private void defCoordSearchPatient( int cur_x = 0, int cur_y = 0, int lbls_x = 0, int lble_x = 0, int lbl_y = 0, int vals_x = 0, int vale_x = 0, int val_y = 0, ElmScrns a = ElmScrns.NotFound, bool b = false, UseWhat c = UseWhat.Field, string strText = "" ) { Elements.Add( new uc_maptxtcaretinfo( PrimeMainMenu.SearchPatient, new System.Drawing.Point(cur_x, cur_y), new uc_formpartsinfo(strText, new System.Drawing.Point(lbls_x, lbl_y), new System.Drawing.Point(lble_x, lbl_y) ), new uc_formpartsinfo("-val-", new System.Drawing.Point(vals_x, val_y), new System.Drawing.Point(vale_x, val_y) ), a, b, c )); }
private void defCoordMainForm( int xcd = 0, int ycd = 0, PrimeMainMenu pm = PrimeMainMenu.Initial, ElmScrns es = ElmScrns.NotFound, string strText = "" ) { Elements.Add( new uc_maptxtcaretinfo( pm, new System.Drawing.Point(xcd, ycd), new uc_formpartsinfo(strText, new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) ), new uc_formpartsinfo("-val-", new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) ), es, false, UseWhat.None )); }
public uc_assocElem( ElmScrns a, ElmScrns b ) { _a = a; _b = b; }
private void defCoordPatientInfo( int lcol = 0, int xcd = 0, int ycd = -1, ElmScrns es = ElmScrns.NotFound, int width = 0, bool withVal = true, UseWhat uw = UseWhat.None, string strText = "", FormScrnOpt frmscropt = FormScrnOpt.None, int vstartx = 0 ) { x_coord = (xcd != 0) ? xcd : 25; int cur_x = x_coord; int valstart_x = x_coord; lftColStart = (lcol != 0) ? lcol : 1; lftColEnd = x_coord; if (x_coord == 25) y_coord++; y_coord = (ycd != -1) ? ycd : y_coord; int lblcoord_y = y_coord; valwidth = x_coord + width; switch (frmscropt) { case FormScrnOpt.Remark2: lblcoord_y = lblcoord_y - 1; break; case FormScrnOpt.InLinewithAnother: valstart_x = valstart_x + vstartx; break; case FormScrnOpt.PhoneWithParen: lftColStart = lftColStart - 1; cur_x = cur_x + 1; break; } Elements.Add( new uc_maptxtcaretinfo( PrimeMainMenu.PatientInfo, new System.Drawing.Point(cur_x, y_coord), new uc_formpartsinfo(strText, new System.Drawing.Point(lftColStart, lblcoord_y), new System.Drawing.Point(lftColEnd, lblcoord_y)), new uc_formpartsinfo("-val-", new System.Drawing.Point(valstart_x, y_coord), new System.Drawing.Point(valwidth, y_coord)), es, withVal, uw )); }
private void GoToElem(ElmScrns a) { int index = GetElementIndex(a); if (index != -1) { SequenceNum = index; } }
public void LoadForms(PrimeMainMenu p1, ElmScrns p2) { //Elements.Clear(); switch(p1) { case PrimeMainMenu.Initial: break; default: break; } }
private void defCoordPatientIns( int lcol = 0, int xcd = 0, bool lend = false, int ycd = -1, ElmScrns es = ElmScrns.NotFound, int width = 0, bool withVal = true, UseWhat uw = UseWhat.None, string strText = "", FormScrnOpt frmscropt = FormScrnOpt.None ) { x_coord = (xcd != 0) ? xcd : 27; lftColStart = (lcol != 0) ? lcol : 1; lftColEnd = (lend == true) ? x_coord : (x_coord - 1); if (x_coord == 27) { y_coord++; } y_coord = (ycd != -1) ? ycd : y_coord; valwidth = x_coord + width; int phonecoord_x = x_coord; switch (frmscropt) { case FormScrnOpt.PhoneWithParen: phonecoord_x++; break; } Elements.Add( new uc_maptxtcaretinfo( PrimeMainMenu.PatientIns, new System.Drawing.Point(phonecoord_x, y_coord), new uc_formpartsinfo(strText, new System.Drawing.Point(lftColStart, y_coord), new System.Drawing.Point(lftColEnd, y_coord) ), new uc_formpartsinfo("-val-", new System.Drawing.Point(phonecoord_x, y_coord), new System.Drawing.Point(valwidth, y_coord) ), es, withVal, uw )); }
public void LoadForms(PrimeMainMenu p1, ElmScrns p2) { //Elements.Clear(); switch (p1) { case PrimeMainMenu.Initial: break; default: break; } }
private void defCoordPatientIns( int lcol = 0, int xcd = 0, bool lend = false, int ycd = -1, ElmScrns es = ElmScrns.NotFound, int width = 0, bool withVal = true, UseWhat uw = UseWhat.None, string strText = "", FormScrnOpt frmscropt = FormScrnOpt.None ) { x_coord = (xcd != 0) ? xcd : 27; lftColStart = (lcol != 0) ? lcol : 1; lftColEnd = (lend == true) ? x_coord : (x_coord - 1); if(x_coord == 27) y_coord++; y_coord = (ycd != -1) ? ycd : y_coord; valwidth = x_coord + width; int phonecoord_x = x_coord; switch (frmscropt) { case FormScrnOpt.PhoneWithParen: phonecoord_x++; break; } Elements.Add( new uc_maptxtcaretinfo( PrimeMainMenu.PatientIns, new System.Drawing.Point(phonecoord_x, y_coord), new uc_formpartsinfo(strText, new System.Drawing.Point(lftColStart, y_coord), new System.Drawing.Point(lftColEnd, y_coord) ), new uc_formpartsinfo("-val-", new System.Drawing.Point(phonecoord_x, y_coord), new System.Drawing.Point(valwidth, y_coord) ), es, withVal, uw )); }
private void ComeBack(string data = "", ElmScrns a = ElmScrns.NotFound, int r = 4) { if (data.Length != 0) { SequenceNum -= 2; MeetSender.Add(new uc_assocElem(curForm, a)); SendStr(data, true, true); } else if (SequenceNum >= r) { hasPass = true; SequenceNum -= r; SendCmdKey(CURSORUP); } }
private void ComeBack(string data="",ElmScrns a=ElmScrns.NotFound, int r=4) { if (data.Length != 0) { SequenceNum -= 2; MeetSender.Add(new uc_assocElem(curForm,a)); SendStr(data, true, true); } else if(SequenceNum >= r) { hasPass = true; SequenceNum -= r; SendCmdKey(CURSORUP); } }
public uc_maptxtcaretinfo( PrimeMainMenu r1, System.Drawing.Point r2, uc_formpartsinfo r3, uc_formpartsinfo r4, ElmScrns r5, System.Boolean r6, UseWhat r7 ) { inMenu = r1; curPos = r2; frmfield = r3; frmvalue = r4; seqScrn = r5; hasValue = r6; useThis = r7; }
public System.Collections.Generic.List<uc_maptxtcaretinfo> FindElemByPrimeMainMenu(PrimeMainMenu param, ElmScrns a = ElmScrns.NotFound) { //System.Collections.ArrayList outElements = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); System.Collections.Generic.List<uc_maptxtcaretinfo> outElements = new System.Collections.Generic.List<uc_maptxtcaretinfo>(); uc_maptxtcaretinfo tmpElement; for (int i=0; i < Elements.Count; i++) { tmpElement = Elements[i]; if (param == tmpElement.inMenu && a == ElmScrns.NotFound) { outElements.Add(tmpElement); } else if(param == tmpElement.inMenu && a == tmpElement.seqScrn) { outElements.Add(tmpElement); } } return outElements; }
private void defCoordPatientEnc( bool left = true, int lcol = 0, int xcd = 0, int ycd = -1, ElmScrns es = ElmScrns.NotFound, int width = 0, bool withVal = true, UseWhat uw = UseWhat.None, string strText = "" ) { x_coord = (xcd != 0) ? xcd : ((left) ? 22 : 61); lftColStart = (lcol != 0) ? lcol : 0; lftColEnd = x_coord; if (left) { y_coord++; } y_coord = (ycd != -1) ? ycd : y_coord; valwidth = x_coord + width; Elements.Add( new uc_maptxtcaretinfo( PrimeMainMenu.PatientEnc, new System.Drawing.Point(x_coord, y_coord), new uc_formpartsinfo(strText, new System.Drawing.Point(lftColStart, y_coord), new System.Drawing.Point(lftColEnd, y_coord) ), new uc_formpartsinfo("-val-", new System.Drawing.Point(x_coord, y_coord), new System.Drawing.Point(valwidth, y_coord) ), es, withVal, uw )); }
public int GetElementIndex(ElmScrns p) { System.Int32 x = -1; System.Boolean isfound = false; uc_rdbseq tempObj; for (int i=0; i < Elements.Count; i++) { tempObj = Elements[i]; if (tempObj._p1 == p) { isfound = true; x = i; break; } } if(isfound == true) return x; return -1; }
private void defCoordPatientEnc( bool left = true, int lcol = 0, int xcd = 0, int ycd = -1, ElmScrns es = ElmScrns.NotFound, int width = 0, bool withVal = true, UseWhat uw = UseWhat.None, string strText = "" ) { x_coord = (xcd != 0) ? xcd : ((left) ? 22 : 61); lftColStart = (lcol != 0) ? lcol : 0; lftColEnd = x_coord; if (left) y_coord++; y_coord = (ycd != -1) ? ycd : y_coord; valwidth = x_coord + width; Elements.Add( new uc_maptxtcaretinfo( PrimeMainMenu.PatientEnc, new System.Drawing.Point(x_coord, y_coord), new uc_formpartsinfo(strText, new System.Drawing.Point(lftColStart, y_coord), new System.Drawing.Point(lftColEnd, y_coord) ), new uc_formpartsinfo("-val-", new System.Drawing.Point(x_coord, y_coord), new System.Drawing.Point(valwidth, y_coord) ), es, withVal, uw )); }
public int GetElementIndex(ElmScrns p) { System.Int32 x = -1; System.Boolean isfound = false; uc_rdbseq tempObj; for (int i = 0; i < Elements.Count; i++) { tempObj = Elements[i]; if (tempObj._p1 == p) { isfound = true; x = i; break; } } if (isfound == true) { return(x); } return(-1); }
private int MatchMeSender(ElmScrns s) { System.Int32 x = -1; uc_assocElem tmpObj; System.Boolean isfound = false; for (int i = 0; i < MeetSender.Count; i++) { tmpObj = MeetSender[i]; if (tmpObj._b == s) { isfound = true; x = i; break; } } if (isfound == true) { return(x); } return(-1); }
private string GetInsuranceFieldValue(ElmScrns a) { string str = ""; uc_someinsurance tmpInsurance; int numIns = currentpatient.myInsurances.Count; if (numIns != 0) { tmpInsurance = currentpatient.myInsurances[numIns - 1]; switch (a) { /************Fields***********/ case ElmScrns.PatientInsCode: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsCode; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsMemNum: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsMemNum; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsGrp: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsGrp; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsPayPlan: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsPayPlan; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsCovPlanFrom: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsCovPlanFrom; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsCovPlanTo: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsCovPlanTo; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsCoPayment: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsCoPayment; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsDeductible: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsDeductible; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsStatus: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsStatus; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsPriSec: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsPriSec; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsAdjuster: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsAdjuster; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsAssignment: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsAssignment; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsClaimNo: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsClaimNo; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsRel2Insured: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsRel2Insured; break; /****rel2insure = 2***/ case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredName: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredName; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredAddress: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredAddress; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredZipCode: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredZipCode; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredPhone: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredPhone; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredState: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredState; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredCity: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredCity; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredDOB: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredDOB; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredSex: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredSex; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredSSS: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredSSS; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmployer: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmployer; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmpAddr: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpAddr; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmpZip: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpZip; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmpPhone: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpPhone; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmpState: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpState; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmpCity: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpCity; break; } } return(str); }
public uc_maptxtcaretinfo SearchElem( System.Drawing.Point curPos, System.String str, PrimeMainMenu p1, ElmScrns cfr = ElmScrns.NotFound ) { //LoadForms(p1, cfr); uc_maptxtcaretinfo tmpElement; uc_maptxtcaretinfo defElement = new uc_maptxtcaretinfo( PrimeMainMenu.None, new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), new uc_formpartsinfo("Not Found ", new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) ), new uc_formpartsinfo("values", new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) ), ElmScrns.NotFound, false, UseWhat.None ); bool isFound = false; tmpElement = defElement; string tmpStr; for (int i = 0; i < Elements.Count; i++) { tmpElement = Elements[i]; tmpStr = str; if(cfr == tmpElement.seqScrn && tmpElement.inMenu == p1 && tmpElement.curPos.X == curPos.X && tmpElement.curPos.Y == curPos.Y) { switch (tmpElement.useThis) { case UseWhat.Field: str = thisautoproc.retrieveStrData(thisautoproc.rdbp2, thisautoproc.rdbp3, tmpElement.frmfield.prmStartPos.X, tmpElement.frmfield.prmEndPos.X, tmpElement.frmfield.prmStartPos.Y); break; case UseWhat.Value: str = thisautoproc.retrieveStrData(thisautoproc.rdbp2, thisautoproc.rdbp3, tmpElement.frmvalue.prmStartPos.X, tmpElement.frmvalue.prmEndPos.X, tmpElement.frmvalue.prmStartPos.Y); break; } } //rdbmsg.Clear(); //rdbmsg.AppendFormat("a:{0}\nb:{1}\nc:{2}\nd:{3}\ne:{4}\nf:{5}\n", cfr, tmpElement.curPos.ToString(), str, curPos.ToString(), str.Contains(tmpElement.frmfield.param), tmpElement.seqScrn); if (cfr == tmpElement.seqScrn && tmpElement.inMenu == p1 && tmpElement.curPos.X == curPos.X && tmpElement.curPos.Y == curPos.Y && str.Contains(tmpElement.frmfield.param)) { isFound = true; tmpElement.index = i; break; } } if (isFound == true) return tmpElement; else return defElement; }
public uc_rdbseq(ElmScrns p1, PrimeMainMenu p2) { _p1 = p1; _p2 = p2; }
private void defCoordPatientInfo( int lcol = 0, int xcd = 0, int ycd = -1, ElmScrns es = ElmScrns.NotFound, int width = 0, bool withVal = true, UseWhat uw = UseWhat.None, string strText = "", FormScrnOpt frmscropt = FormScrnOpt.None, int vstartx = 0 ) { x_coord = (xcd != 0) ? xcd : 25; int cur_x = x_coord; int valstart_x = x_coord; lftColStart = (lcol != 0) ? lcol : 1; lftColEnd = x_coord; if (x_coord == 25) { y_coord++; } y_coord = (ycd != -1) ? ycd : y_coord; int lblcoord_y = y_coord; valwidth = x_coord + width; switch (frmscropt) { case FormScrnOpt.Remark2: lblcoord_y = lblcoord_y - 1; break; case FormScrnOpt.InLinewithAnother: valstart_x = valstart_x + vstartx; break; case FormScrnOpt.PhoneWithParen: lftColStart = lftColStart - 1; cur_x = cur_x + 1; break; } Elements.Add( new uc_maptxtcaretinfo( PrimeMainMenu.PatientInfo, new System.Drawing.Point(cur_x, y_coord), new uc_formpartsinfo(strText, new System.Drawing.Point(lftColStart, lblcoord_y), new System.Drawing.Point(lftColEnd, lblcoord_y)), new uc_formpartsinfo("-val-", new System.Drawing.Point(valstart_x, y_coord), new System.Drawing.Point(valwidth, y_coord)), es, withVal, uw )); }
private int MatchMeSender(ElmScrns s) { System.Int32 x = -1; uc_assocElem tmpObj; System.Boolean isfound = false; for (int i=0; i < MeetSender.Count;i++) { tmpObj = MeetSender[i]; if (tmpObj._b == s) { isfound = true; x = i; break; } } if (isfound == true) return x; return -1; }
public string start() { acounter = 0; outString = ""; StrValue = ""; ypos = 0; startval = 0; endval = 0; rdbp1 = this.Parent.Caret.Pos; rdbp2 = this.Parent.CharGrid; rdbp3 = this.Parent.AttribGrid; //conditional traverse here do { if (currentExcelPatient >= numCount) break; #region colname: panel colname = "panel"; if (ddtt.Columns.Contains(colname)) { strPanel = ddtt.Rows[currentExcelPatient][colname] + ""; if (strPanel.Length == 0) { contPatientLoop = true; currentExcelPatient++; } else { panels = Regex.Split(strPanel, "/"); foreach (string pnl in panels) { switch (pnl) { /* case "2081": autosettings.bTraversePatientInfo = false; autosettings.bTraversePatientIns = false; autosettings.bTraversePatientEnc = false; contPatientLoop = false; break; */ default: contPatientLoop = false; //true to skip shouldIncExcelPatientCntr = false; //default: true break; } } if (shouldIncExcelPatientCntr) currentExcelPatient++; } } #endregion colname: panel } while (contPatientLoop); //else //start excel data capture here excelpatient = new uc_somepatient(); excelpatient.PatientInfoAcctNum = assignifcolnameexists("accntno"); excelpatient.PatientInfoDOB = assignifcolnameexists("dob", RdbDataType.DateTime); excelpatient.PatientInfoLastName = assignifcolnameexists("lastname"); excelpatient.PatientInfoFirstName = assignifcolnameexists("firstname"); //excelpatient.PatientChargeAcn = assignifcolnameexists("acctno"); excelpatient.PatientChargeSB = assignifcolnameexists("superbill"); excelpatient.PatientChargeDr = assignifcolnameexists("dr"); excelpatient.PatientChargeRdr = assignifcolnameexists("refdr"); excelpatient.PatientChargePOS = assignifcolnameexists("pos"); //excelpatient.PatientChargeEN = assignifcolnameexists("superbill"); excelpatient.PatientChargeDX = assignifcolnameexists("diagnosis"); excelpatient.PatientChargeFrom = assignifcolnameexists("dos"); //excelpatient.PatientChargeTo = assignifcolnameexists("superbill"); setSettings(); if (autosettings.bSearchPatientNotFound) { switch (curForm) { case ElmScrns.SearchPatientAccountNum: case ElmScrns.SearchPatientName: case ElmScrns.SearchPatientDOB: if (autosettings.setSearchTest(currentPatientSearchTest)) { currentPatientSearchTest++; if (autosettings.bSearchPlayWithLastName) { //excelpatient.PatientInfoLastName.Sub } } else { currentExcelPatient++; } break; } } rdbmsg.Insert(0, string.Format("currentPatientSearchTest:{0} - currentExcelPatient:{1} - dob:{2}\n", currentPatientSearchTest, currentExcelPatient, autosettings.bHasDOB)); //currentExcelPatient++; Strfield = retrieveStrData(rdbp2, rdbp3, 0, rdbp1.X, rdbp1.Y); if (SequenceNum >= Elements.Count) { SequenceNum = Elements.Count - 1; } tmpInt = Elements[SequenceNum]; curMenu = tmpInt._p2; curForm = tmpInt._p1; //curIndex = GetElementIndex(curForm); //prevForm = curForm; //process Caret Pos depending on the keyboard event myMaptxtcaretinfo = myMapTxtCaret.SearchElem(rdbp1, Strfield, curMenu, curForm); if (myMaptxtcaretinfo.seqScrn != ElmScrns.NotFound) { prevForm = curForm; } outString = string.Format("curmenu:{0}\nSeqNum:{1}\nenum:{2}\nprvform:{3}\ncurform:{4}\n", curMenu, SequenceNum,myMapTxtCaret.Elements.Count,prevForm, curForm); outString += myMaptxtcaretinfo.frmfield.param; //retreiveValue startval = myMaptxtcaretinfo.frmvalue.prmStartPos.X; endval = myMaptxtcaretinfo.frmvalue.prmEndPos.X; ypos = myMaptxtcaretinfo.frmvalue.prmStartPos.Y; if (myMaptxtcaretinfo.hasValue == true) { StrValue = retrieveStrData(rdbp2, rdbp3, startval, endval, ypos); myMaptxtcaretinfo.frmvalue.param = StrValue; } outString += string.Format("\nOut:{0}\nStartval:{1}\nendVal:{2}\nY:{3}\n", StrValue, startval, endval, ypos); CmdDispatch(); if (currentpatient != null) { /* string curpat = ""; curpat += "PatientInfoAcctNum " + currentpatient.PatientInfoAcctNum + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoGuarrantor " + currentpatient.PatientInfoGuarrantor + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoChartNum " + currentpatient.PatientInfoChartNum + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoName " + currentpatient.PatientInfoName + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoAddr " + currentpatient.PatientInfoAddr + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoZip " + currentpatient.PatientInfoZip + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoCity " + currentpatient.PatientInfoCity + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoState " + currentpatient.PatientInfoState + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoHomePhone " + currentpatient.PatientInfoHomePhone + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoCell " + currentpatient.PatientInfoCell + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoSex " + currentpatient.PatientInfoSex + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoDOB " + currentpatient.PatientInfoDOB + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoAge " + currentpatient.PatientInfoAge + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoMStatus " + currentpatient.PatientInfoMStatus + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoEthnicity " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEthnicity + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoSSN " + currentpatient.PatientInfoSSN + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoDL " + currentpatient.PatientInfoDL + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoOccupation " + currentpatient.PatientInfoOccupation + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoEmployer " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployer + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoEmployerAddr " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployerAddr + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoEmployerZip " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployerZip + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoEmployerCity " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployerCity + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoEmployerState " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployerState + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoEmployerPhone " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployerPhone + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoCategory " + currentpatient.PatientInfoCategory + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoReferral " + currentpatient.PatientInfoReferral + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoPCP " + currentpatient.PatientInfoPCP + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoHospital " + currentpatient.PatientInfoHospital + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoLanguage " + currentpatient.PatientInfoLanguage + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoEmail " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmail + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoRemarks1 " + currentpatient.PatientInfoRemarks1 + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoRemarks2 " + currentpatient.PatientInfoRemarks2 + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoCategoryVal " + currentpatient.PatientInfoCategoryVal + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInfoReferralVal " + currentpatient.PatientInfoReferralVal + "\n"; prntSome.printSome(curpat, "curpata-", countbmprdb); */ //rdbmsg.Clear(); string curpat = ""; int aaacount = currentpatient.myInsurances.Count; for (int m = 0; m < aaacount; m++) { uc_someinsurance tmpInsurance = currentpatient.myInsurances[m]; //rdbmsg.Insert(0, string.Format("numins: {0} - m: {1} - code: {2}\n", aaacount, m, tmpInsurance.PatientInsCode)); curpat += "PatientInsCode " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsCode + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsMemNum " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsMemNum + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsGrp " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsGrp + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsPayPlan " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsPayPlan + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsCovPlanFrom " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsCovPlanFrom + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsCovPlanTo " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsCovPlanTo + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsCoPayment " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsCoPayment + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsDeductible " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsDeductible + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsStatus " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsStatus + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsPriSec " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsPriSec + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsAdjuster " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsAdjuster + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsAssignment " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsAssignment + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsClaimNo " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsClaimNo + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsRel2Insured " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsRel2Insured + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredName " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredName + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredAddress " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredAddress + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredZipCode " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredZipCode + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredCity " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredCity + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredState " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredState + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredPhone " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredPhone + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredDOB " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredDOB + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredSex " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredSex + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredSSS " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredSSS + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmployer " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmployer + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmpAddr " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpAddr + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmpZip " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpZip + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmpCity " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpCity + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmpState " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpState + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmpPhone " + tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpPhone + "\n"; //prntSome.printSome(curpat, "stored-" + counttelint + "-", m); } //counttelint++; } return outString; }
public bool WhatElementInCurPos() { Strfield = ""; acounter++; System.Collections.Generic.List <uc_maptxtcaretinfo> rbtmp = new System.Collections.Generic.List <uc_maptxtcaretinfo>(); Strfield = retrieveStrData(rdbp2, rdbp3, 0, rdbp1.X, rdbp1.Y); //todo process Caret Pos depending on the keyboard event rbtmp = myMapTxtCaret.SearchElems(rdbp1, Strfield, curMenu); if (rbtmp.Count == 1) { myMaptxtcaretinfo = rbtmp[0]; ElmScrns elmOut = myMaptxtcaretinfo.seqScrn; switch (prevForm) { case ElmScrns.PatientDemographics: switch (elmOut) { case ElmScrns.PatientInfoPressAnyKey: GoToElem(ElmScrns.PatientInfoGuarrantor); SendCmdKey(); break; case ElmScrns.PatientInfoGuarrantor: curForm = elmOut; GoToElem(elmOut); break; } break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsCode: switch (elmOut) { case ElmScrns.QuestionModifyEncInfo: curForm = elmOut; GoToElem(elmOut); break; } break; case ElmScrns.PatientEncRX: switch (myMaptxtcaretinfo.seqScrn) { case ElmScrns.PromptEncRecordNotFound: GoToElem(ElmScrns.PatientDemographics); SendCmdKey(); break; } break; case ElmScrns.PatientEncLastCertification: //this is the end of the sequence: //just do something or end GoToElem(ElmScrns.PatientDemographics); SendCmdKey(END); break; /* * case ElmScrns.ChargeSBNotice: * case ElmScrns.ChargeSB: * rdbmsg.Insert(0, string.Format("elmOut: {0}\n", elmOut.ToString())); * switch (elmOut) * { * case ElmScrns.ChargeRdr: * //case ElmScrns.ChargePOS: * //case ElmScrns.ChargeDR: * curForm = elmOut; * GoToElem(elmOut); * break; * } * * break; */ default: switch (elmOut) { case ElmScrns.PatientInsRecordInUse: //GoToElem(ElmScrns.PatientInsCode); //SendCmdKey(END); break; } break; } } else { return(false); } CmdDispatch(); return(true); }
public string start() { acounter = 0; outString = ""; StrValue = ""; ypos = 0; startval = 0; endval = 0; rdbp1 = this.Parent.Caret.Pos; rdbp2 = this.Parent.CharGrid; rdbp3 = this.Parent.AttribGrid; //conditional traverse here do { if (currentExcelPatient >= numCount) { break; } #region colname: panel colname = "panel"; if (ddtt.Columns.Contains(colname)) { strPanel = ddtt.Rows[currentExcelPatient][colname] + ""; if (strPanel.Length == 0) { contPatientLoop = true; currentExcelPatient++; } else { panels = Regex.Split(strPanel, "/"); foreach (string pnl in panels) { switch (pnl) { /* * case "2081": * autosettings.bTraversePatientInfo = false; * autosettings.bTraversePatientIns = false; * autosettings.bTraversePatientEnc = false; * * contPatientLoop = false; * break; */ default: contPatientLoop = false; //true to skip shouldIncExcelPatientCntr = false; //default: true break; } } if (shouldIncExcelPatientCntr) { currentExcelPatient++; } } } #endregion colname: panel }while (contPatientLoop); //else //start excel data capture here excelpatient = new uc_somepatient(); excelpatient.PatientInfoAcctNum = assignifcolnameexists("accntno"); excelpatient.PatientInfoDOB = assignifcolnameexists("dob", RdbDataType.DateTime); excelpatient.PatientInfoLastName = assignifcolnameexists("lastname"); excelpatient.PatientInfoFirstName = assignifcolnameexists("firstname"); //excelpatient.PatientChargeAcn = assignifcolnameexists("acctno"); excelpatient.PatientChargeSB = assignifcolnameexists("superbill"); excelpatient.PatientChargeDr = assignifcolnameexists("dr"); excelpatient.PatientChargeRdr = assignifcolnameexists("refdr"); excelpatient.PatientChargePOS = assignifcolnameexists("pos"); //excelpatient.PatientChargeEN = assignifcolnameexists("superbill"); excelpatient.PatientChargeDX = assignifcolnameexists("diagnosis"); excelpatient.PatientChargeFrom = assignifcolnameexists("dos"); //excelpatient.PatientChargeTo = assignifcolnameexists("superbill"); setSettings(); if (autosettings.bSearchPatientNotFound) { switch (curForm) { case ElmScrns.SearchPatientAccountNum: case ElmScrns.SearchPatientName: case ElmScrns.SearchPatientDOB: if (autosettings.setSearchTest(currentPatientSearchTest)) { currentPatientSearchTest++; if (autosettings.bSearchPlayWithLastName) { //excelpatient.PatientInfoLastName.Sub } } else { currentExcelPatient++; } break; } } rdbmsg.Insert(0, string.Format("currentPatientSearchTest:{0} - currentExcelPatient:{1} - dob:{2}\n", currentPatientSearchTest, currentExcelPatient, autosettings.bHasDOB)); //currentExcelPatient++; Strfield = retrieveStrData(rdbp2, rdbp3, 0, rdbp1.X, rdbp1.Y); if (SequenceNum >= Elements.Count) { SequenceNum = Elements.Count - 1; } tmpInt = Elements[SequenceNum]; curMenu = tmpInt._p2; curForm = tmpInt._p1; //curIndex = GetElementIndex(curForm); //prevForm = curForm; //process Caret Pos depending on the keyboard event myMaptxtcaretinfo = myMapTxtCaret.SearchElem(rdbp1, Strfield, curMenu, curForm); if (myMaptxtcaretinfo.seqScrn != ElmScrns.NotFound) { prevForm = curForm; } outString = string.Format("curmenu:{0}\nSeqNum:{1}\nenum:{2}\nprvform:{3}\ncurform:{4}\n", curMenu, SequenceNum, myMapTxtCaret.Elements.Count, prevForm, curForm); outString += myMaptxtcaretinfo.frmfield.param; //retreiveValue startval = myMaptxtcaretinfo.frmvalue.prmStartPos.X; endval = myMaptxtcaretinfo.frmvalue.prmEndPos.X; ypos = myMaptxtcaretinfo.frmvalue.prmStartPos.Y; if (myMaptxtcaretinfo.hasValue == true) { StrValue = retrieveStrData(rdbp2, rdbp3, startval, endval, ypos); myMaptxtcaretinfo.frmvalue.param = StrValue; } outString += string.Format("\nOut:{0}\nStartval:{1}\nendVal:{2}\nY:{3}\n", StrValue, startval, endval, ypos); CmdDispatch(); if (currentpatient != null) { /* * string curpat = ""; * * curpat += "PatientInfoAcctNum " + currentpatient.PatientInfoAcctNum + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoGuarrantor " + currentpatient.PatientInfoGuarrantor + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoChartNum " + currentpatient.PatientInfoChartNum + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoName " + currentpatient.PatientInfoName + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoAddr " + currentpatient.PatientInfoAddr + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoZip " + currentpatient.PatientInfoZip + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoCity " + currentpatient.PatientInfoCity + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoState " + currentpatient.PatientInfoState + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoHomePhone " + currentpatient.PatientInfoHomePhone + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoCell " + currentpatient.PatientInfoCell + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoSex " + currentpatient.PatientInfoSex + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoDOB " + currentpatient.PatientInfoDOB + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoAge " + currentpatient.PatientInfoAge + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoMStatus " + currentpatient.PatientInfoMStatus + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoEthnicity " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEthnicity + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoSSN " + currentpatient.PatientInfoSSN + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoDL " + currentpatient.PatientInfoDL + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoOccupation " + currentpatient.PatientInfoOccupation + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoEmployer " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployer + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoEmployerAddr " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployerAddr + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoEmployerZip " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployerZip + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoEmployerCity " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployerCity + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoEmployerState " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployerState + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoEmployerPhone " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmployerPhone + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoCategory " + currentpatient.PatientInfoCategory + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoReferral " + currentpatient.PatientInfoReferral + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoPCP " + currentpatient.PatientInfoPCP + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoHospital " + currentpatient.PatientInfoHospital + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoLanguage " + currentpatient.PatientInfoLanguage + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoEmail " + currentpatient.PatientInfoEmail + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoRemarks1 " + currentpatient.PatientInfoRemarks1 + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoRemarks2 " + currentpatient.PatientInfoRemarks2 + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoCategoryVal " + currentpatient.PatientInfoCategoryVal + "\n"; * curpat += "PatientInfoReferralVal " + currentpatient.PatientInfoReferralVal + "\n"; * * * prntSome.printSome(curpat, "curpata-", countbmprdb); */ //rdbmsg.Clear(); string curpat = ""; int aaacount = currentpatient.myInsurances.Count; for (int m = 0; m < aaacount; m++) { uc_someinsurance tmpInsurance = currentpatient.myInsurances[m]; //rdbmsg.Insert(0, string.Format("numins: {0} - m: {1} - code: {2}\n", aaacount, m, tmpInsurance.PatientInsCode)); curpat += "PatientInsCode "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsCode + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsMemNum "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsMemNum + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsGrp "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsGrp + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsPayPlan "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsPayPlan + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsCovPlanFrom "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsCovPlanFrom + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsCovPlanTo "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsCovPlanTo + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsCoPayment "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsCoPayment + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsDeductible "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsDeductible + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsStatus "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsStatus + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsPriSec "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsPriSec + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsAdjuster "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsAdjuster + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsAssignment "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsAssignment + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsClaimNo "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsClaimNo + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsRel2Insured "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsRel2Insured + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredName "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredName + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredAddress "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredAddress + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredZipCode "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredZipCode + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredCity "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredCity + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredState "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredState + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredPhone "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredPhone + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredDOB "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredDOB + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredSex "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredSex + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredSSS "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredSSS + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmployer "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmployer + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmpAddr "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpAddr + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmpZip "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpZip + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmpCity "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpCity + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmpState "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpState + "\n"; curpat += "PatientInsInsuredEmpPhone "+ tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpPhone + "\n"; //prntSome.printSome(curpat, "stored-" + counttelint + "-", m); } //counttelint++; } return(outString); }
private string GetInsuranceFieldValue(ElmScrns a) { string str = ""; uc_someinsurance tmpInsurance; int numIns = currentpatient.myInsurances.Count; if (numIns != 0) { tmpInsurance = currentpatient.myInsurances[numIns - 1]; switch (a) { /************Fields***********/ case ElmScrns.PatientInsCode: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsCode; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsMemNum: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsMemNum; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsGrp: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsGrp; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsPayPlan: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsPayPlan; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsCovPlanFrom: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsCovPlanFrom; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsCovPlanTo: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsCovPlanTo; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsCoPayment: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsCoPayment; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsDeductible: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsDeductible; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsStatus: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsStatus; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsPriSec: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsPriSec; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsAdjuster: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsAdjuster; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsAssignment: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsAssignment; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsClaimNo: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsClaimNo; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsRel2Insured: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsRel2Insured; break; /****rel2insure = 2***/ case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredName: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredName; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredAddress: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredAddress; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredZipCode: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredZipCode; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredPhone: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredPhone; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredState: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredState; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredCity: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredCity; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredDOB: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredDOB; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredSex: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredSex; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredSSS: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredSSS; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmployer: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmployer; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmpAddr: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpAddr; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmpZip: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpZip; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmpPhone: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpPhone; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmpState: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpState; break; case ElmScrns.PatientInsInsuredEmpCity: str = tmpInsurance.PatientInsInsuredEmpCity; break; } } return str; }
public System.Collections.Generic.List <uc_maptxtcaretinfo> FindElemByPrimeMainMenu(PrimeMainMenu param, ElmScrns a = ElmScrns.NotFound) { //System.Collections.ArrayList outElements = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); System.Collections.Generic.List <uc_maptxtcaretinfo> outElements = new System.Collections.Generic.List <uc_maptxtcaretinfo>(); uc_maptxtcaretinfo tmpElement; for (int i = 0; i < Elements.Count; i++) { tmpElement = Elements[i]; if (param == tmpElement.inMenu && a == ElmScrns.NotFound) { outElements.Add(tmpElement); } else if (param == tmpElement.inMenu && a == tmpElement.seqScrn) { outElements.Add(tmpElement); } } return(outElements); }
public uc_maptxtcaretinfo SearchElem( System.Drawing.Point curPos, System.String str, PrimeMainMenu p1, ElmScrns cfr = ElmScrns.NotFound ) { //LoadForms(p1, cfr); uc_maptxtcaretinfo tmpElement; uc_maptxtcaretinfo defElement = new uc_maptxtcaretinfo( PrimeMainMenu.None, new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), new uc_formpartsinfo("Not Found ", new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) ), new uc_formpartsinfo("values", new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) ), ElmScrns.NotFound, false, UseWhat.None ); bool isFound = false; tmpElement = defElement; string tmpStr; for (int i = 0; i < Elements.Count; i++) { tmpElement = Elements[i]; tmpStr = str; if (cfr == tmpElement.seqScrn && tmpElement.inMenu == p1 && tmpElement.curPos.X == curPos.X && tmpElement.curPos.Y == curPos.Y) { switch (tmpElement.useThis) { case UseWhat.Field: str = thisautoproc.retrieveStrData(thisautoproc.rdbp2, thisautoproc.rdbp3, tmpElement.frmfield.prmStartPos.X, tmpElement.frmfield.prmEndPos.X, tmpElement.frmfield.prmStartPos.Y); break; case UseWhat.Value: str = thisautoproc.retrieveStrData(thisautoproc.rdbp2, thisautoproc.rdbp3, tmpElement.frmvalue.prmStartPos.X, tmpElement.frmvalue.prmEndPos.X, tmpElement.frmvalue.prmStartPos.Y); break; } } //rdbmsg.Clear(); //rdbmsg.AppendFormat("a:{0}\nb:{1}\nc:{2}\nd:{3}\ne:{4}\nf:{5}\n", cfr, tmpElement.curPos.ToString(), str, curPos.ToString(), str.Contains(tmpElement.frmfield.param), tmpElement.seqScrn); if (cfr == tmpElement.seqScrn && tmpElement.inMenu == p1 && tmpElement.curPos.X == curPos.X && tmpElement.curPos.Y == curPos.Y && str.Contains(tmpElement.frmfield.param)) { isFound = true; tmpElement.index = i; break; } } if (isFound == true) { return(tmpElement); } else { return(defElement); } }