public virtual IEnumerable<Entity> Generate(EntitySystem entitySystem, EntityFieldModel entityDefinition, EntityFieldPositionModel entityPlacing, Vector3 position)
     return new List<Entity>
         entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(entityDefinition.Entity, entityPlacing, position)
Beispiel #2
        private Entity CreateEntityFromDataModel(EntityModel entityModel, EntityFieldPositionModel entityPlacing, Vector3 position)
            var entity = EntitySystem.CreateEntity(true);

            entity.Id       = entityModel.Id;
            entity.IsStatic = entityModel.IsStatic;

            entity.Scale = entityPlacing.Scale?.GetVector3() ?? Vector3.One;

            if (entityPlacing.Rotation != null)
                if (entityPlacing.CardinalRotation)
                    entity.EulerAngles = new Vector3
                        X = entityPlacing.Rotation.X * MathHelper.PiOver2,
                        Y = entityPlacing.Rotation.Y * MathHelper.PiOver2,
                        Z = entityPlacing.Rotation.Z * MathHelper.PiOver2
                    entity.EulerAngles = new Vector3
                        X = MathHelper.ToRadians(entityPlacing.Rotation.X),
                        Y = MathHelper.ToRadians(entityPlacing.Rotation.Y),
                        Z = MathHelper.ToRadians(entityPlacing.Rotation.Z)
                entity.EulerAngles = Vector3.Zero;

            entity.Position = position;

            foreach (var compModel in entityModel.Components)
                if (!entity.HasComponent(compModel.Id))
                    entity.AddComponent(EntityComponentFactory.GetComponent(entity, compModel));

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an entity reading json data model. It also attaches all known entity components.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityModel">Deserialized entity model.</param>
        /// <param name="entityPlacing">Placement of entity.</param>
        /// <param name="position">position of entity.</param>
        /// <param name="isInitializing">If the entity should be created in initializing mode. This needs to end initializing.</param>
        /// <returns>Created entity instance.</returns>
        public Entity CreateEntityFromDataModel(EntityModel entityModel, EntityFieldPositionModel entityPlacing, Vector3 position, bool isInitializing = false)
            var entity = CreateEntity(isInitializing);

            entity.Id = entityModel.Id;

            foreach (var compModel in entityModel.Components)
                if (!entity.HasComponent(compModel.Id))
                    entity.AddComponent(EntityComponentFactory.GetComponent(entity, compModel));

            entity.Scale = entityPlacing.Scale?.GetVector3() ?? Vector3.One;

            if (entityPlacing.Rotation != null)
                if (entityPlacing.CardinalRotation)
                    entity.EulerAngles = new Vector3
                        X = entityPlacing.Rotation.X * MathHelper.PiOver2,
                        Y = entityPlacing.Rotation.Y * MathHelper.PiOver2,
                        Z = entityPlacing.Rotation.Z * MathHelper.PiOver2
                    entity.EulerAngles = new Vector3
                        X = MathHelper.ToDegrees(entityPlacing.Rotation.X),
                        Y = MathHelper.ToDegrees(entityPlacing.Rotation.Y),
                        Z = MathHelper.ToDegrees(entityPlacing.Rotation.Z)
                entity.EulerAngles = Vector3.Zero;

            entity.Position = position;

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an entity reading json data model. It also attaches all known entity components.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityModel">Deserialized entity model.</param>
        /// <param name="entityPlacing">Placement of entity.</param>
        /// <param name="position">position of entity.</param>
        /// <param name="isInitializing">If the entity should be created in initializing mode. This needs to end initializing.</param>
        /// <returns>Created entity instance.</returns>
        public Entity CreateEntityFromDataModel(EntityModel entityModel, EntityFieldPositionModel entityPlacing, Vector3 position, bool isInitializing = false)
            var entity = CreateEntity(isInitializing);
            entity.Id = entityModel.Id;

            foreach (var compModel in entityModel.Components)
                if (!entity.HasComponent(compModel.Id))
                    entity.AddComponent(EntityComponentFactory.GetComponent(entity, compModel));

            entity.Scale = entityPlacing.Scale?.GetVector3() ?? Vector3.One;

            if (entityPlacing.Rotation != null)
                if (entityPlacing.CardinalRotation)
                    entity.EulerAngles = new Vector3
                        X = entityPlacing.Rotation.X * MathHelper.PiOver2,
                        Y = entityPlacing.Rotation.Y * MathHelper.PiOver2,
                        Z = entityPlacing.Rotation.Z * MathHelper.PiOver2
                    entity.EulerAngles = new Vector3
                        X = MathHelper.ToDegrees(entityPlacing.Rotation.X),
                        Y = MathHelper.ToDegrees(entityPlacing.Rotation.Y),
                        Z = MathHelper.ToDegrees(entityPlacing.Rotation.Z)
                entity.EulerAngles = Vector3.Zero;

            entity.Position = position;

            return entity;
Beispiel #5
        public List <Entity> PlaceEntities(EntityFieldModel entityDefinition, EntityFieldPositionModel entityPlacing, Vector3 offset)
            var entities = new List <Entity>();

            for (var x = 0; x < (int)entityPlacing.Size.X; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < (int)entityPlacing.Size.Y; y++)
                    for (var z = 0; z < (int)entityPlacing.Size.Z; z++)
                        var position = entityPlacing.Position.GetVector3() + new Vector3(x * entityPlacing.Steps.X, y * entityPlacing.Steps.Y, z * entityPlacing.Steps.Z) + offset;

                        entities.Add(CreateEntityFromDataModel(entityDefinition.Entity, entityPlacing, position));
Beispiel #6
        private Entity CreateEntityFromDataModel(EntityModel entityModel, EntityFieldPositionModel entityPlacing, Vector3 position)
            var entity = EntitySystem.CreateEntity(true);
            entity.Id = entityModel.Id;
            entity.IsStatic = entityModel.IsStatic;

            entity.Scale = entityPlacing.Scale?.GetVector3() ?? Vector3.One;

            if (entityPlacing.Rotation != null)
                if (entityPlacing.CardinalRotation)
                    entity.EulerAngles = new Vector3
                        X = entityPlacing.Rotation.X * MathHelper.PiOver2,
                        Y = entityPlacing.Rotation.Y * MathHelper.PiOver2,
                        Z = entityPlacing.Rotation.Z * MathHelper.PiOver2
                    entity.EulerAngles = new Vector3
                        X = MathHelper.ToRadians(entityPlacing.Rotation.X),
                        Y = MathHelper.ToRadians(entityPlacing.Rotation.Y),
                        Z = MathHelper.ToRadians(entityPlacing.Rotation.Z)
                entity.EulerAngles = Vector3.Zero;

            entity.Position = position;

            foreach (var compModel in entityModel.Components)
                if (!entity.HasComponent(compModel.Id))
                    entity.AddComponent(EntityComponentFactory.GetComponent(entity, compModel));

            return entity;
Beispiel #7
        public List<Entity> PlaceEntities(EntityFieldModel entityDefinition, EntityFieldPositionModel entityPlacing, Vector3 offset)
            var entities = new List<Entity>();
            for (var x = 0; x < (int)entityPlacing.Size.X; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < (int)entityPlacing.Size.Y; y++)
                    for (var z = 0; z < (int)entityPlacing.Size.Z; z++)
                        var position = entityPlacing.Position.GetVector3() + new Vector3(x * entityPlacing.Steps.X, y * entityPlacing.Steps.Y, z * entityPlacing.Steps.Z) + offset;

                        entities.Add(CreateEntityFromDataModel(entityDefinition.Entity, entityPlacing, position));
            return entities;
        public override IEnumerable <Entity> Generate(EntitySystem entitySystem, EntityFieldModel entityDefinition, EntityFieldPositionModel entityPlacing, Vector3 position)
            // scale of the entity is the entire cube's scale.
            // generate 6 entities from the one definition that is passed in
            // the definition has to hold either 1, 5 or 6 textures.
            // if there are only 5 textures, then do not generate a bottom.
            // This is an option, because often times, there is no bottom needed.
            // if there is only 1 texture, it gets put on all 6 sides.

            //int? textureEnumLength = entityDefinition?.Entity?.RenderMode?.Textures?.Length;

            //if (textureEnumLength.HasValue && (textureEnumLength.Value == 1 || textureEnumLength.Value == 5 || textureEnumLength.Value == 6))
            //    TextureSourceModel[] textures = null;

            //    if (textureEnumLength.Value == 1)
            //    {
            //        textures = new TextureSourceModel[]
            //        {
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0]
            //        };
            //    }
            //    else if (textureEnumLength.Value == 5)
            //    {
            //        textures = new TextureSourceModel[]
            //        {
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[1],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[2],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[3],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[4]
            //        };
            //    }
            //    else if (textureEnumLength.Value == 6)
            //    {
            //        textures = new TextureSourceModel[]
            //        {
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[1],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[2],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[3],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[4],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[5]
            //        };
            //    }

            //    // Front side:
            //    var frontEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //    var frontEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //    frontEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[0] };
            //    frontEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //    frontEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = 0,
            //        Y = 0,
            //        Z = 0
            //    };
            //    frontEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //        Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //        Z = 1
            //    };
            //    var frontEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //    {
            //        X = position.X,
            //        Y = position.Y,
            //        Z = position.Z + entityPlacing.Scale.Z / 2
            //    };

            //    yield return  entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(frontEntityModel, frontEntityPlacing, frontEntityPosition);

            //    // Back side:
            //    var backEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //    var backEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //    backEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[1] };
            //    backEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //    backEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = 0,
            //        Y = 2,
            //        Z = 0
            //    };
            //    backEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //        Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //        Z = 1
            //    };
            //    var backEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //    {
            //        X = position.X,
            //        Y = position.Y,
            //        Z = position.Z - entityPlacing.Scale.Z / 2
            //    };

            //    yield return entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(backEntityModel, backEntityPlacing, backEntityPosition);

            //    //Left side:
            //    var leftEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //    var leftEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //    leftEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[2] };
            //    leftEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //    leftEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = 0,
            //        Y = 3,
            //        Z = 0
            //    };
            //    leftEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //        Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //        Z = 1
            //    };
            //    var leftEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //    {
            //        X = position.X - entityPlacing.Scale.X / 2,
            //        Y = position.Y,
            //        Z = position.Z
            //    };

            //    yield return entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(leftEntityModel, leftEntityPlacing, leftEntityPosition);

            //    //right side:
            //    var rightEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //    var rightEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //    rightEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[3] };
            //    rightEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //    rightEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = 0,
            //        Y = 1,
            //        Z = 0
            //    };
            //    rightEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //        Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //        Z = 1
            //    };
            //    var rightEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //    {
            //        X = position.X + entityPlacing.Scale.X / 2,
            //        Y = position.Y,
            //        Z = position.Z
            //    };

            //    yield return entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(rightEntityModel, rightEntityPlacing, rightEntityPosition);

            //    //top:
            //    var topEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //    var topEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //    topEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[4] };
            //    topEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //    topEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = 3,
            //        Y = 0,
            //        Z = 0
            //    };
            //    topEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //        Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //        Z = 1
            //    };
            //    var topEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //    {
            //        X = position.X,
            //        Y = position.Y + entityPlacing.Scale.Y / 2,
            //        Z = position.Z
            //    };

            //    yield return entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(topEntityModel, topEntityPlacing, topEntityPosition);

            //    //bottom:
            //    if (textureEnumLength.Value != 5)
            //    {
            //        var bottomEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //        var bottomEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //        bottomEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[5] };
            //        bottomEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //        bottomEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //        {
            //            X = 1,
            //            Y = 0,
            //            Z = 0
            //        };
            //        bottomEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //        {
            //            X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //            Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //            Z = 1
            //        };
            //        var bottomEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //        {
            //            X = position.X,
            //            Y = position.Y - entityPlacing.Scale.Y / 2,
            //            Z = position.Z
            //        };

            //        yield return entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(bottomEntityModel, bottomEntityPlacing, bottomEntityPosition);
            //    }
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #9
 public virtual IEnumerable <Entity> Generate(EntitySystem entitySystem, EntityFieldModel entityDefinition, EntityFieldPositionModel entityPlacing, Vector3 position)
     return(new List <Entity>
         entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(entityDefinition.Entity, entityPlacing, position)
        public override IEnumerable<Entity> Generate(EntitySystem entitySystem, EntityFieldModel entityDefinition, EntityFieldPositionModel entityPlacing, Vector3 position)
            // scale of the entity is the entire cube's scale.
            // generate 6 entities from the one definition that is passed in
            // the definition has to hold either 1, 5 or 6 textures.
            // if there are only 5 textures, then do not generate a bottom.
            // This is an option, because often times, there is no bottom needed.
            // if there is only 1 texture, it gets put on all 6 sides.

            //int? textureEnumLength = entityDefinition?.Entity?.RenderMode?.Textures?.Length;

            //if (textureEnumLength.HasValue && (textureEnumLength.Value == 1 || textureEnumLength.Value == 5 || textureEnumLength.Value == 6))
            //    TextureSourceModel[] textures = null;

            //    if (textureEnumLength.Value == 1)
            //    {
            //        textures = new TextureSourceModel[]
            //        {
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0]
            //        };
            //    }
            //    else if (textureEnumLength.Value == 5)
            //    {
            //        textures = new TextureSourceModel[]
            //        {
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[1],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[2],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[3],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[4]
            //        };
            //    }
            //    else if (textureEnumLength.Value == 6)
            //    {
            //        textures = new TextureSourceModel[]
            //        {
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[0],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[1],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[2],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[3],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[4],
            //            entityDefinition.Entity.RenderMode.Textures[5]
            //        };
            //    }

            //    // Front side:
            //    var frontEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //    var frontEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //    frontEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[0] };
            //    frontEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //    frontEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = 0,
            //        Y = 0,
            //        Z = 0
            //    };
            //    frontEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //        Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //        Z = 1
            //    };
            //    var frontEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //    {
            //        X = position.X,
            //        Y = position.Y,
            //        Z = position.Z + entityPlacing.Scale.Z / 2
            //    };

            //    yield return  entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(frontEntityModel, frontEntityPlacing, frontEntityPosition);

            //    // Back side:
            //    var backEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //    var backEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //    backEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[1] };
            //    backEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //    backEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = 0,
            //        Y = 2,
            //        Z = 0
            //    };
            //    backEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //        Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //        Z = 1
            //    };
            //    var backEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //    {
            //        X = position.X,
            //        Y = position.Y,
            //        Z = position.Z - entityPlacing.Scale.Z / 2
            //    };

            //    yield return entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(backEntityModel, backEntityPlacing, backEntityPosition);

            //    //Left side:
            //    var leftEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //    var leftEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //    leftEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[2] };
            //    leftEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //    leftEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = 0,
            //        Y = 3,
            //        Z = 0
            //    };
            //    leftEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //        Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //        Z = 1
            //    };
            //    var leftEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //    {
            //        X = position.X - entityPlacing.Scale.X / 2,
            //        Y = position.Y,
            //        Z = position.Z
            //    };

            //    yield return entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(leftEntityModel, leftEntityPlacing, leftEntityPosition);

            //    //right side:
            //    var rightEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //    var rightEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //    rightEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[3] };
            //    rightEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //    rightEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = 0,
            //        Y = 1,
            //        Z = 0
            //    };
            //    rightEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //        Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //        Z = 1
            //    };
            //    var rightEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //    {
            //        X = position.X + entityPlacing.Scale.X / 2,
            //        Y = position.Y,
            //        Z = position.Z
            //    };

            //    yield return entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(rightEntityModel, rightEntityPlacing, rightEntityPosition);

            //    //top:
            //    var topEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //    var topEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //    topEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[4] };
            //    topEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //    topEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = 3,
            //        Y = 0,
            //        Z = 0
            //    };
            //    topEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //    {
            //        X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //        Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //        Z = 1
            //    };
            //    var topEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //    {
            //        X = position.X,
            //        Y = position.Y + entityPlacing.Scale.Y / 2,
            //        Z = position.Z
            //    };

            //    yield return entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(topEntityModel, topEntityPlacing, topEntityPosition);

            //    //bottom:
            //    if (textureEnumLength.Value != 5)
            //    {
            //        var bottomEntityModel = entityDefinition.Entity.CloneModel();
            //        var bottomEntityPlacing = new EntityFieldPositionModel();

            //        bottomEntityModel.RenderMode.Textures = new TextureSourceModel[] { textures[5] };
            //        bottomEntityPlacing.CardinalRotation = true;
            //        bottomEntityPlacing.Rotation = new Vector3Model()
            //        {
            //            X = 1,
            //            Y = 0,
            //            Z = 0
            //        };
            //        bottomEntityPlacing.Scale = new Vector3Model()
            //        {
            //            X = entityPlacing.Scale.X,
            //            Y = entityPlacing.Scale.Y,
            //            Z = 1
            //        };
            //        var bottomEntityPosition = new Vector3()
            //        {
            //            X = position.X,
            //            Y = position.Y - entityPlacing.Scale.Y / 2,
            //            Z = position.Z
            //        };

            //        yield return entitySystem.CreateEntityFromDataModel(bottomEntityModel, bottomEntityPlacing, bottomEntityPosition);
            //    }
            throw new NotImplementedException();