public void Except()
            var dict = new Dictionary<int, string>();
            dict.Add(1, "one");
            dict.Add(2, "two");
            dict.Add(3, "three");

            Assert.AreEqual("([1,one],[2,two])", dict.Except(3).Print());
            Assert.AreEqual("([2,two])", dict.Except(1, 3).Print());
            Assert.AreEqual("([1,one],[2,two],[3,three])", dict.Except(57).Print());
Beispiel #2
 public string evaluate()
     Console.WriteLine("Your best option(s) are: ");
     while (myenumfact.MoveNext())
         var res = result.Except(myenumfact.Current.GetIDList());
         if (res.Count() == 0)
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Check word 1 and 2 contains same letters only
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str1"></param>
        /// <param name="str2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool ValidAnagram(string str1, string str2)
            if (str1.Length != str2.Length)

            Dictionary <string, int> dictionary1 = GetCharacterCount(str1);
            Dictionary <string, int> dictionary2 = GetCharacterCount(str2);


            return(dictionary1.Count == dictionary2.Count && !dictionary1.Except(dictionary2).Any());
Beispiel #4
        public void CollectionExcept()
            List <int> list1 = new List <int> {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5
            List <int> list2 = new List <int> {
                4, 5, 6
            IEnumerable <int> deltaList = list1.Except(list2).ToList();

            foreach (int delta in deltaList)

            Dictionary <string, object> dict1 = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "a", 1 },
                { "b", 2 }
            Dictionary <string, object> dict2 = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "b", 2 },
                { "c", 3 }
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > deltaDict = dict1.Except(dict2);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> delta in deltaDict)
                TestContext.WriteLine($"{delta.Key} : {delta.Value}");
        public void CheckStateForStrucutredLogWithGeneralType()
            var food = new Dictionary <string, object>
                ["Name"] = "truffle",
                ["Price"] = 299.99,

            this.logger.LogInformation("{food}", food);
            var state = this.exportedItems[0].State as IReadOnlyList <KeyValuePair <string, object> >;

            // state only has food and {OriginalFormat}
            Assert.Equal(2, state.Count);

            // Check if state has food
            Assert.Contains(state, item => item.Key == "food");

            var foodParameter = state.First(item => item.Key == "food").Value as Dictionary <string, object>;

            Assert.True(food.Count == foodParameter.Count && !food.Except(foodParameter).Any());

            // Check if state has OriginalFormat
            Assert.Contains(state, item => item.Key == "{OriginalFormat}");
            Assert.Equal("{food}", state.First(item => item.Key == "{OriginalFormat}").Value);

            Assert.Equal("[Name, truffle], [Price, 299.99]", state.ToString());
Beispiel #6
        public static bool DictsAreEqual(Dictionary <State, int> dict1, Dictionary <State, int> dict2)
            // Dicts are 'equal' if same length, and there is no set difference between the kv-pair sequences
            bool areEqual = (dict1.Count == dict2.Count) && (dict1.Except(dict2).Any() == false);

    public bool IsAnagram_Dictionary(string s, string t)
        Dictionary <char, int> sDict = new Dictionary <char, int>();
        Dictionary <char, int> tDict = new Dictionary <char, int>();

        foreach (var s1 in s)
            if (sDict.ContainsKey(s1))
                sDict[s1] = 1;
        foreach (var t1 in t)
            if (tDict.ContainsKey(t1))
                tDict[t1] = 1;

        return(!(sDict.Count != tDict.Count || sDict.Except(tDict).Any()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a URI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endpoint">The endpoint to request</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters to add</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <Uri> BuildUrl(Endpoint endpoint, Dictionary <string, string> parameters)
            // Creates a list of parameters in the url path
            Dictionary <string, string> pathParameters = parameters
                                                         .Where(x => Regex.IsMatch(endpoint.Path, $@":{x.Key}(?!\w)"))
                                                         .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            // Creates url string
            string url = _fqdn + pathParameters
                                    (acc, next) =>
                                    Regex.Replace(acc, $@":{next.Key}(?!\w)", next.Value));

            // Returns url if not get request
            if (endpoint.Method != HttpMethod.Get)
                return(new Uri(url));

            // Creates a list of remaining parameters
            Dictionary <string, string> remainingParams = parameters
                                                          .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            // Adds parameters to url and returns
            UriBuilder address = new UriBuilder(url);

            address.Query = await new FormUrlEncodedContent(remainingParams).ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            return(new Uri(address.ToString()));
Beispiel #9
 public bool PegouColetaveisTodos()
     /// Funçao que detecta se o player pegou todos os coletaveis da cena
     return(dicionarioColetaveis.Count == itensColetados.Count &&
            !dicionarioColetaveis.Except(itensColetados).Any() &&
            dicionarioColetaveis.Count > 0 && itensColetados.Count > 0); // compara os dicionarios de itens coletados e itens na cena
Beispiel #10
        private static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromPaths)
            string[] created  = importedAssets.Except(QuickAssetWatcher.allAssets).ToArray();
            string[] modified = importedAssets.Except(created).ToArray();

            Dictionary <string, string> allMoved = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < movedAssets.Length; i++)
                allMoved.Add(movedAssets[i], movedFromPaths[i]);

            // Renamed to, renamed from
            Dictionary <string, string> renamed =
                (from m in allMoved
                 where (Path.GetDirectoryName(m.Key)) == (Path.GetDirectoryName(m.Value))
                 select m).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

            Dictionary <string, string> moved = allMoved.Except(renamed).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

            // Dispatch asset events to available watchers
            foreach (QuickAssetWatcher w in QuickAssetWatcher.allWatchers)
                w.InvokeEventForPaths(created, w.OnAssetCreated);
                w.InvokeEventForPaths(deletedAssets, w.OnAssetDeleted);
                w.InvokeEventForPaths(modified, w.OnAssetModified);
                w.InvokeMovedEventForPaths(renamed, w.OnAssetRenamed);
                w.InvokeMovedEventForPaths(moved, w.OnAssetMoved);

            // Update asset paths cache
            QuickAssetWatcher.allAssets = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths();
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all possible algorithms for this pattern
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Current rubik pattern</param>
        /// <param name="rotationLayer">Transformation rotation</param>
        /// <returns>Returns all possible solutions for this pattern</returns>
        public Dictionary <Pattern, Algorithm> FindMatches(Pattern p, CubeFlag rotationLayer, PatternFilter filter)
            Dictionary <Pattern, Algorithm> transformedPatterns = Patterns.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key.DeepClone(), a => a.Value);                                      // clone
            Dictionary <Pattern, Algorithm> filteredPatterns    = transformedPatterns.Where(kvp => filter.Filter(p, kvp.Key)).ToDictionary(pa => pa.Key, a => a.Value); // filter

            filteredPatterns = filteredPatterns.OrderByDescending(k => k.Key.Probability).ToDictionary(pa => pa.Key.DeepClone(), a => a.Value);                         // order by probability

            Dictionary <Pattern, Algorithm> matches = new Dictionary <Pattern, Algorithm>();

            // 4 possible standard transformations
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                // Get matches
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Pattern, Algorithm> kvp in filteredPatterns.Where(pa => p.IncludesAllPatternElements(pa.Key)))
                    matches.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); // Add to matches
                if (rotationLayer == CubeFlag.None)

                if (filter.OnlyAtBeginning)
                    transformedPatterns = filteredPatterns.Except(matches).ToDictionary(pa => pa.Key.Transform(rotationLayer), a => a.Value.Transform(rotationLayer));
                    filteredPatterns    = transformedPatterns;
                    transformedPatterns = transformedPatterns.ToDictionary(pa => pa.Key.Transform(rotationLayer), a => a.Value.Transform(rotationLayer));
                    filteredPatterns    = transformedPatterns.Where(kvp => filter.Filter(p, kvp.Key)).ToDictionary(pa => pa.Key, a => a.Value);
Beispiel #12
        internal static TechLevel RuleA()
            var notResearched = researchProjectStoreTotal.Except(researchProjectStoreFinished);
            int min           = notResearched.Where(x => x.Value > 0).Select(x => (int)x.Key).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Min();

            return((TechLevel)Util.Clamp(0, min - 1 + TechAdvancing_Config_Tab.Conditionvalue_A, (int)TechLevel.Archotech));
Beispiel #13
    private static Dictionary <Fact, float> getNewlyDiscoveredAvsMap(Dictionary <Fact, float> knownAvMap, List <MMTTerm> variables, Vector <double> glsSolution)
        Dictionary <Fact, float> discoveredAvsMap = new Dictionary <Fact, float>();

        //Find KeyValuePairs<Fact,float> ...
        if (glsSolution.Count.Equals(variables.Count))
            foreach (Fact fact in GameState.Facts)
                if (fact.GetType().Equals(typeof(CogwheelFact)))
                    MMTTerm knownAvVariable = variables.Find(variable => variable.isSimplifiedCogwheelAvTerm() &&
                                                             ((OMF)((RECARG)((OMA)((OMA)variable).arguments.ElementAt(0)).arguments.ElementAt(0)).value).f.Equals(((CogwheelFact)fact).Radius) &&
                                                             ((OMF)((OMA)((RECARG)((OMA)((OMA)variable).arguments.ElementAt(0)).arguments.ElementAt(3)).value).arguments.ElementAt(0)).f.Equals(((CogwheelFact)fact).Point.x) &&
                                                             ((OMF)((OMA)((RECARG)((OMA)((OMA)variable).arguments.ElementAt(0)).arguments.ElementAt(3)).value).arguments.ElementAt(1)).f.Equals(((CogwheelFact)fact).Point.y) &&
                    //If an element was found
                    if (knownAvVariable != null)
                        double newlyDiscoveredAv = glsSolution.ElementAt(variables.IndexOf(knownAvVariable));
                        //Now we know that the Fact = fact should rotate with angularVelocity = newlyDiscoveredAv
                        discoveredAvsMap.Add(fact, (float)newlyDiscoveredAv);
            Debug.Log("KnowledgeBasedSimulation.getNewlyDiscoveredAvsMap: Variables and GLS-Solution don't have the same number of elements.");

        //Build relative complement A \ B => discoveredAvsMap \ knownAvMap
        return(discoveredAvsMap.Except(knownAvMap).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value));
Beispiel #14
        public static bool HaveSameKeys(Dictionary <string, object> source, Dictionary <string, object> destination, TBSeed.HaveSameKeys checkKeyOption = TBSeed.HaveSameKeys.Equal)
            bool ret = true;
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > v = source.Except(destination);

            if (checkKeyOption == TBSeed.HaveSameKeys.Equal || checkKeyOption == TBSeed.HaveSameKeys.DestCanBeMore)
                source.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                    if (!destination.ContainsKey(x.Key))
                        ret = false;
            if (checkKeyOption == TBSeed.HaveSameKeys.Equal || checkKeyOption == TBSeed.HaveSameKeys.SourceCanBeMore)
                if (ret)
                    destination.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                        if (!source.ContainsKey(x.Key))
                            ret = false;
Beispiel #15
 public IEnumerable <FileSnapshot> GetDeletedSnapshots(string[] filters = null)
            .Except(_currentSnapshot, _comparer)
            .Where(x => MatchPattern(x.Key, filters))
            .Select(x => x.Value));
        public void ServerUrlWithTrailingSlash()
            ws = new SonarWebService(downloader, "http://localhost:9000/", "cs", "fxcop");

            downloader.Pages["http://localhost:9000/api/profiles/list?language=cs&project=foo%20bar"] = "[{\"name\":\"profile1\",\"language\":\"cs\",\"default\":true}]";
            Assert.AreEqual("profile1", ws.GetQualityProfile("foo bar"));

            downloader.Pages["http://localhost:9000/api/profiles/index?language=cs&name=Sonar%20way"] = "[{\"name\":\"Sonar way\",\"language\":\"cs\",\"default\":true}]";
            var expected1 = new List <string>();
            var actual1   = new List <string>(ws.GetActiveRuleKeys("Sonar way"));

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected1.SequenceEqual(actual1));

            downloader.Pages["http://localhost:9000/api/rules/search?f=internalKey&ps=" + int.MaxValue + "&repositories=fxcop"] = "{\"total\":2,\"p\":1,\"ps\":10,\"rules\":[{\"key\":\"fxcop:My_Own_FxCop_Rule\"},{\"key\":\"fxcop:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings\",\"internalKey\":\"CA1054\"}]}";
            var expected2 = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            expected2["fxcop:My_Own_FxCop_Rule"] = null;
            expected2["fxcop:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings"] = "CA1054";
            var actual2 = ws.GetInternalKeys();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected2.Count == actual2.Count && !expected2.Except(actual2).Any());

            downloader.Pages["http://localhost:9000/api/properties?resource=foo%20bar"] = "[{\"key\": \"sonar.property1\",\"value\": \"value1\"},{\"key\": \"sonar.property2\",\"value\": \"value2\"}]";
            var expected3 = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            expected3["sonar.property1"] = "value1";
            expected3["sonar.property2"] = "value2";
            expected3["sonar.cs.msbuild.testProjectPattern"] = ".*test.*";
            var actual3 = ws.GetProperties("foo bar");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected3.Count == actual3.Count && !expected3.Except(actual3).Any());
Beispiel #17
        private static Dictionary <string, List <string> > CrossMatch(Dictionary <string, List <string> > potentialIngredients)
            var SinglePotential = potentialIngredients.Where(x => x.Value.Count() == 1).ToList();

            if (SinglePotential.Count() == potentialIngredients.Count())
            else if (SinglePotential.Count() == 0)
                throw new Exception("well thats not good");

            foreach (var DeterminedPotential in SinglePotential)
                potentialIngredients = potentialIngredients.Except(SinglePotential)
                                       .Select(x =>
                    var NewList = x.Value.Where(y =>
                                                y != DeterminedPotential.Value.First())
                    return(new { x.Key, NewList });
                                       .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.NewList);

            return(CrossMatch(potentialIngredients.Union(SinglePotential).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value)));
Beispiel #18
        public bool Equals(JsonObject other)
            if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))
            switch (Type)
            case JsonObjectType.Null:
            case JsonObjectType.Boolean:
                return(other.Type == Type);

            case JsonObjectType.Number:
                return(other.Type == Type && Math.Abs(other.Double - Double) < double.Epsilon);

            case JsonObjectType.String:
                return(other.Type == Type && String == other.String);

            case JsonObjectType.Object:
                return(other.Type == Type && Object.Count == other.Object.Count &&

            case JsonObjectType.Array:
                return(other.Type == Type && Array.SequenceEqual(other.Array));

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Beispiel #19
        private static bool HashedUpdate()
            Directory.CreateDirectory(ExecutableDirectory + @"\tmp\release\");
            var fileList = _latest.Except(_hashes).ToList();

            if (!fileList.Any())
            File.WriteAllLines(ExecutableDirectory + @"\tmp\ShinraMeterV.sha1", _latest.Select(x => x.Value + " *" + x.Key));
            fileList.Where(x => x.Key.Contains('\\')).Select(x => Path.GetDirectoryName(ExecutableDirectory + @"\tmp\release\" + x.Key)).Distinct().ToList().ForEach(x => Directory.CreateDirectory(x));
            bool badhash = false;

            fileList.ForEach(x => badhash = badhash || GetDiff(x));
            if (badhash)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid checksum, abording upgrade");
            if (File.Exists(ExecutableDirectory + @"\tmp\release\Autoupdate.exe"))
                File.Copy(ExecutableDirectory + @"\tmp\release\Autoupdate.exe", ExecutableDirectory + @"\tmp\Autoupdate.exe");
                File.Copy(ExecutableDirectory + @"\Autoupdate.exe", ExecutableDirectory + @"\tmp\Autoupdate.exe");
            Process.Start(ExecutableDirectory + @"\tmp\Autoupdate.exe", "pass");
Beispiel #20
        public void GetProperties()
            // This test includes a regression scenario for SONARMSBRU-187:
            // Requesting properties for project:branch should return branch-specific data

            // Check that properties are correctly defaulted as well as branch-specific
            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/properties?resource=foo+bar"] =
                "[{\"key\": \"sonar.property1\",\"value\": \"value1\"},{\"key\": \"sonar.property2\",\"value\": \"value2\"},{\"key\": \"sonar.cs.msbuild.testProjectPattern\",\"value\": \"pattern\"}]";
            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/properties?resource=foo+bar%3AaBranch"] =
                "[{\"key\": \"sonar.property1\",\"value\": \"anotherValue1\"},{\"key\": \"sonar.property2\",\"value\": \"anotherValue2\"}]";

            // default
            var expected1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            expected1["sonar.property1"] = "value1";
            expected1["sonar.property2"] = "value2";
            expected1["sonar.msbuild.testProjectPattern"] = "pattern";
            var actual1 = ws.GetProperties("foo bar");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected1.Count == actual1.Count && !expected1.Except(actual1).Any());

            // branch specific
            var expected2 = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            expected2["sonar.property1"] = "anotherValue1";
            expected2["sonar.property2"] = "anotherValue2";
            var actual2 = ws.GetProperties("foo bar", "aBranch");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected2.Count == actual2.Count && !expected2.Except(actual2).Any());
        static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromPaths)
            string[] created = importedAssets.Except (Watcher.allAssets).ToArray ();
            string[] modified = importedAssets.Except (created).ToArray ();

            Dictionary<string, string> allMoved = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
            for (int i = 0; i < movedAssets.Length; i++) {
                allMoved.Add (movedAssets [i], movedFromPaths [i]);

            // Renamed to, renamed from
            Dictionary<string, string> renamed =
                (from m in allMoved
                 where (Path.GetDirectoryName (m.Key)) == (Path.GetDirectoryName (m.Value))
                 select m).ToDictionary (p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

            Dictionary<string, string> moved = allMoved.Except (renamed).ToDictionary (p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

            // Dispatch asset events to available watchers
            foreach (Watcher w in Watcher.allWatchers) {
                w.InvokeEventForPaths (created, w.onAssetCreated);
                w.InvokeEventForPaths (deletedAssets, w.onAssetDeleted);
                w.InvokeEventForPaths (modified, w.onAssetModified);
                w.InvokeMovedEventForPaths (renamed, w.onAssetRenamed);
                w.InvokeMovedEventForPaths (moved, w.onAssetMoved);

            // Update asset paths cache
            Watcher.allAssets = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths ();
Beispiel #22
        public void TestMethod2()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            WordCounter text = new WordCounter(string.Empty);
            Assert.IsTrue(!dictionary.Except(text.GetDictionary()).Any(), "Error");
 public bool Equals( Dictionary<TKey , TValue> x , Dictionary<TKey , TValue> y )
     bool unequal =  x.Count != y.Count
                  || x.Except( y ).Any() // this is probably redundant
                  || y.Except( x ).Any() // but my caffiene titration is off this AM
     return !unequal ; 
Beispiel #24
        public bool IsEqual(PsConfiguration configuration)
            bool rolesEqual     = Roles.SetEquals(configuration.Roles);
            bool variablesEqual = (Variables.Count == configuration.Variables.Count &&

            return(rolesEqual && variablesEqual);
Beispiel #25
        public void ExceptNoEqualityComparer_SameKeyInSecondDict_RemovesDuplicateKeyValuePair()
            var first = new Dictionary<int, int> { { 2, 3 }, { 3, 5 } };
            var second = new SortedList<int, int> { { 3, 2 }, { 4, 7 } };

            var expected = 1;
            var actual = first.Except(second).Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Beispiel #26
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj is Object ob)
                return(dict.Count == ob.dict.Count && !dict.Except(ob.dict).Any());

Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        ///     Return true if the given dictionaries, <paramref name="dic1" /> and
        ///     <paramref
        ///         name="dic2" />
        ///     , have identical key-pair entries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T1">The type of the key in the dictionary.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="T2">The type of the value in the dictionary.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="dic1">The first dictionary to compare.</param>
        /// <param name="dic2">The second dictionary to compare.</param>
        /// <returns>true iff the items in both dictionaries are identical.</returns>
        public static bool DictionaryEquals <T1, T2>(this Dictionary <T1, T2> dic1, Dictionary <T1, T2> dic2)
            // Return true if either (1) both dictionaries point to the same object, OR
            return(dic1 == dic2 ||

                   // (2) the dictionaries have the same number of elements, and the difference of
                   // dic1 - dic2 is empty.
                   dic1.Count == dic2.Count && !dic1.Except(dic2).Any());
Beispiel #28
        public void ExceptDefaultEqualityComparer_SameKeyDifferentValues_KeepsKeyValuePairWithMatchingKey()
            var first = new Dictionary<int, int> { { 2, 3 }, { 3, 5 } };
            var second = new SortedList<int, int> { { 3, 2 }, { 4, 7 } };

            var expected = 2;
            var actual = first.Except(second, EqualityComparer<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.Default).Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Beispiel #29
    public bool Craftable(Dictionary <int, int> ingredientsAvailable)
        if (!ingredientsAvailable.CollectionIsNotNullOrEmpty() || !ingredients.ValidList())

Beispiel #30
        public static bool same <TKey, TValue>(
            Dictionary <TKey, TValue> first,
            Dictionary <TKey, TValue> second)
            List <KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> > firstNotSecond = first.Except(second).ToList();
            List <KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> > secondNotFirst = second.Except(first).ToList();

            return(!firstNotSecond.Any() && !secondNotFirst.Any());
 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (attributeInfo.Count == ((DataTranslator)obj).attributeInfo.Count && !attributeInfo.Except(((DataTranslator)obj).attributeInfo).Any())
        private bool DictionaryEquals <TKey, TValue>(Dictionary <TKey, TValue> dic1, Dictionary <TKey, TValue> dic2) where TKey : notnull
            if (dic1 == dic2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Compared dictionaries cannot be the same reference.");

            return(dic1.Count == dic2.Count && !dic1.Except(dic2).Any());
Beispiel #33
        public void TestDictionarySerialize()
            var dic1 = new Dictionary <string, int> {
                ["hi mom"] = 2
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dic1);
            var dic2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, int> >(json);

            Assert.IsTrue(dic1.Count == dic2.Count && !dic1.Except(dic2).Any());
        private void RemoveCoins(List <Coin> coinsToKeep)
            var keyValuesToKeep = coinsToKeep.Select(a => new KeyValuePair <int, PictureBox>(a.Id, coins[a.Id]));
            var removedCoins    = coins.Except(keyValuesToKeep).ToList();

            removedCoins.ForEach(keyValue => {
                form.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => form.Controls.Remove(keyValue.Value)));
        public void GetInternalKeys()
            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/rules/search?f=internalKey&ps=" + int.MaxValue + "&repositories=fxcop"] = "{\"total\":2,\"p\":1,\"ps\":10,\"rules\":[{\"key\":\"fxcop:My_Own_FxCop_Rule\"},{\"key\":\"fxcop:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings\",\"internalKey\":\"CA1054\"}]}";
            var expected = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            expected["fxcop:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings"] = "CA1054";
            var actual = ws.GetInternalKeys("fxcop");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected.Count == actual.Count && !expected.Except(actual).Any());
Beispiel #36
        public Dictionary<string, SqlColumnType> GetFieldTypes(string tablename, Dictionary<string, object> example)
            if (!TableExists(tablename))
                return null;

            var types = _items.First(i => i.Name == tablename).Types;
            var extras = example.Except(types.Keys).SelectVals(v => SqlTypeConversion.GetSqlType(v));
            var res = extras.Union(types);
            return res;
Beispiel #37
        public void TestMethod3()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>
                                  { "123", 2 },
                                  { "21312", 1 },
                                  { "2452", 1 }

            WordCounter text = new WordCounter("21312 2452 123 123!!$$%#$^&$%");
            Assert.IsTrue(!dictionary.Except(text.GetDictionary()).Any(), "Error");
Beispiel #38
        public static void CreateTable(this IDBModifier meta, string tablename, Dictionary<string, object> instance)
            var taxonomyTypes = meta.Taxonomy == null ?
                new Dictionary<string, SqlColumnType>() :
                meta.Taxonomy.GetFieldTypes(tablename, instance);

            taxonomyTypes = taxonomyTypes ?? new Dictionary<string, SqlColumnType>();

            var missingTypes = instance.Except(taxonomyTypes.Keys)
                .SelectVals(v => SqlTypeConversion.GetSqlType(v));

            var fieldTypes = missingTypes.Union(taxonomyTypes);

            meta.CreateTable(tablename, fieldTypes);
Beispiel #39
        public override string _getCreateTableSql(string schema, string table, Dictionary<string, SqlColumnType> fieldTypes)
            // Strip off the primary key if it was supplied in fields - we'll make it ourselves
            var datafields = fieldTypes.Except(table + "Id");
            var fieldList = _fieldDefinitions(datafields);

            var sql = String.Format(@"CREATE TABLE `{1}`
                {1}Id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
               schema, table, fieldList);

            return sql;
Beispiel #40
        public void TestMethod1()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>
                                  { "is", 2 },
                                  { "this", 2 },
                                  { "a", 1 },
                                  { "and", 1 },
                                  { "so", 1 },
                                  { "statement", 1 }

            WordCounter text = new WordCounter("This is a statement, and so is this.");
            Assert.IsTrue(!dictionary.Except(text.GetDictionary()).Any(), "Error");
Beispiel #41
 private void SplitByRack(Dictionary<int, int> smpPlasmaSlices)
     int totalSliceCnt = smpPlasmaSlices.Count;
     while (smpPlasmaSlices.Any())
         int remaining = smpPlasmaSlices.Count;
         int splitted = totalSliceCnt - remaining;
         var tmpPlasmaSlices = smpPlasmaSlices.Take(Math.Min(remaining, 16)).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
         var tmpPackageInfos = CreatePackInfo(tmpPlasmaSlices);
         allPackageExpectedInfos.Add(new Dictionary<Point, string>(tmpPackageInfos));
         allPackageScannedInfos.Add(new Dictionary<Point, string>());
         smpPlasmaSlices = smpPlasmaSlices.Except(tmpPlasmaSlices).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
        public void GetProperties()
            // This test includes a regression scenario for SONARMSBRU-187:
            // Requesting properties for project:branch should return branch-specific data

            // Check that properties are correctly defaulted as well as branch-specific
            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/properties?resource=foo+bar"] = "[{\"key\": \"sonar.property1\",\"value\": \"value1\"},{\"key\": \"sonar.property2\",\"value\": \"value2\"}]";
            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/properties?resource=foo+bar%3AaBranch"] = "[{\"key\": \"sonar.property1\",\"value\": \"anotherValue1\"},{\"key\": \"sonar.property2\",\"value\": \"anotherValue2\"}]";

            // default
            var expected1 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            expected1["sonar.property1"] = "value1";
            expected1["sonar.property2"] = "value2";
            expected1["sonar.cs.msbuild.testProjectPattern"] = SonarProperties.DefaultTestProjectPattern;
            var actual1 = ws.GetProperties("foo bar");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected1.Count == actual1.Count && !expected1.Except(actual1).Any());

            // branch specific
            var expected2 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            expected2["sonar.property1"] = "anotherValue1";
            expected2["sonar.property2"] = "anotherValue2";
            expected2["sonar.cs.msbuild.testProjectPattern"] = SonarProperties.DefaultTestProjectPattern;
            var actual2 = ws.GetProperties("foo bar", "aBranch");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected2.Count == actual2.Count && !expected2.Except(actual2).Any());
        public void ServerUrlWithTrailingSlash()
            ws = new SonarWebService(downloader, "http://myhost:222/", new TestLogger());

            // Check that profiles are correctly defaulted as well as branch-specific
            // This test includes a regression scenario for SONARMSBRU-187:
            // Requesting properties for project:branch should return branch-specific data
            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/profiles/list?language=cs&project=foo+bar"] = "[{\"name\":\"profile1\",\"language\":\"cs\",\"default\":true}]";
            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/profiles/list?language=cs&project=foo+bar%3AaBranch"] = "[{\"name\":\"profile2\",\"language\":\"cs\",\"default\":false}]";
            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/profiles/list?language=cs&project=foo+bar%3AanotherBranch"] = "[{\"name\":\"profile3\",\"language\":\"cs\",\"default\":false}]";
            string qualityProfile1;
            string qualityProfile2;
            string qualityProfile3;
            bool result1 = ws.TryGetQualityProfile("foo bar", null, "cs", out qualityProfile1);
            bool result2 = ws.TryGetQualityProfile("foo bar", "aBranch", "cs", out qualityProfile2);
            bool result3 = ws.TryGetQualityProfile("foo bar", "anotherBranch", "cs", out qualityProfile3);

            Assert.AreEqual("profile1", qualityProfile1);
            Assert.AreEqual("profile2", qualityProfile2);
            Assert.AreEqual("profile3", qualityProfile3);

            Assert.AreEqual("profile1", qualityProfile1);
            Assert.AreEqual("profile2", qualityProfile2);
            Assert.AreEqual("profile3", qualityProfile3);

            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/profiles/index?language=cs&name=Sonar+way"] = "[{\"name\":\"Sonar way\",\"language\":\"cs\",\"default\":true}]";
            var expected1 = new List<string>();
            var actual1 = new List<string>(ws.GetActiveRuleKeys("Sonar way", "cs", "foo"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected1.SequenceEqual(actual1));

            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/rules/search?f=internalKey&ps=" + int.MaxValue + "&repositories=fxcop"] = "{\"total\":2,\"p\":1,\"ps\":10,\"rules\":[{\"key\":\"fxcop:My_Own_FxCop_Rule\"},{\"key\":\"fxcop:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings\",\"internalKey\":\"CA1054\"}]}";
            var expected2 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            expected2["fxcop:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings"] = "CA1054";
            var actual2 = ws.GetInternalKeys("fxcop");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected2.Count == actual2.Count && !expected2.Except(actual2).Any());

            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/properties?resource=foo+bar"] = "[{\"key\": \"sonar.property1\",\"value\": \"value1\"},{\"key\": \"sonar.property2\",\"value\": \"value2\"}]";
            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/properties?resource=foo+bar%3AaBranch"] = "[{\"key\": \"sonar.property1\",\"value\": \"anotherValue1\"},{\"key\": \"sonar.property2\",\"value\": \"anotherValue2\"}]";

            var expected3_1 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            expected3_1["sonar.property1"] = "value1";
            expected3_1["sonar.property2"] = "value2";
            expected3_1["sonar.cs.msbuild.testProjectPattern"] = SonarProperties.DefaultTestProjectPattern;
            var actual3_1 = ws.GetProperties("foo bar");

            var expected3_2 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            expected3_2["sonar.property1"] = "anotherValue1";
            expected3_2["sonar.property2"] = "anotherValue2";
            expected3_2["sonar.cs.msbuild.testProjectPattern"] = SonarProperties.DefaultTestProjectPattern;
            var actual3_2 = ws.GetProperties("foo bar", "aBranch");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected3_1.Count == actual3_1.Count && !expected3_1.Except(actual3_1).Any());
            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected3_2.Count == actual3_2.Count && !expected3_2.Except(actual3_2).Any());

            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/updatecenter/installed_plugins"] = "[{\"key\":\"visualstudio\",\"name\":\"...\",\"version\":\"1.2\"},{\"key\":\"csharp\",\"name\":\"C#\",\"version\":\"4.0\"}]";
            var expected4 = new List<string>();
            var actual4 = new List<string>(ws.GetInstalledPlugins());

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected4.SequenceEqual(actual4));
        public void ServerUrlWithTrailingSlash()
            ws = new SonarWebService(downloader, "http://myhost:222/", new TestLogger());

            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/profiles/list?language=cs&project=foo+bar"] = "[{\"name\":\"profile1\",\"language\":\"cs\",\"default\":true}]";
            string qualityProfile;
            bool result = ws.TryGetQualityProfile("foo bar", "cs", out qualityProfile);
            Assert.AreEqual("profile1", qualityProfile);

            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/profiles/index?language=cs&name=Sonar+way"] = "[{\"name\":\"Sonar way\",\"language\":\"cs\",\"default\":true}]";
            var expected1 = new List<string>();
            var actual1 = new List<string>(ws.GetActiveRuleKeys("Sonar way", "cs", "foo"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected1.SequenceEqual(actual1));

            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/rules/search?f=internalKey&ps=" + int.MaxValue + "&repositories=fxcop"] = "{\"total\":2,\"p\":1,\"ps\":10,\"rules\":[{\"key\":\"fxcop:My_Own_FxCop_Rule\"},{\"key\":\"fxcop:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings\",\"internalKey\":\"CA1054\"}]}";
            var expected2 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            expected2["fxcop:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings"] = "CA1054";
            var actual2 = ws.GetInternalKeys("fxcop");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected2.Count == actual2.Count && !expected2.Except(actual2).Any());

            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/properties?resource=foo+bar"] = "[{\"key\": \"sonar.property1\",\"value\": \"value1\"},{\"key\": \"sonar.property2\",\"value\": \"value2\"}]";
            var expected3 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            expected3["sonar.property1"] = "value1";
            expected3["sonar.property2"] = "value2";
            expected3["sonar.cs.msbuild.testProjectPattern"] = SonarProperties.DefaultTestProjectPattern;
            var actual3 = ws.GetProperties("foo bar");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected3.Count == actual3.Count && !expected3.Except(actual3).Any());

            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/updatecenter/installed_plugins"] = "[{\"key\":\"visualstudio\",\"name\":\"...\",\"version\":\"1.2\"},{\"key\":\"csharp\",\"name\":\"C#\",\"version\":\"4.0\"}]";
            var expected4 = new List<string>();
            var actual4 = new List<string>(ws.GetInstalledPlugins());

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected4.SequenceEqual(actual4));
		private void LinkRooms(ICollection<ConnectionPoint> _connectionPoints)
			var connectors = new Dictionary<Point, Connector>();

			var rooms = m_mazeBlocks.Values.SelectMany(_mapBlock => _mapBlock.Rooms).ToArray();

			if (rooms.Length == 0) return;

			var forbid = new Dictionary<Point, EDirections>();

				foreach (var room in rooms)
					foreach (var pair in room.WorldRoomRectangle.ForbidBorders)
						EDirections dir;
						if (!forbid.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out dir))
							dir = EDirections.DOWN | EDirections.UP | EDirections.LEFT | EDirections.RIGHT;
						dir &= pair.Value;
						forbid[pair.Key] = dir;

			Action<IEnumerable<ConnectionPoint>> actRemove = delegate(IEnumerable<ConnectionPoint> _points)
			                                                 		foreach (var connectionPoint in _points)

			if (true)
				#region конечные точки совпадают

				var sameEndPoints = _connectionPoints.GroupBy(_point => _point.End).Where(_points => _points.Count() > 1).ToArray();
				foreach (var grouping in sameEndPoints)
					var points = grouping.ToArray();
					if (points.Length > 2)
						throw new NotImplementedException("Как может сойтись в одной точке более двух комнат????");
					ConnectTwoRooms(points[0].Room, points[1].Room, forbid, connectors, points[0].Begin, points[0].End, points[1].Begin);
					foreach (var point in grouping)


			if (true)
				#region концевая точка касается другой комнаты

					var toRemove = new List<ConnectionPoint>();

					foreach (var cp in _connectionPoints)
						if (toRemove.Contains(cp)) continue;

						var oppositeDelta = cp.Dir.Opposite().GetDelta();
						foreach (var room in rooms)
							if (room == cp.Room) continue;
							var rrect = room.WorldRoomRectangle;
							var frect = rrect.Inflate(1, 1);
							var end = cp.End;
							if (frect.Contains(end))
								while (rrect.Contains(end))
									end += oppositeDelta;

								if (!frect.AllPointsExceptCorners().Contains(end))
									end += cp.Dir.GetDelta();
									ConnectTwoRooms(room, cp.Room, forbid, connectors, end, cp.Begin);

									var revert = _connectionPoints.Where(_point => _point.Dir == cp.Dir.Opposite() && _point.Room == room).ToArray();
									//концевая точка примыкает к углу комнаты


			if (true)
				#region Конечные точки в одном столбце

					var toRemove = new List<ConnectionPoint>();
					var sameCol = _connectionPoints.GroupBy(_point => _point.End.X).Where(_points => _points.Count() > 1).ToArray();
					foreach (var grouping in sameCol)
						var points = grouping.OrderBy(_point => _point.End.Y).ToArray();

						for (var i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; ++i)
							if ((points[i].End - points[i + 1].End).QLenght > MAX_PATH_LEN) continue;
							if (!points[i].End.GetLineToPoints(points[i + 1].End).Any(forbid.ContainsKey))
								                points[i + 1].Room,
								                points[i + 1].End,
								                points[i + 1].Begin);
								toRemove.Add(points[i + 1]);


			if (true)
				#region Конечные точки на одной строке

					var toRemove = new List<ConnectionPoint>();
					var sameRow = _connectionPoints.GroupBy(_point => _point.End.Y).Where(_points => _points.Count() > 1).ToArray();
					foreach (var grouping in sameRow)
						var points = grouping.OrderBy(_point => _point.End.X).ToArray();

						for (var i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; ++i)
							if ((points[i].End - points[i + 1].End).QLenght > MAX_PATH_LEN) continue;
							if (!points[i].End.GetLineToPoints(points[i + 1].End).Any(forbid.ContainsKey))
								ConnectTwoRooms(points[i].Room, points[i + 1].Room, forbid, connectors, points[i].Begin, points[i].End, points[i + 1].End, points[i + 1].Begin);
								toRemove.Add(points[i + 1]);


			if (true)
				#region можно проложить путь между двумя концами не затрагивая forbid

				var toRemove = new List<ConnectionPoint>();

				foreach (var cp in _connectionPoints)
					if (toRemove.Contains(cp) || forbid.ContainsKey(cp.End)) continue;

					var candidates = _connectionPoints.Where(_point => _point.Room != cp.Room && cp.Dir <= _point.Dir && !_point.Room.ConnectedTo.Contains(cp.Room) && !forbid.ContainsKey(_point.End) && (_point.End - cp.End).QLenght < MAX_PATH_LEN).ToArray();

					foreach (var candidate in candidates)
						if (toRemove.Contains(cp) || toRemove.Contains(candidate)) continue;

						var points = new[] {cp, candidate}; //.OrderBy(_point => _point.Dir).ToArray();

						var minx = cp.End.X < candidate.End.X ? cp : candidate;
						var miny = cp.End.Y < candidate.End.Y ? cp : candidate;
						var maxx = cp.End.X > candidate.End.X ? cp : candidate;
						var maxy = cp.End.Y > candidate.End.Y ? cp : candidate;

						var dx = maxx.End.X - minx.End.X;
						var dy = maxy.End.Y - miny.End.Y;

						var way1 = new List<Point>();
						var way2 = new List<Point>();

						for (var i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
							switch (points[0].Dir)
								case EDirections.UP:
									switch (points[1].Dir)
										case EDirections.UP:
											if (dx >= dy)
												              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
												              		new Point(minx.End.X, miny.End.Y - i),
												              		new Point(maxx.End.X, miny.End.Y - i),
												              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
												              		miny.Begin, miny.End,
												              		new Point(miny.End.X - i, miny.End.Y),
												              		new Point(miny.End.X - i, maxy.End.Y),
												              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
												              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
												              		new Point(miny.End.X + i, miny.End.Y),
												              		new Point(miny.End.X + i, maxy.End.Y),
												              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
										case EDirections.DOWN:
											if (maxx.End.X - minx.End.X < 2) continue;
											              		miny.Begin, miny.End,
											              		new Point(miny.End.X + i, miny.End.Y),
											              		new Point(miny.End.X + i, maxy.End.Y),
											              		maxy.End, maxy.Begin
											              		miny.Begin, miny.End,
											              		new Point(miny.End.X - i, miny.End.Y),
											              		new Point(miny.End.X - i, maxy.End.Y),
											              		maxy.End, maxy.Begin
										case EDirections.LEFT:
											              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
											              		new Point(minx.End.X - i, minx.End.Y),
											              		new Point(minx.End.X - i, maxx.End.Y),
											              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
											              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
											              		new Point(minx.End.X, minx.End.Y - i),
											              		new Point(minx.End.X, maxx.End.Y - i),
											              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
										case EDirections.RIGHT:
											              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
											              		new Point(minx.End.X + i, minx.End.Y),
											              		new Point(minx.End.X + i, maxx.End.Y),
											              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
											              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
											              		new Point(minx.End.X, minx.End.Y + i),
											              		new Point(minx.End.X, maxx.End.Y + i),
											              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
											throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
								case EDirections.DOWN:
									switch (points[1].Dir)
										case EDirections.DOWN:
											if (dx >= dy)
												              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
												              		new Point(minx.End.X, miny.End.Y + i),
												              		new Point(maxx.End.X, miny.End.Y + i),
												              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
												              		miny.Begin, miny.End,
												              		new Point(miny.End.X - i, miny.End.Y),
												              		new Point(miny.End.X - i, maxy.End.Y),
												              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
												              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
												              		new Point(miny.End.X + i, miny.End.Y),
												              		new Point(miny.End.X + i, maxy.End.Y),
												              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
										case EDirections.LEFT:
											              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
											              		new Point(minx.End.X, minx.End.Y + i),
											              		new Point(maxx.End.X, minx.End.Y + i),
											              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
											              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
											              		new Point(maxx.End.X - i, minx.End.Y),
											              		new Point(maxx.End.X - i, maxx.End.Y),
											              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
										case EDirections.RIGHT:
											              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
											              		new Point(minx.End.X + i, minx.End.Y),
											              		new Point(minx.End.X + i, maxx.End.Y),
											              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
											              		minx.Begin, minx.End,
											              		new Point(minx.End.X, minx.End.Y + i),
											              		new Point(minx.End.X, maxx.End.Y + i),
											              		maxx.End, maxx.Begin
											throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
								case EDirections.LEFT:
									switch (points[1].Dir)
										case EDirections.LEFT:
											if (maxy.End.Y - miny.End.Y < 2) continue;
											              		miny.Begin, miny.End,
											              		new Point(miny.End.X - i, miny.End.Y),
											              		new Point(miny.End.X - i, maxy.End.Y),
											              		maxy.End, maxy.Begin
										case EDirections.RIGHT:
											if (i > 0) continue;
											              		miny.Begin, miny.End,
											              		new Point(maxy.End.X, miny.End.Y),
											              		maxy.End, maxy.Begin
											              		miny.Begin, miny.End,
											              		new Point(miny.End.X, maxy.End.Y),
											              		maxy.End, maxy.Begin
											throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
								case EDirections.RIGHT:
									switch (points[1].Dir)
										case EDirections.RIGHT:
											if (maxy.End.Y - miny.End.Y < 2) continue;
											              		miny.Begin, miny.End,
											              		new Point(maxx.End.X + i, miny.End.Y),
											              		new Point(maxx.End.X + i, maxy.End.Y),
											              		maxy.End, maxy.Begin
											throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
									throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
							var flag = false;
							foreach (var way in new[] {way1, way2})
								flag = true;
								if (way.Count == 0) continue;
								var pnt = way[1];

								for (var index = 2; index < way.Count - 1 && flag; ++index)
									flag = !pnt.GetLineToPoints(way[index]).Any(forbid.ContainsKey);
									pnt = way[index];
								if (!flag) continue;
								if (way[0] != cp.Begin) way.Reverse();

								ConnectTwoRooms(cp.Room, candidate.Room, forbid, connectors, way1.ToArray());
							if (flag)
					if (cp.Room.IsConnected)



			if (true)
				#region остатки ConnectionPoints

				var notConnectedToAny = rooms.Where(_room => !_room.IsConnected).ToList();
				foreach (var room in notConnectedToAny)
					var cps = _connectionPoints.Where(_point => _point.Room == room).ToList();
					if (cps.Count == 0)
					foreach (var cp in cps)
						var delta = cp.Dir.GetDelta();
						var point = cp.End;
						var i = 0;
						var flag = false;
						for (; i < 10; ++i)
							point += delta;
							EDirections dir;
							if (forbid.TryGetValue(point, out dir))
								if (!dir.HasFlag(cp.Dir)) break;

							Connector connector;
							if (connectors.TryGetValue(point, out connector))
								ConnectTwoRooms(room, null, forbid, connectors, cp.Begin, cp.End, point);
								flag = true;
								var rm = rooms.FirstOrDefault(_room => _room.WorldRoomRectangle.Contains(point));
								if (rm != null)
									ConnectTwoRooms(room, rm, forbid, connectors, cp.Begin, cp.End, point - delta);
									flag = true;
						if (flag) break;


			if (true)
				#region финальный этап

				while (true)
					var nConnectors = connectors.Where(_pair => _pair.Value.Rooms.Any(_room => !_room.IsConnected)).ToArray();
					var nKeys = nConnectors.Select(_pair => _pair.Key).ToArray();
					var pConnectors = connectors.Except(nConnectors).ToArray();
					if (nConnectors.Length == 0)

					var flag = false;
					foreach (var nPair in nConnectors)
						var nPnt = nPair.Key;

						var possible =
							pConnectors.Where(_pair => (_pair.Key.X == nPnt.X || _pair.Key.Y == nPnt.Y)).OrderBy(
								_pair => (_pair.Key - nPnt).QLenght).ToList();
						foreach (var pPair in possible)
							var pPnt = pPair.Key;

							var npDir = Util.GetDirection(nPnt, pPnt);

							flag = true;

							foreach (var point in nPnt.GetLineToPoints(pPnt))
								if (point != nPnt && nKeys.Contains(point))
									flag = false;

								EDirections dir;
								if (forbid.TryGetValue(point, out dir))
									if (!dir.HasFlag(npDir))
										flag = false;
							if (flag)
								var nRooms = nPair.Value.Rooms.ToArray();
								foreach (var room in nRooms)
									ConnectTwoRooms(room, null, forbid, connectors, nPnt + npDir.GetDelta(), pPnt);
						if (flag)
					if (!flag)

Beispiel #46
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schema"></param>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldTypes">A mapping of the fieldname to .NET type of the fields</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual string _getCreateTableSql(string schema, string table, Dictionary<string, SqlColumnType> fieldTypes)
            // Strip off the primary key if it was supplied in fields - we'll make it ourselves
            var datafields = fieldTypes.Except(table + "Id");
            var fieldList = _fieldDefinitions(datafields);

            var sql = String.Format(@"CREATE TABLE [{0}].[{1}]
                {1}Id int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
            ) ON [PRIMARY]",
               schema, table, fieldList);

            return sql;
Beispiel #47
        public virtual string MakeWhereClause(Dictionary<string, object> keyFields, string paramPrefix = "", bool useParameters = true)
            keyFields = keyFields ?? new Dictionary<string, object>();

            // TODO: Figure out how to pass null values as parameters
            // instead of hardcoding them in here
            var nullFields = keyFields.WhereValues(v => v == DBNull.Value || v == null).Keys;
            var nullFieldParts = nullFields.Select(x => x + " is null");

            var nonNullFields = keyFields.Except(nullFields).Keys;
            var nonNullFieldParts =
                useParameters ?
                    nonNullFields.Select(x => x + " = @" + paramPrefix + x) :
                    nonNullFields.Select(x => x + " = " + SqlLiteral(keyFields[x]));

            var whereClause = "";
            if (keyFields.Any())
                whereClause = " WHERE " + nullFieldParts.And(nonNullFieldParts).Join(" AND ");

            return whereClause;
        public void GetInternalKeys()
            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/rules/search?f=internalKey&ps=" + int.MaxValue + "&repositories=fxcop"] = "{\"total\":2,\"p\":1,\"ps\":10,\"rules\":[{\"key\":\"fxcop:My_Own_FxCop_Rule\"},{\"key\":\"fxcop:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings\",\"internalKey\":\"CA1054\"}]}";
            var expected = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            expected["fxcop:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings"] = "CA1054";
            var actual = ws.GetInternalKeys("fxcop");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected.Count == actual.Count && !expected.Except(actual).Any());
Beispiel #49
        public Result BuildModel(Grevit.Types.ComponentCollection components)
            bool delete = false;

            if (components == null)
                // Create new Grevit Client sending existing Families 
                Grevit.Client.ClientWindow grevitClientDialog = new Grevit.Client.ClientWindow(document.GetFamilies());
                //Grevit.Serialization.Client grevitClientDialog = new Grevit.Serialization.Client(document.GetFamilies());

                // Show Client Dialog
                //if (grevitClientDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) return Result.Cancelled;

                // Set the received component collection
                components = grevitClientDialog.componentCollection;

                delete = grevitClientDialog.componentCollection.delete;

                Scale = grevitClientDialog.componentCollection.scale;

            // Set up a List for stalled components (with References)
            List<Component> componentsWithReferences = new List<Component>();

            // Get all existing Grevit Elements from the Document
            // If Update is false this will just be an empty List
            existing_Elements = document.GetExistingGrevitElements(components.update);

            // Set up an empty List for created Elements
            created_Elements = new Dictionary<string, ElementId>();

            #region createComponents

            Transaction trans = new Transaction(GrevitBuildModel.document, "GrevitCreate");

            // Walk thru all received components
            foreach (Component component in components.Items)
                // If they are not reference dependent, create them directly
                // Otherwise add the component to a List of stalled elements
                if (!component.stalledForReference)

            // Walk thru all elements which are stalled because they are depending on
            // an Element which needed to be created first

            foreach (Component component in componentsWithReferences) component.Build(true);



            // If Delete Setting is activated
            if (delete)
                // Create a new transaction
                Transaction transaction = new Transaction(document, "GrevitDelete");

                // get the Difference between existing and new elements to erase them
                IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, ElementId>> unused = 

                // Delete those elements from the document
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ElementId> element in unused) document.Delete(element.Value);

                // commit and dispose the transaction

            return Result.Succeeded;
        public void FindFrontContractFindsCorrectContractNMonthsBack()
            List<Instrument> contracts = ContinuousFuturesBrokerTestData.GetVIXFutures().Where(x => x.ID < 6).ToList();

            //return the contracts requested
            _instrumentMgrMock.Setup(x => x
                .FindInstruments(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<Instrument, bool>>>(), It.IsAny<MyDBContext>()))
                    (Expression<Func<Instrument, bool>> y, MyDBContext a) => contracts.AsQueryable().Where(y).ToList()

            _cfInst.ContinuousFuture.RolloverDays = 1;

            var expectedExpirationMonths = new Dictionary<DateTime, int?>
                { new DateTime(2012, 11,20), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 11,21), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 11,23), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 11,26), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 11,27), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 11,28), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 11,29), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 11,30), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,3), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,4), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,5), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,6), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,7), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,10), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,11), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,12), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,13), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,14), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,17), 1 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,18), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,19), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,20), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,21), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,24), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,26), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,27), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,28), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2012, 12,31), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,2), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,3), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,4), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,7), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,8), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,9), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,10), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,11), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,14), 2 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,15), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,16), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,17), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,18), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,22), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,23), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,24), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,25), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,28), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,29), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,30), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 1,31), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,1), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,4), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,5), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,6), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,7), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,8), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,11), 3 },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,12), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,13), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,14), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,15), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,19), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,20), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,21), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,22), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,25), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,26), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,27), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 2,28), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 3,1), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 3,4), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 3,5), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 3,6), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 3,7), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 3,8), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 3,11), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 3,12), null },
                { new DateTime(2013, 3,13), null }

            Dictionary<DateTime, int?> returnedExpirationMonths = new Dictionary<DateTime, int?>();

            //hook up the event to add the expiration month
            _broker.FoundFrontContract += (sender, e) =>
                    returnedExpirationMonths.Add(e.Date, e.Instrument == null ? null : (int?)e.Instrument.Expiration.Value.Month);

            _cfInst.ContinuousFuture.Month = 2;

            //make the request
            foreach (DateTime dt in expectedExpirationMonths.Keys)
                _broker.RequestFrontContract(_cfInst, dt);

            int i = 0;
            while (expectedExpirationMonths.Count != returnedExpirationMonths.Count)
                if (i >= 50)
                    string missing = string.Join(", ", expectedExpirationMonths.Except(returnedExpirationMonths).Select(x => x.Key));
                    Assert.IsTrue(false, "Took too long. Missing: " + missing);

            string missing2 = string.Join(", ", expectedExpirationMonths.Except(returnedExpirationMonths).Select(x => x.Key));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, expectedExpirationMonths.Except(returnedExpirationMonths).Count(), missing2);

            foreach (var kvp in expectedExpirationMonths)
                var month = kvp.Value;
                Assert.IsTrue(returnedExpirationMonths.ContainsKey(kvp.Key), "Contains: " + kvp.Key.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual(month, returnedExpirationMonths[kvp.Key], "Are equal: " + kvp.Key.ToString());
Beispiel #51
 public void TC13_VerifyDrainWashStepFunctionality()
     if (Page.WasherGroupPage.WasherGroupTableGrid.Rows.Count > 1)
         if (Page.WasherGroupPage.WashStepsTableGrid.Rows.Count > 1)
             //Verifying the conditions.
             for (int k = 1; k <= Page.WasherGroupPage.WashStepsTableGrid.Rows.Count; k++)
                 if (Page.WasherGroupPage.WashStepsTableGrid.Rows[k].GetColumnValues()[2].ToString() == "Drain")
                     Dictionary<string, string> ActualDrainWashStep = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                     Dictionary<string, string> ExpectedDrainWashStep = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                     ExpectedDrainWashStep.Add("Operations", "Drain");
                     ExpectedDrainWashStep.Add("Run Time (mm:ss)", "02:00");
                     ExpectedDrainWashStep.Add("Temperature (oF)", "1");
                     ExpectedDrainWashStep.Add("Water Level (inches)", "0");
                     //Need to find the list of row values to compare and fail or pass the test case....with this finish...
                     ReadOnlyCollection<string> getValues = Page.WasherGroupPage.WashStepsTableGrid.Rows[k].GetColumnValues();
                     ActualDrainWashStep.Add("Operations", getValues[2]);
                     ActualDrainWashStep.Add("Run Time (mm:ss)", getValues[3]);
                     ActualDrainWashStep.Add("Temperature (oF)", getValues[4]);
                     ActualDrainWashStep.Add("Water Level (inches)", getValues[5]);
                     List<KeyValuePair<string,string>> diffCount = ExpectedDrainWashStep.Except(ActualDrainWashStep).ToList();
                     if(diffCount.Count > 0)
                         Assert.Fail("Drain Wash Steps are not matching with Expected.Actual - " + diffCount[0]);
             Assert.Fail("Drain WashStep not found in the gridview: Expected- Drain WashStep to be display while adding new WashStep");
         Assert.Fail("Washer Group data not found in grid page");
        public void GetProperties()
            downloader.Pages["http://myhost:222/api/properties?resource=foo+bar"] = "[{\"key\": \"sonar.property1\",\"value\": \"value1\"},{\"key\": \"sonar.property2\",\"value\": \"value2\"}]";
            var expected = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            expected["sonar.property1"] = "value1";
            expected["sonar.property2"] = "value2";
            expected["sonar.cs.msbuild.testProjectPattern"] = SonarProperties.DefaultTestProjectPattern;
            var actual = ws.GetProperties("foo bar");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, expected.Count == actual.Count && !expected.Except(actual).Any());
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a vector, it will attempt to trim any superfluous
        /// axes e.g. conjunctives, times (but not dates).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vec"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary<string, int> TrimVector(Dictionary<string, int> vec)
            var removalList = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            foreach (var kvp in vec)
                var timePattern = @"^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$";
                var timeRgx = new Regex(timePattern);

                if (kvp.Key.Length <= 3)
                    removalList.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                else if ((timeRgx.Match(kvp.Key)).Success)
                    removalList.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
            return vec.Except(removalList).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);