Beispiel #1
        public void Play(Match match)
            // Totally random match results for now...
             // Possible stuff contains 5 zeroes, 4 ones, 3 twos, 3 threes, etc.
             var possibleStuff = new Dictionary<int, float> { { 0, 5 }, { 1, 4 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3, 3 }, { 4, 2 }, { 5, 1 } };

             match.HomeScore = possibleStuff.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key;
             match.AwayScore = possibleStuff.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key;

             // Take penalty shoot out, if necessary.
             bool matchEndedInDraw = match.HomeScore == match.AwayScore;
             if (matchEndedInDraw && !match.DrawPermitted)
            var possiblePenaltyScores = new Dictionary<int, float> { { 5, 5 }, { 4, 5 }, { 3, 4 }, { 2, 1 }, { 1, 1 } };

            match.HomePenaltyScore = possiblePenaltyScores.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key;
            match.AwayPenaltyScore = possiblePenaltyScores.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key;
            match.PenaltiesTaken = true;

            // Randomly pick a winner if the penalty shootout also ended undecisive.
            bool penaltyDraw = match.HomePenaltyScore == match.AwayPenaltyScore;
            if (penaltyDraw)
               bool homeTeamWins = _randomizer.GetRandomBoolean();
               if (homeTeamWins)

             match.MatchStatus = MatchStatus.Ended;

             //TODO Onderstaande nog afmaken...

             // Determine the best team.
             //Team bestTeam = match.HomeTeam;
             //Team worstTeam = match.AwayTeam;
             //if (match.AwayTeam.Rating > match.HomeTeam.Rating)
             //   bestTeam = match.AwayTeam;
             //   worstTeam = match.HomeTeam;

             //// Determine difference between teams.
             //decimal ratio = bestTeam.Rating / worstTeam.Rating;

             //const decimal maxRatioWorstTeamCanWin = 2;
             //const decimal maxRatioDrawPossible = 2;

             //// Can the worst team win?
             //bool worstTeamCanWin = ratio <= maxRatioWorstTeamCanWin;
             //// Is a draw possible?
             //bool drawPossible = ratio <= maxRatioDrawPossible;
        public PawnKindDef ChooseOne()
            if (hybridInfo.EnumerableNullOrEmpty())
            PawnKindDef res = null;

                string key = hybridInfo.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key;
                res = DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(key);

                if (res == null)
                    res = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(key).race.AnyPawnKind;

                if (res == null)
            } while (res == null && !hybridInfo.EnumerableNullOrEmpty());

        protected virtual void ApplyOutcome(float progress)
            if (progress < 0.5f)
                Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("LetterLabelSpeechCancelled".Translate(), "LetterSpeechCancelled".Translate(organizer.Named("ORGANIZER")).CapitalizeFirst(), LetterDefOf.NegativeEvent, organizer);
            ThoughtDef key = OutcomeThoughtChances.RandomElementByWeight((KeyValuePair <ThoughtDef, float> t) => (!PositiveOutcome(t.Key)) ? OutcomeThoughtChances[t.Key] : (OutcomeThoughtChances[t.Key] * organizer.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.SocialImpact) * progress)).Key;

            foreach (Pawn ownedPawn in lord.ownedPawns)
                if (ownedPawn != organizer && organizer.Position.InHorDistOf(ownedPawn.Position, 18f))
                    ownedPawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(key, organizer);
            TaggedString text = "LetterFinishedSpeech".Translate(organizer.Named("ORGANIZER")).CapitalizeFirst() + " " + ("Letter" + key.defName).Translate();

            if (progress < 1f)
                text += "\n\n" + "LetterSpeechInterrupted".Translate(progress.ToStringPercent(), organizer.Named("ORGANIZER"));
            Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter(key.stages[0].LabelCap, text, PositiveOutcome(key) ? LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent : LetterDefOf.NegativeEvent, organizer);
            Ability    ability         = organizer.abilities.GetAbility(AbilityDefOf.Speech);
            RoyalTitle mostSeniorTitle = organizer.royalty.MostSeniorTitle;

            if (ability != null && mostSeniorTitle != null)
Beispiel #4
        public static void SendRaid(Map map, float points)
            float totalPower = points;
            List <PawnKindDef> selectedKinds = new List <PawnKindDef>();

            while (totalPower > 0)
                PawnKindDef selected = PawnKinds.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key;

                totalPower -= selected.combatPower;

            if (selectedKinds.Count == 0)

            List <Pawn> outPawns = new List <Pawn>();

            foreach (PawnKindDef kind in selectedKinds)
                PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest(kind, GssFaction, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, forceGenerateNewPawn: false, newborn: false, allowDead: false, allowDowned: false, canGeneratePawnRelations: true, mustBeCapableOfViolence: true, 1f, forceAddFreeWarmLayerIfNeeded: false, allowGay: true, true, false, certainlyBeenInCryptosleep: false, forceRedressWorldPawnIfFormerColonist: false, worldPawnFactionDoesntMatter: false);
                Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request);


            if (outPawns.Count == 0)

            CommunicationComponent_GssRaidTimer timer = new CommunicationComponent_GssRaidTimer((int)(Rand.Range(0.3f, 1.5f) * 60000), outPawns, map);

   = QuestsManager.Communications.UniqueIdManager.GetNextComponentID();


            Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("DarkNet_RaidSendedTitle".Translate(), "DarkNet_RaidSendedDesc".Translate(GssFaction.Name), LetterDefOf.ThreatBig);
Beispiel #5
 bool ReplaceRandomInfiniteObjectWithForceSpawnedObject(GameObject obj)
     if (spawnedObjects.Count > 0)
         int       iterations = 20;
         Transform ground     = null;
         if (groundTransformName != "")
             ground = obj.transform.Find(groundTransformName);
         Vector3 comparePosition = defaultGroundSize;
         if (ground != null)
             comparePosition = ground.localScale;
         while (iterations > 0)
             GameObject replaceableObject = spawnedObjects.RandomElementByWeight(e => e.Value, randomSeed).Key;
             if (spawnedObjects[replaceableObject] > 0f)   // check to see it's not accidentally a force-spawn object
                 Vector3 nextPosition = replaceableObject.transform.position;
                 if (!Overlaps(nextPosition, replaceableObject, comparePosition))
                     obj.transform.position = replaceableObject.transform.position;
                     spawnedObjects.Add(obj, 0f);
         // failed to find an appropriately (sized) object, hide, put into queue
         obj.transform.position = new Vector3(9000f, 9000f, 9000f);
     else     // we couldn't find a spot for it, so we put into the queued list (and hide it)
         obj.transform.position = new Vector3(9000f, 9000f, 9000f);
        public EventCategory RandomCategory()
            List <EventCategory> list = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EventCategory)).Cast <EventCategory>().ToList <EventCategory>();

            Dictionary <EventCategory, float> dictionary = new Dictionary <EventCategory, float>();

            foreach (EventCategory key in list)
                dictionary.Add(key, ToolkitSettings.VoteCategoryWeights[key.ToString()]);

            return(dictionary.RandomElementByWeight((KeyValuePair <EventCategory, float> pair) => pair.Value).Key);
Beispiel #7
        public KeyValuePair <int, int> GetRandomResult()
            Dictionary <int, float> weightsWithZero = new Dictionary <int, float>();

            weightsWithZero.Add(0, 0.3f);
            weightsWithZero.Add(1, 0.4f);
            weightsWithZero.Add(2, 0.35f);
            weightsWithZero.Add(3, 0.20f);
            weightsWithZero.Add(4, 0.1f);

            Dictionary <int, float> weightsNoZero = new Dictionary <int, float>();

            weightsNoZero.Add(1, 0.4f);
            weightsNoZero.Add(2, 0.35f);
            weightsNoZero.Add(3, 0.20f);
            weightsNoZero.Add(4, 0.1f);
            var mark = GetRandomMark();

            switch (mark)
            case "X":
                var score = weightsWithZero.RandomElementByWeight(e => e.Value).Key;
                return(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(score, score));

            case "1":
                var homeScore = weightsNoZero.RandomElementByWeight(e => e.Value).Key;
                var awayScore = rnd.Next(0, homeScore);
                return(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(homeScore, awayScore));

            case "2":
                var a = weightsNoZero.RandomElementByWeight(e => e.Value).Key;
                var b = rnd.Next(0, a);
                return(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(b, a));

                throw new Exception("Unkown mark " + mark);
Beispiel #8
        public EventType RandomType()
            Log.Warning("Trying random type", false);

            List <EventType> list = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EventType)).Cast <EventType>().ToList <EventType>();

            Dictionary <EventType, float> dictionary = new Dictionary <EventType, float>();

            foreach (EventType key in list)
                dictionary.Add(key, ToolkitSettings.VoteCategoryWeights[key.ToString()]);

            return(dictionary.RandomElementByWeight((KeyValuePair <EventType, float> pair) => pair.Value).Key);
        protected virtual void ApplyOutcome(float progress)
            if (progress < 0.5f)
                Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("LetterLabelSpeechCancelled".Translate(), "LetterSpeechCancelled".Translate(organizer.Named("ORGANIZER")).CapitalizeFirst(), LetterDefOf.NegativeEvent, organizer);
            ThoughtDef key  = OutcomeThoughtChances.RandomElementByWeight((KeyValuePair <ThoughtDef, float> t) => (!PositiveOutcome(t.Key)) ? t.Value : (t.Value * organizer.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.SocialImpact) * progress)).Key;
            string     text = "";

            foreach (Pawn ownedPawn in lord.ownedPawns)
                if (ownedPawn == organizer || !organizer.Position.InHorDistOf(ownedPawn.Position, 18f))
                ownedPawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(key, organizer);
                if (key == ThoughtDefOf.InspirationalSpeech && Rand.Chance(InspirationChanceFromInspirationalSpeech))
                    InspirationDef randomAvailableInspirationDef = ownedPawn.mindState.inspirationHandler.GetRandomAvailableInspirationDef();
                    if (randomAvailableInspirationDef != null && ownedPawn.mindState.inspirationHandler.TryStartInspiration_NewTemp(randomAvailableInspirationDef, "LetterSpeechInspiration".Translate(ownedPawn.Named("PAWN"), organizer.Named("SPEAKER"))))
                        text = text + "  - " + ownedPawn.NameShortColored.Resolve() + "\n";
            TaggedString text2 = "LetterFinishedSpeech".Translate(organizer.Named("ORGANIZER")).CapitalizeFirst() + " " + ("Letter" + key.defName).Translate();

            if (!text.NullOrEmpty())
                text2 += "\n\n" + "LetterSpeechInspiredListeners".Translate() + "\n\n" + text.TrimEndNewlines();
            if (progress < 1f)
                text2 += "\n\n" + "LetterSpeechInterrupted".Translate(progress.ToStringPercent(), organizer.Named("ORGANIZER"));
            Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter(key.stages[0].LabelCap, text2, PositiveOutcome(key) ? LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent : LetterDefOf.NegativeEvent, organizer);
            Ability    ability         = organizer.abilities.GetAbility(AbilityDefOf.Speech);
            RoyalTitle mostSeniorTitle = organizer.royalty.MostSeniorTitle;

            if (ability != null && mostSeniorTitle != null)
Beispiel #10
        public static Pawn GetAnyRelatedWorldPawn(Func <Pawn, bool> selector, int minImportance)
            // Get all important relations from all colonists
            var importantRelations = from colonist in PawnsFinder.AllMaps_FreeColonistsSpawned.Where(c => !c.Dead)
                                     from otherPawn in colonist.relations.RelatedPawns
                                     where !otherPawn.Dead && !otherPawn.Spawned && otherPawn.Faction != colonist.Faction && selector(otherPawn) && otherPawn.IsWorldPawn()
                                     select new { otherPawn, colonist, relationDef = colonist.GetMostImportantRelation(otherPawn) };

            var dictRelations = new Dictionary <Pawn, float>();

            // Calculate the total importance to colony
            foreach (var relation in importantRelations.Where(r => r.relationDef.importance >= minImportance))
                if (!dictRelations.ContainsKey(relation.otherPawn))
                    dictRelations.Add(relation.otherPawn, relation.relationDef.importance);
                    dictRelations[relation.otherPawn] += relation.relationDef.importance;
            //Log.Message(dictRelations.Count + " distinct pawns:");
            //foreach (var relation in dictRelations)
            //    Log.Message("- " + relation.Key.Name + ": " + relation.Value +(relation.Key.Faction.leader == relation.Key?" (leader)":""));

            if (dictRelations.Count > 0)
                var choice = dictRelations.RandomElementByWeight(pair => pair.Value);
                //Log.Message(choice.Key.Name + " with " + choice.Value + " points was chosen.");
            else if (minImportance <= 0)
                Log.Message("Couldn't find any pawn that is related to colony.");
                return(GetAnyRelatedWorldPawn(selector, minImportance - 50));
        private static void SetupRandomizedGroupsByIDs(LG_PopulateArea area, Dictionary <int, float> enemyIDs)
            if (enemyIDs == null || enemyIDs.Count < 1)
                LoggerWrapper.Log("No enemy population tweaks, aborting setup...");

            HashSet <pAvailableEnemyTypes> validTypes;

            validTypes = GetValidGroups(enemyIDs);

            Dictionary <pAvailableEnemyTypes, float> weightedGroups = SetupWeighting(validTypes, enemyIDs);

            pAvailableEnemyTypes dataGroup = weightedGroups.RandomElementByWeight(e => e.Value).Key;

            LoggerWrapper.Log(dataGroup.ToString(), LogLevel.Debug);

            if (!enemyIDs.ContainsKey((int)dataGroup.enemyID))

            area.m_groupPlacement.groupData.Difficulty = dataGroup.difficulty;
            area.m_groupPlacement.groupData.Type       = GetValidGroupTypeFromRole(dataGroup.role);

            foreach (EnemyGroupCompositionData enemyGroupCompositionData in area.m_groupPlacement.groupData.Roles)
                eEnemyRole role = dataGroup.role;
                EnsureValidRole(area.m_groupPlacement.groupData.Type, area.m_groupPlacement.groupData.Difficulty, ref role);
                enemyGroupCompositionData.Role = role;

            LoggerWrapper.Log($"Setting enemyDataGroup: Diff:{area.m_groupPlacement.groupData.Difficulty} Role:{area.m_groupPlacement.groupData.Type} Type:{dataGroup.role}", LogLevel.Debug);
        public string selectTrait(int engineer, int pilot, int scientist, double educationRes, double educationNeeded, double flightExperienceRes, double flightExpNeeded)
            Dictionary <string, float> foo = new Dictionary <string, float>();

            if (educationRes >= educationNeeded)
                foo.Add("Engineer", engineer);
            if (flightExperienceRes >= flightExpNeeded)
                foo.Add("Pilot", pilot);
            if (educationRes >= educationNeeded)
                foo.Add("Scientist", scientist);
            if (foo.Count == 0)
            return(foo.RandomElementByWeight(e => e.Value).Key);

            //return selectTrait(rng.Next());
Beispiel #13
 public override void DoEffect(Pawn usedBy)
     usedBy.Map.weatherManager.TransitionTo(weatherWeights.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key);
 public int AwayPenaltyScore(Dictionary <int, float> stuff)
     return(stuff.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key);
 public bool HomeTeamWins(Dictionary <bool, float> stuff)
     return(stuff.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key);
        public List <PlayerSkillScore> Calculate(int startNumberR1, PlayerProfile profile, int age)
            const ProfileSkillPriority profileSkillPriorityPrimary   = ProfileSkillPriority.Primary;
            const ProfileSkillPriority profileSkillPrioritySecondary = ProfileSkillPriority.Secondary;
            const ProfileSkillPriority profileSkillPriorityTertiary  = ProfileSkillPriority.Tertiary;
            const ProfileSkillPriority profileSkillPriorityQuatenary = ProfileSkillPriority.Quatenary;
            const ProfileSkillPriority profileSkillPriorityRandom    = ProfileSkillPriority.Random;

            var playerSkillScores = new List <PlayerSkillScore>();

            // Geef alle primary skills een score tussen de -30 en +30% van R1.
            // Onthoud de hoogste primary skill score, want dat is uitgangspunt voor de secondary skills.
            decimal highestPrimaryScore = 0;

            foreach (var primarySkill in profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityPrimary))
                decimal randomPercentage = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(-30, 30);
                decimal score            = startNumberR1 + ((startNumberR1 * randomPercentage) / 100);

                if (score > highestPrimaryScore)
                    highestPrimaryScore = score;

                int roundedScore = (int)decimal.Round(score, 0);
                if (roundedScore > MaxScore)
                    roundedScore = MaxScore;
                if (roundedScore < 1)
                    roundedScore = 1;

                var playerSkillScore = new PlayerSkillScore
                    PlayerSkill = primarySkill.Skill,
                    Score       = roundedScore

            // Bepaal uitgangspunt voor secondary skills score: tussen de 60% en 80% van de hoogste primary skill score (=R3)
            decimal secondaryPercentage = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(60, 80);
            decimal r3 = (highestPrimaryScore * secondaryPercentage) / 100;

            // Bepaal random (true/false) of er onderscheid wordt gemaakt tussen tertiary en secondary skills.
            // Zo niet, dan zijn tertiary skills ook gewoon secondary.
            var booleans = new Dictionary <bool, float> {
                { true, 2 }, { false, 1 }
            bool useTertiarySkills = booleans.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key;

            // Pak respectievelijk alleen de secondary skills of zowel de secondary als tertiary skills.
            IEnumerable <PlayerProfileSkill> secondarySkills = useTertiarySkills
               ? profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPrioritySecondary)
               : profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPrioritySecondary || x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityTertiary);

            decimal highestSecondaryScore = 0;
            decimal lowestSecondaryScore  = MaxScore;

            foreach (var secondarySkill in secondarySkills)
                // Neem een random percentage tussen de -30% en +30% van R3 en bepaal hiermee de score.
                decimal randomPercentage = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(-30, 30);
                decimal score            = r3 + ((r3 * randomPercentage) / 100);

                // Onthoud de hoogste en laagste secondary skill score, want dat is uitgangspunt voor de tertiary en quatenary skills.
                if (score > highestSecondaryScore)
                    highestSecondaryScore = score;
                if (score < lowestSecondaryScore)
                    lowestSecondaryScore = score;

                int roundedScore = (int)decimal.Round(score, 0);
                if (roundedScore > MaxScore)
                    roundedScore = MaxScore;
                if (roundedScore < 1)
                    roundedScore = 1;
                var playerSkillScore = new PlayerSkillScore
                    PlayerSkill = secondarySkill.Skill,
                    Score       = roundedScore

            // Houtjetouwtje fix voor als een profiel geen secondary skills heeft...
            if (highestSecondaryScore == 0)
                highestSecondaryScore = r3;
            if (lowestSecondaryScore == MaxScore)
                lowestSecondaryScore = r3;

            // Bepaal random (true/false) of er onderscheid wordt gemaakt tussen quatenary en tertiary skills.
            // Zo niet, dan zijn tertiary skills ook gewoon secondary.
            bool useQuatenarySkills = booleans.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key;

            IEnumerable <PlayerProfileSkill> tertiarySkills  = new List <PlayerProfileSkill>();
            IEnumerable <PlayerProfileSkill> quatenarySkills = new List <PlayerProfileSkill>();

            if (useTertiarySkills)
                if (useQuatenarySkills)
                    tertiarySkills  = profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityTertiary);
                    quatenarySkills = profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityQuatenary);
                    // De tertiary skills zijn zowel tertiary als quatenary.
                    tertiarySkills = profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(
                        x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityTertiary ||
                        x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityQuatenary);
                if (useQuatenarySkills)
                    quatenarySkills = profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityQuatenary);
                    // De quatenary skills worden verplaatst naar de tertiary skills.
                    tertiarySkills    = profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityQuatenary);
                    useTertiarySkills = true;

            if (useTertiarySkills)
                // Bepaal uitgangspunt voor tertiary skills score: tussen de 60% en 80% van de hoogste secondary skill score (=R3)
                decimal tertiaryPercentage = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(60, 80);
                decimal r4 = (highestSecondaryScore * tertiaryPercentage) / 100;

                foreach (var tertiarySkill in tertiarySkills)
                    // Neem een random percentage tussen de -30% en +30% van R4 en bepaal hiermee de score.
                    decimal randomPercentage = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(-30, 30);
                    decimal score            = r4 + ((r4 * randomPercentage) / 100);

                    int roundedScore = (int)decimal.Round(score, 0);
                    if (roundedScore > MaxScore)
                        roundedScore = MaxScore;
                    if (roundedScore < 1)
                        roundedScore = 1;
                    var playerSkillScore = new PlayerSkillScore
                        PlayerSkill = tertiarySkill.Skill,
                        Score       = roundedScore

            if (useQuatenarySkills)
                foreach (var quatenarySkill in quatenarySkills)
                    // Pak een random nummer tussen 0 en de laagste secondary skill score.
                    int score = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(0, (int)decimal.Round(lowestSecondaryScore, 0));
                    if (score > MaxScore)
                        score = MaxScore;
                    if (score < 1)
                        score = 1;
                    var playerSkillScore = new PlayerSkillScore
                        PlayerSkill = quatenarySkill.Skill,
                        Score       = score

            // De random skills krijgen een random waarde tussen 1 en de hoogste secondary skill.
            var randomSkills = profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityRandom);

            foreach (var randomSkill in randomSkills)
                // Pak een random nummer tussen 1 en de hoogste secondary skill score.
                int score = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(1, (int)decimal.Round(highestSecondaryScore, 0));
                if (score > MaxScore)
                    score = MaxScore;
                var playerSkillScore = new PlayerSkillScore
                    PlayerSkill = randomSkill.Skill,
                    Score       = score

Beispiel #17
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    public IEnumerator Init()
        finished = false;
        if (randomSeed != 0)
        // start position is location of the spawner obejct
        lastPosition = transform.position;
        // and max extents are counted from the spawner object
        maxExtents = new Vector3(lastPosition.x + maxExtents.x, lastPosition.y + maxExtents.y, lastPosition.z + maxExtents.z);

        foreach (RandomObject obj in randomObjects)
            spawnables.Add(obj, obj.weight);
        // regular spawn
        spawnCounter = spawnObjectsMax;
        while (spawnCounter > 0)
            yield return(null);

            //Debug.Log (spawnables.RandomElementByWeight (e => e.Value));
            SpawnObject(spawnables.RandomElementByWeight(e => e.Value, randomSeed).Key);
        // check to make sure all force-spawned objects were spawned during the regular spawn. and if not, spawn them
        foreach (RandomObject obj in randomObjects)
            if (obj.spawnAmount > 0)
                while (obj.spawnAmount > 0)
                    yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        if (queuedForceSpawnedObjects.Count > 0)
            // if there are any queued force spawn objects, we try to place them now
            for (int i = 0; i < queuedForceSpawnedObjects.Count; i++)
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                if (PlaceObject(queuedForceSpawnedObjects[i], true, true))
        // If there are somehow still force spawn objects left, throw error
        if (queuedForceSpawnedObjects.Count > 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("Could not place the following force-spawn objects for some reason!");
            foreach (GameObject obj in queuedForceSpawnedObjects)
                Debug.Log(, obj);
        // And we're done
        finished = true;
 public Religion MostSuitableReligion()
     return(compabilities.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key);
Beispiel #19
        public List<PlayerSkillScore> Calculate(int startNumberR1, PlayerProfile profile, int age)
            const ProfileSkillPriority profileSkillPriorityPrimary = ProfileSkillPriority.Primary;
             const ProfileSkillPriority profileSkillPrioritySecondary = ProfileSkillPriority.Secondary;
             const ProfileSkillPriority profileSkillPriorityTertiary = ProfileSkillPriority.Tertiary;
             const ProfileSkillPriority profileSkillPriorityQuatenary = ProfileSkillPriority.Quatenary;
             const ProfileSkillPriority profileSkillPriorityRandom = ProfileSkillPriority.Random;

             var playerSkillScores = new List<PlayerSkillScore>();

             // Geef alle primary skills een score tussen de -30 en +30% van R1.
             // Onthoud de hoogste primary skill score, want dat is uitgangspunt voor de secondary skills.
             decimal highestPrimaryScore = 0;
             foreach (var primarySkill in profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityPrimary))
            decimal randomPercentage = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(-30, 30);
            decimal score = startNumberR1 + ((startNumberR1 * randomPercentage) / 100);

            if (score > highestPrimaryScore) highestPrimaryScore = score;

            int roundedScore = (int)decimal.Round(score, 0);
            if (roundedScore > 20) roundedScore = 20;
            if (roundedScore < 1) roundedScore = 1;

            var playerSkillScore = new PlayerSkillScore
               PlayerSkill = primarySkill.Skill,
               Score = roundedScore

             // Bepaal uitgangspunt voor secondary skills score: tussen de 60% en 80% van de hoogste primary skill score (=R3)
             decimal secondaryPercentage = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(60, 80);
             decimal r3 = (highestPrimaryScore * secondaryPercentage) / 100;

             // Bepaal random (true/false) of er onderscheid wordt gemaakt tussen tertiary en secondary skills.
             // Zo niet, dan zijn tertiary skills ook gewoon secondary.
             var booleans = new Dictionary<bool, float> { { true, 2 }, { false, 1 } };
             bool useTertiarySkills = booleans.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key;

             // Pak respectievelijk alleen de secondary skills of zowel de secondary als tertiary skills.
             IEnumerable<PlayerProfileSkill> secondarySkills = useTertiarySkills
            ? profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPrioritySecondary)
            : profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPrioritySecondary || x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityTertiary);

             decimal highestSecondaryScore = 0;
             decimal lowestSecondaryScore = 20;
             foreach (var secondarySkill in secondarySkills)
            // Neem een random percentage tussen de -30% en +30% van R3 en bepaal hiermee de score.
            decimal randomPercentage = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(-30, 30);
            decimal score = r3 + ((r3 * randomPercentage) / 100);

            // Onthoud de hoogste en laagste secondary skill score, want dat is uitgangspunt voor de tertiary en quatenary skills.
            if (score > highestSecondaryScore) highestSecondaryScore = score;
            if (score < lowestSecondaryScore) lowestSecondaryScore = score;

            int roundedScore = (int)decimal.Round(score, 0);
            if (roundedScore > 20) roundedScore = 20;
            if (roundedScore < 1) roundedScore = 1;
            var playerSkillScore = new PlayerSkillScore
               PlayerSkill = secondarySkill.Skill,
               Score = roundedScore

             // Houtjetouwtje fix voor als een profiel geen secondary skills heeft...
             if (highestSecondaryScore == 0) highestSecondaryScore = r3;
             if (lowestSecondaryScore == 20) lowestSecondaryScore = r3;

             // Bepaal random (true/false) of er onderscheid wordt gemaakt tussen quatenary en tertiary skills.
             // Zo niet, dan zijn tertiary skills ook gewoon secondary.
             bool useQuatenarySkills = booleans.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key;

             IEnumerable<PlayerProfileSkill> tertiarySkills = new List<PlayerProfileSkill>();
             IEnumerable<PlayerProfileSkill> quatenarySkills = new List<PlayerProfileSkill>();
             if (useTertiarySkills)
            if (useQuatenarySkills)
               tertiarySkills = profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityTertiary);
               quatenarySkills =
                  profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityQuatenary);
               // De tertiary skills zijn zowel tertiary als quatenary.
               tertiarySkills = profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(
                  x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityTertiary ||
                       x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityQuatenary);
            if (useQuatenarySkills)
               quatenarySkills = profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityQuatenary);
               // De quatenary skills worden verplaatst naar de tertiary skills.
               tertiarySkills = profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityQuatenary);
               useTertiarySkills = true;

             if (useTertiarySkills)
            // Bepaal uitgangspunt voor tertiary skills score: tussen de 60% en 80% van de hoogste secondary skill score (=R3)
            decimal tertiaryPercentage = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(60, 80);
            decimal r4 = (highestSecondaryScore * tertiaryPercentage) / 100;

            foreach (var tertiarySkill in tertiarySkills)
               // Neem een random percentage tussen de -30% en +30% van R4 en bepaal hiermee de score.
               decimal randomPercentage = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(-30, 30);
               decimal score = r4 + ((r4 * randomPercentage) / 100);

               int roundedScore = (int)decimal.Round(score, 0);
               if (roundedScore > 20) roundedScore = 20;
               if (roundedScore < 1) roundedScore = 1;
               var playerSkillScore = new PlayerSkillScore
                  PlayerSkill = tertiarySkill.Skill,
                  Score = roundedScore

             if (useQuatenarySkills)
            foreach (var quatenarySkill in quatenarySkills)
               // Pak een random nummer tussen 0 en de laagste secondary skill score.
               int score = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(0, (int)decimal.Round(lowestSecondaryScore, 0));
               if (score > 20) score = 20;
               if (score < 1) score = 1;
               var playerSkillScore = new PlayerSkillScore
                  PlayerSkill = quatenarySkill.Skill,
                  Score = score

             // De random skills krijgen een random waarde tussen 1 en de hoogste secondary skill.
             var randomSkills = profile.PlayerProfileSkills.Where(x => x.SkillPriority == profileSkillPriorityRandom);
             foreach (var randomSkill in randomSkills)
            // Pak een random nummer tussen 1 en de hoogste secondary skill score.
            int score = Randomizer.GetRandomNumber(1, (int)decimal.Round(highestSecondaryScore, 0));
            if (score > 20) score = 20;
            var playerSkillScore = new PlayerSkillScore
               PlayerSkill = randomSkill.Skill,
               Score = score

             // Sorteer de playerskills.
             playerSkillScores.Sort((x, y) => x.PlayerSkill.Order.CompareTo(y.PlayerSkill.Order));

             return playerSkillScores;
        private List <Thing> CreateLoot()
            Dictionary <string, float> lootEntries = new Dictionary <string, float>();

            string[] arr       = GenMagic.Magic(LootTable).Split('|');
            int      setsMin   = int.Parse(arr[0]);
            int      setsMax   = int.Parse(arr[1]);
            int      setsCount = GenMagic.GetRealCount(parent, Rand.RangeInclusive(setsMin, Rand.RangeInclusive(setsMin, setsMax)));

            //Log.Message("min: " + setsMin + ", max: " + setsMax + ", final: " + setsCount);
            for (int i = 2, iLen = arr.Length; i < iLen; i++)
                string str = arr[i];
                int    pos = str.FirstIndexOf(c => c == ';');
                lootEntries.Add(str.Substring(pos + 1), float.Parse(str.Substring(0, pos)));
                //Log.Message("key : " + str.Substring(pos + 1) + ", val: " + float.Parse(str.Substring(0, pos)));
            List <Thing> lootList = new List <Thing>();

            for (int i = 0; i < setsCount; i++)
                string chosenSet = lootEntries.RandomElementByWeight(kvp => kvp.Value * kvp.Value).Key;
                //Log.Message("chosen set: " + chosenSet);
                arr = chosenSet.Split(';');
                for (int j = 0, jLen = arr.Length; j < jLen; j++)
                    string[] inner = arr[j].Split(',');
                    int      min   = (inner.Length <= 1) ? 1 : int.Parse(inner[1]);
                    int      max   = (inner.Length <= 2) ? min : int.Parse(inner[2]);
                    if (inner.Length >= 4)
                        max = Rand.RangeInclusive(max, int.Parse(inner[3]));
                    ThingDef def = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed(inner[0]);

                    //Log.Message("def: " + def.defName + ", min: " + min + ", max: " + max);
                    if (def != null)
                        int countToDo = Rand.RangeInclusive(min, max);
                        while (countToDo > 0)
                            int count = Math.Min(countToDo, def.stackLimit);
                            countToDo -= count;
                            Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(def, GenStuff.RandomStuffFor(def));
                            thing.stackCount = count;
                            //Log.Message("thing: " + thing + ", stuff: " + thing.Stuff + ", count: " + count);
                            CompQuality compQuality = thing.TryGetComp <CompQuality>();
                            if (compQuality != null)
                                QualityCategory q = QualityUtility.GenerateQualityCreatedByPawn(Rand.RangeInclusive(0, 19), false);
                                compQuality.SetQuality(q, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider);
                            CompArt compArt = thing.TryGetComp <CompArt>();
                            if (compArt != null)
Beispiel #21
        public string GetTeamName()

             var cities = new List<string>

             var suffixes = new Dictionary<string, float>
            { "Rangers", 1 },
            { "City", 2 },
            { "Rovers", 1 },
            { "FC", 3 },
            { "Town", 1 },
            { "United", 2 },
            { "Athletic", 1 },
            { "", 3 },

             // Get random city.
             string teamName = _listRandomizer.GetItem(cities);

             // Combine city with (optional) suffix.
             string suffix = suffixes.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.Value).Key;
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix))
            teamName = $"{teamName} {suffix}";

             return teamName;