Beispiel #1
            public static int TestGetRanges(string formula)
                // mock workbook object
                var mwb = new MockWorkbook();

                Excel.Workbook  wb   = mwb.GetWorkbook();
                Excel.Worksheet ws   = mwb.GetWorksheet(1);
                var             path = Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <string> .None;

                var ranges = ExcelParserUtility.GetRangeReferencesFromFormulaRaw(formula, path, wb, ws, ignore_parse_errors: false);

Beispiel #2
        private readonly long _analysis_time;                                                       // amount of time to run dependence analysis

        public DAG(Excel.Workbook wb, Excel.Application app, bool ignore_parse_errors)
            // start stopwatch
            var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();


            // get application reference
            _app = app;

            // bulk read worksheets

            // extract references from formulas
            foreach (AST.Address formula_addr in this.getAllFormulaAddrs())
                // get COMRef read earlier
                var formula_ref = this.getCOMRefForAddress(formula_addr);

                foreach (AST.Range vector_rng in ExcelParserUtility.GetRangeReferencesFromFormula(formula_ref, ignore_parse_errors))
                    // fetch/create COMRef, as appropriate
                    var vector_ref = this.makeInputVectorCOMRef(vector_rng);

                    // link formula and input vector
                    this.linkInputVector(formula_addr, vector_rng);

                    // link input vector to the vector's single inputs
                    foreach (AST.Address input_single in vector_rng.Addresses())
                        this.linkComponentInputCell(vector_rng, input_single);

                    // if num single inputs = num formulas,
                    // mark vector as non-perturbable

                foreach (AST.Address input_single in ExcelParserUtility.GetSingleCellReferencesFromFormula(formula_ref, ignore_parse_errors))
                    // link formula and single input
                    this.linkSingleCellInput(formula_addr, input_single);

            // stop stopwatch
            _analysis_time = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;