static void Traverse(Entity e, Dictionary <Guid, EntityDesign> d)
     d.Add(e.Id, new EntityDesign(e));
     foreach (var child in e.GetChildren())
         Traverse(child, d);
        public static Entity FindSubEntity(this Entity entity, Guid subEntityId)
            if (entity.Id == subEntityId)

            return(entity.GetChildren().DepthFirst(x => x.GetChildren()).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == subEntityId));
Beispiel #3
 protected override Data GenerateComponentData([NotNull] Entity entity, [NotNull] CharacterMovementComponent component)
     return(new Data
         Character = entity.Get <CharacterComponent>(),
         ModelEntityTransform = entity.GetChildren()
                                .First(e => e.Name == "CharacterModel").Get <TransformComponent>(),
        private static void ValidateActorEntity(Entity actorEntity)
            Assert.True(actorEntity.Has <AttributesComponent>());
            Assert.Equal(5, actorEntity.Get <AttributesComponent>().Strength);
            Assert.Equal(7, actorEntity.Get <AttributesComponent>().Agility);
            var childEntities = actorEntity.GetChildren().ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(2, childEntities.Length);

            foreach (var childEntity in actorEntity.GetChildren())
                Assert.True(childEntity.Has <WeightComponent>());
                Assert.True(childEntity.Has <HealthComponent>());
                Assert.True(childEntity.Has <DirtComponent>());

                Assert.Equal(0.0, childEntity.Get <DirtComponent>().Value);
                Assert.Equal(10.0, childEntity.Get <WeightComponent>().Value);
                Assert.Equal(100.0, childEntity.Get <HealthComponent>().Value);
Beispiel #5
        private void CollectComponentIds(Entity entity)
            foreach (var component in entity.Components)

            foreach (var child in entity.GetChildren())
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Goes through the entity and children and adds/removes bepu physics objects to the simulation. Only will add/remove if AllowHelperToManage is true (which is set to true by default)
 /// and if the body isn't added already.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rootEntity"></param>
 public static void SetBodiesInSimulation(Entity rootEntity, bool add = true)
     foreach (BepuPhysicsComponent pc in rootEntity.GetAll <BepuPhysicsComponent>())
         if (pc.AutomaticAdd)
             pc.AddedToScene = add;
     foreach (Entity e in rootEntity.GetChildren())
         SetBodiesInSimulation(e, add);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a breadth first search of the entities children for a component of the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of component.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="includeDisabled">Should search include <see cref="ActivableEntityComponent"/> where <see cref="ActivableEntityComponent.Enabled"/> is <c>false</c>.</param>
        /// <returns>The component or null if does no exist.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The entity was <c>null</c>.</exception>
        public static T GetComponentInChildren <T>(this Entity entity, bool includeDisabled = false)
            where T : ActivableEntityComponent
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));

            //breadth first
            var queue = new Queue <Entity>();

            return(GetComponentInChildrenCore <T>(includeDisabled, queue));
        public void SetAsChildOf_Should_set_created_entity_as_child()
            using EntityCommandRecorder recorder = new EntityCommandRecorder(1024);
            using World world = new World();

            Entity parent = world.CreateEntity();

            EntityRecord record = recorder.CreateEntity();



        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a breadth first search of the entities children for a component of the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of component.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <returns>The component or null if does no exist.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The entity was <c>null</c>.</exception>
        public static T GetComponentInChildren <T>(this Entity entity)
            where T : EntityComponent
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));

            //breadth first
            var queue = new Queue <Entity>();


            return(GetComponentInChildrenCore <T>(queue));
        public void SetAsChildOf_Should_set_recorded_entity_as_child()
            using (EntityCommandRecorder recorder = new EntityCommandRecorder(1024))
                using (World world = new World())
                    Entity parent = world.CreateEntity();
                    Entity entity = world.CreateEntity();

                    EntityRecord record = recorder.Record(entity);


        public void SetAsParentOf_Should_set_recorded_entity_as_parent()
            using EntityCommandRecorder recorder = new EntityCommandRecorder(1024);
            using World world = new World();

            Entity child  = world.CreateEntity();
            Entity entity = world.CreateEntity();

            EntityRecord record = recorder.Record(entity);



        public void RemoveFromChildrenOf_Should_set_created_entity_as_child()
            using EntityCommandRecorder recorder = new EntityCommandRecorder(1024);
            using World world = new World();

            Entity parent = world.CreateEntity();

            EntityRecord parentRecord = recorder.Record(parent);
            EntityRecord record       = recorder.CreateEntity();



        public void RemoveFromParentsOf_Should_set_recorded_entity_as_parent()
            using (EntityCommandRecorder recorder = new EntityCommandRecorder(1024))
                using (World world = new World())
                    Entity child  = world.CreateEntity();
                    Entity entity = world.CreateEntity();

                    EntityRecord record = recorder.Record(entity);


            private void AdjustChildEntity(Entity entity, ref bool canRotateEntity)
                if (entity.Components.Get <ModelComponent>() != null || entity.Components.Get <ParticleSystemComponent>() != null)
                    canRotateEntity = true;
                var particles = entity.Components.Get <ParticleSystemComponent>();

                if (particles?.ParticleSystem?.Settings != null && particles?.Control != null)
                    particles.ParticleSystem.Settings.WarmupTime = particles.Control.ThumbnailWarmupTime;

                foreach (var child in entity.GetChildren())
                    AdjustChildEntity(child, ref canRotateEntity);
Beispiel #15
        //Called at the beginning to update the navigation points
        public override void Start()
            var streets          = Entity.GetChildren().ToList();
            var navigationPoints = new List <NavigationPoint>();

            foreach (var street in streets)
                var temp = street.GetChildren().ToList();
                navigationPoints.AddRange(temp.Select(t => new NavigationPoint
                    Id        = t.Id,
                    XPosition = t.Transform.Position.X,
                    YPosition = t.Transform.Position.Y,
                    ZPosition = t.Transform.Position.Z
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively approximate the bounding box of the scene represented by the entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootEntity">The root entity of the scene</param>
        /// <returns>The bounding box</returns>
        public static BoundingSphere CalculateBoundingSpere(Entity rootEntity)
            var boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere();

            var model = rootEntity.Get <ModelComponent>();

            if (model != null && model.Model != null)
                var boundingBox    = model.Model.BoundingBox;
                var objectHalfSize = (boundingBox.Maximum - boundingBox.Minimum) / 2f;
                var scaledHalfSize = objectHalfSize * rootEntity.Transform.Scale;
                var sphereRadius   = Math.Max(scaledHalfSize.X, Math.Max(scaledHalfSize.Y, scaledHalfSize.Z));
                var sphereCenter   = (boundingBox.Maximum + boundingBox.Minimum) / 2f + rootEntity.Transform.Position;
                boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(sphereCenter, sphereRadius);


            foreach (var child in rootEntity.GetChildren())
                var childSphere = CalculateBoundingSpere(child);
                if (Math.Abs(childSphere.Radius) < MathUtil.ZeroTolerance)

                var centerInParent = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(childSphere.Center, rootEntity.Transform.LocalMatrix);
                var radiusInParent = Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(childSphere.Radius, 0, 0), rootEntity.Transform.LocalMatrix).Length();
                var sphereInParent = new BoundingSphere(centerInParent, radiusInParent);

                if (Math.Abs(boundingSphere.Radius) < MathUtil.ZeroTolerance)
                    boundingSphere = sphereInParent;
                    boundingSphere = BoundingSphere.Merge(boundingSphere, sphereInParent);

Beispiel #17
        private void RecursiveToggle(Entity entity, bool enabled)
            var model = entity.Get <ModelComponent>();

            if (model != null)
                model.Enabled = enabled;
            var collider = entity.Get <StaticColliderComponent>();

            if (collider != null)
                collider.Enabled = enabled;

            foreach (var c in entity.GetChildren())
                RecursiveToggle(c, enabled);
        /// <summary>
        ///   Invalidates the cached identifiers of all the <see cref="EntityComponent"/>s of the specified <see cref="Entity"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity for which to invalidate the cached identifiers of its components.</param>
        /// <param name="isRecursive">A value indicating whether to also invalidate the cached identifiers of the components of child entities, recursively.</param>
        public void UncacheEntity([NotNull] Entity entity, bool isRecursive)
            if (entity is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));

            foreach (var component in entity.Components)

            if (isRecursive)
                foreach (var component in entity.GetChildren().BreadthFirst(x => x.GetChildren()).SelectMany(e => e.Components))
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Cache identifier of all components of the specified <paramref name="entity"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity which components to cache.</param>
        /// <param name="isRecursive"><c>true</c> if the components of child entities should also be cached, recursively; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</param>
        public void CacheEntity([NotNull] Entity entity, bool isRecursive)
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));

            foreach (var component in entity.Components)
                idToEntity[RuntimeIdHelper.ToRuntimeId(component)] = component.Entity;

            if (!isRecursive)

            foreach (var component in entity.GetChildren().BreadthFirst(x => x.GetChildren()).SelectMany(e => e.Components))
                idToEntity[RuntimeIdHelper.ToRuntimeId(component)] = component.Entity;
Beispiel #20
        private static GenericStructure WriteEntity(Entity ent)
            var ret = new GenericStructure("entity");

            ret["id"]        = ent.ID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            ret["classname"] = ent.EntityData.Name;
            WriteEntityData(ret, ent.EntityData);
            if (!ent.HasChildren)
                ret["origin"] = FormatCoordinate(ent.Origin);

            var editor = WriteEditor(ent);


            foreach (var solid in ent.GetChildren().SelectMany(x => x.FindAll()).OfType <Solid>().OrderBy(x => x.ID))

Beispiel #21
        public override void Update()
            // We store some drawing positions
            int drawX = 350, drawY = 230, increment = 70;

            // We print the name of the our entity
            DebugText.Print(Entity.Name, new Int2(drawX, drawY));

            // We loop over all the children of our entity using GetChildren()
            // NOTE: This does not include any subchildren of those children
            foreach (var child in Entity.GetChildren())
                // We print the name of the child
                drawY += increment;
                DebugText.Print(child.Name, new Int2(drawX + increment, drawY));

                // It is possible that this child, also has children. We now loop over these 'subchildren' and print their name too
                foreach (var subChild in child.GetChildren())
                    drawY += increment;
                    DebugText.Print(subChild.Name, new Int2(drawX + (increment * 2), drawY));
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the bounding sphere of the entity's models.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity to measure</param>
        /// <param name="isRecursive">Indicate the child entities bounding spheres should be merged</param>
        /// <param name="meshSelector">Selects which meshes are considered for bounding box calculation.</param>
        /// <returns>The bounding sphere (world matrix included)</returns>
        public static BoundingSphere CalculateBoundSphere(this Entity entity, bool isRecursive = true, Func <Model, IEnumerable <Mesh> > meshSelector = null)
            var worldMatrix = entity.Transform.WorldMatrix;

            var boundingSphere = BoundingSphere.Empty;

            // calculate the bounding sphere of the model if any
            var modelComponent = entity.Get <ModelComponent>();
            var hasModel       = modelComponent?.Model != null;

            if (hasModel)
                var hierarchy      = modelComponent.Skeleton;
                var nodeTransforms = new Matrix[hierarchy.Nodes.Length];

                // Calculate node transforms here, since there might not be a ModelProcessor running
                for (int i = 0; i < nodeTransforms.Length; i++)
                    if (hierarchy.Nodes[i].ParentIndex == -1)
                        nodeTransforms[i] = worldMatrix;
                        Matrix localMatrix;

                            ref hierarchy.Nodes[i].Transform.Scale,
                            ref hierarchy.Nodes[i].Transform.Rotation,
                            ref hierarchy.Nodes[i].Transform.Position, out localMatrix);

                        Matrix.Multiply(ref localMatrix, ref nodeTransforms[hierarchy.Nodes[i].ParentIndex], out nodeTransforms[i]);

                // calculate the bounding sphere
                var boundingBox = BoundingBoxExt.Empty;

                var meshes         = modelComponent.Model.Meshes;
                var filteredMeshes = meshSelector == null ? meshes : meshSelector(modelComponent.Model);

                // Calculate skinned bounding boxes.
                // TODO: Cloned from ModelSkinningUpdater. Consolidate.
                foreach (var mesh in filteredMeshes)
                    var skinning = mesh.Skinning;

                    if (skinning == null)
                        // For unskinned meshes, use the original bounding box
                        var boundingBoxExt = (BoundingBoxExt)mesh.BoundingBox;
                        BoundingBoxExt.Merge(ref boundingBox, ref boundingBoxExt, out boundingBox);
                        var bones = skinning.Bones;
                        var bindPoseBoundingBox = new BoundingBoxExt(mesh.BoundingBox);

                        for (var index = 0; index < bones.Length; index++)
                            var    nodeIndex = bones[index].NodeIndex;
                            Matrix boneMatrix;

                            // Compute bone matrix
                            Matrix.Multiply(ref bones[index].LinkToMeshMatrix, ref nodeTransforms[nodeIndex], out boneMatrix);

                            // Fast AABB transform:
                            // Compute transformed AABB (by world)
                            var boundingBoxExt = bindPoseBoundingBox;
                            BoundingBoxExt.Merge(ref boundingBox, ref boundingBoxExt, out boundingBox);
                var halfSize    = boundingBox.Extent;
                var maxHalfSize = Math.Max(halfSize.X, Math.Max(halfSize.Y, halfSize.Z));
                boundingSphere = BoundingSphere.Merge(boundingSphere, new BoundingSphere(boundingBox.Center, maxHalfSize));

            // Calculate the bounding sphere for the sprite component if any and merge the result
            var spriteComponent = entity.Get <SpriteComponent>();
            var hasSprite       = spriteComponent?.CurrentSprite != null;

            if (hasSprite && !(hasModel && meshSelector != null))
                var spriteSize         = spriteComponent.CurrentSprite.Size;
                var spriteDiagonalSize = (float)Math.Sqrt(spriteSize.X * spriteSize.X + spriteSize.Y * spriteSize.Y);

                // Note: this is probably wrong, need to unify with SpriteComponentRenderer
                var center   = worldMatrix.TranslationVector;
                var scales   = new Vector3(worldMatrix.Row1.Length(), worldMatrix.Row2.Length(), worldMatrix.Row3.Length());
                var maxScale = Math.Max(scales.X, Math.Max(scales.Y, scales.Z));

                boundingSphere = BoundingSphere.Merge(boundingSphere, new BoundingSphere(center, maxScale * spriteDiagonalSize / 2f));

            var spriteStudioComponent = entity.Get <SpriteStudioComponent>();

            if (spriteStudioComponent != null)
                // Make sure nodes are prepared
                if (!SpriteStudioProcessor.PrepareNodes(spriteStudioComponent))
                    return(new BoundingSphere());

                // Update root nodes
                foreach (var node in spriteStudioComponent.Nodes)

                // Compute bounding sphere for each node
                foreach (var node in spriteStudioComponent.Nodes.SelectDeep(x => x.ChildrenNodes))
                    if (node.Sprite == null || node.Hide != 0)

                    var nodeMatrix = node.ModelTransform * worldMatrix;

                    var spriteSize         = node.Sprite.Size;
                    var spriteDiagonalSize = (float)Math.Sqrt(spriteSize.X * spriteSize.X + spriteSize.Y * spriteSize.Y);

                    Vector3 pos, scale;
                    nodeMatrix.Decompose(out scale, out pos);

                    var center   = pos;
                    var maxScale = Math.Max(scale.X, scale.Y); //2d ignore Z

                    boundingSphere = BoundingSphere.Merge(boundingSphere, new BoundingSphere(center, maxScale * (spriteDiagonalSize / 2f)));

            var particleComponent = entity.Get <ParticleSystemComponent>();

            if (particleComponent != null)
                var center = worldMatrix.TranslationVector;
                var sphere = particleComponent.ParticleSystem?.BoundingShape != null?BoundingSphere.FromBox(particleComponent.ParticleSystem.BoundingShape.GetAABB(center, Quaternion.Identity, 1.0f)) : new BoundingSphere(center, 2.0f);

                boundingSphere = BoundingSphere.Merge(boundingSphere, sphere);

            var boundingBoxComponent = entity.Get <NavigationBoundingBoxComponent>();

            if (boundingBoxComponent != null)
                var center = worldMatrix.TranslationVector;
                var scales = new Vector3(worldMatrix.Row1.Length(), worldMatrix.Row2.Length(), worldMatrix.Row3.Length()) * boundingBoxComponent.Size;
                boundingSphere = BoundingSphere.FromBox(new BoundingBox(-scales + center, scales + center));

            // Extend the bounding sphere to include the children
            if (isRecursive)
                foreach (var child in entity.GetChildren())
                    boundingSphere = BoundingSphere.Merge(boundingSphere, child.CalculateBoundSphere(true, meshSelector));

            // If the entity does not contain any components having an impact on the bounding sphere, create an empty bounding sphere centered on the entity position.
            if (boundingSphere == BoundingSphere.Empty)
                boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(worldMatrix.TranslationVector, 0);

Beispiel #23
        private void AddHardpointMarkersToShip(Entity ship)
            var shipComponent = ship.GetComponent<ShipComponent>();

            const float BaseAlpha = 0.3f;
            foreach (var hardpointEntity in ship.GetChildren().Where(e=>e.HasComponent<HardpointComponent>())){
                var hardpointArc = new HardpointArcDrawingComponent { DrawHardpointIcon = true, Alpha = BaseAlpha };
                var entity = World.CreateEntity();
                var xform = hardpointEntity.GetComponent<Transform>();
                var box = HardpointRendererSystem.GetIconBoundingBox(hardpointEntity.GetComponent<HardpointComponent>().Hardpoint);
                var newxform = entity.AddComponentFromPool<Transform>();

                newxform.Position = xform.Position - box.Size / 2;
                newxform.Rotation = 0;
                newxform.Scale = Vector2.One;

                entity.AddComponent(new BoundingBoxComponent(box));

                //entity.AddComponent(new DrawBoundingBoxComponent { Color = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Red, IsEnabled = true });

                var hover = new MouseHoverComponent { UsePositionOnly = true };
                hover.HoverChanged += (o, e) =>
                    hardpointArc.Alpha = hover.IsHover ? 1 : BaseAlpha;
                    hardpointArc.Thickness = hover.IsHover ? 2 : 1;
                    if (hover.IsHover) _hoverEntities.Add(hardpointEntity);
                    else _hoverEntities.Remove(hardpointEntity);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the Controllable entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            Vector2 direction = _input.LeftDirectional;
            Vector2 angle     = _input.RightDirectional;
            Weapon  weapon    = Entity.GetChildren <Weapon>();

            //ITEM:     2. Na hora do tiro, permita que o jogador escolha:
            //              2.1. Inclinação do canhão: Que dá o ângulo da bala;
            //              2.2. Força: Enquanto pressionar tecla/mouse a força variará de 0 até o máximo do canhão. O jogador não sabe que máximo é esse;
            //              2.3 Que bala usar (ver abaixo);

            if ((Entity as Player).Mirrored)
                direction.Y *= -1;

            if (direction.X != 0f)
                (Entity as Player).Mirrored = (direction.X < 0f);
                Entity.GetBehavior <PhysicsBehavior>().ConstantForces["Accelerator"] = new Vector2(direction.X * 100f, 0f);

                if (!(Entity as Player).IsFlying)
                Entity.GetBehavior <PhysicsBehavior>().ConstantForces["Accelerator"] = Vector2.Zero;

            if (angle.Y != 0f)
                if (weapon != null)
                    weapon.Rotation += (angle.Y / 10f) % 2f;

            if (_input.LeftTrigger > 0.4f && (Entity as Player).Fuel > 0)
                (Entity as Player).GetBehavior <PhysicsBehavior>().ConstantForces["Propulsion"] = new Vector2(0f, -200f);
                (Entity as Player).IsFlying = true;
                (Entity as Player).GetBehavior <PhysicsBehavior>().ConstantForces["Propulsion"] = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                (Entity as Player).IsFlying = false;

            if (_input.RightTrigger > 0.4f)
                _ready = true;
            else if (_ready)
                if (weapon != null)
                    if (weapon.Shoot())
                        (Entity as Player).Level.ChangeState(TurnState.Shooting);

                _ready = false;

            if (_input.LeftBumper == ButtonState.Pressed)
                if (!_onHoldP)
                    _onHoldP = true;
                _onHoldP = false;

            if (_input.RightBumper == ButtonState.Pressed)
                if (!_onHoldN)
                    _onHoldN = true;
                _onHoldN = false;

            if (_input.DirectionLeft == ButtonState.Pressed)
            if (_input.DirectionUp == ButtonState.Pressed)
            if (_input.DirectionRight == ButtonState.Pressed)
Beispiel #25
        private static GenericStructure WriteEntity(Entity ent)
            var ret = new GenericStructure("entity");
            ret["id"] = ent.ID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            ret["classname"] = ent.EntityData.Name;
            WriteEntityData(ret, ent.EntityData);
            if (!ent.HasChildren) ret["origin"] = FormatCoordinate(ent.Origin);

            var editor = WriteEditor(ent);

            foreach (var solid in ent.GetChildren().SelectMany(x => x.FindAll()).OfType<Solid>().OrderBy(x => x.ID))

            return ret;