internal void AddAdorner(
            AdornerLayer treeViewAdornerLayer, FrameworkElement adornedElement, ExplorerEFElement explorerElement,
            ExplorerFrame explorerFrame)
            var adornerY = GetAdornerY(adornedElement, explorerElement, explorerFrame);

            if (adornerY >= 0)
                SearchTickAdorner adorner;
                if (!_adorners.TryGetValue(adornerY, out adorner))
                    adorner = new SearchTickAdorner(adornerY, adornedElement);
                    _adorners[adornerY] = adorner;

                    // adding adorners in batches of 100 - see bug: Windows OS Bugs 1750717 
                    if ((_adorners.Count % 100) == 0)

 public ExplorerEntityContainerAssociationSets(string name, EditingContext context, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, null, parent)
     if (name != null)
         base.Name = name;
 public ExplorerEnumTypes(string name, EditingContext context, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, null, parent)
     if (name != null)
         base.Name = name;
 public ExplorerFunctionImports(string name, EditingContext context, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, null, parent)
     if (name != null)
         base.Name = name;
        public ExplorerDiagrams(EditingContext context, Diagrams diagrams, ExplorerEFElement parent)
            : base(context, diagrams, parent)
            var name = Resources.DiagramTypesGhostNodeName;
            base.Name = name;

            _typesGhostNode = new ExplorerTypes(name, context, this);
 public ExplorerProperty(EditingContext context, Property property, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, property, parent)
     if (null != property)
         _isKeyProperty = property.IsKeyProperty;
 public ExplorerStorageEntityModel(EditingContext context, StorageEntityModel entityModel, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, entityModel, parent)
     _typesGhostNode = new ExplorerTypes(
         Resources.StorageTypesGhostNodeName, context, this);
     _funcsGhostNode = new ExplorerFunctions(
         Resources.StorageFunctionsGhostNodeName, context, this);
     _assocsGhostNode = new ExplorerAssociations(
         Resources.StorageAssociationsGhostNodeName, context, this);
        public ExplorerTypes(string name, EditingContext context, ExplorerEFElement parent)
            : base(context, null, parent)
            if (name != null)
                base.Name = name;

            _isConceptual = (typeof(ExplorerConceptualEntityModel) == parent.GetType()) ? true : false;
 public ExplorerEntityContainer(
     EditingContext context,
     BaseEntityContainer entityContainer, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, entityContainer, parent)
     _entitySetsGhostNode = new ExplorerEntityContainerEntitySets(
         Resources.EntitySetsGhostNodeName, context, this);
     _assocSetsGhostNode = new ExplorerEntityContainerAssociationSets(
         Resources.AssociationSetsGhostNodeName, context, this);
        internal static double GetAdornerY(FrameworkElement adornedElement, ExplorerEFElement explorerElement, ExplorerFrame explorerFrame)
            var treeViewItemY = explorerFrame.GetY(explorerFrame.GetTreeViewItem(explorerElement, true));

            // The adorner Y offset in the scrollbar adornedElement
            var size = SearchTickAdorner.GetRectangleSize(SearchTickAdorner.GetTickSize(adornedElement));
            var padding = (Thickness)adornedElement.GetValue(Border.PaddingProperty);
            var y = padding.Top +
                    ((adornedElement.ActualHeight - padding.Top - padding.Bottom) * treeViewItemY)
                    / (explorerFrame.ScrollViewer.ExtentHeight);
            return y - (y % size.Height) + size.Height;
Beispiel #11
        internal static double GetAdornerY(FrameworkElement adornedElement, ExplorerEFElement explorerElement, ExplorerFrame explorerFrame)
            var treeViewItemY = explorerFrame.GetY(explorerFrame.GetTreeViewItem(explorerElement, true));

            // The adorner Y offset in the scrollbar adornedElement
            var size    = SearchTickAdorner.GetRectangleSize(SearchTickAdorner.GetTickSize(adornedElement));
            var padding = (Thickness)adornedElement.GetValue(Border.PaddingProperty);
            var y       = padding.Top +
                          ((adornedElement.ActualHeight - padding.Top - padding.Bottom) * treeViewItemY)
                          / (explorerFrame.ScrollViewer.ExtentHeight);

            return(y - (y % size.Height) + size.Height);
        internal bool SelectTreeViewItem(ExplorerEFElement explorerElement)
            if (explorerElement != null)
                var tvi = FocusExplorerEFElement(explorerElement, false);
                Debug.Assert(null != tvi, "Could not find TreeViewItem for ExplorerEFElement " + explorerElement.Name);
                return(null != tvi);

        protected override bool RemoveChild(ExplorerEFElement efElementToRemove)
            var explorerEnumType = efElementToRemove as ExplorerEnumType;
            if (explorerEnumType == null)
                        CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.BadRemoveBadChildType,
                        efElementToRemove.GetType().FullName, Name, GetType().FullName));
                return false;

            var indexOfRemovedChild = _enumTypes.Remove(explorerEnumType);
            return (indexOfRemovedChild < 0) ? false : true;
 protected override bool RemoveChild(ExplorerEFElement efElementToRemove)
     var explorerEntityTypeShape = efElementToRemove as ExplorerEntityTypeShape;
     if (explorerEntityTypeShape == null)
                 CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.BadRemoveBadChildType,
                 efElementToRemove.GetType().FullName, Name, GetType().FullName));
         return false;
     // We can't use TypedChildList's Remove to delete the entity-type-shape because the it will fail if the underlying entity-type has been deleted.
     // When the entity-type is deleted, the name of the entity-type-shape will change to an empty string and deletion will fail 
     // until the list is re-sorted (see implementation of ExplorerEFElement's Remove).
     return _explorerEntityTypeShapes.ChildList.Remove(explorerEntityTypeShape);
 private void OnTreeViewSelectionChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (!_changingSelection)
             _changingSelection = true;
             _previousSelectedExplorerEFElement = _selectedExplorerEFElement; // store off previous selection
             _changingSelection = false;
        // Must have public constructor to allow creation by reflection 
        // in EditingContext.GetValue()

        internal void Reset()
            if (null != _results)
                foreach (var explorerElement in _results)
                    explorerElement.IsInSearchResults = false;
            _previousSearchResultItem = null;
            _previousSearchResultItemIndex = -1;
            _nextSearchResultItem = null;
            _nextSearchResultItemIndex = -1;
            _currentSelectionIsInResults = false;
            _targetString = null;
            _elementTextToSearch = null;
        public ExplorerConceptualEntityModel(EditingContext context, ConceptualEntityModel entityModel, ExplorerEFElement parent)
            : base(context, entityModel, parent)
            _typesGhostNode = new ExplorerTypes(
                Resources.ConceptualTypesGhostNodeName, context, this);
            _complexTypesGhostNode = new ExplorerComplexTypes(Resources.ComplexTypesGhostNodeName, context, this);
            _assocsGhostNode = new ExplorerAssociations(
                Resources.ConceptualAssociationsGhostNodeName, context, this);
            _funcImportsGhostNode = new ExplorerFunctionImports(
                Resources.FunctionImportsGhostNodeName, context, this);

            _enumTypesGhostNode = null;

            if (EdmFeatureManager.GetEnumTypeFeatureState(entityModel.Artifact).IsEnabled())
                _enumTypesGhostNode = new ExplorerEnumTypes(
                    Resources.EnumTypesGhostNodeName, context, this);
        internal ExplorerTreeViewItem GetTreeViewItem(ExplorerEFElement explorerElement, bool returnAncestorTreeViewItemIfNotAvailable)
            if (explorerElement == null)

            var treeViewItem = ExplorerTreeRoot;

            // need to Skip() the ExplorerRootNode because it is not the DataContext for any UI Element in the tree
            foreach (var item in explorerElement.SelfAndAncestors().Reverse().Skip(1))
                //Note: if the ItemContainerGenerator status is NotStarted, the UI Element is not created yet.
                //This causes ContainerFromItem call returns NULL.
                if (treeViewItem.ItemContainerGenerator.Status == GeneratorStatus.NotStarted)

                var childTreeViewItem = (ExplorerTreeViewItem)treeViewItem.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(item);
                if (childTreeViewItem == null)
                    if (returnAncestorTreeViewItemIfNotAvailable)
                        treeViewItem = null;
                    treeViewItem = childTreeViewItem;

            Debug.Assert(treeViewItem == null || treeViewItem.DataContext == explorerElement);

Beispiel #19
        internal void PutElementInRenameMode(ExplorerEFElement explorerElement)
            Debug.Assert(explorerElement != null, "explorerElement must not be null");
            if (explorerElement != null)
                // if ExplorerElement.IsEditableInline is false then there will be no EditableContentControl to find
                    "explorerElement.IsEditableInline should be true but was false. ExplorerElement has name " + explorerElement.Name
                    + " and type " + explorerElement.GetType().FullName);
                if (explorerElement.IsEditableInline)
                    var treeViewItem = GetTreeViewItem(explorerElement, false);
                    Debug.Assert(treeViewItem != null, "Could not find TreeViewItem for Explorer element named " + explorerElement.Name);
                    if (treeViewItem != null)
                        // Note: if the ItemContainerGenerator status is NotStarted, the UI Element is not created yet.
                        // This causes ExplorerUtility.GetTypeDescendents() call to return null.
                        if (treeViewItem.ItemContainerGenerator.Status == GeneratorStatus.NotStarted)

                        var editableContentControl =
                            ExplorerUtility.GetTypeDescendents(treeViewItem, typeof(EditableContentControl)).FirstOrDefault() as
                            null != editableContentControl,
                            "Could not find EditableContentControl for Explorer element named " + explorerElement.Name);
                        if (null != editableContentControl)
                            // put the EditableContentControl into edit mode so user can change the name
                            editableContentControl.IsInEditMode = true;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Get Serializable object that represents the EFElement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="efElement"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected virtual DataObject GetClipboardObjectForExplorerItem(ExplorerEFElement efElement)
 public ExplorerAssociation(EditingContext context, Association assoc, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, assoc, parent)
     // do nothing
        internal void PutElementInRenameMode(ExplorerEFElement explorerElement)
            Debug.Assert(explorerElement != null, "explorerElement must not be null");
            if (explorerElement != null)
                // if ExplorerElement.IsEditableInline is false then there will be no EditableContentControl to find
                    "explorerElement.IsEditableInline should be true but was false. ExplorerElement has name " + explorerElement.Name
                    + " and type " + explorerElement.GetType().FullName);
                if (explorerElement.IsEditableInline)
                    var treeViewItem = GetTreeViewItem(explorerElement, false);
                    Debug.Assert(treeViewItem != null, "Could not find TreeViewItem for Explorer element named " + explorerElement.Name);
                    if (treeViewItem != null)
                        // Note: if the ItemContainerGenerator status is NotStarted, the UI Element is not created yet.
                        // This causes ExplorerUtility.GetTypeDescendents() call to return null.
                        if (treeViewItem.ItemContainerGenerator.Status == GeneratorStatus.NotStarted)

                        var editableContentControl =
                            ExplorerUtility.GetTypeDescendents(treeViewItem, typeof(EditableContentControl)).FirstOrDefault() as
                            null != editableContentControl,
                            "Could not find EditableContentControl for Explorer element named " + explorerElement.Name);
                        if (null != editableContentControl)
                            // put the EditableContentControl into edit mode so user can change the name
                            editableContentControl.IsInEditMode = true;
 public ExplorerFunctionImport(EditingContext context, FunctionImport functionImport, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, functionImport, parent)
     // do nothing
 internal void AddExplorerElement(ExplorerEFElement explorerElement)
     _explorerElementsAreSorted = false;
 public ExplorerConceptualProperty(EditingContext context, Property property, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, property, parent)
     // do nothing
 private void OnTreeViewSelectionChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (!_changingSelection)
             _changingSelection = true;
             _previousSelectedExplorerEFElement = _selectedExplorerEFElement; // store off previous selection
             _changingSelection = false;
        internal ExplorerTreeViewItem GetTreeViewItem(ExplorerEFElement explorerElement, bool returnAncestorTreeViewItemIfNotAvailable)
            if (explorerElement == null)
                return null;

            var treeViewItem = ExplorerTreeRoot;

            // need to Skip() the ExplorerRootNode because it is not the DataContext for any UI Element in the tree
            foreach (var item in explorerElement.SelfAndAncestors().Reverse().Skip(1))
                //Note: if the ItemContainerGenerator status is NotStarted, the UI Element is not created yet.
                //This causes ContainerFromItem call returns NULL.
                if (treeViewItem.ItemContainerGenerator.Status == GeneratorStatus.NotStarted)

                var childTreeViewItem = (ExplorerTreeViewItem)treeViewItem.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(item);
                if (childTreeViewItem == null)
                    if (returnAncestorTreeViewItemIfNotAvailable)
                        return treeViewItem;
                        treeViewItem = null;
                    treeViewItem = childTreeViewItem;

            Debug.Assert(treeViewItem == null || treeViewItem.DataContext == explorerElement);

            return treeViewItem;
        internal void UpdateSelection()
            Debug.Assert(_context != null, "ExplorerFrame was disposed");
            if (ExplorerTreeView.SelectedItem == null)
                _selectedExplorerEFElement = null;
                ExplorerEFElement brItem;
                var selectedItem = ExplorerTreeView.SelectedItem;
                if (selectedItem == ExplorerTreeRoot)
                    brItem = ExplorerTreeRoot.DataContext as ExplorerEFElement;
                    brItem = selectedItem as ExplorerEFElement;

                _selectedExplorerEFElement = brItem;

                if (brItem != null)
                    var newSelection = new HashSet<EFElement>();
                    if (brItem.ModelItem != null)
                    _context.Items.SetValue(new ExplorerSelection(newSelection));
        internal ExplorerTreeViewItem FocusExplorerEFElement(ExplorerEFElement explorerElement, bool focusAncestorIfNotAvailable)
            if (null == explorerElement)
                Debug.Assert(false, "FocusExplorerEFElement needs non-null explorerElement");
                return null;

            var treeViewItem = GetTreeViewItem(explorerElement, focusAncestorIfNotAvailable);
            if (null != treeViewItem)

                // having scrolled to the correct position, do the actual focus

                return treeViewItem;
                    false, "FocusExplorerEFElement: Could not find ExplorerTreeViewItem for ExplorerEFElement " + explorerElement.Name);
                return null;
        internal bool SelectTreeViewItem(ExplorerEFElement explorerElement)
            if (explorerElement != null)
                var tvi = FocusExplorerEFElement(explorerElement, false);
                Debug.Assert(null != tvi, "Could not find TreeViewItem for ExplorerEFElement " + explorerElement.Name);
                return (null != tvi);

            return false;
 public ExplorerFunction(EditingContext context, Function func, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, func, parent)
     // do nothing
        // <summary>
        //     Entity Designer drag and drop support.
        //     Given an ExplorerEFElement constructs clipboard data-object containing collection of entity-types.
        //     Type:
        //     ExplorerEntitySet   -> collection of all entity-types in the entity set.
        //     AssociationSet      -> Participating entity-type in the associationset's association.
        // </summary>
        protected override DataObject GetClipboardObjectForExplorerItem(ExplorerEFElement explorerEFElement)
            DataObject dataObject = null;

            Debug.Assert(explorerEFElement != null && explorerEFElement.ModelItem != null, "explorerEFElement parameter is null");
            if (explorerEFElement != null
                && explorerEFElement.ModelItem != null)
                var entityTypes = new List<EntityType>();
                var associations = new List<Association>();

                // Check if the type is a storage type, we don't support drag and drop support for any storage type
                if (explorerEFElement.ModelItem.GetParentOfType(typeof(StorageEntityModel)) == null)
                    var entityType = explorerEFElement.ModelItem as ConceptualEntityType;
                    var association = explorerEFElement.ModelItem as Association;
                    var associationSet = explorerEFElement.ModelItem as AssociationSet;
                    var entitySet = explorerEFElement.ModelItem as EntitySet;

                    // When the user is trying to drag an associationset, we want to treat as if the user drag the association in the set.
                    if (associationSet != null
                        && associationSet.Association.Status == BindingStatus.Known)
                        association = associationSet.Association.Target;

                    if (entityType != null)
                    else if (association != null)
                        foreach (var associationEnd in association.AssociationEnds())
                            if (associationEnd.Type.Status == BindingStatus.Known)
                    else if (entitySet != null)

                // if entitytypes and association collections are both empty, that means drag and drop support are not supported for the ExplorerEFElement type.
                // Return an instance of dataobject that contains an empty object. This is so that we can display the appropriate "stop" icon in the diagram.
                if (entityTypes.Count == 0
                    && associations.Count == 0)
                    dataObject = new DataObject(typeof(object).Name, new object());
                    dataObject = new DataObject(
                        new EntitiesClipboardFormat(entityTypes, associations, new Dictionary<EntityType, EntityType>()));
            return dataObject;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Get Serializable object that represents the EFElement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="efElement"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected virtual DataObject GetClipboardObjectForExplorerItem(ExplorerEFElement efElement)
     return null;
Beispiel #34
        // <summary>
        //     Entity Designer drag and drop support.
        //     Given an ExplorerEFElement constructs clipboard data-object containing collection of entity-types.
        //     Type:
        //     ExplorerEntitySet   -> collection of all entity-types in the entity set.
        //     AssociationSet      -> Participating entity-type in the associationset's association.
        // </summary>
        protected override DataObject GetClipboardObjectForExplorerItem(ExplorerEFElement explorerEFElement)
            DataObject dataObject = null;

            Debug.Assert(explorerEFElement != null && explorerEFElement.ModelItem != null, "explorerEFElement parameter is null");
            if (explorerEFElement != null &&
                explorerEFElement.ModelItem != null)
                var entityTypes  = new List <EntityType>();
                var associations = new List <Association>();

                // Check if the type is a storage type, we don't support drag and drop support for any storage type
                if (explorerEFElement.ModelItem.GetParentOfType(typeof(StorageEntityModel)) == null)
                    var entityType     = explorerEFElement.ModelItem as ConceptualEntityType;
                    var association    = explorerEFElement.ModelItem as Association;
                    var associationSet = explorerEFElement.ModelItem as AssociationSet;
                    var entitySet      = explorerEFElement.ModelItem as EntitySet;

                    // When the user is trying to drag an associationset, we want to treat as if the user drag the association in the set.
                    if (associationSet != null &&
                        associationSet.Association.Status == BindingStatus.Known)
                        association = associationSet.Association.Target;

                    if (entityType != null)
                    else if (association != null)
                        foreach (var associationEnd in association.AssociationEnds())
                            if (associationEnd.Type.Status == BindingStatus.Known)
                    else if (entitySet != null)

                // if entitytypes and association collections are both empty, that means drag and drop support are not supported for the ExplorerEFElement type.
                // Return an instance of dataobject that contains an empty object. This is so that we can display the appropriate "stop" icon in the diagram.
                if (entityTypes.Count == 0 &&
                    associations.Count == 0)
                    dataObject = new DataObject(typeof(object).Name, new object());
                    dataObject = new DataObject(
                        new EntitiesClipboardFormat(entityTypes, associations, new Dictionary <EntityType, EntityType>()));
 public SearchTickAdorner(FrameworkElement adornedElement, ExplorerEFElement explorerElement, ExplorerFrame explorerFrame)
     : this(SearchAdornerDecorator.GetAdornerY(adornedElement, explorerElement, explorerFrame), adornedElement)
Beispiel #36
 internal void AddExplorerElement(ExplorerEFElement explorerElement)
     _explorerElementsAreSorted = false;
Beispiel #37
 public SearchTickAdorner(FrameworkElement adornedElement, ExplorerEFElement explorerElement, ExplorerFrame explorerFrame)
     : this(SearchAdornerDecorator.GetAdornerY(adornedElement, explorerElement, explorerFrame), adornedElement)
 protected ExplorerEntityModel(EditingContext context, BaseEntityModel entityModel, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, entityModel, parent)
 public ExplorerEnumType(EditingContext context, EnumType enumType, ExplorerEFElement parent)
     : base(context, enumType, parent)
     // do nothing