Beispiel #1
        private void BuildChildren(IEnumerable items, int startingIndex)
            IList <View> children = Layout?.Children;

            if (children == null || items == null)

            IDataTemplateSelector templateSel = ItemTemplateSelector;

            if (templateSel == null && ItemTemplate == null)
                templateSel = new DefaultTemplateSelector(this);

            if (templateSel != null)
                foreach (object item in ItemsSource)
                    children.Insert(startingIndex++, CreateItemView(item, templateSel.SelectTemplate(item, this)));
                DataTemplate template = ItemTemplate;
                foreach (object item in ItemsSource)
                    children.Insert(startingIndex++, CreateItemView(item, template));
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the template to use.  This may depend on the Content, or
        /// other properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The base class implements the following rules:
        ///   (a) If ContentTemplate is set, use it.
        ///   (b) If ContentTemplateSelector is set, call its
        ///         SelectTemplate method.  If the result is not null, use it.
        ///   (c) Look for a DataTemplate whose DataType matches the
        ///         Content among the resources known to the ContentPresenter
        ///         (including application, theme, and system resources).
        ///         If one is found, use it.
        ///   (d) If the type of Content is "common", use a standard template.
        ///         The common types are String, XmlNode, UIElement.
        ///   (e) Otherwise, use a default template that essentially converts
        ///         Content to a string and displays it in a TextBlock.
        /// Derived classes can override these rules and implement their own.
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual DataTemplate ChooseTemplate()
            DataTemplate template = null;
            object       content  = Content;

            // ContentTemplate has first stab
            template = ContentTemplate;

            // no ContentTemplate set, try ContentTemplateSelector
            if (template == null)
                if (ContentTemplateSelector != null)
                    template = ContentTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate(content, this);

            // if that failed, try the default TemplateSelector
            if (template == null)
                template = DefaultTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate(content, this);

Beispiel #3
        public static DefaultTemplateSelector Path(string path)
            var selector = new DefaultTemplateSelector(path);

            return selector;
Beispiel #4
        public static DefaultTemplateSelector Path(string path)
            var selector = new DefaultTemplateSelector(path);
