public async Task ContestStorageCmdInteractor_DeleteContestAsync_BadContestObjectParameter()
            var contest = new Contest
                Name = string.Empty,
                NumberOfFlyoffRounds = 0,
                Rounds    = new Dictionary <int, Round>(),
                StartDate = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                EndDate   = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(1),
                Type      = ContestType.F3K,
                Id        = "234wsdfs"

            mockContestRepository.Setup(c => c.DeleteAsync(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns <bool>(x => Task.FromResult(new Result <bool>(false)));

            var contestCmdInteractor = new ContestStorageCmdInteractor(mockContestRepository.Object, mockLogger.Object);
            var result = await contestCmdInteractor.DeleteContestAsync(contest);

            // Name is empty

            // Contest Flyoff Rounds is out of range
            contest.Name = "foo";
            contest.NumberOfFlyoffRounds = -1;
            result = await contestCmdInteractor.DeleteContestAsync(contest);


            // Contest Rounds is out of range
            contest.NumberOfFlyoffRounds = 0;
            contest.Rounds = null;
            result         = await contestCmdInteractor.DeleteContestAsync(contest);

            // Contest Rounds is out of range

            contest.Id     = string.Empty;
            contest.Rounds = new Dictionary <int, Round>();
            result         = await contestCmdInteractor.DeleteContestAsync(contest);

            // Contest ID is invalid
        public async Task ContestStorageCmdInteractor_DeleteContestAsync_HappyPath()
            var id          = "4354rs";
            var contestName = "Foo";
            var date        = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            var contest = new Contest
                Name = contestName,
                NumberOfFlyoffRounds = 0,
                Rounds    = new Dictionary <int, Round>(),
                StartDate = date,
                EndDate   = date.AddDays(1),
                Type      = ContestType.F3K,
                Id        = id

            mockContestRepository.Setup(c => c.DeleteAsync(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns <string>(x => Task.FromResult(new Result <bool>(true)));
            var contestCmdInteractor = new ContestStorageCmdInteractor(mockContestRepository.Object, mockLogger.Object);
            var result = await contestCmdInteractor.DeleteContestAsync(contest);

 public async Task ContestStorageCmdInteractor_DeleteContestAsync_NullParameters()
     var contestCmdInteractor = new ContestStorageCmdInteractor(mockContestRepository.Object, mockLogger.Object);
     await contestCmdInteractor.DeleteContestAsync(null);