Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the default function for a GPIO pin
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Allows gpio pins to be assigned a device function.
        /// For example setting the I2C1 data pin to use GPIO pin 17.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="pin"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        public static void SetPinFunction(int pin, DeviceFunction value)
            GpioPin gpioPin = GpioController.GetDefault().OpenPin(pin);

Beispiel #2
        private static void KernelPacked(double[] a, double[] b, double[] c, int colsA, int colsB, int colsC)
            var blockRow = blockIdx.x;
            var blockCol = blockIdx.y;

            var valueC = 0.0;

            var row = threadIdx.x;
            var col = threadIdx.y;

            for (var m = 0; m < DivUp(colsA, BlockSize); ++m)
                var subA = __shared__.Array2D <double>(BlockSize, BlockSize);
                var subB = __shared__.Array2D <double>(BlockSize, BlockSize);

                subA[row, col] = GetMatrixElement(colsA, a, blockRow, m, row, col);
                subB[row, col] = GetMatrixElement(colsB, b, m, blockCol, row, col);

                for (var e = 0; e < BlockSize; ++e)
                    valueC += subA[row, e] * subB[e, col];
                    //valueC = col;

            SetMatrixElement(colsC, c, blockRow, blockCol, row, col, valueC);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute a function on a device
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The user context.</param>
        /// <param name="deviceData">The device data.</param>
        /// <param name="function">The function to execute.</param>
        /// <param name="argument">The argument to the function</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A task.
        /// </returns>
        public Task ExecuteFunction(UserContext context, DeviceImport deviceData, DeviceFunction function, object argument)
            // Get the device meta for execute
            var meta = LifxMetaData.FromString(deviceData.MetaData);

            return(Handlers.ExecuteFunction(context, meta, function, argument));
        static DeviceFunction GetDeviceFunction(Excel.Worksheet sheet, int row, int column, out bool correct)
            DeviceFunction function = 0;

            correct = true;

            string deviceFunction = sheet.Cells[row, column].Text.ToString();

            deviceFunction = deviceFunction.ToLower();

            if (deviceFunction == "глюкометр")
                function = DeviceFunction.Glucometer;
                if (deviceFunction == "пульсометр")
                    function = DeviceFunction.HeartRateMonitor;
                    if (deviceFunction == "измеритель артериального давления" || deviceFunction == "тонометр")
                        function = DeviceFunction.BloodPressureMonitor;
                        correct = false;

 private void OnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (isMouseDown)
         float2 offset  = new float2((e.X - mouseLocation.x) * mouseSensitivity, (e.Y - mouseLocation.y) * mouseSensitivity);
         float  c1      = DeviceFunction.Cos(offset.x);
         float  s1      = DeviceFunction.Sin(offset.x);
         float  t1      = 1 - c1;
         float  c2      = DeviceFunction.Cos(offset.y);
         float  s2      = DeviceFunction.Sin(offset.y);
         float  t2      = 1 - c2;
         float  camDist = L(camera);
         gpu.Launch(RotateDirection, launchParam, dirDevPtr, y, t1, c1, s1, width, height);
         x      = RotateVec(x, y, t1, c1, s1);
         z      = RotateVec(z, y, t1, c1, s1);
         camera = RotateVec(camera, y, t1, c1, s1);
         gpu.Launch(RotateDirection, launchParam, dirDevPtr, x, t2, c2, s2, width, height);
         y      = RotateVec(y, x, t2, c2, s2);
         z      = RotateVec(z, x, t2, c2, s2);
         camera = RotateVec(camera, x, t2, c2, s2);
         Gpu.Copy(dirDevMem, directions);
         x = D(x, L(x));
         y = D(y, L(y));
         z = D(z, L(z));
     mouseLocation = new int2(e.X, e.Y);
 public static float3 MinSpace(float3 a, float b)
     a.x = DeviceFunction.Min(a.x, b);
     a.y = DeviceFunction.Min(a.y, b);
     a.z = DeviceFunction.Min(a.z, b);
        private void AddDevice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int row      = PatientsList.SelectedCells[0].RowIndex;
            int userCode = int.Parse(PatientsList.Rows[row].Cells[0].Value.ToString());

            Patient selectedPat = _container.PatientSet.Find(userCode);

            AddDeviceForm newDeviceType = new AddDeviceForm();

            if (newDeviceType.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                DeviceFunction type = newDeviceType.function;

                bool exist = false;

                foreach (Device d in selectedPat.Device)
                    if (d.Function == type)
                        exist = true;

                if (exist)
                    MessageBox.Show("Данный тип прибора уже закреплен за пациентом.");
                    Device newDevice = InformationSystem.CreateDevice(selectedPat, type);
                    InformationSystem.AddDevice(newDevice, selectedPat);
Beispiel #8
        private void ColorPass(float[] eniromentLight, float[] color, float[] normal, float[] p3D, float[] tex,
                               bool specular, int from)
            ArrayMath.Sub(_lightPosArray, p3D, _l, 0, from, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Normalize(_l, from, 3);

            var dotNl = ArrayMath.Dot(normal, _l, from, from, 3);

            ArrayMath.Mul(color, Math.Max(0f, dotNl), _Id, from, from, 3);

            ArrayMath.Mul(normal, dotNl * 2, _r, from, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Sub(_r, _l, _r, from, from, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Normalize(_r, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Normalize(p3D, from, 3);

            var rDotP3D = -ArrayMath.Dot(_r, p3D, from, from, 3);

            var Is = 0f;

            if (specular)
                var max = Math.Max(0, rDotP3D);
                Is = DeviceFunction.Pow(max, 50);

            ArrayMath.Mul(eniromentLight, color, color, 0, from, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Mul(tex, _Id, tex, from, from, from, 3);

            ArrayMath.Add(color, tex, color, from, from, from, 3);

            ArrayMath.Add(color, Is, color, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Mul(color, 255, color, from, from, 3);
Beispiel #9
        private static void backward_bias_kernel(float[] biasUpdates, float[] delta, int batch, int n, int size)
            var   part = __shared__.Array <float>(CudaUtils.BlockSize);
            int   i, b;
            int   filter = blockIdx.x;
            int   p      = threadIdx.x;
            float sum    = 0;

            for (b = 0; b < batch; ++b)
                for (i = 0; i < size; i += CudaUtils.BlockSize)
                    int index = p + i + size * (filter + n * b);
                    sum += (p + i < size) ? delta[index] : 0;
            part[p] = sum;
            if (p == 0)
                for (i = 0; i < CudaUtils.BlockSize; ++i)
                    biasUpdates[filter] += part[i];
Beispiel #10
        public static void Kernel(double[] positionsx, double[] positionsy, double[] velocitiesx, double[] velocitiesy, double[] accelerationsx,
                                  double[] accelerationsy, int width, int height, float mousex, float mousey, int[,] squareFish, int[] squaresStart,
                                  int[] fishInSquare, int squaresInRow, int squaresNumber, int[] bitmap)
            int ind = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

            FishFunctions.AlignWithOtherFish(positionsx, positionsy, velocitiesx, velocitiesy, accelerationsx, accelerationsy, ind,
                                             squareFish, squaresStart, fishInSquare, squaresInRow, squaresNumber);
            FishFunctions.CohesionWithOtherFish(positionsx, positionsy, velocitiesx, velocitiesy, accelerationsx, accelerationsy, ind,
                                                squaresStart, squareFish, fishInSquare, squaresNumber, squaresInRow);
            FishFunctions.AvoidOtherFish(positionsx, positionsy, velocitiesx, velocitiesy, accelerationsx, accelerationsy, ind,
                                         squaresStart, squareFish, fishInSquare, squaresInRow, squaresNumber);
            if (mousex >= 0 && mousey >= 0)
                FishFunctions.AvoidMouse(positionsx, positionsy, velocitiesx, velocitiesy, accelerationsx, accelerationsy, ind,
                                         mousex, mousey);
            FishFunctions.UpdateFish(positionsx, positionsy, velocitiesx, velocitiesy, accelerationsx, accelerationsy, ind,
                                     width, height, mousex, mousey);
            FishFunctions.Edges(positionsx, positionsy, ind, width, height);
            int col = (255 << 24) + (0 << 16) + (255 << 8) + 255;
            int x   = (int)positionsx[ind];
            int y   = (int)positionsy[ind];

            CircleDrawing.CircleBresenham(x, y, 2, bitmap, width, height, col);
        public static float CubeDE(float3 p, float3 c, float di)
            float3 o = S(p, c);
            float  d = DeviceFunction.Max(DeviceFunction.Abs(o.x), DeviceFunction.Max(DeviceFunction.Abs(o.y), DeviceFunction.Abs(o.z)));

            return(d - di / 2);
 public static float3 MaxSpace(float3 a, float3 b)
     a.x = DeviceFunction.Max(a.x, b.x);
     a.y = DeviceFunction.Max(a.y, b.y);
     a.z = DeviceFunction.Max(a.z, b.z);
        public static float OldSoftShadow(float3 p, float3 d, float shadowStrength, int iterations, float side, float3 seed, float3 shift, float minDist, float maxDist, float minAngle)
            float  k            = 1;
            float  dist         = minDist;
            float  angle        = 1;
            float  totalDist    = minDist / 100;
            float3 marchedPoint = p;

            while (totalDist < maxDist)
                dist = ScaledDE(marchedPoint, iterations, side, seed, shift);
                if (dist == 0)
                    dist = minDist;
                marchedPoint = A(marchedPoint, M(d, dist));
                totalDist   += dist;
                angle        = shadowStrength * dist / totalDist;
                k            = DeviceFunction.Min(k, angle);
                if (dist < 0)
                if (k < minAngle)
        public static float NewSoftShadow(float3 p, float3 d, float shadowStrength, int iterations, float side, float3 seed, float3 shift, float minDist, float maxDist, float minAngle)
            float darkness      = 1;
            float prevDist      = float.MaxValue;
            float dist          = minDist / 100;
            float angle         = 1;
            float totalDist     = minDist;
            float oldNewIntDist = 0;
            float legLength     = 0;

            while (totalDist < maxDist)
                dist          = ScaledDE(A(p, M(d, totalDist)), iterations, side, seed, shift);
                oldNewIntDist = dist * dist / (2 * prevDist);
                legLength     = DeviceFunction.Sqrt(dist * dist - oldNewIntDist * oldNewIntDist);
                angle         = shadowStrength * legLength / DeviceFunction.Max(0, totalDist - oldNewIntDist);
                darkness      = DeviceFunction.Min(darkness, angle);
                prevDist      = dist;
                totalDist    += dist;
                if (dist < 0)
                if (darkness < minAngle)
Beispiel #15
        private static void Kernel(long colsA, Func <long, long, T> getA, Func <long, long, T> getB, Action <long, long, T> setC, T zero, Func <T, T, T> add, Func <T, T, T> mul)
            var blockRow = blockIdx.x;
            var blockCol = blockIdx.y;

            var valueC = zero;

            var row = threadIdx.x;
            var col = threadIdx.y;

            for (var m = 0; m < ScalarOps.DivUp(colsA, BlockSize); ++m)
                var subA = __shared__.Array2D <T>(BlockSize, BlockSize);
                var subB = __shared__.Array2D <T>(BlockSize, BlockSize);

                subA[row, col] = getA(blockRow * BlockSize + row, m * BlockSize + col);
                subB[row, col] = getB(m * BlockSize + row, blockCol * BlockSize + col);

                for (var e = 0; e < BlockSize; ++e)
                    valueC = add(valueC, mul(subA[row, e], subB[e, col]));

            setC(blockRow * BlockSize + row, blockCol * BlockSize + col, valueC);
Beispiel #16
        public static void Kernel(double[] result, int n, double lb, double ub, double d)
            var temp  = __shared__.Array <double>(BlockSize);
            var start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
            var step  = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;

            for (int yi = start; yi < n; yi += step)
                double y      = (yi + 0.5) * d;
                double intSum = 0;
                for (int xi = 0; xi < n; xi++)
                    double x = (xi + 0.5) * d;
                    intSum += CalkaGPU(x, y);
                temp[threadIdx.x] += intSum * d * d;


            if (threadIdx.x == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; i++)
                    result[blockIdx.x] += temp[i];
Beispiel #17
        // ReSharper disable once SuggestBaseTypeForParameter
        private static void KernelSequentialReduceIdleThreads <T>(deviceptr <T> array, int length, T[] result, Func <T, T, T> op)
            var shared = __shared__.ExternArray <T>();

            var tid = threadIdx.x;
            var bid = blockIdx.x;
            var gid = 2 * blockDim.x * bid + tid;

            shared[tid] = (gid < length && gid + blockDim.x < length)
                ? op(array[gid], array[gid + blockDim.x])
                : array[gid];


            for (int s = blockDim.x / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1)
                if (tid < s && gid + s < length)
                    shared[tid] = op(shared[tid], shared[tid + s]);


            if (tid == 0)
                result[bid] = shared[0];
Beispiel #18
        // ReSharper disable once SuggestBaseTypeForParameter
        private static void KernelInterleavedAccess <T>(deviceptr <T> array, int length, T[] result, Func <T, T, T> op)
            var shared = __shared__.ExternArray <T>();

            var tid = threadIdx.x;
            var bid = blockIdx.x;
            var gid = blockDim.x * bid + tid;

            if (gid < length)
                shared[tid] = array[gid];


            for (var s = 1; s < blockDim.x; s *= 2)
                if (tid % (2 * s) == 0 && gid + s < length)
                    shared[tid] = op(shared[tid], shared[tid + s]);


            if (tid == 0)
                result[bid] = shared[0];
Beispiel #19
        private static void AleaKernelFloat2(
            deviceptr <Real> mSquaredDistances,
            deviceptr <Real> mCoordinates,
            int c,
            int n,
            int pitch)
            // Same as KernelSharedMemory, but one thread does two element in one by using float2 reads.

            var shared       = DeviceFunction.AddressOfArray(__shared__.ExternArray <Real>());
            var coordinatesI = shared.Ptr(0);
            var coordinatesJ = shared.Ptr(c * blockDim.x);

            var bI = blockIdx.y * blockDim.x;
            var bJ = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

            for (int k = 0; k != c; ++k)
                if (bI + threadIdx.x < n)
                    coordinatesI[k * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x] = mCoordinates[k * n + bI + threadIdx.x];

                if (bJ + threadIdx.x < n)
                    coordinatesJ[k * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x] = mCoordinates[k * n + bJ + threadIdx.x];


            var line = threadIdx.x / (blockDim.x / 2);
            var tid  = threadIdx.x % (blockDim.x / 2);

            if (bJ + tid * 2 < n)
                var coordinatesJ2 = coordinatesJ.Reinterpret <Real2>();

                for (int i = line; i < blockDim.x && bI + i < n; i += 2)
                    Real dist0 = 0;
                    Real dist1 = 0;

                    for (int k = 0; k != c; ++k)
                        var coord1 = coordinatesI[k * blockDim.x + i];
                        var coord2 = coordinatesJ2[(k * blockDim.x / 2) + tid];
                        var diff   = new Real2(coord1 - coord2.x, coord1 - coord2.y);

                        dist0 += diff.x * diff.x;
                        dist1 += diff.y * diff.y;

                    mSquaredDistances[(bI + i) * pitch + (bJ + 2 * tid + 0)] = dist0;
                    mSquaredDistances[(bI + i) * pitch + (bJ + 2 * tid + 1)] = dist1;
Beispiel #20
        private static void AleaKernelConstants(
            deviceptr <Real> mSquaredDistances,
            deviceptr <Real> mCoordinates,
            Constant <int> c,
            int n,
            int pitch)
            // Same as CudaKernelOptimised2, but the number of coordinates is given as a meta-constant.
            // Also, we write the results as float2.

            var shared       = DeviceFunction.AddressOfArray(__shared__.ExternArray <Real>());
            var coordinatesI = shared.Ptr(0);
            var coordinatesJ = shared.Ptr(c.Value * blockDim.x);

            var bI = blockIdx.y * blockDim.x;
            var bJ = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

            for (int k = 0; k != c.Value; ++k)
                if (bI + threadIdx.x < n)
                    coordinatesI[k * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x] = mCoordinates[k * n + bI + threadIdx.x];

                if (bJ + threadIdx.x < n)
                    coordinatesJ[k * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x] = mCoordinates[k * n + bJ + threadIdx.x];


            var line = threadIdx.x / (blockDim.x / 2);
            var tid  = threadIdx.x % (blockDim.x / 2);

            if (bJ + tid * 2 < n)
                var coordinatesJ2 = coordinatesJ.Reinterpret <Real2>();

                for (int i = line; i < blockDim.x && bI + i < n; i += 2)
                    var dist = default(Real2);

                    for (int k = 0; k != c.Value; ++k)
                        var coord1 = coordinatesI[k * blockDim.x + i];
                        var coord2 = coordinatesJ2[(k * blockDim.x / 2) + tid];
                        var diff   = new Real2(coord1 - coord2.x, coord1 - coord2.y);

                        dist.x += diff.x * diff.x;
                        dist.y += diff.y * diff.y;

                    var dst = mSquaredDistances.Ptr((bI + i) * pitch + bJ).Reinterpret <Real2>();
                    dst[tid] = dist;
Beispiel #21
        public static Device CreateDevice(Patient owner, DeviceFunction function)
            Device newDevice = new Device();

            newDevice.OwnerCode = owner.UserCode;
            newDevice.Function  = function;

Beispiel #22
        private static void AleaKernelLocalMemory(
            deviceptr <Real> mSquaredDistances,
            deviceptr <Real> mCoordinates,
            Constant <int> dimX,
            Constant <int> c,
            int n,
            int pitch)
            // Same as KernelConstants, but use both local and shared memory to increase the effective shared memory.

            var coordinatesI = __shared__.Array <Real>(c.Value * dimX.Value);
            var coordinatesJ = __local__.Array <Real2>(c.Value);

            var bI       = blockIdx.y * dimX.Value;
            var bJ       = blockIdx.x * dimX.Value;
            var line     = threadIdx.x / (dimX.Value / 2);
            var tid      = threadIdx.x % (dimX.Value / 2);
            var isActive = bJ + tid * 2 < n;

            for (int k = 0; k != c.Value; ++k)
                if (bI + threadIdx.x < n)
                    coordinatesI[k * dimX.Value + threadIdx.x] = mCoordinates[k * n + bI + threadIdx.x];

                if (isActive)
                    var mCoordinates2 = mCoordinates.Reinterpret <Real2>();
                    coordinatesJ[k] = mCoordinates2[(k * n + bJ) / 2 + tid];


            if (isActive)
                for (int i = line; i < dimX.Value && bI + i < n; i += 2)
                    var dist = default(Real2);

                    for (int k = 0; k != c.Value; ++k)
                        var coord1 = coordinatesI[k * dimX.Value + i];
                        var coord2 = coordinatesJ[k];
                        var diff   = new Real2(coord1 - coord2.x, coord1 - coord2.y);

                        dist.x += diff.x * diff.x;
                        dist.y += diff.y * diff.y;

                    var dst = mSquaredDistances.Reinterpret <Real2>();
                    dst[((bI + i) * pitch + bJ) / 2 + tid] = dist;
        public static float3 RotateX(float3 z, float t)
            float3 p = z;
            float  s = DeviceFunction.Sin(t);
            float  c = DeviceFunction.Cos(t);

            p.y = c * z.y + s * z.z;
            p.z = c * z.z - s * z.y;
        public static float3 RotateY(float3 z, float t)
            float3 p = z;
            float  s = DeviceFunction.Sin(t);
            float  c = DeviceFunction.Cos(t);

            p.x = c * z.x - s * z.z;
            p.z = c * z.z + s * z.x;
        public static float3 RotateZ(float3 z, float t)
            float3 p = z;
            float  s = DeviceFunction.Sin(t);
            float  c = DeviceFunction.Cos(t);

            p.x = c * z.x + s * z.y;
            p.y = c * z.y - s * z.x;
Beispiel #26
        // Helpers!
        private static void ComputeRippleAtOffset(int x, int y, int width, int height, Action <byte> action)
            var fx = x - width * 0.5f;
            var fy = y - height * 0.5f;

            var d = DeviceFunction.Sqrt(fx * fx + fy * fy);
            var v = (byte)(128f + 127f * DeviceFunction.Cos(d / 10f) / (d / 10f + 1f));

        private void initAllDevComp()
            fpc        = new FunctionParameterCollection();
            dev        = new Device();
            AllDevices = new DeviceCollection();
            devevent   = new DeviceEvent();
            devFunc    = new DeviceFunction();
            devProp    = new DeviceProperty();

            CondColl = new ConditionsCollection();
Beispiel #28
        public static Matrix Phansalkar(Matrix input, int radius)
            var width  = input.Width;
            var height = input.Height;

            var data   = (float[])input;
            var result = (float[])new Matrix(width, height);

            var p = 2.5f;
            var q = 10;
            var k = 0.15;
            var r = 0.4;

            var dimension = GetKernelDimension(height);

            Gpu.Default.Launch(KernelBuilder(tid =>
                var index = tid * width;

                for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    var sum   = 0f;
                    var count = 0;

                    for (var ky = -radius; ky <= radius; ky++)
                        var py     = tid + ky;
                        var pindex = py * width;

                        for (var kx = -radius; kx <= radius; kx++)
                            var px = x + kx;

                            if (px >= 0 && px < width && py >= 0 && py < height)
                                sum += data[pindex + px] / byte.MaxValue;

                    var mean      = sum / count;
                    var variance  = DeviceFunction.Abs(sum / count - mean);
                    var deviation = DeviceFunction.Sqrt(variance / count);

                    var threshold = mean * (1f + p * DeviceFunction.Exp(-q * mean) + k * (deviation / r - 1));

                    result[index + x] = data[index + x] / byte.MaxValue > threshold ? byte.MaxValue : 0;
            }, height), new LaunchParam(dimension, dimension));

            return(new Matrix(width, height, result));
        public static void MarchRay(deviceptr <float3> directions, deviceptr <byte> pixelValues, float3 camera,
                                    float3 light, float2 cols, float minDist, float maxDist, int maxstep, int bytes, int width, int iterations,
                                    float side, float3 seed, float3 shift, float shadowStrength, float ambientOccStrength)
            int    i         = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
            int    j         = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
            int    h         = Index(i, j, width);
            float3 p         = camera;
            int    stepnum   = 0;
            float  dist      = minDist + 1;
            float  totalDist = 0;

            while (totalDist < maxDist && dist > minDist)
                dist       = ScaledDE(p, iterations, side, seed, shift);
                p          = A(p, M(directions[h], dist));
                totalDist += dist;
                if (stepnum == maxstep)
            float brightness = 0;

            if (DeviceFunction.Abs(dist) <= minDist)
                float3 off = S(light, p);
                float  lightVectorLength = L(off);
                off = D(off, lightVectorLength);
                float shadow            = 1;
                float diffuseCalculated = 0;
                float normalAngle       = O(off, Normal(p, iterations, side, seed, shift, minDist));
                if (normalAngle > 0)
                    shadow            = NewSoftShadow(p, off, shadowStrength, iterations, side, seed, shift, minDist, lightVectorLength, 0.01f);
                    diffuseCalculated = DeviceFunction.Max(cols.y * shadow * normalAngle, 0);
                brightness += diffuseCalculated + cols.x / (1 + stepnum * ambientOccStrength);
                brightness  = DeviceFunction.Min(DeviceFunction.Max(brightness, 0), 1);
                float col = Orbit(p, iterations, side, seed, shift);
                pixelValues[h * 3]     = (byte)(Blue(col) * brightness * byte.MaxValue);
                pixelValues[h * 3 + 1] = (byte)(Green(col) * brightness * byte.MaxValue);
                pixelValues[h * 3 + 2] = (byte)(Red(col) * brightness * byte.MaxValue);
                pixelValues[h * 3]     = 0;
                pixelValues[h * 3 + 1] = 0;
                pixelValues[h * 3 + 2] = 0;
Beispiel #30
        private void initAllDevComp()
            fpc    = new FunctionParameterCollection();
            devCap = new DeviceCapabilities();

            dev          = new Device();
            devcol       = new DeviceCollection();
            devEventColl = new DeviceEventCollection();
            devfuncColl  = new DeviceFunctionCollection();
            devPropColl  = new DevicePropertyCollection();
            devevent     = new DeviceEvent();
            devFunc      = new DeviceFunction();
            devProp      = new DeviceProperty();