private static void TestValidationsClient(FacturamaApi facturama)
         var cliente = facturama.Clients.Create(new Client
             Address = new Address
                 Country        = "MEXICO",
                 ExteriorNumber = "1230",
                 InteriorNumber = "B",
                 Locality       = "San Luis",
                 Municipality   = "San Luis Potosí",
                 Neighborhood   = "Lomas 4ta",
                 State          = "San Luis Potosí",
                 Street         = "Cañada de Gomez",
                 ZipCode        = "7822015"
             CfdiUse = "P0001",
             Email   = "",
             Rfc     = "ESO1202108R245",
             Name    = "Expresion en Software"
     catch (FacturamaException ex)
         foreach (var messageDetail in ex.Model.Details)
             Console.WriteLine($"{messageDetail.Key}: {string.Join(",", messageDetail.Value)}");
Beispiel #2
         * Llenado del modelo de CFDI, de una forma general
         * - Se especifica: la moneda, método de pago, forma de pago, cliente, y lugar de expedición
        private static Facturama.Models.Request.Cfdi CreateModelCfdiGeneral(FacturamaApi facturama)
            var products = facturama.Products.List().Where(p => p.Taxes.Any()).ToList();

            var nameId        = facturama.Catalogs.NameIds.First(); //Nombre en el pdf: "Factura"
            var currency      = facturama.Catalogs.Currencies.First(m => m.Value == "MXN");
            var paymentMethod = facturama.Catalogs.PaymentMethods.First(p => p.Value == "PUE");
            var paymentForm   = facturama.Catalogs.PaymentForms.First(p => p.Name == "Efectivo");
            var cliente       = facturama.Clients.List().First(c => c.Rfc == "ESO1202108R2");

            var branchOffice = facturama.BranchOffices.List().First();

            var cfdi = new Cfdi
                NameId          = nameId.Value,
                CfdiType        = CfdiType.Ingreso,
                PaymentForm     = paymentForm.Value,
                PaymentMethod   = paymentMethod.Value,
                Currency        = currency.Value,
                Date            = DateTime.Now,
                ExpeditionPlace = branchOffice.Address.ZipCode,
                //Items = new List<Item>(),
                Receiver = new Receiver
                    CfdiUse = cliente.CfdiUse,
                    Name    = cliente.Name,
                    Rfc     = cliente.Rfc

Beispiel #3
        public void BranchOffice()
            var facturama = new FacturamaApi("pruebas", "pruebas2011");
            var Cont      = facturama.BranchOffices.List();
            var ContUno   = Cont.Count;

            var sucursal = facturama.BranchOffices.Create(new BranchOffice
                Address = new Address
                    Country        = "MEXICO",
                    ExteriorNumber = "1230",
                    InteriorNumber = "B",
                    Locality       = "Aguascalientes",
                    Municipality   = "Aguascalientes",
                    Neighborhood   = "ojo caliente",
                    State          = "Aguascalientes",
                    Street         = "Cañada de Gomez",
                    ZipCode        = "78000"
                Name        = "La Ofi",
                Description = "un lugar bonito pa trabajar",

            sucursal.Name = "Rancho La Chingada";
            facturama.BranchOffices.Update(sucursal, sucursal.Id);
            sucursal = facturama.BranchOffices.Retrieve(sucursal.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(sucursal.Name = "Rancho La Chingada", sucursal.Name);
            var Conta   = facturama.BranchOffices.List();
            var ContDos = Conta.Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(ContUno, ContDos);
Beispiel #4
         * Llenado del modelo de CFDI, de una forma general
         * - Se especifica: la moneda, método de pago, forma de pago, cliente, y lugar de expedición
        private static Facturama.Models.Request.Cfdi CreateModelCfdiGeneral(FacturamaApi facturama)
            var products = facturama.Products.List().Where(p => p.Taxes.Any()).ToList();

            var nameId        = facturama.Catalogs.NameIds.First(); //Nombre en el pdf: "Factura"
            var currency      = facturama.Catalogs.Currencies.First(m => m.Value == "MXN");
            var paymentMethod = facturama.Catalogs.PaymentMethods.First(p => p.Value == "PUE");
            var paymentForm   = facturama.Catalogs.PaymentForms.First(p => p.Name == "Efectivo");
            var cliente       = facturama.Clients.List().First();

            var branchOffice = facturama.BranchOffices.List().First();

            var cfdi = new Cfdi
                NameId          = nameId.Value,
                CfdiType        = CfdiType.Ingreso,
                PaymentForm     = paymentForm.Value,
                PaymentMethod   = paymentMethod.Value,
                Currency        = currency.Value,
                Date            = null,
                ExpeditionPlace = "83170",
                //Items = new List<Item>(),
                Receiver = new Receiver
                    CfdiUse = "P01",
                    Name    = "Público en general",
                    Rfc     = "XAXX010101000"

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var facturama = new FacturamaApi("pruebas", "pruebas2011");

        private static void TestCreateProduct(FacturamaApi facturama)
            var unit    = facturama.Catalogs.Units("servicio")[0];
            var prod    = facturama.Catalogs.ProductsOrServices("desarrollo")[0];
            var product = new Product
                Unit                 = "Servicio",
                UnitCode             = unit.Value,
                IdentificationNumber = "WEB003",
                Name                 = "Sitio Web CMS",
                Description          = "Desarrollo e implementación de sitio web empleando un CMS",
                Price                = 6500.0m,
                CodeProdServ         = prod.Value,
                CuentaPredial        = "123",
                Taxes                = new[]
                    new Tax
                        Name        = "IVA",
                        Rate        = 0.16m,
                        IsRetention = false,
                    new Tax
                        Name        = "ISR",
                        IsRetention = true,
                        Total       = 0.1m
                    new Tax
                        Name        = "IVA",
                        IsRetention = true,
                        Total       = 0.106667m

                product = facturama.Products.Create(product);
                Console.WriteLine("Se creo exitosamente un producto con el id: " + product.Id);

                Console.WriteLine("Se elimino exitosamente un producto con el id: " + product.Id);
            catch (FacturamaException ex)
                foreach (var messageDetail in ex.Model.Details)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{messageDetail.Key}: {string.Join(",", messageDetail.Value)}");
Beispiel #7
        private static Facturama.Models.Request.Cfdi AddItemsToCfdi(FacturamaApi facturama, Cfdi cfdi)
            // Lista de todos los productos
            List <Product> lstProducts = facturama.Products.List();
            Random         random      = new Random();
            var            currency    = facturama.Catalogs.Currencies.First(m => m.Value == "MXN");

            int nItems   = random.Next(lstProducts.Count) % 10 + 1;
            int decimals = (int)currency.Decimals;

            // Lista de Items en el cfdi (los articulos a facturar)
            List <Item> lstItems = new List <Item>();

            // Creacion del CFDI
            for (int i = lstProducts.Count - nItems; i < lstProducts.Count && i > 0; i++)
                Product product  = lstProducts.ElementAt(i); // Un producto cualquiera
                int     quantity = random.Next(1, 5) + 1;    // una cantidad aleatoria de elementos de este producto
                Double  discount = Decimal.ToDouble(product.Price % (product.Price == 0 ? 1 : random.Next(1, Decimal.ToInt32(product.Price))));

                // Redondeo del precio del producto, de acuerdo a la moneda
                Double numberOfDecimals = Math.Pow(10, decimals);
                Double subTotal         = Math.Round((Decimal.ToDouble(product.Price) * quantity) * numberOfDecimals) / numberOfDecimals;

                // Llenado del item (que va en el cfdi)
                Item item = new Item
                    ProductCode          = product.CodeProdServ,
                    UnitCode             = product.UnitCode,
                    Unit                 = product.Unit,
                    Description          = $"Item{i}: product.Description",
                    IdentificationNumber = product.IdentificationNumber,
                    Quantity             = quantity,
                    Discount             = Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Round(discount * numberOfDecimals) / numberOfDecimals),
                    UnitPrice            = Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Round(Decimal.ToDouble(product.Price) * numberOfDecimals) / numberOfDecimals),
                    Subtotal             = Convert.ToDecimal(subTotal)

                // ---- Llenado de los impuestos del item ----
                item = AddTaxesToItem(item, product, numberOfDecimals);
                if (item.UnitPrice > 0m)
            cfdi.Items = lstItems;

        public CDPaymentComplement()
            _facturamaWeb = new FacturamaApi("pruebas", "pruebas2011");

            /*// Ejemplo de la creación de un complemento de pago
             * SamplePaymentComplement(facturama);

            //Api Multiemisor
            _facturamaMultiEmisor = new FacturamaApiMultiemisor("pruebas", "pruebas2011");

            // Ejemplo de la creación de un complemento de pago Multiemeisor
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// CRUD  de ejemplo para productos
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="facturama"></param>
        private void CrudProductExample(FacturamaApi facturama)
            Console.WriteLine("----- CatalogsExample > CrudProductExample - Inicio -----");

            var unit    = facturama.Catalogs.Units("servicio")[0];
            var prod    = facturama.Catalogs.ProductsOrServices("desarrollo")[0];
            var product = new Product
                Unit                 = "Servicio",
                UnitCode             = unit.Value,
                IdentificationNumber = "WEB003",
                Name                 = "Sitio Web CMS",
                Description          = "Desarrollo e implementación de sitio web empleando un CMS",
                Price                = 6500.0m,
                CodeProdServ         = prod.Value,
                CuentaPredial        = "123",
                Taxes                = new[]
                    new Tax
                        Name        = "IVA",
                        Rate        = 0.16m,
                        IsRetention = false,
                    new Tax
                        Name        = "ISR",
                        IsRetention = true,
                        Total       = 0.1m
                    new Tax
                        Name        = "IVA",
                        IsRetention = true,
                        Total       = 0.106667m

            product = facturama.Products.Create(product);
            Console.WriteLine("Se creo exitosamente un producto con el id: " + product.Id);

            Console.WriteLine("Se elimino exitosamente un producto con el id: " + product.Id);

            Console.WriteLine("----- CatalogsExample > CrudProductExample - Fin -----");
Beispiel #10
        public void SerieTest()
            var facturama = new FacturamaApi("pruebas", "pruebas2011");
            var serie     = (new Serie
                IdBranchOffice = "G8H81UGPAcqAXVXxtfhGyw2",
                Name = "Trabajo",
                Description = "A Nice Place to Work",
                Folio = 100

            serie = facturama.Series.Create(serie);
            serie.Folio          = 105;
            serie.IdBranchOffice = "G8H81UGPAcqAXVXxtfhGyw2";
            serie = facturama.Series.Retrieve(serie.IdBranchOffice, serie.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(serie.Folio = 99, serie.Folio);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// CRUD  de ejemplo para clientes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="facturama"></param>
        private void CrudClientExample(FacturamaApi facturama)
            Console.WriteLine("----- CatalogsExample > CrudClientExample - Inicio -----");

            var clientes       = facturama.Clients.List();      // Obtiene el listado de clientes
            var clientesBefore = clientes.Count;

            var cliente = facturama.Clients.Create(new Client  // Agrega un nuevo cliente
                Address = new Address
                    Country        = "MEXICO",
                    ExteriorNumber = "1230",
                    InteriorNumber = "B",
                    Locality       = "San Luis",
                    Municipality   = "San Luis Potosí",
                    Neighborhood   = "Lomas 4ta",
                    State          = "San Luis Potosí",
                    Street         = "Cañada de Gomez",
                    ZipCode        = "78220"
                CfdiUse = "P01",
                Email   = "*****@*****.**",
                Rfc     = "EWE1709045U0",
                Name    = "Expresion en Software"

            cliente     = facturama.Clients.Retrieve(cliente.Id); // Detalle de cliente
            cliente.Rfc = "XAXX010101000";
            facturama.Clients.Update(cliente, cliente.Id);        // Actualizar datos
            cliente = facturama.Clients.Retrieve(cliente.Id);

            Console.WriteLine(cliente.Rfc == "XAXX010101000" ? "Cliente Editado" : "Error al editar cliente");

            facturama.Clients.Remove(cliente.Id);               // Eliminar cliente

            clientes = facturama.Clients.List();
            var clientesAfter = clientes.Count;

            Console.WriteLine(clientesAfter == clientesBefore ? "Test Passed!" : "Test Failed!");

            Console.WriteLine("----- CatalogsExample > CrudClientExample - Fin -----");
Beispiel #12
        public void SerieTest()
            var facturama = new FacturamaApi("pruebas", "pruebas2011");
            var serie     = (new Serie
                IdBranchOffice = "yzBJZx7uYQiX8FhGN_WIOQ2",
                Name = "TR" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddmmss"),
                Description = "A Nice Place to Work",
                Folio = 100

            serie = facturama.Series.Create(serie);
            serie.IdBranchOffice = "yzBJZx7uYQiX8FhGN_WIOQ2";
            serie.Description    = "Serie Editada"; //Solo la descripcion es editable
            serie = facturama.Series.Retrieve(serie.IdBranchOffice, serie.Name);

            Assert.AreEqual("Serie Editada", serie.Description);

            Assert.AreEqual(serie.Folio = 99, serie.Folio);
        public void CrudCliente()
            var facturama      = new FacturamaApi("pruebas", "pruebas2011");
            var clientes       = facturama.Clients.List();
            var clientesBefore = clientes.Count;

            var cliente = facturama.Clients.Create(new Client
                Address = new Address
                    Country        = "MEXICO",
                    ExteriorNumber = "1230",
                    InteriorNumber = "B",
                    Locality       = "San Luis",
                    Municipality   = "San Luis Potosí",
                    Neighborhood   = "Lomas 4ta",
                    State          = "San Luis Potosí",
                    Street         = "Cañada de Gomez",
                    ZipCode        = "78220"
                CfdiUse = "P01",
                Email   = "*****@*****.**",
                Rfc     = "JES900109Q90",
                Name    = "Expresion en Software"

            cliente     = facturama.Clients.Retrieve(cliente.Id);
            cliente.Rfc = "XAXX010101000";
            facturama.Clients.Update(cliente, cliente.Id);
            cliente = facturama.Clients.Retrieve(cliente.Id);

            Assert.AreEqual(cliente.Rfc = "XAXX010101000", cliente.Rfc);

            clientes = facturama.Clients.List();
            var clientesAfter = clientes.Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(clientesAfter, clientesBefore);
        private static void TestCrudClient(FacturamaApi facturama)
            var clientes       = facturama.Clients.List();
            var clientesBefore = clientes.Count;

            var cliente = facturama.Clients.Create(new Client
                Address = new Address
                    Country        = "MEXICO",
                    ExteriorNumber = "1230",
                    InteriorNumber = "B",
                    Locality       = "San Luis",
                    Municipality   = "San Luis Potosí",
                    Neighborhood   = "Lomas 4ta",
                    State          = "San Luis Potosí",
                    Street         = "Cañada de Gomez",
                    ZipCode        = "78220"
                CfdiUse = "P01",
                Email   = "*****@*****.**",
                Rfc     = "ESO1202108R2",
                Name    = "Expresion en Software"

            cliente     = facturama.Clients.Retrieve(cliente.Id);
            cliente.Rfc = "XAXX010101000";
            facturama.Clients.Update(cliente, cliente.Id);
            cliente = facturama.Clients.Retrieve(cliente.Id);

            Console.WriteLine(cliente.Rfc == "XAXX010101000" ? "Cliente Editado" : "Error al editar cliente");


            clientes = facturama.Clients.List();
            var clientesAfter = clientes.Count;

            Console.WriteLine(clientesAfter == clientesBefore ? "Test Passed!" : "Test Failed!");
Beispiel #15
        public void CreaYBorraProducto()
            var facturama      = new FacturamaApi("pruebas", "pruebas2011");
            var productOs      = facturama.Clients.List();
            var productOsAntes = productOs.Count;

            var unit = facturama.Catalogs.Units("servicio")[0];
            var prod = facturama.Catalogs.ProductsOrServices("desarrollo")[0];

            var product = facturama.Products.Create(new Product
                Unit                 = "Servicio",
                UnitCode             = unit.Value,
                IdentificationNumber = "WEB003",
                Name                 = "Sitio Web CMS",
                Description          = "Desarrollo e implementación de sitio web empleando un CMS",
                Price                = 6500.0m,
                CodeProdServ         = prod.Value,
                CuentaPredial        = "123",
                Taxes                = new[]
                    new Tax
                        Name        = "IVA",
                        Rate        = 0.16m,
                        IsRetention = false,
                    new Tax
                        Name        = "ISR",
                        IsRetention = true,
                        Total       = 0.1m
                    new Tax
                        Name        = "IVA",
                        IsRetention = true,
                        Total       = 0.106667m


                //<-------------------update and retrive----------------------------------->>
                product.CuentaPredial = "420";
                product = facturama.Products.Update(product, product.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(product.CuentaPredial = "420", product.CuentaPredial);
                product = facturama.Products.Retrieve(product.Id);

                productOs = facturama.Clients.List();
                var productOsFinales = productOs.Count;

                Assert.AreEqual(productOsFinales, productOsAntes);
            catch (FacturamaException ex)
                foreach (var messageDetail in ex.Model.Details)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{messageDetail.Key}: {string.Join(",", messageDetail.Value)}");
Beispiel #16
         * Modelo "Complemento de pago"
         * - Se especifica: la moneda, método de pago, forma de pago, cliente, y lugar de expedición
        private static Facturama.Models.Request.Cfdi CreateModelCfdiPaymentComplement(FacturamaApi facturama, Facturama.Models.Response.Cfdi cfdiInicial)
            Cfdi cfdi = new Cfdi();

            // Lista del catálogo de nombres en el PDF
            var nameForPdf = facturama.Catalogs.NameIds.First(m => m.Value == "14"); // Nombre en el pdf: "Complemento de pago"

            cfdi.NameId = nameForPdf.Value;

            // Receptor de comprobante (se toma como cliente el mismo a quien se emitió el CFDI Inicial),
            String clientRfc = cfdiInicial.Receiver.Rfc;
            Client client    = facturama.Clients.List().Where(p => p.Rfc.Equals(clientRfc)).First();

            Receiver receiver = new Receiver
                CfdiUse = "P01",
                Name    = client.Name,
                Rfc     = client.Rfc

            cfdi.Receiver = receiver;

            // Lugar de expedición (es necesario por lo menos tener una sucursal)
            BranchOffice branchOffice = facturama.BranchOffices.List().First();

            cfdi.ExpeditionPlace = "78240";

            // Fecha y hora de expecidión del comprobante
            //DateTime bindingDate;
            //DateTime.TryParse(cfdiBinding.Date, null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out bindingDate);

            cfdi.Date     = null; // Puedes especificar una fecha por ejemplo:  DateTime.Now
            cfdi.CfdiType = CfdiType.Pago;
            // Complemento de pago ---
            Complement complement = new Complement();

            // Pueden representarse más de un pago en un solo CFDI
            List <Facturama.Models.Complements.Payment> lstPagos = new List <Facturama.Models.Complements.Payment>();

            Facturama.Models.Complements.Payment pago = new Facturama.Models.Complements.Payment();

            // Fecha y hora en que se registró el pago en el formato: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"
            // (la fecha del pago debe ser menor que la fecha en que se emite el CFDI)
            // Para este ejemplo, se considera que  el pago se realizó hace una hora
            pago.Date = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-6).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

            // Forma de pago (Efectivo, Tarjeta, etc)
            Facturama.Models.Response.Catalogs.CatalogViewModel paymentForm = facturama.Catalogs.PaymentForms.Where(p => p.Name.Equals("Efectivo")).First();
            pago.PaymentForm = paymentForm.Value;

            // Selección de la moneda del catálogo
            // La Moneda, puede ser diferente a la del documento inicial
            // (En el caso de que sea diferente, se debe colocar el tipo de cambio)
            List <CurrencyCatalog> lstCurrencies = facturama.Catalogs.Currencies.ToList();
            CurrencyCatalog        currency      = lstCurrencies.Where(p => p.Value.Equals("MXN")).First();

            pago.Currency = currency.Value;

            // Monto del pago
            // Este monto se puede distribuir entre los documentos relacionados al pago
            pago.Amount = 100.00m;

            // Documentos relacionados con el pago
            // En este ejemplo, los datos se obtiene el cfdiInicial, pero puedes colocar solo los datos
            // aun sin tener el "Objeto" del cfdi Inicial, ya que los valores son del tipo "String"
            List <Facturama.Models.Complements.RelatedDocument> lstRelatedDocuments = new List <Facturama.Models.Complements.RelatedDocument>();

            Facturama.Models.Complements.RelatedDocument relatedDocument = new Facturama.Models.Complements.RelatedDocument
                Uuid                  = cfdiInicial.Complement.TaxStamp.Uuid, // "27568D31-E579-442F-BA77-798CBF30BD7D"
                Serie                 = "A",                                  //cfdiInicial.Serie, // "EA"
                Folio                 = cfdiInicial.Folio,                    // 34853
                Currency              = currency.Value,
                PaymentMethod         = "PUE",                                // En el complemento de pago tiene que ser PUE
                PartialityNumber      = 1,
                PreviousBalanceAmount = 100.00m,
                AmountPaid            = 100.00m

            pago.RelatedDocuments = lstRelatedDocuments;


            complement.Payments = lstPagos;

            cfdi.Complement = complement;

Beispiel #17
 public PaymentComplementExample(FacturamaApi facturama)
     this.facturama = facturama;
Beispiel #18
 public EducationalInstitutionComplementExample(FacturamaApi facturama)
     this.facturama = facturama;
        public void Test()
            var facturama = new FacturamaApi("pruebas", "pruebas2011");
            var cfdi      = new Cfdi
                Serie             = "R",
                Currency          = "MXN",
                ExpeditionPlace   = "78116",
                PaymentConditions = "CREDITO A SIETE DIAS",
                CfdiType          = CfdiType.Ingreso,
                PaymentForm       = "03",
                PaymentMethod     = "PUE",
                Receiver          = new Receiver
                    Rfc     = "EKU9003173C9",
                    Name    = "RADIAL SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS",
                    CfdiUse = "P01"
                Items = new List <Item>
                    new Item
                        ProductCode          = "10101504",
                        IdentificationNumber = "EDL",
                        Description          = "Estudios de viabilidad",
                        Unit      = "NO APLICA",
                        UnitCode  = "MTS",
                        UnitPrice = 50.00m,
                        Quantity  = 2.00m,
                        Subtotal  = 100.00m,
                        Taxes     = new List <Tax>
                            new Tax
                                Total       = 16.00m,
                                Name        = "IVA",
                                Base        = 100.00m,
                                Rate        = 0.160000m,
                                IsRetention = false
                        Total      = 116.0m,
                        Complement = new ItemComplement
                            ThirdPartyAccount = new ThirdPartyAccount
                                Rfc   = "JES900109Q90",
                                Name  = "Expresión en Software",
                                Taxes = new List <ThirdPartyAccountTax>
                                    new ThirdPartyAccountTax
                                        Name   = "IVA",
                                        Rate   = 0.16m,
                                        Amount = 1000.00m
            var cfdiCreated = facturama.Cfdis.Create(cfdi);

            Assert.IsTrue(Guid.TryParse(cfdiCreated.Complement.TaxStamp.Uuid, out _));
Beispiel #20
         * Ejemplo de creación de un CFDI "complemento de pago"
         * Referencia:
         * En virtud de que el complemento de pago, requiere ser asociado a un CFDI con el campo "PaymentMethod" = "PPD"
         * En este ejemplo se incluye la creacón de este CFDI, para posteriormente realizar el  "Complemento de pago" = "PUE"
        private static void SamplePaymentComplement(FacturamaApi facturama)
                Console.WriteLine("----- Inicio del ejemplo samplePaymentComplement -----");

                // Cfdi Incial (debe ser "PPD")
                // -------- Creacion del cfdi en su forma general (sin items / productos) asociados --------
                Facturama.Models.Request.Cfdi cfdi = CreateModelCfdiGeneral(facturama);

                // -------- Agregar los items que lleva el cfdi ( para este ejemplo, se agregan con datos aleatorios) --------
                cfdi = AddItemsToCfdi(facturama, cfdi);

                cfdi.PaymentMethod = "PPD";           // El método de pago del documento inicial debe ser "PPD"

                // Se manda timbrar mediante Facturama
                Facturama.Models.Response.Cfdi cfdiInicial = facturama.Cfdis.Create(cfdi);

                Console.WriteLine("Se creó exitosamente el cfdi Inicial (PPD) con el folio fiscal: " + cfdiInicial.Complement.TaxStamp.Uuid);

                // Descarga de los archivos del documento inicial
                String filePath = "factura" + cfdiInicial.Complement.TaxStamp.Uuid;
                facturama.Cfdis.SavePdf(filePath + ".pdf", cfdiInicial.Id);
                facturama.Cfdis.SaveXml(filePath + ".xml", cfdiInicial.Id);

                // Complemento de pago (debe ser "PUE")
                // Y no lleva "Items" solo especifica el "Complemento"
                Facturama.Models.Request.Cfdi paymentComplementModel = CreateModelCfdiPaymentComplement(facturama, cfdiInicial);

                // Se manda timbrar el complemento de pago mediante Facturama
                Facturama.Models.Response.Cfdi paymentComplement = facturama.Cfdis.Create(paymentComplementModel);

                Console.WriteLine("Se creó exitosamente el complemento de pago con el folio fiscal: " + cfdiInicial.Complement.TaxStamp.Uuid);

                // Descarga de los archivos del documento inicial
                String filePathPayment = "factura" + paymentComplement.Complement.TaxStamp.Uuid;
                facturama.Cfdis.SavePdf(filePath + ".pdf", paymentComplement.Id);
                facturama.Cfdis.SaveXml(filePath + ".xml", paymentComplement.Id);

                // Posibilidad de mandar  los cfdis por coreo ( el cfdiInical y complemento de pago)
                Console.WriteLine(facturama.Cfdis.SendByMail(cfdiInicial.Id, "*****@*****.**"));
                Console.WriteLine(facturama.Cfdis.SendByMail(paymentComplement.Id, "*****@*****.**"));

                Console.WriteLine("----- Fin del ejemplo de samplePaymentComplement -----");
            catch (FacturamaException ex)
                foreach (var messageDetail in ex.Model.Details)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{messageDetail.Key}: {string.Join(",", messageDetail.Value)}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error inesperado: ", ex.Message);
Beispiel #21
 public CatalogsExample(FacturamaApi facturama)
     this.facturama = facturama;
 public WaybillComplementExample(FacturamaApi facturama)
     this.facturama = facturama;
 public PayrollExample(FacturamaApi facturama)
     this.facturama = facturama;
Beispiel #24
 public InvoiceExample(FacturamaApi facturama)
     this.facturama = facturama;
         * Llenado del modelo de CFDI para Nóminas
        private static Cfdi CreatePayrollModel(FacturamaApi facturama)
            var products = facturama.Products.List().Where(p => p.Taxes.Any()).ToList();

            var nameId        = "16"; // "Nomina" de acuerdo al catálogo de nombres
            var currency      = facturama.Catalogs.Currencies.First(m => m.Value == "MXN");
            var paymentMethod = facturama.Catalogs.PaymentMethods.First(p => p.Value == "PUE");
            var paymentForm   = "99";                             // 99 = por definir
            var cliente       = facturama.Clients.List().First(); // Puedes seleccionar el cliente de tu catálogo de clientes

            var branchOffice = facturama.BranchOffices.List().First();

            var lstPerceptions = new List <PerceptionsDetail>();

            lstPerceptions.Add(new PerceptionsDetail
                PerceptionType = "046",
                Code           = "046",
                Description    = "ASIMILIADOS A SALARIOS",
                TaxedAmount    = 3621.18m,
                ExemptAmount   = 0m

            var lstDeductions = new List <DeductionsDetail>();

            lstDeductions.Add(new DeductionsDetail
                DeduccionType = "002",
                Code          = "002",
                Description   = "ISR",
                Amount        = 172.60M

            var lstOtherPayments = new List <OtherPayment>();

            lstOtherPayments.Add(new OtherPayment
                EmploymentSubsidy = new EmploymentSubsidy
                    Amount = 10
                OtherPaymentType = "002",
                Code             = "000",
                Description      = "Subsidio",
                Amount           = 10

            var payroll = new Cfdi
                NameId          = nameId,
                CfdiType        = CfdiType.Nomina,
                PaymentForm     = paymentForm,
                PaymentMethod   = "PUE",         // Pago en una exhibicion
                Currency        = currency.Value,
                Date            = null,
                ExpeditionPlace = "78220",

                Receiver = new Receiver  // En este caso pudimos poner los datos de cliente tomado del catálogo, o colocar los datos de otra fuente
                    CfdiUse = "P01",
                    Name    = "ADRIANA GARCIA MORALES",
                    Rfc     = "CACX7605101P8"
                Complement = new Complement
                    Payroll = new Payroll
                        Type               = "O",        // Tipo de nomina [O = ordinaria, E = exenta]
                        DailySalary        = 0m,
                        BaseSalary         = 0m,
                        PaymentDate        = Convert.ToDateTime("2020-10-06"),
                        InitialPaymentDate = Convert.ToDateTime("2020-10-06"),
                        FinalPaymentDate   = Convert.ToDateTime("2020-10-06"),
                        DaysPaid           = 15,
                        Issuer             = new PayrollIssuer
                            EmployerRegistration = "SampleRegistration"
                        Employee = new Employee
                            Curp = "GAMA800912MSPRRD05",
                            SocialSecurityNumber    = "92919084431",
                            PositionRisk            = "1",
                            ContractType            = "01",
                            RegimeType              = "02",
                            Unionized               = false,
                            TypeOfJourney           = "01",
                            EmployeeNumber          = "006",
                            Department              = null,
                            Position                = null,
                            FrequencyPayment        = "04",
                            FederalEntityKey        = "SLP",
                            DailySalary             = 50,
                            StartDateLaborRelations = Convert.ToDateTime("2019-10-06"),
                        Perceptions = new Perceptions
                            Details = lstPerceptions.ToArray()
                        Deductions = new Deductions
                            Details = lstDeductions.ToArray()
                        OtherPayments = lstOtherPayments.ToArray()

        private static void TestCreateCfdi(FacturamaApi facturama)
            var products = facturama.Products.List().Where(p => p.Taxes.Any()).ToList();

            var nameId        = facturama.Catalogs.NameIds.ElementAt(1); //Nombre en el pdf: "Factura"
            var currency      = facturama.Catalogs.Currencies.First(m => m.Value == "MXN");
            var paymentMethod = facturama.Catalogs.PaymentMethods.First(p => p.Name == "Pago en una sola exhibición");
            var paymentForm   = facturama.Catalogs.PaymentForms.First(p => p.Name == "Efectivo");
            var cliente       = facturama.Clients.List().First(c => c.Rfc == "XAXX010101000");

            var branchOffice = facturama.BranchOffices.List().First();
            var random       = new Random();
            var nitems       = random.Next(1, products.Count) % 10; // Cantidad de items para la factura
            var decimals     = (int)currency.Decimals;

            var cfdi = new Cfdi
                NameId          = nameId.Value,
                CfdiType        = CfdiType.Ingreso,
                PaymentForm     = paymentForm.Value,
                PaymentMethod   = paymentMethod.Value,
                Currency        = currency.Value,
                Date            = DateTime.Now,
                ExpeditionPlace = branchOffice.Address.ZipCode,
                Items           = new List <Item>(),
                Receiver        = new Receiver
                    CfdiUse = cliente.CfdiUse,
                    Name    = cliente.Name,
                    Rfc     = cliente.Rfc

            for (var i = products.Count - nitems; i < products.Count && i > 0; i++)
                var product  = products[i];
                var quantity = random.Next(1, 5);                                                             //Una cantidad aleatoria
                var discount = product.Price % (product.Price == 0 ? 1 : random.Next(0, (int)product.Price)); //Un descuento aleatorio
                var subtotal = Math.Round(product.Price * quantity, decimals);

                var item = new Item
                    ProductCode          = product.CodeProdServ,
                    UnitCode             = product.UnitCode,
                    Unit                 = product.Unit,
                    Description          = product.Description,
                    IdentificationNumber = product.IdentificationNumber,
                    Quantity             = quantity,
                    Discount             = Math.Round(discount, decimals),
                    UnitPrice            = Math.Round(product.Price, decimals),
                    Subtotal             = subtotal,
                    Taxes                = product.Taxes?.Select(
                        t =>
                        var baseAmount = Math.Round(subtotal - discount, decimals);
                        return(new Tax
                            Name = t.Name,
                            IsQuota = t.IsQuota,
                            IsRetention = t.IsRetention,

                            Rate = Math.Round(t.Rate, 6),
                            Base = Math.Round(subtotal - discount, decimals),
                            Total = Math.Round(baseAmount * t.Rate, decimals)
                var retenciones = item.Taxes?.Where(t => t.IsRetention).Sum(t => t.Total) ?? 0;
                var traslados   = item.Taxes?.Where(t => !t.IsRetention).Sum(t => t.Total) ?? 0;
                item.Total = item.Subtotal - item.Discount + traslados - retenciones;

                var cfdiCreated = facturama.Cfdis.Create(cfdi);
                    $"Se creó exitosamente el cfdi con el folio fiscal: {cfdiCreated.Complement.TaxStamp.Uuid}");
                facturama.Cfdis.SavePdf($"factura{cfdiCreated.Complement.TaxStamp.Uuid}.pdf", cfdiCreated.Id);
                facturama.Cfdis.SaveXml($"factura{cfdiCreated.Complement.TaxStamp.Uuid}.xml", cfdiCreated.Id);

                var list = facturama.Cfdis.List("Expresion en Software");
                Console.WriteLine($"Se encontraron: {list.Length} elementos en la busqueda");
                list = facturama.Cfdis.List(rfc: "ESO1202108R2"); //Atributo en especifico
                Console.WriteLine($"Se encontraron: {list.Length} elementos en la busqueda");

                    $"Se eliminó exitosamente el cfdi con el folio fiscal: {cfdiCreated.Complement.TaxStamp.Uuid}");
            catch (FacturamaException ex)
                foreach (var messageDetail in ex.Model.Details)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{messageDetail.Key}: {string.Join(",", messageDetail.Value)}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error inesperado: ", ex.Message);