Beispiel #1
        private static void UpdateStrokeStats(CurrentChasingStroke stroke, Tuple<NearPointResult, NearPointResult[]> hits, Tuple<Point3D, Vector3D>[] strokePoints, Point3D botPosition, double skipPointRadius)
            List<NearPointResult> allHits = new List<NearPointResult>();
            if (hits.Item2 != null)

            double? distanceSquared = null;
            int? index = null;

            foreach (NearPointResult hit in allHits)
                if (hit == null)

                if (distanceSquared == null || distanceSquared.Value > hit.DistanceSquared)
                    distanceSquared = hit.DistanceSquared;

                int maxIndex = Math.Max(hit.SegmentFrom, hit.SegmentTo);
                if ((index == null || index.Value < maxIndex) && hit.DistanceSquared < skipPointRadius * skipPointRadius)
                    index = maxIndex;

                if (hit.SegmentTo == strokePoints.Length - 1 && Vector3D.DotProduct(botPosition - strokePoints[hit.SegmentFrom].Item1, strokePoints[hit.SegmentFrom].Item2) > 0)
                    // Chasing the last point, and beyond the point's velocity.  So it would have to fly back to get to the point.
                    // This means that it is done chasing this stroke
                    index = strokePoints.Length;        // setting to an index beyond the stroke's range

            // Store the values
            if (distanceSquared != null)
                stroke.MinDistance = Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared.Value);

            if (index != null)
                stroke.MinIndex = index.Value;
Beispiel #2
        private Vector3D? GetStrokeAccel(SwarmObjectiveStrokes.Stroke objectiveStroke, Point3D position, Vector3D velocity)
            const double VELOCITYINFLUENCERADIUS = 2d;
            const double TOWARDRADIUSMULT = .5;     // making this smaller than the size of the velocity influence radius so there aren't any dead spots
            const double SKIPPOINTRADIUSMULT = 1d;

            if (objectiveStroke == null)
                return null;

            // Current stroke
            CurrentChasingStroke currentlyChasingStroke = _currentlyChasingStroke;
            if (currentlyChasingStroke == null || currentlyChasingStroke.Token != objectiveStroke.Token)
                currentlyChasingStroke = new CurrentChasingStroke(objectiveStroke.Token);
                _currentlyChasingStroke = currentlyChasingStroke;

            // Get affected by the stroke
            var hits = GetNearestSegmentsOrPoint(objectiveStroke.Points, position, currentlyChasingStroke.MinIndex);
            if (hits == null || (hits.Item1 == null && (hits.Item2 == null || hits.Item2.Length == 0)))
                currentlyChasingStroke.MinIndex = objectiveStroke.Points.Length;
                currentlyChasingStroke.MinDistance = double.MaxValue;
                return null;

            // Stats
            UpdateStrokeStats(currentlyChasingStroke, hits, objectiveStroke.Points, position, this.Radius * SKIPPOINTRADIUSMULT);

            #region build return

            Vector3D retVal = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);

            double accel = this.MaxAccel;

            if (hits.Item1 != null)
                retVal += GetStrokeAccel_Point(hits.Item1, position, accel, VELOCITYINFLUENCERADIUS, TOWARDRADIUSMULT);

            if (hits.Item2 != null)
                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < hits.Item2.Length; cntr++)
                    bool shouldAttractToward = cntr == 0 && hits.Item1 == null;

                    retVal += GetStrokeAccel_Segment(hits.Item2[cntr], position, accel, VELOCITYINFLUENCERADIUS, TOWARDRADIUSMULT, shouldAttractToward);


            return retVal;