "Unconfirmed"
             * }
             * );
             * // init binary data
             * context.FileContents.AddOrUpdate(p => p.FileContentId,
             * new FileContent
             * {
             * Data = new byte[] { 8, 4, 5, 5 }
             * },
             * new FileContent
             * {
             * Data = new byte[] { 8, 4, 5, 5 }
             * },
             * new FileContent
             * {
             * Data = new byte[] { 3, 4, 9, 1 }
             * }
             * );
             * // init of sample files
             * context.Files.AddOrUpdate(p => p.FileId,
             * new File
             * {
             * Name = "test1.txt",
             * Sharing = 1,
             * Link = "123214234324",
             * FileType = "txt",
             * Size = 3000,
             * DateCreated = new DateTime(2016, 12, 10),
             * DateModified = new DateTime(2016, 12, 10),
             * Content = (from contents in context.FileContents where contents.FileContentId == 1 select contents).First()
             * },
             * new File
             * {
             * Name = "test2.jpg",
             * Sharing = 0,
             * FileType = "jpg",
             * Size = 552384000,
             * DateCreated = new DateTime(2016, 12, 10),
             * DateModified = new DateTime(2016, 12, 11),
             * Content = (from contents in context.FileContents where contents.FileContentId == 2 select contents).First()
             * },
             * new File
             * {
             * Name = "test3",
             * Sharing = 0,
             * Link = "23432234",
             * FileType = "/",
             * Size = 552384000,
             * DateCreated = new DateTime(2016, 12, 9),
             * DateModified = new DateTime(2016, 12, 10),
             * Content = (from contents in context.FileContents where contents.FileContentId == 3 select contents).First()
             * }
             * );
             * // init of folders
             * context.Folders.AddOrUpdate(p => p.FolderId,
             * new Folder
             * {
             * Name = "folder1",
             * DateCreated = new DateTime(2015, 12, 20),
             * DateModified = new DateTime(2016, 12, 20),
             * Files = (from files in context.Files where files.Name == "test1.txt" || files.Name == "test2.txt" select files).ToArray(),
             * Folders = (from folders in context.Folders where folders.Name == "folder3" select folders).ToArray(),
             * },
             * new Folder
             * {
             * Name = "folder2",
             * DateCreated = new DateTime(2015, 12, 21),
             * DateModified = new DateTime(2016, 12, 22),
             * Files = (from files in context.Files where files.Name == "test3.txt" select files).ToArray(),
             * },
             * new Folder
             * {
             * Name = "folder3",
             * DateCreated = new DateTime(2015, 12, 23),
             * DateModified = new DateTime(2016, 12, 24)
             * }
             * );
             * // init of users
             * context.UserAccounts.AddOrUpdate(p => p.UserAccountId,
             * new UserAccount
             * {
             * Username = "******",
             * Password = "******",
             * Email = "*****@*****.**",
             * Role = (from userRoles in context.UserRoles where userRoles.Role == "User" select userRoles).First(),
             * DateCreated = new DateTime(2014, 10, 20),
             * DateModified = new DateTime(2014, 10, 20),
             * LastLogin = new DateTime(2015, 11, 21),
             * Folders = (from folders in context.Folders where folders.Name == "folder1" select folders).ToArray(),
             * },
             * new UserAccount
             * {
             * Username = "******",
             * Password = "******",
             * Email = "*****@*****.**",
             * Role = (from userRoles in context.UserRoles where userRoles.Role == "Unconfirmed" select userRoles).First(),
             * DateCreated = new DateTime(2015, 10, 20),
             * DateModified = new DateTime(2015, 10, 20),
             * LastLogin = new DateTime(2015, 11, 21),
             * Folders = (from folders in context.Folders where folders.Name == "folder2" select folders).ToArray(),
             * }
             * );
Beispiel #22
 public new FileContent Add(FileContent fileContent)
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload Util Method for SFTP
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content"></param>
        /// <param name="folderPath"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <param name="appendIfExist"></param>
        /// <param name="temporaryFolder"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override async Task <HttpResponseMessage> UploadTransportSpecificFileAsync(FileContent content, string folderPath, string fileName, bool appendIfExist, string temporaryFolder)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(temporaryFolder) && appendIfExist)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.InvalidOperationWithTemporaryFolder, "temporaryFolder");

            if (!this.ValidateController())
                return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, this.validationErrors));

            string path          = folderPath;
            string temporaryPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) + "\\";


                using (Session session = new Session())
                    HttpResponseMessage response;
                    if ((response = this.OpenSession(session)).StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(temporaryFolder))
                        await this.UploadToFolder(session, content.GetStream(), folderPath, fileName, temporaryPath, appendIfExist);
                        path = temporaryFolder;
                        await this.UploadToFolder(session, content.GetStream(), temporaryFolder, fileName, temporaryPath);

                        string tempPath        = temporaryFolder + "/" + fileName;
                        string destinationPath = folderPath + "/" + fileName;

                        if (session.FileExists(destinationPath))

                            session.MoveFile(tempPath, destinationPath);
                        catch (SessionRemoteException ex)
                            Trace.TraceError("Stacktrace :" + ex.StackTrace);
                            return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, string.Format(
                                                                   Resources.SftpAdapter_NotFound, destinationPath), ex));

                TC.FileInfo fileInfo = new TC.FileInfo(this.ServerAddress, folderPath, fileName);
                Trace.TraceInformation("UploadFile returning successfully, {0} , {1} ", folderPath, fileName);
            catch (SessionRemoteException ex)
                return(GetErrorResponseMessage(ex, path));
            catch (PathTooLongException ex)
                Trace.TraceError("Stacktrace :" + ex.StackTrace);
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.Message));
            catch (IOException ex)
                Trace.TraceError("Stacktrace :" + ex.StackTrace);
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable, Resources.ServiceUnavailable));
                Directory.Delete(temporaryPath, true);
Beispiel #24
        public void delete_files()
            var fileContentEmpty = new FileContent(string.Empty, string.Empty);
            var file1            = "1\test1.json";
            var file2            = "test4.json";
            var fileContents     = new FileContent[]
                new FileContent("1\test0.json", "testData0"),
                new FileContent(file1, "testData1"),
                new FileContent("1\test2.json", "testData2"),
                new FileContent("2\test3.json", "testData3"),
                new FileContent(file2, "testData4"),

            var zipMemoryStream  = new MemoryStream();
            var zipStorageEngine = new ZipStorageEngine(zipMemoryStream, ZipStorageEngineMode.Write);

            Task.WaitAll(fileContents.Select(f => zipStorageEngine.WriteFile(f.Location, f)).ToArray());

            var filesFromZipStorage = zipStorageEngine.ReadDirectory("1").Select(p => p.GetAwaiter().GetResult()).ToArray();

            foreach (var file in fileContents)
                file.Invoking(f =>
                    var fileForCompare = fileContents.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Location == f.Location);
            filesFromZipStorage.Count(p => p.Location.Contains("test3") || p.Location.Contains("test4")).Should().Be(0);

            // delete file1

            filesFromZipStorage = zipStorageEngine.ReadDirectory("1").Select(p => p.GetAwaiter().GetResult()).ToArray();
            foreach (var file in fileContents.Where(p => p.Location != file1))
                file.Invoking(f =>
                    var fileForCompare = fileContents.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Location == f.Location);
            filesFromZipStorage.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Location == file1).Should().BeNull();

            filesFromZipStorage.Count(p => p.Location.Contains("test3") || p.Location.Contains("test4")).Should().Be(0);
            var ff = zipStorageEngine.ReadFile(file1).GetAwaiter().GetResult();


            // delete file1 and file2

            filesFromZipStorage = zipStorageEngine.ReadDirectory("1").Select(p => p.GetAwaiter().GetResult()).ToArray();
            foreach (var file in fileContents.Where(p => p.Location != file1))
                file.Invoking(f =>
                    var fileForCompare = fileContents.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Location == f.Location);
            filesFromZipStorage.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Location == file1).Should().BeNull();

            filesFromZipStorage.Count(p => p.Location.Contains("test3") || p.Location.Contains("test4")).Should().Be(0);
 //insert PRGR
 public string InsertPRGRTable(FileContent content)
Beispiel #26
 private void UpdateVersionNumber(FileContent fileContent)
     fileContent.Version = CurrentVersionNumber;
Beispiel #27
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            // handle only if not already handled
            if (context.Response.StatusCode != -1)

            if (context.Request.Method == "GET")
                var parts    = context.Request.Path.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var allParts = new string[parts.Length + 1];
                allParts[0] = basedir;
                parts.CopyTo(allParts, 1);
                var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(allParts));
                // check if full path is in the base directory
                if (!fullPath.StartsWith(basedir, StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                    context.Response.StatusCode = 403;
                    context.Response.Content    = new StringContent("Invalid file path\r\n");

                if (!File.Exists(fullPath) && Dir.Exists(fullPath))
                    if (context.Request.Path.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                        fullPath = Path.Combine(fullPath, "index.html");
                        context.Response.StatusCode          = 301;
                        context.Response.Headers["location"] = context.Request.Path + "/";
                        context.Response.Content             = new StringContent();

                if (File.Exists(fullPath))
                    var shortName = Path.GetFileName(fullPath);

                    var mimetype = FileContent.MimeType(shortName);
                    context.Response.Headers["content-type"] = mimetype;

                    if ((mimetype == "application/font-woff") || (mimetype == "font/ttf") || (mimetype == "application/"))
                        context.Response.StatusCode = 200;
                        context.Response.Headers["cache-control"] = "public, max-age=" + cacheDuration;
                        context.Response.SupportRanges            = true;
                        context.Response.Content = new FileContent(fullPath);
                        var    lastModif = File.GetLastWriteTime(fullPath);
                        string etag      = "\"" + lastModif.Ticks.ToString("X") + "\"";
                        context.Response.Headers["etag"] = etag;

                        if (context.Request.QueryString.ContainsKey("if-none-match") &&
                            (context.Request.QueryString["if-none-match"] == etag))
                            context.Response.StatusCode = 304;
                            context.Response.StatusCode    = 200;
                            context.Response.SupportRanges = true;
                            context.Response.Content       = new FileContent(fullPath);
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public Task WriteFile(string subPath, FileContent content)
     _contents[subPath] = content;
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BlpFile"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">A <see cref="Stream"/> that contains the BLP file.</param>
        public BlpFile(Stream stream)
            _baseStream = stream;

            using (var reader = new BinaryReader(_baseStream, Encoding.ASCII, true))
                // Checking for correct Magic-Code
                _fileFormatVersion = reader.ReadInt32 <FileFormatVersion>();
                if (_fileFormatVersion == FileFormatVersion.BLP0)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Unable to open BLP0 file.");

                // Reading type
                _formatVersion = reader.ReadInt32 <FileContent>();

                if (_fileFormatVersion == FileFormatVersion.BLP2)
                    _isBLP2 = true;
                    // Reading _colorEncoding, _alphaDepth, _alphaEncoding, and _hasMipMaps.
                    _colorEncoding = reader.ReadByte();
                    _alphaDepth    = reader.ReadByte();
                    _alphaEncoding = reader.ReadByte();
                    _hasMipMaps    = reader.ReadByte();
                    // Should be 0, 1, 4, or 8, and default to 0 if invalid.
                    _alphaDepth = reader.ReadUInt32();

                    if (_formatVersion != FileContent.JPG)
                        _colorEncoding = 1;

                // Reading width and height
                _width  = reader.ReadInt32();
                _height = reader.ReadInt32();

                if (_fileFormatVersion != FileFormatVersion.BLP2)
                    // flag for alpha channel and team colors (usually 3, 4 or 5)
                    // 3 and 4 means color and alpha information for paletted files
                    // 5 means only color information, if >=5 on 'unit' textures, it won't show the team color.
                    _extra      = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    _hasMipMaps = reader.ReadUInt32();

                const int mipMaps = 16;
                _mipMapCount = 0;

                // Reading MipMapOffset Array
                _mipMapOffsets = new uint[mipMaps];
                for (var i = 0; i < mipMaps; i++)
                    _mipMapOffsets[i] = reader.ReadUInt32();

                    if (_mipMapOffsets[i] != 0)

                // Reading MipMapSize Array
                _mipMapSizes = new uint[mipMaps];
                for (var i = 0; i < mipMaps; i++)
                    _mipMapSizes[i] = reader.ReadUInt32();

                // When encoding is 1, there is no image compression and we have to read a color palette
                // This palette always exists when the formatVersion is set to FileContent.Direct, even when it's not used.
                if (_colorEncoding == 1)
                    const int paletteSize = 256;
#if SkiaSharpColorPalette
                    _colorPalette = new SKColor[paletteSize];
                    _colorPalette = new uint[paletteSize];

                    // Reading palette
                    for (var i = 0; i < paletteSize; i++)
#if SkiaSharpColorPalette
                        _colorPalette[i] = new SKColor(reader.ReadUInt32());
                        _colorPalette[i] = reader.ReadUInt32();
                else if (_fileFormatVersion == FileFormatVersion.BLP1 && _formatVersion == FileContent.JPG)
                    var jpgHeaderSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); // max 624 bytes
                    _jpgHeaderData = reader.ReadBytes((int)jpgHeaderSize);
Beispiel #30
        public override void Execute(SafeSharedObjects shared)
            // NOTE: The built-in load() function actually ends up returning
            // two things on the stack: on top is a boolean for whether the program
            // was already loaded, and under that is an integer for where to jump to
            // to call it.  The load() function is NOT meant to be called directly from
            // a user script.
            // (unless it's being called in compile-only mode, in which case it
            // returns the default dummy zero on the stack like everything else does).

            UsesAutoReturn = true;
            bool       defaultOutput = false;
            bool       justCompiling = false;                        // is this load() happening to compile, or to run?
            GlobalPath outPath       = null;
            object     topStack      = PopValueAssert(shared, true); // null if there's no output file (output file means compile, not run).

            if (topStack != null)
                justCompiling = true;
                string outputArg = topStack.ToString();
                if (outputArg.Equals("-default-compile-out-"))
                    defaultOutput = true;
                    outPath = shared.VolumeMgr.GlobalPathFromObject(outputArg);

            object skipAlreadyObject     = PopValueAssert(shared, false);
            bool   skipIfAlreadyCompiled = (skipAlreadyObject is bool) ? (bool)skipAlreadyObject : false;

            object pathObject = PopValueAssert(shared, true);


            if (pathObject == null)
                throw new KOSFileException("No filename to load was given.");

            GlobalPath path   = shared.VolumeMgr.GlobalPathFromObject(pathObject);
            Volume     volume = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeFromPath(path);

            VolumeFile file = volume.Open(path, !justCompiling) as VolumeFile; // if running, look for KSM first.  If compiling look for KS first.

            if (file == null)
                throw new KOSFileException(string.Format("Can't find file '{0}'.", path));
            path = GlobalPath.FromVolumePath(file.Path, shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeId(volume));

            if (skipIfAlreadyCompiled && !justCompiling)
                var programContext = shared.Cpu.SwitchToProgramContext();
                int programAddress = programContext.GetAlreadyCompiledEntryPoint(path.ToString());
                if (programAddress >= 0)
                    // TODO - The check could also have some dependancy on whether the file content changed on
                    //     disk since last time, but that would also mean having to have a way to clear out the old
                    //     copy of the compiled file from the program context, which right now doesn't exist. (Without
                    //     that, doing something like a loop that re-wrote a file and re-ran it 100 times would leave
                    //     100 old dead copies of the compiled opcodes in memory, only the lastmost copy being really used.)

                    // We're done here.  Skip the compile.  Point the caller at the already-compiled version.
                    this.ReturnValue = true; // tell caller that it already existed.

            FileContent fileContent = file.ReadAll();

            // filename is now guaranteed to have an extension.  To make default output name, replace the extension with KSM:
            if (defaultOutput)
                outPath = path.ChangeExtension(Volume.KOS_MACHINELANGUAGE_EXTENSION);

            if (path.Equals(outPath))
                throw new KOSFileException("Input and output paths must differ.");

            if (shared.VolumeMgr == null)
            if (shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume == null)
                throw new KOSFileException("Volume not found");

            if (shared.ScriptHandler != null)
                var options = new CompilerOptions {
                    LoadProgramsInSameAddressSpace = true, FuncManager = shared.FunctionManager
                // add this program to the address space of the parent program,
                // or to a file to save:
                if (justCompiling)
                    // since we've already read the file content, use the volume from outPath instead of the source path
                    volume = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeFromPath(outPath);
                    shared.Cpu.YieldProgram(YieldFinishedCompile.CompileScriptToFile(path, 1, fileContent.String, options, volume, outPath));
                    var             programContext = shared.Cpu.SwitchToProgramContext();
                    List <CodePart> parts;
                    if (fileContent.Category == FileCategory.KSM)
                            string prefix = programContext.Program.Count.ToString();
                            parts = fileContent.AsParts(path, prefix);
                            int programAddress = programContext.AddObjectParts(parts, path.ToString());
                            // push the entry point address of the new program onto the stack
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (ex is KOSException)
                                throw ex;
                            throw new KOSException("Error loading compiled file:\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
                        UsesAutoReturn = false;
                        shared.Cpu.YieldProgram(YieldFinishedCompile.LoadScript(path, 1, fileContent.String, "program", options));
                    this.ReturnValue = false; // did not already exist.
 /// <summary>
 /// Factory method for creating a <see cref="TextSource"/> from <see cref="FileContent"/>.
 /// </summary>
 protected static TextSource CreateTextSource(FileContent content)
     return(TextSource.FromCharArray(content.Content, content.Length));
Beispiel #32
        public override void Execute(SafeSharedObjects shared)
            // run() is strange.  It needs two levels of args - the args to itself, and the args it is meant to
            // pass on to the program it's invoking.  First, these are the args to run itself:
            object volumeId   = PopValueAssert(shared, true);
            object pathObject = PopValueAssert(shared, true);


            // Now the args it is going to be passing on to the program:
            var progArgs = new List <object>();
            int argc     = CountRemainingArgs(shared);

            for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
                progArgs.Add(PopValueAssert(shared, true));

            if (shared.VolumeMgr == null)

            GlobalPath path       = shared.VolumeMgr.GlobalPathFromObject(pathObject);
            Volume     volume     = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeFromPath(path);
            VolumeFile volumeFile = volume.Open(path) as VolumeFile;

            FileContent content = volumeFile != null?volumeFile.ReadAll() : null;

            if (content == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("File '{0}' not found", path));

            if (shared.ScriptHandler == null)

            if (volumeId != null)
                throw new KOSObsoletionException("v1.0.2", "run [file] on [volume]", "None", "");
                // clear the "program" compilation context
                //string filePath = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeRawIdentifier(shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume) + "/" + fileName;
                var options = new CompilerOptions {
                    LoadProgramsInSameAddressSpace = true, FuncManager = shared.FunctionManager
                var programContext = shared.Cpu.SwitchToProgramContext();

                List <CodePart> codeParts;
                if (content.Category == FileCategory.KSM)
                    string prefix = programContext.Program.Count.ToString();
                    codeParts = content.AsParts(path, prefix);
                    shared.Cpu.YieldProgram(YieldFinishedCompile.RunScript(path, 1, content.String, "program", options));

            // Because run() returns FIRST, and THEN the CPU jumps to the new program's first instruction that it set up,
            // it needs to put the return stack in a weird order.  Its return value needs to be buried UNDER the args to the
            // program it's calling:
            UsesAutoReturn = false;

            shared.Cpu.PushArgumentStack(0); // dummy return that all functions have.

            // Put the args for the program being called back on in the same order they were in before (so read the list backward):
            shared.Cpu.PushArgumentStack(new KOSArgMarkerType());
            for (int i = argc - 1; i >= 0; --i)
Beispiel #33
 public static FileStreamResult GetFileStreamResult(FileContent file, bool forDownload = true)
     return(GetFileStreamResult(new MemoryStream(file.Bytes), file.FileName));
Beispiel #34
        private SourceFileParseResult ConvertSourceFile(RuntimeModelContext runtimeModelContext, AbsolutePath path, ISourceFile sourceFile)

            // This means that if there is any parse or binding errors conversion won't happen.
            if (runtimeModelContext.Logger.HasErrors)
                return(new SourceFileParseResult(runtimeModelContext.Logger.ErrorCount));

            string specPath = sourceFile.Path.AbsolutePath;

            // If the serialized AST is available for this file, retrieve it and return instead of converting it
            if (sourceFile.IsPublicFacade)
                var ast = ByteContent.Create(sourceFile.SerializedAst.Item1, sourceFile.SerializedAst.Item2);
                using (m_statistics.SpecAstDeserialization.Start(specPath))
                    return(DeserializeAst(runtimeModelContext, ast));

            Contract.Assert(!sourceFile.IsPublicFacade, "We are about to do AST conversion, so the corresponding spec file can't be a public facade, we need the real thing");

            var converter = CreateAstConverter(sourceFile, runtimeModelContext, path, m_conversionConfiguration, m_workspace);

            SourceFileParseResult result;

            using (m_statistics.SpecAstConversion.Start(specPath))
                result = converter.ConvertSourceFile();

            if (runtimeModelContext.Logger.HasErrors)
                // Skip serialization step if the error has occurred.

            // At this point we have the computed AST, so we are in a position to generate the public surface of the file (if possible)
            // and serialize the AST for future reuse.
            var semanticModel = m_workspace.GetSemanticModel();

            Contract.Assert(semanticModel != null);

            // Observe that here instead of using FrontEndHost.CanUseSpecPublicFacadeAndAst (that we checked for retrieving) we only require
            // that the associated flag is on. This is because, even though a partial reuse may not have happened,
            // saving is always a safe operation and the saved results may be available for future builds
            if (runtimeModelContext.FrontEndHost.FrontEndConfiguration.UseSpecPublicFacadeAndAstWhenAvailable())
                FileContent publicFacadeContent = CreatePublicFacadeContent(sourceFile, semanticModel);
#pragma warning disable 4014
                ScheduleSavePublicFacadeAndAstAsync(runtimeModelContext, path, sourceFile.Path.AbsolutePath, publicFacadeContent, result).ContinueWith(
                    t =>
#pragma warning disable SA1129 // Do not use default value type constructor
                        new Location(),
#pragma warning restore SA1129 // Do not use default value type constructor
                }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
#pragma warning restore 4014

		public void Rewrite_EscapedBackslash()
			var cvs = new FileContent(".cvsignore", MakeContents(@"dir\\file.txt"));
			var git = CvsIgnoreFile.Rewrite(cvs);

			Assert.AreEqual(git.Name, ".gitignore");
			var contents = GetContents(git);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents.Length, 1);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[0], @"/dir\\file.txt");
Beispiel #36
        public void DeleteFileContent(FileContent fileContent)
            magmaGenericDbContext.Remove <FileContent>(fileContent);

		public void Rewrite_FileInSubdir()
			var cvs = new FileContent("dir1/dir2/.cvsignore", MakeContents("file1"));
			var git = CvsIgnoreFile.Rewrite(cvs);

			Assert.AreEqual(git.Name, "dir1/dir2/.gitignore");
Beispiel #38
        public FileContentEditorContext(StatusControlContext statusContext, FileContent toLoad)

            StatusContext.RunFireAndForgetTaskWithUiToastErrorReturn(async() => await LoadData(toLoad));
		public void Rewrite_WildcardEntry()
			var cvs = new FileContent("dir1/dir2/.cvsignore", MakeContents("file*.txt"));
			var git = CvsIgnoreFile.Rewrite(cvs);

			var contents = GetContents(git);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents.Length, 1);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[0], "/file*.txt");
Beispiel #40
 public async Task <string> SetFileContent(FileContent entity)
     return(await _repo.CreateFileContent(entity));
		public void IsIgnoreFile_MatchesLowerCase()
			var f = new FileContent("dir/.cvsignore", FileContentData.Empty);
        public DataPackage Checkin(ObjectIdentity objIdentity, String newContentPath)
            ObjectIdentitySet objIdSet = new ObjectIdentitySet();

            OperationOptions operationOptions = new OperationOptions();
            ContentProfile contentProfile = new ContentProfile(FormatFilter.ANY, null,
                                                               PageModifierFilter.ANY, null);
            operationOptions.ContentProfile = contentProfile;

            DataPackage checkinPackage = versionControlService.Checkout(objIdSet, operationOptions);

            DataObject checkinObj = checkinPackage.DataObjects[0];

            checkinObj.Contents = null;
            FileContent newContent = new FileContent();
            newContent.LocalPath = newContentPath;
            newContent.RenditionType = RenditionType.PRIMARY;
            newContent.Format = "gif";

            bool retainLock = false;
            List<String> labels = new List<String>();
            DataPackage resultDp;
                resultDp = versionControlService.Checkin(checkinPackage,
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(e.Message);
            return resultDp;
		public void IsIgnoreFile_MixedCase()
			var f = new FileContent("dir/.CVSignore", FileContentData.Empty);
Beispiel #44
 public void Dispose()
     _dataContext = null;
     _content     = null;
     _currentPart = null;
		public void InformAutoSaveThread (Mono.TextEditor.Document content)
			if (FileName == null || content == null)
			if (!autoSaveThreadRunning)
				StartAutoSaveThread ();
			IsDirty = true;
			lock (contentLock) {
				fileChanged = true;
				this.content = new FileContent (FileName, content);
				resetEvent.Set ();
 public Task <int> Upload([FromBody][ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(FileContentModelBinder))]
                          FileContent downloadable) => Task.FromResult(downloadable.Content.Length);
		public void Rewrite_SpaceInFilename()
			var cvs = new FileContent(".cvsignore", MakeContents(@"file\ with\ spaces.txt"));
			var git = CvsIgnoreFile.Rewrite(cvs);

			Assert.AreEqual(git.Name, ".gitignore");
			var contents = GetContents(git);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents.Length, 1);
			Assert.AreEqual(contents[0], @"/file\ with\ spaces.txt");
Beispiel #48
        public override void Execute(SharedObjects shared)
            object pathObject = PopValueAssert(shared, true);
            SerializableStructure serialized = PopValueAssert(shared, true) as SerializableStructure;

            if (serialized == null)
                throw new KOSException("This type is not serializable");

            string serializedString = new SerializationMgr(shared).Serialize(serialized, JsonFormatter.WriterInstance);

            FileContent fileContent = new FileContent(serializedString);

            GlobalPath path = shared.VolumeMgr.GlobalPathFromObject(pathObject);
            Volume volume = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolumeFromPath(path);

            ReturnValue = volume.SaveFile(path, fileContent);
Beispiel #49
 public abstract VolumeFile Save(string name, FileContent content);
Beispiel #50
 public async Task <string> SetPersonPhoto(string personId, FileContent entity)
     return(await _repo.CreatePersonPhoto(personId, entity));
 public FileItem(IFileOperations fileManager, string filePath)
     _fileManager = fileManager;
     Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
     Content = new FileContent(_fileManager, filePath);
Beispiel #52
 public ActionResult <string> DeleteFileContent(FileContent fileContent)
Beispiel #53
        public ActionResult Upload(String FolderId)
            User user = Session["User"] as User;

            if (user == null)
                return(new RedirectResult(Url.Action("Index", "Error")));

            if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++)
                    var    file    = Request.Files[i] as HttpPostedFileWrapper;
                    var    sha1    = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
                    var    md5byte = sha1.ComputeHash(file.InputStream);
                    String MD5     = Convert.ToBase64String(md5byte);
                    MD5 = Hash_MD5_16(MD5);

                    int folderId = Convert.ToInt32(FolderId);
                    int userId   = user.Id;
                    if (folderId > 0)
                        userId = 1;
                        folderId = 1;

                    var fileContent = FileContentBLL.GetByMD5(MD5);
                    if (fileContent != null)
                        var File = new File()
                            FileContentId = fileContent.Id, FolderId = folderId, UserId = userId, Name = file.FileName, Size = file.ContentLength.ToString(), Type = file.ContentType, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
                        File value = FileBLL.Add(File);
                        ResponseHelper.WriteObject(Response, new { Result = true, File = value });
                        file.SaveAs(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/file/" + MD5);

                        var content = new FileContent()
                            Data = file.InputStream, MD5 = MD5

                        content = FileContentBLL.Add(content);

                        var File = new File()
                            FileContentId = content.Id, FolderId = folderId, UserId = userId, Name = file.FileName, Size = file.ContentLength.ToString(), Type = file.ContentType, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
                        var value = FileBLL.Add(File);


                        ResponseHelper.WriteObject(Response, new { Result = true, File = value });

Beispiel #54
 public ProductImage(FileContent content) => Content = content;
Beispiel #55
        public override VolumeFile SaveFile(VolumePath path, FileContent content, bool verifyFreeSpace = true)
                if (verifyFreeSpace && !IsRoomFor(path, content))
                    return null;
            catch (KOSPersistenceException)
                throw new KOSPersistenceException("Can't save file over a directory: " + path);

            HarddiskDirectory directory = ParentDirectoryForPath(path, true);

            return directory.Save(path.Name, content) as VolumeFile;
Beispiel #56
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the WebFileContent class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="content"></param>
 public WebFileContent(FileContent content, bool useCache)
     fContent  = content;
     fUseCache = useCache;
 /// <summary>
 /// Add items to FileContent ListBox
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileContentArray"></param>
 private void PopulateFileContentList(FileContent[] fileContentArray)
     if (fileContentArray != null)
         foreach (FileContent fileContent in fileContentArray)
         this.btnSaveFile.Enabled = fileContentArray.Length > 0;
         this.lstFileContents.Visible = fileContentArray.Length > 0;
         this.lblFileContentWarning.Visible = !(fileContentArray.Length > 0);
         this.btnSaveFile.Enabled = false;
         this.lstFileContents.Visible = false;
         this.lblFileContentWarning.Visible = true;
Beispiel #58
 public WebFileContent(FileContent content)
     : this(content, false)
Beispiel #59
        public WordIteratorFixture()
            var textToAnalyse = new FileContent(@"C:\Users\tomas\Dropbox\Codecool - C#\csharp-text-analyser-T5chrono\TextAnalser.Test\TestFiles\test_simple.txt");

            sutIterator = textToAnalyse.GetWordIterator();
Beispiel #60
 private void Gutter_ScrollChanged(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)