Beispiel #1
        public void Exec(SubCommandRunningContext context)
            EnvironmentContext.SetBaseDirectory(Path.GetFullPath(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.BaseDirectory) ? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() : _config.BaseDirectory));
            // TODO: remove BaseDirectory from Config, it may cause potential issue when abused
            var baseDirectory   = EnvironmentContext.BaseDirectory;
            var outputFolder    = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.OutputFolder) ? baseDirectory : _config.OutputFolder, _config.Destination ?? string.Empty));
            var rawOutputFolder = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.RawOutputFolder) ? Path.Combine(outputFolder, "_raw") : _config.RawOutputFolder;
            var options         = new PdfOptions
                BasePath      = _config.BasePath,
                CssFilePath   = _config.CssFilePath,
                DestDirectory = outputFolder,
                Host          = _config.Host,
                Locale        = _config.Locale,
                NeedGeneratePdfExternalLink = _config.GeneratesExternalLink,
                GenerateAppendices          = _config.GeneratesAppendices,
                PdfConvertParallelism       = _config.MaxParallelism == null || _config.MaxParallelism <= 0 ? Environment.ProcessorCount : _config.MaxParallelism.Value,
                PdfDocsetName            = _config.Name ?? Path.GetFileName(EnvironmentContext.BaseDirectory),
                SourceDirectory          = Path.Combine(rawOutputFolder, _config.Destination ?? string.Empty),
                ExcludeTocs              = _config.ExcludedTocs?.ToArray(),
                KeepRawFiles             = _config.KeepRawFiles,
                ExcludeDefaultToc        = _config.ExcludeDefaultToc,
                LoadErrorHandling        = _config.LoadErrorHandling,
                FilePath                 = _wkhtmltopdfFilePath,
                AdditionalPdfCommandArgs = _config.Wkhtmltopdf?.AdditionalArguments,
                TocTitle                 = _config.TocTitle,
                OutlineOption            = _config.OutlineOption,
                CoverPageTitle           = _config.CoverPageTitle,
                NoInputStreamArgs        = _config.NoInputStreamArgs,

            // 1. call BuildCommand to generate html files first
            // Output build command exec result to temp folder
            _innerBuildCommand.Config.OutputFolder = rawOutputFolder;


            // 2. call html2pdf converter
            var converter = new ConvertWrapper(options);

                using (new LoggerPhaseScope("PDF", LogLevel.Info))
                    Logger.LogInfo("Start generating PDF files...");
            catch (IOException ioe)
                throw new DocfxException(ioe.Message, ioe);

            // 3. Should we delete generated files according to manifest
Beispiel #2
            public RideEffortsV2 ToRideEfforts()
                var rideEffort = new RideEffortsV2
                    RideId  = ConvertWrapper.ToInt32(Id),
                    Version = Version,
                    Efforts = new List <EffortSegmentV2>()

                if (Efforts != null)
                    Efforts.Each(effort => rideEffort.Efforts.Add(effort.ToEffortSegment()));

Beispiel #3
        public void Exec(SubCommandRunningContext context)
            EnvironmentContext.SetBaseDirectory(Path.GetFullPath(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.BaseDirectory) ? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() : _config.BaseDirectory));
            // TODO: remove BaseDirectory from Config, it may cause potential issue when abused
            var baseDirectory            = EnvironmentContext.BaseDirectory;
            var intermediateOutputFolder = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, "obj");
            var outputFolder             = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.OutputFolder) ? baseDirectory : _config.OutputFolder, _config.Destination ?? string.Empty));

            var options = new PdfOptions
                BasePath      = _config.BasePath,
                CssFilePath   = _config.CssFilePath,
                DestDirectory = outputFolder,
                Host          = _config.Host,
                Locale        = _config.Locale,
                NeedGeneratePdfExternalLink = _config.GeneratesExternalLink,
                GenerateAppendices          = _config.GeneratesAppendices,
                PdfConvertParallelism       = _config.MaxParallelism == null || _config.MaxParallelism <= 0 ? Environment.ProcessorCount : _config.MaxParallelism.Value,
                PdfDocsetName   = _config.Name ?? Path.GetFileName(EnvironmentContext.BaseDirectory),
                SourceDirectory = outputFolder,
                ExcludeTocs     = _config.ExcludedTocs?.ToArray(),

            // 1. call BuildCommand to generate html files first

            // 2. call html2pdf converter
            var converter = new ConvertWrapper(options);

                using (new LoggerPhaseScope("PDF", LogLevel.Info))
                    Logger.LogInfo("Start generating PDF files...");
            catch (IOException ioe)
                throw new DocfxException(ioe.Message, ioe);

            // 3. Should we delete generated files according to manifest
Beispiel #4
        public PdfCommand(PdfCommandOptions options)
            _config = ParseOptions(options);
            if (_config.Serve == true)
                Logger.LogWarning("--serve is not supported in pdf command, ignored");
                _config.Serve = false;

            if (_config.Templates == null || _config.Templates.Count == 0)
                _config.Templates = new ListWithStringFallback(new List <string> {

            _innerBuildCommand = new BuildCommand(_config);
Beispiel #5
            public MapDetailV2 ToMapDetail()
                var map = new MapDetailV2
                    RideId      = ConvertWrapper.ToInt32(Id),
                    Version     = Version,
                    Coordinates = new List <Coordinate>()

                if (Coordinates != null)
                    Coordinates.Each(pair =>
                        if (pair.Count == 2)
                            map.Coordinates.Add(new Coordinate {
                                Latitude = pair[0], Longitude = pair[1]
