Beispiel #1
        public ToolAction(CodeGenerator codeGenerator, CodeGeneratorEntry entry, Dictionary<string, string> props)
            this.CodeGenerator = codeGenerator;
            _props = props;
            this.Entry = entry;

            this.Comment = _props.GetOrDefault("comment");
            this.FileName = _props.GetOrDefault("file-name");
        public void ShouldBeAbleToGetADefaultValueIfTheKeyDoesntExist()
            DateTime theDate = DateTime.Parse("April 04, 2005");
            DateTime defaultDate = DateTime.Parse("October 31, 2005");

            var bag = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            Assert.That(bag.GetOrDefault("some_date", defaultDate), Is.EqualTo(defaultDate));

            bag.Add("some_date", theDate);
            Assert.That(bag.GetOrDefault("some_date", defaultDate), Is.EqualTo(theDate));
Beispiel #3
        public override PropertyDescriptor GetOwnProperty(JsValue property)

            var propertyName = property.AsString();

            return(valueProperties?.GetOrDefault(propertyName) ?? PropertyDescriptor.Undefined);
Beispiel #4
		PositionedNode MatchNode(PositionedNode oldNode, Dictionary<int, PositionedNode> newNodeMap)
			PositionedNode newNodeFound = newNodeMap.GetOrDefault(oldNode.ObjectNode.HashCode);
			if ((newNodeFound != null) && IsSameAddress(oldNode, newNodeFound))	{
				return newNodeFound;
			} else {
				return null;
 private static Func<Question, RichQuestion> QuestionCreateor(Dictionary<int, int> votes,
                                                              Dictionary<int, int> answerCounts)
     return q => new RichQuestion(q,
        public void Value_Not_Exists()
            var key = "key";

            Dictionary<string, object> target = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            var actual = target.GetOrDefault(key);

        public void GetOrDefaultMissing()
            Dictionary<string, int> dict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            int @default = 15;

            int value = dict.GetOrDefault("two", @default);

            Assert.Equal(15, @default);
        public void Value_Is_Null()
            var key = "key";

            Dictionary<string, object> target = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            target.Add(key, null);
            var actual = target.GetOrDefault(key);

        public void Value_Exists()
            var key = "key";
            var expected = "hello world!";

            Dictionary<string, object> target = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            target.Add(key, expected);
            var actual = target.GetOrDefault(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        private void OnPropertyChanged(string?name)
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));

            if (name is not null && _propertyCallbacks?.GetOrDefault(name) is { } callbackList)
                foreach (var callback in callbackList)
Beispiel #11
    /* 3 Write a program that finds a set of words (e.g. 1000 words)
     * in a large text (e.g. 100 MB text file). Print how many times
     * each word occurs in the text.
     * Hint: you may find a C# trie in Internet.
     * */
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var dict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        var knownCount = new Dictionary<string, int>
            {"foo", 10*1000},
            {"bar", 20*1000},
        var trie = new Trie<int>();

        var sw = new Stopwatch();


        // obviously, I couldn't zip the 100 MB file
        // use "bin\debug\generator.cs" to generate it if you want

        using (var reader = new StreamReader("text.txt"))
            foreach (var word in Words(reader))
                dict[word] = 1 + dict.GetOrDefault(word, 0);

        foreach (var kvp in knownCount)
            Debug.Assert(dict[kvp.Key] == kvp.Value);

        Console.WriteLine("Using hashtable: " + sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);


        using (var reader = new StreamReader("text.txt"))
            foreach (var word in Words(reader))
                trie.Add(word, 1 + trie.GetOrDefault(word, 0));


        foreach (var kvp in dict)
            Debug.Assert(trie.Find(kvp.Key) == kvp.Value);

        // the trie would probably do much better compared to a hashtable when used on
        // natural text with large amount of repetition and low average word length
        // it is however extremely space inefficient

        // at any rate, I'd be surprised if this implementation could beat .NET's build-in
        // hashtable

        Console.WriteLine("Using trie: " + sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
Beispiel #12
        public override PropertyDescriptor GetOwnProperty(JsValue property)

            var propertyName = property.AsString();

            if (propertyName.Equals("toJSON", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            return(valueProperties?.GetOrDefault(propertyName) ?? PropertyDescriptor.Undefined);
Beispiel #13
        public FactionRelationStatus GetRelation(string self, string target)
            //a few simple rules:
            // -factions are always friendly with themselvs
            // -factions are always neutral toward factions they have no entry for
            // -factions are always neutral toward "None"
            // -factions are always hostile toward "Chaotic"
            // -otherwise, it's a lookup

            if (self == target)

            if (self == "None" || target == "None")

            if (self == "Chaotic" || target == "Chaotic")

            var selfEntry = FactionTable?.GetOrDefault(self);

            if (selfEntry != null)
                return(selfEntry.GetOrDefault(target, FactionRelationStatus.Neutral));
                //no entry in table for our faction
		public void DeleteMappedResultsForDocumentId(string documentId, string view, Dictionary<ReduceKeyAndBucket, int> removed)
			foreach (var key in storage.MappedResults["ByViewAndDocumentId"].SkipTo(new RavenJObject
				{"view", view},
				{"docId", documentId}
			}).TakeWhile(x => StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(x.Value<string>("view"), view) &&
							  StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(x.Value<string>("docId"), documentId)))

				var reduceKey = key.Value<string>("reduceKey");
				var bucket = new ReduceKeyAndBucket(key.Value<int>("bucket"), reduceKey);
				removed[bucket] = removed.GetOrDefault(bucket) + 1;
Beispiel #15
        public static string Build(IEnumerable<AssemblyDefinition> assemblys, string outDirectory, string bridgeDllPath, string libWhite, string libBlack) {
            TypeDefinitionBuilder builder = new TypeDefinitionBuilder(libWhite, libBlack);
            List<CodeCompileUnit> units = new List<CodeCompileUnit>();

            foreach(var assemblyDefinition in assemblys) {
                CodeCompileUnit unit = new CodeCompileUnit();
                Dictionary<string, CodeNamespace> namespaces = new Dictionary<string, CodeNamespace>();
                foreach(var module in assemblyDefinition.Modules) {
                    foreach(var type in module.Types) {
                        if(builder.IsEnableType(type)) {
                            CodeTypeDeclaration codeTypeDeclaration = builder.Build(type);
                            CodeNamespace codeNamespace = namespaces.GetOrDefault(type.Namespace);
                            if(codeNamespace == null) {
                                codeNamespace = new CodeNamespace(type.Namespace);
                                namespaces.Add(codeNamespace.Name, codeNamespace);


            CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters();
            cp.CoreAssemblyFileName = bridgeDllPath;
            cp.GenerateExecutable = false;
            cp.GenerateInMemory = false;
            cp.TreatWarningsAsErrors = false;
            cp.TempFiles.KeepFiles = true;
            cp.OutputAssembly = Path.Combine(outDirectory, kWrapDllName);

            CSharpCodeProvider provider = new CSharpCodeProvider();
            CompilerResults cr = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, units.Select(i => i.Compile()).ToArray());
            if(cr.Errors.Count > 0) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach(CompilerError ce in cr.Errors) {
                    sb.AppendFormat(" {0}", ce.ToString());
                throw new System.Exception(sb.ToString());

            return cr.PathToAssembly;
Beispiel #16
        public Core.Entity Generate(Core.EntitySet set, Resources.ResourceCache cache, string entityName, Dictionary<string, object> parameters)
            var e = set.Create(entityName);

            var sprite = e.AddComponent<Sprite>();
            if (r == null)
                r = new Random((int)(DateTime.Now.Ticks % (long)int.MaxValue));
            var path = "Data/Texture/house" + r.Next(500) % (MaxIndex + 1) + ".png";
            sprite.Load(cache, path);
            sprite.Origin = new SharpDX.Vector2(160f / 2f);

            var rot = parameters.GetOrDefault("Rotation", 0f);
            e.Transform.LocalRotation = rot;

            var area = e.AddComponent<ClickArea>();
            area.BaseWidth = 160;
            area.BaseHeight = 160;
            area.OriginX = sprite.Origin.X;
            area.OriginY = sprite.Origin.Y;

            return e;
		public void DeleteMappedResultsForView(string view)
			var statsByKey = new Dictionary<string, int>();
			foreach (var key in storage.MappedResults["ByViewAndReduceKey"].SkipTo(new RavenJObject { { "view", view } })
			.TakeWhile(x => StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(x.Value<string>("view"), view)))

				var reduceKey = key.Value<string>("reduceKey");
				statsByKey[reduceKey] = statsByKey.GetOrDefault(reduceKey) - 1;
			foreach (var reduceKeyStat in statsByKey)
				IncrementReduceKeyCounter(view, reduceKeyStat.Key, reduceKeyStat.Value);
 private void CheckLocalSymbolName(ISymbol symbol, ref LuaIdentifierNameSyntax name) {
   var newName = localReservedNames_.GetOrDefault(symbol);
   if (newName != null) {
     name = newName;
Beispiel #19
 public IDatabaseApi FindDatabaseApi(string key)
        public override PropertyDescriptor GetOwnProperty(string propertyName)

            return(valueProperties?.GetOrDefault(propertyName) ?? PropertyDescriptor.Undefined);
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs an "index" "get" operation. This tries to resolve minor variations of member names.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ecToken">The execution control token of the script processing thread</param>
        /// <param name="script">The script originating the request</param>
        /// <param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param>
        /// <param name="index">The index.</param>
        /// <param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param>
        public virtual DynValue Index(ExecutionControlToken ecToken, Script script, object obj, DynValue index,
                                      bool isDirectIndexing)
            if (!isDirectIndexing)
                var mdesc = m_Members

                if (mdesc != null)
                    return(this.ExecuteIndexer(ecToken, mdesc, script, obj, index, null));

            index = index.ToScalar();

            if (index.Type != DataType.String)

            var v = this.TryIndex(script, obj, index.String);

            if (v == null)
                v = this.TryIndex(script, obj, UpperFirstLetter(index.String));

            if (v == null)
                v = this.TryIndex(script, obj, Camelify(index.String));

            if (v == null)
                v = this.TryIndex(script, obj, UpperFirstLetter(Camelify(index.String)));

            if (v == null && m_ExtMethodsVersion < UserData.GetExtensionMethodsChangeVersion())
                m_ExtMethodsVersion = UserData.GetExtensionMethodsChangeVersion();

                v = this.TryIndexOnExtMethod(script, obj, index.String);
                if (v == null)
                    v = this.TryIndexOnExtMethod(script, obj, UpperFirstLetter(index.String));

                if (v == null)
                    v = this.TryIndexOnExtMethod(script, obj, Camelify(index.String));

                if (v == null)
                    v = this.TryIndexOnExtMethod(script, obj, UpperFirstLetter(Camelify(index.String)));

        /*In this method we will get all the files for the lead adapter and we will download the file to our machine
         * in to the local folder of the lead adapter and we will get all the data that is embeded in the file
         * and we will validate each record and also checking the duplicate status and adding the particular recrod
         * and finally we will upload all the contacts and the joblogs and then we will move the file from local folder
         * to archive folder and we will delete the file from the ftp location.
        public virtual void Process()
                leadAdapterAndAccountMap = repository.GetLeadAdapterByID(LeadAdapterAccountMapID);
                ServiceProvider ServiceProviders = serviceProviderRepository
                                                   .GetServiceProviders(1, CommunicationType.Mail, MailType.TransactionalEmail);

                #region Read FTP
                var ftpManager = new FtpService();
                ftpManager.OnServiceFailure += ftpManager_OnServiceFailure;
                var filesList = ftpManager.GetFiles(leadAdapterAndAccountMap.RequestGuid, string.Empty, ServiceProviders.LoginToken,
                                                    leadAdapterAndAccountMap.LeadAdapterTypeID.ToString(), leadAdapterAndAccountMap.AccountName);

                foreach (var fileName in filesList)
                     * Read XML file from local path for Builder Number
                     * Get accounts related to builder number
                     * Copy file to all those accounts
                     * **/
                        var localFilePath = Path.Combine(leadAdapterAndAccountMap.LocalFilePath, fileName);
                        ftpManager.Download(leadAdapterAndAccountMap.RequestGuid, string.Empty, fileName, localFilePath);
                        List <LeadAdapterAndAccountMap> leadData = new List <LeadAdapterAndAccountMap>();


                        var nodes = GetNodes(localFilePath);
                        foreach (var node in nodes)
                            var attributes    = node.GetAllAttributesAndElements();
                            var builderNumber = attributes[_fieldMappings.GetOrDefault("BuilderNumber")].Value;
                            IEnumerable <Guid> matchedGuids = ftpManager.FindMatchGuids(leadAdapterAndAccountMap.RequestGuid);
                            leadData.AddRange(repository.GetEmptyCommunities(builderNumber, leadAdapterAndAccountMap.LeadAdapterTypeID, matchedGuids));
                        if (File.Exists(localFilePath))

                        foreach (LeadAdapterAndAccountMap leadAdapter in leadData.GroupBy(g => g.Id).Select(s => s.First()))
                            Logger.Current.Informational("Inserting joblog for account id : " + leadAdapter.AccountID);
                            var jobLog = new LeadAdapterJobLogs();
                            jobLog.LeadAdapterAndAccountMapID = leadAdapter.Id;
                            jobLog.LeadAdapterJobStatusID     = LeadAdapterJobStatus.Undefined;
                            jobLog.Remarks  = string.Empty;
                            jobLog.FileName = fileName;
                            List <LeadAdapterJobLogDetails> details = new List <LeadAdapterJobLogDetails>();
                            jobLog.LeadAdapterJobLogDetails = details;
                            var leadAdapterJobLogID = importDataRepository.InsertLeadAdapterjob(jobLog, new Guid(), false, false, leadAdapter.AccountID, leadAdapter.CreatedBy, 1, leadAdapter.CreatedBy, true);

                            var filePath        = Path.Combine(leadAdapter.LocalFilePath, fileName);
                            var fileName_rename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath) + "~" + leadAdapterJobLogID + Path.GetExtension(filePath);
                            localFilePath = Path.Combine(leadAdapter.LocalFilePath, fileName_rename);

                            ftpManager.Download(leadAdapter.RequestGuid, string.Empty, fileName, localFilePath);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Current.Error("An error occured while accessing file downloading it to matched accounts, filename : " + fileName, ex);

                #region Read Local Files
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException indexEx)
                Logger.Current.Error("Index out of range exception, account name : " + leadAdapterAndAccountMap.AccountName, indexEx);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Current.Error("An error occured when uploading the contacts in the lead adapter, account name : " + leadAdapterAndAccountMap.AccountName, ex);
                SendEmail("Exception details" + ex, "Exception while processing data from " + leadAdapterAndAccountMap.LeadAdapterTypeID.ToString() + " LeadAdapter");
Beispiel #23
        public static ControlFlowGraph DoCreateCarcass(IMethodBody cil, out ReadOnlyDictionary<ControlFlowBlock, ReadOnlyCollection<IILOp>> blocks2parts)
            // create the control flow graph
            var cfg = new ControlFlowGraph();

            // partition the code into blocks with continuous control flow
            // todo. support switches and protected regions
            var targets = new HashSet<IILOp>(cil.OfType<Branch>().Select(br => br.Target));
            var l_partitions = new List<ReadOnlyCollection<IILOp>>();
            var l_partition = new List<IILOp>();
            Action qualifyPartition = () => { if (l_partition.IsNotEmpty()) { l_partitions.Add(l_partition.ToReadOnly()); l_partition = new List<IILOp>(); } };
            foreach (var op in cil)
                if (op is Branch || op is Ret) qualifyPartition();
                    if (targets.Contains(op)) qualifyPartition();
                    if (op is Throw) qualifyPartition();
            var partitions = l_partitions.ToReadOnly();

            // create blocks and map those to ops and partitions
            blocks2parts = partitions.ToDictionary(p => new ControlFlowBlock(), p => p).ToReadOnly();
            blocks2parts.ForEach(kvp => cfg.AddVertex(kvp.Key));
            var op2blocks = new Dictionary<IILOp, ControlFlowBlock>();
            blocks2parts.ForEach(kvp => kvp.Value.ForEach(op => op2blocks.Add(op, kvp.Key)));
            cil.ForEach(op => { if (!op2blocks.ContainsKey(op)) op2blocks.Add(op, null); });

            // prepare to link the blocks
            Action<IILOp, IILOp, CilPredicateType?> link = (op1, op2, cil_pred) =>
                var source = op1 == null ? cfg.Start : op2blocks[op1];
                var target = op2 == null ? cfg.Finish : op2blocks[op2];
                var hir_pred = cil_pred == null ? (HirPredicateType?)null :
                    (HirPredicateType)Enum.Parse(typeof(HirPredicateType), cil_pred.Value.ToString());
                cfg.AddEdge(new ControlFlowEdge(source, target, hir_pred));

            // link the blocks (down from 300+ LOC to this simple loop =))
            if (cil.IsEmpty()) link(null, null, null);
            foreach (var op in cil)
                // todo. support switches here
                if (op is Switch) throw AssertionHelper.Fail();

                // todo. support general case of control flow
                // n0te. throw needs something on stack, so br > throw is impossible
                Func<IILOp, bool> isJmp = op1 => op1 is Ret || op1 is Branch;
                if (isJmp(op) && isJmp(op.Prev)) continue;

                if (isJmp(op))
                    Func<IILOp, CilPredicateType?> pred = op1 => op1 is Ret ? null : op1 is Branch ? ((Branch)op1).PredicateType : ((Func<CilPredicateType?>)(() => { throw AssertionHelper.Fail(); }))();
                    Func<IILOp, bool> uncond = op1 => isJmp(op1) && pred(op1) == null;
                    Func<IILOp, bool> cond = op1 => isJmp(op1) && pred(op1) != null;
                    Func<IILOp, IILOp> target = null; target = op1 => 
                        op1 is Ret ? null : op1 is Branch ? target(((Branch)op1).Target) : op1;

                    (target(op) is Branch).AssertFalse();
                    if (target(op) is Ret) link(op.Prev, null, pred(op));
                    else link(op.Prev, target(op), pred(op));

                    if (cond(op)) link(op.Prev, target(op.Next), pred(op).Negate());
                else if (op is Throw)
                    // do nothing - throw doesn't create links
                    if (op.Prev == null) link(null, op, null);
                    if (isJmp(op.Next)) continue;

                    var blk = op2blocks.GetOrDefault(op);
                    var blk_next = op2blocks.GetOrDefault(op.Next);
                    if (blk != blk_next) link(op, op.Next, null);

            // yield control to the next step of the pipeline
            return cfg;
Beispiel #24
        private void ProcessTCPPacket(TCPPacket pTCPPacket, ref uint pSequence, Dictionary<uint, byte[]> pBuffer, FiestaStream pStream)
            if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence)
                byte[] data;
                while ((data = pBuffer.GetOrDefault(pSequence, null)) != null)
                    pSequence += (uint)data.Length;
                if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence) pBuffer[(uint)pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber] = pTCPPacket.TCPData;
            if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber < pSequence)
                int difference = (int)(pSequence - pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber);
                if (difference > 0)
                    byte[] data = pTCPPacket.TCPData;
                    if (data.Length > difference)
                        pStream.Append(data, difference, data.Length - difference);
                        pSequence += (uint)(data.Length - difference);
            else if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber == pSequence)
                byte[] data = pTCPPacket.TCPData;
                pSequence += (uint)data.Length;

            FiestaPacket packet;
                while ((packet = pStream.Read(pTCPPacket.Timeval.Date)) != null)
                    Definition definition = Config.Instance.Definitions.Find(d => d.Build == 1 && d.Outbound == packet.Outbound && d.Opcode == packet.Opcode);
                    if (!mOpcodes.Exists(kv => kv.Item1 == packet.Outbound && kv.Item2 == packet.Opcode))
                        mOpcodes.Add(new Tuple<bool, ushort>(packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode));

                    if (definition != null && definition.Ignore) continue;
                    if (!FilterOut(packet))
                    if (mPacketList.SelectedItems.Count == 0) packet.EnsureVisible();
            catch (Exception exc)
                OutputForm output = new OutputForm("Packet Error");
                output.Show(DockPanel, new Rectangle(MainForm.Location, new Size(400, 400)));
                mTerminated = true;
                Text += " (Terminated)";
Beispiel #25
 public string Translate(string text)
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Will find a Service Registered to process the item.
        /// </summary>
        public static IIntegrationQueueItem Process(IIntegrationQueueItem item)
            if (item.ResponseDate != null)
                // Already processed:

            #region Pick the item

            Type serviceType;

            lock (PickLock)
                if (item.DatePicked != null)
                    // Already picked, let the other thread finish its job:

                if (!item.IsNew)
                    item = (IIntegrationQueueItem)item.Clone();

                serviceType = IntegrationServices.GetOrDefault(item.IntegrationService);
                if (serviceType == null)

                item.DatePicked = LocalTime.Now;
            // TOOD: This is not thread safe in multi-server (web farm) scenarios.
            // To make it completely safe, we need a single StoredProc or SQL command that will do both at the same time, with a lock at the DB level.

            var service = serviceType.CreateInstance();

            var serviceInterface = serviceType.GetInterfaces().Single(x => x.Name.Contains("IServiceImplementor"));

            var typeOfRequest = serviceInterface.GetGenericArguments().First();

            var request = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(item.Request, typeOfRequest);
            //var request = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(item.Request, typeOfRequest);

            var method = serviceType.GetMethod("GetResponse", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public);

                var response = method.Invoke(service, new[] { request });
                item.Response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                item.ErrorResponse = ex.ToString();

            item.ResponseDate = LocalTime.Now;
Beispiel #27
 internal SymbolRef Find(string name)
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes redundatant Br, Nop, Dup, Pop
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method"></param>
        void RemoveRedundantCode(ILBlock method)
            Dictionary <ILLabel, int> labelRefCount = new Dictionary <ILLabel, int>();

            foreach (ILLabel target in method.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive <ILExpression>(e => e.IsBranch()).SelectMany(e => e.GetBranchTargets()))
                labelRefCount[target] = labelRefCount.GetOrDefault(target) + 1;

            foreach (ILBlock block in method.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive <ILBlock>())
                List <ILNode> body    = block.Body;
                List <ILNode> newBody = new List <ILNode>(body.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < body.Count; i++)
                    ILLabel      target;
                    ILExpression popExpr;
                    if (body[i].Match(ILCode.Br, out target) && i + 1 < body.Count && body[i + 1] == target)
                        // Ignore the branch
                        if (labelRefCount[target] == 1)
                            i++;                              // Ignore the label as well
                    else if (body[i].Match(ILCode.Nop))
                        // Ignore nop
                    else if (body[i].Match(ILCode.Pop, out popExpr))
                        ILVariable v;
                        if (!popExpr.Match(ILCode.Ldloc, out v))
                            throw new Exception("Pop should have just ldloc at this stage");
                        // Best effort to move the ILRange to previous statement
                        ILVariable   prevVar;
                        ILExpression prevExpr;
                        if (i - 1 >= 0 && body[i - 1].Match(ILCode.Stloc, out prevVar, out prevExpr) && prevVar == v)
                        // Ignore pop
                block.Body = newBody;

            // 'dup' removal
            foreach (ILExpression expr in method.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive <ILExpression>())
                for (int i = 0; i < expr.Arguments.Count; i++)
                    ILExpression child;
                    if (expr.Arguments[i].Match(ILCode.Dup, out child))
                        expr.Arguments[i] = child;
        public void GetOrDefault_should_return_value_if_key_exists()
            valueDictionary[12] = 34;

            Assert.Equal(34, valueDictionary.GetOrDefault(12));
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public async Task <IReadOnlyList <ISettingValue> > GetAllSettingValuesAsync(SettingScopes scopes)
            var settingDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, SettingDefinition>();
            var settingValues      = new Dictionary <string, ISettingValue>();

            //Fill all setting with default values.
            foreach (var setting in _settingDefinitionManager.GetAllSettingDefinitions())
                settingDefinitions[setting.Name] = setting;
                settingValues[setting.Name]      = new SettingValueObject(setting.Name, setting.DefaultValue);

            //Overwrite application settings
            if (scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.Application))
                foreach (var settingValue in await GetAllSettingValuesForApplicationAsync())
                    var setting = settingDefinitions.GetOrDefault(settingValue.Name);

                    //TODO: Conditions get complicated, try to simplify it
                    if (setting == null || !setting.Scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.Application))

                    if (!setting.IsInherited &&
                        ((setting.Scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.Tenant) && Session.TenantId.HasValue) || (setting.Scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.User) && Session.UserId.HasValue)))

                    settingValues[settingValue.Name] = new SettingValueObject(settingValue.Name, settingValue.Value);

            //Overwrite tenant settings
            if (scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.Tenant) && Session.TenantId.HasValue)
                foreach (var settingValue in await GetAllSettingValuesForTenantAsync(Session.TenantId.Value))
                    var setting = settingDefinitions.GetOrDefault(settingValue.Name);

                    //TODO: Conditions get complicated, try to simplify it
                    if (setting == null || !setting.Scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.Tenant))

                    if (!setting.IsInherited &&
                        (setting.Scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.User) && Session.UserId.HasValue))

                    settingValues[settingValue.Name] = new SettingValueObject(settingValue.Name, settingValue.Value);

            //Overwrite user settings
            if (scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.User) && Session.UserId.HasValue)
                foreach (var settingValue in await GetAllSettingValuesForUserAsync(Session.ToUserIdentifier()))
                    var setting = settingDefinitions.GetOrDefault(settingValue.Name);
                    if (setting != null && setting.Scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.User))
                        settingValues[settingValue.Name] = new SettingValueObject(settingValue.Name, settingValue.Value);

		public void UpdateRemovedMapReduceStats(string view, Dictionary<ReduceKeyAndBucket, int> removed)
			var statsByKey = new Dictionary<string, int>();
			foreach (var reduceKeyAndBucket in removed)
				statsByKey[reduceKeyAndBucket.Key.ReduceKey] = statsByKey.GetOrDefault(reduceKeyAndBucket.Key.ReduceKey) - reduceKeyAndBucket.Value;

			foreach (var reduceKeyStat in statsByKey)
				IncrementReduceKeyCounter(view, reduceKeyStat.Key, reduceKeyStat.Value);
 public static string[] SelectComboBox(string name)
     return(comboBox.GetOrDefault(name, nullSelection));
        public void GetOrDefault()
            Dictionary<int, string> dict = new Dictionary<int, string>();
            dict.Add(1, "one");

            Assert.AreEqual("one", dict.GetOrDefault(1));

            dict.Add(2, "two");
            dict.Add(3, "three");
            dict.Add(4, "four");
            Assert.AreEqual("three", dict.GetOrDefault((k, v) => !v.Contains('o')));
 /// <summary>
 /// Get value from parsed connection string. Returns null if not found
 /// </summary>
 public string this[string key] => _values.GetOrDefault(key);
		public void DeleteMappedResultsForDocumentId(string documentId, int view, Dictionary<ReduceKeyAndBucket, int> removed)
			var viewAndDocumentId = CreateKey(view, documentId);

			var mappedResultsByViewAndDocumentId = tableStorage.MappedResults.GetIndex(Tables.MappedResults.Indices.ByViewAndDocumentId);
			using (var iterator = mappedResultsByViewAndDocumentId.MultiRead(Snapshot, viewAndDocumentId))
				if (!iterator.Seek(Slice.BeforeAllKeys))

					var id = iterator.CurrentKey.Clone();

					ushort version;
					var value = LoadJson(tableStorage.MappedResults, id, writeBatch.Value, out version);
					var reduceKey = value.Value<string>("reduceKey");
					var bucket = value.Value<int>("bucket");

					DeleteMappedResult(id, view, documentId, reduceKey, bucket.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

					var reduceKeyAndBucket = new ReduceKeyAndBucket(bucket, reduceKey);
					removed[reduceKeyAndBucket] = removed.GetOrDefault(reduceKeyAndBucket) + 1;
				while (iterator.MoveNext());
Beispiel #36
         * 0   no race
         * 1	usa_great_corp
         * 2	eu_great_corp
         * 3	asia_great_corp

        public static long GetAllianceEidByRace(int raceId)
Beispiel #37
        public ITransactionApi FindTransactionApi(string key)
            Check.NotNull(key, nameof(key));

Beispiel #38
        private void ProcessTCPPacket(TcpPacket pTCPPacket, ref uint pSequence, Dictionary<uint, byte[]> pBuffer, MapleStream pStream, DateTime pArrivalDate)
            if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence)
                byte[] data;
                while ((data = pBuffer.GetOrDefault(pSequence, null)) != null)
                    pSequence += (uint)data.Length;
                if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence) pBuffer[(uint)pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber] = pTCPPacket.PayloadData;
            if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber < pSequence)
                int difference = (int)(pSequence - pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber);
                if (difference > 0)
                    byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData;
                    if (data.Length > difference)
                        pStream.Append(data, difference, data.Length - difference);
                        pSequence += (uint)(data.Length - difference);
            else if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber == pSequence)
                byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData;
                pSequence += (uint)data.Length;

            MaplePacket packet;
            bool refreshOpcodes = false;
                while ((packet = pStream.Read(pArrivalDate, mBuild, mLocale)) != null)
                    Definition definition = Config.Instance.GetDefinition(mBuild, mLocale, packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode);
                    if (!mOpcodes.Exists(kv => kv.First == packet.Outbound && kv.Second == packet.Opcode))
                        mOpcodes.Add(new Pair<bool, ushort>(packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode));
                        refreshOpcodes = true;
                    if (definition != null && !mViewIgnoredMenu.Checked && definition.Ignore) continue;
                    if (mPacketList.SelectedItems.Count == 0) packet.EnsureVisible();
            catch (Exception ex)
                mTerminated = true;
                Text += " (Terminated)";

            if (DockPanel.ActiveDocument == this && refreshOpcodes) MainForm.SearchForm.RefreshOpcodes(true);
Beispiel #39
 public AbpWorkflowStepBody GetStepBodyOrNull(string name)
Beispiel #40
        private void ProcessTCPPacket(TcpPacket pTCPPacket, ref uint pSequence, Dictionary<uint, byte[]> pBuffer, PacketStream pStream, bool pInbound)
            if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence)
                byte[] data;
                while ((data = pBuffer.GetOrDefault(pSequence, null)) != null)
                    pSequence += (uint)data.Length;
                if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence)
                    pBuffer[(uint)pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber] = pTCPPacket.PayloadData;
            if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber < pSequence)
                int difference = (int)(pSequence - pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber);
                if (difference > 0)
                    byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData;
                    if (data.Length > difference)
                        pStream.Append(data, difference, data.Length - difference);
                        pSequence += (uint)(data.Length - difference);
            else if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber == pSequence)
                byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData;
                pSequence += (uint)data.Length;

            CheckForPackets(pStream, pInbound);

Beispiel #41
            private void UpdateFacetResults(Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, FacetValue> > facetsByName)
                foreach (var facet in Facets.Values)
                    if (facet.Mode == FacetMode.Ranges)

                    var           values = new List <FacetValue>();
                    List <string> allTerms;

                    int maxResults = Math.Min(PageSize ?? facet.MaxResults ?? Database.Configuration.MaxPageSize, Database.Configuration.MaxPageSize);
                    var groups     = facetsByName.GetOrDefault(facet.DisplayName);

                    if (groups == null)

                    switch (facet.TermSortMode)
                    case FacetTermSortMode.ValueAsc:
                        allTerms = new List <string>(groups.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ThenBy(x => x.Value.Hits).Select(x => x.Key));

                    case FacetTermSortMode.ValueDesc:
                        allTerms = new List <string>(groups.OrderByDescending(x => x.Key).ThenBy(x => x.Value.Hits).Select(x => x.Key));

                    case FacetTermSortMode.HitsAsc:
                        allTerms = new List <string>(groups.OrderBy(x => x.Value.Hits).ThenBy(x => x.Key).Select(x => x.Key));

                    case FacetTermSortMode.HitsDesc:
                        allTerms = new List <string>(groups.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Hits).ThenBy(x => x.Key).Select(x => x.Key));

                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could not understand '{0}'", facet.TermSortMode));

                    foreach (var term in allTerms.Skip(Start).TakeWhile(term => values.Count < maxResults))
                        var facetValue = groups.GetOrDefault(term);
                        values.Add(facetValue ?? new FacetValue {
                            Range = term

                    var previousHits = allTerms.Take(Start).Sum(allTerm =>
                        var facetValue = groups.GetOrDefault(allTerm);
                        return(facetValue == null ? 0 : facetValue.Hits);

                    var key = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(facet.DisplayName) ? facet.Name : facet.DisplayName;

                    Results.Results[key] = new FacetResult
                        Values = values,
                        RemainingTermsCount = allTerms.Count - (Start + values.Count),
                        RemainingHits       = groups.Values.Sum(x => x.Hits) - (previousHits + values.Sum(x => x.Hits)),

                    if (facet.IncludeRemainingTerms)
                        Results.Results[key].RemainingTerms = allTerms.Skip(Start + values.Count).ToList();
Beispiel #42
 private static Dictionary<char, int> getCharactersCount(string s)
     Dictionary<char, int> res = new Dictionary<char, int>();
     foreach (char c in s) {
         res[c] = res.GetOrDefault(c, 0) + 1;
     return res;
 internal object GetConstraint(string key) => where?.GetOrDefault(key, null);
        public async Task <IReadOnlyList <IWebhookEntity> > QueryByAppAsync(Guid appId)
            await EnsureWebooksLoadedAsync();

            return(inMemoryWebhooks.GetOrDefault(appId) ?? EmptyWebhooks);
 /// <summary>
 ///     Get a page in my cache, first check if is in my dirty list. If not, check in my cache list. Returns null if not
 ///     found
 /// </summary>
 public BasePage GetPage(uint pageID)
     // check for in dirty list - if not found, check in cache list
     return(_dirty.GetOrDefault(pageID, null) ?? _cache.GetOrDefault(pageID, null));
 public AssStyleOptions GetStyleOptions(string name)
Beispiel #47
        private CardWithExtraInfo GenerateCard(string text)
            IDictionary <string, string> infos = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            using (XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(SpecialXMLCorrection(text))))
                while (xmlReader.Read())
                    if (xmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                    IAwareXmlTextReader   reader = new AwareXmlTextReader(xmlReader);
                    ICardInfoParserWorker worker = CardInfoParserWorkerFactory.Instance.CreateParserWorker(reader);

                    if (worker == null)

                    infos.AddRange(ParseElement(reader, worker));
            //Check parsing result

            //Generate result class
            CardWithExtraInfo cardWithExtraInfo = new CardWithExtraInfo
                Name        = RemoveParentheses(infos.GetOrDefault(NameKey)),
                CastingCost = infos.GetOrDefault(ManaCostKey),
                Text        = infos.GetOrDefault(TextKey),
                Type        = infos.GetOrDefault(TypeKey),
                PictureUrl  = infos.GetOrDefault(ImageKey),
                Rarity      = infos.GetOrDefault(RarityKey)

            if (MagicRules.IsCreature(cardWithExtraInfo.Type) || MagicRules.IsVehicle(cardWithExtraInfo.Type))
                string htmlTrim = infos.GetOrDefault(PTKey).HtmlTrim();
                cardWithExtraInfo.Power     = GetPower(htmlTrim);
                cardWithExtraInfo.Toughness = GetToughness(htmlTrim);
            if (MagicRules.IsPlaneswalker(cardWithExtraInfo.Type))
                string htmlTrim = infos.GetOrDefault(PTKey).HtmlTrim();
                //Possible see CheckInfos for more info
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlTrim))
                    htmlTrim = htmlTrim.ToUpper();
                    //Special case for:
                    //  Nissa, Steward of Elements with loyalty to X
                    //  B.O.B. (Bevy of Beebles) with loyalty to *
                    if (htmlTrim == "X" || htmlTrim == "*")
                        cardWithExtraInfo.Loyalty = htmlTrim;
                        cardWithExtraInfo.Loyalty = int.Parse(htmlTrim).ToString();
            string variations = infos.GetOrDefault(VariationsKey);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variations))
                foreach (string variation in variations.Split(new[] { VariationsWorker.Separator }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                    if (int.TryParse(variation, out int gatherid))
            cardWithExtraInfo.Type = infos.GetOrDefault(TypeKey);
Beispiel #48
 public IEntityDefinition GetByCode(string code)
Beispiel #49
        internal async Task PublishDiagnosticsAsync(CodeAnalysis.Document document)
            // Retrieve all diagnostics for the current document grouped by their actual file uri.
            var fileUriToDiagnostics = await GetDiagnosticsAsync(document, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Get the list of file uris with diagnostics (for the document).
            // We need to join the uris from current diagnostics with those previously published
            // so that we clear out any diagnostics in mapped files that are no longer a part
            // of the current diagnostics set (because the diagnostics were fixed).
            // Use sorted set to have consistent publish ordering for tests and debugging.
            var urisForCurrentDocument = _documentsToPublishedUris.GetOrValue(document.Id, ImmutableSortedSet.Create <Uri>(s_uriComparer)).Union(fileUriToDiagnostics.Keys);

            // Update the mapping for this document to be the uris we're about to publish diagnostics for.
            _documentsToPublishedUris[document.Id] = urisForCurrentDocument;

            // Go through each uri and publish the updated set of diagnostics per uri.
            foreach (var fileUri in urisForCurrentDocument)
                // Get the updated diagnostics for a single uri that were contributed by the current document.
                var diagnostics = fileUriToDiagnostics.GetOrValue(fileUri, ImmutableArray <LanguageServer.Protocol.Diagnostic> .Empty);

                if (_publishedFileToDiagnostics.ContainsKey(fileUri))
                    // Get all previously published diagnostics for this uri excluding those that were contributed from the current document.
                    // We don't need those since we just computed the updated values above.
                    var diagnosticsFromOtherDocuments = _publishedFileToDiagnostics[fileUri].Where(kvp => kvp.Key != document.Id).SelectMany(kvp => kvp.Value);

                    // Since diagnostics are replaced per uri, we must publish both contributions from this document and any other document
                    // that has diagnostic contributions to this uri, so union the two sets.
                    diagnostics = diagnostics.AddRange(diagnosticsFromOtherDocuments);

                await SendDiagnosticsNotificationAsync(fileUri, diagnostics).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // There are three cases here ->
                // 1.  There are no diagnostics to publish for this fileUri.  We no longer need to track the fileUri at all.
                // 2.  There are diagnostics from the current document.  Store the diagnostics for the fileUri and document
                //      so they can be published along with contributions to the fileUri from other documents.
                // 3.  There are no diagnostics contributed by this document to the fileUri (could be some from other documents).
                //     We should clear out the diagnostics for this document for the fileUri.
                if (diagnostics.IsEmpty)
                    // We published an empty set of diagnostics for this uri.  We no longer need to keep track of this mapping
                    // since there will be no previous diagnostics that we need to clear out.
                    _documentsToPublishedUris.MultiRemove(document.Id, fileUri);

                    // There are not any diagnostics to keep track of for this file, so we can stop.
                else if (fileUriToDiagnostics.ContainsKey(fileUri))
                    // We do have diagnostics from the current document - update the published diagnostics map
                    // to contain the new diagnostics contributed by this document for this uri.
                    var documentsToPublishedDiagnostics = _publishedFileToDiagnostics.GetOrAdd(fileUri, (_) =>
                                                                                               new Dictionary <DocumentId, ImmutableArray <LanguageServer.Protocol.Diagnostic> >());
                    documentsToPublishedDiagnostics[document.Id] = fileUriToDiagnostics[fileUri];
                    // There were diagnostics from other documents, but none from the current document.
                    // If we're tracking the current document, we can stop.
                    _documentsToPublishedUris.MultiRemove(document.Id, fileUri);
Beispiel #50
		public void DeleteMappedResultsForDocumentId(string documentId, string view, Dictionary<ReduceKeyAndBucket, int> removed)
			Api.JetSetCurrentIndex(session, MappedResults, "by_view_and_doc_key");
			Api.MakeKey(session, MappedResults, view, Encoding.Unicode, MakeKeyGrbit.NewKey);
			Api.MakeKey(session, MappedResults, documentId, Encoding.Unicode, MakeKeyGrbit.None);
			if (Api.TrySeek(session, MappedResults, SeekGrbit.SeekEQ) == false)

			Api.MakeKey(session, MappedResults, view, Encoding.Unicode, MakeKeyGrbit.NewKey);
			Api.MakeKey(session, MappedResults, documentId, Encoding.Unicode, MakeKeyGrbit.None);
			Api.JetSetIndexRange(session, MappedResults, SetIndexRangeGrbit.RangeUpperLimit | SetIndexRangeGrbit.RangeInclusive);
				// esent index ranges are approximate, and we need to check them ourselves as well
				var viewFromDb = Api.RetrieveColumnAsString(session, MappedResults, tableColumnsCache.MappedResultsColumns["view"]);
				if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(viewFromDb, view) == false)
				var documentIdFromDb = Api.RetrieveColumnAsString(session, MappedResults, tableColumnsCache.MappedResultsColumns["document_key"]);
				if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(documentIdFromDb, documentId) == false)
				var reduceKey = Api.RetrieveColumnAsString(session, MappedResults, tableColumnsCache.MappedResultsColumns["reduce_key"],
				var bucket = Api.RetrieveColumnAsInt32(session, MappedResults, tableColumnsCache.MappedResultsColumns["bucket"]).Value;

				var key = new ReduceKeyAndBucket(bucket, reduceKey);
				removed[key] = removed.GetOrDefault(key) + 1;
				Api.JetDelete(session, MappedResults);
			} while (Api.TryMoveNext(session, MappedResults));
Beispiel #51
			private void UpdateFacetResults(Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, FacetValue>> facetsByName)
				foreach (var facet in Facets.Values)
					if (facet.Mode == FacetMode.Ranges)

					var values = new List<FacetValue>();
					List<string> allTerms;

					int maxResults = Math.Min(PageSize ?? facet.MaxResults ?? Database.Configuration.MaxPageSize, Database.Configuration.MaxPageSize);
					var groups = facetsByName.GetOrDefault(facet.DisplayName);

					if (groups == null)

					switch (facet.TermSortMode)
						case FacetTermSortMode.ValueAsc:
							allTerms = new List<string>(groups.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ThenBy(x => x.Value.Hits).Select(x => x.Key));
						case FacetTermSortMode.ValueDesc:
							allTerms = new List<string>(groups.OrderByDescending(x => x.Key).ThenBy(x => x.Value.Hits).Select(x => x.Key));
						case FacetTermSortMode.HitsAsc:
							allTerms = new List<string>(groups.OrderBy(x => x.Value.Hits).ThenBy(x => x.Key).Select(x => x.Key));
						case FacetTermSortMode.HitsDesc:
							allTerms = new List<string>(groups.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Hits).ThenBy(x => x.Key).Select(x => x.Key));
							throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could not understand '{0}'", facet.TermSortMode));

					foreach (var term in allTerms.Skip(Start).TakeWhile(term => values.Count < maxResults))
						var facetValue = groups.GetOrDefault(term);
						values.Add(facetValue ?? new FacetValue { Range = term });

					var previousHits = allTerms.Take(Start).Sum(allTerm =>
						var facetValue = groups.GetOrDefault(allTerm);
						return facetValue == null ? 0 : facetValue.Hits;

					var key = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(facet.DisplayName) ? facet.Name : facet.DisplayName;

					Results.Results[key] = new FacetResult
						Values = values,
						RemainingTermsCount = allTerms.Count - (Start + values.Count),
						RemainingHits = groups.Values.Sum(x => x.Hits) - (previousHits + values.Sum(x => x.Hits)),

					if (facet.IncludeRemainingTerms)
						Results.Results[key].RemainingTerms = allTerms.Skip(Start + values.Count).ToList();
Beispiel #52
        /// <summary>
        /// 建立 SubCategoryUser 個體。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="catSub">CatSub 個體</param>
        /// <param name="userMap">User 快查表。</param>
        /// <returns>子站維護人員資訊</returns>
        private CategoryContactModel CreateCategoryContact(CatSub catSub, Dictionary<string, PriUser> userMap)
            var categoryContact = new CategoryContactModel
                Id = catSub.Id,

            categoryContact.Pm = userMap.GetOrDefault(catSub.User.UsrName);

            categoryContact.Manager = userMap.GetOrDefault(catSub.MdyPm);

            categoryContact.Purchaser = userMap.GetOrDefault(catSub.MdyPurher);

            categoryContact.Staff = userMap.GetOrDefault(catSub.MdyStaff);

            return categoryContact;
Beispiel #53
        public static ActionColumnViewModel GetActionValues(string header,
                                                            GenericActionViewModel action,
                                                            Dictionary <int, string> wbsValues = null)
            var model = new ActionColumnViewModel {
                Values = new List <ActionValueViewModel>()

            switch (header)
            case nameof(PublishedAction.WBS):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = wbsValues?.GetOrDefault(action.ActionId) ?? action.WBS

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Label):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = action.Label ?? string.Empty

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Thumbnail):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type     = "Image",
                    Value    = action.ImageHash,
                    FileHash = action.ImageHash,
                    FileExt  = action.Extension

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Duration):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = TicksUtil.TicksToString(action.Duration, action.TimeScale)

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs1):
                model.Values = BuildMultiValueRefs(action, ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref1);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs2):
                model.Values = BuildMultiValueRefs(action, ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref2);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs3):
                model.Values = BuildMultiValueRefs(action, ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref3);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs4):
                model.Values = BuildMultiValueRefs(action, ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref4);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs5):
                model.Values = BuildMultiValueRefs(action, ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref5);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs6):
                model.Values = BuildMultiValueRefs(action, ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref6);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs7):
                model.Values = BuildMultiValueRefs(action, ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref7);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.CustomTextValue):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = action.CustomTextValues != null ? action.CustomTextValues
                            .Where(t => t.Key == ProcessReferentialIdentifier.CustomTextLabel)
                            .Select(t => t.Value)
                            .FirstOrDefault() : string.Empty

            case nameof(PublishedAction.CustomTextValue2):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = action.CustomTextValues != null ? action.CustomTextValues
                            .Where(t => t.Key == ProcessReferentialIdentifier.CustomTextLabel2)
                            .Select(t => t.Value)
                            .FirstOrDefault() : string.Empty

            case nameof(PublishedAction.CustomTextValue3):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = action.CustomTextValues != null ? action.CustomTextValues
                            .Where(t => t.Key == ProcessReferentialIdentifier.CustomTextLabel3)
                            .Select(t => t.Value)
                            .FirstOrDefault() : string.Empty

            case nameof(PublishedAction.CustomTextValue4):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = action.CustomTextValues != null ? action.CustomTextValues
                            .Where(t => t.Key == ProcessReferentialIdentifier.CustomTextLabel4)
                            .Select(t => t.Value)
                            .FirstOrDefault() : string.Empty

            case nameof(PublishedAction.CustomNumericValue):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = action.CustomNumericFields != null ? action.CustomNumericValues
                            .Where(t => t.Key == ProcessReferentialIdentifier.CustomNumericLabel)
                            .Select(t => $"{t.Value}")
                            .FirstOrDefault() : string.Empty

            case nameof(PublishedAction.CustomNumericValue2):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = action.CustomNumericFields != null ? action.CustomNumericValues
                            .Where(t => t.Key == ProcessReferentialIdentifier.CustomNumericLabel2)
                            .Select(t => $"{t.Value}")
                            .FirstOrDefault() : string.Empty

            case nameof(PublishedAction.CustomNumericValue3):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = action.CustomNumericFields != null ? action.CustomNumericValues
                            .Where(t => t.Key == ProcessReferentialIdentifier.CustomNumericLabel3)
                            .Select(t => $"{t.Value}")
                            .FirstOrDefault() : string.Empty

            case nameof(PublishedAction.CustomNumericValue4):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = action.CustomNumericFields != null ? action.CustomNumericValues
                            .Where(t => t.Key == ProcessReferentialIdentifier.CustomNumericLabel4)
                            .Select(t => $"{t.Value}")
                            .FirstOrDefault() : string.Empty

                var attribute = ReflectionHelper.GetPropertyValue(action, header);
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = attribute != null ? attribute.ToString() : string.Empty
Beispiel #54
        public static ActionColumnViewModel GetActionValues(
            string header,
            KAction action,
            IEnumerable <ProjectReferential> usedReferentials,
            Dictionary <int, string> wbsValues = null)
            var model = new ActionColumnViewModel {
                Values = new List <ActionValueViewModel>()

            switch (header)
            case nameof(PublishedAction.WBS):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = wbsValues?.GetOrDefault(action.ActionId) ?? action.WBS

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Label):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = action.Label ?? string.Empty

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Thumbnail):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type     = "Image",
                    Value    = action.Thumbnail?.Hash,
                    FileHash = action.Thumbnail?.Hash,
                    FileExt  = action.Thumbnail?.Extension

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Duration):
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = TicksUtil.TicksToString(action.Duration, action.Scenario.Project.TimeScale)

            case nameof(PublishedAction.PublishedResource):
                model.Values.Add(BuildFile(action.Operator?.CloudFile ?? action.Equipment?.CloudFile,
                                           action.Operator?.Label ?? action.Equipment?.Label, 1));

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs1):
                model.Values = BuildReferentialFile(action.Refs(ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref1), usedReferentials);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs2):
                model.Values = BuildReferentialFile(action.Refs(ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref2), usedReferentials);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs3):
                model.Values = BuildReferentialFile(action.Refs(ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref3), usedReferentials);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs4):
                model.Values = BuildReferentialFile(action.Refs(ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref4), usedReferentials);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs5):
                model.Values = BuildReferentialFile(action.Refs(ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref5), usedReferentials);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs6):
                model.Values = BuildReferentialFile(action.Refs(ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref6), usedReferentials);

            case nameof(PublishedAction.Refs7):
                model.Values = BuildReferentialFile(action.Refs(ProcessReferentialIdentifier.Ref7), usedReferentials);

                var attribute = ReflectionHelper.GetPropertyValue(action, header);
                model.Values.Add(new ActionValueViewModel
                    Type  = "Text",
                    Value = attribute != null ? attribute.ToString() : ""
		public void DeleteMappedResultsForDocumentId(string documentId, int view, Dictionary<ReduceKeyAndBucket, int> removed)
            var viewKey = CreateKey(view);
            var viewKeySlice = new Slice(viewKey);
			var viewAndDocumentId = new Slice(AppendToKey(viewKey, documentId));

            var mappedResultsByViewAndDocumentId = tableStorage.MappedResults.GetIndex(Tables.MappedResults.Indices.ByViewAndDocumentId);
            var mappedResultsByView = tableStorage.MappedResults.GetIndex(Tables.MappedResults.Indices.ByView);
            var mappedResultsByViewAndReduceKey = tableStorage.MappedResults.GetIndex(Tables.MappedResults.Indices.ByViewAndReduceKey);
            var mappedResultsByViewAndReduceKeyAndSourceBucket = tableStorage.MappedResults.GetIndex(Tables.MappedResults.Indices.ByViewAndReduceKeyAndSourceBucket);
            var mappedResultsData = tableStorage.MappedResults.GetIndex(Tables.MappedResults.Indices.Data);

			using (var iterator = mappedResultsByViewAndDocumentId.MultiRead(Snapshot, viewAndDocumentId))
				if (!iterator.Seek(Slice.BeforeAllKeys))

					// TODO: Check if we can relax the clone.
                    var id = iterator.CurrentKey.Clone();

					ushort version;
					var value = LoadStruct(tableStorage.MappedResults, id, writeBatch.Value, out version);
					var reduceKey = value.ReadString(MappedResultFields.ReduceKey);
					var bucket = value.ReadInt(MappedResultFields.Bucket);

                    var reduceKeyHash = HashKey(reduceKey);                  
                    var viewAndReduceKey = AppendToKey(viewKey, ReduceKeySizeLimited(reduceKey), reduceKeyHash);
                    var viewAndReduceKeyAndSourceBucket = AppendToKey(viewAndReduceKey, bucket);

                    tableStorage.MappedResults.Delete(writeBatch.Value, id);

                    mappedResultsByViewAndDocumentId.MultiDelete(writeBatch.Value, viewAndDocumentId, id);
                    mappedResultsByView.MultiDelete(writeBatch.Value, viewKeySlice, id);
                    mappedResultsByViewAndReduceKey.MultiDelete(writeBatch.Value, (Slice)viewAndReduceKey, id);
                    mappedResultsByViewAndReduceKeyAndSourceBucket.MultiDelete(writeBatch.Value, (Slice)viewAndReduceKeyAndSourceBucket, id);
                    mappedResultsData.Delete(writeBatch.Value, id);

					var reduceKeyAndBucket = new ReduceKeyAndBucket(bucket, reduceKey);
					removed[reduceKeyAndBucket] = removed.GetOrDefault(reduceKeyAndBucket) + 1;
				while (iterator.MoveNext());
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public async Task<IReadOnlyList<ISettingValue>> GetAllSettingValuesAsync(SettingScopes scopes)
            var settingDefinitions = new Dictionary<string, SettingDefinition>();
            var settingValues = new Dictionary<string, ISettingValue>();

            //Fill all setting with default values.
            foreach (var setting in _settingDefinitionManager.GetAllSettingDefinitions())
                settingDefinitions[setting.Name] = setting;
                settingValues[setting.Name] = new SettingValueObject(setting.Name, setting.DefaultValue);

            //Overwrite application settings
            if (scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.Application))
                foreach (var settingValue in await GetAllSettingValuesForApplicationAsync())
                    var setting = settingDefinitions.GetOrDefault(settingValue.Name);

                    //TODO: Conditions get complicated, try to simplify it
                    if (setting == null || !setting.Scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.Application))

                    if (!setting.IsInherited &&
                        (setting.Scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.User) && AbpSession.UserId.HasValue))

                    settingValues[settingValue.Name] = new SettingValueObject(settingValue.Name, settingValue.Value);


            //Overwrite user settings
            if (scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.User) && AbpSession.UserId.HasValue)
                foreach (var settingValue in await GetAllSettingValuesForUserAsync(AbpSession.UserId.Value))
                    var setting = settingDefinitions.GetOrDefault(settingValue.Name);
                    if (setting != null && setting.Scopes.HasFlag(SettingScopes.User))
                        settingValues[settingValue.Name] = new SettingValueObject(settingValue.Name, settingValue.Value);

            return settingValues.Values.ToImmutableList();
        public void GetOrDefaultPresent()
            Dictionary<string, int> dict = new Dictionary<string, int>() { { "one", 1 } };

            int value = dict.GetOrDefault("one", -999);

            Assert.Equal(1, 1);