Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a page sends information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Size of the page to get.</param>
        /// <param name="pageNum">The page to get.</param>
        /// <returns>SendInfoCollection of the data page.</returns>
        public static SendInfoCollection GetSends(int pageSize, int pageNum)
            using (SqlConnection conn = MantaDB.GetSqlConnection())
                SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText    = @"DECLARE @sends table (RowNum int, 
					  mta_send_internalId int)

SELECT [sends].RowNumber, [sends].mta_send_internalId
FROM (SELECT (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY mta_send_createdTimestamp DESC)) as RowNumber, man_mta_send.mta_send_internalId
FROM man_mta_send with(nolock)) [sends]
WHERE [sends].RowNumber >= " + ((pageNum * pageSize) - pageSize + 1) + " AND [sends].RowNumber <= " + (pageSize * pageNum) + @"

SELECT [send].*, 
	mta_send_messages AS 'Messages',
	mta_send_accepted AS 'Accepted',
	mta_send_rejected AS 'Rejected',
	([send].mta_send_messages - (mta_send_accepted + mta_send_rejected)) AS 'Waiting',
	(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] with(nolock) JOIN man_mta_msg as [msg] ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id WHERE [msg].mta_send_internalId = [send].mta_send_internalId AND [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id = 5) AS 'Throttled',
	(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] with(nolock) JOIN man_mta_msg as [msg] ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id WHERE [msg].mta_send_internalId = [send].mta_send_internalId AND [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id = 1) AS 'Deferred',
	(SELECT MAX(mta_transaction_timestamp) FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] with(nolock) JOIN  man_mta_msg as [msg] ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id WHERE [msg].mta_send_internalId = [send].mta_send_internalId) AS 'LastTransactionTimestamp'
FROM man_mta_send as [send] with(nolock)
WHERE [send].mta_send_internalId in (SELECT [s].mta_send_internalId FROM @sends as [s])
ORDER BY [send].mta_send_createdTimestamp DESC";
                cmd.CommandTimeout = 90;                 // Query can take a while to run due to the size of the Transactions table.
                return(new SendInfoCollection(DataRetrieval.GetCollectionFromDatabase <SendInfo>(cmd, CreateAndFillSendInfo)));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets information about VirtualMTA sends for the specified send.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sendID">ID of the send to get information for.</param>
        /// <returns>Information about the usage of each VirtualMTA in the send.</returns>
        public static VirtualMtaSendInfo[] GetSendVirtualMTAStats(string sendID)
            using (SqlConnection conn = MantaDB.GetSqlConnection())
                SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = @"
--// Get the internal Send ID
DECLARE @internalSendId int
SELECT @internalSendId = [snd].mta_send_internalId
FROM man_mta_send as [snd] WITH(nolock)
WHERE [snd].mta_send_id = @sndID

DECLARE @usedIpAddressIds table(ip_ipAddress_id int)
--// Get the IP addresses used by the send
INSERT INTO @usedIpAddressIds
SELECT DISTINCT(ip_ipAddress_id)
FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] WITH(nolock)
JOIN man_mta_msg as [msg] with(nolock) ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id
WHERE [msg].mta_send_internalId = @internalSendId

--// Get the actual data
SELECT [ip].*,
	(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] with(nolock) JOIN man_mta_msg as [msg] with(nolock) ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id WHERE [tran].ip_ipAddress_id = [ip].ip_ipAddress_id AND [msg].mta_send_internalId = @internalSendId AND [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id = 4) AS 'Accepted',
	(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] with(nolock) JOIN man_mta_msg as [msg] with(nolock) ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id WHERE [tran].ip_ipAddress_id = [ip].ip_ipAddress_id AND [msg].mta_send_internalId = @internalSendId AND ([tran].mta_transactionStatus_id = 2 OR [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id = 3 OR [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id = 6)) AS 'Rejected',	
	(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] with(nolock) JOIN man_mta_msg as [msg] with(nolock) ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id WHERE [tran].ip_ipAddress_id = [ip].ip_ipAddress_id AND [msg].mta_send_internalId = @internalSendId AND [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id = 5) AS 'Throttled',
	(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] with(nolock) JOIN man_mta_msg as [msg] with(nolock) ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id WHERE [tran].ip_ipAddress_id = [ip].ip_ipAddress_id AND [msg].mta_send_internalId = @internalSendId AND [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id = 1) AS 'Deferred'
FROM man_ip_ipAddress as [ip]
WHERE [ip].ip_ipAddress_id IN (SELECT * FROM @usedIpAddressIds)";
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sndID", sendID);
                return(DataRetrieval.GetCollectionFromDatabase <VirtualMtaSendInfo>(cmd, CreateAndFillVirtualMtaSendInfo).ToArray());
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a summary of the transactions made in the last one hour.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Transaction Summary</returns>
        public static SendTransactionSummaryCollection GetLastHourTransactionSummary()
            using (SqlConnection conn = MantaDB.GetSqlConnection())
                SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id, COUNT(*) AS 'Count'
FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] WITH(nolock)
WHERE [tran].mta_transaction_timestamp >= DATEADD(HOUR, -1, GETUTCDATE())
GROUP BY [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id";
                return(new SendTransactionSummaryCollection(DataRetrieval.GetCollectionFromDatabase <SendTransactionSummary>(cmd, CreateAndFillTransactionSummary)));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves all BounceRules from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A BounceRulesCollection of all the Rules.</returns>
        internal static BounceRulesCollection GetBounceRules()
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SqlServer"].ConnectionString))
                SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = @"
FROM man_evn_bounceRule
ORDER BY evn_bounceRule_executionOrder ASC";
                return(new BounceRulesCollection(DataRetrieval.GetCollectionFromDatabase <BounceRule>(cmd, CreateAndFillBounceRuleFromRecord)));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a Sends Metadata from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sendID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SendMetadataCollection GetSendMetaData(int internalSendID)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SqlServer"].ConnectionString))
                SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT *
FROM man_mta_sendMeta
WHERE mta_send_internalId = @sndID";
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sndID", internalSendID);
                return(new SendMetadataCollection(DataRetrieval.GetCollectionFromDatabase <SendMetadata>(cmd, CreateAndFillSendMetadata)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a summary of a virtual MTAs transaction history.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipAddressId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SendTransactionSummaryCollection GetSendSummaryForIpAddress(int ipAddressId)
            using (SqlConnection conn = MantaDB.GetSqlConnection())
                SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT mta_transactionStatus_id, COUNT(*) AS 'Count'
FROM man_mta_transaction
WHERE ip_ipAddress_id = @ipAddressId
GROUP BY mta_transactionStatus_id";
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ipAddressId", ipAddressId);
                return(new SendTransactionSummaryCollection(DataRetrieval.GetCollectionFromDatabase <SendTransactionSummary>(cmd, CreateAndFillSendTransactionSummaryFromRecord)));
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets information about the speed of sending over the last one hour.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>SendSpeedInfo</returns>
        public static SendSpeedInfo GetLastHourSendSpeedInfo()
            using (SqlConnection conn = MantaDB.GetSqlConnection())
                SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = @"
SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Count', [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id, CONVERT(smalldatetime, [tran].mta_transaction_timestamp) as 'mta_transaction_timestamp'
FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] WITH (nolock)
WHERE [tran].mta_transaction_timestamp >= DATEADD(HOUR, -1, GETUTCDATE())
GROUP BY [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id, CONVERT(smalldatetime, [tran].mta_transaction_timestamp)
ORDER BY CONVERT(smalldatetime, [tran].mta_transaction_timestamp)";
                return(new SendSpeedInfo(DataRetrieval.GetCollectionFromDatabase <SendSpeedInfoItem>(cmd, CreateAndFillSendSpeedInfoItemFromRecord)));
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets information about the speed of a send.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sendID">ID of the send to get speed information about.</param>
        /// <returns>SendSpeedInfo</returns>
        public static SendSpeedInfo GetSendSpeedInfo(string sendID)
            using (SqlConnection conn = MantaDB.GetSqlConnection())
                SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = @"
DECLARE @internalSendID int
SELECT @internalSendID = mta_send_internalId
FROM man_mta_send
WHERE mta_send_id = @sndID

SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Count', [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id, CONVERT(smalldatetime, [tran].mta_transaction_timestamp) as 'mta_transaction_timestamp'
FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] with(nolock)
JOIN man_mta_msg AS [msg] with(nolock) ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id
WHERE [msg].mta_send_internalId = @internalSendID
GROUP BY [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id, CONVERT(smalldatetime, [tran].mta_transaction_timestamp)
ORDER BY CONVERT(smalldatetime, [tran].mta_transaction_timestamp)";
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sndID", sendID);
                return(new SendSpeedInfo(DataRetrieval.GetCollectionFromDatabase <SendSpeedInfoItem>(cmd, CreateAndFillSendSpeedInfoItemFromRecord)));
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all of the sends with messages waiting to be sent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>SendInfoCollection of all relevent sends.</returns>
        public static SendInfoCollection GetSendsInProgress()
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SqlServer"].ConnectionString))
                SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText    = @"
SELECT [send].*, 
	mta_send_messages AS 'Messages',
	mta_send_accepted AS 'Accepted',
	mta_send_rejected AS 'Rejected',
	([send].mta_send_messages - (mta_send_accepted + mta_send_rejected)) AS 'Waiting',
	(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] JOIN man_mta_msg as [msg] ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id WHERE [msg].mta_send_internalId = [send].mta_send_internalId AND [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id = 5) AS 'Throttled',
	(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] JOIN man_mta_msg as [msg] ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id WHERE [msg].mta_send_internalId = [send].mta_send_internalId AND [tran].mta_transactionStatus_id = 1) AS 'Deferred',
	(SELECT MAX(mta_transaction_timestamp) FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] JOIN  man_mta_msg as [msg] ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id WHERE [msg].mta_send_internalId = [send].mta_send_internalId) AS 'LastTransactionTimestamp'
FROM man_mta_send as [send]
WHERE ([send].mta_send_messages - (mta_send_accepted + mta_send_rejected)) > 0
ORDER BY [send].mta_send_createdTimestamp DESC";
                cmd.CommandTimeout = 90;                 // Query can take a while to run due to the size of the Transactions table.
                return(new SendInfoCollection(DataRetrieval.GetCollectionFromDatabase <SendInfo>(cmd, CreateAndFillSendInfo)));
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a data page about bounces from the transactions table for a send.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sendID">Send to get data for.</param>
        /// <param name="pageNum">The page to get.</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">The size of the data pages.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of BounceInfo from the data page.</returns>
        public static BounceInfo[] GetBounceInfo(string sendID, int pageNum, int pageSize)
            bool hasSendID = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sendID);

            using (SqlConnection conn = MantaDB.GetSqlConnection())
                SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = (hasSendID ? @"
declare @internalSendID int
SELECT @internalSendID = mta_send_internalId
FROM man_mta_send WITH(nolock)
WHERE mta_send_id = @sndID
" : string.Empty) + @"
SELECT [sorted].*
		SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY count(*) DESC, mta_transaction_serverHostname) as 'Row',
			   mta_transaction_serverHostname as 'mta_transaction_serverHostname', 
			   [ip].ip_ipAddress_ipAddress, COUNT(*) as 'Count',
			   MAX(mta_transaction_timestamp) as 'LastOccurred'
		FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] with(nolock)
		JOIN man_mta_msg as [msg] with(nolock) ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id
		JOIN man_ip_ipAddress as [ip] ON [tran].ip_ipAddress_id = [ip].ip_ipAddress_id
		WHERE mta_transactionStatus_id IN (1, 2, 3, 6) --// Todo: Make this enum!
		"         + (hasSendID ? "AND [msg].mta_send_internalId = @internalSendID " : string.Empty) + @"
		GROUP BY mta_transactionStatus_id, mta_transaction_serverResponse, mta_transaction_serverHostname,[ip].ip_ipAddress_hostname, [ip].ip_ipAddress_ipAddress
	 ) as [sorted]
WHERE [Row] >= " + (((pageNum * pageSize) - pageSize) + 1) + " AND [Row] <= " + (pageNum * pageSize);
                if (hasSendID)
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sndID", sendID);
                return(DataRetrieval.GetCollectionFromDatabase <BounceInfo>(cmd, CreateAndFillBounceInfo).ToArray());
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the most common bounces from the last hour.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="count">Amount of bounces to get.</param>
        /// <returns>Information about the bounces</returns>
        public static BounceInfo[] GetLastHourBounceInfo(int count)
            using (SqlConnection conn = MantaDB.GetSqlConnection())
                SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = @"
SELECT TOP " + count + @" ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC, mta_transaction_serverHostname) as 'Row', 
			   mta_transaction_serverHostname as 'mta_transaction_serverHostname', 
			   [ip].ip_ipAddress_ipAddress, COUNT(*) as 'Count',
			   MAX(mta_transaction_timestamp) as 'LastOccurred'
FROM man_mta_transaction as [tran] WITH (nolock)
JOIN man_mta_msg as [msg] WITH(nolock) ON [tran].mta_msg_id = [msg].mta_msg_id
JOIN man_ip_ipAddress as [ip] ON [tran].ip_ipAddress_id = [ip].ip_ipAddress_id
WHERE [tran].mta_transaction_timestamp >= DATEADD(HOUR, -1, GETUTCDATE()) 
AND mta_transactionStatus_id IN (1, 2, 3, 6)
AND mta_transaction_serverHostname NOT LIKE ''
GROUP BY mta_transactionStatus_id, mta_transaction_serverResponse, mta_transaction_serverHostname,[ip].ip_ipAddress_hostname, [ip].ip_ipAddress_ipAddress
                return(DataRetrieval.GetCollectionFromDatabase <BounceInfo>(cmd, CreateAndFillBounceInfo).ToArray());